Chance Or Something More | The Apothecary Diaries Episode 19 Reaction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Reaperherpderp
    @Reaperherpderp 10 місяців тому +165

    Ok so a LOT of people seem to miss the point of the Lakan face at the end.
    What has the show and Maomao been driving home the entire show? The class system and social status
    Lakan, assumed Jinshi was just interested in Maomao as another of his "toys". But seeing him, someone of THE HIGHEST class/status, tenderly carrying someone of the LOWEST class/status in the OPEN for EVERYONE to see, shocks him and shows him that he TRULY cares for her.
    People of the upper social class just do not do that sort of thing.

    • @Firebacon1gg
      @Firebacon1gg 10 місяців тому +9

      Yes someone understand. Also from what I understand in the manga. He wasn't 100% jinshi was of noble birth i think i don't remember. Also the show throws clues left and right but as mao mao step dad said dont just say something for the sake of it conjecture can lead to bad outcomes. Or something like that.

    • @Sup_D
      @Sup_D 10 місяців тому +9

      There is also the fact that, basically Lakan saw Maomao's face for the first time in years and it was so badly injured (as she never really appears in-front of him).

    • @ccg4713
      @ccg4713 9 місяців тому

      unfortunately most people dont have any class analysis.

    • @norucelezia1915
      @norucelezia1915 9 місяців тому

      bruh, chill. The thing is, a lot of people who haven't read the manga can't really determine Lakan's goal as of now yet. The anime has been painting him as a mysterious possible antagonist. Just wait for a few more episodes before they'll realize and come back to this scene lol.

    • @Reaperherpderp
      @Reaperherpderp 9 місяців тому

      @@norucelezia1915 I am anime only.... im just not blind and pay attention. She isnt the only person to miss this, and i wasnt specifically calling her out which is why i said "A lot of people"

  • @teguhlg
    @teguhlg 10 місяців тому +124

    I believe Lakan's reaction seeing Jinsho carrying Maomao is a shock realizing Jinshi actually love her and not see her as valuable pawn as Lakan thought.

    • @Firebacon1gg
      @Firebacon1gg 10 місяців тому +15

      Kinda right not exactly I won't spoil it too much. U could read the manga or keep watching the anime. Thats what I say. (Could be spoilers here) Also lakan ain't that bad a person or maomao mother. Put your self in their situation in that era well. As maoamo said she would be beheaded if she was wrong more so if it wasn't jinshi. Same with lakan as a high ranking official to the previous and current emperor. Most likey would suffer a serious punishment for insubordination.

    • @deinonychus1948
      @deinonychus1948 10 місяців тому +2

      @@Firebacon1gg true...
      I would love to hear about what happened to that guard who tried to stop her; in my mind, Lakan and Jinshi would surround him and say in sync "Not only did you hit our girl, she also got injured because you delayed her arrival!!"
      Had he just gone "Hmph, do what you want peasant... it aint my problem if you get beheaded" from the beginning she would have gotten off injury free

    • @Uwhwvwgwh
      @Uwhwvwgwh 10 місяців тому

      ​@@deinonychus1948the problem he will get behaded if he let her in for him It's loss , loss

    • @Firebacon1gg
      @Firebacon1gg 10 місяців тому

      @@Uwhwvwgwh not if jinshi has a say witch most likey does and also lakan both have power most likey gaurd will get fired or jailed and let back in. Maomao is a servant thats it but we all know jinshi and lakan know who she is and she is not just a servant.

    • @azorahai7837
      @azorahai7837 10 місяців тому +6

      Could be, but I'm more inclined to believe Lakan's simply shocked because he fears Maomao may have died there. I don't think he'd concern himself with Jinshi's romantic feelings lol.

  • @mantrast927
    @mantrast927 10 місяців тому +59

    No spoilers, if you think of this episode, if Lakan wanted Jinshi dead, all he had to do is do nothing, but he went out of his way to help her get in.
    If anything, in past episodes he's basically been feeding her the cases that gave her the info she needed to figure it out, which led to saving Jinshi.

    • @Awake_Productions
      @Awake_Productions  10 місяців тому +11

      Hmm. Good point!

    • @Sup_D
      @Sup_D 10 місяців тому +14

      People seem to forget that Lakan is supposed to be a Military Strategist, so solving cases shouldn't be hard for him.
      And we can also consider that Maomao inherited that knack of solving cases from him, considering he is her father.

    • @CaroleanMonarch
      @CaroleanMonarch 10 місяців тому

      I do wonder. Maybe his plan was ruined because of Maomao's pressence. Because of the whole thing going on with the guard and in order to save her life without anyone suspecting him, he decided to do what he did this episode. I don't know if he was involved in the whole plot or not, but it would still be possible.

    • @Sup_D
      @Sup_D 10 місяців тому +8

      @@CaroleanMonarch The biggest issue with that statement is that if he did plan to kill Jinshi, why did he get Maomao & Jinshi involved with the Seagrass Poisoning & Metalworker Inheritance case to begin with, which lead to this one.
      He could have easily kept quite and Jinshi would have died.
      For a Military Strategist like Lakan, making such a basic mistake seems really odd.

  • @Bdakkon
    @Bdakkon 10 місяців тому +29

    One thing I really liked that isn't being appreciated enough IMO is this is a really good depiction of what a severe brain injury is like.
    Once the adrenaline wore off she crashed. People can get up after taking a nasty hit and act completely fine (seemingly) but once they pass out or sleep that is when the real damage shows itself. (which is why sometimes the force people to stay awake after bad head injuries) Brain Trauma is no joke. With as hard as she got hit death wouldn't be outside the realm of possibilities but at the very least a lengthy recovery would follow. I am curious if this show will take it seriously next episode or if its gonna hand wave it like SO many stories do. (which I hate because people IRL start to be dismissive about how serious it is)
    But love the investment you have in your reactions for shows your passionate about.

