Pavlov Search And Destroy Tips and tricks (for beginners) 2022

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @ToPimpAButterflyLover911
    @ToPimpAButterflyLover911 2 роки тому +44

    i saw the rickroll

  • @0ccci
    @0ccci 2 роки тому +16

    Extra tips
    1: In my opinion, flashes are more important than grenades, It’s easier to throw a flash, blind the enemy, and kill them while they are blinded.
    2:It’s totally alright to buy small armor on rounds beside pistol round. After losing a round, you’re gonna be tight on cash, so unless you have 2800 and are a god with the Hunting Rifle or Kar98k, go with small armor.
    3: NEVER, buy the 50 cal.
    It’s arguably one of the worst mistakes a newbie can make, You’re wasting $4800 on a gun that doesn’t even have iron sights.
    So unless you’ve won 47 rounds in a row, and are strapped with cash, don’t buy the M99.
    4: Use the fire modes, especially on the AK, The AK has a bit of recoil up close, but it has recoil similar to the Ak-12 at far, So switch to semi, and tap 4 times (usually) to kill that guy.
    5: If you ARE playing against newbies who don’t buy armor, use the AWP, It deals 100 damage but when they are using armor, the armor pen only does 90, But since they aren’t using armor, go ahead.
    6: I slightly disagree with the first tip, but it works.
    In my opinion, buy armor and a couple of flashes on T side, and armor and plyers on CT side.
    Plyers are incredibly useful. The 1911 isn’t good with body shots, but 2 taps to the head, like every other pistol, But since this is pistol round, and almost nobody has helmets, it’s pretty much useless to buy another pistol if everybody can get 1 tapped by the starter.
    7: Hunting Rifle and the Karabiner work good if your low on cash, You have to practice hitting follow up shots, but if you get good at it, it can be good in every situation except close range, And even then, spam the bolt and there’s a 80% you’ll kill the guy. Hunting rifle is good for accuracy, while the Kar98k is good to spam.
    8: Any amount of hit box displacement will help you tremendously, So yes, dropshotting is a viable tactic.
    You can also peak corners and the only thing peeking out will be your side.
    9: Smokes are arguably one of the most important items in the game, You can completely cover a choke point that you can then cross safely. You can also throw a smoke at an enemy and block their vision, leaving them vulnerable for a couple of seconds, giving you the chance to spray into the smoke or have your teammate flank them.
    Genuinely, it sounds simple, but it isn’t all it, You succeeding in this mode is mainly about hitting headshots, If you hit bodyshots, you will probably lose a bit of health and armor every fight, meaning you have to rebuy armor, Bodyshots have pros and cons, Pros being that they are easy to hit, with the con being a longer TTK, Headshots on the other hand, can completely change a round if done right, Let’s say there’s a guy with a M249 always camping at one spot, That spot is completely locked out unless you have all your teammates rush that spot, having the risk of losing your teammates and losing health and armor. If you manage to hit a headshot on that guy, that spot becomes another route for you to flank or plant the bomb, changing the round entirely.
    So practice your headshots by going into Hunt, Shooting Range, Team Deathmatch or regular Deathmatch.
    11: As a CT, don’t just camp at the bombsite, It works sometimes but the Ts will eventually get used to it and find spots to flank or snipe you.
    So be unpredictable, camp in different spots every round so that you’ll catch them off guard.
    12: As a T, flanking could be the deciding factor in whether you lose or win a round, Catching the CTs offguard is important, so take different routes every round and don’t always go to one bombsite.
    13: If the bomb is incredibly close to exploding and you don’t want to lose your weapons in attempt to defuse it, give it to your teammate and tell them to run, You could either defuse the bomb or die trying, However, you won’t lose your guns!
    14: Take.
    I hate seeing people throw entire games, *for the funny*
    Sure, have a little fun with your teammates, but while you are doing that, focus on all the above.
    I don’t care if you put a sniper scope on guns that don’t need it, but don’t just be bad intentionally so that people think your funny. You aren’t, man.
    15: Pick up enemy weapons,
    Especially if your on CT Side, *(Technically T side, but I’ve always known NATO as CTs, so yeah.)*
    M4s are really good and can accept a lot of attachments, but the AK can completely wipe a team if used right, so if you have the chance, steal a enemy weapon.
    Weapons you should steal.
    M16 (If it has some good attachments)
    AK-12 (If it has some good attachments and you are good at controlling recoil.)
    Saiga 12
    *Sorry Switchblade for editing this so much, but uhh.. I like writing stuff on this.*

