Reverence for God

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2023
  • Lately I watched several American preachers on their view of the topic reverence for God or fear of God. One of them even wrote a book called fear of God. In the past - let’s say 100 or 50 years ago people had this view of God that God is in heaven and people are on earth and there is this huge gap between God and man. And today, in current culture, the attitude is different. God became close - God is always there to help the people. Today there is this picture of God that God is a kind associate. Like a personal assistant. God became like a PA. God is there to facilitate life here on earth so that everything will go smoothly. There are even prayer groups and when they gather they have listed all their wishes. And they are just going through this list, just to make sure that the personal assistant does not forget anything and keeps on facilitating their life in a proper manner. People do not have this view of God anymore that is absolutely sovereign. There is no fear of God today. But the Bible says: The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Ps 111:10).
    How did this all happen and how did this start? Its not so easy to answer this question. Lets start with kids. Many kids are exposed to Disney movies with all kinds of magic in there. Lately, I saw in a movie that a single wizard was on its own defeating thousands of soldiers. And children are impressed by such wizard. These very same parents that expose their kids to these kind of movies, are telling at night stories to their children from the Bible. For example, that Eliah was taking his mantle and struck the water and made a path right through the river Jordan. A great miracle and very impressive and real. This idea that servant of God a prophet can do this things should create a fear of God, an Awe of God. But if the kid two hours before just watched a Disney movie full of magic and nonsense, than they are already filled with something else and do not have this fear of God. In an early stage the fear of God by people has been taken away. This is about kids. But it can also happen if you are older - that the fear of God is not there because something else is filling the heart. It can be series, movies, Phantasy, Science Fiction, Social Media but it can also be all kind of false teachings about the Sabbath, Prophets etc. If the heart is filled with something else than there is not room for the clean teaching of Christ and there is no fear of God.
    The Bible goes on and says, “Behold the nations are like a drop in a bucket, and are counted as the dust on the scales, behold, he takes up the coastlands like fine dust.” Isa 40:15 The nations, the Chinese, Americans, Germans, Russians, Africans, all peoples together are before God like fine dust. This says a lot about the gap between God and man. It is even more than that, the universes, the planets and the earth are not maintained by God himself, His son Jesus Christ is doing that. It is written about Christ: “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power” Heb 1:3
    So the earth, the planets are all sustained by Christ and His Word, by the Son. God is even beyond that. God Himself is far greater than all this. It is written about God:, Who alone has immortality dwelling in an unapproachable light, and no man has ever seen Him and can see Him (1 Tim 6:16). God dwells in an inaccessible light, no man can see Him and live. So God is not some kind of personal assistant, but absolutely sovereign and almighty. That is the right attitude towards God, God will only grant you insights in His words if you stand in awe of Him.
    How can a God that is so big that it goes beyond any imagination approach people that are so small? God has given His Word to people and to bridge this gap. And the question than is how you deal with this word.
    The Bible says, "But on this one I look, on him who is poor and of contrite spirit and who trembles at My word" Jess 66:2
    This verse expresses very well what the fear of God looks like. God listens to those who are contrite in spirit and who tremble at His word. You can only receive something from the Spirit of God if you treat His Word that way and if you have this reverence for God. A person who does not reverence for God can understand a lot with his mind, but his heart is empty and there is nothing. There are many examples of this, just look at all Christian denominations around you and the preachers that I watched and mentioned at the beginning of this video. The word of God did not become reality in their life. See further video.