Love your videos! So helpful! Is this deer protection method also what you would recommend for guarding fruit trees? And... do you have any problems with rabbits destroying your evergreen trees? My husband and I are hoping to plant fruit trees this spring, and we want to be sure we don't lose them to critters. We know we have deer, bunnies, some kind of ground squirrel popping up occasionally from holes in the soil, and coyotes that come from nearby groves.
Love your videos! So helpful! Is this deer protection method also what you would recommend for guarding fruit trees? And... do you have any problems with rabbits destroying your evergreen trees? My husband and I are hoping to plant fruit trees this spring, and we want to be sure we don't lose them to critters. We know we have deer, bunnies, some kind of ground squirrel popping up occasionally from holes in the soil, and coyotes that come from nearby groves.
Yes I do this for all kinds of trees