How and When Did Satan Become the God of this World?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @danamiles2071
    @danamiles2071 Рік тому +18

    One of the first things that turned me off to Paul was how he seemed to constantly remind everyone how humble he was. Telling people how humle you are doesn't really seem like true humility to me....

    • @jersmith1486
      @jersmith1486 Рік тому +3

      Moses called himself the meekness man alive. If you truly are you'd be prideful to not say it.

    • @salv1able
      @salv1able Рік тому +1

      True...he also says he was a terrible person towards Christian's until jesus saved him ..

    • @Deepskies268
      @Deepskies268 3 місяці тому +1

      Because they were still his targets. But now mainly through spiritual corruption rather than physical persecution.

    • @theurbanthirdhomestead
      @theurbanthirdhomestead 3 місяці тому

      Kinda like how jehovah/yhwh always reminds us, I AM THE LORD... 🤔

    • @theurbanthirdhomestead
      @theurbanthirdhomestead 3 місяці тому

      Makes you not want to believe it, eh?

  • @patriciaoudart1508
    @patriciaoudart1508 2 роки тому +16

    The more I hear about Paul, the more I understand why I'm a Jesus purist.

    • @pedrolucass.8969
      @pedrolucass.8969 Рік тому +1

      What do you mean by that? (I'm genuinely asking, not trying to be polemical)

    • @TheHellMaggot
      @TheHellMaggot Рік тому +4

      @@pedrolucass.8969 Many people argue that Paul's mystical experiences were not divinely inspired, therefore he performed teachings that didn't perfectly aligned with what Jesus' preached under the gospels of the evangelists. I think what the other means by being Jesus purist would be someone that considers the gospels related to Paul in the bible as non-canonical.

    • @pedrolucass.8969
      @pedrolucass.8969 Рік тому

      @@TheHellMaggot thanks for the answer, I understand now

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 3 місяці тому

      I'm with granddaddy Pauly, his grandson in comparision is more of a joke.

    • @Hebrew42Day
      @Hebrew42Day Місяць тому

      The Jesus of the Gospels is an invention and mosaic of Paul.
      YHVH is God and Jesus was either a failed Zealot (Luke 13:1-2) or a failed Prophet (matt 24)

  • @gpwil3847
    @gpwil3847 Рік тому +6

    Thank you Dr. tabor. I am listening to your presentations and purchased your new book translating genesis so we can get a sense of the Hebrew, the Jesus Dynasty, and Paul and Jesus. You make learning more about my faith so fascinating. I want to understand and be a serious follower of God living as I should. Maybe God has brought you into my path as someone to learn from.

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 роки тому +4

    Ayin (Hebrew: אַיִן, meaning "nothingness", related to Ein-"not") is an important concept in Kabbalah and Hasidic philosophy. It is contrasted with the term Yesh (Hebrew: יֵשׁ⁠ ("something/exist/being/is")). According to kabbalistic teachings, before the universe was created there was only Ayin, and the first manifest Sephirah (Divine emanation), Chochmah (Wisdom), "comes into being out of Ayin." In this context, the sephirah Keter, the Divine will, is the intermediary between the Divine Infinity (Ein Sof) and Chochmah. Because Keter is a supreme revelation of the Ohr Ein Sof (Infinite Light), transcending the manifest sephirot, it is sometimes excluded from them.
    Ayin is closely associated with the Ein Sof (Hebrew אין סוף, meaning "no end", "without an end" ), which is understood as the Deity prior to His self-manifestation in the creation of the spiritual and physical realms, single Infinite unity beyond any description or limitation.

  • @climbingthatmountain6968
    @climbingthatmountain6968 Рік тому +2

    @jamestaborvideos I'm not sure if this page is devoted to the author or maintained by the author. If you do maintain this yourself Mr Tabor then what I always wonder when I see authors who focus on the Hellenic influence on the development of Judaism and later Christianity is why those authors omit reference to the influence of the Zorastrianism of the Achaemenid and Parthian empires? What I always wonder is if there are one or more specific reasons related to scholarship that lead the the divide between those who trace the influences to Hellenism and those that trace them to Zorastrianism? The Seluecids were there in between those periods, but the theological developments often discussed are generally traced to times of Persian cultural dominance in Judea

    • @FretnesButke
      @FretnesButke Рік тому +3

      I'm big on that angle. Christianity is a really hybrid faith, not just of Hebrew and Greek,but also Persian. It may well have a trace of Indian as the Achaemenids connected Greece and India, which I find a fascinating area of study.

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 роки тому +3

    The many different conceptions of God, and competing claims as to God's characteristics, aims, and actions, have led to the development of ideas of omnitheism, pandeism, or a perennial philosophy, which postulates that there is one underlying theological truth, of which all religions express a partial understanding, and as to which: "The devout in the various great world religions are in fact worshipping that one God, but through different, overlapping concepts or mental images of Him."

    • @bobbycecere1037
      @bobbycecere1037 Рік тому

      This wasn't at all a complicated concept. No need for fancy words like perennial philosophy or pandeism.
      Of course all religions, at least the ones that are monotheistic are in effect worshiping the same God, even when thier theology differs radically.
      Humans are nowhere near as different as we make them out to be.
      Neither at-scale nor individually

    • @bobbycecere1037
      @bobbycecere1037 Рік тому +2

      This desire to understand the spiritual is innate. It exists across culture and time.

  • @Alephkilo
    @Alephkilo 2 роки тому +5

    The analogy of Satan falling down to earth is a reference to Venus known as the morning star and also the evening star. Venus is the brightest star before dawn and every 580 days or so it traverses between the sun and earth and appear bright and big in evening ( thus evening star) and then disappears and reappears as morning star. It is this astronomical phenomenon that gave rise to the notion of falling star and of challenging the sun (YHWH) and then falling to earth and later into sheol below earth and then reappearing ( resurrecting) as the morning star, 3 to 8 days later.
    This notion has its parallel in Sumerian, Vedic and Mayan belief where Venus or Ishtar is the lord of the dead or demons.
    Isaiah 14 illustrates the evening star as follows:
    How you have fallen from the heavens, O Morning Star, son of the dawn! How you have been cut down to the earth, you who conquered nations!
    You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
    I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."
    But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit.
    The admonishment is to the king of Babylon using the planet Venus as a reference. Later on this came to be referenced to Satan or Lucifer.