  • @Its_Dave_Just_Dave
    @Its_Dave_Just_Dave 10 місяців тому +17

    "The light novel author, Natsu Hyuga, actually confirmed in an X (formerly Twitter) post made in January 2021 that the guard later received punishment from the military strategist, Lakan.
    During “The Ritual” chapter, Lakan was visibly upset that his daughter was hurt. The short post of author Natsu Hyuga, also nicknamed Boar-sensei, revealed that the guard was beaten and tormented by Lakan for a while after that incident. The guard eventually managed to get promoted 2 years later because he is a hard-working guard at heart.
    She also added in a reply that the guard was just faithful to his duty.
    The events of episode 19 follow the light novel’s Volume 2, Chapter 12. Aside from this X (formerly Twitter) post, there are no further mentions of the guard’s character in The Apothecary Diaries’ light novels and manga adaptations."

  • @janewow77
    @janewow77 10 місяців тому +22

    Lakan investigated the pipe and left it there and Mao Mao found it. Lakan tipped them off about the seaweed case through Gaoshun. Lakan told Jinshi about the metalworker and Jinshi let Mao Mao investigated it. Lakan knew about Jinshi's identity. Not the full picture but he sees the bigger picture like there is something going on, that these cases may be connected 🧐 He is a strategist for a reason.

  • @cyyeh
    @cyyeh 10 місяців тому +37

    I think it's safe to say Lakan was aware of all ongoing conspiracies and try to take adventage of the situation to show his daughter a favor. But not expected Maomao try to make a scene to stop the cermony by upsetting the guard and get hit so badly.

    • @exia0616
      @exia0616 10 місяців тому +8

      Personally, Lakan has already have a very good grasp of the conspiracies. Unlike maomao who has relies on observations, Lakan has very good intuition and usually follows his gut and almost never fails. His main strenght though is being able to delegate the right people for the job. In this case he knows jinshi will be the one performing the rights and has basically pushed some details to maomao for this to be uncovered like the seaweed case via gaoshun and the metalworker family.

  • @MxMoondoggie
    @MxMoondoggie 10 місяців тому +13

    Since this show's setting is based on ancient China we can take some context to understand how Maomao goading the guard made him angry enough to hit her. Right or wrong she went way beyond her station as a palace maid. Imperial guards were usually selected from the most elite and loyal troops for the purpose of guarding the Emperor, he takes his job seriously and knows he's guarding the temple while royalty inside, she wants him to forsake his duty on a whim and then questions his loyalty, even going as far to call him a conspirator, can see how he might become angry.
    Lakan was super angry lol. Guard then seeing his life flash before his eyes, that's essentially his boss's boss. Lakan is a decorated stregist who won the favour of the Emperor, his in the capital wearing the robes of a government official as he works in what would be the Ministry of Defence in modern day terms. He's one of the people making huge military decisions and any soldier would respect him.

    • @FaeAngst
      @FaeAngst 9 місяців тому +1

      Not a spoiler because it never features in the story, but the author has said that Lakan spent a while after this making that guards life a living hell, but eventually his career recovered from it.

    • @lapisstories
      @lapisstories 8 місяців тому +1

      I wonder what kind of face Lakan saw on that guard.

  • @dany_ltv
    @dany_ltv 10 місяців тому +23

    Peak fiction and one of your best reaction We got so much info in this episode and yet there still so much unknown. The show keep reminding us that the situation for many can be quite grim at the time.

  • @sebitei
    @sebitei 10 місяців тому +21

    This episode was so sad but at the same time that ending was so epic

    • @lapisstories
      @lapisstories 8 місяців тому

      I just wish there was a doctormon standby but I guess they were not allowed to be in the ceremony.

  • @oku501
    @oku501 9 місяців тому +1

    According to the backstory by the author of the original story, the soldier who hit Mao Mao was persistently bullied by Lhakhang afterward, but because he was originally a serious soldier, he was promoted in the future.

  • @RoxanaGark
    @RoxanaGark 10 місяців тому +8

    I think you are the only one who reacted properly to the entire sequence of the episode from Maomao running towards the temple to the end with Jinshi carrying Maomao with the beautiful song in the background. Others were talking about things like who the person inside the temple could be while Maomao was beaten by the guard; or talking instead of watching in silence ( 👉🏻 14:37 ) the whole part of Jinshi leaving the temple with Maomao in arms breaking protocol and Lakan with his expression realizing the most horrible way what Maomao means to Jinshi. But no others who watched this episode broke that moment by talking about other things.
    Have your like, girl 👍🏻 Good reaction even with the spoiler you ate, your reaction gave emotional respect to the scene you were watching.

  • @Astravall
    @Astravall 10 місяців тому +8

    @19:55 ... well i get why people dislike Lakan (there are enough reasons), but i don't get why almost every reactor thinks Lakan is behind the murder attempt on Jinshi. First as seen in previous episodes did Lakan direct Gaoshun, and Jinshi to several incidents connected to this (the see weed, the three brothers and the low melt alloy etc pp). So why would he direct them to something he (assumingly) planned all along. Lakan investigated the explosion in the warehouse and saw the pipe. Why did he not get rid of an important puzzle piece but let it sit there to be found if he planned all that? All that does make no sense. Second as suspisous as he is, i really think he cares for Maomao. He said in a previous episode to Jinshi that he tried to get Maomao from the Vergridis House now for over ten years. Then there is his deathstare to the guard when he said "She is hurt." I think he was really pissed. So why on earth would he help Maomao get into that temple if he knew what would happen with the metal beam and risk her live by either right out being crushed under that beam or at least get serious injuries from flying debris?
    NO ... i really doubt he is behind these incidents.

