Hullo Emma, I am amazed once again at your generosity and expertise at pastel painting! Thanks for another quick view to your expansive treasury of tutorials on your Patreon! I wish I could get back to supporting your over on Patreon and I sure do hope to do soon! I did learn so much when I was able to follow your instructions, Thank You!
Hi Emma, I'm fine, I often think with a smile and joy of those fun and beautiful days. You are more and more beautiful and talented, congratulations!!!!!😊😊😊😊
Thank you for this very informative video❤❤
Well done as usual!
Hullo Emma, I am amazed once again at your generosity and expertise at pastel painting! Thanks for another quick view to your expansive treasury of tutorials on your Patreon! I wish I could get back to supporting your over on Patreon and I sure do hope to do soon! I did learn so much when I was able to follow your instructions, Thank You!
Brilliant episode! Very well executed edits and I loved seeing the older efforts and your top as examples!
Thanks very much!
Awesome !!
Fab as always…..& what a gorgeous smiley face ❤
Thank you! He was a particularly perky one!
Such an informative video, thank you! Beautiful work xx
Thank you!
Emma, you are truly unique and special 😊
Hey Giovanni, thank you! I hope you're well.
Hi Emma, I'm fine, I often think with a smile and joy of those fun and beautiful days. You are more and more beautiful and talented, congratulations!!!!!😊😊😊😊