How long does it take to train a rescue dog? Diary of a rescue dog - Questions

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @ilianarex3918
    @ilianarex3918 3 роки тому +7

    I would love to see a series about dogs that are reactive/aggressive towards people. I volunteer to a local shelter and there are often dogs with behavioural problems so this would help me a lot!

    • @karaboughton5009
      @karaboughton5009 3 роки тому +1

      Oh yes, this would be so helpful for me. I adopted an 8 yo fear aggressive Rescue dog (Australian Kelpie) with some very deep rooted problem behaviour, including aggression towards people visiting our home. We've worked with professional trainers, vet behaviourist and although we've made some slow progress, we still struggle daily with challenging behaviours. The biggest issue I have at present is the fact I fell and injured my knee during a training walk.with the dog, I had surgery and now I'm on crutches. Our dog is so hard to manage when family and friends come over to help me with house chores and nobody can walk the dog because she bites anyone who tries to touch her except me or my husband (they're not serious bites, don't usually draw blood, but still bites which is scary). So I'm stressed and unable to get help to recover and the dog isn't getting enough exercise while I'm injured. We live in South Australia.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому +3

      I plan to make a video on that issue. Remember however it doesn't matter what the issue is rather what you do about it and how slowly and securely you build the dog's confidence.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому +2

      Kara, you can only do what you can do. Don't worry too much about the exercise (in the short term) your dog feeling secure is more important.

  • @OathkeeperSoraXIII
    @OathkeeperSoraXIII 3 роки тому +3

    You deserve more views Nigel! Great video short and sweet, straight to the point.
    I don't know if it was mentioned too much in this video, but know its been said in others. But always try and keep your dog at a threshold where they can still focus on you, or learn to focus on you.
    For example, if you're dog can perform perfect indoors and in the garden but struggles in open environments where there is lots of smells, and too much stimuli in general such as birds chirping, dogs playing or barking in the diatance. Try taking it back a step, try and find environments which are much quieter, build the dog up to succeed.
    I wish this was all stuff I knew at first. My rescue dog came with no social skills nor had he ever walked on a leash before, I took him to a behaviourist support dog walker that was going to help me with him but they were clueless. Straight from get go they wanted to walk in wooded areas and big hiking areas, there was so much wildlife, other dogs, people that my dog actually got worse. Much more reactive, they never tried to teach him to loose lead walk, and essentially tried to say that he should build his confidence by being in charge of the walk. Which was a nightmare when he would run in circles from anxiety and overstimulation.
    I found nigels videos back in December 2019. And went right back to basics, Axel didn't have long 45 minute walks in huge areas with high traffic. We had 3x 10 min walks a day up and down my garden, then progressed to just outside the house, then the road etc... he improved massively on not just trying to bolt off and choke himself out. He hasn't done that in over a year now thanks to Nigels training. Axel is a much more chilled dog now and we are slowly making progress in desensitising him to dogs, by going to calm areas, sitting down and letting him watch the dogs from far enough away that he isn't distracted. He couldn't handle them at probably 200m away, now he can tolerate them at around 15m if they are calm.
    Big thanks for all the videos Nigel. You've helped my boy out a lot :)

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Great to hear. Thanks for sharing. :)

  • @anaosorio8308
    @anaosorio8308 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you, I needed to hear this motivation so much. Some times we feel so frustrated and needs to focus and keep believing.

  • @gwenmueller3473
    @gwenmueller3473 3 роки тому +1

    Great information! Love your examples for each case and scenarios. Thank you for putting out these videos.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Thanks for commenting Gwen :)

  • @fabell1972
    @fabell1972 3 роки тому

    Thank you for all videos on rescue dog. Recently got my second rscue from Romania..she has been on the street and was found with her 5 puppies. I had her daughter too. The mum is progressing, ok now with dogs who are on leads nearby. Barking and lunging to investigate off lead ones. Your videos will help me to progress further and know it a long term journey. But am ok with that.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому +1

      Lovely to hear you rescued. And pleased the videos are helping. You've done a great thing.

  • @hcmiranda1
    @hcmiranda1 3 роки тому

    Hi Nigel. I have two rescue dog here in Brazil and the second one give me a bit more work, specially at the street. After tried some more hard methods, I'm following your teachings. It's very nice to see the progress you've made.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing Henrique. Lovely to hear you rescued.

  • @doggywarriors
    @doggywarriors 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much Nigel for helping to spread our awareness! And another great video full of fab information!

  • @larry68hd11
    @larry68hd11 3 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing 👍

  • @valeriezaffos1212
    @valeriezaffos1212 3 роки тому

    Hi Nigel and Nigel Fans! An idea for a future post: Would you consider addressing how to work with an older dog whose longstanding anxiety issues escalate when the other dog in the household passes away? We had a lovely, calm, affectionate 16yo Sheltie who died in December 2020, and now our 9yo mini-Australian Shepherd is an “only child.” Our Aussie has always had fear-aggression (primarily at visitors in the home), but it was moderated by her housemate. Now that the elder dog is gone, the 9yo’s fears have escalated. What to do?

    • @LeonBosset
      @LeonBosset 3 роки тому +2

      The Sheltie was the pack leader. You need to become the new pack leader. Just my opinion.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Hi Valerie, dogs naturally mourn loss but as Leon mentions the dog has likely taken a leader role because the family are upset. The 9 year old needs you to step up your leadership in every area.