    • @bobbycecere1037
      @bobbycecere1037 Рік тому +1

      Absolutely fascinating!
      I've never heard these comparisons before. Any references I can read that collate this theory?

    • @dirtypickle77
      @dirtypickle77 Рік тому +1

      Correct, wish Christianity taught that instead of blaming every bad thing on the devil.

    • @andrelewis5760
      @andrelewis5760 Рік тому

      Interesting Haleil Ben Shachar is also a picture of the First Adam when breaking apart Adam's name in hebrew youll get the spelling Aliel or one who is prideful but this name also means praise. Shahar is also a twin goddess from ancient Canaan who sister is Selem Dusk, which is interesting because Melchitsedeq (righteous king) is the of selem.
      Nonetheless less it falls into line astronomically with what your saying about venus, know Tsedek is also Jupiter according to sum, and the planetary alignment during the time of Yehushas Birth and the breaking of bread with Avraham.
      In Yeshiyahu this king of confusion is taking ground and saying he going up too take the throne and what not.
      😂 he's being very sarcastic actually.

    • @bubbleandsquid
      @bubbleandsquid Рік тому

      Yes, so much astrology/esoteric meanings in the Bible.

    • @mikebrown9850
      @mikebrown9850 Рік тому

      That’s all fine well and good until you look at the companion passage in Ezekiel 28 where God specifies that this is Satan the devil.

  • @RichardSpeights
    @RichardSpeights 2 місяці тому

    I've searched Biblegateway, and I've search my Greek lexicon, yet I cannot find where Paul wrote "God of this world" anywhere, referring to either God or Satan. I do see a phrase, "god of this age," (god, with a little g) and (aiOnos: eon or age), which carries a meaning different than you appear to indicate.
    (2 Cor 4:4)

  • @teresaveal7695
    @teresaveal7695 Рік тому +3

    I love when I read the scripture
    Luke 17:21
    “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” kjv
    Then I feel like
    Reading this scripture
    And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.
    15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.
    16 And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.

    Psalms 68:4
    “Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.”
    King James Version

  • @t3br00k35
    @t3br00k35 5 місяців тому

    If there is a God (which I believe there is) then He is either absent or a sick jester. Life is pain and suffering and no amount of joy can make it worth while. I’ve gone from agnostic to almost Christian to Nihilist. There is no way back for me.

  • @DxV04
    @DxV04 Рік тому

    The world of Genesis 1 ceased to be accessible to man. So I don't know why you would quote Empedocles and compare what he says to Genesis 1 BEFORE the fall of man saying they are contradicting statements

  • @namronmanelok4119
    @namronmanelok4119 Рік тому +5

    I believe that Adam turned the authority to Satan when he sinned by eating from the tree. 'Adam in the beginning was given authority over all that he saw'.

    • @bubbleandsquid
      @bubbleandsquid Рік тому

      This is what many teach, I think we hand it over to him on the daily. We are all here to occupy in God's name when we don't we hand over the rule to Satan. I don't agree with placing the blame on one person, one sex or one race. We all must take responsibility, looking around I guess Satan does rule.

  • @crbielert
    @crbielert Рік тому +2

    I kind of feel as though the ideas that came in with the Hellenistic period are somewhat childish and less mature oddly enough, than the earlier view. Unable to accept the world as it is. I'm sure this is probably entirely informed by my own personal views.

  • @georgesparks7833
    @georgesparks7833 4 місяці тому +1

    Is Satan the God of this world? I never thought of it. I always suppose it was possibly one of my Ex-Wives. Amazing teachings thank you so much!.

  • @biancac3438
    @biancac3438 3 місяці тому

    Enki was the serpent in the garden of Edin for giving man knowledge. Enlil which opposed Enki amd his human creation turned him into Satan. But Enki in fact is the prince of this world.

  • @Hebrew42Day
    @Hebrew42Day Місяць тому

    "Satan hindered me"
    This happens in Torah.
    Satan hindered Balaam from cursing Israel and you consider the words in the NT they are all curses.

  • @jay4hand
    @jay4hand Рік тому

    I really wish you got a better microphone.

  • @BillyR1968
    @BillyR1968 Рік тому +1

    History of ideas...
    Geniuses1. God.
    Two different God's.
    G.1 [They] call themselves " The originals.
    The serpent race.
    G.1:26 [Our] image
    G.2:7 The Lord
    God- ... living soul.
    I could show how scripture proves this to be true.
    [Their] symbolism inside and outside of the Vatican show this to be true as well.
    May the Lord God continue to bless you and yours.

  • @dunk_law
    @dunk_law Рік тому

    Read Poobalan - Who is the "God of this age" in 2 Corinthians 4:4?

  • @inotmark
    @inotmark 2 роки тому +4

    When God invented Entropy.

  • @Demosophist
    @Demosophist 2 місяці тому

    The fall to earth was Phaedra. It depicts an actual event. It's "literal" because it's about "formal cause". (See Maritain.) In a real sense the entire Bible is to be taken "literally" as a description of actual events that were very broadly witnessed, and recorded in terms of narratives. Each succeeding age reworks the same set of fundamental narratives, which Jung called "archetypes". The more ancient the narrative the closer and more accurate the literal description. All of which leaves open the question: What is the carrier of formal cause? That's kind of an important question, really.

  • @garystanfield2274
    @garystanfield2274 Рік тому

    All you have to do is read Revelation 12:9 so, when was the only time in human history that Satan could rule the world?
    Rev 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his Messengers
    … When was he cast out to this earth? Do you know the answers?

