The Arena | Challenge Islam | Defend your Beliefs - Episode 22

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @user-kf5uh2gz5m
    @user-kf5uh2gz5m 3 роки тому +172

    Abdulrahman is a absolute gem

  • @raymaaf7516
    @raymaaf7516 3 роки тому +87

    I’m sorry, but Asadullah’s baby daughter is SO DAMN CUTE Mashallah that I couldn’t concentrate on the discussions lol. Subhanallah, May Allah SWT bless her and her parents and raise her as a wonderful Muslimah. Ameen.

    • @libanmohamed5503
      @libanmohamed5503 3 роки тому +12

      Someone said in the chat “let the baby speak some knowledge”

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +10

      @Mac Maine
      MashAllah that baby InshAllah will be great 👍 may Allah bless the parents and the kids Ameen🙏

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      @ray maaf Ameen💖💖🙏💖💖

    • @predatorL89
      @predatorL89 3 роки тому +1

      Ameen. I know me right she is so adorable🥰

    • @charlievaughan1308
      @charlievaughan1308 2 роки тому

      @@predatorL89 I would like more information. Oh sorry its wrong posting

  • @realshag01
    @realshag01 2 роки тому +15

    Every single one of these legends have their own style and pace. It is absolutely amazing. If you're tired and get to the point without BS you got Hamza. If you're awake, filled your coffee then you have Ponders and Abdur Rahman. If you're working and trying put the whole point together, then you have Asadullah. If someone trying to hide behind big words and can't explain their points, then you have Mansur to shake all the trees and expose the naked truth. Maasha Allah. May Allah bless them all. I enjoyed the stream.

  • @user-vt4xc1mg5x
    @user-vt4xc1mg5x 3 роки тому +23

    I fell asleep listening to this and woke up to a video on Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings upon him) 😅😅

    • @Waseem_Amin
      @Waseem_Amin 6 місяців тому

      i do the same its so interesting

  • @jimfromwakanda7991
    @jimfromwakanda7991 3 роки тому +50

    I loved the smile on brother Abdul when Robin asked 1:34:43 "do you believe there are verses in the Quran that are factually incorrect" - it was priceless.
    May Allah Azzawajal bless him and the rest of the brothers on the panel and all their families, ameen.

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +3

      A few years back before the virus spread my family were heading to the grocery store, then someone in a car started yelling at my grandmother.she was behind us looking at something in a store window and he was telling her to go back to her country... hmmm 😐 the thing is my grandmother is African American and native American! and the 2nd thing why can't other races live here ? The person in car Started mocking her and said she had a towel on her head 😢 my mother feels sad about what happened to my grandmother but my grandmother said "let them behave that way they are playing with fire 🔥 because when I die Allah will be the judge "and it makes me feel very proud of my grandmother may Allah bless her Ameen I still go out even when they make very racist and nasty remarks at me I think about what my grandmother said about them Alhamdulillah☺☝ let them show how ugly their heart is. Woe to them a day of torment were there eyes stare in horror of they have done and let happen.!

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      Free Palestine!
      Make dua for my grandmother because she still goes out at her old age sometimes and I run into them sometime and they get nasty and racists about my face and religion ☺💖💖💖

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      Free Palestine free Palestine!💖💖💖

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      Lol my family is soo diverse because of the history of America and some of us being Muslim so we could marrying others. Alhamdulillah the beauty of Islamic law that allows marrying outside of your race. Once a pound of a time it was a CRIME in America to fall in love and get married out side of your race subhanAllah! But the U.S. wants to be talking all day about what ppl should do and what ppl shouldn't do.😰

    • @jimfromwakanda7991
      @jimfromwakanda7991 3 роки тому +2

      @@happiethijab8694 may Allah Azzawajal bless your grandmother and may he grant her shifa and a happy healthy long life, ameen.
      That's good to hear and a good reminder, Allah is the judge and will judge those who do wrong and a torment awaits those who do wrong and turn away from Allah for they brought it upon their own souls.
      It truly amazes me how some of the western countries claim they have human rights and freedoms yet under the same breath they deny muslims those rights.
      In the UK there have been 2 women murdered 1 during the day (who was Muslim) yet they cry about women's rights in other countries.

  • @dawahunited3566
    @dawahunited3566 3 роки тому +64

    The Arena is always worth a watch!