  • @arielagutierrez6282
    @arielagutierrez6282 10 місяців тому +10

    Re: the Shakespearean ending theory.
    If you actually take in to account Lakan’s position in the hierarchy, Jinshi and Maomao would be able to get married if Maomao were recognized as his legitimate daughter. But even then, I don’t think it matters. Jinshi just made a statement walking out of the ceremonial hall without his crown carrying a servant in his arms while she’s bleeding. It signifies her importance to him.

    • @Bayard1503
      @Bayard1503 10 місяців тому

      Maomao is still a bastard born to a prostitute... even legitimized it's not great. Of course not that it matters, the emperor can choose anyone as his concubine, he has hundreds if not more. But for them to actually get married? Pretty difficult.

    • @fanskucing597
      @fanskucing597 10 місяців тому

      Minor spoiler :
      Later on in the LN, the problem isn't Maomao, but Jinshi's status.
      Anything he do matters to a lot of people, politics and all, even after Maomao liked him back they still can't be together due to plot.

  • @arcepasm
    @arcepasm 10 місяців тому +1

    I can't help but draw parallels between Mao Mao and Gregory House. Very similar in escense, high intelect, curious to a fault, always driven by solving a puzzle disregarding their own welbeing. Very compelling episode, despite all the shit going down the way it did, Jin Shi lived, and I think that is why Lakan was shocked by the end, he let Mao Mao go just for her to see Jin Shin die but she actually pulled it off. Mao Mao is of low birth, a servant, a teenage, a girl and has a mouth on her, no wonder the guard hit her, imagine going to a guard and making personal acusations of him being corrupt. Great Episode, I must say after a couple of slow episodes this was a great development.

  • @pacificd01
    @pacificd01 9 місяців тому +1

    Both the tears you shed and the anger expressed in your countenance prove that you are a kind and strong person.
    Thank you for your wonderful reaction!👍

  • @prydonia
    @prydonia 10 місяців тому +1

    The greatest compliment you can give someone who created an anime is that you react to it as if the characters were real. The greatest compliment you can give a reviewer is that they care so much about a story that they forget it isn't real. This is why I support you. You are amazing. This story is amazing. And I'm right there with you.

  • @MrPartypooper
    @MrPartypooper 10 місяців тому +10

    As Maomao's dad says "dont speak on conjecture"
    I understand the story kinda suggests that lakan is an asshole, but we really know nothing of lakan, no? I'm pretty sure all we have is vague conversations and unexplained oppinions. He wanted to buy out maomao's mom, so what happened after she got pregnant? Something must have, because he clearly didn't. Did she not want to get bought out, if so then why have the child? And if he wanted Jinshi dead, i don't understand why he would get maomao to investigate the stuff connected to it.
    And to be fair to lakan, i would worry too if my daughter was sold off to some royalty who runs a "garden of women".

  • @risuficus
    @risuficus 10 місяців тому +1

    The end of this episode was beautiful! I had to watch that scene multiple times, with the music and the voice acting, it was perfect :P

  • @dorodo1125
    @dorodo1125 10 місяців тому +17

    The scene was done so well but i wanna point out that i did not even feel anger towards the guard. You see, everything in his exchange of words with Maomao made sense, you have to see this scene from his perspective and he is just doing his job, suddenly out of nowhere this girl comes to him talking about someone about to die and then threatens him for being an accomplice, i would be mad too.
    And the best part is that Maomao knew all this very well so she used it on her favor(surely she did not expect to be left unconscious or almost meeting with Lakan but...)

    • @semajbrown259
      @semajbrown259 10 місяців тому +2

      She basically accused him of some level of treason considering he would be an accomplice of killing royalty. Which is a huge blow to his honor which is huge in these times

    • @RecoveringChristian
      @RecoveringChristian 10 місяців тому

      he's incompetent then. a muscle head brute who's really into red tape and bureaucracy? Someon'es gonna be unalived and it's an emergency? well, better put a note in the box then. she expected to cause a scene, a commotion big enough to turn events to her favour in this scenario. but ANYONE else (a girl of that age and status) would have been unalived by that act. To unalive a servant GIRL, you a hardened palace guard, in front of the steps of a holy place during a holy ceremonial event because you have anger issues.

    • @ma.2089
      @ma.2089 6 місяців тому

      If he was flexible (tho it’s a risk), he would escort her inside. Especially if she’s saying there’s a threat on the life of a Royal.

  • @andrewsuryali8540
    @andrewsuryali8540 10 місяців тому +3

    Lakan was the one who pointed Maomao towards three of the four incidents tied to the murder attempt. No spoilers here. This is all from previous eps:
    1. Lakan was the one who asked Gaoshun to look into the seaweed poisoning incident.
    2. Lakan was the one who initially discovered the pipe, but instead of picking it up he left it behind to be discovered by Maomao.
    3. Lakan was the one who directed Jinshi to help the brothers with their father's will.
    You also missed an important point in Meimei and Maomao's dialogue in the bath: Meimei loves Lakan. You can see her in a flash playing a board game with Lakan the way Fengxian had.

    • @Awake_Productions
      @Awake_Productions  10 місяців тому +3

      I saw that. I noticed it as well. I’m pretty sure I said so in my reaction but maybe I cut that out for the UA-cam video. I definitely said it tho. I did follow it up by saying I hope it’s not the case though.

  • @marcoftheninja6278
    @marcoftheninja6278 10 місяців тому +8

    Lakan wasn´t behind all incidents and the murder attempt, in my opinion.
    He could have kept silent in all cases to make the murder attempt successful.
    I think he knows about some of these culprits however

    • @maxtusker4380
      @maxtusker4380 10 місяців тому

      I agree. If Larkan was a part of the accident / murder plot then why let it be stopped. Hard to tell... Either he was in on it and this was part of the Master Strategists' bigger plan. or he knew nothing of this and just happened to be there. Guess we will have to wait to find out.
      On the another matter, Jinsis' cover is now blown. Be interesting to see how the Emperor reacts.

