How to Replace the Battery on a Samsung Galaxy S8

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @lucyaklar6345
    @lucyaklar6345 5 років тому +136

    After watching this, I miss my S5. Changing battery was a 10 second job.

    • @DigitalJeremy
      @DigitalJeremy 4 роки тому +7

      @Leopold S5's were water resistant, too. Also XCover4 (same battery). The whole 'sealed' phone concept is, IMHO, consumer un-friendly.

    • @bigalfajoetrump3911
      @bigalfajoetrump3911 4 роки тому

      @Leopold it has nothing to do with the water resistance; the whole phone can easily be done as a water resistant - and the battery compartment there can be made absolutely waterproof with just a connectors popping out (connectors can be also sealed in any waterproof way or totally molded around) so you would just slide a battery inside from the bottom ( the bottom cover could be also glueable but with the concept of a replaceability in mind).

    • @bigalfajoetrump3911
      @bigalfajoetrump3911 4 роки тому +4

      @Leopold The hard in it is the fact that these things are made not to be really repairable - you can attempt of course - but with a high risk of damaging something along the way.

    • @bigalfajoetrump3911
      @bigalfajoetrump3911 4 роки тому

      @Leopold if a company would make a pre-order system, I guess that many would be happy with the option I've described above.

    • @chrisnoble2084
      @chrisnoble2084 4 роки тому

      Brilliant video... I have a cracked screen not bad but gonna replace it and might aswell replace battery. Have done my research watched a few vids with thanks to ppl who have explained to us how to do it carefully, luckily I'm an electrician but it's not rocket science you must make sure you be careful as pointed out with the connections and ribbons.

  • @kingb3
    @kingb3 7 років тому +287

    10 years from now replacing your battery will be an olympic event.

  • @coachk5178
    @coachk5178 5 років тому +18

    Thank you this was very easy to follow!! At first I was hesitant to do a DIY but after carefully watching your video I was able to complete this task all on my own. Thanks!

  • @anncope281
    @anncope281 2 роки тому +5

    TYVM!!! I followed step by step and it works perfectly. I found that no business would touch a battery change when customer provides battery - so it was up to me. Just a quick point - I didn't have a hot plate, but used a rice bag that you heat up in the microwave. I did use a thermometer to make sure I was at 110 degrees. I am so pleased!!! Best, Ann

  • @ivanivanec7296
    @ivanivanec7296 6 років тому +97

    Ahh good old days when changing battery was half minute job

    • @SaintPatrick33
      @SaintPatrick33 4 роки тому +6

      All I used to sell at RadioShack was phone batteries. Cell phone, cordless phones. They just don't want people to fix thier phone, they want them to buy a new one.

  • @brandonsydow5334
    @brandonsydow5334 7 років тому +63

    What a pain in the ass. I bought an s8 and want to keep it for a long time. Looks like I'm going to have to do this in a couple years.

    • @JA-rn5qv
      @JA-rn5qv 5 років тому +4

      @Niranjan Raju Sounds like a defective battery. I've had mine over 2 years and original battery still works fine. A full charge last me 2 days easy. As soon as you started having that issue you should have gotten the battery changed. Most cellphone shops can do that for you for a very reasonable price.

  • @clv603
    @clv603 7 років тому +66

    It would do you a lot of good to properly mix the music volume in future videos!

    • @strika71
      @strika71 6 років тому +8

      Yeah, I nearly had heart attack when the not-so-gentle music volume kicked in! Good vid tho.

    • @KK-gc2md
      @KK-gc2md 6 років тому +2

      True that.

    • @jayviperdj
      @jayviperdj 4 роки тому +1

      Agreed 100% fantastic informative video but the change in volume levels was a major annoyance. I hope the guy takes this information on board.

    • @Lilman3000
      @Lilman3000 3 роки тому

      nobody cares your too lazy to touch a volume button. uhhhhhh so hard

  • @leeosborne2611
    @leeosborne2611 5 років тому +17

    Since I gave up my dream of being a rock star I can still use my picks. All is not lost.

  • @sixpac20032010
    @sixpac20032010 5 років тому +6

    What temperature would you recommend heating battery at to losen adhesive, And how long?

