Yes, I still remember a boy. At that speed, the trains used to rock back and forth with the force of the pistons. Alas, obviously this couldn't be simulated in this clip.
My Grandparents neighbor was an engineer on the flying Scotsman and when I was 4 he arranged for it to stop for my Mum and myself in the village where we lived.
Had the privilege of riding on it when it was here in Australia in the mid eighties. Certainly an unforgettable experience. Magnificent piece of machinery.
@@Porsche_Addict05 Electric power mate, the passanger cars are more modern than Scotty XD. THEY need elecyricity for the passengers comfort, such as lighting and AC/heating. That ugly thing at the rear is the reason: Its an electric generator on wheels, basically, but also can apply extra breaks in case of a real emergency need to.
I remember watching the last scheduled run of the Flying Scotsman charge through Stevenage old station at 10:24 in the morning. The platform was packed with people.
I used to see this loco many times back in the 1950s & 60s going through Doncaster at high speed but never like this, it's a credit to all the staff who maintain these beautiful locos and many thanks for showing this video.
Объявление на станции: "Приближается скоростной поезд, отойдите от края платформы!" Ждёшь электропоезд-экспресс. Мимо тебя с грохотом и пыхтением на скорости быстрее электропоезда проносится это чудо!!!! У нас пригородные экспрессы ходят со скоростью в 150км/ч (93 mph). Это красавец несётся 100, т.е. больше 160км/ч!!! Ему под сотню лет, но ладно скроен и крепко сделан. Моё почтение его команде!
I remember as a kid being taken by my OM to one of the local ECML stations in northern Northumberland - I remember the name began with a B, so that would make it either Beal or Belford. We saw an A4 hauled southbound approaching at very high speed - it could not have been far short of 100mph. What impressed me the most was the way the engine was swaying rapidly from side to side from the power of the pistons as they propelled the train down the track. As it roared through the station it was a very impressive site - a testimony of the genius of Gresley, the former LNER chief mechanical engineer.
2 роки тому+3
Wow, I'd love to see this in person. It really lives up to the name! Just wow, there's a lot of drama with those fly-bys! The noise, the mechanicals all on display, the steam trail and of course the feeling of something that massive blowing by. I was lucky enough to see the 4014 run in 2019 seeing something that big gradually accelerate is a marvel and intimidating! An engineering marvel that deserves the utmost respect.
My dad was a fireman with GWR and he always told me stories of him being on the footplate of a couple of Castles that would regularly hit the ton on the way down to London from Cardiff and another thing he would always tell me was how scary it was hitting the Seven tunnel, we never knew if we were going to plough into a flooded tunnel.... I know this would have truly scared my dad because he couldn’t swim
The GWR mainline to Paddington was and still is a fine piece of railway. Classic Brunel, being engineered to the highest standard. I can only imagine what it must have been like to have been present on the footplate of a Castle at 100mph out on a line like this. Fascinating.
@@PrinceJohn84 Thanks for the reply… My dad loved his time on the footplate and he never stopped talking about it. I do believe my dad join the railways when he left school in the early 50s and left with the introduction of diesel, he did have the opportunity to go to South Africa with the driver he worked with but my mother wouldn’t emigrate.
My dad was instrumental in working with Alan Pegler to bring the Flying Scotsman to the USA in the late 60's and early 70's. I still have boxes of Flying Scotsman souvenirs that went unsold and recall hauling them to LA in an 18 wheeler and chasing it with loads of coal across middle America on its tour.
I saw the Flying Scotsman on display at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco around 1970. If I remember correctly, the tour didn't generate sufficient revenue so that the promoters had a difficult time getting it back to the UK. But look at her now!
Thanks for presenting . . . truly awesome. Although a much overused word, these days, the FC's speed and power could hardly be better described . . . simply AWESOME!
Wonderful! The filming was excellent. You resisted the often overuse of the telephoto lens and allowed the train to come to you therefore allowing the true experience of the speed. Thanks fir posting.
Totally agree. So many videos present the ridiculous spectacle of an express engine huffing and puffing and apparently doing 10 mph over badly twisted track.
