How to PROPERLY gank and why it sucks

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @perryjg
    @perryjg  2 місяці тому +3

    Want to know what to do with losing Lanes? Or see if I already played your favorite champ? Check out my playlist with all gameplay-styled vids:

  • @Rexalt
    @Rexalt 3 місяці тому +152

    6:50 guy goes in early, dies, blames you with ping. This is all of my ganks.

    • @arv7454
      @arv7454 Місяць тому +3

      Can be worst. 99% of the time, you help them, they over extend and die.

    • @mathewerenberger7275
      @mathewerenberger7275 Місяць тому +3

      Happens alot, your laners kill ganks more so than the enemy does. My favorite is when your laner is low under their turret and you walk in behind them because they are at 1/3rd hp and they walk into them instead of farming the minions to push back out

    • @Aryzo
      @Aryzo 28 днів тому

      People suck

    • @janthran
      @janthran 18 днів тому +3

      like he didnt even ping that he was on his way yet, sett went and then looked for someone to blame later

    • @babyboi3
      @babyboi3 8 днів тому +1

      He was being greedy bc he wanted the kill instead of playing for the team, and then got mad bc he over extended and began the fight early which caused his death. Ppl are crazy!

  • @fastslow002
    @fastslow002 3 місяці тому +132

    2:15 that's when he realized he is in low elo💀💀😭😭

    • @Lone_Wolf_91
      @Lone_Wolf_91 3 місяці тому +14

      Yea it waa freaking hilarious😂

    • @Kittensinabox
      @Kittensinabox 3 місяці тому +13

      Zyra warded at 1:30 in his tribush not enemy tribush. Perry just messed up the scryer there was 0% chance the enemy tribush was warded and he should've angled it towards his own tribush.

  • @spunkin49
    @spunkin49 3 місяці тому +66

    after watching this it really does seem like the proper way to play jungle is to just full clear into an objective, but maybe gank if its really good

    • @Lone_Wolf_91
      @Lone_Wolf_91 3 місяці тому +19

      Yea this really shows what Agurin was trying to explain but our boy PerryJG showed it in real game.

    • @riverjustice
      @riverjustice 3 місяці тому +4

      Sounds good in theory but if you’re weak jungler early game you’ll most likely get invaded a lot of good players. So you only can do 3 camps and gank because that’s the only play.

    • @Fitzness1
      @Fitzness1 2 місяці тому +9

      @@riverjusticeyou gank if you get invaded obviously but what I’ve found as a learner is that good jungler will instead invade when you gank and steal all of your xp. You’re gambling on a gank that could go bad while they get guaranteed xp and deny you xp. I’ve been steadily climbing despite the fact that one I’m new and two I play one or two ranked matches a week just by going for constants

    • @tomikomo
      @tomikomo 2 місяці тому

      @@Fitzness1whats ur rank?

    • @RovalisGTO
      @RovalisGTO 2 місяці тому +5

      It is not a universal rule. Some champions are feast-or-famine by design and are heavily incentivized to gank early. Hecarim is a good example. Hecarim can farm just as fast as Master Yi but Hecarim has tools in his kit to gank early, while lacking the ability to scale into the late game as hard as Yi can. That's why Hecarim wants to risk the ganks to get ahead early.
      Inverse logic would be someone like Nocturne or Warwick. Noc and WW want to get to 6 as fast as possible because their ultimates are their gank tools. Ganking with these champs before getting to 6 is almost always going to be the wrong call. Key word being almost.
      When the opportunity for a good gank presents itself, at ANY point in the game, you should take it. The problem is that lower ELO players don't recognize those opportunities, or even higher ELO players might just not be paying attention to the map, so they miss it. That's how league works. You look for opportunities and seize them when you can.
      Perry also tends to miss the fact that league is a team game. Letting your struggling lanes struggle for the entire game while you ignore them and power-farm is a good way to force yourself to carry a 4v5. It's not just a laner that's behind. If you have a Aatrox top that is 0/4 against a Garen, that Aatrox probably has his mental crushed and doesn't even want to play the game anymore by the time you've powerfarmed your way into a position to TRY to carry the game. Playing each game with the intention to power-farm and carry is just foolish unless you're a top-tier rank and can reliably win games. It's a much safer bet to play around your team and NOT try to be the protagonist of every game.

