I think every jungler should watch this video, got 4 pigs in a row that do 10k damage in 30 minutes that's actually inting. Like I'd rather have jungler who tries to fight to play the game and ints trying then a jungler who afks and does nothing for 15+ minutes with 0 kp with an aurora top dealing 45k damage. Queued jungle once with briar legit everytime I see a yasuo against tower I gank but a jungle main would ignore bs players like that
@@EzOddz If you're so good go main jungle. It is the most important role in the game. You'll get people like yourself yelling at you...even if you're carrying the game.
I can't agree more! I play all roles except jungle because it's just so hard! But seeing the dive with janna taking turret aggro first is something I just learned here that I could definitely try to implement. Understanding the reason for jg ganks on winning vs losing lanes will def change my perspective, too and help understand when to ping/set up for cross mapping objectives.
what should I do if the enemy team is keep on prioritizing drag should I take the grubs 2 times and then contest the rest of the drag or contest the 2nd drag
@@cyhruscharlesmabao7603 6 grubs are 100% more worth then 2 dragons, if enemy is prioritizing dragons over grubs just enjoy your game haha. Only if you are snowballing early then you can clear grubs always and keep track of enemy jg to contest whatever he is contesting when it comes to objectives. That’s at least what I had success doing, hope it helps 😁
this format is the best by far, after each theory/lesson, a practical example of a wrong play and the better play to do in that situation, as it guides better on what to do in our games over all! ty :)
@@Axemsmash LMFAOOO, just because the role is called "AD carry", it doesn't mean they're the only carry and that all gold should be funneled to them. I can tell you're low elo.
Don't forget that collect zone does not exist in low elo. You push the wave and no one respond... Instead the wave slowly bounces and if someone on your team go respond, all enemies will right click into it. Because all that matters are KDA. The other scenario is you respond and your team go fight with number disavantage and die.
I used these strategies today and even though I haven't played jg in so long (on top of never being great at it) I still did pretty great! Thank you for the guide
I'm a masters support/jg player and ngl I been doing with my buddy in plat and holy shit Is it bad lol still 68% er but like so many people queue up to lose on purpose and it's insane to me. Why play just to be mad. Happens in masters to but not nearly as often
@@Negativity808 I think a lot of players are just sick of the smurfmania these days and tilt to the moon. Every 2nd game level 40-50 account, just no fun at all
@@jimi2521that’s not happening often . trust me I just clicked thru gold if you have decent macro and deaden when you need too you climb out of gold easy
I just want to say i reckon this is one of the best guides you guys have done, the format is really nice. It was really cool seeing that game where lee sin was running ariund on a rampage, and then seeing why he lost. I always feel like these are the best games to analyse because you should be able to win then with your lead. I think of myself as a fairly good jg, but the tips in this video really gave me some food for thought and taking my thinking to another level
As a high master player myself I have to addmit: This is a great Video. So much effort, so many examples, very well thought through, nice animations and very nice om the spot pacing. One of the greates edutaining league content Videos I have ever seen. Well done!
This guide is really good. I knew a couple of them, but the consistency is not always there. I learned the importance of mid pressure, since I use to think, laners should be farming their lanes, but because they usually are lost, I will take a camp if I have to to make the next play. Thank you.
Most people wont believe me, but I'm going to highlight why a lot of advice like this, while making complete sense in a vacuum, does not apply to actual low elo games as much as they try to make it seem. I was jungling around mid-high gold, the enemy jungler was a Diamond last season. I forego much of my camps in favor of making sure the majority of my lanes win, while he chose to farm. Yes I'm losing camps to him, not every gank was successful, and I’m behind their jg. BUT, here's the reason why we won. Because I was there to support my teammates shitty decisions to fight at bad times, while he was there to support only his own correct decisions, like taking my camps. Jungle is a weak role in terms of gold and experience. While he was getting ahead of me, my teammates were getting ahead of his teammates.. AND him. That is what made the difference and that is why I won. Moral of the story is, you have to adapt to every match, and each elo has its own version of League to play. These videos try to extrapolate higher elo tactics with winning in low elo, when more often than not, while they can be helpful insights, they aren't the biggest difference maker.
Anecdotal evidence on 1 example doesnt tell you what is better. I believe you won one game that you remember the game that you played. For that diamond player it could be one of many similar games in which his team just wasnt up to par with enemy team. It this big myth that high ranking players win every game. They dont. Ti climb they need to be consintent across many game which doesnt have to translate into each particular.
