Why Does GOD Allow SUFFERING? Pastor Explains Why EVIL Exists (Part 1)

  • Опубліковано 8 жов 2024


  • @loveall6313
    @loveall6313 5 місяців тому +5

    Psalm 115:3
    But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.

  • @andyz3925
    @andyz3925 5 місяців тому

    May Larry King rest in peace. Pease excuse me what may sound as sarcasm but I believe he was intentionally confusing himself with planet earth and Heaven.

  • @justinsander7654
    @justinsander7654 5 місяців тому

    I will preface my replies with a statement that I do not require anyone to believe. I have died several times. I have nerve seizures that stop my breathing and cause me internal hemorrhaging. I Remember every Moment after. I was at the gate, and turned away because I had yet to serve my purpose. You can not fathom how much more difficult it is to live in this world having come so close to God. The last seizure I had and crossed over I was given the impression that those at the gate, the sorters who determined who could pass and who had to be cleansed and reforged were tired of dealing with me and my habit of popping in before my time. I can now stop the seizures and as an odd bonus my own hiccups. Not exactly a super power but it did discontinue my unscheduled trips to the other side.
    I am not a bible scholar in my view the bible was cobbled together by the Romans after they killed Jesus in a effort to control their Empires population by using Gods authority as their own. Much of the source materials are still present but I bring my salt with me when going there for the parts where they obviously too poetic license., I am a Jewish derived Christian. I was taught by family who hailed from various parts of the British Ilse a non-Jewish faith to which the concept that God would birth himself onto the world from a virgin is 100% comparable. As that would from my point of view mirror the cycle of God as reflected in the seasonal changes of the earth and to a greater degree the phases of our galaxy and the greater universe i which that galaxy exists.
    What it all comes down to is faith. Pure Unadulterated, unwavering, unquestioning faith. It also helps to accept that there are concepts that are unfathomable to us like the vast emptiness of the void between galaxies, conceptualizing 4th dimensional objects, and that there are things smaller than the constituent parts of atoms.
    God is everything, meaning God is the source of all the energy that coalesced into all the matter and energy that constitutes the other non-matter bits of the universe. God does not care about your comfort or happiness here because one day you will expire and that energy that is your soul will return to the source and all of what we consider bad things will cease to matter. The time we spend here is a fraction of a fraction of a second to God by comparison in the idea of the eternal.
    What we consider evil is just the execution of a part of the overall cosmic plan. A plan to reach a goal who are both so vastly larger and more complex than our tiny brains made of congealed brain stuffs can comprehend anymore than one of the atoms that make up one of your cells could comprehend why you would pat your body looking for your keys. An action which surely wipes out millions of their number.
    The rabbit likely considers the fox as evil. But in reality the fox is living its true nature to comply with Gods purposes. All of the commandments all of the sins are to make sure you live your role in this plan. To make sure you serve Gods purpose for you even if that purpose is to stand in a certain spot at a certain time so the shade from your form gives respite to an ant from the suns heat.
    Lucifer specifically defied the plan, and he intentionally seeks ways to derail it. Descended from that is all sin or what we conceptualize as evil. All things exist to fit Gods purpose and things that distract your or deride that purpose are what is sin. Sin leads to death because once you have reached the point as to be no longer viable to your role your Soul your energy must be purified in what to a limited human perspective would be fire but is likely so much more and then recycled back into the source so that a new instance of a soul can issue forth. Likely long before that process completes another soul is assigned to fill your previous role. Part of the reason "Sue a side" is so strongly discouraged. Self termination is not in keeping the plan and thus an automatic trip to be cleansed.
    Having ones very energy reduced to nothing then reconstituted losing all that was self would be a true hell and as the finished reforged product of that process is essentially not you anymore then you did go to hell for eternity.
    God is the beginning and the End everything and nothing. Faith is mandatory.

    • @justinsander7654
      @justinsander7654 5 місяців тому +1

      As a humorous after thought let me arm you for the next time someone uses the If "God is omnipotent could God create an object to heavy he can not lift it, and if he can not lift it is he not fallible" question to try to derail your faith.
      God can make an object to massive even he can not lift it, and then God will pick it up and walk away with it. Because God is not bound by your puny human understanding of reality. He can do both because he is everything infinitely.

  • @clydewaldo3144
    @clydewaldo3144 5 місяців тому

    No look at the end result in the book of revelations and stop asking stupid questions .