    • @marcoftheninja6278
      @marcoftheninja6278 10 місяців тому +1

      My guess is...
      He got wind of certain people being involved in these incidents, maybe even eavesdropped on then.
      Then he learned of Maomao helping im solving problems and being hired as servant to Jinshi.
      So he "visits" Jinshi, "making" him look into these cases, knowing Maomao would help solving these as well and faster than the regular investigators.
      That way Lakan exposes the schemes to the authorities and makes it look like Jinshi started to take a closer look into these cases in his own, not by Lakan.

    • @maxtusker4380
      @maxtusker4380 10 місяців тому

      @@marcoftheninja6278 That is entirely possible. I don't have enough information. Unlike some other commenters I have not read either the LN or the Manga and I wont until I have seen corresponding episodes in the Anime. So my mind is still open. Every new episode is new for me and I like it that way.

    • @marcoftheninja6278
      @marcoftheninja6278 10 місяців тому

      @@maxtusker4380 me neither...
      I'm just guessing...
      I think all the manga reader are rolling their eyes right now

    • @Sheppart92
      @Sheppart92 10 місяців тому

      People who think Lakan is the one behind it seemingly forget everything that happend in the last Episodes.
      If he was behind it, he would have taken the Pipe from the Storehouse, destroying the Evidence. He wouldnt have fed all these small Clues in the Cases to Jinshi (that Maomao solved) and he wouldnt have helped her in the end entering the Temple, he could have just simply said to the Guards "detain her and bring her away from here"

  • @YaseenOmarMotala
    @YaseenOmarMotala 10 місяців тому +5

    Jinshi's love for her shows in those last ffew minutes

  • @martinloss4171
    @martinloss4171 10 місяців тому +7

    Beside it is a fictional time I hope she will understand how the class system worked back then. Our beloved MC is a low born girl talking to a male guard in a very very high position. That anger while ignoring the context is .... well, slow down a little bit
    And Lakan planned ALL this? 😂 It was said that he is a strategic master but that plan would be very stupid.

  • @yoinekodou
    @yoinekodou 10 місяців тому +3

    When I watched this ep , I did not understand that I was crying so much. But Now, I watched your video, I understand the reason. Thank you very much !

  • @azorahai7837
    @azorahai7837 10 місяців тому +5

    I believe Lakan's shocked face = genuine fear of losing his daughter.
    We still don't know Lakan's story and I think it's safe to assume he can't be forgiven for past crimes, but this doesn't mean he has to be indifferent towards Maomao. I also don't think he'd have that face if he saw Maomao as mere tool or something. The way Lakan looked at the guard who hit Maomao also supports this claim.

    • @JoshuaGrimes-dz4wy
      @JoshuaGrimes-dz4wy 10 місяців тому

      what past crime did he comit? Please tell me😂

  • @jaysoncayetano2943
    @jaysoncayetano2943 10 місяців тому +10

    Run Jinshi!!! Run!!! It's emergency!!

    • @darkaquatus
      @darkaquatus 10 місяців тому +1

      Nah, let's take our sweet time for theatrical effect haha

    • @exia0616
      @exia0616 10 місяців тому +8

      He cant, i imagine its hard to run in ceremonial clothes. But thats just me. They need to milk the situation and have an absolute theatrical showing.

    • @zander1896
      @zander1896 10 місяців тому +5

      Think he did it to make a statement. To show them that person you injured is important and that everyone's actions will have dire consequences? Idk that's just how I interpreted it

    • @ace0135
      @ace0135 10 місяців тому +1

      @@exia0616I heard he ran in the manga though

  • @tnateenam2756
    @tnateenam2756 10 місяців тому +10

    I think he was surprised because he assumed she was dead. or maybe because Jinshi carried her out by himself and did not care about hiding his status anymore. but I'm sure some guard will die from this event.

    • @FlaccidPlatypus
      @FlaccidPlatypus 10 місяців тому +2

      Why would a guard die. He was literally just doing his job. Think about the time era. Why should he ever believe a lowly servant girl who just accused you of treason?

    • @bopiangM
      @bopiangM 10 місяців тому

      ​@@FlaccidPlatypus yea, guard just doing his job. like, if u rush over in current days even to say some minister or even a singer with a reason to save them from something that they dont know happening, pretty sure u will be blocked and even beat up just like this episode.

    • @caliithildae8500
      @caliithildae8500 10 місяців тому +1

      @@bopiangM It's not what he did that will likely get him killed, it's who he did it to. Maomao may be a commoner, but she's also the daughter of Lakan, a top military strategist and official. She's also the personal servant to the Prince, and that prince happens to be in love with her. Given the time period both of those men could simply declare the guard's life forfeit because they feel like it, regardless of whether he was in the right or not. If not straight up executed Lakan could just reassign the guard to a unit out fighting barbarians and tell the commanding officer to send him on a suicide mission.

    • @tnateenam2756
      @tnateenam2756 10 місяців тому

      @@FlaccidPlatypus Why? I don't tell you. It is spoiling too much about what will happen after this event, it is spoiling ever for manga and light novel readers.

  • @icefox94
    @icefox94 10 місяців тому +1

    honestly, i feel like lakan's expression at the end was over mao mao being hurt (and jinshi's genuine care as someone else in the comments said). he didn't see her face after she was hurt, just saw that the guard hit her and that was enough for him to glare at the guard that way. the expression he made when he said "she's hurt" looked pretty genuine to me anyways, and when jinshi walks out with mao mao, he can clearly see her face, see she's unconscious, and the blood soaking her pantleg. i think he does genuinely care for her in a way.