  • @sarahbeth1369
    @sarahbeth1369 Рік тому

    When did people become unaware of metaphors. We have a problem with remembering by nature or by design and teaching our children and one another through stories is how we can remember the importance of our history. History repeats and thats why its important to remember.
    Jesus said judge a man by his fruits. In the bible satan killed 10 people in the book of job bc of a bet with god. So without god he would've never committed those murders. Now lets look at the fruits of god. God not only was a god of war, power, and fear but he also was a murderer and theif. According to the words of the bible god murdered over 2 million souls and this doesn't include the great flood.
    This my friend is how the evil has taken hold of us bc we willing praise and worship this god . In fact we stand up for him and against the rightous and the innocent in his name.
    Now lets not forget we learn through stories and the real good and evil of this worlds is us. You and me all of us. We can choose to do good or evil not bc of some war loving god says so but bc in our hearts we know what is good or evil. So look for no demons with wings or none of that nonsense look in yourself and at your fellow man.

  • @Sonofthe1655
    @Sonofthe1655 Рік тому

    Saturnius was a Roman pagan god, of this world in Greek he is Cronus the Titan born 25 December Father of Zeus the sun god with the goddess Rhea, keep tracing the footsteps of the fertile crescent all the way back to the Sumerian moon god Nanna, in Akkadian Syn/Sin father to the son god Shamash with the goddess Inanna /Ishtar. The old French /English word Synagogue is derived from it, the moon god was said to live inside Mount Siani. His symbol was the crescent moon and the bull.

  • @lucifchristo
    @lucifchristo 2 роки тому +1


  • @willburr5929
    @willburr5929 Рік тому +1

    It became official the day Reagan was sworn in.

    • @bobbycecere1037
      @bobbycecere1037 Рік тому

      More Likely Obama.
      Quite the evil fellow was he.

  • @willie.razabal9087
    @willie.razabal9087 Рік тому

    Just to add more understanding of Divine words, is the Bible of Christian, different from Death Dra, scroll, ?it seams, that all Jesus movment , is not the Real Divine word's.

  • @thelamb9306
    @thelamb9306 2 роки тому

    Have Ye read or heard read what is written in what certain call The 3rd Book of Adam and Eve ?

  • @paigemoore4177
    @paigemoore4177 Рік тому

    In Rome when Christianity was made cuz Yahyew is Chronos/Bal/ Moloch

  • @123-p8l4l
    @123-p8l4l Рік тому +1
    2 Corinthians 3:14 but their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate a the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

  • @EsseQuamViderity
    @EsseQuamViderity 7 місяців тому

    Saying Satan is god of this world is a gnostic heresy

  • @YusTus-h9s
    @YusTus-h9s Рік тому


  • @zeenohaquo7970
    @zeenohaquo7970 Рік тому +6

    Unfortunately my parents coitused me into existence unto this world, without my consent.

    • @Gen18.11
      @Gen18.11 Рік тому +1

      Nope, if you are here in the flesh, you chose to leave your first estate. Your orginal sin. Be ever thankful and all the Glory for Our Father's plan for us to return, through Jesus.

    • @zeenohaquo7970
      @zeenohaquo7970 Рік тому +3

      @@Gen18.11 daily, daily I curse tetragrammaton who created me

    • @Gen18.11
      @Gen18.11 Рік тому

      @zeenohaquo7970 i pray you forgive and be blessed in the gift that you were given, an opportunity to return to your first estate with clean garments. No record held against you. Only understanding our true origin will we have peace and joy.

    • @theurbanthirdhomestead
      @theurbanthirdhomestead 3 місяці тому

      ​@@zeenohaquo7970 Me too. I hate it here. I hate that my parents trusted the medical establishment and jammed me full of v@ccinations until I was trapped inside myself, unable to express my feelings, obsessive, sensitive to a fault. I hate that nobody showed me any skills, so I rely on corrupt and toxic corporations for food, clothes, furniture, etc... I hate that yhwh allows children to be hurt. I hate that he has taken almost all of the firstborn males in my family (Numbers 3:13). I hate that he set up a pattern of patriarchal criticism and abuse that has followed me into middle age and still happens. I hate that he has put aborted fetal cells in our food and medicine (Leviticus 26:29). I hate him and think he is a filthy pig. No wonder jews don't eat pork.

  • @ElkoJohn
    @ElkoJohn 2 роки тому +50

    James, I greatly appreciate that you are an agnostic who loves the historical Jesus. Your lectures have helped me tremendously to understand the scriptures. In my 60-years of adult life (including 21-months of combat in Viet-Nam), I agree with what satan said in the desert: Then satan led Jesus to a high vista and showed him a vision of all the kingdoms of the world saying, ''I can give you authority over all these kingdoms and all the glory that comes with it. For all of it has been given to me, and I can give any of it to anyone of my choosing. If you will kneel down and worship me, I will give it all to you.''
    My own view is that all humans have the potential for good and evil. Collective evil, on a large scale, like the massacre of Jews by the Romans and Nazis is metaphorically, the rule of satan.
    So how do we know the difference between good and evil?
    ''The LORD God hath shown thee what is Good. And what does the LORD require of thee? Only to Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with thy God.''
    Not everyone will abide by this definition, but it is obvious that the Romans and Nazis were not Just, had no Mercy, worshiped the gods of wealth and power, and their collective power of evil was truly satanic.

    • @Alephkilo
      @Alephkilo 2 роки тому

      You mentioned that Romans and Nazi’s ( bulk of whom were Christians) is metaphorically the rule of Satan. How about America with it history of slavery ? How about European colonialists? Was that the rule of Satan or rule of God ?

    • @FreemanBBFQ
      @FreemanBBFQ Рік тому +3

      God bless you for this wisdom, we're capable of both, but we're in YHWH image so the Good is our first nature, but the Satan deceives with temptations and he'll pay for that for sure.