  • @charleskass1846
    @charleskass1846 5 років тому +17

    I don't know what the problem is with my phone, damn near red hot and the back wont budge at all. Mine must be welded in place?

  • @LA-vw7hd
    @LA-vw7hd 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for a great video!!! I changed mine yesterday using this video. My battery expanded and opened the back, so I didn't have to use heat. After replacing the battery, bluetooth and wifi would not turn on. After reseting bluetooth and wifi, bluetooth worked, but not wifi. Another internet article said to put the phone in airplane mode and then shut down. Upon restarting the phone, wifi began working. Some other videos on you tube basically want you to strip down the whole phone in order to change the battery. Thanks again!!!

  • @r.e.4873
    @r.e.4873 3 роки тому +1

    Really nice guide. I was worried my battery was bulging, so I went to open the phone up. Naturally, it was my first time handling a glass-backed phone so I completely mangled it. Oh well. Picked the glass shards out of my hand, taped it all up, and sealed it all back up after diagnosing a healthy battery.
    Of course, I did all this before watching your video, like a genius, because I know everything lol.
    BUT I can definitely say this is a great guide, because had I watched it, it definitely would have saved me some damage to my phone's glass backing.
    Edit: and my hand.

  • @danielsembera2425
    @danielsembera2425 3 роки тому +1

    So good video 👍 and after this process is S8 still waterproof?

  • @johnlacourse9598
    @johnlacourse9598 4 роки тому +1

    Great video. Glad you spoke up and explained what you were doing for us. Could have done without the music though. You definitely made me feel like I could handle this myself. I don't like this phone (glass sandwich) but my wife is interested in it. Blessings, John 20:29

  • @matthewfromthechatroom7974
    @matthewfromthechatroom7974 5 років тому +3

    Great video, man! Got my battery replaced in just a minute or two longer than your video!

  • @bjoy
    @bjoy 3 роки тому

    A simple THANK YOU for a helpful video!! You just helped me save my Galaxy S8 phone.

  • @adoomator
    @adoomator 7 років тому +53

    Lol prying tool? I have that same guitar pick 🤣

  • @ross817
    @ross817 2 роки тому

    what song did you use for this video? I love it

  • @deansimon8508
    @deansimon8508 3 роки тому

    hi ! what the temperature you use in the hot plate to remove the back , are you going to burn it or damage the battery ?

  • @willcline7992
    @willcline7992 7 років тому +13

    Nice demonstration but very difficult to attempt. I really will not buy a phone that is this difficult to replace a battery. I have an S5 Samsung phone and it appears this will be the last Samsung phone I buy, unfortunately, because I really like it. I know the phone manufacturers do this on purpose to increase the sales on turnovers on their phones but sorry that will not earn my business.

    • @JS-fb6ww
      @JS-fb6ww 6 років тому +2

      Will Cline, well said. Bravo👏

    • @Joaquin-227
      @Joaquin-227 6 років тому +1

      Will Cline S9 will be out in a few days

    • @markusmagusara4245
      @markusmagusara4245 6 років тому

      Exactly ur right

    • @KyleCarrington
      @KyleCarrington 6 років тому +1

      I hear ya. I have an S5 and just bought this S8. This is f'n ridiculous.

    • @blaumutze7278
      @blaumutze7278 5 років тому +1

      deal with it. we live in 2019 not 2014

  • @mayocantu
    @mayocantu 2 роки тому

    Great video Brother!!! Many thanks from Houston, Texas! mayo

  • @jimgardner999
    @jimgardner999 Рік тому

    Thanks man, you saved me $125.00

  • @shv90210
    @shv90210 7 років тому +6

    Great Video, very early after the release for battery replacement. But the quicker the better, Thanks much for this how to do video.

    • @xxkoolguyxx4488
      @xxkoolguyxx4488 7 років тому +1

      You are first comment!! GOOD JOB

    • @shv90210
      @shv90210 7 років тому

      LOL, thanks I guess.

  • @davido3530
    @davido3530 6 років тому +1

    Does this affect waterproofing?