  • @vinsonnguyen8717
    @vinsonnguyen8717 3 місяці тому +79

    You're my new favorite LoL content creator! Your videos are always so informative and I really enjoy watching you dissect the game in a calm and controlled way.

  • @ptung88
    @ptung88 Місяць тому +5

    What a g, no twitch custom overlays and stuff, just a shirt a blank wall and quality content

    • @Plight_
      @Plight_ 13 днів тому

      Yeah he's a default skin

  • @danielsteinmetz
    @danielsteinmetz 3 місяці тому +12

    6:50 - clearly missplayed from toplaner - still pinging. Lovely

  • @brandon.a
    @brandon.a 3 місяці тому +31

    This is exactly how I feel when I gank heavy, on both warwick and evelynn. It feels like Im always behind, always a coin flip away from losing everything, never strong enough, and the enemy jungler merely needs to get CS and objectives to surpass me.
    Just had a game as evelynn yesterday where I saw my top laner was losing, my mid yasuo was getting poked under tower, and my bot lane was losing as well. So I focused on farming, objectives, warding for team and pinging. I was ahead of enemy jungle by more than 40 cs and 2 levels by 10 minutes.
    My teammates were not happy, lol. Their embarrassment of being gapped turned into hatred towards me. I carried hard (7/1/10 score) but we lost anyways because top started diving towers in protest. Midlane and both bot laners actually caught up because of the lead and impact I was having by not ganking for the first several minutes.
    I dunno, I guess you’re hated no matter how you play lol

    • @Beautifuls
      @Beautifuls 2 місяці тому +2

      I feel you bro, mute all and try your best

    • @nealnelson6998
      @nealnelson6998 2 місяці тому

      Try yorick jg its amazing, super objective focused and scales well, i have almost 80% winrate so far

    • @WorldKeepsSpinnin
      @WorldKeepsSpinnin 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@nealnelson6998 i will insta ban yorick jungle everytime i see someone on my team try and pick it. Foh with the throw picks.

    • @RovalisGTO
      @RovalisGTO 2 місяці тому +3

      Don't gank early on Warwick unless it's a guaranteed kill. Warwick needs to get to 6 in order to make his ganks effective against decent players.
      Evelynn is much the same... she needs her stealth and her ult to full-combo her targets. You can gank early against slow enemies like Ashe, Kog'Maw, Vex, Xerath, etc. But anybody that has any kind of escape is just a waste of time unless you've got a teammate with hard CC. Ganking mid lane early when you have a Heimerdinger mid on your team isn't a bad idea. But if you are ganking mid and your teammate is a level 4 Malzahar, you're probably wasting your time.
      Early ganking champs are shaco, rammus, Diana, etc.
      Sometimes it's worth sacrificing some of your tempo if you can gank early and rescue a struggling lane. It's counter-intuitive but your top laner probably had his mental crushed by the time you were in any position to make an impact. You can't be the protagonist of every game and the junglers role isn't to just be a solo laner for 20 minutes. Your job is to impact the map wherever there is an opportunity to do so. Even if you were ahead of the enemy JG, if they were able to impact the map more than you then that explains why the enemy team secured such an advantage early. It might have been them just getting beaten in lane but it's usually not just that in a vacuum. The enemy JG probably ganked and you were probably power-farming instead of counter-ganking.
      It's not just your laners getting "gapped". If you lost the game then you got gapped too.

    • @danielmyers-cowan3416
      @danielmyers-cowan3416 Місяць тому +1

      As a top main, fellow tops who blame losing lane on jg infuriate me. It's your lane, if you're getting ganked you've gotta play safe. BUT if the jg so much as makes a peep about your lane slipping then you go full tilt on their ass. That's reasonable.

  • @TheMeleagan
    @TheMeleagan 3 місяці тому +12

    As a support main, i feel you. When you said, i got my team mates kills now it's up to them, i understand that perfectly ^^

    • @akirakato1293
      @akirakato1293 2 місяці тому

      he did also say "i have to keep hovering the vayne or eventually she will die no matte what" the support doesnt end with getting them fed, the more fed they are the more you need to make sure they dont int and that's jungle and support job. in a way it is up to you too. i know it sucks but sometimes as sup/jg you just have to die to pay for the mistake of ur carry cuz or else they just die and lose the game.

  • @zedimental1665
    @zedimental1665 3 місяці тому +6

    I really like the “play for yourself, that way you only have yourself to blame” mentality. Gotta frame that and put that up on my wall

  • @dakid2323
    @dakid2323 3 місяці тому +26

    Perry is not just the best Jg youtuber. He has become the best lol content creator period.