    • @Marge719
      @Marge719 Рік тому

      Not only nazis and Romans, many mighty ppl nowadays are not much different.
      If they were, the earth would be a way better place.
      And if it werent for God, no flesh would be alive today. It is that bad.

    • @eprd313
      @eprd313 Рік тому

      ​@@FreemanBBFQwhy did yahweh send a flood to kill 99.999% of living beings on earth with the excuse that humanity was wicked but has kept Satan roaming freely all of this time?

    • @cliveadams7629
      @cliveadams7629 Рік тому

      Right. And when your god tells you to murder the tribe down the road to you, including all their animals keeping only the virgin women for yourself to have your way with you'll pick up your gin and go do it? Really, you have no idea what morality is if you worship the death blood cult of the zombie god Jesus.

  • @lesleyM84
    @lesleyM84 Рік тому +3

    the war in all places, Heaven?!! absolutely, we understand that to be Truth.. if war exists in Heaven, how can we expect anything different here upon this tragic, fallen reality of “earth”..??? i just thought of that.. wars are SO yesterday.. so primordial, cave mannish but all jacked up now with modern technology and systems of complex, powerful destruction but still caveman level of human thought and egos overrun..

  • @dreamscapesflstudiomobile
    @dreamscapesflstudiomobile Рік тому +2

    What if God and Satan are just the 2 sides of the human condition. Ie Good acts/thoughts and Evil acts/thoughts

  • @PMur66
    @PMur66 Рік тому +5

    I believe the proper translation is God of this "age".

  • @annettecloutier2094
    @annettecloutier2094 2 роки тому +10

    This is SO AWESOME!!! The very BEST of Tabor !!! Something I’ve been waiting for to be pronounced!!!

  • @dirtypickle77
    @dirtypickle77 Рік тому +8

    Compared to the afterlife, as some say this life actually hurts.

  • @theagency13
    @theagency13 Рік тому +2

    To understand the nature of the scriptures statement, Satan being the God of this world. "World", being the emphasis. You also have to take the other scriptures where the Bible says God is the king over all the Earth. These two scriptures are either now in conflict. Or there is a difference somewhere else that is not being recognized. So using legal jurisdiction as a means to rightly divide or understand this difference. The world can be a legal jurisdiction based upon a governing and elected source. Where the Earth being this contrast is an actual physical location that is owned by the Creator. Now you have two different opposing but yet in the same space jurisdictions looking to control or apply citizenship to its inhabitants. This is why the Bible says that we are strangers in the world but yet we have dominion over the Earth.

    • @theagency13
      @theagency13 Рік тому

      This is exactly the same thing that is occurings when an elect governing body. Like the Democrats or Republicans. Superimpose their territorial lines of jurisdiction and districts for voters over an actual real landmass like that of the states. These lines do not concern mother nature or God's creation. The landmass continues to exist once those inhabitants die off. But the citizenship of the inhabitants belongs to an overlaying occupying governing body that obviously in this case applies to Satan and his Dominion.

  • @4everseekingwisdom690
    @4everseekingwisdom690 Рік тому +3

    Said it before I'll say it again. He's the Lord of this world because this isn't life this is death and this is hell genius

  • @spitfirered
    @spitfirered 3 місяці тому +1

    I Read Somewhere That Yahweh Will Come Back When Satan Is Given The Keys To Earth, I Will Have To Find This, What Do You Think Or Know About This Mr. Tabor?

  • @kurakuson
    @kurakuson 4 місяці тому +1

    ‭1 Timothy 4:1-4 KJV‬
    [1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

  • @MisterKristopher
    @MisterKristopher Рік тому +2

    I never understood this until recently . And I don’t think we were ever supposed to eat the animals. Earth is weird can’t wait to be done here. Place is aweful, just nothing but hokus pokus out here. Nothing but hogwash ya know? A whole lotta malarkey . It’s a bloody misery pit. A dog gone stink hole . Rich people are getting outa hand it’s ridiculous . These gas prices …are you kidding me? You gotta stop yankin on my Yiddish yams before they’re ripe ya know? Stop tryin to taste my custard before it’s been cured throughout ya know. Put your tongs away the meat is still pink and bleeding geez. That’s all I’m trying to say. Don’t eat all your pumpkin in one sitting🎃

  • @SobekLOTFC
    @SobekLOTFC 2 роки тому +24

    Thank you for the discussion on Hellenistic cosmology.
    I think a lot of issues people have with the texts would be resolved if we just learned to view them through the lense of the time they were written.
    Jonathan Z Smith was a genius, indeed.

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 роки тому +5

    From the perspective of the emanated created realms, Creation takes place "Yesh me-Ayin" ("Something from Nothing"). From the Divine perspective, Creation takes place "Ayin me-Yesh" ("Nothing from Something"), as only God has absolute existence; Creation is dependent on the continuous flow of Divine lifeforce, without which it would revert to nothingness. Since the 13th century, Ayin has been one of the most important words used in kabbalistic texts. The symbolism associated with the word Ayin was greatly emphasized by Moses de León (c. 1250 - 1305), a Spanish rabbi and kabbalist, through the Zohar, the foundational work of Kabbalah. In Hasidism Ayin relates to the internal psychological experience of Deveikut ("cleaving" to God amidst physicality), and the contemplative perception of paradoxical Yesh-Ayin Divine Panentheism, "There is no place empty of Him".

    • @lucifchristo
      @lucifchristo 2 роки тому +4

      I am fond of the phrase that which permeates yet encompasses all

  • @rabbitcreative
    @rabbitcreative Рік тому +1

    > How and When Did Satan Become the God of this World?
    When he convinced you that you live on a spinning ball.

  • @gingerr9004
    @gingerr9004 7 місяців тому +1

    I’d buy Satan as a lawyer…. Seems like most the lawyers I know have a pretty close relationship with him lol

  • @spitfirered
    @spitfirered 3 місяці тому +1

    I Really Loved Michael S. Heiser, He Was Respected By Me!