  • @Mirror_Holder
    @Mirror_Holder 3 роки тому +18

    'The almighty God became man, got humiliated then killed', how can any mind and heart swallow this!

  • @PhillyPhilly1
    @PhillyPhilly1 3 роки тому +19

    Mashallah brother Jake is a logical MACHINE. I would not want to debate him in anything 😅 May Allah SWT continue to increase him in his ability to defend Islam

    • @TravelBandit
      @TravelBandit 3 роки тому +4

      Exactly 😂

    • @harryosbourne451
      @harryosbourne451 3 роки тому

      He wasn't even in this stream lol

    • @TravelBandit
      @TravelBandit 3 роки тому +2

      Finish it before you talk...

    • @PhillyPhilly1
      @PhillyPhilly1 3 роки тому

      @Harry Osborne he joined after the 4 hour mark to talk to Joseph

  • @branis96
    @branis96 3 роки тому +20

    I believe the best reply to Ihsan earthquake argument is this Hadith:
    One day, I was riding behind the Prophet (ﷺ) when he said, "O boy! I will instruct you in some matters. Be watchful of Allah (Commandments of Allah), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will be ever with you. If you beg, beg of Him Alone; and if you need assistance, supplicate to Allah Alone for help. *And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah had foreordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre-destined against you.* The pens had been lifted and the ink had dried up".

  • @boomm9321
    @boomm9321 3 роки тому +13

    بث رائع بارك الله فيكم جميعا

  • @MarocTeamCod
    @MarocTeamCod 3 роки тому +31

    Hamza's most asked question in all videos: Why'd you believe that?🤣🤣🦁🦁🔥🔥👍👍 elhamdulileh for islam ☝️

  • @branis96
    @branis96 3 роки тому +36

    i felt sad for Joseph in 4:19:54 after Jake finished him
    clearly deep in his heart he was saying "ok he got me, i'm finished" yet he was trying to justify the unjustifiable

  • @IndoFahmi
    @IndoFahmi 3 роки тому +9

    honestly, this is one of the best stream. Jake's Logical Problem of the Trinity™ never gets old. Jazakumullah khayran, Brothers.

  • @strawberry-km7lu
    @strawberry-km7lu 3 роки тому +4

    2:56:21 SubhanAllah..I remember watching a video on Asasullah's lifestory sometime ago.Very emotional one.Wallahi cant imagine going through even half of what he had went through..Brother is a true gem.MaShaAllah❤❤

    • @ayisha6555
      @ayisha6555 3 роки тому +2

      Those experiences he went through made him "ASADULLAH".May Allah grant him firdaus.