    • @netnooker
      @netnooker 3 місяці тому +10

      Yeah because noone has ever smurfed in low elo to make guides lmao this guys is the only one😂

    • @RovalisGTO
      @RovalisGTO 2 місяці тому

      @@netnooker perry's typical fans are kids that are brand new to the game.

    • @RovalisGTO
      @RovalisGTO 2 місяці тому +1

      lol tell me you're new to league without telling me you're new to league

    • @dakid2323
      @dakid2323 2 місяці тому

      @@RovalisGTO ok lol

  • @maritisa
    @maritisa Місяць тому +2

    that sett pissed me off flaming the entire game saying go next just to win

  • @CrazySauceEST
    @CrazySauceEST 2 місяці тому +2

    Hey bro, great great great video! I had a problem with over ganking until I started watching your vids and now prioritize farm and gank when I have ult up and I've climbed from iron1 to silver 3. Cheers from Boston ☘️

  • @johnwilliams8654
    @johnwilliams8654 13 днів тому

    Great vid! This is probably my biggest conundrum, deciding to help my laners or farm if it doesn't look like I'll get anything out of it... Sometimes you just gotta be selfish.

  • @mathewerenberger7275
    @mathewerenberger7275 Місяць тому +2

    My thing with ganking is
    yes if they are overused I'll come in but jungle mobs is guaranteed exp and is going to bring more consistent results I main fiddles so my main objective is to work in the shadows
    The enemy team never knowing where you are can be a deterrent on wether they try something or not you show topside and dragon is up say goodbye to that dragon

  • @tj_puma
    @tj_puma Місяць тому +2

    20:25 You should start with this sentiment for all the people that blame their teamates. No one will ever listen unless you connect with them on this level, show that you have trash teamates too, but found ways to get around it. Great vid

  • @EliasOjeda-mv6cg
    @EliasOjeda-mv6cg 2 місяці тому +3

    After watching your vids now im liking jungle more and more :3

  • @Aiter918
    @Aiter918 3 місяці тому +1

    The thing about this play style is you have to be very efficient at getting your camps with down time and leveraging your teams strength for objectives. Then inevitably it will take longer to end because your champ needs to get stronger. So you have to be very comfortable in the mid and late parts of the game. And expect it to go 30+ minutes. At least in low elo or anytime you get team mates that aren’t used to pushing their lead to close out the game.

    • @inbeing3464
      @inbeing3464 Місяць тому

      i think part of the problem of ganking not good enough is the jungle pet changes in season 13. the jungle pets make farming so easy, so fast and so healthy that its just not worth it to gank lanes. even on characters that usually wants to 3 camp gank they just full clear because its so much better.

  • @thatoneguywhoseverywhere6978
    @thatoneguywhoseverywhere6978 3 місяці тому +4

    Honestly this is why i like carry junglers. Like fuck the team comp a bit, picking flex carries like viego and xinzhao. If i need to carry i can,if i need to back seat peel, and baby sit they can decently do it

  • @slimshaneyy
    @slimshaneyy 3 місяці тому +3

    Go next go next go next go next

  • @tankGragasbuthedoesntact-ic3bo
    @tankGragasbuthedoesntact-ic3bo 3 місяці тому +7

    understood full clearing to masters on Elise as we speak

    • @hata6290
      @hata6290 3 місяці тому

      Didn’t he actually do one with Elise?

    • @perryjg
      @perryjg  3 місяці тому +8

      indeed, i did:

    • @hata6290
      @hata6290 3 місяці тому +1

      @@perryjg hey goat 😳

  • @capitatv
    @capitatv 3 місяці тому +10

    Ok u surpassed my boy broxah as favorite educational streamer gg

    • @kNowFixx
      @kNowFixx 2 місяці тому

      broxah is not that great of a player, just ok-ish

    • @elgopniko7458
      @elgopniko7458 Місяць тому

      @@kNowFixx bro what

    • @kNowFixx
      @kNowFixx Місяць тому

      @@elgopniko7458 he's ass

  • @valkrai7929
    @valkrai7929 2 дні тому

    Ik it's meant to be educational but his delivery when the ward isn't there on 2:15 is comedy

  • @BragginRitesTV
    @BragginRitesTV 3 місяці тому +3

    Here's the crazy thing. You've got 10 more kp than Nunu at 28:36, but the fact the has 41 more cs means he's level 16 to your 15. Levels are hugely important and ganking like this doesn't net you levels.

