Thank you Dr Omer and the host . Looking from a scientific perspective about Islam or Islamic perspective about science is phenomenal,after you have reminded us . Pls continue to show us more light on stars, Galaxy and it's maker. So that we can ponder and learn from your gifted knowledge.
A very enlightening discussion. I really liked the analogy of the cave paintings and the design of a ferrari and its blind spots too! Our Appendix is a vestigial organ, in the past it had something attached that had a purpose, but we no longer need that. I often used to wonder why would Allah create the male urinary system such that some men get prostate enlargement and it restricts the flow of urine and causes dribble! Why is the prostrate gland wrapped around the tube, why does it not have its own nearby location? Then it dawned on me.... If the prostrate did not wrap around the urinary tract we would never know that it had enlarged! All men would then possibly also die of prostate cancer because we would never know it had enlarged or become cancerous. When this dawned on me, I cried and yelled out SUBHAAN ALLAH, SUBHAAN ALLAH, SUBHAAN ALLAH. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Thank you for the great discussion. I would also add a few comments for Dr. Ergi. First off, most people that deny the existence of God do not realize that they put their thoughts at the center of the universe. They seem to think that God’s existence depends on their thoughts. It doesn't. No one needs to convince them of God’s existence. Also, on the argument that the burden of proof is on the believer (which was initially postulated by Antony Flew, who later became a believer around the age of 80) is erroneous. Dr. Flew himself refutes that argument in his book called “There is a God”, which I strongly recommend. We are in a universe that exists, and that it is only the default argument that existence requires an explanation. The default explanation is the “cause of all causes without a prior cause”, which is God. Therefore, the burden of proof is really on the person that does not believe in God’s existence, not so much because there is really an argument between a believer and a non-believer, but more so because they owe to prove it to themselves because they themselves exist. I have not found a single credible argument that has even a modicum of evidence that existence can start out of absolute nothingness by itself. Introducing an infinite number of universes is not explaining anything either, only showing the desperation to find an explanation to back up their disbelief. Human beings have a hard time comprehending “absolute nothingness”, where there is “no thing”. No space, no time, no darkness. Nothing is not an empty space, nor darkness, it is “nothing = no thing”. Therefore there is nothing to be a prior cause to start anything, which is the most scientific argument one can make. So, out of nothing, how did “something” came to be without a cause? I think it is more of their disbelief that a power so powerful that their own minds cannot understand that can create something out of nothing can exist, which is another form of arrogance. I came to the realization that most atheists refuse to believe a God that they conjure up in their own minds. But by definition, God is not a “thing” that can fit into one’s limited mind. As for the imperfections in the human eye where the optical nerve need to have a spot to converge, and that such design has shortcomings, I would like them to create a better eye so we can all use it. One last comment for thought is that whoever claims to have “no belief in God” is actually a believer, believing that God does not exist. Since there is no proof for God to not exist, it is a personal belief, nothing more. Sometimes, these arguments about Gods existence makes me feel like a school of fish in the ocean arguing whether the ocean exists. Since they are born in it, knew nothing else, and they cannot really feel it, some of them are unsure. I liken this to God’s creation - we are in it, never knew anything else, so we argue whether creation happened, because the only way to know creation is to be created.
Jazakumullah khairan katheera for this great update on a topic which really makes a believer more strong in faith. How clearly we see those described in Quran as sealed hearts. Alhamdu Lillah for guidance.
Thank you again Dr Omar & Isra academy , really enjoy how Dr Omar ALWAYS has a way to make a relative complex subject look easy to explain !!! Love the ' cave ' evidence point. Still waiting for the Dr to shed some light on the HAMAN topic related to the Pharoah.🙂
Please conduct more frequent and in-depth interviews with Dr. Omer Atilla Ergi. Highlight his expertise and unique insights by exploring a wide range of topics he specializes in
MasyaAllah..!!! SubhanAllah Ahamdulillah AllahuAkhbar..! May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam with the true teaching of Islam and being obedient Muslim, will grant them and all the Ummah with a place in Jannah. Aamiin Yarobbil Aalaamiin...🌙🕌🤲🤲🤲🤲💕🌹
Education is our window on Allah's creation. This education includes Arts and Sciences and by the act of living we learn each day and night about life from the book of creation. God s blessings
ASA, what a great discussion Dr. Omer and D.r Zuleyha. Dr. Omer is correct in saying there is no mature arguments from Atheists. Their syllogistic Arguments against God primarily revolve around issues of social impact of religion i.e.: ○ Premises: i) Theists say God is good ii) Theists say God Created Man iii) Man does evil (non-good) ○ Therefore we can deduce: God doesn't exist. This is called a Non-Sequitur argument - meaning illogical or the evidence is completely irrelevant to the claim being made.