  • @ConstantCompanion
    @ConstantCompanion 2 роки тому +33

    So ironic. I've been a Christian most of my life and have never heard teaching this good. Seminaries teach the business of religion. I just want the truth. For years..I didn't believe Paul. It irked me that believers treated him more like God..than God. His word (or the ones we're permitted to read) are final..even though there was ample reason to see him as a fake. There's been campaigns to take James out of the Bible. Because the canon is "perfect" because they say so..unless they want to change it. Then it's not.
    Listening to you.. I'm all but convinced that at least he believes he met Jesus. He's not lying about at least that much. And now that I'm older..with a collection of experiences of my own.. I'm closer to seeing things his way. Sort of.
    Heaven is real. I've seen it. I have friends who have as well and.. I'm moving closer to the idea that where we are..where we live coming to an end but..not in an explosive apocalyptic manner. More akin to waking up from a dream. And..I don't think..Catholic rules are relevant. In Stay away.

    • @KendraAndTheLaw
      @KendraAndTheLaw Рік тому +2

      Prof Tabor is an academic who is teaching to show what the writers of these religious texts believed.
      He does *not* believe any of it himself. (And for good reason.)

    • @ConstantCompanion
      @ConstantCompanion Рік тому +6

      @@KendraAndTheLaw "believe" is subjective. I was simply reflecting on my thoughts regarding the matter. I don't think he was fishing to convert anyone to his point of view.

    • @KendraAndTheLaw
      @KendraAndTheLaw Рік тому +1

      @@ConstantCompanion right on

    • @bobbycecere1037
      @bobbycecere1037 Рік тому +1

      Share your good reasons with me.

    • @bubbleandsquid
      @bubbleandsquid Рік тому

      I would question whether the Heaven of the Christian faith is real. Earth was made for us and so will new earth, so we have no claim on heaven.

  • @hankkuya4354
    @hankkuya4354 Рік тому +2

    This world is a mere imitation of real world of what is not available to those here. Might as well be a holography or a simulation construct. Not say it’s not real for suffering is very real.

  • @notanemoprog
    @notanemoprog 2 роки тому +8

    Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!

  • @leehaynesiii276
    @leehaynesiii276 2 роки тому +3

    How do you know that then (the old Hebrew era) was "up" and now (the new testament era) is "down" ? How do know your vantage point isn't the opposite of what you think it is and everything is the reverse of your perspective !?

  • @mrmaster8884
    @mrmaster8884 9 місяців тому +1

    Is The Second Horseman, RED???.

  • @joecaner
    @joecaner Рік тому +2

    _"I'd say these days, the devil rules the roost."_
    Cold Mountain (2003), the ferry girl

  • @JaneDoe-zc2zn
    @JaneDoe-zc2zn Рік тому +1

    Since the beginning of time, recently. Chose to exist before God began, after ascension. Still wrapping up in modern times. I'm Satan, The Satan. Not kidding in the least.

  • @dadedowuh
    @dadedowuh Рік тому +2

    Does the urantia book have relevance in answering this question ❓
    Excellent talk. Humility is about forgetting yourself for the greatest good in a non co dependent way
    Humans will be better for the long run when they see and firmly believe that giving is the best gift one can give themselves
    Look what confusion and distrust and ignorance satin left, who and why would jc come out of the closet for?
    Might I point out that this discussion is about ancient history?
    I have to believe that inside of satin is a lost frightened child desperately in need of help from the horrific memories that made him become a dark triad. It's common psychology on a supernatural scale
    Again, excellent talk.
    Better than billy..
    And finally (?)
    What does it matter and why ?
    Broken porcelain forever is broken, the tonal qualities can not be repaired no matter how well one makes the blemishes seemingly disappear. Yet this becomes perfection

  • @rach6134
    @rach6134 2 роки тому +2

    Read the banned by Rome books .. especially James ...

  • @webstercat
    @webstercat Рік тому +1

    This is a lie from pit of hell 🌎

  • @michaelodonnell824
    @michaelodonnell824 2 роки тому +18

    I'm Irish
    I mention this because this discussion reminds me of the Dualism of Light/Dark that constantly appears within the scriptures.
    If anyone knows Ireland, you know that while we get an awful lot of Grey Weather, the Bright sunlight and VERY Dark shadows of more southerly latitudes are absent.
    Like it or not, climate, weather, and prevailing thinking played an enormous role in the "construction" of the Scriptures and their understanding within both the Hebrew and Early Church writers and interpreters. (For instance, to the Jewish/Helenistic World viewpoint, the idea of "Temple Sacrifice" made a great deal of sense. Modern people would be more likely to see this as "Animal Abuse").
    Unfortunately, much of our Modern Interpretations are TOO based on more ancient thinking, thinking that, from a Modern Perspective, makes lese and less Moral Sense.

    • @johnmichaelson9173
      @johnmichaelson9173 Рік тому +2

      I'm from over the water there, starts with L, ends with Pool. I know what you're saying I'm thinking about Newgrange which is older than the Pyramids. It's aligned with the sunrise at the Winter Solstice. Maybe they thought, why bother with the Summer Solstice it'll be raining & overcast. I've often wondered if our climates were more like the Middle East & we had less rain what documents & treasures may have been saved.

    • @rmoffat44
      @rmoffat44 Рік тому +5

      Interesting. The Christian idea of hell, coming from the Near East, is of heat, where souls suffer in the flames. The Old Norse equivalent of hell was a place of ice.

    • @michaelodonnell824
      @michaelodonnell824 Рік тому +4

      @@johnmichaelson9173 One of the reasons why Ireland has so few of its original treasures was because many of them were Stolen, first by Vikings (check out the museums in Denmark and Norway); then later by others who believe that all treasures belong to them. I won't name them except to say that they live across the water from Ireland and their first letter is E...

    • @johnmichaelson9173
      @johnmichaelson9173 Рік тому +1

      @@michaelodonnell824 I was thinking more of the written word which survived for 1000+ years in the Middle East.