    • @xtrobytes8616
      @xtrobytes8616 2 роки тому

      The 50 cal is good at sand in my opinion because now it has scopes but no kill bonus

    • @Drocoh
      @Drocoh 2 роки тому

      Tip 4 is situational.
      You should note that only new players should be doing that.
      Advanced players should be practicing full auto at long ranges.
      You can only kill so fast on single auto.

  • @haehum
    @haehum 2 роки тому +16

    Thank you for these tips as I’m literally just getting into search!

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому +1

      No problem thanks for watching the video !

  • @YukitheDummy
    @YukitheDummy 2 роки тому +1

    1. buy stuff
    2. prioritize armor
    not needed 100% of the time, but if you have alot of money, yes
    3. throw stuff correctly
    even I can't do this all the time
    not all matches have good teams, I've been any MANY public lobbies, and only about 2/5 matches have at least 1 good team in my experience
    5. saving money
    have your team save for 1 round (meaning no buying anything), then go all out with your best weapons the next round, and if your team is lucky, win that no buy round
    6. stay with teamwork
    could've put this as extra stuff to say with teamwork
    7. check your corners
    basically a basic thing to know for any game with search and destroy
    8. practice defusing
    no, not practice, just learn how to defuse and the more you play. the better you'll get at it. I EXPECT newer players to fail sometimes
    9. having the correct attachments
    there is no "correct attachment", grips are really only for style, and sights just help you, red dot could be used for any range and better accuracy, but holo is the same thing, but easier to see, with a better sight
    10. check your scoreboard
    a few tips to add.
    1. Practice
    practicing in gun game, deathmatch, team deathmatch, etc (TTT is a fun game mode, not for practice...anymore), will help you have better accuracy when fighting. Playing against zombies by yourself, this could help you get better headshot accuracy, depending on what weapons you use, you'll learn which weapons are better at what.
    2. memorize your teams skin (character model)
    doing this instead of looking for name tags will help you win alot more gunfight. Yes, name tags clearly show which people are your teammates (as you can't see any enemy name tags unless you are dead), but memorizing the skin will help you know who your teammates and enemies are in case you can't see their nametags, like in tight hallways with a lower ceiling
    not many people even use their ears correctly in this game. when the bomb is being planted, or is already planted, you can hear which direction the beeping is coming from, go that way, or use strategy to out-play your opponents, or to protect the bomb. YOU CAN HEAR PEOPLES FOOTSTEPS, using this to your advantage could put you above almost EVERY PUBLIC PLAYER (WARNING: USING THIS TIP CORRECTLY WILL RESULT IN PEOPLE THINKING YOU ARE CHEATING), it's almost wallhacks if you use just use your ears.
    4. figure out how you play
    If you're a close range player, using the AK-47, P90, FAMAS, UZI, or simple revolvers will help you. Long range players could use snipers or an AUG, or a deagle with a sight. medium players could go with literally anything. Figure out how YOU play. Asking what the "best weapon" is is a bad idea, since there kinda is no "best weapon". AK-47 is basically the meta, one shot headshot, 4-7 body shots, better at close range, and quite easy to use after a while. The M4, easily passes the AK in DPS, but worse only 2 shots to the head, 5-8 shots to the body, but better at long range. I could explain every weapons capabilities, but that'll take too long. Figure out what range you play best in (close, medium, long, all), and choose which weapons you use best. It's your choice.
    5. don't spend all your money
    Spending all your money, or most of your money, or spending money when you don't need to, could end with your team losing a round or two, or the entire match. spend your money wisely, unless you're like me and like screwing around.
    6. memorize the maps
    Knowing where you could hide, or where your opponents could hide is VERY GOOD TO KNOW, could help you fight off those 5 enemies who just cornered your team and killed them all. Knowing which ways are the fastest to each bomb site, or knowing where to go at all, could help you get a strategy for winning a match.
    7. watch out for competitive players
    There are a bunch of players like me that go into public lobbies just to screw around and have fun...not just to bully people with 100% headshot accuracy, sorry. Watch out for on almost every day, so if you bump into "Happy_The_Dummy", prioritize killing me over my team, especially when it's my first match on that day.
    8. team
    On CT, going all to one bomb site isn't always the best idea, what if the bomb carrier goes to the other bomb site? If T side all goes to the side your team went, lucky you! If they dont...well you might have lost that round.
    If you're on T side, going all one direction also might not a good idea, what if most (or all) of CT goes to the side your team is going to? Having your bomb carrier and maybe only 1 other team member go to one side IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, and might cost you the round, but having the bomb carrier and most of your team go one side also could be dangerous, but is better. Having someone go to the other bomb site to distracts or kill off a few enemies could help your team win a round or two, or just win entirely.
    9. Strategy
    now, I go in without a strategy ALL THE TIME, no time for that for me. But for alot of other players, thinking of a plan to out-play your opponents could get you at least a few wins. Never use the same plan twice, at least change it up a bit.
    I hope these extra tips help