Another great podcast loved the cave analogy. If possible could you and the good professor reconcile the picture that Allah paints of man`s creation in surah Baqara and the conclusive evidence from genetics of man`s common ancestory from the animal kingdom. I have my own thoughts on how to reconcile this but would like the input of people of knowledge like you two. This would also help our youngsters who have to grapple with man`s evolution and islam/christianity`s view of our creation in "heaven"
There is one interesting topics of parallel universe that comes to my mind, when we read about the events of Isra and Mirage. When prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taken to Jerusalem, he led all prophets in prayers. Later on in the sky, he met some of those higher prophets. The question then is, was that an example of parallel existence?
The existence of a master creator, or God, has long been a topic of philosophical, theological, and scientific exploration. Many argue that the universe’s complexity, order, and precision point to the undeniable presence of an intelligent designer. While science does not directly address the question of God’s existence in terms of religious doctrine, it does offer evidence that suggests the possibility of a creator in ways that are compatible with both faith and reason. One of the most compelling scientific arguments for the existence of a creator is the fine-tuning of the universe. The physical constants of the universe-such as the strength of gravity, the mass of the electron, and the charge of the proton-are set at incredibly precise values. Even the slightest deviation in these constants would make life impossible. For example, if the force of gravity were slightly weaker or stronger, stars could not form in the right way to produce the elements needed for life. If the electromagnetic force were slightly different, chemical bonds could not form, and life as we know it could not exist. The probability that these constants are set in such a way as to allow life to exist by chance is infinitesimally small. Many scientists, including physicists and cosmologists, have concluded that this fine-tuning points to the possibility of a purposeful creator who set the universe’s parameters in such a way as to allow for life. In addition to fine-tuning, the emergence of life itself provides another area where science intersects with the concept of a creator. The origin of life from non-living matter-also known as abiogenesis-remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. While theories such as the primordial soup hypothesis attempt to explain how life might have begun, there is still no clear mechanism that can account for how complex molecules like DNA and proteins spontaneously formed from simpler compounds. DNA, the molecular blueprint of life, is an incredibly intricate structure, containing vast amounts of information that direct the formation of proteins and other cellular structures. The complexity of DNA and the process by which it replicates and translates genetic information raises questions about the likelihood of such a system emerging purely by random chance. Some scientists have speculated that a guiding intelligence may have played a role in the origin of life, given the complexity involved. Another scientific argument that suggests the existence of a creator is the concept of the Anthropic Principle. This principle states that the universe appears to be specifically designed to support life. Not only is the fine-tuning of physical constants evident, but the universe’s structure itself seems to be optimized for life. For instance, Earth’s position in the "habitable zone" of our solar system, where liquid water can exist, is another example of seemingly improbable conditions that support life. The rare occurrence of conditions that allow for life to flourish-such as the planet’s atmosphere, magnetic field, and distance from the sun-supports the idea that Earth may have been specially prepared for life. While some argue that this is a result of the "multiverse" theory, where countless universes exist with different properties, the precise nature of our universe still suggests an underlying purpose or design. From a biological standpoint, the development of highly complex organisms also raises questions. The theory of evolution, which explains the diversity of life through natural selection, provides a mechanism for how life adapts and changes over time. However, it does not fully explain the origin of life or the emergence of complex biological systems. The human brain, for instance, with its ability to reason, create, and understand abstract concepts, goes beyond what is needed for basic survival. The existence of consciousness, self-awareness, and the capacity for moral reasoning cannot be entirely explained by evolutionary processes. These unique human qualities suggest that something greater than random chance may be at play, perhaps reflecting the influence of a higher intelligence. The idea of a creator also resonates with the concept of moral law, which is embedded within human consciousness. Across cultures and societies, there is a universal sense of right and wrong. This moral framework seems to transcend cultural differences and is often associated with a divine lawgiver. Evolutionary psychology explains human moral behavior in terms of survival and social cooperation, but it struggles to account for the universal human experience of moral obligation and the pursuit of justice. The existence of a shared moral law that points toward higher ideals, such as justice and compassion, suggests that humans were created with an inherent sense of purpose that aligns with divine values. In conclusion, scientific evidence in the fields of cosmology, biology, and ethics offers strong indications of the existence of a master creator. The fine-tuning of the universe, the complexity of life, the Anthropic Principle, and the moral sense embedded within humanity all point toward the possibility of a purposeful intelligence behind the cosmos. While science may not be able to directly prove the existence of God in a traditional religious sense, it reveals patterns, principles, and complexities that strongly suggest that the universe and life are the result of intentional design. The question of a creator is not merely a theological one but a matter that invites reflection on the profound interconnectedness of life and the universe, offering compelling reasons to believe that a master creator has orchestrated it all.