    • @michaelodonnell824
      @michaelodonnell824 Рік тому +2

      @@johnmichaelson9173 Ireland still has Ogham stones (similar to Nordic Rune stones and the Rosetta Stone - created by the Egyptians but now in London and Paris).
      Stone is a far more durable material to use if you want your message to last for a while.
      Paper originated both in China and Egypt. Most of the early Irish Christian writings was done on Vellum (literally treated animal hides) and the Book of Kells is just under 1500 years old. Likewise the Book of Durrow. Both of these were discovered in Bogs..
      Meanwhile, the Thieves mentioned in my earlier comments earlier seized of destroyed many other texts.
      Climate has little to do with the durability of objects, especially when those objects are seen as "valuable".

  • @teresaveal7695
    @teresaveal7695 Рік тому +1

    The old bible painted in the natural world a giant painting of the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ the spiritual kingdom.
    We in the kingdom of Jesus Christ are the temple.
    The temple pictured us.

  • @pedenmk
    @pedenmk Рік тому +3

    I ordered the unseen realm. It is a good read. I believe everything written in the BIBLE. Great presentation Mr TABOR. THANKS

    • @KendraAndTheLaw
      @KendraAndTheLaw Рік тому +5

      Prof Tabor is an academic who is teaching to show what the writers of these religious texts believed.
      He does *not* believe any of it himself. And for good reason...

  • @kenmcclellan
    @kenmcclellan Рік тому +1

    Is there any reason Paul would not have known anything about Sumerian? EN was a prefix meaning Lord. KI was a word meaning Earth. So, literally, the Lord of the Earth ... was ENKI.

  • @xifangyangren9997
    @xifangyangren9997 2 роки тому +4

    Tabor is gifted at teaching.

  • @donalddotson-cw5ll
    @donalddotson-cw5ll 2 місяці тому

    our long evolving humanoid types of species process have created many different types of religious beliefs. And tried to constantly philosophically, intellectually, spiritually understand/explain our good /bad emotionally caused thoughts, actions, and behaviors in our interactions within our various local societal cultures. It has been the way that we have perceived everything that we were, and still are able to observe. Science is constantly systematically advancing technologically to be able to hypothisize, then formulate the research testing. To be able to logically scientifically understand our cosmos.

  • @dga2135
    @dga2135 3 місяці тому

    We have mortal human flesh body and from that All sin comes and with regards to that material desire the Enemy is your father and you are as his son. So both on a personal level and common/universal level Evil (temporarily) exists. This Hatefulness opposes Agape (Divine Love). IS it necessary to break it down further in this comment???? Probably, however I am not moved to do so at this time.

  • @Hebrew42Day
    @Hebrew42Day Місяць тому

    Paul took a dose of Hebraic ideas interpreted through his pagan Hellenistic framework and being high on something.

  • @nadzach
    @nadzach 9 місяців тому

    I find it interesting that Octavian had two altars constructed and placed on the east and west of what would be the Roman Empire. On the east there is Pergamum, the seat of Satan. On the west there is Dagon at Lyons. The reference to Satan and Diablos raises a question in my mind. The real origin of the word satan is in the nodding of the HEAD up and down, while dagon (dia hablo?) Is in wagging back and forth of the TAIL. In some way, are these are the head and tail of Octavian's desire? satan's kingdom is the beast. Is Apollyon somehow associated with a horse? Because i can see Dagon as the wagging fish, i wonder if satan would be something like the horse of "horse and rider." (Maybe comparable to Susa ?)
    Heaven is structured like the tabernacle. Heaven, heavens, heaven of heavens, most high heaven. We meet the presentations of God on our journey through the similarly structured courts. Son, father holy spirit and the Almight God as One. All things are of this pattern--the animal kingdoms, the mountains, the trees and...the atom (from the Πρωτν king of kings to the ελεκτον drawn with cords of love giving food for meditation.) Since we can become sons of God, maybe those who fell set up their kingdom like God's design. I dont know, but it seems to make sense. "Beware kest ye fall" is something to be taken seriously by the sons of God.

  • @marthamurphy7940
    @marthamurphy7940 3 місяці тому

    God is the creator of the "earth." The "world" is created by mankind when not honoring God. It's important to distinguish between the earth and the world. Think of the difference between "earthy" and "worldly."

  • @donalddotson-cw5ll
    @donalddotson-cw5ll 2 місяці тому

    The evil thorn in humans side could also be religious leaders such as the original apostles, priests , Deacons, elders, preachers, treasurers, secretaries, etc using the offering money from the conned-extremely superstitiously religious members, using the offerings for their own personal lifes pleasures.

  • @variousbirdspecieshahaha
    @variousbirdspecieshahaha Рік тому

    If you’re not a born again Christian then chances are that you’ll be unable to place your right palm on the KJV and say these words once only in a calm coherent manner-> I refuse to spend eternity in hell.😱😓
    Avoiding eternal hell couldn’t be easier.🙂👇🏻
    Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord ✝️shall be saved.😃

  • @spidertheateo4344
    @spidertheateo4344 2 місяці тому

    I just wanted to make a mentioned that Jehovah was never mentioned in the Bible it's either yhwh or Yahweh it's just the Bible writers made a mistake in translating Yahweh to Jehovah 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • @jhofer1013
    @jhofer1013 2 місяці тому

    It never talks about Yahweh in Genesis 1, it only talks about EL. Yahweh was not mentioned till Genesis 2 :4.
    Genesis 1 and 2 are 2 separate creations.

  • @aanii2878
    @aanii2878 Рік тому

    Satan became the god in the garden of eden when Adam and Eve listened to it and forgot about The True G-D 😢 Whenever anyone accepts evil as good, deception as honesty, darkness as light, cruelty as kindness, suffering as comfort, etc... their god is satan and they are, obviously, devil worshippers 😭
    Choose wisely, for when all is said and done, The Absolute Truth awaits. Nobody has ever, nor will ever, 'get away' with anything forever. 😁
    Peace 🙏

  • @Thesortvokter
    @Thesortvokter 3 місяці тому

    - when God didn't wanna take responsibility for HIS OWN mess...