It makes perfect sense why folks over here in America were just gaga about her when she came here. I love our steamers but apart from being considerably bigger, they’re much more workman-like with only a few exceptions. Scotty is a true work of art, its paint, its technological capabilities, its styling and everything about her invigorates the imagination. Not bad at all for a 100 year old engine that death can never hold a candle to. I’ll see you in person one day❤️
Wow !! Beautiful on ANY level !! Sometimes we forget what a REVOLUTION Railroading was. I'm thinking it was maybe 1 of 4 Inventions that together changed the world, and out of which everything SINCE grew - 1. STEEL - Modern Steel Production 2. Rail-Roading ( Cars and airplanes, etc. grew out of the technology) AND the realization that EFFICIENT Transportation was a must 3. Air Conditioning - making unpopulat-able (? _;-)) !_ ) areas livable: Urban areas, homes, hot and arid areas 4. Long Distance Communications But in my PERSONAL opinion, it took RAILROADING to bring it ALL to the WORLD ! What a BEAUTIFUL example of Art, Engineering and Human NEED all converging in this example of some of our BEST - and most beautiful !
To Lief Liltorp , the reason for the diesel loco is to provide extra braking in the event of emergency and auxiliary power to the the coaches , i.e lighting , heating , air con , cooking facilities ect, ect .
Fabulous, watching from Australia and having grown up in East Africa, I am used to hearing hearty masculine steam engine whistles, so I am amused, if not shocked that this magnificent machine is insulted by such a pissy whistle. It sounds like something off a kettle or out of a Christmas Cracker... love the footage regardless.
Oh my God! That is an old transportation tool from another century made with old science and technology. moves so fast that I do not believe my eyes. That steamed locomotive is super!
While it is a bit of fun in guessing what it would look like doing the 100 it would not be allowed in today's over regulated world. Every time I see a Steam Train in full flight with a Diesel Loco on the rear I can't help wondering if it is just cruising along or hanging on for dear life. Good video, Long Live Steam Locos.
@@kennethlaycock4724 The diesels are there to provided power and breaking in case the Loco breaks down. Flying Scotsman is getting into her 100th birthday soon
So cool that in 2020 we can occasionally do 125mph. Best thing, by the time HS2 is completed we could have had luxury coach, Lorry and family pods equipped with LIDAR and global nav operating at 160-200 mph on improved motorways for a fraction of the price of HS2
I honestly don't understand why they didn't just upgraded our railway that we already have here in the UK to accommodate faster trains than build a brand new one, would have been far cheaper I'd guess too 👌🏻 The Alstom Class 390 Pendolino's are capable of 140mph but are limited to 125mph due to the lack of in-cab signalling ability. They could have easily upgraded our existing railways to allow 160-200mph trains, but why do we need to go so fast? 125mph gets you to London from the north in around 2hrs to 2hrs 30mins, and it'd be even less if it was an express non stop service. The Class 390 does 125mph on a daily basis in service, it's not just occasionally 👍🏻 I find it very impressive that these Steam locomotives can keep up with modern train's, and even beat some of the older diesels 😁 And as for motorways, Leave them well alone, these so called smart motorways are a complete an utter disaster and are quite frankly death traps, that need to be scrapped and made back into standard motorways.
That desiel in the back reminds me when Gordon started off so quickly before they could uncouple Thomas from the coaches and he was dragged all the way to wells
It amazes me that the heavy, probably 300 to 500 pounds each, connecting rods, stay on at this speed, and the way the smoke is being blown back, it should be at, or around 100mph, for real.
Grande ! As youngsters in Ireland, mon ami, we always loved it when the trains passed by at a leisurely rate, as it provided us a great chance to bounce a few ripe tomatoes off some of the pork-pie-faced blokes who stuck their mugs out the window/door openings. Mon Dieu, what fun. ESPECIALLY if they were holding a pint a' bitters that they then dropped! Ho-Ho-Ho! Monsieur Santa would say.
Flying Scotsman: i did this once and I'm gonna do it again The diesel on the back: wut Flying Scotsman: NYOOOOOOOO- the diesel in the back: YO WHAT THE F-
No.its insurance in case of a breakdown. Remember, these engines are running on mainline tracks. A breakdown could be a big problem for scheduled trains.
Keegan1104 it's not for extra power, it's incase of breakdown. Steam trains running on main lines are often required to have a diesel backup, if the line is blocked by a broken down train it is very disruptive and costly to the railway, literally thousands of passengers on other trains could be delayed costing the company tens of thousands in compensation and fines.
I believe there is a (75mph ?) speed limit for these historic trains in the UK, so unlikely to be her old 100mph max in-service days. Galloping along, nevertheless. Wonderful to see.