،Holy Prophet has told us to ponder about the Universe and its wonders but has prohibited us from thinking or asking who created God or when was God created and who did that for the simple that Allah's Entity has no bounds hence no other being whatsoever can reach the level required to know Allah's Full. For us this Universe is enough to prove that it has a Creater Who is magnificent enough to be beyond all comprehension. Or if you want to see and know Allah just turn sincerely to your own heart.
Dont call our beloved prophet “holy”. Peace be upon him. “Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Maryam, for I am only His slave, so say: ‘the slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3261).
No one can prohibit someone from thinking or asking questions. The prophet did not do that. Please be careful sharing any information as there are many young people that you may influence to paint the wrong picture.
We are creatures in a creation. So to reject out of hand a creator, or a possibility of one, seems illogical or obtuse. Especially so when He has actually spoken to us directly in so many words and books. So punishment for rejection does seem apt, though we're told a mustard seed's weight of faith mercifully saves a soul.
He is such a knowledgeable person by the grace of Allah. You should have more patience and not to repeat questions before his answers fully complete . Please keep quite for some time thanks
I always tell God i know the wisdom game just cause u don't understand u go to peace and strive to understand but if can't u just saw its veiled from me I'll go back to creature of habits
I am good too ppl but nor due to Positivity but want peace only and can understand that mindset and also negative mindset but I can't even fathom to understand Positivity it's like a blank and I see them as mind of an ox unless it's about peace
The negativity or hell is enuff for me and how many angles, degrees, grades, flow rate of motion as it can rate u slowly or fast I'm.absolutely fascinated about that frequency due to experience on neutral state earth
O mankind! verily there hath come to you a convincing proof from your Lord: For We have sent unto you a light (that is) manifest.(QS An Nisaa:174) Truly, nothing is hidden from Allah, in the earth or in the heavens.(QS Al Imran:5) Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?(QS Al Mulk:14) And on the earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty,(QS Adz Dzariyat:20) And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?(QS Adz Dzariyat:21)
Hikma doesn't discriminate tho it equates to achieve silence, it's clarity doesn't end in logic and fitna or doubt. Their cud be davidic white or Asian or any color or any male who may have a hikma about Positivity but I'm not discussing what I don't understand but neutral and negative we can go into a never ending abstract I know hell or earth which shud be neutral
I say science is not the tool for meta physical. Allah states those who believe in me and fear me without seeing me are the winners. Allah also states that there are many signs all around us screaming his existence. Science is a tool to discover the workings ie the inner mechanisms of what Allah has created. Discovering a true believer says SubhanAllah. Discovering a sophisticated super powerful engine works, peopke praise that engineer who created it and not that the engine cane by itself. Use aqal. May Allah Guide. Aameen!
If the people don't believe in God, how can you prove them a religion. They must learn firstly about the existence of God, that can be even scientifically proved...
Aristotle said that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Man isn't equal to the sum of it's parts it's much greater. Science is reducing the universe to it's part to make a point that there is no God. However God is greater to the sum of the universe parts like Man is greater to the sum of it's parts. If there is no whole then Man is a complete set of tools without purpose and it's a contradiction. How a complete set of tools can be made with no purpose?
God is here but you must understand its presence not trying to see with the eyes. Mankind is an organic just made from minerals found in nature. How something made by minerals can be aware ? The only missing piece of the mystery is God observing his pupets to make them feel and think they exists but in reality nobody is living because we are made from minerals.
It has done so many times. God is not a human entity or a being. God is the nature aroung us and in the universe. Ok, if god created everything, then who or what created god?
Each type of knowledge including science research needs wisdom..insight..consciousness of human beings...but Faith is above these all....Faith shows a true path to consciousness of its impossible to understand or imagine about God by these limited tools of wisdom..God is وراء الوراء۔۔means beyond imagination.