  • @matthewk320
    @matthewk320 10 місяців тому +2

    I feel you. I also love maumau and this made me get sad too

  • @Catgirl2021
    @Catgirl2021 10 місяців тому +1

    You breaking down like that is making me cry again. 🫂😭

  • @Ozai75
    @Ozai75 10 місяців тому +3

    Lakan's got a lot more depth and we will learn about him later, but you are right in saying that Lakan is not the type of a man you want to owe a favor to. Also if he wanted Jinshi dead, he would've stopped MaoMao from getting there. You have to remember that it was *Lakan* that set them all down the path of investigating what, at the time, was unconnected crimes and relying on MaoMao's intelligence to figure it out. Lakan's extremely smart, but he also sticks out like a sore thumb, because *everyone* knows who he is.

  • @chrysmalfelix
    @chrysmalfelix 10 місяців тому +4

    Lakan quite possibly pieced this all together before everyone. After all he is a brilliant strategist and has access to military intelligence. I guess he wanted to give his daughter a chance to figure it out herself. Oh ya he doesn’t like the fact that Jinshi has his daughter but where his loyalties lie will be shown soon. 😏

  • @EsporHB
    @EsporHB 9 місяців тому

    I can't express how much I love how intense you are about this. I'm the same. When I'm watching with my friend she doesn't get taken by the plot so much

  • @lizardkirby1196
    @lizardkirby1196 10 місяців тому +2

    This episode really F$%k's me up, so bad..!😭

  • @Bayard1503
    @Bayard1503 10 місяців тому +2

    What are you even talking about?? Don't you realize that all these cases in the second part of the season have been fed to them by Lakan? Maomao would have never made sense of it all without it. But keep in mind, Lakan is giving them to Jinshi and Gaoshun, he doesn't know how they will handle them, if they'll use Maomao. So from what we see, Lakan has been giving them hints about a conspiracy that he may or may not be part of. Either way, he's giving them a way to find out and survive. If he wanted Jinshi dead why would he do this? Why would he allow Maomao inside?? He has the power to actually take her away from there... he's like a military marshal or something.

  • @BocchiTheArtist
    @BocchiTheArtist 10 місяців тому +4

    this chapter was peak

  • @try2fly
    @try2fly 9 місяців тому +1

    Cant find episode 18 :(

  • @-hazzard-8002
    @-hazzard-8002 10 місяців тому

    when lakan's side of the story gets out everyone will be so sad. It's genuinely touching.

  • @Sup_D
    @Sup_D 10 місяців тому +1

    I think people easily forget what Lakan's job is.

  • @adrianescobar7558
    @adrianescobar7558 10 місяців тому

    Better said: impossible. 15:23 " she does so much to help people,... yet at the same time thinking so lowly of hersellf cose she knows that's how the world sees her" 🙏 .

  • @kiinah5956
    @kiinah5956 10 місяців тому +1

    Some Ppl hate Lakan … I could see why …😩
    I actually like the scene when he protect maomao ..… willing to put his life and position on the line for her… also that RIP that guard that hit her … he basically make an enemy out of two powerful ppl 😅

  • @mitsuko0xidized
    @mitsuko0xidized 10 місяців тому

    I noticed a lot of people saying how short this episode felt. They were able to pack so much momentum and emotion into this episode that it really flew by! As for Lakan, I think you might be onto something with him trying to curry favor with Maomao; not sure what his ultimate intentions are but they feel iky in nature. Either way, your reaction was amazing as always. Thanks for sharing!

  • @moityubu
    @moityubu 10 місяців тому

    great response
    Mao Mao will tell you all the mysteries, so please rest assured.

  • @catgirllover666rockstargodmonk
    @catgirllover666rockstargodmonk 10 місяців тому

    15:00 i think he had that look for 2 reasons, seeing Maomao like that and seeing that Jinshi was pissed, he is the strategist, he knows that with 1 word Jinshi can end his life , that is the reason that no soldier looked to him and everyone was frozen, because no one will move a muscle and risk to piss a high noble and be killed , that's how the ancient empire was

  • @CaroleanMonarch
    @CaroleanMonarch 10 місяців тому

    I feel like the Lakan face at the end is one of three reasons. He either may think that she is dead and is hurting inside because of that, he may be surprised that Jinshi is still alive or it can be both.
    Lakan's contempt against Jinshi is something that still cannot be discussed because of spoilers, but as we've seen, he doesn't like him at all and he really doesn't like that he bought Maomao before he could

  • @FloatingFatMan
    @FloatingFatMan 10 місяців тому +2

    Making a reaction video means you can't really give something your full attention as you also have to think about your audience and stuff, so if you think you've missed something, the best thing I can suggest that isn't a spoiler is to go back and rewatch a few episodes on your own time, without the distraction of filming.

  • @Sup_D
    @Sup_D 10 місяців тому

    8:05 A Junior questioning about a work of the Superior is usually considered as insulting, because someone younger or lower in position should never question those who are above or older than them, be whatever it maybe.
    That's a common norm of Asian Society.

  • @caliithildae8500
    @caliithildae8500 10 місяців тому

    I'm pretty sure Lakan loves Maomao and wants to be a father to her. Certainly he didn't look happy that she'd been hit. The look on his face when he said, "She's hurt." said to me that the guard is not going to get off easy, even if Jinshi doesn't punish him for it. That Maomao goaded him to do exactly what he did to cause a commotion to try and cancel the ceremony makes it worse. That said I do hope Maomao will realize that knowing more about the departments and how things operate is beneficial and perhaps actually study for that Court Lady position to raise her status some so as not to have this happen again.

  • @MedusaLegend
    @MedusaLegend 10 місяців тому

    I always wonder why every reviewer always assumes at first that Lakan is behind the attempt of murder. When he is helping Mao Mao and Jinshi by giving them clues. Yes, he could have been more direct and expressed his disappointment of Jinshi buying Mao Mao’s debt before him, and speak by riddles, but remember the main lesson of the anime: no hasty assumptions!