@@tomashruby9349 You assume that this hasn't happened more than 1 game when in fact it's been going on all season long in my 200 games. That example was chosen because it was very recent. I'm constantly against people who last season were plat, emerald, and in rare cases, diamond, and even one case of masters (I won that game too btw). I'm winning around 50% of my games, and I'm aware that High elo players don't win every game even when smurfing (I'm not new to this game). Adaptability is a necessity EVERY game, which is not anecdotal.
I am a returned lol player and i chose to play shaco in jgl. Currently stuck in iron but do all i can to improve and this video helped alot. Thx for that ❤
One of the best videos about jungling so far. It reminds me of many very basic but important things that I have forgotten and made me struggle for long time. Since watching this I can now handle master and well against diamond opponents. Of course to stomp them I might need to learn more. Something that only grandmaster and challenger players know and do well😂
That's all great but it doesn't take into account that most of the time your team will not listen to your calls because they're either tilted, feeding, tilted AND feeding, or just indifferent.
Dude this helos so mitch i was bronze 3 few days ago and now im sliver bc i watched ur jg guide ty so mutch i hard carry every game bc of these small tips!❤
I suck at jungling cause I play junglers that are not very strong in early, and in this season powerfarming jungle camps is absolutely useless. You MUST gank gank and gank again to even be able to not fall off in levels. I used to steal the first red or blue buff of the enemy (seriously, in 90% of my games), ruining my opponent's life. Now I don't even care anymore, feels like it's pointless, almost a waste of time. They don't give a damn even if I take their first red. They gank anyway with their early game champs, and get kills or assists. Meanwhile, I get ahead in terms of jungle clear, but I am ALWAYS behind in terms of levels. So guess what? I can't 1vs1 anyone until late game, and if I get counterganked, even the 2vs2 is an autoloss.
Actually, power farming is still great but due to reduced exp from camps, ganking should also be integrated in your skillset while also being able to clear camps quickly. I mean I play Khazix and you really need to farm to hit 6 to start to come online but also taking ganks that are very free if your lanes have cc or have the wave set up on their side.
Taking 1 camp even if it's a buff is ALWAYS useless, the time it takes for you to take 1 buff and walk over to your own jungle again is the time the enemy jungler is about to start his 3rd camp so its pretty much irrelevant. You either should look for 2 or 3 camps or don't invade at all if you think it's too risky
Wtf, you are so wrong, you probably just don't know how to play the champions you're trying to play. Just look at the statistics, powerfarming junglers are the strongest this season (evellyn still S tier after nerfs, Master yi was S tier before nerfs, Brand is S+++ tier, Bel Veth is S++ tier, Karthus is S tier...). However the early game junglers are the worst, just look at the winrate of lee sin, graves, rengar, olaf (even after 3 consecutives jungle buffs) they are all ~48% win rate in D tier. The problem here is DEFINITELY not the meta.
i hate to tell you powerfarming is probably the strongest its been. you still have to have pressure on obj and lanes but a farming jg is very strong this season. Literally clear quadrant, is there a gank? no? go next quadrant and repeat
@@lucascarra8938Power farming still works on champs like Diana shyvana and karthus but it's absolutely not the strongest it's been. Ganking is still critical in the current meta
What do you do when both the low elo teams go default aram on mid as a jungler? Do you group with them, farm, invade or fight for mis control to rotate to an objective for a potential 50/50 5v5 teamfight? I've lost a couple of games to this as a support and jungler and am not quite sure what I am supposed to do
I tried this method and it works every single game but still my team mates just roaming around wondering what they should do next and leaving me do the objective alone until the enemy comes to contest and I have nothing to do because it's a 2 on 1 or 3 on 1 scenario 😕😕😕
Im a Ww main with 1 mil mastery and i try to by the first drsgon have 2 items boots and something like tiamat. Try to get a kill by stealing enemies second buff and kill them as well and also have a goo so chance of getting a kill mainly on top lane. You turn into a monster if you can do this and no one can challenge you on dragon and if they are already working on dragon by the time you get there its easy to kill the drag and pick up another kill. As soon as you get tiamat look to start taking enemy camps. Taking at the very least enemy gromp especially enemies who dont have build in leech/sustain its extremely crippling as the health they get after the kill is what keeps them farming
The baron bait is near impossible in lower elo brackets, it requires too much coordination, and most of the time, allies keep hitting it for a 50/50 instead of turning, it's infuriating
I was very sceptical since lots of guides are just full of the most basic stuff everyone knows. But this is a really good video and i definitely learned a thing or two!
