You know what's even better? According to Zarya's bio her gun is actually a vehicle mounted weapon used by the Russian army. Meaning in Overwatch Russia has HUNDREDS of these galaxy powered gravity well making weapons.
wraith dino not quite, she's taking all the excess energy from our universe and teleporting stuff from their to fuel her gun (that's how the barriers work) and they can only absorb so much energy that's why they only can take so much damage.
My science teacher taught me energy is the stuff that stuff has that allows stuff to do stuff to others stuff, and without that stuff, stuff can't do stuff to other stuff.
Elias Chavez I'm in AP Physics. I'm learning from this stuff. I get it, and that makes me feel great! Sorry to brag, so I'll throw you a proverbial olive branch: you have life skills. I'm far from getting that getting that.
scientists: we have successfully condensed a galaxy into a tiny ball! what shoud we do with it Overwach program: lets use it as a weapon, and take it into battle. It would totaly not at all be destroyed!
Considering that the Davy Crockett exists and that wasn't even to fight off a near unstoppable existential threat like the omnics, this is hardly unbelievable
the sentry kinda does in a sense but it breaks down at the whole only shooting at red or blue things and the way the rockets reload but apart from that it's pretty plausible
yes well the thing about you theory about the medic using nano-bot tech is completely absurd considering that he fires a ray of energy that can actually shift due to relativity of the target. in fact the very concept of the medi-gun is impossible. even if some how you could make a targeted healing ray the amount of radiation would be to high to ever be safely used. I can't even measure how much radiation would have to be shot out for you to able to see it and instantly feel the effects
I have to say that the content of you videos is pretty amazing but by far the best part is your amazing use of sound and timing, which gives the video a great pacing, and never fails to suck me in the the content itself. Keep in the fabulous work!
ehm, zarya's actual name is Aleksandra, which has a nickname Sasha, heavy calls his gun Sasha. logical conclusion: zarya is heavy's gun that gained consciousness, became a woman, started lifting weights only to weild a giant gun herself.
what if genji is able to deflect zaryas ult and somehow reverse the effect on her and her teammates does that mean genji actually a magical dragon who somehow got stuck to a human body!?
To deflect Zarya's ult Genji's sword would have to move at 99.99% (or more!) the speed of light, using the math from Genji's episode by accelerating his 1 pound (0.45 kg) wakizashi to that speed it would experience a G force of 1.38259*10^10 or it would be as if it weighted 1.38*10^10 pounds (6.27*10^9 kg) or about as heavy as The Great Pyramid of Giza!!!
So that little glowing thing on the gun actually is an entire galaxy. So basically a pocket dimension that is 1 galaxy large... and there may be little tiny humans on a tiny earth inside that galaxy. Zarya is shooting people at them people.
IsuckatOverwatch Well... she's not ugly, but I think people are more surprised by him seeming to think that she's hotter than Tracer and D.Va, No she isn't. D.Va especially.
If you like under-aged girls that technically AREN'T underaged, they just LOOK underaged, then yes, DVA is the one for you, you sick fuck. If you actually want a woman who can break your spine in half, aka the type of woman EVERYONE should want, then first off congratulations you're a normal human being! Second off, Zarya is the one for you.
Have you heard of Warframe? It has plenty of science topics you could cover. Cloning Robotics The parkour system (trust me, its gravity defying) Artificial Intelligence Power outputs of some really dangerous things. Self-repairing robots Biomechanical suits Techno-organic disease stuff Swinging anime sized swords at excessive speeds And more It would be cool.
Agentnewbie oh really? Partially true, but he could scientifically nitpick an answer to how the void works, and how things really would work. Scientific nitpicking is what he does here
Luke Osborne Well, void is science-fantasy thing, like The Force in SW, so there is no go. Although, there is many silly things (like limited-range lasers, bows that send a whole army of bombards to the wall, reactive hammers, tonkor, etc., but at least warframe don't really try to explain that shit. After all, you are space kid, that controls a bio-mechanical ninja with space magic, fighting space nazi, space jews, and space cancer.
I mean, if you're referring to the ones that Warframes carry outside of archwing, sorry to disappoint, but they're actually reasonably sized. The ones archwing-warframe pairings take advantage of the archwing's propulsion system, on top of what the warframe could do although, yeah, they're a bit silly.
Dude, you deserve more subscribers. You and the people you co-exist with on this channel make very high-quality videos, and I appreciate that. Thank you for yet again for another great video.
After that speedy science at 8:15 I have to sub to you. I go to school for Atomic Science and Particle Physics so I found this not only Impressive but Entertaining! You have earned another sub sir.
I know you've already done an incredibly large amount of Fallout videos, but Fallout 4 radscorpions move at disgusting high speeds when they burrow underground. I think pulling apart how obscure that is could make for an interesting video.
instead of particles or atoms maybe it's just talking about particles like dust in the atmosphere and that's why when she charges it it appears to pull in surrounding air into the gun for ammunition
Would it be possible for the gun to use a combination of the two methods you mentioned to achieve graviton surge. On her own, she could lift ~500 pounds, but in the deadlift highlight intro, it seems as if her suit has some sort of modification that either makes A) the gun weigh less or B) increases the weight that Zarya can lift. (Or, you know, it could do both...)