God, Allah SWT says in the Noble Qur'an (17:85) "They ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about the spirit. Say, “Its nature is known only to my Lord, and you ˹O humanity˺ have been given but little knowledge.” God is so so unimaginably, exponentially knowledgeable and intelligent that HE had organised things in such a way that man can only BELIEVE, NOT PROVE HIS existence either way. And it's not necessary either. Even a donkey will believe when it sees something. Man, being the best of the creation, is supposed to behave more intelligently. The Noble Qur'an helps mankind with examples such as 1. Have they not then looked at the sky above them: how We built it and adorned it ˹with stars˺, leaving it flawless? 2. As for the earth, We spread it out and placed upon it firm mountains, and produced in it every type of pleasant plant 3. And We send down blessed rain from the sky, bringing forth gardens and grains for harvest If these are not sufficient proof, then wait for the Judgement Day and the reckoning when Allah SWT would ask the disbeliever holding him in front of the blazing fire, "Isn't this not real?' and will throw him in to it where he will stay forever.
The so called Sunnah that men should have a beard is a misnomer! Even the enemies of Rasool had beards!! It is a cultural thing. In a harsh desert environment of sand storms and where water is very precious, it makes sense to grow a beard. There are only 2 verses in the Quran and neither talk about men needing to keep a beard. I am just so glad that women cannot grow a beard, otherwise our so called Ulema would insist they keep a beard too!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Every one higher post persons beliving fearing even doing iff not obidency butt have selfe realizations must is only God needs his fees of His Office Member" must God is Nobel before aall The Acting persons and field's"
Mankind is not what is visible from him, Mankind is the invisible whole wich is greater than the sum of it's parts. Satan refuted the great whole by reducing Man to it's sum because he said it's made by clay. It's a refutation of mankind soul because something made from clay can't be greater than something made from fire. However the whole is greater than the sum of the parts whatever nature of the parts. Satan refuted God's abilyty to make clay creature superior to the fire made creature .
God has shown us his signs. There is no such science including religion which can prove God. God can't revealed himself either to us as we are being tested here on this world. BTW scientific theories (physics) of Galileo, Newton, Einstein etc are wrong.
There is no such thing as proof in science. Science never disproves anything. Nobody has ever produced any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god. I regard faith as being a position claimed that is devoid of supporting falsifiable evidence.
So, when science disproves a theory which was widely accepted in past, science does not disprove it? What I mean is, in the past people believe all the heavenly bodies orbited the earth, then science disproved this. You see the point is not about proving or disproving, it is about what you consider as evidence. People of belief will say, we have scriptures, Prophets and theological arguments that are sufficient evidence for existence of God. You may claim that you don’t consider these arguments as evidence. Either way, the universe came into existence about 13.8 billion years ago, this means it requires a cause. The argument is what caused it. One cannot claim that there was no cause.
@@tanerserdar "So, when science disproves a theory which was widely accepted in past" Please tell me about something that science has disproven. I thank you in advance.
@ There are so many things friend. Science disproved the argument that the earth is flat. Science disproved the argument the earth’s orbit is circular, it is elliptical. Science disproved the steady state theory. Science disproved spontaneous generation which argued the life could come from non-living matter…
You both are a treasure for humanity, especially for Muslim community. Thank you for the podcast.
Thank you Dr Omer and the host . Looking from a scientific perspective about Islam or Islamic perspective about science is phenomenal,after you have reminded us . Pls continue to show us more light on stars, Galaxy and it's maker. So that we can ponder and learn from your gifted knowledge.
Inshallah, we plan to do more of these podcasts.
Appreciate all you
A very enlightening discussion. I really liked the analogy of the cave paintings and the design of a ferrari and its blind spots too!
Our Appendix is a vestigial organ, in the past it had something attached that had a purpose, but we no longer need that.
I often used to wonder why would Allah create the male urinary system such that some men get prostate enlargement and it restricts the flow of urine and causes dribble! Why is the prostrate gland wrapped around the tube, why does it not have its own nearby location? Then it dawned on me.... If the prostrate did not wrap around the urinary tract we would never know that it had enlarged! All men would then possibly also die of prostate cancer because we would never know it had enlarged or become cancerous. When this dawned on me, I cried and yelled out SUBHAAN ALLAH, SUBHAAN ALLAH, SUBHAAN ALLAH.