  • @SonesBen
    @SonesBen 10 місяців тому

    I feel like she totally earned that ox bezoar.

  • @darkaquatus
    @darkaquatus 10 місяців тому +4

    I didn't think it was possible to make so many wrong assumptions in a single episode, lol

  • @Sup_D
    @Sup_D 10 місяців тому

    11:34 You know, it's not that different even in our current time.
    Between the life of a Regular Person and say a Politician, if those in authority are given option to protect and save someone while the other one dies.
    The one to die would be the Regular Person, as the life of a Politician would be valued more.
    This is how Class based Society works.

  • @rubenvazques5494
    @rubenvazques5494 10 місяців тому

    The thing about punishing a subordinate for a safety concern is not necesarly that the supirior was trying to get someone killed, is about aboiding blame like how maomao never says someone is the culprit but provides enough information so that her bosses can put 2 and 2 together.
    So if a new guy says something obvious 1 how could you not so if something happens is your fault and the subordinate that noticed one upped you and maybe deserves your job, and 2 the ceremony place belongs to the imperial family so you cant change stuff without permision and raising concerns could be seen as a criticism of a superior or worse the imperial family.

  • @JoshuaGrimes-dz4wy
    @JoshuaGrimes-dz4wy 10 місяців тому +1

    I'll say tho: I'm so relieved most reactors are not judges in real life😂 condemn a character just for "pieces of info" and nothing more is just way over the top

  • @Dekarowski25
    @Dekarowski25 10 місяців тому

    Her eyes while shit talking the guard xD. As much as she might hate it she sure is Lakans daughter.

  • @adrian_shepherd1997
    @adrian_shepherd1997 10 місяців тому

    Lakan wouldn't gain nothing from killing Jinshi and Maomao wouldn't go to serve Lakan if Jishi were to die.

  • @MrJesaiah07
    @MrJesaiah07 10 місяців тому

    thank you

  • @nessat6335
    @nessat6335 10 місяців тому

    MY comments are just spoilers for the info we know from episode 1 to 19:
    Ok, in the FIRST episode, they tell you he's NOT a eunuch - the first few minutes, in the description of the concubine part of the palace, "No men allowed, except the Emperor himself, the Emperor's RELATIVES, and eunuchs." OF COURSE the main character is the Emperor's relative, not a eunuch. Maomao doesn't know, but she knows ANOTHER piece of the puzzle... ready for next spoiler???
    Maomao knows the current Emperor's little brother is actually the his oldest son, because she figured out that when the previous Emperor was in charge, the 35 year old concubine (one that was just replaced) switched the babies to make her baby have priority!!! Once she's told that Jinshi is the current Emperor's younger brother, HOPEFULLY she'll reveal that he's actually the Emperor's son! :D :O

  • @Le7emeChat
    @Le7emeChat 10 місяців тому +1

    She did accuse the guard to be complicite in the attempt to kill royalty. She just suggested he was a traitor to his country, his government, his family and his honor. Plus such accusation call for death penalty for the guard if they are true, for the servant(maomao) if they are (done officialy and) false.
    I can understand his reaction. I do not approve it, I do not condone it, I think he should not has done it, but I can understand it.

  • @martinhejtmanek2358
    @martinhejtmanek2358 10 місяців тому

    Nice meltdown, ungry.... great reaction, thx...

  • @joesoq
    @joesoq 10 місяців тому +2

    lakan, is really interesting i think.

  • @Contherage
    @Contherage 10 місяців тому +2

    I had to go and read the manga after episode 18. And I want to warn, sort of hint, but I also feel like that is a type of spoiler, so I'll just say this about episode 18 and the manga chapter it is of. Maomao, in the manga, was scared to death of the idea of meeting Lakan. Not full of hatred as the anime showed. Was still a chilling scene. Hoping this little comparison is ok. If not, do let me know. But it has been on my mind for a whole week with no one to talk to about it.

    • @cedricmichaud552
      @cedricmichaud552 10 місяців тому

      In my opinion (as an anime-only who only looked up this scene in the manga), I don’t think it could be considered spoiler if it was the more exact depiction of Mao Mao emotions, which I’m not sure because I haven’t read the light novel counterpart of this scene.

    • @Contherage
      @Contherage 10 місяців тому

      @@cedricmichaud552 I haven't read the light novel either, but from what Maomao says a bit later (probably episode 21).... Sorry, almost gave a spoiler lol. I did mean to stop reading where the anime is, but I couldn't control myself. And now I'm cursed with wanting to spoil.

    • @janewow77
      @janewow77 10 місяців тому +1

      After few episodes of the anime, I read the manga. As I reached the latest chapter, I read the light many interesting things happen. It's sooo good to the point I wish those will be animated soon. Since the charm of the story is mystery, it is hard indeed to even give a small information even just worldbuilding information or emotions or stuff, because it may be spoilers for next stories.... but it's not easy to keep it inside 😅

  • @near--zero
    @near--zero 10 місяців тому

    this wouldnt have seemed like an anime i would like on the surface but dag nabbit I love it

  • @saliver5909
    @saliver5909 10 місяців тому

    Yeah this can be a tragic romance story and it is only the beginning where the heroine is making friends with everybody. Who knows maybe either Maomao or Jinshi will be dead in the future, leaving their children behind.

  • @fjoergyn
    @fjoergyn 10 місяців тому

    i would guess that lakan dont know that jinshi was the target.

  • @ramaluminus
    @ramaluminus 9 місяців тому

    As much as I hate and don't want to admit it, but the guard just doing their job. Just hoping he got punished accordingly.