  • @alexs7028
    @alexs7028 Рік тому

    We give satan too much credit calling him the ‘god’ of this world. He is no god. He doesn’t even qualify as a ‘puny’ god. He isn’t even the strongest angel!!!
    There is only ONE God, the Lord Yeshua Hamashiach 🙏

  • @kevino9161
    @kevino9161 Рік тому

    Genesis 3:15 did it for me. Jesus Christ(God) revealed to Satan that the Woman(Virgin Mary) will crush the devil’s head. PRAY THE ROSARY

  • @blackswan5034
    @blackswan5034 2 місяці тому

    Didn't jesus say i am not of this world my kindgom is not of this world , god's world is the kingdom of heaven , perfect without flaw majestic in every way satan is the god of this realm

  • @MrIrrepressible
    @MrIrrepressible Рік тому +1

    I dont see anywhere in the bible where Gabriel or Michael are described as having wings? Where are u getting this from?
    I know seraphim and cherubim have wings.

    • @laffingdukk
      @laffingdukk 6 місяців тому

      what difference does it make whether Michael and Gabriel have wings or not? There's no way to know for sure unless you see them

    • @MrIrrepressible
      @MrIrrepressible 6 місяців тому

      @@laffingdukk becauss a few people in the bible saw Gabriel and gave a description of his appearance and never mentioned wings. The only spiritual beings that have wings that we know from scriptures are cherubims and seraphims.

  • @alphanumeric1529
    @alphanumeric1529 Рік тому

    I am a follower of Christ, this doesn't make me an historical capital C Christian. The "Old" Testament is true and correct, and the order of Yahweh is good, it is good beyond our ability to conceive. At the same time, the "New" Testament is true and correct, man is fallen, and in this fallen state has the image of the power of Yahweh but the image of that power is distorted by the fallen nature of all men, so while the world is created beautifully, the material world is so wisely created and functioning, as an image of its creator, Yahweh, but we have created a reality within the material world, that extends into the spiritual world that is horrific, an abomination so destructive it causes desolation (as we are now seeing manifesting in the material reality, a condition that is unprecedented except for local geographic occurrences documented in the Bible). It is from this state, this condition, this WAY that we need deliverance, we need redemption, for we live in a reality created by man, the actual power motivating man is Satan, the adversary, the opposition to Yahweh's beauty. That is why the final system is the Beast System, it is the System of Man, Man's greatest capabilities realized, which initially appears utopic but is soon revealed to be a dying hell state absent the essential freedom bestowed upon man by the source of freedom, the One who is eternally becoming, a linguistic depiction of the ineffable reality of Yahweh's freedom.
    I find those who adhere to only one of these Two testaments to Yahweh and the nature of man, to be wicked, to be twisted, to be willingly ignorant of the truth contained in the Testament of Yahweh they ignore. And really, by the time you get to the Revelation to John, the final book of the "New" testament, you have a complete textual synthesis, a final suturing of both Testaments into one cohesive narrative, one complete Revelation of Yahweh, His nature, His plan for man in this material reality and beyond, as well as the complete revelation of the terminal nature and condition of man as nonredeemable, except by the divine power of Yahweh, who is both Just and Compassionate, at once, apparently in contradiction, but only apparently to those who have not had their eyes lightened.

  • @mirozkapeluszem
    @mirozkapeluszem Місяць тому

    To jest jedno z najważniejszych video jakie widziałem, bo dowodzi, że nie ma bezwzględnych prawd objawionych. Wszystko ewoluuje i zmienia się z czasem. Ludziom tylko się wpaja, że zawsze było jak jest i kropka, po to by ich kontrolować, by tworzyć autorytet, hierarchie i struktury. Jest przepaść między tym kto rządził światem w pierwotnym postrzeganiu i kto rządził światem w późniejszym postrzeganiu. To jest wyśmienity przykład, którego nigdy nie dostrzegałem. Tak samo jak jest przepaść między starotestamentowym i nowotestamentowym bogiem.
    Duchowieństwo i teolodzy naprawdę mocno gimnastykowali się umysłowo by to wszystko w całość złożyć. Biblia i doktryny nie są spójne. To jest po prostu dialog między różnymi plemionami, narodami, pokoleniami. Pierwotny judaizm i wielobóstwo, przypisywanie JHWE cech innych bóstw jak Baal, żydowski mesjanizm w postaci Jezusa, pierdyliard różnych odłamów, gnostycyzm, wcześniejszy zoroastryzm, manicheizm, kult Mitry, chrześcijaństwo Pawłowe to chrześcijaństwo zhellenizowane. Widać to czarno na białym tutaj. To nie jest tak, że Jezus objawił prawdę i ustanowił obecny kościół i ten kościół przejął Cesarstwo Rzymskie. Nie. Chrześcijaństwo Pawłowe jest po prostu syntezą mitologii i mentalności hellenistycznej z mesjanizmem żydowskim Jezusa.

  • @davidwilliams4498
    @davidwilliams4498 2 місяці тому

    He eanted to be equal to God. He an a third of angels rebelled sn was cast out of heaven. Thsts ehen started on earth. Thats ehen God promised an delivered a saviour. End time is very near

  • @leo-unddieAnderen
    @leo-unddieAnderen Рік тому

    "all sorts of things that humans don't have."? Are you suggesting that any lifeform that looks different from a so-called "human" is a monster? That is very human ego-centric and offensive.