  • @michaellui74
    @michaellui74 7 років тому +1

    nice video . after you replace the battery will the phone still be waterproof ?? thanks

  • @arniet1
    @arniet1 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the tutorial mate. Is there a decent phone out there where you can just simply remove and replace the battery like on older phones instead of this carry on malarky?

  • @daaysiataapken8938
    @daaysiataapken8938 7 років тому +14

    Why are so many people concerned about a water resistant aspect of the phone? How are you all managing to get water on your phones all the time

    • @solaprose5042
      @solaprose5042 6 років тому

      Keeta Taapken ditto

    • @nickt83
      @nickt83 6 років тому +2

      Because the S8 is a waterproof phone, breaking the factory seal is a concern for the waterproof feature of this phone.

    • @sixpac20032010
      @sixpac20032010 5 років тому

      @@nickt83 You can buy water resistant seal for samsung galaxy s8/s9 And so forth.

    • @Jah_Rastafari_ORIG
      @Jah_Rastafari_ORIG 4 роки тому +4

      @bigtoolgarry That _is_ good news. I regularly take conference calls in the shallow end of the swimming pool. But they only typically last 28 minutes....

  • @notjustwarwick4432
    @notjustwarwick4432 6 років тому +8

    Used same tool as you on battery set on fire thanks!

    • @odnu
      @odnu 4 роки тому


  • @stephenworldwide
    @stephenworldwide 3 роки тому +1

    Should I buy the battery and tools for $20 and do it myself, or spend $100 and have it done by a repair service? I'm leaning towards DIY. Thoughts?

    • @oliviagreen8853
      @oliviagreen8853 3 роки тому

      Im in the same boat. Cost to repair myself is 35 but a shop near me can do it for 76. Leaning toward a shop so I don't screw up all the sensors and glass backing of my phone

  • @melbourneselitegamer
    @melbourneselitegamer 5 років тому +5

    Just did it. Wasn't too hard but be carefull because i ended up shattering the back glass

    • @TrollAxeThrower
      @TrollAxeThrower 3 роки тому

      That's why it wasn't hard. You did it without being careful.

  • @mxrii7834
    @mxrii7834 7 років тому +24

    Is it still waterproof?

    • @HeshamALAhdal
      @HeshamALAhdal 6 років тому +5

      I dont think that. this adhesive glue might not be sealed as it should be.

    • @nancygonzalez743
      @nancygonzalez743 5 років тому +3

      No, after you open it.

    • @adityamamrath3885
      @adityamamrath3885 4 роки тому

      Depends on what adhesive he used

  • @biebe08
    @biebe08 7 років тому +9

    um, does it still waterproof? considering it's sealed has been broken?

    • @shv90210
      @shv90210 7 років тому +1

      No its not, it would have to be sent back to a Samsung refurbish center. To be fully refurbish to IP68 certification.

    • @biebe08
      @biebe08 7 років тому +1

      shv90210 hm... thanks. i won't try that then. better bring it back to samsung service center. great video anyway. thanks.

    • @shv90210
      @shv90210 7 років тому +2

      No Problem, No one should try anything they don't know much about. Its better to send it in to Samsung, if the Water resistance is very important you.

    • @eddiejeansonne6372
      @eddiejeansonne6372 7 років тому +4

      if replacing the battery is your last resort to make the device usable, you have nothing to lose. if you want it done correctly, let a proffesional do it. this is not something you would dojust because you can.

    • @miguelrodriguez414
      @miguelrodriguez414 7 років тому

      biebe08 nope he just damaged the water resistance

  • @kacey797
    @kacey797 3 роки тому

    Can you use bigger battry? Ir the s9 battery?

  • @BigumsStuff
    @BigumsStuff 7 років тому

    Is it still going to be warrantied as 'water resistant' after I change the battery?

  • @DrWenChannel
    @DrWenChannel 7 років тому +4

    It would be really nice if Samsung Galaxy S9 can have a replaceable/removable battery!!

    • @viceversatile3873
      @viceversatile3873 6 років тому +6

      Wen and have samsung miss out on all the repairs/replacements profit? Never gonna happen. They copied apple so blame apple for that the fuckin cunts

    • @johntravolta3804
      @johntravolta3804 5 років тому

      It doesnt!

