For MPGN, the basement doesn't grow around the sub endothelial deposits. Mixing that up with membranous nephropathy where the basement membrane grows around the sup epithelial deposits. The tram tracking is caused by interposition of the mesngium which expands between the endothelium and the GBM. That should have been mentioned. Good video
For MPGN, the basement doesn't grow around the sub endothelial deposits. Mixing that up with membranous nephropathy where the basement membrane grows around the sup epithelial deposits. The tram tracking is caused by interposition of the mesngium which expands between the endothelium and the GBM. That should have been mentioned. Good video
Good video
Not bad, but she really has to stop making that noise, it’s very frustrating and annoying
Maybe stop smacking? Thanks.
pirasa5 Distracting, isn’t it?
Stop lip smacking