HalfHeartPwner You cannot make something weigh less without cutting down on the amount of stuff that composed or the type of stuff that composes it. The suit must simply be a load-bearing exosuit, similar to those that are already being made.
Unless you consider how the gun reacts to it's own gravity. Remember it basically has a tiny universe in it. (essentially) it could be moded to control it's own gravity
Well, he may do that type of thing just to simplify things for normal people. Just like you can get a correct point across while still being politically or legally incorrect.
zenyatta is the best healer for competitive solo queue since he is actually an assassin with heal capabilities and can handle himself really well even if his team isnto doing so good
Hey Austin, It's me... Random person on the internet, within your comments, subscriber on UA-cam and follower of Twitch. I would just like to say, Have a good day kind sir. : )
Hell yes Austin! That whole misunderstanding of what energy is in pop culture is a pet peeve of mine as well. People referring to what is oftentimes plasma as 'energy' pisses me off to no end. It isn't energy, it just has a lot of it.
IIRC, it was explained that the Swarm moves through planets through wormholes opened by the Overmind and/or Cerebrates. With their psionic powers. So yeah, it's space magic. Then again, most everything in Starcraft is.
Steven McDaniel false. Reinhardt iseven wothout his suit fuck strong. plus the hammer when he swings is rocket powered. so ge doesnt even has to be that strong to swing just to lift it
He (and McCree) have unbelievably precise visual processing and hand-eye coordination. Jack also appears to be able to sprint at Olympic levels _nonstop_.
Well, they did pump a ton of stuff into soldier to turn him into a supersoldier, so there's that... probably explains his sprinting and his visual processing and coordination. Mcree has a superfuture biotic arm, which explains his ability to the fan his hammer (winkwink) so damn quickly, and he doesn't have super visual processing as far as i know... He needs a second to lock onto his targets, after all ;P
10e80 or 10 to the power of 80, is one hundred quinvigintillion, or 1000e(1+25). You cannot divide 80 by 3, therefor you divide by 100 so that it can be divided by 3 like this -> 10e80/100 = 10e78. We will multiply this (100) into the equation later. So now we got 10e78, divide 78 by 3 to figure out how many times you have to multiply 1000 by itself, the answer is 26. But, now remember we skip 1000 in the (greek to english) naming system and use one million as one [1000e(1+1)] and a billoin as two [1000e1+2] and one trillion as three [1000e(1+3)]. the + 1 is just to show you we are skipping 1000. (it our zero, but not really) So the answer is 1000e(1+25) or in 1000 multiplyed by itself 25 times, hence the greek name Quin (5) vigintillion from vīgintī meaning 20.
This would be all good research......but the gold is fake so the math doesn't matter(notice Junkrat and Roadhog didn't take this gold.)(futuristic material is something shoddy never puts into account in any of his vids on Overwatch.)
I think it's pretty well established that the phrase "particle cannon" refers to a hypothetical weapon that projects a sub-atomic particle along a linear accelerator to bombard and disrupt the molecules of the target through KINETIC force
OH, he's on medication, that explains, well, literally everything. Edit, wait, was that a KSP mod or can you actually destroy building with your rockets in KSP? I HAVE TO KNOW? PLEASE!
0:45 Roadhog isn't a tank, he's a sniper with a rather unique playstyle of being on the front line. He has massive single target damage potential, no ability to reduce damage taken, and lacks any kit to support his team in a fight.
Mei may be a stone cold killer, but that doesn't mean she can't be hot. Her face is adorable, and I bet that she has a wonderful physique under her many layers of clothing.
Dear austin, hi, its me, chrisD, its time, its time to talk about overwatch, after doing not so much math and science and multipling by googol, i have determined you have done to many overwatch videos.And thats , GOD, DAM, TERRIFING, so do videos on other games also. sincerely chrisD p.s. love your videos there legit
Every one of your videos is completely mistaken, please look up what you're talking about rather than continuing to spread misinformation. There's plenty of good free sources of information on physics ( the Feynman lectures are available online and are great for a beginner) and there's plenty of forums online that are very willing to help out someone that's just starting to learn physics, e.g. stackexchange.