  • @ਹਰਸਿਮਰਨਸਿੰਘਬਰਾੜ

    Pliz reply if battrey chages is there anybissue come in water resistence

  • @hipstarchild
    @hipstarchild 4 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing...Just changed the battery !!

  • @timothycarpenter4428
    @timothycarpenter4428 3 роки тому

    Thanks bro! worked like a charm!

  • @kmody
    @kmody 7 років тому +1

    great vid, thanks for the detailed info sure i will have to refer to this in a couple of years.

  • @marypaton543
    @marypaton543 7 років тому +2

    So are you supposed to send it back to get new battery if you can't do it yourself. I have just ordered one of these phones

    • @TODD7
      @TODD7 7 років тому

      Yes send it in for a battery replacement.

  • @deslauri
    @deslauri 4 роки тому

    I ended up cracking the glass cover on the back, but it works. Likely will not handle water as good. Will keep it backed up regularly in case it has issues. Thanks for the helped. Wish I had realized that the back cover was glass...

  • @shalidarkalyan3464
    @shalidarkalyan3464 5 років тому +1

    How much do you charge for this

  • @shortsweet3973
    @shortsweet3973 4 роки тому

    Great video what size is the battery my battery swelled up and opened the back of my phone a little.Im scared to open it.I want to order a new battery before i open it all the way to replace the battery so could you please tell me the info on the battery thank you .👍

    • @filmingislegalmoronfilm
      @filmingislegalmoronfilm 4 роки тому

      Same exact thing happened to me yesterday. I already have the back loosened off, all I need now is a new battery.

  • @urchikgaming4178
    @urchikgaming4178 2 роки тому

    No glue applied to the battery and back cover?

  • @kenLopez-zm7im
    @kenLopez-zm7im 7 років тому

    Hello i want know if the battery s7 edge can put in the s8

  • @LabRat6619
    @LabRat6619 3 роки тому

    Any similar experience, like being an eye surgeon is useful

  • @thinkaspire
    @thinkaspire 7 років тому +1

    This is slightly easier than replacing it on the S6 edge. You have to disconnect a bunch of ports, pull the screen from the metal frame, and then remove the entire logic board on the s6 edge. Just make sure you get a good suction tool.

  • @BobRooney290
    @BobRooney290 7 років тому +6

    oh hellz no. i'll stick with my galaxy s5 until i find another brand with a removable battery. even iphones are easier to open this this junk. seems like samsung cut huge corners in quality. thanks for posting this video. its an eye opener.

    • @strika71
      @strika71 6 років тому +3

      I'm still rockin the Galaxy S4, I'm on my 3rd battery and the old girl is still goin strong.... love old tech-no-logy!! Haahaaa :)

    • @mudassar34
      @mudassar34 5 років тому

      Peter Z me too on my good old s4 still great phone just wish there was software fix to stop whats ap data going on to phone memory which may be 16gb but we only get access to 6gb or so after apps so i have to unistall all possible apps even email but apart from that solid phone and still working good as newer phones plus the screen dont crack like the newr ones if you drop it once.

    • @mudassar34
      @mudassar34 5 років тому +1

      I think many people dont realise that be it annoying to get to batt but the dust and ip rating has to be maintained by having a sealed unit.

  • @Nombre105
    @Nombre105 25 днів тому

    Thanks to your demonstration of loudspeaker removal I no longer have functioning phone with wifi. I pryed there because it wouldn’t come off and appearently damaged wifi antennas wich are just below where you pulled your loudspeaker part. You should have mentioned that antennas are right below that part.

    • @Nombre105
      @Nombre105 25 днів тому

      Amoled displays are very sensitive to heat. That should have been mentioned also.

  • @सत्यईमानदारी

    If the back cover removed so its not waterproof anymore, right?

  • @patrickhowes5672
    @patrickhowes5672 3 роки тому

    One thing to lookout for is loctite or something similar on the screws. I think I stripped a couple already

  • @MatrixMaverick1980
    @MatrixMaverick1980 5 років тому +2

    Please bring back replaceable battery phones.

  • @梁凱浩
    @梁凱浩 7 років тому

    is it still waterproof after you open it ?

