WHAT IF ALIENS ARE REAL? Bible Scholars Respond



  • @ringthembells143
    @ringthembells143  5 місяців тому +1

    Full Interview 👀👽✅-ua-cam.com/video/VkuoMFIVqQc/v-deo.htmlsi=61KZ63Uh97-4FFjn

  • @larsandrune
    @larsandrune 5 місяців тому +5

    Gods universe ✨️ is way more bigger and complex than our small minds can understand.

  • @gracegeek4678
    @gracegeek4678 5 місяців тому +5

    Any answer other than "no" is "yes". Not from outer space. They're from a different dimension.

  • @BentIronBins
    @BentIronBins 5 місяців тому +1

    Maybe you’ve talked about this before but i was wondering if you could do a show on the pre adamic era if there was one.

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 5 місяців тому +6


    • @BleachedWheat
      @BleachedWheat 5 місяців тому

      By the logic you just displayed with your comment, there are no fallen angels.
      Btw, long post alert, but pls, pls read it all. God bless you.
      U said there are no aliens or UFOs, but that they are fallen angels. Obviously u intended to say that aliens ARE actually fallen angels.
      Since fallen angels are the aliens, and if UFO aliens aren't real, then neither are fallen angels, because after all, fallen angels ARE the aliens, therefore fallen angels aren't real because ufo aliens aren't real. Their the same thing, therefore if one is fake, then both are fake, because they are the same thing.
      Sister, while it's true that the Bible doesn't talk about "aliens" as described by modern secular "science",
      But the Bible DOES describe something VERY similar, just the biblical version.
      Book of Jude numbers them as at least 100 million. Angel is a job description, it's what they DO, not what they look like. Angels come in a variety of forms, cherubim, seraphim, ophanim, human form, etc... All looking different. They come down to earth, and go up to heaven. They have powers. They live in the heavens, and come down to minister to us.
      It's a conglomeration of non human peoples, that can go down and up from earth and heaven. They mostly live in heaven, which from the Bible we know contains the realm of the sun moon and stars.
      It's biblically logical, to talk about a possible community of fallen angels, among the stars, where condemned angels may scratch a living off space rocks, gathering materials with which to, using their angelic knowledge, create advanced celestial chariots, aka UFOs, in order to come to Earth, the only place known biblically to support mortal life, so they can exist more comfortably until they die, after which comes the judgement. And yes, angels ARE physical beings, especially after they fall. The watchers took wives and had sex with them, producing children! That's physical!
      Aliens are angels, and they are real. Angels absolutely fulfill the definition of "extraterrestrial". Don't doubt it.
      Righteous unfallen angels, are probably the ones with immortality and super powers, not needing advanced ships to traverse the heavens. But just cause they don't need it, doesn't mean they don't have it. Especially after 6000 yrs of watching human invention. They are immortal so they don't need food, yet they still have it. It's Mana. So just cause they don't need something, does NOT mean, by itself, that they don't have it, and the same is true for technology.
      When they fall, they seem to lose their immortality and super powers. They go from being super beautiful and shining, to shockingly ugly and dark.
      After the babel tower incident, God told the fallen angels that they would be the gods of the other nations, and that they would sin and die like men and go down into the pit. Die like men, and go down into the pit. Let that sink in.
      After they lose their immortality, if they are in space when it happens, then they need to come here, or they will die immediately. No more super powers means no more teleportation, so they need machines to help them do it.
      They come here, the only place known to support mortal life, so they can exist easier and safer than in the hostilities of space, that way they can live as long as possible, holding off their judgement for as long as they can, like king ahab did, till they can't anymore.
      Then they die and go to the pit, to await judgement like the rest of the lost.
      So, as u can imagine, this is the background "context" surrounding UFOs and abductions.
      They are fallen angels in craft of their own design. They came to earth and lie about who they are and where they come from, leading people to believe a lie, that the "aliens" are simply people who evolved in another solar system. That's a lie they push.
      Our leaders then allowed them to abduct citizens for experimentation, in exchange for technology.
      So because our leaders gave them permission, we now have UFO abductions happen a bunch, from which we get abductees, WHO NEVER MET WITH OR SPOKE TO EACH OTHER, giving extremely similar stories, about a very ugly group of entities attempting artificial hybridization.
      See at first, the watchers did it, but thru sexual intercourse, they took wives. Took, sounds a little kidnappey, one might even say, abducted.
      Well, "defiling themselves with women" is one of the things they were charged with, so now at the end, during the time Jesus described as LIKE the days of Noah, we have non humans coming down from the sky, abducting people against their will, and making hybrids. Only this time it's done thru machines. Genetic splicing and artificial insemination and surgical extraction of fetuses.