"Everything in the universe is made of particles" Depends how you define particle. With how it's typically defined, a localized discrete object, then nothing at all is made of particles. "How much force zarya's particle beam emits in the form of kinetic energy" is a meaningless statement, kinetic energy is not a type of force. "Pushing an 11-13kg gold bar between 8-9 metres in 3.8s imparts 4.87-8.9N" I have no idea what the equation you've put on the screen is meant to mean, but 1) it isn't right and 2) even if it wasn't wrong it doesn't give the values you say. The average force to do so would be (14.1±1.4)N "At 100% beam there is a noticeable increase in the kinetic power of the beam, which pushes these bars much faster, 315% faster, giving a kinetic energy increase of 315%" Increasing the acceleration of an object by 315% is nowhere near equivalent to increasing the kinetic energy by 315%. "Energy is the capacity a system has to do work" For a conservative force, energy has this property. Energy does not have this property in general and this most certainly is not a reasonable definition of energy ( since it isn't always true ). "Having ruled out kinetic energy as a source [for doing damage]" 1) an object having a lot of kinetic energy does not do any damage at all, you have any value of kinetic energy you like. Relative to your chair you have 0 kinetic energy, relative to the sun you're moving very fast and have a lot of kinetic energy. 2) So assuming you mean kinetic energy as a source as in like a bullet, it isn't the kinetic energy that kills, it's the very high pressure a bullet imparts (due to imparting a lot of kinetic energy (really momentum but close enough) in a small time in a small area, not just due to increasing your kinetic energy.) The actual kinetic energy of a bullet is tiny. If this is what you mean then you haven't at all ruled out this as a source of damage. "Heat is the most energetic form of energy as the upper limit is limitless" The upper limit for kinetic energy is also limitless. "Bastion fires bullets of mass 147g at 833ms^-1 which is an energy of 3304J." Can't figure out at all how you've came to that energy but it's wrong. The kinetic energy would be 51,000J. Perhaps you mean 147gr not 147g as you say. "826 Joules is 1 damage" again saying a kinetic energy has a damage is meaningless. A bullet with 826 Joules will almost certainly kill you. A person bumping into you with that kinetic energy will not even hurt. "Zarya has to take 400 damage at 826 joules per damage which gives 330kN of energy" 1) Energy is not measured in newtons, 2) joules per damage is meaningless, 3)400damage*800joules per damage is 330 kilo joules, it is in no way at all a force. "330KN, almost 1 kilogram of TNT" Utterly meaningless, you can't measure TNT in terms of the force it gives off. If we assume you mean 330kJ since you seem to have got energy and force very confused, then still wrong, a kilogram of TNT has an energy of 4MJ, much higher than 330kJ. "Einstein's math becomes irrelevant in quantum mechanics" completely untrue, quantum mechanics is incredibly dependent upon relativity. "There are 4 fundamental forces, gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear and weak nuclear" Fairly pedantic point but the strong nuclear force is not a fundamental force, it is a residual force from the actual fundamental force which is called either the strong force, or the colour force, not the strong nuclear force. "Gravitons can't be isolated as they are held together like all bosons to form atoms by the strong nuclear force" Completely untrue, gravitons ( like all fundamental bosons other than the gluon ) do not interact at all with the strong force, and they do not make up atoms. "1 photon can be split into 10^80 gravitons" that number is just completely made up and untrue. All the stuff after this about releasing gravitons is just nonsense. In addition, gravitons are quanta of linerized gravity which essentially means low energy gravity, they most certainly don't account for the high energies being discussed.
MineSpotNL Personally I care that a series that is mainly aimed at younger viewers that pretends to be educational is nothing more than misinformation, and I know many others that do too.
Should probably get the stick out of your bum then. No one cares about the corrections. We just wanna see how crazy some of the shit in video games is in a simple manner that is relate-able. And Austin's loud as fuck ranting is perfect for it. If we wanted to know the corrections enough, we'd look up websites and conduct the research ourselves.
SwordmasterLatiosandStartheChangeling "We just wanna see how crazy some of the shit in video games is in a simple manner that is relate-able." Then you should care as well considering nothing he's saying is true about 'how crazy some of the shit in video games is'.
Hmm, interesting. I've always pronounced it vɪˈveɪʃəs, but vʌɪˈveɪʃəs is indeed also correct, although perhaps less common in usage as it always seems to be listed as an alternative pronunciation.
You know what's even better? According to Zarya's bio her gun is actually a vehicle mounted weapon used by the Russian army. Meaning in Overwatch Russia has HUNDREDS of these galaxy powered gravity well making weapons.
Russian bias confirmed.
syaondri ahh Russian bias...
We do something like this every day, but it is to big still, and i say current physics laws, are cant work any more, we need to create new ones.
Dude, do you even science?
I always thought it looked like a futuristic motorcycle with its shape. Or a starwars speeder meets a motorcycle.
the truth is, zarya has a mini universe in it. OUR universe, we exist purely to fuel zarya's gun.
every time a black hole forms in our universe she harnesses its power
wraith dino not quite, she's taking all the excess energy from our universe and teleporting stuff from their to fuel her gun (that's how the barriers work) and they can only absorb so much energy that's why they only can take so much damage.
time to invent our own, microverse battery to fuel our Cars, nothing could ever go wrong with that
theyve become so advanced that they question there overlords
wraith dino not only question them, recreate the world of their overlords.
You want to know what's even MORE impossible? The fact that Genji can DEFLECT Zarya's Graviton Surge. WAT?!?!?!?!
@Tadamichi Goto you know something called game mechanics exist ?