  • @Minimalist11Guy
    @Minimalist11Guy 7 років тому +9

    Thank you for a brilliant video, I had a flash of inspiration as no doubt the Note 8 will also be designed by Satan. Samsung must think that their customers are stupid, my idea was to make a new plastic back for the Note 8, so that I can use three batteries per day as I do with my brilliant Note 4. It looks as if the Note 8 will be a sticky mess inside, just a cost cutting exercise.I will miss the Note pen, but I love the Dual SIM on the LG V20, Samsung will lose a lot of customers because they are putting greed above good engineering. Planned obsolescence is an ecological sin.

  • @Electric-Do-Stuff
    @Electric-Do-Stuff 2 роки тому +2

    It should be mentioned to anyone from the UK following this that the UK model of the S8 is structured differently on the inside. The wireless charging coil isn't screwed to the back like it is here, it's glued to the case, so when you remove it you run the risk of snapping the circuitry like I did. This will mean the phone won't charge at all when you put it back together, so now I'm having to replace the coil too.
    Just thought I'd give a heads up.

    • @MultiColouredVagina
      @MultiColouredVagina Рік тому

      It sounds like someone has glued it on yours. It's not supposed to be glued to the back

  • @tristanlasschuit2962
    @tristanlasschuit2962 7 років тому

    after replacing is it waterproof again?

  • @RealSlavGod
    @RealSlavGod 4 роки тому

    Hey I have a question. My battery is bulging and started partially pushing off the back from the left side. How should i loosen the rest of the adhesive for the back and the battery. Is heat a safe option with a bulging battery?

    • @humashah2024
      @humashah2024 2 роки тому +1

      Same problem right now I have at this time. I mean at 12.51 am.. I m typing using samsung galaxy j7. But they have make our life harder now

    • @RealSlavGod
      @RealSlavGod 2 роки тому

      @@humashah2024 I ended up using a heat gun lightly and using a tool to scrape off the adhesive but be careful not to pry the cover as you can crack the glass on the back.

    • @humashah2024
      @humashah2024 2 роки тому +1

      @@RealSlavGod thanks. It will be ok after battery replacement ? Means for how long I can use same cell phone facing no problem ?

    • @humashah2024
      @humashah2024 2 роки тому

      @@RealSlavGod I am not confident enough to do it by myself. I will take it to the concern expert for this issue. 😕

    • @RealSlavGod
      @RealSlavGod 2 роки тому

      @@humashah2024 If I could do it, you could do it. Save yourself some money

  • @lifeyang2
    @lifeyang2 5 років тому +1

    If I did that to my phone, my phone will never work again. Lol. Anyhow, thanks for showing how it is done. Video is informative.

  • @LubomirZvara
    @LubomirZvara 4 роки тому

    How is it with waterproof?

  • @daniyalarif119
    @daniyalarif119 5 років тому

    Does the phone stay Water proof after this?

  • @faizahmad7629
    @faizahmad7629 4 роки тому

    Will it be waterproof after opening the mobile

  • @nathansampson662
    @nathansampson662 7 років тому

    Does anybody know the names of the songs he played

  • @flexibleatheist
    @flexibleatheist 5 років тому +6

    Basically, surgery without a license.

  • @michael8205
    @michael8205 6 років тому

    When you replace the battery does it automatically wipe everything you have on the phone off please let me know

    • @Darkfa1r
      @Darkfa1r 5 років тому +1

      No, that's on the hard drive, battery has nothing to do with memory.

  • @googleuser4203
    @googleuser4203 6 років тому

    Call me an idiot, but doesn't that adhesive support the water proof thing? or the circuit is protected by something else?

  • @mariobianchi1909
    @mariobianchi1909 7 років тому +9

    Cannot figure out why Samsung and others do not consider using screws to fix the back cover. I mean if the reason is because the screws are ugly, they could be placed on the sides and hidden in some way.

    • @virtualRod
      @virtualRod 7 років тому

      Mario Bianchi No, the mobile phone *IS WATER RESISTANT* !
      (YOU *DID* pay the few extra bucks for extended protection for defects, breakage, damage *DIDN'T YOU* ?