      All of this described by people who never met one another.
      Women have been impregnated, the fetus seen on ultrasound by her human doctor, only to be reabducted 3 months later, and having the baby removed after only 3 months, again, later confirmed by the human doctor. WHO THEN were abducted AGAIN several months later, and showed a hybrid child, not a baby but a child as if they sped up it's growth rate, and told to touch the child as it was important for their development, before the woman was finally put back and left alone. They aren't allowed to do it sexually, or physically can't as a result of the fall, so have to use machines to do it for them.
      Why are they doing this? It's obvious, once u spend enough time reading abductee reports.
      They are trying to skirt around the judgement of God upon them.
      Jesus died for humans, and it has to do with our genetic makeup. Christ gave His human blood!
      Also, the Bible tells us that sin and righteousness affect our DNA, as both can be past down to our children.
      The fallen angels, in terror of the judgement, are trying to extract the "image of God" from us, to insert it into them, so they can physically receive salvation.
      They are trying to be similar enough to us, whom they hate, so that they can get saved, like us.
      They hate us, and they want to be us, because God deposed them, and put us in their place. They have to suffer torture for eternity, while we get to enjoy joy for eternity.
      In their minds, they are doing everything they can think of to beat Jesus, only to STILL be defeated by Him.
      They are terrified, beyond scared. That terror and hatred motivates them to blindly, deceive humans and change their genetic structure. Of course, neither will fully work, nor will their goals be achieved, but they're still trying with all their might.
      And that motivation of theirs, is what has driven much of prophecy, as God often uses the actions and influences of the enemy, to bring about His plans for His people. Right in the face of the fallen.
      The armies and peoples of the nations ruled by the false gods, were often a source of punishment upon God's people, when He simply withdrew His protection, after His people rejected Him. This has often driven prophecy into fulfillment.
      Since they want to wipe out God's people, thru mindless terror, using them for His own purposes, seems an obvious move for God to make. Obvious, for anyone not mindless from terror.
      It's like how, since only blood can pay for sin, and since they rejected Jesus, and since there has to be a 3rd temple in Israel for end times prophecy to be fulfilled, Israel had to give up its own blood to exist again.
      They rejected their Messiah, so rejected His blood payment. So they had to pay for their national sin, with their nation's blood. What I'm trying to say is, the Holocaust was allowed to happen so that God would give His land back to His people. The Holocaust happened so that Israel could be reborn. This is an obvious example of God using the mindless terrors of the enemy, to fulfill His purposes.
      And when it comes to God playing the game He designed, playing by His own rules, DONT DOUBT IT!!!
      What happened shortly after Roswell? The dead sea scrolls came to light! Satan made a move, and God countered it!
      So in summary, the thing that doesn't exist is, the theory of evolution. "Aliens/extraterrestrials" DO exist, just in a different way.
      They just did not "evolve" somewhere else, because evolution is not real.
      They have a home/base/way station, off earth, out where the sun moon and stars are, and they are non human.
      That's the definition of "alien/extraterrestrial". The thing that's not real, is the lie that they came from evolving there.
      Pls forgive me for any rudeness Iv spoken. This is a subject very near and dear to my heart, as I myself have had MANY encounters with the super natural and UFOs, and I personally knew an abductee, who has since passed on.
      Tell an abductee about how aliens ain't real, and you'll get out in ur place with the quickness, cause they don't play that game of nonsense. If a man tells u about what happened to him, and u call him a liar, that sort of thing tends to not go well, cause of u and ur blasphemous words.
      People have had babies taken out of their bellies. People's lives have been ruined by people smearing them, when they simply sought help for the trauma they had been dealt. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN MURDERED TO KEEP THE SECRET! It's not a joke.
      Why would the government murder to keep it secret/discredited? Because if the people found out that UFO abductions were real, that they kidnap abuse and sometimes kill people, AND THAT THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWED IT IN EXCHANGE FOR TRINKETS, well then the masses would rise up and kill the perpetrators and make EVERYTHING public!
      Why do the governments kill to maintain their secrets, because we would righteously execute them for their crimes! All those who do evil fear the light, cause they fear their evils will be exposed before all and they will receive righteous punishment, which they fear.
      Just like their "alien" overlords.