How do avoid getting shit on by your loosing lane because you play around the winning lane? ppl literally hate you because they don't understand fundamentals? low rank hell is a nightmare
So I hit diamond 2 with outplays snowballing and being confident when outnumbered when I could have just played smarter and made my life easier with basic rules. Man do I feel silly
If you can get a good quality ward without dying that is good. You can get oracle immediately or you can wait a bit before switching off yellow if you want to keep wards for more of the early game. You should always get oracle eventually, unless you have a very good specific reason not to
It looks like I am the Vi in that second example :P If this is actually the case and memory serves me well, I would rather say as a platinum/emerald jungler I am not inclined to play towards losing sides (or their objectives) and bot was already designed as losing side in that game. Als, it was a normal game, therefore I don't usually play at 101% in normals :P
It's kinda wild to me that the Lee Sin is up 3 kills, several camps, and 2 whole map objectives, but he's still the same level as dooky Graves. Like, there's gotta be at least 1 levels worth of exp difference there no?
What if you get so pissed on a game that you feel good to lose? You have control of it but someone is making it so hard to win that you prefer to just lose.
I mean if my bot lane would stop going 0/24 between the two of them I might actually win a game. Most of my losses are decided by if I have normal people on my team, or people who run it down every minute.
if actually believe this you are so delusional. stop blaming teammates and just focus on your own gameplay. there's literally nothing to gain from focusing on others performance, you'll just inhibit your own
It's not fun to be jngl if the team refuse to help on drake/grubs. Ive experienced many games when bot and mid refuse to help even if they have a lead in thier lanes.
I'm a gold-elo Jungler and I do not have the issue of spending my gold. I generally only have a surplus if a big fight happened and I got shutdowns. Generally I go back if I have over 1k or if I can finish an important item. So idk, is this seriously a problem in Gold elo? Maybe I actually AM Emerald worthy then.
No cap, I actually learned so much from this video. I’ve actually been winning more games on my Smurf as jungle. Also the won games stem from learning other fundamental stuff like wave management and it’s been easier to predict what I need to do based on that. Thanks for the free lesson 😎
ever since i started watching these videos my rank just gets lower and lower and lower. im now in iron 4. i am still trying to learn but so far it has no been successful.
its just sad that i makr baron calls when they are completely free and almost nobody even follows up, so many timea i just give up and ward it since my team will only come when the ememy is trying to do it
I want to add one thing about cross mapping. There are times when it is much better to clear than to cross-map contest an objective, getting ahead in gold and exp can create many opportunities down the line, despite temporarily being down an objective.
That's why going for the ENEMY camps is mentioned. If you're across the map while the enemy is getting something done, you don't want to just let them do that while you afk farm. You getting a little personal farm alone is not enough to make that worth the enemy jungler killing your laners or getting an objective. Your farm isn't helping your team, so always go for your ENEMY'S farm, that way you're actually indirectly doing something to help your team by weakening the jungler a bit. In general, the ONLY time when it's better to just clear your camps instead is when there's no way you can safely do anything else. It's never a GOOD decision to just farm your camps while the enemy jungler is doing something better and idk where you heard that, that's how shyvanas in bronze lose so much.
Tbh in my region nobody ever contests anything and never counter ganks so when I just follow them around the map and gank where theyre ganking they just get caught out
As a league beginner, this guide is amazing at telling me to drop the game. The guide itself is great but the info is pretty much useless for me since since It's way too much for me to understand. Also in the heat of the moment I forget pretty much most thi gs I thought I learned. The guide itself though is amazing and well made. I'm just incapable of processing it I guess
it can be helpfull this vid to help improve ur role, but it won't matter if ur perfect in doing all these and ur team are just useless at doing anything except leaving u to be feed to the enemies,
Some advice for you guys who are struggling to climb: 1. Play Support. If you don't know how to place a ward, leash the first camp for your jungler, positioning, pressing with the movement, timing for lv2 all in, tracking the enemy jungler, harass the enemies when they are trying to cs, focus to burst down a enemy with your ally, protect your ADC, roaming, create space, initiate a fight then you can't do a sh*t. 2. Play ADC, suffer their burnden, and maybe next time, you will pay attention to the enemy Warwick eating your ADC alive during a teamfight or skirmish. 3. If you want to climb up, you need to play Ashe. She is by far the most macro-orriented ADC with a strong early game, tools to track jungle or force the enemy bot duo lane into a bad fight. Her kit shares two build paths that can melt you down like an Odin in VALORANT or give you a slow, hurt f**king death. She is an ADC who can give your team and yourself an OPTION to make play or not. She is immobile, perfect for learning how to manage your summoner's spells and positioning to not get caught in teamfight. 4. If you are in a game, give a "/mute all" to the chatbox and enjoy the game. Below the diamond rank, the chatbox is only used to spread toxicity. 5. Pray Odin to guilde you or give you a challenge to become stronger so that when your teammates throw the game, you won't surprise anymore. The second reason is, well, you are playing Ashe😂
@@CrocodileWhispers At first I though this guy was just making a point about how it's beneficial to know the skills and needs of other roles when you're jungling, but then they went off about why you should just play Ashe instead of jungle and idk.