  • @ethanex101
    @ethanex101 2 роки тому +12

    Really appreciate these videos man! Simple, straight to the point, informative, and funny! :)

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому +5

      Thank you for your support it means a lot

  • @littlegreen4899
    @littlegreen4899 2 роки тому +5

    Just some follow up tips for more intermediate players and to clear up confusion with starting players
    Tip 1: if you already have a helmet try not to buy the one that includes a helmet especially if your losing, this precious money can be used to fund other peoples guns or utility
    Tip 2: some smg like the ump and mp5 are totally okay on some larger maps as you can easily find your self in close quarter combat and these guns will shred and may sometimes out preform the ak at head shots (as a ump user) I sometimes have had players who miss their first shot with the am I can either kill them or land my own two billets to the head (as the ump is a 2 shit head shot with a helmet) before they can let out anther round
    Tip 3: armor isn’t as important as they make it out to be it is perfectly okay skip the armor in a desperate time and it’s much better being able to afford a deagle or a double shotgun and get people around the corners as he says
    Tip 4: this is anther eco one. Instead of going eco round I would do something I like to call gary vee round this where you if your boarded line 2.3k you spend that money on a high kill bonus gun and armor (kill bonus is how much money a gun gives killing with it) my favorite and main gun is the ump and I would recommend using it for this strategy because it has a $800 kill bonus with that money you could recover your loss in 1 or 2 rounds if you can at least get a kill or two
    Tip 5: attachments now I have a lot of problems with how he deals with attachments he says don’t use certain attachments because they’re “wrong” the attachments are purely personal and how you like it having the holo sight makes it hard to loose track but it’s more off center and less accurate and can be obscuring (off center as in not lined up correctly with the gun such as the gun is pointed upward) the angle grip is a go to as side ways recoil is a huge pain
    Tip 6: on the note of attachments it is note worthy that you do not try and put loads of attachments on your gun as it reduces kill bonus and I’ll give you the standard for the attachments
    large suppressor $200
    pistol suppressor $50
    Holographic sight: $150
    Red dot sight: $150
    Slanted sight: $150
    Angled grip: $100
    Vertical grip: $100
    Now I’ve seen the people make the mistake of putting loads of attachments on a gun and making it possible for you to loose money for killing someone such as I’ve seen someone with a holographic sight, slanted sight, suppressor, vertical grip on a ump so quick math 200 + 150 + 150 + 150 = 650 in kill bonus reductions giving away a lot of its advantage and also the ump sight is practically a holographic sight and it has little to very controllable recoil rendering 3 attachments practically useless in my opinion and also with the ump your going to be gunning down a quite a few people especially groups so no point being quite
    Tip 6: now this is my favorite as it is the one that is the most opposite of me Iam the kind of person who is that one guy who splits of from the team CT or T I like to flank and side rush and Iam good at it but a huge mistake I see with beginners is that they try to Imitate me and others like me this will often or not get you both killed I’ve had people who aren’t experienced enough come with me saying “I’ll stick with you” come and mess me up like STOP FOLLOWING FOR CHRIST SAKE IAM JUST SICK OF YOU TEAM FIRING OR FIRING TOO SOON AND GIVING AWAY POSITIONS OR BEING INFRONT OF ME AND I THROW A NADE HALF WAY DOWN THE CORRIDOR