    • @bonniehuff3901
      @bonniehuff3901 5 місяців тому

      UFO are real

  • @billyclyde5129
    @billyclyde5129 5 місяців тому

    In the picture at 2:35. It's a digital photo. In a digital photo solid black is a section that was too bright for the camera to resolve so it blacks out. The black object in the photo is not a solid object.

  • @SpiritLevel888
    @SpiritLevel888 4 місяці тому

    I was into "Ancient Aliens" (the gods) *L O N G* before they were fashionable. As a "cosmic" new ager I listened to a lotta mediums channeling spiritual E.T.s, and they spoke amazing, ear-tickling, EGO-STROKING things....... I was utterly entranced by the deep wisdom.... Now I'm in a different LIGHT (John 8:12) I see what a FOOL I was. For all the talk of a Great Awakening a *Greater Deception* is coming.......
    ..... A lotta UFO's are secret Gov. tech; but not all. Aliens/E.T.s are super-intelligent yet highly deceptive FALLEN ANGELS: the deviant *sons of God* of Biblical fame and their abominable *H Y B R I D* or synthetic A.I. creations (the Men in Black, the Greys, Reptilians, Mothman, Sasquatch etc).
    The Fallen are VIRTUAL REALITY MASTERS out to *mess with our minds* and make us believe in *stuff* that ain't based in truth (John 14:6) - It's all about *deceiving humanity* and it's REAL EASY.

  • @juliephillips1126
    @juliephillips1126 2 місяці тому

    Of course they are. My sister id a witch and i am gently persuading her that yes there is a spirit realm. I told her to read The Unseen Realm. She gets angry with me so gently gently will hopefully win her soul!! She speaks to our dead grandmother ànd sister !!! No Jesus. No satan. In her world 🌎

  • @johnpage7735
    @johnpage7735 5 місяців тому +4

    They never seem to crash anywhere but the USA. 😂

    • @BleachedWheat
      @BleachedWheat 5 місяців тому

      That's a popular misconception. Russia has had a few crashes. Iran and Israel have chased UFOs with fighter pilots. The rendlesham forest incident, happened in jolly ole England, and Mexico is a huge hotspot for UFO activity.
      Peru recently had an incident where, at a small town, all the men rushed out with guns, to chase off an entity described as "alien", when it tried to abduct a 15 yr old girl, which falls in line with fallen angels propensity to "take wives".
      Many UFOs have been seen over the oceans as well.
      Saying they only happen here is, 1, a misconception, and 2, a smear used by ignorant unbelievers to discredit the entire UFO community, while willfully ignoring evidence.

    • @ljb6603
      @ljb6603 5 місяців тому

      You should pay attention to some of the many stories from South America, Europe and Africa. There’s a lot going on

  • @joshuajames2425
    @joshuajames2425 5 місяців тому +2

    Careful.. The word salad presented here is potentially quite dangerous...