@Tadamichi Goto because fucktarded overpowered robot ninja and video game logic at the same time makes for some different levels of complete bullshit
When her energy is compressed into a ball it can be deflected not the beam tho
"Sir, please return the gold to the vault or we-"
Ruphite I can see him doing that
Yeah i could see him breaking into the U.S gold reserve with a particle cannon just to push shit around and get shot at. Makes sense
Alpha Royal Gaming ... it’s satire....
@@spoopyduck4651 that was also satire
Dooder Bug r/nou
My science teacher taught me energy is the stuff that stuff has that allows stuff to do stuff to others stuff, and without that stuff, stuff can't do stuff to other stuff.
Sp3ncerPlays - Gaming Videos. But you forgot that the stuff can stop stuff from making other stuff do stuff
Mes nombres es jeff But Stuff Has To Be With Stuff To Do Stuff, Or Stuff Won't Do Anything
The Saintss except for the stuff that uses stuff to make stuff
Sp3ncerPlays - Gaming Videos LOL
Don't forget stuff keeps stuff from hitting stuff
I'm gonna need fanart of Zarya lifting two roadhogs.
same XD
Warlord_Pipsqueak by their balls, because rule 34
and then fanart of roadhog lifting two zarya's, because roadhog can probably lift just as well as zarya
Fanart of Zarya lifting a Roadhog, who is lifting the Zarya lifting him. Up by the bootstraps!
I love how passionate he is about his work! ITS INSPIRING!
the worst part is...
genji can DEFLECT it like a fucking bullet
You could say the cannon has huge potential energy.
Caitlin Westmoreland GPE?
Caitlin Westmoreland how is a cannon having potential energy funny?
Cosmedian Gamer they're just making a pun lul, no harm in making a jest on a fictional weapon
Caitlin Westmoreland slow clap to you
Caitlin Westmoreland
*F U C K Y O U R S E L F*
I'm beginning to feel like a math god, math god. That was fast af 😭😂
Although I have no idea what Austin is saying half the time, watching this makes me feel smart... I'm a fucking idiot
Well I think more then half of his subs don't know what he is saying half of the time
i got this episode
I recently did some stuff on energy conversion
Elias Chavez I'm in AP Physics. I'm learning from this stuff.
I get it, and that makes me feel great!
Sorry to brag, so I'll throw you a proverbial olive branch: you have life skills. I'm far from getting that getting that.
Luke Osborne when he went onto the quantum physics stuff I just sat there like whuuuuuu
To put it simply: Zarya's weapon has an entire galaxy condensed inside it
scientists: we have successfully condensed a galaxy into a tiny ball! what shoud we do with it
Overwach program: lets use it as a weapon, and take it into battle. It would totaly not at all be destroyed!
Considering that the Davy Crockett exists and that wasn't even to fight off a near unstoppable existential threat like the omnics, this is hardly unbelievable
You know what. The TF2 Dispenser makes no sence.
the sentry kinda does in a sense but it breaks down at the whole only shooting at red or blue things and the way the rockets reload but apart from that it's pretty plausible
PI9O life doesn't make sense
an entity that basically makes an infinite amount of matter from a tiny bit of scrap makes no sense???
mind = blown
yes well the thing about you theory about the medic using nano-bot tech is completely absurd considering that he fires a ray of energy that can actually shift due to relativity of the target. in fact the very concept of the medi-gun is impossible. even if some how you could make a targeted healing ray the amount of radiation would be to high to ever be safely used. I can't even measure how much radiation would have to be shot out for you to able to see it and instantly feel the effects
yes it dose if you actually look at it you can see compartments on it with healing supplies on one side and ammunition on the other
I have to say that the content of you videos is pretty amazing but by far the best part is your amazing use of sound and timing, which gives the video a great pacing, and never fails to suck me in the the content itself. Keep in the fabulous work!
I’ve been looking at so many memes that when i heard 16:17, i legit started thinking of the USSR theme.
ehm, zarya's actual name is Aleksandra, which has a nickname Sasha, heavy calls his gun Sasha. logical conclusion: zarya is heavy's gun that gained consciousness, became a woman, started lifting weights only to weild a giant gun herself.
so we totally shoul have trusted the heavy when he said he had a godman powerfull weapon
look at zarya's last name
isn't Sasha a guy name in Russia? or is it a gender neutral name?
kamigawa Sasha is for both Aleksandra (feminine) and Aleksandr (masculine). It's a Russian thing.
But I also noticed that zarya doesn't have a patronymic name. Interesting choice Blizzard...
She is not true russian, unless she can slav squat properly.
Isn't slav squat a more East-European rather than Russian thing?
Russia was east europe.
Little Spac
Uh, I mean, of East European countries like Serbia rather than Russia.
Serbia, russia. Same thing
have you seen her butt
Austin, you might want to take a look at Zarya's reload animation, it looks like the gun is drawing stuff in from the atmosphere.
Not to mention you can get Zarya's ultimate in about 20 seconds if you play her right.