CLICK HERE for the BEST JUNGLE COURSE EVER MADE: www.skill-capped.com/lol#junglecourse 👈👈👈👈👈
any chance to get the lee sin name? i think its me lol
so i paid for the sub on skill capped but I HAVE zero idea why you would basically put all the same content on skill capped for free on youtube.
Buy:ged goot but lose money on game
Not buy:keep money still bad at game
1. Spending Gold
2. Cross Mapping
3. Identifying Winning and Losing Lane
4. Mid and Late game Macro
5. Vision Exploit
6. Dont remember anything and go on
I think every laner should watch this guide
Real talk lol. You know they are gonna miss waves, never push mid, and make awkward rotations that throw off your whole plan!
I think every jungler should watch this video, got 4 pigs in a row that do 10k damage in 30 minutes that's actually inting. Like I'd rather have jungler who tries to fight to play the game and ints trying then a jungler who afks and does nothing for 15+ minutes with 0 kp with an aurora top dealing 45k damage. Queued jungle once with briar legit everytime I see a yasuo against tower I gank but a jungle main would ignore bs players like that
@@EzOddz If you're so good go main jungle. It is the most important role in the game. You'll get people like yourself yelling at you...even if you're carrying the game.
I can't agree more! I play all roles except jungle because it's just so hard! But seeing the dive with janna taking turret aggro first is something I just learned here that I could definitely try to implement. Understanding the reason for jg ganks on winning vs losing lanes will def change my perspective, too and help understand when to ping/set up for cross mapping objectives.
@@Rindiculousfun /deafen /mute all and play the game. No more flaming to worry about
Bro is too good he gives us free lessons that he sells 🗿
DW he got paid, fair enough 😜
@@ebb_n_flotrue haha. He also gives them more personalized help when he coaches so idk. He says exactly what they’re specifically doing wrong.
what should I do if the enemy team is keep on prioritizing drag should I take the grubs 2 times and then contest the rest of the drag or contest the 2nd drag
@@cyhruscharlesmabao7603 6 grubs are 100% more worth then 2 dragons, if enemy is prioritizing dragons over grubs just enjoy your game haha. Only if you are snowballing early then you can clear grubs always and keep track of enemy jg to contest whatever he is contesting when it comes to objectives. That’s at least what I had success doing, hope it helps 😁
Finally the moment we all have been waiting for! I was literally looking for this video last week and was bummed out when I couldn't find it. Thanks!
this format is the best by far, after each theory/lesson, a practical example of a wrong play and the better play to do in that situation, as it guides better on what to do in our games over all! ty :)
Solid, I learned something and got a refresher why I sucked. Thanks!
18:27 that lucian last hitting gromp would've tilted me so hard
anger issues
Yes, why give gold to the carry? The nerve of that Lucian!
@@Axemsmash LMFAOOO, just because the role is called "AD carry", it doesn't mean they're the only carry and that all gold should be funneled to them. I can tell you're low elo.
@vblka clown moment
@@vblka Or unranked...
Don't forget that collect zone does not exist in low elo. You push the wave and no one respond... Instead the wave slowly bounces and if someone on your team go respond, all enemies will right click into it. Because all that matters are KDA. The other scenario is you respond and your team go fight with number disavantage and die.