  • @dejavudo666
    @dejavudo666 Рік тому

    How does a god own anything? Gods are focused on their own power and control. Their purpose is whatever it is to them. This means they can't be anything other than what they are. To maintain their status as a god they need to always be doing what supports that role that makes gives them power. It's a slippery slope.
    Say god is all knowing and perfect in every way. Well, to know everything means to reject nothing. You can't know everything while knowing nothing at the same time. If god knew nothing he wouldn't be god. He would be us that is subject to the process of god creation.
    Then, to be perfect you have to weed out anything that isn't perfect. This takes everything known and all is removed because it is not god. God is the only thing that is perfect and this leaves god in a crux
    . God can't be perfect and all knowing if everything can be destroyed making it imperfect. This leaves nothing to be the adversary of god. The fear of the unknown is the rival to gods entire power structure. Just the mere knowledge of knowing that nothing exists puts god in the hot seat to prove his right to be this almighty being.
    This doesn't mean that Satan is the victor here. It just means to become god you must destroy yourself trying to solve the infinite question.
    Satan doesn't own this world. We do.

  • @eugeneoisten9409
    @eugeneoisten9409 Рік тому

    You really left out the most important question........
    How and why did a entity that never existed become this worlds ruler......😂😂

  • @davidrandell2224
    @davidrandell2224 2 роки тому +1

    The thm Tehom/ Tihamah is the western coastline of Arabia in Gen. 1:2 not the ‘deep.’ Junaynah in Dn ( Eden) at 20/20 by 42/55 in Asir region western Arabia with the 4 rivers and gold etc. “The Bible Came from Arabia “, Kamal Salibi, 1985. The greatest shift came when the ‘human ‘ brain became powerful enough for abstraction. The first abstraction was ‘ self.’ Downhill from there. With demise of self- existential angst- a ‘solution ‘ was required: a “super- self “, god. All the nefarious abstractions that follow, metaphysics, philosophy, government, science, and especially “ physics “ brings us to the present ‘civilization.’ Satan - adversary- simply a consequence of the first abstraction: non-self against self.

  • @mariakarayan9997
    @mariakarayan9997 Рік тому

    Thanks. The hebrew text tranlated elohim as God instead of Gods. Ha Elohim is The Gods. The humans obeyed the devil/slanderer/ seraphim/serpentile angel became their owner as they obeyed the opposing seraphim, their dna was alterred after disobedience to their creator, they became slaves of the one they obeyed he becomes their god because the dna is corrupted, and the man knows good and evil , he is not the same being created by God but snful sick and dying sinner.. sin has rules over mankind from the beginning, sin leads to death, all mankind die means their enemy death stands, the sacrifice of the saviour leads to eternal life in the millenium, people will still die. The woman was made to crave/desire/long for a man, its why she is the weaker vessel, she has a weakness for the man,. Its law. Final, she also gave in to lust long for the fruit of the tree, in the middle of the garden. Men in power/kings were trees, the stump of jesse, the dream of nebuccadnezzar being the tree, trees are powerful kings/gods over the world, he was humbled fpr 7 years, until he knew his creator had the power to install and take him down off his throneship but he allows the wicked seraphim to make himself like the most high, the son will deal with the serpent, he is his creator and will banish him, only for a thousand years, we can die after his release

  • @notsoancientpelican
    @notsoancientpelican Рік тому

    Satan is god of this world because God doesn’t seem to want the position. God doesn’t act. God doesn’t show up. When we need him, God is somewhere doing something cosmic, I guess…he certainly isn’t on scene here, where the troubles are and the problems are. On the other hand, if you need something or want something, Satan shows right up. What a Guy.

  • @myopinion6476
    @myopinion6476 Рік тому

    2Corinthians 4:4 the god of this world has blinded the eye of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ... God has given Satan domain over unbelievers. Unbelievers are in the snare of satan in bondage to him whilst believers of this world are not ....

  • @markwrede8878
    @markwrede8878 Рік тому

    When Christians abandoned to the secular element the communism and socialism movements they had created instead of uniting to press the moral charge against the extortions of capital, the faith revealed itself to be but a political enforcer as the preachers who inveighed against Mammon were purged from the pulpits following the Soviet Revolution.

  • @christyjohnson3290
    @christyjohnson3290 6 місяців тому


  • @tripleffarms2872
    @tripleffarms2872 8 місяців тому

    God give Lucifer the world before he became Satan see he changed into Satan when he was kicked out of heaven and he give all his sons a present and just so happens he give Lucifer the Earth as a father would give a child a pearl and God doesn't take back his gifts because he is a loving father it goes a lot deeper

  • @peat11
    @peat11 Рік тому

    You need to reread, genesis 1 is not the same as genesis 2, 2 completely different entities clearly delineated by their titles God (elohiym plural)in genesis 1 the Lord God singular created Adam in genesis 2.

  • @christopherantiam4663
    @christopherantiam4663 Рік тому

    He became the mangod when you started worship of amen in days fleshly lust g sus cry ist which is who saith or saitn. The blood sacrifice virgins occult started by roman Cesar in best interest of man kind to he'll

  • @CestuiQueTrustBeneficiary-KING

    Simply read the POPES Bulls translated. It was the Feast of the Sacrament.

  • @ejenkins4711
    @ejenkins4711 Рік тому

    If satan is the god of this world then that that gees us ON would surley sing along 2 long songs⌚🦍🌪️🖤

  • @chrisstevens2706
    @chrisstevens2706 Рік тому +1

    The problem is Brain.
    The film " life of Brian" was unfortunately penned by a dyslexic. But in essence, the problem is Brain.

  • @ashwayn
    @ashwayn Рік тому

    Its not satan satan is a hebrew word for against antagonist its NOT a deity
    the true deity against the bible god yahweh jehovah is Lord Lucifer bringer of light and so on
    It was the early xions miss translated it

  • @IceColdTruth
    @IceColdTruth Рік тому +1

    Rockets don’t go to space fool.

    • @eprd313
      @eprd313 Рік тому

      Lol where do they go?

  • @dunexapa1016
    @dunexapa1016 Рік тому

    Through the *COWARDLY* silence, and *FEAR* of 'Christians'