17:15 "Fuckloadier" my new favorite professional measurement of thing
I have not laughed this hard in my life. Thank you, Austin. Videos like these are honestly the best entertainment I get in a week. 😂
what if genji is able to deflect zaryas ult and somehow reverse the effect on her and her teammates does that mean genji actually a magical dragon who somehow got stuck to a human body!?
p.s I don't care if it's bad grammar
Well, then that makes Genji have the strength of God, pretty much.
P.S.: Genji IS able to do that.
yeap there's a video of Genji reflecting Zarya ult. Genji is the living embodiment of fujin and raijin lol
To deflect Zarya's ult Genji's sword would have to move at 99.99% (or more!) the speed of light, using the math from Genji's episode by accelerating his 1 pound (0.45 kg) wakizashi to that speed it would experience a G force of 1.38259*10^10 or it would be as if it weighted 1.38*10^10 pounds (6.27*10^9 kg) or about as heavy as The Great Pyramid of Giza!!!
Guess what?
Genji can deflect it. Mother of god...
**Surprised pika face**
[slowly removes sunglasses] Dear God..
So that little glowing thing on the gun actually is an entire galaxy. So basically a pocket dimension that is 1 galaxy large... and there may be little tiny humans on a tiny earth inside that galaxy. Zarya is shooting people at them people.
Out of all this science shit, 99% of comments are fucking amazed by how Austin thinks Zarya is hot
IsuckatOverwatch Well... she's not ugly, but I think people are more surprised by him seeming to think that she's hotter than Tracer and D.Va, No she isn't. D.Va especially.
Someone being hot is subjective. Objectively, being hotter than Zarya isn't true as neither opinions can be true objectively.
Gamer Ray dva is close to being dangerously young. Stranger danger
If you like under-aged girls that technically AREN'T underaged, they just LOOK underaged, then yes, DVA is the one for you, you sick fuck. If you actually want a woman who can break your spine in half, aka the type of woman EVERYONE should want, then first off congratulations you're a normal human being! Second off, Zarya is the one for you.
I didn't realize The Waifu Wars were held more furiously in overwatch than the anime community...
I want Zarya to hug me like a BIG FOOZY SIBERIAN BEAR!
This was a very informative and entertaining episode my favorite so far. Good work austin. Zarya is one of my favs
Have you heard of Warframe? It has plenty of science topics you could cover.
The parkour system (trust me, its gravity defying)
Artificial Intelligence
Power outputs of some really dangerous things.
Self-repairing robots
Biomechanical suits
Techno-organic disease stuff
Swinging anime sized swords at excessive speeds
And more
It would be cool.
Nope. There is nothing to look at. All things are explaned by two facts - VOID & Space Kids.
Agentnewbie oh really?
Partially true, but he could scientifically nitpick an answer to how the void works, and how things really would work.
Scientific nitpicking is what he does here
That would be cool to see
Luke Osborne Well, void is science-fantasy thing, like The Force in SW, so there is no go. Although, there is many silly things (like limited-range lasers, bows that send a whole army of bombards to the wall, reactive hammers, tonkor, etc., but at least warframe don't really try to explain that shit. After all, you are space kid, that controls a bio-mechanical ninja with space magic, fighting space nazi, space jews, and space cancer.
I mean, if you're referring to the ones that Warframes carry outside of archwing, sorry to disappoint, but they're actually reasonably sized.
The ones archwing-warframe pairings take advantage of the archwing's propulsion system, on top of what the warframe could do although, yeah, they're a bit silly.
Dude, you deserve more subscribers. You and the people you co-exist with on this channel make very high-quality videos, and I appreciate that. Thank you for yet again for another great video.
After that speedy science at 8:15 I have to sub to you. I go to school for Atomic Science and Particle Physics so I found this not only Impressive but Entertaining! You have earned another sub sir.
"throwing something in your face"
*launches a plane into a building...*
i sure hope that wasn't a 9/11 reference...
Eminem is no longer the Rap God.
Just For Punches
M&M is a chocolate pellet that you eat dummy
Yeah he's fucking God in fast-speaking
I was looking for this comment 🤣
I know you've already done an incredibly large amount of Fallout videos, but Fallout 4 radscorpions move at disgusting high speeds when they burrow underground. I think pulling apart how obscure that is could make for an interesting video.
"Energy isnt a thing its a property of things" is the best way to explain it and i love it
Video Game Logic my dear Austin.
10e80 = Assload
is my new canon lol.
Wait, I thought that was a Fuck Ton?
Haha, that might be true, it's hard to keep track of all these sometimes!Kylee Smalley
t 66gtu hy7778k77i7
But before that is funnier...
and also its a 1 with 80 zeros and not 81
U know what's really satisfying? Watching that speed math at Speed x2
I wonder if he did that math on blue paper
Time stamp
Austin: I’m not wearing any pants right now.
Me: Thank you for sharing that with us Austin.
Austin explaining the topic of energy literally explained in like grade 2
9:13 how is that even possible (speed talking)
set to x2 its insane
instead of particles or atoms maybe it's just talking about particles like dust in the atmosphere and that's why when she charges it it appears to pull in surrounding air into the gun for ammunition
So....we basically have a milky way inside floating on zaryas gun?
my brain broke about 53 seconds in.