AND YOU RUN TO IT WHILE IAM SHOUTING WATCH MY NADE AND YOU GET BLOWN UP. Sorry about that just had to rant anyways the whole and best strategy is being a sleep Paralysis demon by just stalking them letting them se you for a split second dropping down a ledge and appears behind them and tell them that their crush loves them but it’s too late before stabbing them laughing while they bleed out as they plead for mercy or at least tell them that they love them until you give them the sweet release of death, throw nades to advance down corridors because the enemy will see or hear the NADE and back off giving you a chance to go some where un expected and as soon as you see some one but they don’t see you do go guns a blazing wait because you don’t want to give your self away use knifes when possible don’t go through congested corridors go someone where that not many people go as this will keep you out of harm long enough to kill them. Being a good solo player is a big game and those enemy are your victims in this cruel twisted game of yours and they have no power you got to realy feel the moment take pleasure with each kill this makes you think of new creative ways to kill them (unless your a child and can’t stomach killing and mind games or if you get shot). It’s also about knowing to cut your loss if they figure you out and they start killing you as you go solo don’t solo anymore stick with your team because if you are good solo you are a huge advantage and asset to the team if you switch it up you can throw them off because the enemy will be going to predicted spots that you should be but your not, why? Because your an demon who wants to see them cry splitting up a team especially if they are T like this is devastating and also vice versa if you are being killed in groups to really mess with them. Finally two things if your on CT you want to try and spread out until you can predict a pattern because you can all go to one side of the map they plant and they get into positions which is bad the best time to catch T is when they are planting or are getting to site as they are vulnerable because you that first player who see them and attacks them (hopefully you don’t die) can com and provide time for your time to rotate (also side note I just thought of this don’t com or talki and or plan two loud try not to give too much detail in the afterlife or at all because they can sometimes and mostly will hear you talking so if your T it’s best to just follow who has the bomb) and last thing is those of you who can pull of T side spread out like CT is absolutely respectable like your playing into my game but then you slap my cheeks turn me around and tell me “fool you are not the master your merely the puppet of my game not yours” they can really pinched down on small stragglers too
    Man that was a long one
    Btw this took me about an hour and now it’s literally midnight Iam tired af
    Quick side note because I just realised I didn’t set a good example for kill bonus reduction kill. The 50 cal does not give any kill bonus so if you use the suppressor you loose $200 per kill say you ace that’s 1k down the drain goodbye I’ll probably come back later and do some editing
    Edit because you guys are going to be kicking at me I’ve fixed a few sp errors and added the sleep paralysis demon example of their crush just basically everything everything after sleep paralysis and just before threw a nade and the expression man that was a long one because why not also side note this editing and edit explanation took me like anther 10 minutes lol
    Edit 2 this is literally 5 minutes later but just thought bad so sorry if like you had to read all this and it was incredibly boring and SWITCHBLADE if I may of showed you up anyways thanks for reading.
    Edit 3: Iam feeling aggressive so fight me switchblade dare you to