Thank you for the great discussion. I would also add a few comments for Dr. Ergi. First off, most people that deny the existence of God do not realize that they put their thoughts at the center of the universe. They seem to think that God’s existence depends on their thoughts. It doesn't. No one needs to convince them of God’s existence. Also, on the argument that the burden of proof is on the believer (which was initially postulated by Antony Flew, who later became a believer around the age of 80) is erroneous. Dr. Flew himself refutes that argument in his book called “There is a God”, which I strongly recommend. We are in a universe that exists, and that it is only the default argument that existence requires an explanation. The default explanation is the “cause of all causes without a prior cause”, which is God. Therefore, the burden of proof is really on the person that does not believe in God’s existence, not so much because there is really an argument between a believer and a non-believer, but more so because they owe to prove it to themselves because they themselves exist. I have not found a single credible argument that has even a modicum of evidence that existence can start out of absolute nothingness by itself. Introducing an infinite number of universes is not explaining anything either, only showing the desperation to find an explanation to back up their disbelief. Human beings have a hard time comprehending “absolute nothingness”, where there is “no thing”. No space, no time, no darkness. Nothing is not an empty space, nor darkness, it is “nothing = no thing”. Therefore there is nothing to be a prior cause to start anything, which is the most scientific argument one can make. So, out of nothing, how did “something” came to be without a cause? I think it is more of their disbelief that a power so powerful that their own minds cannot understand that can create something out of nothing can exist, which is another form of arrogance. I came to the realization that most atheists refuse to believe a God that they conjure up in their own minds. But by definition, God is not a “thing” that can fit into one’s limited mind. As for the imperfections in the human eye where the optical nerve need to have a spot to converge, and that such design has shortcomings, I would like them to create a better eye so we can all use it. One last comment for thought is that whoever claims to have “no belief in God” is actually a believer, believing that God does not exist. Since there is no proof for God to not exist, it is a personal belief, nothing more. Sometimes, these arguments about Gods existence makes me feel like a school of fish in the ocean arguing whether the ocean exists. Since they are born in it, knew nothing else, and they cannot really feel it, some of them are unsure. I liken this to God’s creation - we are in it, never knew anything else, so we argue whether creation happened, because the only way to know creation is to be created.
Thank you to the both of you. God bless you ❤❤❤❤
Jazakumullah khairan katheera for this great update on a topic which really makes a believer more strong in faith. How clearly we see those described in Quran as sealed hearts. Alhamdu Lillah for guidance.
MashaAllah excellent
Thank you again Dr Omar & Isra academy , really enjoy how Dr Omar ALWAYS has a way to make a relative complex subject look easy to explain !!! Love the ' cave ' evidence point.
Still waiting for the Dr to shed some light on the HAMAN topic related to the Pharoah.🙂
Please conduct more frequent and in-depth interviews with Dr. Omer Atilla Ergi. Highlight his expertise and unique insights by exploring a wide range of topics he specializes in
@gxgraphics1160 we intend to do many more of these podcasts this year, Inshallah. Thank you for your positive feedback.
Asslamalikum. It’s always very educational and very, very interesting and joyful to hear you explaining anything.
Wa alaikum assalam! I'm glad you find the content educational and interesting.
“ I don’t believe there is God. I know there is God.” Carl Jung
I don't believe in Zahir and Batin as I know them - the evident and the hidden.
But I believe in fairies. (Differing with our learned Dr Omar)
SubhanAllah Ahamdulillah AllahuAkhbar..!
May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam with the true teaching of Islam and being obedient Muslim, will grant them and all the Ummah with a place in Jannah. Aamiin Yarobbil Aalaamiin...🌙🕌🤲🤲🤲🤲💕🌹
Thanks Dr Omer
My hero both of you
Thanks a lot Isra Academy!
Education is our window on Allah's creation. This education includes Arts and Sciences and by the act of living we learn each day and night about life from the book of creation.
God s blessings
MashaAllah 2 great brains together. Very interesting debate. |Let me gather my thoughts on it and I would like to share mind on it too. Thx again
ASA, what a great discussion Dr. Omer and D.r Zuleyha.
Dr. Omer is correct in saying there is no mature arguments from Atheists. Their syllogistic Arguments against God primarily revolve around issues of social impact of religion i.e.:
○ Premises:
i) Theists say God is good
ii) Theists say God Created Man
iii) Man does evil (non-good)
○ Therefore we can deduce: God doesn't exist.
This is called a Non-Sequitur argument - meaning illogical or the evidence is completely irrelevant to the claim being made.