  • @happyman42
    @happyman42 5 місяців тому +1

    Man get Hugh Ross on the channel. Not trying to be mean, but he offered nothing that a 16 year old high school couldn't say. No these are physical beings, the laws of physics state these cannot be physical beings. They are disembodied aka fallen angels/demons.

    • @happyman42
      @happyman42 5 місяців тому

      As it was during the time of Noah so it will be during the end of the age. Meaning demons and fallen angels are jumping into the physical world and impacting the world as they did before

    • @ringthembells143
      @ringthembells143  5 місяців тому +1

      Don’t live in the echo chamber. I’m glad that you listened here because we all need to realize that none of this can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. The only thing we know for certain is that some type of phenomenon is happening. Other than that speculation and and any assumptions of certainty lead people to separate themselves from hearing other sides of the story. I probably lean closer to what you’re describing in my thought process and that’s why I chose this wonderful scholar to help balance my view out. Hope that makes sense❤️✅🔔

    • @happyman42
      @happyman42 5 місяців тому

      @@ringthembells143 So yes it can be. You're not hearing what I'm saying. One of my pet peeves is that believers can become so evidential based or worried about standing on an actual belief that they play Switzerland with everything. Again I'd highly recommend you check out Hugh Ross. As I said, these being CANNOT be physical beings. They defy the laws of physics, #1 the government is constantly lying to you but because they dangle "UFOs" as a possibility we're supposed to believe they're truth tellers? #2 My main point is you're saying we have no evidence of these things and again I'm telling you your guest is extremely misinformed because he hasn't spoken to any physicists. If you're a physical being in a physical craft then you cannot do the things they're doing. Period. That's not Internet assumptions, those are actual facts. This is one of the beauties of science. We can know that these things are just lies.

  • @duketta
    @duketta 5 місяців тому

    Nothing new here?

  • @Roads241
    @Roads241 5 місяців тому

    Interesting...we live inside a firmament, we cannot leave, nothing can come in unless God allows. The builders of the Tower of Babel knew of the firmament, they said "let us build a tower whos top reaches heaven", Genesis 11:4-8.

    • @ringthembells143
      @ringthembells143  5 місяців тому

      So I guess you missed the photographs of the eclipse from the space station recently. God spoke in a specific time to a specific people who didn’t have everything scientifically figured out yet but God worked through those people to relay his truth without scientific accuracy. The world is not flat I’m sorry

    • @Roads241
      @Roads241 5 місяців тому

      Scientific accuracy?...this is an oxymoron. Your bible is your photographs, your gods are your scientists. "God has chosen the foolish things of the world that He might shame the wise." 1 Corinthians 1:27.

  • @dennisburdick682
    @dennisburdick682 5 місяців тому

    LORD YHWH is thee Creator. I think of HIM as a 2 yr old with a box of crayons in a white room. HE loves to create. We are not alone in the multiverse.

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 5 місяців тому +2


    • @BleachedWheat
      @BleachedWheat 5 місяців тому

      You should be specific about what they added. Don't just smear someone and offer nothing more, but show the evidence that backs up your claims. Otherwise your just a leftist.

    • @ringthembells143
      @ringthembells143  5 місяців тому +1

      Sorry your message doesn’t make any sense. We didn’t Add anything to the Biblical text in this video✅

    • @BleachedWheat
      @BleachedWheat 5 місяців тому +1

      @@ringthembells143 Right! That's why I was like, pls explain ur statement, cause to just say something like that without explanation, makes u the same as a leftist, hahaha!!! 🤣
      Which some may take offense to, and I don't care, but I was just picking on the guy a lil.

  • @bonniehuff3901
    @bonniehuff3901 5 місяців тому

    They are real the Bible says it is they are called morning stars or sons of god

    • @ringthembells143
      @ringthembells143  5 місяців тому

      I really agree with this statement. And the ancient near and mind planets were associated as being celestial beings.