Well if no one responds, just take champs with push potential and push it. If your team ventures to die - just do something elsewhere.
as someone in iron this isnt true at all i swear some of these fucks dont belong in iron
I used these strategies today and even though I haven't played jg in so long (on top of never being great at it) I still did pretty great! Thank you for the guide
at 5:20 that was a clutch demonstration and exactly what i wanted to see than you for that
I love how this should be an average gold game.. I can tell you right now. THAT AIN'T A GOLD GAME BROTHER! They play WAY to well for gold.
I'm a masters support/jg player and ngl I been doing with my buddy in plat and holy shit Is it bad lol still 68% er but like so many people queue up to lose on purpose and it's insane to me. Why play just to be mad. Happens in masters to but not nearly as often
@@Negativity808 I think a lot of players are just sick of the smurfmania these days and tilt to the moon. Every 2nd game level 40-50 account, just no fun at all
Ranked divisions are just placebo effects ;)
@@jimi2521that’s not happening often . trust me I just clicked thru gold if you have decent macro and deaden when you need too you climb out of gold easy
I just want to say i reckon this is one of the best guides you guys have done, the format is really nice.
It was really cool seeing that game where lee sin was running ariund on a rampage, and then seeing why he lost. I always feel like these are the best games to analyse because you should be able to win then with your lead.
I think of myself as a fairly good jg, but the tips in this video really gave me some food for thought and taking my thinking to another level
Nope, blame every loss on team
Too late, team already blamed the loss on me
@@sasquatch6785don't lie
Annnnd that's why you will keep losing.
hahaha i felt that in the beginning of the video. got all objectives and ganked every lane. team sucks.
It's so weird seeing the old Dr. Mundo in the new Baron Nashor pit
What a great guide man! Thanks so much SC
Very helpful. Thank you!
bro this is the best jg guide i have seen, as all the principle and tactics and stratigies havebeen explained so detailed here
As a high master player myself I have to addmit: This is a great Video. So much effort, so many examples, very well thought through, nice animations and very nice om the spot pacing.
One of the greates edutaining league content Videos I have ever seen. Well done!
Thank you SO MUCH for these tips they are truly appreciated ! Cheers
crazy! nice guide ty my man
Now I’m just waiting for a support one that isn’t just about enchanters
Great guide with easy explanation 👏
This guide is really good.
I knew a couple of them, but the consistency is not always there.
I learned the importance of mid pressure, since I use to think, laners should be farming their lanes, but because they usually are lost, I will take a camp if I have to to make the next play. Thank you.
thanks so much bro, you give the best tips free
Most people wont believe me, but I'm going to highlight why a lot of advice like this, while making complete sense in a vacuum, does not apply to actual low elo games as much as they try to make it seem.
I was jungling around mid-high gold, the enemy jungler was a Diamond last season. I forego much of my camps in favor of making sure the majority of my lanes win, while he chose to farm. Yes I'm losing camps to him, not every gank was successful, and I’m behind their jg.
BUT, here's the reason why we won.
Because I was there to support my teammates shitty decisions to fight at bad times, while he was there to support only his own correct decisions, like taking my camps. Jungle is a weak role in terms of gold and experience. While he was getting ahead of me, my teammates were getting ahead of his teammates.. AND him. That is what made the difference and that is why I won.
Moral of the story is, you have to adapt to every match, and each elo has its own version of League to play. These videos try to extrapolate higher elo tactics with winning in low elo, when more often than not, while they can be helpful insights, they aren't the biggest difference maker.
true , low elo is like total chaos ; teammates would insult U for starting baron xD .
Anecdotal evidence on 1 example doesnt tell you what is better.
I believe you won one game that you remember the game that you played.
For that diamond player it could be one of many similar games in which his team just wasnt up to par with enemy team.
It this big myth that high ranking players win every game.
They dont. Ti climb they need to be consintent across many game which doesnt have to translate into each particular.
@@tomashruby9349 What... thi whole video is anecdotal.
@@tomashruby9349 You assume that this hasn't happened more than 1 game when in fact it's been going on all season long in my 200 games. That example was chosen because it was very recent. I'm constantly against people who last season were plat, emerald, and in rare cases, diamond, and even one case of masters (I won that game too btw). I'm winning around 50% of my games, and I'm aware that High elo players don't win every game even when smurfing (I'm not new to this game).
Adaptability is a necessity EVERY game, which is not anecdotal.
@@Chhipzwhat elo are you that you get matched with plat emerald dia and masters?
No way this is free on UA-cam! Thank you Skillcapped!