    • @JSNDragon
      @JSNDragon 3 місяці тому +1

      Late game kills give way more experience as a percentage of the exp bar than early kills. They were even in exp at lvl 11. The issue only arose because Nunu was winning teamfights.
      Riot nerfed early kill experience specifically to nerf gank spamming junglers last year, as before the guy who spammed ganks could abuse the exp system to never be more than half a level behind.

    • @SinBlancaiser
      @SinBlancaiser 3 місяці тому +1

      thats what he wants to prove with this video, that spamming ganks is not a reliable thing anymore

    • @inbeing3464
      @inbeing3464 Місяць тому

      tbh i think exp is only part of the problem. yeah he is a level behind but most of the time one level isnt going to matter so much that youre going to flat out lose a teamfight or a 1v1 in the mid to late game. the problem is the gold. despite the fact that voli has 6 more kills and 3 more assists, nunu is barely 1k gold behind, on top of being 1 level ahead.

  • @codyearthdust
    @codyearthdust 2 місяці тому +2

    I swear, you need to have outside the box thinking to be a good jungler and consider all options

  • @mahanmafakheri3752
    @mahanmafakheri3752 28 днів тому +1

    6:51 he dies and blame you for his own mistake😂 what the fuck is this mental its happens all the time

  • @blipojones2114
    @blipojones2114 3 місяці тому

    Wow even the first minute cleanly walk through a solid gank

  • @crispyquesadilla
    @crispyquesadilla 4 дні тому

    I agree but there are times when you need to rely on your teammates. For example if you are Nocturne and they have a super fed tank who is carrying them, you aren't going to do shit to him. You need your ADC or some other tank buster to get fed or its a loss.

  • @ryanrossy853
    @ryanrossy853 3 місяці тому

    Thank you perry! These videos really help!

  • @tom6875
    @tom6875 3 місяці тому

    been enjoying your vids a lot bro. personally i find playing vs the abstract junglers like ivern/eve/shaco (what i perma ban) to be the hardest things for me to vs, thus allowing the premium picks to get through lillia/zyra/etc

  • @Cooliofamily
    @Cooliofamily 3 місяці тому +1

    Perry pumping out CONTENT

  • @AtomicBadgerRacer
    @AtomicBadgerRacer 3 місяці тому +1

    you should do a companion video showing the more selfish game style to compare how the games go with voli edit: ah just got to your comment about the other voli video

  • @CatastrophicCuban
    @CatastrophicCuban 3 місяці тому +1

    Hey Perry, I love your videos. I tend to be hardstuck somewhere between low emerald and mid diamond depending on the season and meta. I'm currently going between d4 and d3 but I feel like I have no control over my games. I know part of it is not knowing win cons. Aside from just playing a lot, how can I ever really tell what lane match ups win, or what my game plan should be. Moreover, how do I adapt to a changing game, and players who get salty "they don't get help." (I've had literally 3 games back to back where someone would just run it down and split push and let our nexus die to rift).

  • @SebTheSamMarten
    @SebTheSamMarten 17 днів тому

    The real downside on your team this match was the random AD Kat on a team that already had 3 AD picks. Nunu and Kench only had to build armor, and nobody did damage. :/
    Why does it seem like all Kat players have 2 brain cells?

  • @iliepopanu75
    @iliepopanu75 3 місяці тому

    A crab, a crab, my kingdom for a crab

  • @rdmctague
    @rdmctague 3 місяці тому

    I feel being ahead in kills but behind in turrets by the middle of that video in my soul...

  • @AubryRugBurn
    @AubryRugBurn 2 місяці тому +3

    You speak at the perfect speed for much touch of the tism.

  • @TheHyterion
    @TheHyterion 3 місяці тому

    I just started using ganking jng's more with a mid duo and for comp team, really pushes the pace of the game to destroy the farming and scalers.

    • @thestoebz
      @thestoebz 3 місяці тому +4

      If you’re trying to get better, a duo is a bad choice

    • @TheHyterion
      @TheHyterion 3 місяці тому

      @@thestoebz not if im trying to get better at playing around a lane, or for competitive play. but thanks for being a twat

    • @Halosar
      @Halosar 3 місяці тому +1

      @@TheHyterionHe’s not being a twat moron he’s trying to help you. When your duo is offline you’re fucked because you don’t know how to play without a teammate.