What the world needs is now being told in English! Alhamdulillah! 🥹
Blackspot in eye is not a flaw in design but a great assistance to ophthalmologists in carrying out so many tests.
Haqq, I like this man. I don’t care what the literalist say….
Educational information
Another great podcast loved the cave analogy. If possible could you and the good professor reconcile the picture that Allah paints of man`s creation in surah Baqara and the conclusive evidence from genetics of man`s common ancestory from the animal kingdom. I have my own thoughts on how to reconcile this but would like the input of people of knowledge like you two. This would also help our youngsters who have to grapple with man`s evolution and islam/christianity`s view of our creation in "heaven"
Please provide more written information about your videos (content, speakers, social media accounts of speakers if available, etc.) thx.❤
There is one interesting topics of parallel universe that comes to my mind, when we read about the events of Isra and Mirage. When prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taken to Jerusalem, he led all prophets in prayers. Later on in the sky, he met some of those higher prophets. The question then is, was that an example of parallel existence?
The existence of a master creator, or God, has long been a topic of philosophical, theological, and scientific exploration. Many argue that the universe’s complexity, order, and precision point to the undeniable presence of an intelligent designer. While science does not directly address the question of God’s existence in terms of religious doctrine, it does offer evidence that suggests the possibility of a creator in ways that are compatible with both faith and reason.
One of the most compelling scientific arguments for the existence of a creator is the fine-tuning of the universe. The physical constants of the universe-such as the strength of gravity, the mass of the electron, and the charge of the proton-are set at incredibly precise values. Even the slightest deviation in these constants would make life impossible. For example, if the force of gravity were slightly weaker or stronger, stars could not form in the right way to produce the elements needed for life. If the electromagnetic force were slightly different, chemical bonds could not form, and life as we know it could not exist. The probability that these constants are set in such a way as to allow life to exist by chance is infinitesimally small. Many scientists, including physicists and cosmologists, have concluded that this fine-tuning points to the possibility of a purposeful creator who set the universe’s parameters in such a way as to allow for life.
In addition to fine-tuning, the emergence of life itself provides another area where science intersects with the concept of a creator. The origin of life from non-living matter-also known as abiogenesis-remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. While theories such as the primordial soup hypothesis attempt to explain how life might have begun, there is still no clear mechanism that can account for how complex molecules like DNA and proteins spontaneously formed from simpler compounds. DNA, the molecular blueprint of life, is an incredibly intricate structure, containing vast amounts of information that direct the formation of proteins and other cellular structures. The complexity of DNA and the process by which it replicates and translates genetic information raises questions about the likelihood of such a system emerging purely by random chance. Some scientists have speculated that a guiding intelligence may have played a role in the origin of life, given the complexity involved.
Another scientific argument that suggests the existence of a creator is the concept of the Anthropic Principle. This principle states that the universe appears to be specifically designed to support life. Not only is the fine-tuning of physical constants evident, but the universe’s structure itself seems to be optimized for life. For instance, Earth’s position in the "habitable zone" of our solar system, where liquid water can exist, is another example of seemingly improbable conditions that support life. The rare occurrence of conditions that allow for life to flourish-such as the planet’s atmosphere, magnetic field, and distance from the sun-supports the idea that Earth may have been specially prepared for life. While some argue that this is a result of the "multiverse" theory, where countless universes exist with different properties, the precise nature of our universe still suggests an underlying purpose or design.
From a biological standpoint, the development of highly complex organisms also raises questions. The theory of evolution, which explains the diversity of life through natural selection, provides a mechanism for how life adapts and changes over time. However, it does not fully explain the origin of life or the emergence of complex biological systems. The human brain, for instance, with its ability to reason, create, and understand abstract concepts, goes beyond what is needed for basic survival. The existence of consciousness, self-awareness, and the capacity for moral reasoning cannot be entirely explained by evolutionary processes. These unique human qualities suggest that something greater than random chance may be at play, perhaps reflecting the influence of a higher intelligence.
The idea of a creator also resonates with the concept of moral law, which is embedded within human consciousness. Across cultures and societies, there is a universal sense of right and wrong. This moral framework seems to transcend cultural differences and is often associated with a divine lawgiver. Evolutionary psychology explains human moral behavior in terms of survival and social cooperation, but it struggles to account for the universal human experience of moral obligation and the pursuit of justice. The existence of a shared moral law that points toward higher ideals, such as justice and compassion, suggests that humans were created with an inherent sense of purpose that aligns with divine values.