That’s correct but they do occasionally get special dispensation to go 90+ mph. If you want to a good clip of an a4 doing a genuine 101mph on UA-cam then search “60007 on the move” it’s a pacing video captured in the 90’s apparently it’s was the drivers last run before retirement
I know it really could go this fast, but the way the description is worded leads me to believe this was sped up. I just want to confirm if this specific footage was sped up or not. Even if it is, it doesn't take away from the incredible nature of this machine.
To see her still run at 100mph after all these years is amazing
This isn’t real. It’s sped up footage. She only runs at 75 now
Sorry to say it’s edited
Most likely, like cottage guy, she is doing 75 and it was sped up to 1.25x speed
With a diesel locomotive behind that is pushing.
@@ezioauditore1522 its not pushing
That must have been the most incredible thing to see back when those trains were new.
Yes, I still remember a boy. At that speed, the trains used to rock back and forth with the force of the pistons. Alas, obviously this couldn't be simulated in this clip.
My Grandparents neighbor was an engineer on the flying Scotsman and when I was 4 he arranged for it to stop for my Mum and myself in the village where we lived.
Very interesting
That is so cool!
Sure mate
That’s so sweet
Mrs Staff78 That's lovely
Man, imagine stopping at a grade crossing and then seeing this magnificent beast whiz along the tracks.
Arif Akyuz no
*Thomas in his Apple green livery*
Imagine if you DIDN'T stop !
I have done that It was cool
That would be an incredible site to see
Just seeing how fast the pistons are moving the coupling rods on this beautiful machine. Such an amazing design~
Had the privilege of riding on it when it was here in Australia in the mid eighties. Certainly an unforgettable experience. Magnificent piece of machinery.
What a beautiful relic of a bygone age.
You must be referring to me, dear friend!
The reserve diesel hanging on by it's fingernails at the back raises a smile!
I heard the Diesel is for lighting and other electrics in the meals car.
Why the hell do they have that ugly ass diesel at the back this is the flying Scotsman god damn it!
@@Porsche_Addict05 Electric power I imagine.
@@Porsche_Addict05 Electric power mate, the passanger cars are more modern than Scotty XD. THEY need elecyricity for the passengers comfort, such as lighting and AC/heating. That ugly thing at the rear is the reason: Its an electric generator on wheels, basically, but also can apply extra breaks in case of a real emergency need to.
@@Porsche_Addict05 dude did you just call the Class 47 ugly
change the playback speed in the settings to 2 and it goes by at 200 ;-)))
Read my mind!
Boot Nreboot 😁
But don't leave it there or it will arrive at the next station way ahead of schedule.
Flying Scotsman go”brrrrrrrrrrrrrt” haha
Scotsman: I went a hundred miles an hour, and I can do it again! If only my whistle would stop squeaking
lets not forget the permanant way lads , the endless carriage volunteers , and every one else who keeps this marvel alive , i salute you all .
After all of those years , this old piece of art still manages to fly off the rails like more Morden locomotives these days
whistle before: very nice!
Me: wtf
Forza horizon 4: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Always horrible
It wasn't doing 100mph even with the Diesel at the back was pushing it along, these were slow. Maybe the video has been speeded up?
I remember watching the last scheduled run of the Flying Scotsman charge through Stevenage old station at 10:24 in the morning. The platform was packed with people.
As a big papyrus fan, I’m happy to support his brother on a day like this. Happy birthday Scotsman.
"Gordon thunders down the lane" 😎
@@dalleneldredge6923 I think its lane, idk i dont remember.
@@thegr8ssk152 I asked my friend Google
"Express Coming Through!" Gordon booms as he thunders down the railway tracks 🛤️with the express.
I used to see this loco many times back in the 1950s & 60s going through Doncaster at high speed but never like this, it's a credit to all the staff who maintain these beautiful locos and many thanks for showing this video.
Объявление на станции: "Приближается скоростной поезд, отойдите от края платформы!"
Ждёшь электропоезд-экспресс.
Мимо тебя с грохотом и пыхтением на скорости быстрее электропоезда проносится это чудо!!!!
У нас пригородные экспрессы ходят со скоростью в 150км/ч (93 mph). Это красавец несётся 100, т.е. больше 160км/ч!!! Ему под сотню лет, но ладно скроен и крепко сделан. Моё почтение его команде!
Express coming through!
Flying scotsman coming through
I was looking for this comment lol
I was about to comment that!
Freddy coming through
Hard to believe those big locos can do that without throwing a driver. Awesome!