Would it be possible for the gun to use a combination of the two methods you mentioned to achieve graviton surge. On her own, she could lift ~500 pounds, but in the deadlift highlight intro, it seems as if her suit has some sort of modification that either makes A) the gun weigh less or B) increases the weight that Zarya can lift.
(Or, you know, it could do both...)
HalfHeartPwner how the fuck do you make the gun weigh less?
HalfHeartPwner You cannot make something weigh less without cutting down on the amount of stuff that composed or the type of stuff that composes it. The suit must simply be a load-bearing exosuit, similar to those that are already being made.
Unless you consider how the gun reacts to it's own gravity. Remember it basically has a tiny universe in it. (essentially) it could be moded to control it's own gravity
am i a nerd if i understand everything he said?
Not if you've been watching his videos for a while.
Although the proper term is geek; geeks are cool.
then i am a geek and ive only seen a few of his vids
Well, he may do that type of thing just to simplify things for normal people. Just like you can get a correct point across while still being politically or legally incorrect.
Jose Guzman no. I understand
understanding English is pretty basic tbh
Anyone else been coming across non stop Zarya and Zenyatta teams in Competitive?
It's called "meta"
I fucking hate metas in every single game
zenyatta is the best healer for competitive solo queue since he is actually an assassin with heal capabilities and can handle himself really well even if his team isnto doing so good
FrenchFri47 Why wouldn't you, they are amazingly op in organized teams
Hey Austin, It's me... Random person on the internet, within your comments, subscriber on UA-cam and follower of Twitch. I would just like to say, Have a good day kind sir. : )
Hell yes Austin! That whole misunderstanding of what energy is in pop culture is a pet peeve of mine as well. People referring to what is oftentimes plasma as 'energy' pisses me off to no end. It isn't energy, it just has a lot of it.
Plasma is technically a manifestation of intense Thermal Energy.
zaryas cannon looks like the gauss cannon
after this, calculate the power of booster and Reinhardt charge that can escape the gravity of 26g.
well, overwatch is broken now.
I just don't get how you fuck up a teleporting jet so bad that you make a TIME TRAVELING jet that then time travels out of existence...
Just remember that doc from back in the future found out time travel by hitting his head on a toilet seat
@Gorgeous Freeman Correction! Doc hit his head on the sink when he slipped off of the toilet seat while hanging a clock! You're welcome :3
That's not a correction. You added detail to an accurate statement.
First of all, understand a joke. Secondly, it is a correction: Doc hit his head on the sink, not the toilet.
do something on starcraft world - like how mutalisks fly in space and shit
They use Leviathan's to transport zerg units but how do LEVIATHANs fly in space? They are organic units how do they have FTL capabilities???
IIRC, it was explained that the Swarm moves through planets through wormholes opened by the Overmind and/or Cerebrates. With their psionic powers.
So yeah, it's space magic. Then again, most everything in Starcraft is.
yeah lets keep it to things that are halfway real lol... Space Magic, lmao..
kerrigan doesnt make wormholes for swarm now though and she orders swarm to attack dominium planets without her help
David Bodor
also on cutscenes you clearly see mutalisks flying in space in starcraft 2
Getting a strong Unreal Tournament 2004 vibe from this character !
I usually call Zarya's Particle Cannon, the lightning gun from Quake.
It reminds me more of the Shock Rifle from Unreal !
Link gun with flak-cannon grenade launcher secondary?
Goddamn I love the epic classical music playing in the background of the math scenes
Eminem reference: Comin at you at SUPER SONIC SPEED 8:00-9:30
6:12 HOLY SHIT that's a lot of Zarya
Can Zarya lift Reinhart's hammer?
She can lift two Roadhogs. I'd be surprised if she couldn't
Yeah his hammer is the opposite of all future light weight metal and is just so compacted only his suite allows him to lift it.
Steven McDaniel But does it weigh more than two Roadhogs?
That sounds like a theory... a game theory XD
Steven McDaniel false. Reinhardt iseven wothout his suit fuck strong. plus the hammer when he swings is rocket powered. so ge doesnt even has to be that strong to swing just to lift it
16:44 You spelled collision wrong, Mr, I-write-for-a-living-man ;)
Eric Heng ? I don't see a difference
The Moose Monastery He spelled it "collisioon" in the video.
I love how you always have classical music in the background.
DOOBLEY-DOO! OH MY GOD, YOU WATCH/HAVE WATCHED 'Is It a Good Idea to Microwave This?'!
If everyone is overpowered, noone is!
It's compared to the real world.
Soldier is not that overpowered
Well, that is until Austin does a video about him.
He (and McCree) have unbelievably precise visual processing and hand-eye coordination. Jack also appears to be able to sprint at Olympic levels _nonstop_.
Well, they did pump a ton of stuff into soldier to turn him into a supersoldier, so there's that... probably explains his sprinting and his visual processing and coordination.
