Freestyle Set Up and Drive - Hip Driven Drill

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Learn more about freestyle here: athleteapprove...


  • @obliqueshockwave7387
    @obliqueshockwave7387 10 років тому +1

    Very useful video. I started to notice that the corkscrew (body/hip roll) motion fits nicely into the stroke after timing the kick properly.

  • @emmyin
    @emmyin 8 місяців тому

    Very good thank you

  • @Gary-iz8re
    @Gary-iz8re 3 роки тому

    thanks for the video, during the hip drive as he turn the hip, its obvious that the kick is scissor before each move, i have student bring this problem into the actual swim, is there any way to improve it?

  • @leesanghwa8175
    @leesanghwa8175 6 років тому

    00:00:00,357 --> 00:00:03,468
    What you're going to see on the Set Up and Drive drill is:
    마련하여 휘몰기(Set Up and Drive, 셋업 앤 드라이브) 부분 훈련에서 여러분이 관찰할 것은:
    00:00:03,493 --> 00:00:11,332
    the swimmer really trying to connect their down kick to a hip drive and the catch, really trying to create that anchoring point,
    수영인이 진짜로 그 물에 걸리는 지점을 만들려고 노력하면서, 아래로 차기를 엉덩이 돌리기(hip drive) 그리고 물 걸기(catch, 캐치)와 맞물리려고(connect, 커넥트, 연결) 진짜로 노력하는 것입니다,
    00:00:11,357 --> 00:00:15,048
    so that they can drive forward on the other side.
    그래서 다른 쪽 앞 방향으로 휘몰아갈 수 있도록.
    00:00:15,073 --> 00:00:19,462
    So we're going to watch Bobby do that on the next clip, all right. Thank you.
    이제 다음 장면에서 바비(Bobby)가 하는 것을 관찰하겠습니다, 아시겠죠. 감사합니다.
    00:00:19,511 --> 00:00:28,228
    Okay. Even though this guy is a sprinter who is going to be one of the best players in the world, he does this drill. And this is a hip driven drill.
    좋아요. 비록 이 선수가 세계적으로 최고 중 하나가 될 단거리 자유형 선수이지만, 이 선수도 이 부분 훈련을 합니다. 그리고 이것은 엉덩이 구동 부분 훈련입니다.
    00:00:28,253 --> 00:00:32,366
    But we are teaching all the different Freestyles to the sprinters and the distance swimmers. Okay.
    우리는 단거리 선수들에게도 그리고 장거리 선수들에게도 여러 종류의 자유형 모두를 가르치고 있습니다. 오케이.
    00:00:32,422 --> 00:00:37,102
    So remember this guy is going to be touching his hips and is set up and drive.
    기억하세요. 이 선수는 엉덩이에 손을 대고 나서 마련(set up)하여 휘몰아갈(drive, 드라이브) 것입니다.
    00:00:37,127 --> 00:00:40,607
    You'll watch you'll see you'll see this... turn around there for a second...
    여러분이 관찰할 것은.... 볼 것은.... 잠깐 뒤로 돌아주세요...
    00:00:40,632 --> 00:00:47,247
    You'll see this back involve in the catch on this... on his right hand or his left hand.
    여러분은 이 등뼈(윗등?, 흉추)가 오른손이든 왼손이든... 물 걸기에 관여하는 것을 보게 될 것입니다.
    00:00:47,272 --> 00:00:48,782
    Watch that. Right?
    자세히 관찰하세요. 아시겠죠?
    00:00:48,807 --> 00:00:54,334
    You'll see the hips involved because he's following hip driven drill, but you'll also see the shoulders.
    엉덩이 구동 부분 훈련을 하고 있으므로 엉덩이가 관여하는 것을 볼 것입니다, 하지만 또한 양쪽 어깨도 관여하는 것을 보게 될 것입니다.
    00:00:54,496 --> 00:00:58,091
    Alright. What we're going to watch is: Bobby here he's going to start out on his side.
    좋아요. 우리가 관찰할 것은: 여기서 바비는 옆으로 누워 시작하게 됩니다.
    00:00:58,153 --> 00:01:03,330
    He's really focusing on kicking with that bottom leg waiting for the heel to drive back.
    뒤꿈치가 다시 몰아가기를 기다리면서, 바비는 아래쪽 다리로 차는 것에 진짜로 집중하고 있습니다.
    00:01:03,404 --> 00:01:10,122
    And he'll get a slight pause right when his recovery gets about perpendicular to his body.
    그리고 되돌리는 팔이 대략 몸체에 수직이 되었을 때 약간 멈칫하게 됩니다.
    00:01:10,147 --> 00:01:13,307
    You can see he's really focusing on a 4 point connection here.
    여기서 바비가 네 가지가 맞물리는 것에 진짜로 집중하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
    00:01:13,332 --> 00:01:24,314
    As the bottom leg kicks downward, he's connecting that kick to the drive of his hip, also to the catch and the drive of the recovery arm.
    아래쪽 다리가 아래로 찰 때, 바비는 그 차기를 엉덩이 돌리기에, 또한 물 걸기(catch, 캐치)와 되돌리는 팔을 몰아가기에 맞물리고 있습니다.
    00:01:24,346 --> 00:01:26,887
    So the setup is right there.
    자 바로 이 부분에서 마련합니다.
    00:01:26,914 --> 00:01:32,025
    And there's the drive.
    그리고 여기에서 휘몰아가네요.
    00:01:33,226 --> 00:01:35,418
    So allows him to stay connected.
    그래서 맞물려 있을 수 있게 됩니다.
    00:01:35,521 --> 00:01:44,511
    And what Bobby will do is he'll end up experimenting with more speeds off this connection as he begins to swim.
    이제 바비가 할 것은... 그가 헤엄치기 시작하면서, 이 맞물림(connection, 커넥션)에서 더 빠른 속도를 얻기 위해 실험하면서 끝낼 것입니다.

    • @leesanghwa8175
      @leesanghwa8175 6 років тому

      자유형 마련하여 휘몰기(Set Up and Drive, 셋업 앤 드라이브) 부분 훈련
      여기에서 더 많은 비디오를 찾아보세요

  • @shreyasgk1
    @shreyasgk1 9 років тому

    I've always been taught to keep back as flat as possible when doing freestyle. Isn't driving the hips counter-intuitive to this? Wouldn't the rotation of the hips cause a loss of hydrodynamics? I am by no means an expert. I'm just trying to improve my strokes.

  • @kirsonar
    @kirsonar 12 років тому

    Why these vids are too short? I would like to watch it for hours.

  • @Cvoong
    @Cvoong 13 років тому

    (presses the like button)