Sadly 'people' in Iron to Gold would already surrender if opponent's jungler plays like Lee Sin lol. These advices only works for mid elo and higher.
fantastic series.
What if every lane is losing? I often have games where all my laners go 0/5 by the 10 min mark.
Same. And the blame is yours because they couldn't keep up with the match
gg go next. Even Canyon can't carry his games when all 3 lanes lose.
I am a returned lol player and i chose to play shaco in jgl.
Currently stuck in iron but do all i can to improve and this video helped alot. Thx for that ❤
How you doing today
You deserve that for playing shaco dude
I've been waiting for this!
One of the best videos about jungling so far. It reminds me of many very basic but important things that I have forgotten and made me struggle for long time. Since watching this I can now handle master and well against diamond opponents. Of course to stomp them I might need to learn more. Something that only grandmaster and challenger players know and do well😂
29:31 "u can see the enemy makes the mistake of sending 3 bot, one of them is the jungler" then proceeds to circle skarner instead of graves
That's all great but it doesn't take into account that most of the time your team will not listen to your calls because they're either tilted, feeding, tilted AND feeding, or just indifferent.
Dude this helos so mitch i was bronze 3 few days ago and now im sliver bc i watched ur jg guide ty so mutch i hard carry every game bc of these small tips!❤
24:03 I just had a game where i did this and we ended the game starting from T1 to nexus top in one go xD
20:04 the what experience?!
I suck at jungling cause I play junglers that are not very strong in early, and in this season powerfarming jungle camps is absolutely useless. You MUST gank gank and gank again to even be able to not fall off in levels.
I used to steal the first red or blue buff of the enemy (seriously, in 90% of my games), ruining my opponent's life. Now I don't even care anymore, feels like it's pointless, almost a waste of time. They don't give a damn even if I take their first red. They gank anyway with their early game champs, and get kills or assists. Meanwhile, I get ahead in terms of jungle clear, but I am ALWAYS behind in terms of levels. So guess what? I can't 1vs1 anyone until late game, and if I get counterganked, even the 2vs2 is an autoloss.
Actually, power farming is still great but due to reduced exp from camps, ganking should also be integrated in your skillset while also being able to clear camps quickly. I mean I play Khazix and you really need to farm to hit 6 to start to come online but also taking ganks that are very free if your lanes have cc or have the wave set up on their side.
Taking 1 camp even if it's a buff is ALWAYS useless, the time it takes for you to take 1 buff and walk over to your own jungle again is the time the enemy jungler is about to start his 3rd camp so its pretty much irrelevant. You either should look for 2 or 3 camps or don't invade at all if you think it's too risky
Wtf, you are so wrong, you probably just don't know how to play the champions you're trying to play. Just look at the statistics, powerfarming junglers are the strongest this season (evellyn still S tier after nerfs, Master yi was S tier before nerfs, Brand is S+++ tier, Bel Veth is S++ tier, Karthus is S tier...). However the early game junglers are the worst, just look at the winrate of lee sin, graves, rengar, olaf (even after 3 consecutives jungle buffs) they are all ~48% win rate in D tier. The problem here is DEFINITELY not the meta.
i hate to tell you powerfarming is probably the strongest its been. you still have to have pressure on obj and lanes but a farming jg is very strong this season. Literally clear quadrant, is there a gank? no? go next quadrant and repeat
@@lucascarra8938Power farming still works on champs like Diana shyvana and karthus but it's absolutely not the strongest it's been. Ganking is still critical in the current meta
@2:08 yeah cause our mid or top just goes 2/13 and makes it impossible to win lmao
What do you do when both the low elo teams go default aram on mid as a jungler? Do you group with them, farm, invade or fight for mis control to rotate to an objective for a potential 50/50 5v5 teamfight? I've lost a couple of games to this as a support and jungler and am not quite sure what I am supposed to do
I tried this method and it works every single game but still my team mates just roaming around wondering what they should do next and leaving me do the objective alone until the enemy comes to contest and I have nothing to do because it's a 2 on 1 or 3 on 1 scenario 😕😕😕
Im a Ww main with 1 mil mastery and i try to by the first drsgon have 2 items boots and something like tiamat. Try to get a kill by stealing enemies second buff and kill them as well and also have a goo so chance of getting a kill mainly on top lane. You turn into a monster if you can do this and no one can challenge you on dragon and if they are already working on dragon by the time you get there its easy to kill the drag and pick up another kill. As soon as you get tiamat look to start taking enemy camps. Taking at the very least enemy gromp especially enemies who dont have build in leech/sustain its extremely crippling as the health they get after the kill is what keeps them farming
29:30 one of the being a jugnler and marking skarner instead of graves, ah skill capped...