  • @XaeeD
    @XaeeD 3 роки тому +36

    I commented on this during the livestream, and it's to elaborate a bit on what Abdul was disucssing with Joe around 3:25 or so, concerning the trinity.
    It's the problem of distinction, which is an important argument against the idea that three are one. There are lots of ways of dealing with this, but Joe wasn't following along, so here's how I usually phrase the argument:
    *distinction between beings is only ever possible when plurality is already a fact*
    That one sentence; have them deal with that. It's an argument against polytheism. Another, even shorter way of phrasing it would be to say that:
    *plurality necessitates distinction*
    First you define the important terms used there, and simple definitions suffice:
    Distinction = a difference or contrast
    Between = lit. with two; in the space which separates two
    Being = that which exists
    Plurality = multitude
    Now, if the logic isn't clear to someone, you can explain it:
    Either there exists one cube, or there exist two (or more).
    If there exist two, then they are either 100% identical to one another in all regards, or not.
    If they are 100% identical, then all characteristics of both cubes are completely identical, which means there's nothing that allows us to distinguish between them.
    This means that they're not more than one to begin with. Should this be disputed, you can elaborate on the cubes' characteristics, until it becomes clear that we're talking about one cube.
    It therefor follows that if there should exist two cubes, then they cannot be 100% identical.
    In terms of gods, the Qur'an skips over the aforementioned, and jumps straight to the end-result of multiple deities having distinct attributes that are going to cause logical problems:
    "If there existed in both of them (i.e. the heavens and the earth) deities besides Allah, surely they (i.e. the heavens and the earth) would have been ruined." - 21:22
    "No offspring has Allah taken, and no deity exists with Him. Then each deity would have taken away what he created, and some of them would have surely overpowered others." - 23:91
    The distinction here pertains to their autonomous will and what each god creates and owns. Clashing of will is resolved either through compromise or (mutual) destruction. If we propose that they're all identical, except that their wills differ, then they must differ. If it is argued that their wills can simply align, always, then the attribute can no longer be used to distinguish between them, and we're back to one god. It's a necessity that their wills conflict, at the very least once. This then manifests in what is created. If god 1 wills to create a star, but god 2 specifically wills that the star is not created, then since they are both all-powerful, the star will be created and not created, simultaneously; which is impossible. This leads to pandemonium and chaos within creation. Either one of them compromises, and changes what he has willed since beginningless eternity, which disproves divinity, because an intrinsically necessary will cannot be forced to change, and because compromising is less than perfect, while God must be attributed with absolute perfection. Or one of them overcomes the other and destroys or subjugates him, which also disproves the divinity of the one who is overpowered or ruined, because it's impossible that a necessarily existent being should ever cease to exist, or that he is diminished, confined or dominated by another being. The one who compromises or is overpowered cannot be said to be a god at all.
    Christians must distinguish between Father, Son, and Sanctified Spirit.
    These three monikers are not used interchangeably. It's not possible for them to say, for instance, that;
    Mary gave birth to the Holy Spirit.
    The Father died on the cross.
    Jesus in heaven uttered the words: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." - Matthew 3:17
    This shows that the three are distinct from one another and are therefor three in number. Christians will typically try to confuse the matter by arguing over nomenclature. They will introduce terms that they think resolve the problem. The problem is that the three cannot be three distinct beings. And so they'll refer to each as a "person". Now you're forced to debate the definition of what a person is, and they'll give you their own definitions. The fact of the matter, however, is that a person still refers to a being, and it's nonsensical for them to claim that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one and the same being, as that would mean they're interchangeable and synonymous, which they don't actually believe. When they use the term "essence", then this means one of two things; it either means "being", which simply results in saying that three distinct beings are one and the same being, which is absurd, or "essence" can mean "substance". A substance is a quintessence; a physical, tangible particle with a size and a shape, a location, coordinates in 3D space, etc. This sounds inappropriate in terms of God, but this meaning does show up in Christian writings; "the [divine] substance of the trinity". This is rejected because any substance is dependent upon the pre-existence of a place, and its existence is therefor only intrinsically possible. Saying that this "god-particle" is divine and mysterious is like saying that an intrinsically contingent substance with incidental characteristics is uncreated, eternal and transcendent, i.e. "an uncreated creation". They'll throw in the term "nature", because that too is vague enough to hide behind. Using the term "nature" should be rejected unless they specify what exactly they mean by it. "Natus" meant "to be born". It usually refers to the innate (inherent) essential characteristics of something, which brings us back to essence and attributes. Perhaps they'll say that the three are manifested expressions of the One God, The Church did a great job of confusing the matter, and instead of clarifying their theology for the people to understand, so that they may know that God is One; it leads to nothing but glorified mumbo jumbo and pretentious word salads.
    Distinction between three gods is only possible when they are in fact three in number. You cannot distinguish between absolute oneness, because "absolute oneness" and "between" are mutually contradictory terms. There is nothing we know of in reality that represents the trinity, and coining similitudes to explain the trinity is always problematic. If they argue that Muslims believe in many attributes of God, then we do not say that the attribute is God Himself. Trinitarians are polytheists in disguise. They have inhereted a more sophisticated form of triune and triad theology, which many pagan nations before them already believed in. God gave the human being an intellect by which we can come to know Him. Monotheism really shouldn't be that confusing, and if you have to go to these lengths to 'explain' theology, then perhaps that's an indication that something isn't right.
    Assalaamu aleikum, warahmatullah, wabarakatuhu.

  • @slsa915
    @slsa915 3 роки тому +13

    3:53:40. The Tree’s motivation? 😂😂😂😂😂😂, and the look on Abdul’s face!!!!

  • @zoezoom110
    @zoezoom110 3 роки тому +14

    2:33:00 assadullah just crucify the idea of God's sacrifice,, well done brother as well as all brothers well done,

  • @salehalsharekh3162
    @salehalsharekh3162 3 роки тому +11

    Bro Hamza,
    when you said to him "So you are not going to pass this nonsense to any body"
    You made my entire week.
    Well done, with fries on the side.