    • @traplover6357
      @traplover6357 7 років тому

      v Rod you would try to change the battery since it will be poor after more than 2 years.

    • @JS-fb6ww
      @JS-fb6ww 6 років тому +2

      Mario Bianchi or they could go back to the way they made the s5. Best galaxy of them all.

    • @colinvespa4709
      @colinvespa4709 6 років тому

      Nathan Drake I've still got my S5 still working. :)

  • @larrypierce2777
    @larrypierce2777 6 років тому

    I just contacted Samsung about self battery changes when under warranty. Just be aware that if you break the cover seal on the cell phone it will void any warranty or repairs of the phone itself. They made themselves very clear on this issue. They do not put out any videos on the change of the battery on their cell phones.

  • @larrypierce2777
    @larrypierce2777 6 років тому

    So you don't have to replace all of the sticky seals. Just reuse the old ones and hope it doesn't leak. Remind me not to drop it in any water. It looks pretty simple now I see you do it. The last video I watched I think was an S7 but the video was labeled a S8. An S7 has more plugs to unplug and items to remove before the battery will come out according to the guys video.

  • @ooajuba
    @ooajuba 5 років тому

    Impressive video

  • @ronaldbautista2262
    @ronaldbautista2262 7 років тому

    I did this replacement battery of s7 edge and i did not have any sound ... does anyone have solution to no sound

  • @ak47bobbarke
    @ak47bobbarke 4 роки тому

    Thank you bro! :)

  • @fersko31
    @fersko31 5 років тому

    Does this change the mAh Batteries????

    • @fersko31
      @fersko31 5 років тому

      @bigtoolgarry cool.. thx m8

  • @KatieFleming
    @KatieFleming Рік тому

    Dumb question - any chance of puncturing the battery and it exploding? :D That's the step I'm worried about

  • @NelleNMario704
    @NelleNMario704 7 років тому


  • @DBHHellhound
    @DBHHellhound 7 років тому +11

    That's why I got the LG G5. Never buying a non removable battery smartphone.

    • @redcowcat8705
      @redcowcat8705 7 років тому +5

      Mickxal me too!!! I wonder what will be your next phone choose lg started with this bullshit now too.

  • @ThomasAbdalla
    @ThomasAbdalla 6 років тому

    Is it still water proof?

  • @henryfurlott2222
    @henryfurlott2222 Рік тому

    Thanks very much for this vid. Wow, sure is a scary process (and I used to work in service!!!). With glass and sensitive electronics, the procedure is fraught with dangers (I sure never heated any instruments that I used to fix!!!) Better back up everything and budget for a new phone, just in case. i would also suggest removing the microSD chip and SIM card, just in case of the heat (can't be too careful). Much appreciated to see the inside (even the damned battery is glued in place!!!)

  • @Anthony89810
    @Anthony89810 7 років тому +23

    Those greedy bastards that removed the back plate...

    • @adamknowles6892
      @adamknowles6892 6 років тому

      Daniel San Martin it's an Android idiot not an iPhone

    • @JPLooney
      @JPLooney 6 років тому

      I know right...

    • @joshbrobud8358
      @joshbrobud8358 5 років тому

      That's why I love my S5 - and it still has the original battery.

  • @martynascesnauskas1393
    @martynascesnauskas1393 4 роки тому +1

    Word on the street is that the next phone will require a gun to fix

  • @itzreece6347
    @itzreece6347 6 років тому

    After changing my battery the new battery will not charge. What could be done to fix?

  • @BF6ct
    @BF6ct 5 років тому +1

    And void the warranty doing so? I think not

    • @Liljoozy
      @Liljoozy 10 місяців тому

      bro if you need the change the battery then the warranty is moot and could have expired anyway

  • @effahbright937
    @effahbright937 6 років тому +5

    Thus really crazy i need to fry the phone before i can change the battery 😩😩😩😩😩😩

  • @pentiummmx2294
    @pentiummmx2294 4 роки тому

    smartphones are normally meant to be disposable but it's amazing that some people are able to repair these.

  • @john17720
    @john17720 4 роки тому

    Whey did remove the motherboard for? Unnecessary step.