That's a whoopsie
Very helpful thanks for the lesson master i'll be a challenger one day.
How do you feel bout the Lucian stealing the group from you on 18:25
I would love to see the “why you suck at ADC” Season 14 edition ❤️
Yeah just wait for next patch when the role changes completely then they can make it
not a Jungler , but i might learn something that impacts my laneing
AHAHAh the time stamps titles are hilarious tho xD
The baron bait is near impossible in lower elo brackets, it requires too much coordination, and most of the time, allies keep hitting it for a 50/50 instead of turning, it's infuriating
i have guestion in video Mistake 3 is to play around winning lanes but what if we are in game where all lanes are losing what do we do then?
Well Damn! I just implemented these strategies and got an S- and carried thank you for this good information on strategy!
what do you recommend doing if the enemy jungler is ganking a lane that you're close enough to help but will absolutely get smashed if you do?
today im gonna buy it to learn mid and zed, can someone say to me is skill capped worth
I was very sceptical since lots of guides are just full of the most basic stuff everyone knows. But this is a really good video and i definitely learned a thing or two!
How do avoid getting shit on by your loosing lane because you play around the winning lane? ppl literally hate you because they don't understand fundamentals? low rank hell is a nightmare
What I've learned stealing one camp is worth two camps😆, and thank you for this guide very helpful!
this helped a lot. probably gonna buy the course cause you give this for free. as thank contribution
Hello, the videos in skillcapped are translated?
I feel so caught. I have to work on this.
Now I can never forget that faking an enemy camp is 2x Resources
So I hit diamond 2 with outplays snowballing and being confident when outnumbered when I could have just played smarter and made my life easier with basic rules. Man do I feel silly
How about a guide about turning games from loosing to winning
18:28 Lucian stealing his camps is just fucked. I would have reported him, and spam pinged him the rest of the game.
Average Draven main
Should i place ward enemy jg at the start of the game and recall to buy oracle or nah?
If you can get a good quality ward without dying that is good. You can get oracle immediately or you can wait a bit before switching off yellow if you want to keep wards for more of the early game. You should always get oracle eventually, unless you have a very good specific reason not to
@@garagavia ty sm
In low elo games you get flamed and reported when you ignore losing lane xD and they ff/quit
I suck at jungle because of the slow or no reaction from team players... and thanx
It looks like I am the Vi in that second example :P If this is actually the case and memory serves me well, I would rather say as a platinum/emerald jungler I am not inclined to play towards losing sides (or their objectives) and bot was already designed as losing side in that game. Als, it was a normal game, therefore I don't usually play at 101% in normals :P
Insane value given, free, wow. If I wasn't broke, I''d def subscribe to their program lol
I’m that Lee sin jungled btw 💀 💀 beautiful guide ty for this 😭😭
Just listened to half of this video and I applied the steps and I won. Can confirm this works for iron 3
I cant play late game because I play warwick
It's kinda wild to me that the Lee Sin is up 3 kills, several camps, and 2 whole map objectives, but he's still the same level as dooky Graves. Like, there's gotta be at least 1 levels worth of exp difference there no?
Jg xp is weird especially with comeback xp
What if you get so pissed on a game that you feel good to lose? You have control of it but someone is making it so hard to win that you prefer to just lose.
I mean if my bot lane would stop going 0/24 between the two of them I might actually win a game. Most of my losses are decided by if I have normal people on my team, or people who run it down every minute.
if actually believe this you are so delusional. stop blaming teammates and just focus on your own gameplay. there's literally nothing to gain from focusing on others performance, you'll just inhibit your own
U are insane thinking only he is the problem @@henrikhillemyr4894
yea high elo players are just lucky true
Really good video, perfect for fellow scrubs who want to do better… but don’t really care that much.
It's not fun to be jngl if the team refuse to help on drake/grubs. Ive experienced many games when bot and mid refuse to help even if they have a lead in thier lanes.
I'm a gold-elo Jungler and I do not have the issue of spending my gold. I generally only have a surplus if a big fight happened and I got shutdowns. Generally I go back if I have over 1k or if I can finish an important item. So idk, is this seriously a problem in Gold elo? Maybe I actually AM Emerald worthy then.