  • @anyathepanther7977
    @anyathepanther7977 10 місяців тому

    Ya know what really is messed up?
    The only way Maomao and Jinshi could be together, without concequences, was if she accepted her Position as Rakans Daughter.
    Daughters of High ranking Officials were often married to relatives of the Emporer.

    • @fanskucing597
      @fanskucing597 10 місяців тому

      Assuming you're anime only, spoiler :
      Jinshi : I'd like to ask hand in marriage to Ra's daughter
      Rakan : I will never hand my daughter over!
      Maomao : Wait since when you are my father? Don't I get to say on this?
      I am not kidding it's basically like this on the novel

    • @fanskucing597
      @fanskucing597 10 місяців тому

      11 volume in LN and the real problem isn't actually Maomao's status, it is Jinshi's. He really wanted nothing with the royalty but plot is always in the way.
      He can't just, for example, elope with Maomao and run away or something. With his status, anything he did will have bigger effects to others.

    • @anyathepanther7977
      @anyathepanther7977 10 місяців тому

      @@fanskucing597 i read the Manga, i know Maomao doesnt want to Accept him as her legal Parent and i understand her.

    • @bopiangM
      @bopiangM 10 місяців тому

      @@fanskucing597 wait. didnt lakan marry fengxian? doesnt that technically put maomao in his family registrar or something

  • @JediLordWong
    @JediLordWong 10 місяців тому

    Hi. I hope you are ok. This was a really monster of an episode. I hope you recover. I don’t think most of us were ready even if I didn’t cry.
    Take care

  • @renanchoutock4886
    @renanchoutock4886 10 місяців тому +1

    In the end it is a sad period 😢 that women cannot raise their voice to men in ancient china

  • @michaelgreico9630
    @michaelgreico9630 10 місяців тому

    Lakin was in shock seeing her in that condition. If he had planned on killing Jinshi why would he let her go through?

    • @Awake_Productions
      @Awake_Productions  10 місяців тому +1

      I thought maybe he wanted her to see him die. To be cruel. To see even after all her effort she was too late. But maybe not!

    • @花車-c6t
      @花車-c6t 10 місяців тому


    • @michaelgreico9630
      @michaelgreico9630 10 місяців тому

      @@Awake_Productions An interesting thought. I wont spoil anything for you though. Just know theres more depth to Lakan than at first glance.

  • @Asoeee
    @Asoeee 10 місяців тому +1

    I dont believe that lakan is evil and we dont know lakan and maomao mum backstory

  • @raeveii
    @raeveii 10 місяців тому

    Gurl I get chuuu!! Like a few weeks ago, BEFORE we got a confirmation of who Lakan really is in Maomao's life, this stupid YT recommendation popped up on my feed and it was only Lakan's face on the thumbnail with the title saying smth like, 'Maomao's real father' or some shizt and I've never hit don't recommend channel so fast in my life. Like it's sooo tricky to get around spoilers on most social media nowadays siigh~

  • @qamplays
    @qamplays 10 місяців тому

    Ok, I'm reading manga so I do not want to spoil anything. As for you question about being right/wrong/close or misinterpreting. I must say that you did not miss anything. There are all hints, where this will go, but are nowhere near predictable. So I must say you are misinterpreting, but not because of your fault. You just do not have enough clear information to conclude anything clearly. I would say this confusion is the goal of the script and basically should keep audience guessing and be wrong to show how smart Maomao is compare to us. It's like in this episode. None from us would be able to deduce whats happening based on all the previous incidents.....only Maomao. When she came to conclusion and we got the answer it is clear, but lets be honest. Who could have guessed that by themselves. It is as with all mistery/dedective stories. Stage is set for main charater "the detective" to show us what is/has happend and how all clues should be put together to solve the mistery.

  • @ulisesherrera9632
    @ulisesherrera9632 8 місяців тому

    Creo que desde Overlord no la pasabas tan mal en un capitulo.

  • @TheNail777
    @TheNail777 10 місяців тому

    Why are you so sure that Lakan is the one of the perpetrators?

  • @brwnvon5421
    @brwnvon5421 9 місяців тому

    I don't think I'm the first to comment: you look strangely like the main character?!? 🤔🤫🤭

  • @tanko.reactions176
    @tanko.reactions176 10 місяців тому

    did she deaded?

  • @Akhilian
    @Akhilian 10 місяців тому +2

    Yes, I can say with confdence that you are misinterpretting things due to not paying enough attention to what is being said and how events proceed. I'll give you a hint: think back to when Kounen died and then compare it to when Lakan found out Jinshi purchased Maomao.

    • @ctalexsu
      @ctalexsu 10 місяців тому +2

      It sounds like you aren't anime only. It's pretty clear that the show is portraying him as a bad person, Lakan definitely feels like someone we aren't supposed to like. If you have read ahead please don't spoil 😓

    • @Akhilian
      @Akhilian 10 місяців тому +2

      @@ctalexsu I am mostly a LN reader. ;) Do not worry, it is not my intention to come here and spoil things. I am only pointing out something the audience already witnessed for themselves in hopes of getting some gears spinning. c:

    • @bopiangM
      @bopiangM 10 місяців тому

      @@Akhilian well i agree, example like people when saw the baby swap will ask why isit important to swap it, while the reality of it is already shown even in episode 1,
      where lihua's son is prioritize over gyo's daughter. so an emperor's son is prioritize over a price son, it has been shown before. people just doesnt catch it.
      pointing it back doesnt equal to spoiler.