Mcree has a superfuture biotic arm, which explains his ability to the fan his hammer (winkwink) so damn quickly, and he doesn't have super visual processing as far as i know... He needs a second to lock onto his targets, after all ;P
10e80 or 10 to the power of 80, is one hundred quinvigintillion, or 1000e(1+25).
You cannot divide 80 by 3, therefor you divide by 100 so that it can be divided by 3 like this -> 10e80/100 = 10e78.
We will multiply this (100) into the equation later.
So now we got 10e78, divide 78 by 3 to figure out how many times you have to multiply 1000 by itself, the answer is 26.
But, now remember we skip 1000 in the (greek to english) naming system and use one million as one [1000e(1+1)] and a billoin as two [1000e1+2] and one trillion as three [1000e(1+3)]. the + 1 is just to show you we are skipping 1000. (it our zero, but not really)
So the answer is 1000e(1+25) or in 1000 multiplyed by itself 25 times, hence the greek name Quin (5) vigintillion from vīgintī meaning 20.
Sorry, not greek, but latin
Crystallking H k
Dale Munson too unclear?
This would be all good research......but the gold is fake so the math doesn't matter(notice Junkrat and Roadhog didn't take this gold.)(futuristic material is something shoddy never puts into account in any of his vids on Overwatch.)
+Trent Vickers gold weighs the same no matter what...
Hey austin i have a suggestion . Can you make a video on tracer to see if she could be a actual thing.
I always thought her gun was some sort of dark energy cannon.
Can we just sit back and enjoy how fast he talks science? He is like Emeinem with glasses and a lab coat
Out captions on when he's talking really fast it gets entertaining quick
Reinhardt has a rocket hammer. and a shield that blocks things using *PURE. ENERGY.* Explain that, science man!
i love this series.
If you look at the energy ball on the gun there is a ring that spins, it could be a miniature particle collider
I’m just here to confirm that yes she still is OP
can you do a video on how photons work with symettra's gun
Teach this man how to rap
can you do an episode on Pharaoh's suit? thanks.
I think it's pretty well established that the phrase "particle cannon" refers to a hypothetical weapon that projects a sub-atomic particle along a linear accelerator to bombard and disrupt the molecules of the target through KINETIC force
I love Shoddycast, Psycho and These Science videos are my favorite. Keep up the good work guys!
OH, he's on medication, that explains, well, literally everything.
Edit, wait, was that a KSP mod or can you actually destroy building with your rockets in KSP? I HAVE TO KNOW? PLEASE!
You can destroy buildings in ksp without mods
you can actually destroy the buildings since alpha .24?
That's not a mod, it came around in about 1.0 or 1.1, but it is cool.
Did he just say Zarya is hot
You tell me. You just watched the video.
Yes She is 😍
It's about time someone was appreciative of the muscly Russian Venus.
Do not underestimate the sexiness of Zarya!
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Is it just me, or is Shoddycast better than Game Theory?
Unrelated to the video : Check!
Trying to start drama : Check!
Supbscripter YAY! It happened
0:45 Roadhog isn't a tank, he's a sniper with a rather unique playstyle of being on the front line. He has massive single target damage potential, no ability to reduce damage taken, and lacks any kit to support his team in a fight.
that double roadhog lift needs to be either a spray or emote.
Zarya is perfect!!
chiki briki he's giving glory to her! G L O R Y !
mass effect ha 12:00
And here I thought I was the only one who heard that and actually said those words aloud
science behind tracer?
Can anyone tell me the background music at 2:00?
the amount of research that goes into theses videos are amazing.
Man. You lost me at "Dear Blizzard,"
Zarya.... hot
That's like saying Mei is hot
so you mean it's stating the obvious?
I couldnt tell if Shoddy was being sarcastic or not
Mei may be a stone cold killer, but that doesn't mean she can't be hot. Her face is adorable, and I bet that she has a wonderful physique under her many layers of clothing.
She's fat
Do you see this?! In games Russians are the best!
not only in games!
in playing games they aren't though... i die a little every time i get a Cyrillic name when i'm playing ranked...
Russia too STRONK
From my experience (not all) Russians are horrible teammates
Except for when you need them in Comp :P
Zarya train coming through!
8:14 - 9:32 bravo, that was really fast. Did you speed up the recording??
Dear austin, hi, its me, chrisD, its time, its time to talk about overwatch, after doing not so much math and science and multipling by googol, i have determined you have done to many overwatch videos.And thats , GOD, DAM, TERRIFING, so do videos on other games also. sincerely chrisD
p.s. love your videos there legit
sorry but, they're*
I had no idea what u were talking about with ur like science shit but what I did get is we're u said energy is glowing ballshit
Austin Pros: is cool Cons: thinks zarya is hot
y u bully me :(
Zamboni Salesman in America you mow lawn in soviet Russia lawn mow you
Zamboni Salesman
Pros: sells Zambonis
cons: doesn't think Zarya is hot
he sounded like one of those auctioners when calculating the 'simple' math
congrats on pulling off the speed talk, and I find your videos very entertaining
Every one of your videos is completely mistaken, please look up what you're talking about rather than continuing to spread misinformation. There's plenty of good free sources of information on physics ( the Feynman lectures are available online and are great for a beginner) and there's plenty of forums online that are very willing to help out someone that's just starting to learn physics, e.g. stackexchange.
