The English Attack setup is not effective against the Classical Sicilian, that's why the mainline at the top is the Bg5 (Rauzer) variation. Alternatively white can explore 6. Bc4 leading to the Sozin Attack (usually with short castle and a kingside pawn storm) or the Velimirovic Attack (often Be3, Qe2, O-O-O, and launching a massive pawn storm). This f3 line is mostly an anti-Najdorf and anti-Dragon weapon.
Excellent recap - a narrow loss.
In the 6.f3 line, you have to play 8.Nd5 (before Be3) to physically block ...d5. But maybe you should try the 6.Bg5 Richter-Rauzer instead.
Qe2 is much better than Qd2, Nd5 is also playable there
The English Attack setup is not effective against the Classical Sicilian, that's why the mainline at the top is the Bg5 (Rauzer) variation. Alternatively white can explore 6. Bc4 leading to the Sozin Attack (usually with short castle and a kingside pawn storm) or the Velimirovic Attack (often Be3, Qe2, O-O-O, and launching a massive pawn storm).
This f3 line is mostly an anti-Najdorf and anti-Dragon weapon.
You've had a few games since this one but still, good luck!