  • @ryan4528
    @ryan4528 2 роки тому +4

    Another good one is to pickup dead teammates guns

  • @copperp_2381
    @copperp_2381 2 роки тому +9

    my personal preference for pistols is the five-Seven seeing as how it has 100% armor pen and i really love the sights i feel like i can shoot as fast as possible and still be able to put the sight on target and hit

    • @haehum
      @haehum 2 роки тому +1

      Honestly deagle is literally one of my favourite guns lol

    • @copperp_2381
      @copperp_2381 2 роки тому +2

      I suck with getting head shots withe the deagle i cant even pointblank someone in the head

  • @moldymoss3991
    @moldymoss3991 2 роки тому +2

    I’m getting the game right now thanks for your help I didn’t know it was free

  • @halokid1002
    @halokid1002 2 роки тому +5

    Rip to voltz getting blown up 3 times
    Edit: voltz: runnnn
    Also him: *proceeds to run closer to grenade*

  • @hellothere700
    @hellothere700 2 роки тому +3

    Tac 9 and deagle got to be my favourite

  • @ItsJustCannon
    @ItsJustCannon 2 роки тому +3

    Armor is the number one most important tip in my opinion

  • @Joe_21Meow
    @Joe_21Meow 2 роки тому +1

    Congrats on 5 k subscribers🎉

  • @Dynammic
    @Dynammic 2 роки тому +3

    3:20 Bro I cant get enough of this 😅😂

  • @ilovepancakes-z8m
    @ilovepancakes-z8m 11 місяців тому +1

    Keep this up man your vids are great

  • @L44AS
    @L44AS 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the Tips! Some of these things I didn't know like throwing the grenade.. like it wasn't going where I wanted.. but thanks for showing how to throw it! And like the vids with "thing's that you did or didn't know about Pavlov"
    (You got a new subscriber)

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much for your support !

  • @XNMedia
    @XNMedia 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you SWITCHBLADE I like search and destroy but im not great at it, more of a TTT player, thanks for the tips

  • @sawyboy6235
    @sawyboy6235 2 роки тому +2

    You should do this with ttt, I know a lot of friends that are bad at it

  • @justsomeonenamedkarey34
    @justsomeonenamedkarey34 6 місяців тому

    even after having pavlov for about 6 months these tips still helped thanks!

  • @knightxd945
    @knightxd945 2 роки тому +1

    This video was great and funny! keep up the great work😁

  • @94_b29
    @94_b29 2 роки тому +1

    damn you have grown so much i have suggested you to do the gun tier list on my other account now your like so famous

  • @BuyTvOffer
    @BuyTvOffer Рік тому

    Something gun you can do : go to Offlone And Then Go To Hunt, Before you exit the Circle, Buy A Tazer, Whenever you taze an enemy, they'll drop They're Gun, But Thyre Not Programmed To Puck It Back Up, so they'll just look at you while pointing at you with a broken hand following you around, if you taZe 2 enemy's, no more will spawn until you kill one of them.

  • @killme943
    @killme943 2 роки тому +2

    Any tips to help get better with pistols?
    (like stabilization techniques or something cuz virtual stock doesnt really help with pistols lol)

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому +2

      Hold your arms straight out as far as you can should help you keep your aim straight also put your hands together like you are actually holding the pistol with 2 hands

    • @killme943
      @killme943 2 роки тому +1

      @@TEAM_BLADE ty dude I will try these

    • @littlegreen4899
      @littlegreen4899 2 роки тому +1

      Recommend holding one of your hands side ways under the other one like you see in movie or prop it up against you over arm lol you see in movies when the like prop the gun on the arm or have a gander at the base of the handle

  • @martyrobbinsfan7930
    @martyrobbinsfan7930 2 роки тому +2

    Sorry I missed the upload I was playing Pavlov shack lol

  • @ralphfaterbotum5966
    @ralphfaterbotum5966 2 роки тому +1

    I like the noob and pro parts

  • @mencibenci
    @mencibenci 2 роки тому +1

    I can only aim with the aug so I always buy an aug following a pistol round, even if we lose it and I can’t afford an aug + armor combo :/ noobs will noob

  • @yaboivoltz3915
    @yaboivoltz3915 2 роки тому +1

    Let’s go!