  • @Chomusuke1
    @Chomusuke1 3 місяці тому

    How i gank playing Karthus: enemy and ally portraits got to close together on the minimap so i press R while continuing to clear jungle.

  • @sebastianstrom-helbekkmo7648
    @sebastianstrom-helbekkmo7648 Місяць тому

    Just remember: Being team reliant is terrible if you're smurfing... If you're just an average player, it might give you a better win chance to set up your team for success rather than being forced to hard carry. Of course, it still feels bad when they fail, but so will you in a lot of cases.

  • @koko969w
    @koko969w 2 місяці тому

    good shit, i learned a lot

  • @godofm3tal1
    @godofm3tal1 Місяць тому

    "look here's the ward"
    Though honestly I don't even blame you. That bush should absolutely be warded no later than 2:30 imo. Zyra failed

  • @leon30517
    @leon30517 3 місяці тому +4

    lol this sett is such a whiny crybaby

  • @aleksandarlukic7278
    @aleksandarlukic7278 2 місяці тому

    Great video!

    @BERNTRR 19 днів тому

    Skipping red first clear? Ive heard other challengers say you never do that, can you say why you chose to?

  • @99temporal
    @99temporal 3 місяці тому

    20:06 vaynespotting

  • @AkiZukiLenn
    @AkiZukiLenn 12 днів тому

    Volley bear is not a good ganking jungler
    Its a good bully jungler.

  • @balrg
    @balrg Місяць тому

    20:01 😭😭😭

  • @Cocosluvsu
    @Cocosluvsu Місяць тому

    that sett is tripping fr

  • @leonardobentivoglio3431
    @leonardobentivoglio3431 3 місяці тому

    Emerald videos are so good

  • @arhramor
    @arhramor Місяць тому

    I don't remember the last time I saw Vayne in bot.. weird

  • @Big_Orc
    @Big_Orc 2 місяці тому

    Yo Perry, late to the party here but some wisdom from voli otp.
    Go nashors into sundered if you want that map tempo. Makes you clear camps faster than brand.

  • @chillbro2275
    @chillbro2275 Місяць тому

    You outplayed the shit out of TK with that sweeper. hahah

  • @Aryzo
    @Aryzo Місяць тому

    Title: Playing for ganks sucks
    Video: I'm actually gonna play for ganks

    • @mahanmafakheri3752
      @mahanmafakheri3752 28 днів тому

      Thats why he played for ganks to show you most of the time gank sucks

  • @ruinxd3925
    @ruinxd3925 3 місяці тому +1

    u say playing for ganks suck but then i take a entire side of camps from a shaco or nunu just for them to spam gank and not care about losing camps when they can invade after ganks with prio it sure look like theyre fun champs to play against

  • @merchant_of_kek5697
    @merchant_of_kek5697 2 місяці тому

    It’s so fucking frustrating to see laners never give openings. I got out of bronze a little ago by consistently dropping 20 kill games LITERSLLY diving towers to get kills.

    • @lusigia
      @lusigia 2 місяці тому

      Like you should, being under under turret is safer, but not safe. And You lose more if You die there

  • @ridddlewrong
    @ridddlewrong 2 місяці тому

    so far best jg channel viewed on par with AloisNL on toplane

  • @scotlandsbest6039
    @scotlandsbest6039 3 місяці тому

    guys farm junglers are legit so op right now you will be 2 levels ahead of enemy jungler if you are farming and they gank and get nothing for it or if you counter jungle their camps trust its because of exps buffs

  • @ThatRastaGuy
    @ThatRastaGuy 2 місяці тому

    sett is a certified tweaker

  • @lurk6979
    @lurk6979 3 місяці тому +3

    Please do Shyvana 👉👈

  • @derG_Official_
    @derG_Official_ Місяць тому

    What does tempo mean? Can you explain it?

  • @icankeepabeatnik
    @icankeepabeatnik 2 місяці тому

    They are full AD? 2/5 are. Zyra all AP and tanks do magic no?

  • @goldensea03idk51
    @goldensea03idk51 3 місяці тому

    As a support player I feel like I can’t mute chat because I have to tell my teammates how I want to play, as a jungler I feel like I have to mute chat because they won’t listen XD

    • @tamatopakalo4010
      @tamatopakalo4010 2 місяці тому

      as a support main you have the lowest skill in the match (statisticly) you should never be in a point where you tell others what to do.