  • @td1246
    @td1246 2 роки тому +3

    Hamza den and EF Dawah is the best way to spend my free time … thanks gents for all your work, always a pleasure to watch…

  • @IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh
    @IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh 3 роки тому +25

    Ma sha Allah, I found this gold mine you call the Arena, proper dawah media, may Allah bless you akhi. Perhaps sort out a good intro for it. And I hope you will be able to have a debate set up with Edip the sunnah rejector vs Farid or Uthman.
    Salam akhi

    • @OriginalAndroidPhone
      @OriginalAndroidPhone 3 роки тому +8

      jake muslim metaphysician debated/discussed with him, check his channel

    • @arifabd
      @arifabd 3 роки тому +4

      Also check out the THOUGHT ADVENTURE PODCAST.

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому

      Great stream Alhamdulillah💖💖💖

  • @arifabd
    @arifabd 3 роки тому +28

    The French guy Vigdis claims that light can be heard as a sound because it has a wavelength. This is not Scientifically true at all. Light is an electromagnetic wave and sound is an acoustic wave phenomenon. If on the other hand, what he implied was that an equivalent acoustic wave with the same frequency of light can be generated, then that would be theoretically true, but you would be synthetically generating an equivalent acoustic wave and you still won't even "hear" it, because it would be outside of the audible spectrum. Every claim of "hearing" an EM wave happens when because of the generation mechanism of the wave, there is some resultant mechanical vibration which generates an acoustic wave. He was all over the place on all points, including philosophy and science!

    • @raymaaf7516
      @raymaaf7516 3 роки тому +7

      I agree my brother. Vigdis was a complete waste of time.

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      That's interesting I never know 💖💖

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому

      MashAllah i like these streams👍

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому

      @ray maaf
      I think the French guy wasted his own time ! these are his points in short.👇

  • @ah4356
    @ah4356 3 роки тому +5

    I think all the panelists here should have formal education in science via PhD, like what brother Saboor is doing. This will lend alot of credibility to your discussion and career in general. All of you are very intelligent individuals and so putting in the effort to get a serious formal education on this will greatly benefit the ummah.

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +2

      Oh yes 👍 I hope they do that inshAllah!

    • @EpikMunk
      @EpikMunk 2 роки тому

      That's a brilliant idea, which science though?

  • @hojpatel5773
    @hojpatel5773 3 роки тому +31

    Robin tried to "hood" wink the den with "confirmation b..s" but couldn't successfully navigate this particular "forest" even his band of biblical not so "merry men" got their bi-AS handed to them... Hamza the Sheriff laying down the real law. 👍

    • @hojpatel5773
      @hojpatel5773 3 роки тому +2

      @@jerusalem5646 bro! You just didn't get what I was doing... never mind...

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +2

      A few years back before the virus spread my family were heading to the grocery store, then someone in a car started yelling at my grandmother.she was behind us looking at something in a store window and he was telling her to go back to her country... hmmm 😐 the thing is my grandmother is African American and native American! and the 2nd thing why can't other races live here ? The person in car Started mocking her and said she had a towel on her head 😢 my mother feels sad about what happened to my grandmother but my grandmother said "let them behave that way they are playing with fire 🔥 because when I die Allah will be the judge "and it makes me feel very proud of my grandmother may Allah bless her Ameen I still go out even when they make very racist and nasty remarks at me I think about what my grandmother said about them Alhamdulillah☺☝ let them show how ugly their heart is. Woe to them a day of torment were there eyes stare in horror of they have done and let happen.!

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      Make dua for my grandmother because she still goes out at her old age sometimes and I run into them sometime and they get nasty and racists about my face and religion ☺💖💖💖

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      My grandma said fear "the maker not the made"

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      Lol my family is soo diverse because of the history of America and some of us being Muslim so we could marrying others. Alhamdulillah the beauty of Islamic law that allows marrying outside of your race. Once a pound of a time it was a CRIME in America to fall in love and get married out side of your race subhanAllah! But the U.S. wants to be talking all day about what ppl should do and what ppl shouldn't do.😰

  • @adamdiab8715
    @adamdiab8715 3 роки тому +29

    Joseph contradicted himself because he realised he was wrong

    • @moodlic2526
      @moodlic2526 2 роки тому

      He stupidly said mount "سيناء" is not in arabia 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ZuluZoro
    @ZuluZoro 3 роки тому +2

    What an awesome stream. I don't think people appreciate how special this was. The philosophy here was something else. These guys are gems. And when Jake did a special guest appearance I fell off my chair.

