THE MASSIVE WARPBOMB OF THE SKAVEN! Total War: Warhammer 3 - Malakai Makaisson [IE] Campaign #25

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @Frozenaro
    @Frozenaro 3 місяці тому +6

    When you do switch armies over to ironbreakers, don't forget to get the tech for shield wall with them. I believe it's called something else for them but it's about halfway through the tree.

  • @senshibat8920
    @senshibat8920 3 місяці тому +9

    yes Yes mob huddle wait for it..cackle yes yes

  • @WauwieF
    @WauwieF 3 місяці тому +2

    The real dwarven Heroes are the four guys carrying the leaders throne all the time - with one arm mind you. They deserve more appreciation.
    Skavens tinkered with your tech and prevented Spirit of Grungni from spawning. And since this is not legendary, maybe avoid clicking on spells while another one is already loading since the game slows down and it takes even longer.
    Have you ever tried the Trials of Fate and if so what score did you reach?

  • @harisali104
    @harisali104 3 місяці тому +3

    Whenever you get the chance to change Malakai's army composition, I'd say something like this would work pretty well (I've added slight variations too):
    Comp 1: Malakai, Gotrik, Felix, Ulrika, 4 Ironbreakers, 2 Doomseekers, 4 Gyros, 2 Cannons/Organ Guns, 4 Gruderakers.
    Comp 2: Malakai, Gotrik, Felix, Ulrika, 4 Ironbreakers, 2 Doomseekers, 4 Gyros, 2 Cannons/Organ Guns, 2 Gruderakers, 2 Thunderers.
    Comp 3: Malakai, Gotrik, Felix, Ulrika, 4 Ironbreakers, 2 Doomseekers, 4 Gryos, 2 Cannons/Organ Guns, 2 Gruderakers, 2 Slayers.
    Comp 4: Malakai, Gotrik, Felix, Ulrika, 4 Ironbreakers, 2 Doomseekers, 4 Gyros, 2 Cannons/Organ Guns, 2 Gruderakers, 2 Spirit of Grungi.
    Comp 5: Malakai, Gotrik, Felix, Ulrika, 4 Ironbreakers, 2 Doomseekers, 4 Gyros, 2 Cannons/Organ Guns, 2 Gruderakers, 2 Miners With Blasting Charges.

  • @Harte74
    @Harte74 3 місяці тому +1

    Tough battle there in the end, but amazing executed. 🙂
    But I've been wondering for some episodes now; why aren't you replacing your dwarf warriors with either Longbeards or even better, Ironbreakers?
    And just keep hammering anyone, who insults the dawi. They deserves it. 😎😁

    • @shadowwolf2608
      @shadowwolf2608 3 місяці тому

      Lionheart, you can get ironbreakers. They're showing up in the global pool. One of your settlements from Belegar has the building. I believe that it is in his starting province's capital.

  • @IRITH0601
    @IRITH0601 3 місяці тому

    Liknheart you need more rune for your Dawi let's craft them! ❤🎉 thanks for the video ❤

  • @M12Z0
    @M12Z0 3 місяці тому +3

    30:45 I liked Fabrigear's gas mask yes-yes, looks nice-good

  • @senshibat8920
    @senshibat8920 3 місяці тому

    Admiral Malaki "its a trap"

  • @onlyDoti
    @onlyDoti 3 місяці тому

    Put Thunderbarges in Malakais Army!!

