The narrow way

  • Опубліковано 2 сер 2023
  • Christ says:
    “Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and narrow (difficult) is the way which leads to life and there are few that find it.” Matt 7:13, 14
    The narrow gate and the narrow way. In a parallel verse it says that:
    “many will seek to enter in and shall not be able to” Luk 13:24
    What is the narrow way? And what is it that many people try to enter in, but they are not successful? Something is not working. These people that are trying to enter in, are not Muslims or people from the Jewish religion or people that do not believe at all because those people are not even trying to enter in. The group that tries to enter in, but is not able to, concerns those people that read the Bible and believe in Christ but something is missing. It's the majority because only a few ultimately enter in.
    The narrow way is first of all the way of truth. Christ says: “I am the way the truth and the life” John 14:6. The way is narrow because there is only one true explanation of the Bible. There are not multiple explanations, there are many explanations but only one is true and gives life. There is only one true faith.
    But there is more to say about this. In another translation it does not say ‘narrow way’ but it says ‘difficult’ way. And that also makes perfect sense. It is not that this way is so hard to go but it’s different. It's different from the broad way. For the broad way you do not have to do anything, it is the way of convenience. The narrow way is difficult because it is spiritual and in many ways the opposite of the earthly way and the earthly way of living. Christ says:
    ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For who desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will safe it. For what profit is it to a man to gain the whole world and is himself destroyed and lost? ‘ Luk 9:23
    To take up the cross daily - this speaks about rejecting your life here on the earth. I will give an example: people like to receive confirmation and praise from other people. On your job at school or wherever. But Christ says:
    ‘How can you believe who receive honor from one another and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God? John 5:44
    Christ says: how can you believe if you are looking for honor or if you seek approval from men. In the world everything is based on the idea of appreciation, the whole system is based on that. In school, universities, jobs - everything in the world is based on this principle. A person needs praise. But if you are seeking praise from man, than you are on the broad way. On the narrow way it is the opposite, you are not seeking praise from man but from God.
    It is further written about God: ‘O Lord how great are Your works. Your thoughts are very deep.’ Ps 92:5
    In Christ, in God on the narrow path things are not shallow. His thoughts are deep. It is written in proverbs:
    ‘ The end of a thing is better than the beginning, the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Eccl 7:8
    The end of thing is better than the beginning. It is better to finish something completely than to start and never make it to the end. Remember the verse that many people try to enter through the narrow gate but never made it. Many people started to look for God - because God is knocking on everyone’s heart. The beginning is the understanding of a person that God exists, there is God Word. He believes in God's word he believes in Christ. But there it stops, he never made it to the end and never entered the narrow gate and never made it to the narrow path. See further video.