  • @fukumoristar7176
    @fukumoristar7176 3 роки тому

    Hi Nigel all both dogs trust me now but the problem is me
    My fear because they are strong dogs Malinois...I have female and big male of them the male grow up with me, since 8 weeks old ,he is my dog, the other one I adopted her ...ever she bared 7 puppies...the former owner want her down he say he bite the neighbor 2x logic she just have puppies she protect..her...I said no I take her ..with me ..
    There begin training for me dog the big one male Malinois...I train him everyday we practice...since this female not anymore..then I move other house which now I must begin to teach them from zero starting point ...but i.must be strong perseverance...if I want to achieve what.must and needed to do and accomplishments to let them a good .. obedient the this 2 knows each other ever they use to play together when the former owner bring she ...they know each not stranger at all ...thank you so lease give me strength courage do.this to them (pets)..more power..

  • @cathlightfoot9629
    @cathlightfoot9629 3 роки тому

    Hi Nigel
    I need your help, I have taken on a 11 month old male Lakeland terrier, he has the basic sit stay walk to heel,he didn’t bark when we picked him up from the dog show, but now he won’t stop barking in the car, l have tried everything I know, but can not stop him from getting so excited when he get in the car please help otherwise he will have to go back to the Lakeland terriers welfare Society,

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Pleasure. Hope all goes well.

  • @globalnomad450
    @globalnomad450 3 роки тому

    Hi Nigel. Thank you for the update. I have a question, my dogs problems are deep rooted. To get him to stop barking at other dogs was further put back last week when he barked at another dog during a walk. My dog was on a lead but the other dog was ambling along on a walking lead. The body language of the other dog was one of passiveness. The dog was on a walking lead which was just dragging on the ground. The owners had also moved away from my dog to “give me room” I would say they were 10 metres away. Out of nowhere their dog turned and sprinted towards mine. A big fight occurred which injured my dog quite severely. I had to sprint to my car and on to the vet. €800 later my dog is healing. I didn’t leave his side for two days. He is physically mending now, but the mental scars are now a worry to me. Any thoughts?

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Sorry to hear this. it's happened to me a few times but each time I have managed to grab the dog which built the dog's confidence I was with. All you can do is dust yourself off and start again.

  • @billrothwell7139
    @billrothwell7139 3 роки тому

    Hi Nigel we have a 2 year old chocolate lab my daughter has a 4 month old yellow lab, when on walks they are buddies but when the yellow lab plays and lunges at the 2yo, the 2yo shows his teeth as if to bite him any advice to hopefully let them both off the leads would be much appreciated thanks

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому +1

      The yellow lab needs to be taught how to interact kindly by your daughter. The choc lab is saying I don't like your body language.

  • @grannygear1001
    @grannygear1001 3 роки тому

    every dog is so different

  • @maggie7133
    @maggie7133 3 роки тому +2

    Great video....just what I needed for my boy right now...Thank you 😊

  • @ladajurankova6830
    @ladajurankova6830 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for a such honest answer. I love all of your videos ☺

  • @pratima4
    @pratima4 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you watched it twice.

  • @JackPickle
    @JackPickle 3 роки тому

    Excellent advice. Not all rescues come with baggage and the key is patience. You’re a professional and have dogs that have taken 6 months to get on track. We’re 8 weeks in with our GSD foster Bear. We’ve seen so much improvement, yet can get frustrated and question our ability when things don’t click. Then we realise it’s the small steps and bedding them in. Great video

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks Ray :) - Lovely to hear you rescued.

  • @rosarose3443
    @rosarose3443 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this video we love our little rescue and have had her 6 months now. We are still learning together and she is making improvements slowly. Definitely going to work through your videos to iron out areas we need to improve on.

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  2 роки тому

      Great. Hope all goes well.

  • @claireball1149
    @claireball1149 3 роки тому

    Also I reckon depends on some breed differences, I've had mine a year now and it's going to take a good while more, he's very stubborn in his long term behaviour issues, and so determined when in an aroused state which happens even in the front garden still after a year! Food doesn't work and he chokes himself out, working with an awesome trainer now who really helps but agrees certain problems take longer than others! And certain breed groups take longer too! Worth it though. Love him to bits!

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому

      Breed plays a part but I think people tend to exaggerate the differences and use it becomes a limiting belief thinking they can't get trained. Lovely to hear how dedicated you are.

  • @pan0568
    @pan0568 3 роки тому

    My understanding and skill level (starting at zero) are increasing with your help, and Cornish country life helps with environment. However it remains at act of faith that in time my rescue will be able to learn he doesn’t need to rely on aggression when he’s anxious, so he can be safe around people and other dogs and not be muzzled and on lead for the rest of his life, which a few trainers have told me is the most likely future for him. Anyway ... your book is amazing ... thank you!

    • @nigelreed
      @nigelreed  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for getting the book. If you get from stage 1-2. You can get to 2- 3. Thinking of stage 20 (off lead around other dogs must seem impossible but keep progressing through the stages and aiming to boost his confidence each day and you will get there.

    • @pan0568
      @pan0568 3 роки тому

      @@nigelreed I will keep moving forward, I don’t care how long it takes, he deserves the best from me and life.