What a beautiful sight , the majestic Flying Scotsman in full flight .
I remember as a kid being taken by my OM to one of the local ECML stations in northern Northumberland - I remember the name began with a B, so that would make it either Beal or Belford. We saw an A4 hauled southbound approaching at very high speed - it could not have been far short of 100mph. What impressed me the most was the way the engine was swaying rapidly from side to side from the power of the pistons as they propelled the train down the track. As it roared through the station it was a very impressive site - a testimony of the genius of Gresley, the former LNER chief mechanical engineer.
Wow, I'd love to see this in person. It really lives up to the name! Just wow, there's a lot of drama with those fly-bys! The noise, the mechanicals all on display, the steam trail and of course the feeling of something that massive blowing by.
I was lucky enough to see the 4014 run in 2019 seeing something that big gradually accelerate is a marvel and intimidating! An engineering marvel that deserves the utmost respect.
My dad was a fireman with GWR and he always told me stories of him being on the footplate of a couple of Castles that would regularly hit the ton on the way down to London from Cardiff and another thing he would always tell me was how scary it was hitting the Seven tunnel, we never knew if we were going to plough into a flooded tunnel.... I know this would have truly scared my dad because he couldn’t swim
The GWR mainline to Paddington was and still is a fine piece of railway. Classic Brunel, being engineered to the highest standard. I can only imagine what it must have been like to have been present on the footplate of a Castle at 100mph out on a line like this. Fascinating.
@@PrinceJohn84 Thanks for the reply… My dad loved his time on the footplate and he never stopped talking about it. I do believe my dad join the railways when he left school in the early 50s and left with the introduction of diesel, he did have the opportunity to go to South Africa with the driver he worked with but my mother wouldn’t emigrate.
My dad was instrumental in working with Alan Pegler to bring the Flying Scotsman to the USA in the late 60's and early 70's. I still have boxes of Flying Scotsman souvenirs that went unsold and recall hauling them to LA in an 18 wheeler and chasing it with loads of coal across middle America on its tour.
Oh I would love to have one of them. The scotsman is my favorite not german(as I am a German my self) steamengine
I saw the Flying Scotsman on display at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco around 1970. If I remember correctly, the tour didn't generate sufficient revenue so that the promoters had a difficult time getting it back to the UK. But look at her now!
Thanks for presenting . . . truly awesome. Although a much overused word, these days, the FC's speed and power could hardly be better described . . . simply AWESOME!
Wonderful! The filming was excellent. You resisted the often overuse of the telephoto lens and allowed the train to come to you therefore allowing the true experience of the speed. Thanks fir posting.
Totally agree. So many videos present the ridiculous spectacle of an express engine huffing and puffing and apparently doing 10 mph over badly twisted track.
For the 100th anniversary in 2023 there needs to be a celebratory 100mph run
That is literally the fastest a Class 47 has ever gone.
only by 5 mph ;)
Wow ! Impressive on ANY level !!
Super Class 47 lol
Now that IS awesome. My grandfather was a steam engine (and later diesel) engineer on the Pacific Great Eastern Railway
Great. Beautiful beast. Steam locomotives are the proudest relics of the industrialised world. The Flying Scotsman is worth its name.
Driver: Alright, give it a pull!
Fireman: Pulls whistle
It makes perfect sense why folks over here in America were just gaga about her when she came here. I love our steamers but apart from being considerably bigger, they’re much more workman-like with only a few exceptions. Scotty is a true work of art, its paint, its technological capabilities, its styling and everything about her invigorates the imagination. Not bad at all for a 100 year old engine that death can never hold a candle to. I’ll see you in person one day❤️
Wow !! Beautiful on ANY level !!
Sometimes we forget what a REVOLUTION Railroading was.
I'm thinking it was maybe 1 of 4 Inventions that together changed the world, and out of which everything SINCE grew -
1. STEEL - Modern Steel Production
2. Rail-Roading ( Cars and airplanes, etc. grew out of the technology) AND the realization that EFFICIENT Transportation was a must
3. Air Conditioning - making unpopulat-able (? _;-)) !_ ) areas livable: Urban areas, homes, hot and arid areas
4. Long Distance Communications
But in my PERSONAL opinion, it took RAILROADING to bring it ALL to the WORLD !
What a BEAUTIFUL example of Art, Engineering and Human NEED all converging in this example of some of our BEST -
and most beautiful !