    • @hellothere700
      @hellothere700 2 роки тому +2

      Heyyy it’s voltz

    • @halokid1002
      @halokid1002 2 роки тому +1

      You were literally added to be blown up 3 times lol

  • @xtwo_time
    @xtwo_time 2 роки тому +2

    It’s kinda funny cause I still watch these even though I learned all these on my own

  • @knudd0840
    @knudd0840 2 роки тому +1

    Good editing :)

  • @zacharyylol2585
    @zacharyylol2585 2 роки тому +1

    i think the sights are just preference cuz im really good with the red dot but not the holo, but the red dot can be hard to see if the area is too bright

  • @Burger-VR5
    @Burger-VR5 Рік тому

    Dude when I was playing search and destroy I was by myself with a AK and there’s three people in front of me shooting me and I still killed all three of them by myself I was very surprised😂

  • @haid3rs
    @haid3rs 2 роки тому +1

    I want Two #9s, a #9 large, a #6 with extra dip, two #45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

  • @gethsoldsmith
    @gethsoldsmith 2 роки тому +1

    The tac 9 smg with a stock and red dot has zero recoil its very great for up close situations and I carry a sniper rifle for long range

  • @melonicpc5329
    @melonicpc5329 Рік тому +1

    This is really good advice

  • @willsmith8460
    @willsmith8460 2 роки тому +1

    I agree with you about going with your team if your a new player of course but you can also get way better by just learning movement around the map and going on your own and flanking
    Edit: I’ve watched the rest of the video and realized you said that

  • @pareak
    @pareak 2 роки тому +4

    It is useless to buy armor when there is a good AK47 player who is doing a lot of headshots. But normally it is really useful und saved me from dying a few times

    • @hellothere700
      @hellothere700 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah but if there’s a good ak player u should be doing everything to hard counter him cause he will rip through ur team. So I normally try to counter his accuracy with the 50cal (best shotgun in the game) or flash bang

    • @littlegreen4899
      @littlegreen4899 2 роки тому +1

      @@hellothere700 shotgun?

    • @haehum
      @haehum 2 роки тому

      @@littlegreen4899 yeah I’ve never heard of that type of gun in Pavlov, let alone in real life!

    • @hellothere700
      @hellothere700 2 роки тому

      @@haehum no he’s confused why I’m calling the 50 cal users shotgun users

    • @hellothere700
      @hellothere700 2 роки тому

      @@littlegreen4899 cause people only use it in close quarters since it has no scope

    @SGTGAGE Рік тому

    I have been playing pavlov for a while now but tips are really nice here and there.

  • @copperp_2381
    @copperp_2381 2 роки тому +2

    i would never waste my money on a canted green dot like that on any gun its really just something that's going to be obstructing your view and there's no use for it the reason it was added to the game was for the 2x (3x10x) or higher scopes so that if you got into a close engagement you'd switch to it so they weren't so zoomed in so right now its just a waste of money i would much rather spend that on a laser, nade or flash. just tips

    • @littlegreen4899
      @littlegreen4899 2 роки тому

      Having a red dot and an canted light on a sniper can help with off center led shooting and a better idea where the bullet is going to land

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому

      All different ways to play all good tactics

  • @clocket_iscool
    @clocket_iscool 2 роки тому +1

    another tip: if you have drift and your the defusers and you have spare money, buy the wirecutters.

