I found the other day picking around, that if I picked the high D string 12th fret harmonic, put the bar on the 12th fret and slid back down to the seventh or fifth fret, it was like i had 2 seperate string noises at the same time. The main sound was the harmonic getting lower, but the ringing of the string between the bar and the nut gets higher lol. Very interesting sound, and I don't know what to do with it 🤣🤣
Sounds like you're heading towards the realm of the "underwater dobro trick"! For kicks, put the bar on the 12th fret and cross your hands to pick on the wrong side of the bar. Underwater Dobro! I've seen Billy Cardine do a variation where he strums on the wrong side of the bar with the bar on about the 10th fret, and then slides up to the 12th fret and the note blooms... pretty cool. We'll sound like an acoustic version of Speedy West before we know it! Thanks.
@dobrojoeschannel7012 I've heard one person do that, I think his name is Thomas Oliver. During his rendition of "jurassic park" on the weissenborn. I didn't know it was a thing LOL
I found the other day picking around, that if I picked the high D string 12th fret harmonic, put the bar on the 12th fret and slid back down to the seventh or fifth fret, it was like i had 2 seperate string noises at the same time. The main sound was the harmonic getting lower, but the ringing of the string between the bar and the nut gets higher lol. Very interesting sound, and I don't know what to do with it 🤣🤣
Sounds like you're heading towards the realm of the "underwater dobro trick"! For kicks, put the bar on the 12th fret and cross your hands to pick on the wrong side of the bar. Underwater Dobro! I've seen Billy Cardine do a variation where he strums on the wrong side of the bar with the bar on about the 10th fret, and then slides up to the 12th fret and the note blooms... pretty cool. We'll sound like an acoustic version of Speedy West before we know it! Thanks.
@dobrojoeschannel7012 I've heard one person do that, I think his name is Thomas Oliver. During his rendition of "jurassic park" on the weissenborn. I didn't know it was a thing LOL