To Lief Liltorp , the reason for the diesel loco is to provide extra braking in the event of emergency and auxiliary power to the the coaches , i.e lighting , heating , air con , cooking facilities ect, ect .
Burt Wallace Air con? In vintage coaches? Hmm.
"Because I'm you're big brother which makes you my little brother, little brother"
-Scotsman to Gordon
Traveled with her in the 50's. London to Glasgow and back, two or three times, on annual holidays.
That's amazing!👍🏼
A vintage legendary steam locomotive dashing at 100 mph!
Unbelievable and awesome!
Just try to read the description.
@@Septerrianin what do you mean?
@@thomastsangthomas1616 On original video this "vintage legendary steam locomotive" crawling at a AWESOME speed of about 20MPH :D
@@Septerrianin are you being sarcastic?
@@Septerrianin so where is the original video?
when its september 1st and you're late for hogwarts
These wonderful machines fascinate and bring out the child in you , regardless of your age .
HA, CAUGHT the Flying Scotsman! A top product in British railway construction! Even today. Thanks from Köln / Cologne. !
The Flying Scotsman is the famous steam engine in the world.
And Mallard?
@@EvaMark757 yes the fastes at her time
Most famous actaully
@@Porsche_Addict05 the big boy, the Erie tri-plex, tornado, ect
@@scotsmanproductions8224 yeah ik but flying Scotsman is the number 1 most famous
Such a beautiful sight seeing this
Absolutely beautiful
Cheers from South Africa
Tornado achieved her 100mph plus run after dark/not during daylight hours!
thanks to the smoke-trail, i got goosebumps starting from 44thsecond to 1minute....Nice video.
Such a beautiful machine! I hope to see her run in person someday!
Great - and professional camera work, Thumbs up!
Fabulous, watching from Australia and having grown up in East Africa, I am used to hearing hearty masculine steam engine whistles, so I am amused, if not shocked that this magnificent machine is insulted by such a pissy whistle. It sounds like something off a kettle or out of a Christmas Cracker... love the footage regardless.
Wow. Great shots. The old lady flying again!
Oh my God! That is an old transportation tool from another century made with old science and technology. moves so fast that I do not believe my eyes. That steamed locomotive is super!
Wow! Impressive. Great filming, thank you.
Thanks for the film it was great. Can anybody tell me why some locomotives got blinkers. You know those plates on the front sides. Did they work? ?
She’s going so fast it’s like the vid is on fast motion 🤩
Flying Scotsman: Express coming through!
Gordon: Hey! That's my line, and that's my Express!
To reach that speed with all that rolling stock behind.... amazing Loco.
What an engine, a true legend. Many thanks for this video.
Infernal regulations dictate that vintage loco's must have a 'back-up' engine in tow! Great video!
It makes me cry, it's so emotional, in a modern era, seeing a "living-soul-steam engine" working as well!
Now that’s a sight to behold just magnificent 👍🏻
Only one word, *Majestic* 🙏
Regards from India 🇮🇳
While it is a bit of fun in guessing what it would look like doing the 100 it would not be allowed in today's over regulated world. Every time I see a Steam Train in full flight with a Diesel Loco on the rear I can't help wondering if it is just cruising along or hanging on for dear life. Good video, Long Live Steam Locos.
I know what you mean. It;s sacrilidge to see a heavy diesel dragging the down the majesty of an LNER A-3
@@kennethlaycock4724 The diesels are there to provided power and breaking in case the Loco breaks down. Flying Scotsman is getting into her 100th birthday soon
You are right.
It's called Pull & Push.
Brilliant! Great camera jobbie!
Would be wonderful to be able to write on such a beautiful train with such class
Thanks thats great lovely to see it still running today,
Imagine watching that train decades ago before high speed airplanes and cars. It would appear to be the future to some to others maybe magical.
1934 Airplanes were already around they built 69 of them
So cool that in 2020 we can occasionally do 125mph. Best thing, by the time HS2 is completed we could have had luxury coach, Lorry and family pods equipped with LIDAR and global nav operating at 160-200 mph on improved motorways for a fraction of the price of HS2
Can I have the number of your dealer please? 😊
I honestly don't understand why they didn't just upgraded our railway that we already have here in the UK to accommodate faster trains than build a brand new one, would have been far cheaper I'd guess too 👌🏻
The Alstom Class 390 Pendolino's are capable of 140mph but are limited to 125mph due to the lack of in-cab signalling ability.
