After a long day of struggle, limping up the narrow hard path; no worldly comfort for me. No I seek to delight myself in my Lord and his blissful comfort and love and hear a good sermon. Such an awesome god who loved me first.
I love the thought that God is our refuge and rock. I also find great comfort in the truth that God's love is steadfast to His people. God will never leave us or forsake us.
It´s always amusing to think that the author of this psalm - a Jew - would be appalled at the fact that a heretic, who believes god could have a son, preaches about his text.
I guess you mean yourself???? You are the heretic - David understood about Jesus Christ the Son of God who would come into the world - the King who would sit on David's throne forever!!!! 2 Samuel 7:16 - The Messiah. The Son of God.. The second Person of the Trinity took on flesh and came to dwell among us to bring salvation - He rose from the dead and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father. As Jesus said - those who have ears let them hear.
After a long day of struggle, limping up the narrow hard path; no worldly comfort for me. No I seek to delight myself in my Lord and his blissful comfort and love and hear a good sermon. Such an awesome god who loved me first.
I love the thought that God is our refuge and rock. I also find great comfort in the truth that God's love is steadfast to His people. God will never leave us or forsake us.
Now that's preaching! Thank God there are still a few who open God's holy word and break thou the Bread of Life!
What a wonderful fortifying message. And no, I could never imagine our country, and the nations, caving fast. Praying earnestly for revival.
Has become such a treasure. Thank God I found Derek’s teachings through Ligoneer
A great message from Dr. Thomas to start our day in this stressful world. Thank you Dr.
It´s always amusing to think that the author of this psalm - a Jew - would be appalled at the fact that a heretic, who believes god could have a son, preaches about his text.
Who is the heretic your talking about
@@elizabethhartley8987 For Jew every Christian is a heretic. Otherwise they would be Christians too.
I guess you mean yourself???? You are the heretic - David understood about Jesus Christ the Son of God who would come into the world - the King who would sit on David's throne forever!!!! 2 Samuel 7:16 - The Messiah. The Son of God.. The second Person of the Trinity took on flesh and came to dwell among us to bring salvation - He rose from the dead and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father. As Jesus said - those who have ears let them hear.
The psalmist prophesied of Jesus in numerous places. So explain why the psalmist would prophesy of the only begotten Son whome would appall him?
@@diztens4678 2 Timothy 3-16 all scripture is inspired by God.