"Everything in the universe is made of particles" Depends how you define particle. With how it's typically defined, a localized discrete object, then nothing at all is made of particles.
"How much force zarya's particle beam emits in the form of kinetic energy" is a meaningless statement, kinetic energy is not a type of force.
"Pushing an 11-13kg gold bar between 8-9 metres in 3.8s imparts 4.87-8.9N" I have no idea what the equation you've put on the screen is meant to mean, but 1) it isn't right and 2) even if it wasn't wrong it doesn't give the values you say. The average force to do so would be (14.1±1.4)N
"At 100% beam there is a noticeable increase in the kinetic power of the beam, which pushes these bars much faster, 315% faster, giving a kinetic energy increase of 315%" Increasing the acceleration of an object by 315% is nowhere near equivalent to increasing the kinetic energy by 315%.
"Energy is the capacity a system has to do work" For a conservative force, energy has this property. Energy does not have this property in general and this most certainly is not a reasonable definition of energy ( since it isn't always true ).
"Having ruled out kinetic energy as a source [for doing damage]" 1) an object having a lot of kinetic energy does not do any damage at all, you have any value of kinetic energy you like. Relative to your chair you have 0 kinetic energy, relative to the sun you're moving very fast and have a lot of kinetic energy. 2) So assuming you mean kinetic energy as a source as in like a bullet, it isn't the kinetic energy that kills, it's the very high pressure a bullet imparts (due to imparting a lot of kinetic energy (really momentum but close enough) in a small time in a small area, not just due to increasing your kinetic energy.) The actual kinetic energy of a bullet is tiny. If this is what you mean then you haven't at all ruled out this as a source of damage.
"Heat is the most energetic form of energy as the upper limit is limitless" The upper limit for kinetic energy is also limitless.
"Bastion fires bullets of mass 147g at 833ms^-1 which is an energy of 3304J." Can't figure out at all how you've came to that energy but it's wrong. The kinetic energy would be 51,000J. Perhaps you mean 147gr not 147g as you say.
"826 Joules is 1 damage" again saying a kinetic energy has a damage is meaningless. A bullet with 826 Joules will almost certainly kill you. A person bumping into you with that kinetic energy will not even hurt.
"Zarya has to take 400 damage at 826 joules per damage which gives 330kN of energy" 1) Energy is not measured in newtons, 2) joules per damage is meaningless, 3)400damage*800joules per damage is 330 kilo joules, it is in no way at all a force.
"330KN, almost 1 kilogram of TNT" Utterly meaningless, you can't measure TNT in terms of the force it gives off. If we assume you mean 330kJ since you seem to have got energy and force very confused, then still wrong, a kilogram of TNT has an energy of 4MJ, much higher than 330kJ.
"Einstein's math becomes irrelevant in quantum mechanics" completely untrue, quantum mechanics is incredibly dependent upon relativity.
"There are 4 fundamental forces, gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear and weak nuclear" Fairly pedantic point but the strong nuclear force is not a fundamental force, it is a residual force from the actual fundamental force which is called either the strong force, or the colour force, not the strong nuclear force.
"Gravitons can't be isolated as they are held together like all bosons to form atoms by the strong nuclear force" Completely untrue, gravitons ( like all fundamental bosons other than the gluon ) do not interact at all with the strong force, and they do not make up atoms.
"1 photon can be split into 10^80 gravitons" that number is just completely made up and untrue. All the stuff after this about releasing gravitons is just nonsense.
In addition, gravitons are quanta of linerized gravity which essentially means low energy gravity, they most certainly don't account for the high energies being discussed.
BlueCosmology Who cares.. Hmpf
MineSpotNL Personally I care that a series that is mainly aimed at younger viewers that pretends to be educational is nothing more than misinformation, and I know many others that do too.
Should probably get the stick out of your bum then. No one cares about the corrections. We just wanna see how crazy some of the shit in video games is in a simple manner that is relate-able. And Austin's loud as fuck ranting is perfect for it. If we wanted to know the corrections enough, we'd look up websites and conduct the research ourselves.
SwordmasterLatiosandStartheChangeling "We just wanna see how crazy some of the shit in video games is in a simple manner that is relate-able."
Then you should care as well considering nothing he's saying is true about 'how crazy some of the shit in video games is'.
yeah Zarya is not fucking hot
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Casey Patterson that beholder is blind
jack and daz are best damn you stole my comment
jack and daz are best Blinded...
I love how after accusations of objectifying women Blizzard just switched to stereotyping russians.
They have a giant fat dude named road hog! And a ninja! Who cares, were here for the SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!
Hmm, interesting. I've always pronounced it vɪˈveɪʃəs, but vʌɪˈveɪʃəs is indeed also correct, although perhaps less common in usage as it always seems to be listed as an alternative pronunciation.
I think someone at blizzard just “heard” of the term gravitons.