They could have easily upgraded our existing railways to allow 160-200mph trains, but why do we need to go so fast? 125mph gets you to London from the north in around 2hrs to 2hrs 30mins, and it'd be even less if it was an express non stop service.
The Class 390 does 125mph on a daily basis in service, it's not just occasionally 👍🏻
I find it very impressive that these Steam locomotives can keep up with modern train's, and even beat some of the older diesels 😁
And as for motorways, Leave them well alone, these so called smart motorways are a complete an utter disaster and are quite frankly death traps, that need to be scrapped and made back into standard motorways.
poor diesel at the back struggling to keep up 😂
Loving the speed up
Absolutely stunning and most marvellous thing ever forged by mankind❤
Great great work...epic video ...Thank you for sharing👍😉
That desiel in the back reminds me when Gordon started off so quickly before they could uncouple Thomas from the coaches and he was dragged all the way to wells
It amazes me that the heavy, probably 300 to 500 pounds each, connecting rods, stay on at this speed, and the way the smoke is being blown back, it should be at, or around 100mph, for real.
Grande !
As youngsters in Ireland, mon ami, we always loved it when the trains passed by at a leisurely rate, as it provided us a great chance to bounce a few ripe tomatoes off some of the pork-pie-faced blokes who stuck their mugs out the window/door openings. Mon Dieu, what fun. ESPECIALLY if they were holding a pint a' bitters that they then dropped!
Ho-Ho-Ho! Monsieur Santa would say.
Flying Scotsman: i did this once and I'm gonna do it again
The diesel on the back: wut
Flying Scotsman: NYOOOOOOOO-
the diesel in the back: YO WHAT THE F-
Lol, the sound of those MK1s!
Very excellent speed! 100 mph.
Was diesel loco on the back for help on the hills? Great machine and the closest I've got to it is a Hornby version I had when I was a kid.
No.its insurance in case of a breakdown. Remember, these engines are running on mainline tracks. A breakdown could be a big problem for scheduled trains.
An engineering masterpiece.
The Real Life Gordon the Big Express Engine
Holy crap imagine seeing that in real life. I imagine the air shock from the passing train would be immense!
Magnificent train in splendid livery :)
Why there is a diesel loco from the back of the coaches?
Thats for extra power on steep hills or other inclines
@@CoasterKeegan ok thanks :)
Diesels are often added to provide electricity for the coaches.
@@dandailey9179 ok
Keegan1104 it's not for extra power, it's incase of breakdown. Steam trains running on main lines are often required to have a diesel backup, if the line is blocked by a broken down train it is very disruptive and costly to the railway, literally thousands of passengers on other trains could be delayed costing the company tens of thousands in compensation and fines.
That was the Concorde in its day. Pure analogue. Pure genius!
More like bullet train
If I'll ever be so unfortunate to get hit by a train, give me the flying scotsman doing 100mph!
I believe there is a (75mph ?) speed limit for these historic trains in the UK, so unlikely to be her old 100mph max in-service days. Galloping along, nevertheless. Wonderful to see.
That’s correct but they do occasionally get special dispensation to go 90+ mph. If you want to a good clip of an a4 doing a genuine 101mph on UA-cam then search “60007 on the move” it’s a pacing video captured in the 90’s apparently it’s was the drivers last run before retirement
Sorry that’s “60009 on the move”
The fact that flying Scotsman can still keep up with the diesels and electrics is amazing
Did you see me wave? Fourth car, tenth window.
It's very impressive that these Steam locomotives can keep up with some modern trains, just shows how ahead of their time they were 👍🏻
I know it really could go this fast, but the way the description is worded leads me to believe this was sped up. I just want to confirm if this specific footage was sped up or not. Even if it is, it doesn't take away from the incredible nature of this machine.
Okay.... its Flying Scotsman... but I really hear Gordon theme in my head
The time it did 100 mph it only had 6 carriages and did NOT have a diesel at the back
Nice upload, thanks, from India.
She's got one cute adorable little tiny whistle
And this is how Marty went back to 1985
Sir nigel gresley would be proud
Cheers to the people that rebuild the flying scotman
Nice video 😀
Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam more Steeeeeeeeeeeeam!
Great stuff, thanks👍
OMG! That's so fast for a steam powered train. 100 mph ( 160 km/h )
Just try to read the description.
@@Septerrianin I did
@@Septerrianin and it says 100 mph dumbass
@@Porsche_Addict05 it says that the video is speed up asshole
Prob one of the finest sights in Old Blighty