    • @goldensea03idk51
      @goldensea03idk51 2 місяці тому

      @@tamatopakalo4010 bro, in EVERY professional game with a support 8/10 it’s the support who shot calls.

  • @theunwanted37
    @theunwanted37 3 місяці тому +1

    This guy is really playing everything except Jarvan just to spite me.

  • @hassanadelhassan7386
    @hassanadelhassan7386 3 місяці тому +1

    why u didnt take ur red buff after golems

    • @monadoboiz9778
      @monadoboiz9778 2 місяці тому

      It's all about tempo. Sure he could have gotten his red, but then he would have been late to top lane. Sett would have recalled or gotten dove by TK and then there is no gank.

    • @Goldeneye3336
      @Goldeneye3336 2 місяці тому

      @@monadoboiz9778 Nah, he chose to path towards top.

  • @doktormozg
    @doktormozg Місяць тому

    I ain't watching a half hour vod for 5 min worth of info 😂

    • @zonecrimzon1222
      @zonecrimzon1222 Місяць тому

      My friend you are brain rotted, work on that attention span

    • @mahanmafakheri3752
      @mahanmafakheri3752 28 днів тому

      Its funny cause you opened youtube and wasted your time and you didnt get any info for your life😂

  • @infrared561
    @infrared561 3 місяці тому

    They are all AD with Zyra, Nunu and Tahm?
    Katarina still deals magic damage, even with an AD build.

  • @tonybeam8394
    @tonybeam8394 2 місяці тому

    Jnglois, fantastic!!!!

  • @koach8428
    @koach8428 3 місяці тому

    cool video. you showing play around minion waves. its very important and cool but you should also mind champions, their skillset and snowballing + scaling ratio when you decide your path. You see you wasted too much time on your scaling vayne and ignored your snowballing mid laner. in the end, tris made your game harder and couldnt get many objectives because of lower mid prio. Also, 9-2 vayne has contributed much as 2-9 vayne.

  • @godofm3tal1
    @godofm3tal1 Місяць тому

    I've watched this several times now trying to understand the logic. But like you said yourself, you ganked these lanes and they're still useless. Imagine if you didn't. What then? I suppose if the skill gap is just big enough you can potentially actually 1v5 the enemy but not if 2 or 3 of them are farmed up and 12/0. So what then? I played for myself, logged 8+ cs/min, a 2 level lead or whatever. Still get focused down by the 3 raid bosses my team created. What then?

  • @viougaming2338
    @viougaming2338 Місяць тому

    what is tempo, sir

  • @hata6290
    @hata6290 3 місяці тому


  • @trenth2185
    @trenth2185 3 місяці тому

    I mean I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think ganking is that bad if you’re the one getting the kills no? Of course you won’t be the one in position to carry if you’re dropping tons of camps just to get assist yk? KS’ing is definitely a skill in itself and can be harder on certain champs though. Nice vid

  • @xet3953
    @xet3953 3 місяці тому

    But can you still say that ganking a lot is bad at pro play? Or does it only apply for a soloq experience?

    • @nealnelson6998
      @nealnelson6998 2 місяці тому

      The reason ganking is bad is it relys on your teamates, in solo its bad because teamates are braindead in proplay its different because they can rely on their team

  • @arforafro5523
    @arforafro5523 Місяць тому

    To be fully honest I never even think about ganks on their own for about 4 seasons now. They've added so many early game objectives there's no need to gank when there's a 3-4 person teamfight every 3 minutes because of the grubs-drake-brugs-drake-herald-drake rotation of objectives. I've also started building damage not to play as an hypercarry but rather to farm and clear faster after my first or so items just so I can fit enough room for me to show up at a lane and press QWER on an enemy laner before recalling for an objective about to spawn, I don't even care about getting a kill if I got my laner prio since that ends up bouncing back to me when it comes to contesting objectives.
    Really the kills just happen, walk through river and find someone alone?, that's your gank, clear and find enemy jungler about to gank your lane? fight and get your kills. Walking into a lane while my camps are up, knowing I'm deliberately messing up my timers feels like such shit specially when the enemy jungler is trying to get objectives.
    When you think about it enough, jungle is just another lane except you don't get to trade and you can win or lose some of your farm or the enemy's farm. It doesn't matter if your midlane gets 10 kills if he lost both turrets 15 minutes in. Jungle is just the same, it doesn't matter how many kills you got if you have no items and you're the same level as the support.