In conclusion, scientific evidence in the fields of cosmology, biology, and ethics offers strong indications of the existence of a master creator. The fine-tuning of the universe, the complexity of life, the Anthropic Principle, and the moral sense embedded within humanity all point toward the possibility of a purposeful intelligence behind the cosmos. While science may not be able to directly prove the existence of God in a traditional religious sense, it reveals patterns, principles, and complexities that strongly suggest that the universe and life are the result of intentional design. The question of a creator is not merely a theological one but a matter that invites reflection on the profound interconnectedness of life and the universe, offering compelling reasons to believe that a master creator has orchestrated it all.
،Holy Prophet has told us to ponder about the Universe and its wonders but has prohibited us from thinking or asking who created God or when was God created and who did that for the simple that Allah's Entity has no bounds hence no other being whatsoever can reach the level required to know Allah's Full. For us this Universe is enough to prove that it has a Creater Who is magnificent enough to be beyond all comprehension. Or if you want to see and know Allah just turn sincerely to your own heart.
Dont call our beloved prophet “holy”. Peace be upon him. “Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Maryam, for I am only His slave, so say: ‘the slave of Allah and His Messenger.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3261).
Basically, not to question with intelligent reason, but just close eyes and swallow what is fed to you......
Well done and said! ❤@@OsmanDisli88
No one can prohibit someone from thinking or asking questions. The prophet did not do that. Please be careful sharing any information as there are many young people that you may influence to paint the wrong picture.
Barakallahu fikum.
May Allah guides us all in truth
We are creatures in a creation. So to reject out of hand a creator, or a possibility of one, seems illogical or obtuse. Especially so when He has actually spoken to us directly in so many words and books. So punishment for rejection does seem apt, though we're told a mustard seed's weight of faith mercifully saves a soul.
Just like Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said, it is impossible to proove ‘non-existence’. Also Science is based on prooving the existence of something
He is such a knowledgeable person by the grace of Allah. You should have more patience and not to repeat questions before his answers fully complete . Please keep quite for some time thanks
Science can reject a concept , and GOD is NOT a concept , GOD is a percept , " Allama IQBAL."
All nations on earth is like a drop of water in the bucket.
I always tell God i know the wisdom game just cause u don't understand u go to peace and strive to understand but if can't u just saw its veiled from me I'll go back to creature of habits
The evidence of different fingerprints for each human itself is a proof of God which is mentioned in holy book
I am good too ppl but nor due to Positivity but want peace only and can understand that mindset and also negative mindset but I can't even fathom to understand Positivity it's like a blank and I see them as mind of an ox unless it's about peace
The negativity or hell is enuff for me and how many angles, degrees, grades, flow rate of motion as it can rate u slowly or fast I'm.absolutely fascinated about that frequency due to experience on neutral state earth
O mankind! verily there hath come to you a convincing proof from your Lord: For We have sent unto you a light (that is) manifest.(QS An Nisaa:174)
Truly, nothing is hidden from Allah, in the earth or in the heavens.(QS Al Imran:5)
Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?(QS Al Mulk:14)
And on the earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty,(QS Adz Dzariyat:20)
And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?(QS Adz Dzariyat:21)
. 🌱 .
Hikma doesn't discriminate tho it equates to achieve silence, it's clarity doesn't end in logic and fitna or doubt. Their cud be davidic white or Asian or any color or any male who may have a hikma about Positivity but I'm not discussing what I don't understand but neutral and negative we can go into a never ending abstract I know hell or earth which shud be neutral
I say science is not the tool for meta physical. Allah states those who believe in me and fear me without seeing me are the winners. Allah also states that there are many signs all around us screaming his existence.
Science is a tool to discover the workings ie the inner mechanisms of what Allah has created. Discovering a true believer says SubhanAllah. Discovering a sophisticated super powerful engine works, peopke praise that engineer who created it and not that the engine cane by itself. Use aqal. May Allah Guide. Aameen!
Topic: why is Islam the only true religion, or is it?
If the people don't believe in God, how can you prove them a religion. They must learn firstly about the existence of God, that can be even scientifically proved...
Aristotle said that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Man isn't equal to the sum of it's parts it's much greater. Science is reducing the universe to it's part to make a point that there is no God. However God is greater to the sum of the universe parts like Man is greater to the sum of it's parts. If there is no whole then Man is a complete set of tools without purpose and it's a contradiction. How a complete set of tools can be made with no purpose?