  • @ctalexsu
    @ctalexsu 10 місяців тому +1

    this episode straight up made me feel RAGE at the guard and Lakan. Maomao is such a positive force for everyone around her and seeing her hurt like this breaks my heart. She so often tries to remain neutral because she is aware of how unfair the society that she lives in is, but despite knowing that her kindness always drives her actions and she helps people she isn't obligated to. she's so kind. i need jinshi to destroy these people 🥲 i agree, everything points to Lakan being the mastermind, but seeing him upset at her being hurt has me questioning his motives? like why would he let her in if the goal was to kill jinshi? i need the next episode ahhhh. great reaction as always ^_^

    • @sebastiansuazo2734
      @sebastiansuazo2734 10 місяців тому +2

      He's not the mastermind here, otherwise he wouldnt even have given Mao Mao the ammount of clues he gave her to Solve this

    • @ctalexsu
      @ctalexsu 10 місяців тому

      @@sebastiansuazo2734 how do you know? his motives so far are very ambiguous but the show paints him as a pretty awful person. he could have some twisted motivation for doing so right?

    • @Sheppart92
      @Sheppart92 10 місяців тому

      @@ctalexsu People who think Lakan is the one behind it seemingly forget everything that happend in the last Episodes.
      If he was behind it, he would have taken the Pipe from the Storehouse, destroying the Evidence. He wouldnt have fed all these small Clues in the Cases to Jinshi (that Maomao solved) and he wouldnt have helped her in the end entering the Temple, he could have just simply said to the Guards "detain her and bring her away from here"
      And most of all, the Anime still has not shown the full Backstory behind Lakan, Maomao and her Mother.

  • @coelharebelde
    @coelharebelde 10 місяців тому

    Could you please react to the Korean Dramas ITAWEON CLASS,FLOWER OF EVIL and MOVING. Thanks anyway ❤

  • @xuedi
    @xuedi 10 місяців тому

    Episode 20 is even more emotional, when she dies by an simple infection to her leg 😞

  • @Reaperherpderp
    @Reaperherpderp 10 місяців тому

    whoever in the background yelling need to chill yo

  • @naylaw1928
    @naylaw1928 10 місяців тому

    I think lakan was surprised to see Jinshi alive and Maomao seemingly gravely injuried
    Also not a spoiler but in Jinshi defense as we see we don't know what Jinshi job is technically and they didn't really have designated investigators back then so her and her dad would be the closest to Sherlock Holmes for them

    • @Sheppart92
      @Sheppart92 10 місяців тому

      People who think Lakan is the one behind it seemingly forget everything that happend in the last Episodes.
      If he was behind it, he would have taken the Pipe from the Storehouse, destroying the Evidence. He wouldnt have fed all these small Clues in the Cases to Jinshi (that Maomao solved) and he wouldnt have helped her in the end entering the Temple, he could have just simply said to the Guards "detain her and bring her away from here"

    • @naylaw1928
      @naylaw1928 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Sheppart92 and some of us know a bit more than you and are a bit more morbid. If he is behind it (no spoilers) No he wouldn't have to -no comment just wait and see- . He technically only gave them one clue and that was seemingly to test the theory that his daughter is as cunning as him and the other clues were personal favors for Jinshi and goashun because their friends died mysteriously. And lastly he could because for 1 mao was just bludgeoned and 2 myself and others theorize lakan knows it's already too late so she's going to walk in and see Jinshi die or she'd focus on self-preservation vs being a superhero like she is but he wouldn't know that.
      Long story short lots of heads would roll before it ever got back to him

    • @Sheppart92
      @Sheppart92 10 місяців тому

      I read the Manga until Chapter 68 and plan to read the Light Novels, even without all that its clear as day that he isnt behind any of it 🤣
      The true mastermind is someone else, and the Conclusion of all this apparently will only end in Volume 5, which is part of a 3rd Season (not that i know the exact Details, i just read from others who read the LN that everything between Volume 1-4, with these cases etc finds its conclusion in that Volume)

    • @naylaw1928
      @naylaw1928 10 місяців тому

      @@Sheppart92 will the whole point of this initially was to spectate without using the information of the light novels but since we're ignoring that
      nothing in the manga has signified that he wasn't part of the attempt we have a clear reason as to why hes piped down after his most recent large purchase. but the Fall Guy that it fell on was the body that turned out to not be there and they've given no reason to believe that she couldn't have been in contact with lakan during that time. until further notice we don't even know what her part in the whole situation really was or y. and finally if we do know what his position is we know what his father used to f****** do there's no reason to believe there would be only one person after Genji's life. now if you know for a fact that lacan is not the perpetrator then f*** off and stop spoiling it for everyone else. if you don't it is perfectly fine to speculate within the confines of the story there wasn't a whole lot of reason for so many people to believe that Mao was the missing baby from the palace especially when you consider this is part romance and the last thing you would want is for them to end up being cousins, presumably the other baby shoulda been a boy, and so on and so forth but they still have their right to speculate

  • @bopiangM
    @bopiangM 10 місяців тому

    lol, why u hating on lakan so much, this remind me of how much u hate Rem back then with rezero. lol but then u change ur tone after haha

  • @twothousandisland
    @twothousandisland 10 місяців тому


  • @flavorgod
    @flavorgod 10 місяців тому +11

    So many baseless accusations with little evidence. I hope you're not like this with real people.

    • @sidermotorsports
      @sidermotorsports 10 місяців тому +1

      Are you dumb? It's called speculation. They write the story to make you think things that aren't really true. Dumbass.

    • @mardshima2070
      @mardshima2070 10 місяців тому +1

      Sadly that just how majority people in the world are.

    • @alexucon
      @alexucon 10 місяців тому +5

      Its not baseless, dudes being shaddy af the whole time, i don't agree with her but your last remark is so much extra.

    • @omegashark1837
      @omegashark1837 10 місяців тому +3

      Okay, relax just a bit…

    • @Firebacon1gg
      @Firebacon1gg 10 місяців тому

      ​@@alexuconyet lakan hasn't done anything we have seen him talk thats about it. No action taken till now with helping maomao. Also .