  • @yGKeKe
    @yGKeKe 2 місяці тому

    3 AP champions, and an ADC that does true damage. "They're almost full AD this game." ? ? ? ?
    Also, Volibear is a pretty horrendous example because he's not a low econ champion. This gameplay is far more effective on something like Sejuani.

  • @huuREG
    @huuREG 3 місяці тому

    nice video

  • @jasbob1
    @jasbob1 2 місяці тому

    why skip red after krug on first clear

    • @monadoboiz9778
      @monadoboiz9778 2 місяці тому

      Tempo, tempo, tempo. It's one of the more important fundamentals to learn on Jg. Yeah, he could have taken his red buff, but then he would've been late to toplane. Notice how he bought tier 2 boots to get to top faster. The sett would have recalled or been dove by TK, missing a prime gank opportunity. Sure, he could have just ran top after taking red, but he would still be late, with unspent gold and no advantage.

    • @Goldeneye3336
      @Goldeneye3336 2 місяці тому

      @@monadoboiz9778 That's not tempo. That's pathing.

    • @monadoboiz9778
      @monadoboiz9778 2 місяці тому

      @@Goldeneye3336 Tempo essentially comes down to staying ahead of your opponent in time, *by setting up everything you need to do before an objective and being prepared.* Examples are having good lane states, *recall timings* and rotations. Pathing is just walking around the map. Recalling, buying, and heading top is good tempo. 100%

    • @Goldeneye3336
      @Goldeneye3336 2 місяці тому

      @@monadoboiz9778 Not really. You are confused. I feel sorry for you. Tempo is the pace at which you play. It's very simple. Pathing is where you're heading.

    • @monadoboiz9778
      @monadoboiz9778 2 місяці тому

      @@Goldeneye3336 Yes, and everything i've already mentioned involves the speed at which you play. If you think tempo is only "how fast you play", you're the one that's confused. Yes, pathing is involved in tempo, but it also involves timing your recalls, timing rotations, planning ahead for wave states, preparing ahead of time for objectives, how fast you clear camps or waves, etc. Tempo boils down to timing. Good tempo = good timing. If he got to top any slower (for example, taking red buff and then going top) he would have been late to top and down on items, putting him farther behind. That's tempo. He planned ahead to path top. He didn't "just" path top. It was calculated. Watch a couple of videos on the subject and get back to me. If you don't understand after that, there's no saving you.

  • @StrackVisuals
    @StrackVisuals 3 місяці тому

    Now can you play voli again but farm only :D

  • @Juntahh
    @Juntahh Місяць тому

    Remember when ganks used to be everything ? esp on Voli :/// its why this game sux now

  • @RobinOnTour
    @RobinOnTour Місяць тому

    Hi algo

  • @richardhook5895
    @richardhook5895 3 місяці тому

    How is he moving the map cam so fast?

    • @Xpecial828
      @Xpecial828 3 місяці тому +1

      F keys will jump your camera to your teammates

    • @richardhook5895
      @richardhook5895 3 місяці тому

      @@Xpecial828thanks bro

  • @mortiferozgaming2281
    @mortiferozgaming2281 Місяць тому

    Play other champs if you want to carry, tanks like voli are to team reliant. Gg

  • @SilvaProductions34
    @SilvaProductions34 3 місяці тому

    Bro that Sett was so annoying. You were literally winning his lane for him and he still pinged

  • @michaelb.5573
    @michaelb.5573 3 місяці тому

    how do you switch camera perspectives so fast?

    • @Halosar
      @Halosar 3 місяці тому +2

      F keys F1 F2 F3 F4

  • @thestoebz
    @thestoebz 3 місяці тому

    He’s a little slow in the head 😂

  • @Unholyspirit
    @Unholyspirit 2 місяці тому

    7:20 "sett doesnt like me" what makes you think this? He's just tilted, but not at you.

    • @l40dart4g5
      @l40dart4g5 Місяць тому +1

      he ? pinged him almost every time he died

    • @captainziggy82
      @captainziggy82 Місяць тому

      He was constantly pinging him, specifically whenever he died

  • @truthspeaker6689
    @truthspeaker6689 3 місяці тому

    Tell us instead of give us a full game