  • @Godschoosen1
    @Godschoosen1 5 років тому +2

    Why couldn't they just make the Samsung Galaxy s8 with an easier battery 🤷‍♀️

  • @jotrachsel
    @jotrachsel 7 років тому +1

    are u supposed to turn the phone on?

  • @skyracer4756
    @skyracer4756 5 років тому

    Please tell me have the srews all the same length?

  • @drakensangbg6501
    @drakensangbg6501 5 років тому

    its not waterproof after replacing the battery right ?

    • @nancygonzalez743
      @nancygonzalez743 5 років тому

      Yes, after replace the battery is not waterproof

  • @jimmyneutron6127
    @jimmyneutron6127 3 роки тому

    BE VERY VERY VERY CAREFUL WHEN prying the back go a little at a time as you work your way around. I pryed to hard and spiderweb cracked the back. It's all glass too.

  • @mudassar34
    @mudassar34 5 років тому +1

    Great video but few things need to be changed....annoying loud background music. No mention of heat/glue when closing up.

  • @rakeshsahani7566
    @rakeshsahani7566 3 роки тому +1

    Samsung s8 folder price

  • @AndreychukAndrey
    @AndreychukAndrey 7 років тому +6

    Yaaaa I just stay with my note 4.

    • @miguelrodriguez414
      @miguelrodriguez414 7 років тому

      Andrey Andreychuk and thats why ur vocabulary isn't updated because u refuse to update ur phone

    • @brucewrigleysgumchewz4667
      @brucewrigleysgumchewz4667 5 років тому +1

      Miguel.. like your grammar is any better? 😏

  • @ryarbrough1195
    @ryarbrough1195 7 років тому +1

    Why not use an oven to heat the phone?

    • @charleskass1846
      @charleskass1846 5 років тому

      Although difficult to do, the idea is to soften the adhesive to remove the back, An oven would likely cook the battery and processor as well and that is something you might want to avoid.

    • @mle1872
      @mle1872 5 років тому

      You're an idiot. The microwave is much quicker.

  • @stevehumphries4928
    @stevehumphries4928 6 років тому +1

    Appears the screen protector has damaged in the heat up the process ... upper right corner? It looked like it already had some ... but is definitely worse now ... I hope its easier to replace the screen protector. Appears to be one of that permanent kind. This is my 4th smartphone and my 1st smartphone for over $150.00 ... Crud, I was not thinking about battery replacement when I bought this phone. When shopping for a car I made up a checklist. Looks like I need to do the same thing now when shopping for a phone. This is absolutely rediculous just to change a battery. It had better last at least 3-4 years or Samsung lost a customer!!! Phone functions are pretty awesome but I really hate all glass and battery replacement suck big time!!! Had I known I would have walked away! Xfinity mobile does not have much of a phone selection at this time.

  • @Taylor88Productions
    @Taylor88Productions 4 роки тому

    Ok my hand is slightly burnt... Now I'm ready to get started... 😳🙄

  • @ruxandraa.neacsu8618
    @ruxandraa.neacsu8618 6 років тому

    how about when you buy it new and need to put the sim card in? what a pain!

    • @yg78t76t7
      @yg78t76t7 6 років тому

      There's an opening for the sim

    • @ruxandraa.neacsu8618
      @ruxandraa.neacsu8618 6 років тому +1

      I managed to figure it out in the meantime :)) Thank you, Alfred.

  • @itsabhijha
    @itsabhijha 4 роки тому

    removing the back cover was the toughest part.

    @VJETRA 7 років тому +7

    wtf i just see, i though Samsung not going to copy IPhone but now they note 3 take under 1 minute to change battery and i can change battery when i out of, so i have infinite battery but for this one... not very good hardware design!

    • @SuperKirkb
      @SuperKirkb 4 роки тому

      Iphone used samsung screens for years period

  • @channelantoneon
    @channelantoneon 6 років тому +2

    but repairability is the reason i switched to android why is this phone so hard to repair

  • @vaggelismanousakis6147
    @vaggelismanousakis6147 3 роки тому

    What happens when you buy a new batter for 10$ but is weaker and lasts less than the older one you had. Any ideas what to do ? :/