The thing is I have not reached that point in the game yet. I have been busy with exams for the past few weeks. I got the game a few weeks ago. I am at the end of chapter 4 right next to the boss battle. I am underleveled so I am going to level grind soon enough.
This song still gives me PTSD
You will pay for your insolence
You will pay for your insolence!
The thing is I have not reached that point in the game yet.
I have been busy with exams for the past few weeks.
I got the game a few weeks ago.
I am at the end of chapter 4 right next to the boss battle.
I am underleveled so I am going to level grind soon enough.
Probably my most favorite boss theme.
I LOVE you for the yellow ones. That's what I mostly miss, tutorials that show me how to play the main melody
I'm Xord, your host tonight
Xord. So you have a name?
Can’t say I remember it myself!
Don’t let up Reyn!
I'm practicing the first bit so much I'm afraid I might get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Do unfinished battle next