You gotta get through plat before saying that my boy
No cap, I actually learned so much from this video. I’ve actually been winning more games on my Smurf as jungle. Also the won games stem from learning other fundamental stuff like wave management and it’s been easier to predict what I need to do based on that. Thanks for the free lesson 😎
Holy fuck thats my game???? Thats me on lee sin hahahhahaha
Free coaching for u mate !
good talking but i,m silver 4 my tim does not new that. can you do the seme but for lower rang?
All this falls apart if all lanes are feeding, so the best tactic is to have good teammates
Instructions unclear; team has fed enemy jungle Pantheon.
Can I apply this also on wildrift
Cool you show us a long video❤
what if... my laners are all losing ? always have no priority for objectives, getting invades and no help from your team :)
ever since i started watching these videos my rank just gets lower and lower and lower. im now in iron 4. i am still trying to learn but so far it has no been successful.
Best intro lol 🤣
its just sad that i makr baron calls when they are completely free and almost nobody even follows up, so many timea i just give up and ward it since my team will only come when the ememy is trying to do it
I have a challenge for you! Describe "Vertical jungling" using the word vertical anywhere in the description.
I want to add one thing about cross mapping. There are times when it is much better to clear than to cross-map contest an objective, getting ahead in gold and exp can create many opportunities down the line, despite temporarily being down an objective.
That's why going for the ENEMY camps is mentioned. If you're across the map while the enemy is getting something done, you don't want to just let them do that while you afk farm. You getting a little personal farm alone is not enough to make that worth the enemy jungler killing your laners or getting an objective. Your farm isn't helping your team, so always go for your ENEMY'S farm, that way you're actually indirectly doing something to help your team by weakening the jungler a bit.
In general, the ONLY time when it's better to just clear your camps instead is when there's no way you can safely do anything else. It's never a GOOD decision to just farm your camps while the enemy jungler is doing something better and idk where you heard that, that's how shyvanas in bronze lose so much.
Dose this work in wild Rift too?
But your teammates actually help you, on my games they just watch me do an objective
Tbh in my region nobody ever contests anything and never counter ganks so when I just follow them around the map and gank where theyre ganking they just get caught out
Why am i watching this? I'm not gonna play jungle anytime soon
As a league beginner, this guide is amazing at telling me to drop the game. The guide itself is great but the info is pretty much useless for me since since It's way too much for me to understand. Also in the heat of the moment I forget pretty much most thi gs I thought I learned. The guide itself though is amazing and well made. I'm just incapable of processing it I guess
So my problem is in 15 mn I have 13 vission score and my support have . 3
My issue is i always play like I'm ahead in the early game
it can be helpfull this vid to help improve ur role, but it won't matter if ur perfect in doing all these and ur team are just useless at doing anything except leaving u to be feed to the enemies,
Some advice for you guys who are struggling to climb:
1. Play Support. If you don't know how to place a ward, leash the first camp for your jungler, positioning, pressing with the movement, timing for lv2 all in, tracking the enemy jungler, harass the enemies when they are trying to cs, focus to burst down a enemy with your ally, protect your ADC, roaming, create space, initiate a fight then you can't do a sh*t.
2. Play ADC, suffer their burnden, and maybe next time, you will pay attention to the enemy Warwick eating your ADC alive during a teamfight or skirmish.
3. If you want to climb up, you need to play Ashe. She is by far the most macro-orriented ADC with a strong early game, tools to track jungle or force the enemy bot duo lane into a bad fight. Her kit shares two build paths that can melt you down like an Odin in VALORANT or give you a slow, hurt f**king death. She is an ADC who can give your team and yourself an OPTION to make play or not.
She is immobile, perfect for learning how to manage your summoner's spells and positioning to not get caught in teamfight.
4. If you are in a game, give a "/mute all" to the chatbox and enjoy the game. Below the diamond rank, the chatbox is only used to spread toxicity.
5. Pray Odin to guilde you or give you a challenge to become stronger so that when your teammates throw the game, you won't surprise anymore. The second reason is, well, you are playing Ashe😂
Always like these comments that have nothing to do with the video and go on some long tangent. Hey man, make your own freaking video
@@CrocodileWhispers At first I though this guy was just making a point about how it's beneficial to know the skills and needs of other roles when you're jungling, but then they went off about why you should just play Ashe instead of jungle and idk.