  • @shadowwolf2608
    @shadowwolf2608 3 місяці тому +2

    Ironside Saga #25
    "I have never been happier to know that they're quickly approaching in my life," Morgris quietly remarks as he hears the sounds of approaching engines in the distance. He goes to the perimeter of the camp, and spots the 20 metal bodies of Aragris' force of iron thunderers. Their six wheels allow them to smoothly traverse the barren ground. "Though I don't know if they have the relic, they're all alive it seems which is better than nothing." Upon reaching the campsite, Aragris and Utrid organize the iron thunderers into defensive positions around the campsite in order to improve security. Once this matter is done, they meet up with Morgris.
    Aragris smiles, "I am happy to report that we have secured the relic." She presents the bands to her brother. "With this, we have now secured five relics and that drill isn't going to threaten anyone. How did your mission to retrieve the salve go? Were you able to secure it?"
    "Aye, we have it," Morgris replies.
    "Where is Undur? I thought that he would want to hear about this as much as you do," Utrid points out. Morgris knew that his sisters would notice their brother's absence, but he had hoped that it would take them a little bit longer.
    With no choice but to answer with the truth, Morgris takes a deep breath and begins explaining, "His left ankle isn't feeling right, so he's not walking anymore than he has to. Unfortunately, our bout with the ogres who had come into possession of the salve has left Undur greatly shaken up. He just barely escaped death at the hands of the tyrant leading that force, and then immediately nearly was crushed by a slain stonehorn as it collapsed. He's been having nightmares about fighting melee, and has currently lost his desire to fight in melee at all."
    "Well then he can ride with one of us if he doesn't mind that it will be tight," Aragris states as she thinks. "That will help his ankle, and hopefully we can get him to proper medical attention in the coming days. However, that is not good because Undur has fought in melee before and never came out of it like this. Perhaps I'm overestimating how shaken up he is, but it doesn't sound good knowing him."
    Utrid interjects, "How about we go and talk to him ourselves? That way we can judge for ourselves without having to worry about miscommunications resulting in misunderstandings." Morgris leads his two sisters to their older brother's tent, and having some advanced medical training, Aragris inspects his ankle up close.
    After carefully inspecting it, she gives her conclusion, "It is definitely inflamed, no bout from how you moved to avoid first an ogre and then a stonehorn. You can put weight on it, but it is best that you don't walk if you don't have to. I'm afraid that I have to give you strict directions to ride with one of us inside and iron thunderer until this properly heals. It seems that it could be worse, so there is that. With that out of the way, you don't look well at all Undur. If Morgris hadn't told me what happened, I'd think that you're severely sick."
    Undur takes a deep breath, and then speaks after slowly exhaling, "I'm sorry. I don't know why, but that fight with the tyrant and just barely escaping being crushed has...I just don't feel like I can fight up close. In all honesty, I don't even want to be on the ground in a battle right now. I don't like newer technologies, but I wish that I knew how to fly anything at this time so I could be out of the reach of most things and could shoot at them from the air. Furthermore, there is now a serious problem facing this army, and it is clearer now than ever. This army is in critical need of more firepower, and not just a marginal improvement either. If we don't get it, I don't think that my soldiers will be able to keep going, and we may not be able to stop the next opponent we face. Only, I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to change this army to include things like thunderers and cannons, but I don't know how to avoid that."
    "Well, you obviously cannot ride on the side of a gyrocopter," Morgris interjects as she sits across from and to the left of his brother.
    Utrid quickly replies, "This is not a time for jokes Morgris!"
    "I wasn't joking," he responds. "I think that I know how we can address this issue. There is, in fact, a way for Undur to partake in battle while staying out of melee for the most part and shoot our enemy, a thunderbarge. It would give Under what he needs to keep leading this army while he recovers from his fight with the tyrant, improve his view of the area while he uses runic magic, and give this army a noticeable improvement in firepower."
    "Okay, that isn't a bad idea," Utrid says and turns back to Undur. "What do you think?"
    "If it can be done, I will accept this solution," Undur replies. "However, one thunderbarge isn't enough to fix the problem of this army's lack of firepower. I've heard some talk from the dwarf warriors under my command that they wish that they had some sort of ranged weapon that they could have used. That way, they could have done some damage from range as well. Looking back on some of the battles that this army has seen, such a ranged weapon would have helped in several of them. I suppose that I could have my warriors retrained as thunderers, but that would leave this army's capability in melee severely reduced. Furthermore, the rangers can already deal with armor fairly well thanks to that runesmith we helped some time ago now."
    Putting all this information together, Aragris comes up with a solution, "There is a way that we can strengthen this army's ranged firepower and keep its melee performance: Ironbreakers. Though we haven't been able to get them in the past, because of our current situation, we may be able to acquire them now."
    "Lord Makaisson isn't far away, so I'll draft a message to him as soon as we're done talking," Undur states. "If you wouldn't-"
    "No, you're not doing anything until you've had a rest," Morgris states. "We'll take care of it. Aragris, you draft a message requesting the ironbreakers. I'll handle the thunderbarge. Let me know if you want a second opinion on your message."
    "I've sent a message to Lord Makaisson before, and he seemed to be very receptive to me in his response," Aragris politely points out. "Though this is a much bigger request, I think that I can manage a draft at minimum, if not the final version that we send to him."

  • @filiptrescec
    @filiptrescec 3 місяці тому +1

    When I first saw that title, the first thought that crossed my mind was did Lionheart got Skaven nuked again? Well fought when it comes to the adventure. And one more thing, you will have to go to Zharr-Naggrund with your other armies because the Chofs are your final crisis if I remember correctly. So Ungrim will have a lot of slaying to do.

  • @Oneriodream
    @Oneriodream 3 місяці тому

    If you're updating Malakai's army you should take the time to build him somer proper infantry. It's too late in the game to have dwarf warriors. Get some longbeards or iron breakers

  • @madelinemccaul8209
    @madelinemccaul8209 3 місяці тому +1

    Not 100% sure the change to grudges hasn't gone through for you. It's supposed to restrict it to just the factions you border but your borders are kind of all over the place so that's probably most of the factions you know about.

  • @inductivegrunt94
    @inductivegrunt94 3 місяці тому +1

    It was a hard fought struggle, but the bomb was disarmed and the hold was saved. Excellent work on that battle, you did amazing even when being overwhelmed by all the Skaven coming at you all at once.