  • @emersonpark6355
    @emersonpark6355 2 роки тому +1

    ive played with dynammic like 3 days ago on snd lmao

  • @treyadams7654
    @treyadams7654 2 роки тому +1

    keep going ⬆️⬆️⬆️

  • @nakedmidgetmauluser7684
    @nakedmidgetmauluser7684 2 роки тому

    Omg I've been buying the first armor then the helmet thinking the helmet was a just head gear without armor

  • @samizayed1126
    @samizayed1126 2 роки тому

    I prefer the red sight. If you know what you’re doing, it’s more precise and deadly. If you’re starting out, yeah use the green sight

  • @StunFlake_
    @StunFlake_ 2 роки тому

    You see, I knew most of these but I have a problem with the buy menu and walking…I have thumbstick drift and I have tried to fix it but it won’t stop. So I will be buying new controllers when I can

  • @sleepysloothz442
    @sleepysloothz442 2 роки тому +2

    Um... you don't actually have to check corners 24/7, just learn their tricks and listen for gunshots/footsteps.

    • @sleepysloothz442
      @sleepysloothz442 2 роки тому

      Of course if one of their tricks is camping then definitely check corners once in a while

  • @Darkspartan2244
    @Darkspartan2244 2 роки тому +1

    He needs more subs

  • @theseeker6623
    @theseeker6623 2 роки тому

    7:51 i remember one time my team meat didn't now how to difuse the bomb and there are little time left so... I KELLED HIM AND DIFUSE IT MY SELF

  • @AlertHvH
    @AlertHvH 2 роки тому +2

    Honestly, i would like to see like 1v2 eith viewers or 2v2 or something like this ya know. that would be cool

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому

      Have been doing a lot of those recently

    • @yaboivoltz3915
      @yaboivoltz3915 2 роки тому +1

      I destroyed him with my boy dynammic

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому

      @@yaboivoltz3915 hell nah

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому

      @@yaboivoltz3915 my controller broken

    • @AlertHvH
      @AlertHvH 2 роки тому

      @@yaboivoltz3915 wanna do 1v1?

  • @yophat0960
    @yophat0960 2 роки тому


  • @BigWhiteSmokeVR
    @BigWhiteSmokeVR 2 роки тому +3


  • @BalakayDaBomb
    @BalakayDaBomb Рік тому

    I’m gonna watch this even though I am not a beginner

    • @BalakayDaBomb
      @BalakayDaBomb Рік тому

      I didn’t know about eco rounds. Great video!

  • @DaDude796
    @DaDude796 2 роки тому

    My friend was talking shit about me not knowing how to play Pavlov yet he’s the one who decided to play search and destroy but not know how to buy weapons or anything in the shop and he didn’t even know how to defuse or plant the bomb

  • @nin-neko
    @nin-neko Рік тому +1

    thanks for the tips lolololo

  • @gorillachadvr-rights
    @gorillachadvr-rights 11 місяців тому

    my go-to weapons:
    AKM and AWP

  • @josiahmiddelkamp
    @josiahmiddelkamp Рік тому

    Yeah I saw the rickroll too it was on the part within the yay sound what's going on

  • @Ducky56
    @Ducky56 Рік тому

    4:49 me soloing a group of 5 people

  • @justananimator8349
    @justananimator8349 2 роки тому +1

    How do you turn on smooth turn? It just turns off for me

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому

      It should just work I have mine turned on

  • @Rdeemd
    @Rdeemd 2 роки тому

    Pro Tip: To be good, don't be bad

  • @GoreboxianSpaceGuy
    @GoreboxianSpaceGuy 2 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @janekelly2164
    @janekelly2164 2 роки тому

    My team says to speak when spoken to when they all speak to each other and I'm annoyed

  • @futurerunner5991
    @futurerunner5991 2 роки тому +2

    How do you know whats the code for the C4

  • @AlextheGreatTheRussianman
    @AlextheGreatTheRussianman 2 місяці тому +1

    Ain’t no way dude just said the Tech9 what is the best weapon dude it is actually the worst weapon in the entire game dude it takes like 15 shots just to kill one person like to even kill somebody while you’re shooting them in the head. It’s the worst pistol dude.