I have a sincere advice for the young sister. Could you please not interject so much after asking your question?
Stephen Hawking said that God’s non-existence cannot be proved.
God is here but you must understand its presence not trying to see with the eyes. Mankind is an organic just made from minerals found in nature. How something made by minerals can be aware ? The only missing piece of the mystery is God observing his pupets to make them feel and think they exists but in reality nobody is living because we are made from minerals.
It has done so many times. God is not a human entity or a being. God is the nature aroung us and in the universe. Ok, if god created everything, then who or what created god?
Scroll down, he answered that question as well.
Each type of knowledge including science research needs wisdom..insight..consciousness of human beings...but Faith is above these all....Faith shows a true path to consciousness of its impossible to understand or imagine about God by these limited tools of wisdom..God is وراء الوراء۔۔means beyond imagination.
Yes true, but He has places signs in the universe so that people can acknowledge Him.
God, Allah SWT says in the Noble Qur'an (17:85) "They ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about the spirit. Say, “Its nature is known only to my Lord, and you ˹O humanity˺ have been given but little knowledge.”
God is so so unimaginably, exponentially knowledgeable and intelligent that HE had organised things in such a way that man can only BELIEVE, NOT PROVE HIS existence either way. And it's not necessary either. Even a donkey will believe when it sees something. Man, being the best of the creation, is supposed to behave more intelligently. The Noble Qur'an helps mankind with examples such as
1. Have they not then looked at the sky above them: how We built it and adorned it ˹with stars˺, leaving it flawless?
2. As for the earth, We spread it out and placed upon it firm mountains, and produced in it every type of pleasant plant
3. And We send down blessed rain from the sky, bringing forth gardens and grains for harvest
If these are not sufficient proof, then wait for the Judgement Day and the reckoning when Allah SWT would ask the disbeliever holding him in front of the blazing fire, "Isn't this not real?' and will throw him in to it where he will stay forever.
The so called Sunnah that men should have a beard is a misnomer!
Even the enemies of Rasool had beards!!
It is a cultural thing. In a harsh desert environment of sand storms and where water is very precious, it makes sense to grow a beard.
There are only 2 verses in the Quran and neither talk about men needing to keep a beard.
I am just so glad that women cannot grow a beard, otherwise our so called Ulema would insist they keep a beard too!!
Every one higher post persons beliving fearing even doing iff not obidency butt have selfe realizations must is only God needs his fees of His Office Member" must God is Nobel before aall The Acting persons and field's"
Mankind is not what is visible from him, Mankind is the invisible whole wich is greater than the sum of it's parts. Satan refuted the great whole by reducing Man to it's sum because he said it's made by clay. It's a refutation of mankind soul because something made from clay can't be greater than something made from fire. However the whole is greater than the sum of the parts whatever nature of the parts.
Satan refuted God's abilyty to make clay creature superior to the fire made creature .
He is not understanding
Not understanding what?
God has shown us his signs. There is no such science including religion which can prove God. God can't revealed himself either to us as we are being tested here on this world. BTW scientific theories (physics) of Galileo, Newton, Einstein etc are wrong.
the probability of life emerging from chance is close to zero. Thus the probability of life emerging not from chance is 1.
To be exact, its not 1. Its close to 1. Extremely close to 1. And ought to be taken as 1. Life emerging by design/intentional is a probability of 1.
There is no such thing as proof in science.
Science never disproves anything.
Nobody has ever produced any falsifiable evidence to support the existence claim of any god.
I regard faith as being a position claimed that is devoid of supporting falsifiable evidence.
So, when science disproves a theory which was widely accepted in past, science does not disprove it?
What I mean is, in the past people believe all the heavenly bodies orbited the earth, then science disproved this.
You see the point is not about proving or disproving, it is about what you consider as evidence. People of belief will say, we have scriptures, Prophets and theological arguments that are sufficient evidence for existence of God. You may claim that you don’t consider these arguments as evidence.
Either way, the universe came into existence about 13.8 billion years ago, this means it requires a cause. The argument is what caused it. One cannot claim that there was no cause.
@@tanerserdar "So, when science disproves a theory which was widely accepted in past" Please tell me about something that science has disproven. I thank you in advance.
@ There are so many things friend.
Science disproved the argument that the earth is flat.
Science disproved the argument the earth’s orbit is circular, it is elliptical.
Science disproved the steady state theory.
Science disproved spontaneous generation which argued the life could come from non-living matter…