  • @Madduckkk
    @Madduckkk Рік тому

    Tip number 11 instead of flashing your whole team at the start
    Frag them

  • @chefboiii
    @chefboiii 2 роки тому

    Bro that team killing my du! :< 5:39

  • @giga_vr9554
    @giga_vr9554 2 роки тому +1

    AK-47 is the best Pavlov gun

  • @storm9634
    @storm9634 2 роки тому +2

    What does the S mean on the scoreboard?

    • @Dynammic
      @Dynammic 2 роки тому +1

      In short terms, its your respect. If you get kills it goes up, if you kill your teammates it goes down. Its also what's responsible for your placement on the leaderboard

    • @storm9634
      @storm9634 2 роки тому

      @@Dynammic ah ok, thx

    • @littlegreen4899
      @littlegreen4899 2 роки тому

      @@Dynammic I thought it was just score but okay

  • @jamestillis1576
    @jamestillis1576 2 роки тому

    I wanna play with you switch blade how do we make this happen?

  • @mcdanielsslaughterground7920
    @mcdanielsslaughterground7920 2 роки тому

    Good advice but the attachments are a little off my friend

  • @dontask.2456
    @dontask.2456 Рік тому

    How do you make the C4 in TTT 5 seconds SWITCHBLADE?

      @TEAM_BLADE  Рік тому

      Press the trigger while holding

  • @Svid_YT
    @Svid_YT 2 роки тому

    where can i learn on how to defuse the bomb pls

  • @hellothere700
    @hellothere700 2 роки тому +2


  • @tone.c.a.e
    @tone.c.a.e 2 роки тому


  • @Karrots.
    @Karrots. 2 роки тому

    2:10 bottom left corner

  • @redbeam_vr
    @redbeam_vr 2 роки тому +1

    how do you open the buy menu

  • @nicorodriguez7363
    @nicorodriguez7363 2 роки тому

    I can show you a glitch area in Pavlov if you want

  • @flamefox-we3vi
    @flamefox-we3vi Рік тому +1

    I can’t find any lobbies that people are kind they are either rude or racists and I am a person that suffered from anxiety verbal abuse physical abuse and literally someone said my life should get worse I didn’t even know what happened so sometimes I hate this game

  • @ayaanahmed5570
    @ayaanahmed5570 2 роки тому

    I got I good one dont refuse the bomb

  • @ayylmao9094
    @ayylmao9094 2 роки тому

    man im really sad they made tec-9 a burst

    @ZLOIDER 2 роки тому

    Did I see Dynamic

  • @myname9407
    @myname9407 2 роки тому

    I liked old him

  • @Drocoh
    @Drocoh 2 роки тому

    1:14 "pro"
    *stands still and takes 3 years to react, misses their first shot*

  • @rodrigo_val1650
    @rodrigo_val1650 2 роки тому

    How do you talk?

  • @gamagames4311
    @gamagames4311 2 роки тому

    Is it sad that I know al of these 😭

  • @ginabowen1294
    @ginabowen1294 2 роки тому

    Is it real money or fake money

  • @mattandisaacplays5403
    @mattandisaacplays5403 2 роки тому

    bro the attachments part is just stupid

      @TEAM_BLADE  2 роки тому

      It helps if you know which attachments work for certain guns

  • @BigCokeColaCan
    @BigCokeColaCan Рік тому

    Why is the the man worst then the boy

  • @texzylz
    @texzylz 2 роки тому

    Anyone wanna 1v1?

  • @tokenmax1146
    @tokenmax1146 2 роки тому

    The noob ahhahh 😡

  • @lindayoung8048
    @lindayoung8048 2 роки тому