  • @housseinemin8941
    @housseinemin8941 3 роки тому +4

    wonderfull abdul

  • @Seanus32
    @Seanus32 3 роки тому +8

    It is amazing the hoops that deacon was jumping through. He swims in the murky waters of dyothelitism, which is fraught with theological pitfalls. As a panENtheist, the human relationship with God, as distinct yet not separate from us, is far more readily accessible. In my case, it's more about relatability through cooperation and symbiosis.

  • @michaelevans4110
    @michaelevans4110 3 роки тому +8

    "zombie walking dead army" haha
    The story gets funnier every time Hamza mentions it.

  • @homtanks7259
    @homtanks7259 3 роки тому +2

    Jazakallahu khairan

  • @blindspot9097
    @blindspot9097 3 роки тому +5

    this episode is fantastic!

  • @4i4ui4i4u4
    @4i4ui4i4u4 3 роки тому +2

    جزاكم الله خيرًا

  • @Interlinex
    @Interlinex 3 роки тому +1

    Ma shaa Allah I'm sometimes critical of hamza's dawah method but the way he dissects these Christians is from another level. Just straight forward confrontation. Allahouma barek, may Allah preserve your ikhlas with your dawah and protect you and your family. Wallahi it amazes me how Allah swt left the Bible with clear contradictions in order for true sincere Christians to follow the quran. Nonetheless, the Christians prove to be insincere. They will be held accountable

  • @peacenow6618
    @peacenow6618 3 роки тому +1

    May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!

  • @irfanahmed6411
    @irfanahmed6411 3 роки тому +1

    Dear brothers Allah bless you you are doing great work on this planet and we love you 😍❤ 💜 💖 💕 💙

  • @f1aziz
    @f1aziz 3 роки тому +2

    Can't wait to see Daniel on the panel. Jazkallah khair

  • @imammurrahsstudent8905
    @imammurrahsstudent8905 3 роки тому +17

    4 out of 5 people here are not born Muslims (converts) Mashallah ❤️

    • @abdulmalik_al-habeshi
      @abdulmalik_al-habeshi 3 роки тому +2

      4/6 actually

    • @Zzucia
      @Zzucia 2 роки тому +3


    • @aft7837
      @aft7837 2 роки тому

      Wow…Masha Allah !!
      Which 4 are reverts?

    • @Zakeye90
      @Zakeye90 8 місяців тому

      Subhanallah the Muslim the world is awaiting for I believe with a doubt are showing up allahamdulillah they are solders in God’s eyes

  • @AyubKhan-md4km
    @AyubKhan-md4km 3 роки тому +14

    It's amazing to see this new leaf in the action of brother Hamza, who has remained incredibly calm in the face of nonsense being proposed by guest who come to speak on the session.
    On the other hand it's sad to see Christian who come with their arguments, completely ignoring logic, rationality and dismissing facts being brought to their notice, ending up looking like liars and having absolute deceiving quality

  • @abmzaman7863
    @abmzaman7863 2 роки тому

    My muslim brothers know more bible than christians do. waooooo.... MaShaAllah. keep it up brothers. Lots of duas for you.

  • @muppetsshowupatspeakerscor579
    @muppetsshowupatspeakerscor579 3 роки тому +8

    Hamza had me laughing with the Anti Natalist chap absolutely brilliant.

  • @DePeaceHunter
    @DePeaceHunter 3 роки тому +2

    This is my fav episode so far

  • @tatianak8428
    @tatianak8428 2 роки тому +1

    Omg that baby is an excellent addition to the team ❤️🤲🏼 such a cutie pie 🥰

  • @ALzzanam
    @ALzzanam 3 роки тому +1

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @Samya.R
    @Samya.R 3 роки тому +26

    Joe the Dican at the end kept omitting “the son” from Matthew 24:36.
    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, *NOR THE SON,* but only the Father.”
    If Jesus chose to not know that’s lying by omission. If he knew but didn’t want the people to know for whatever reason...that’s out right lying.
    Trying to force this narrative that Jesus is ALL Knowing is problematic.

    • @sohaibalvi7295
      @sohaibalvi7295 3 роки тому +6

      Good catch. Its painful to watch christians defend their positions on these streams.

    • @hitogi06
      @hitogi06 3 роки тому +2

      The poor man doesn't understand that he literally says that the son is ONE PERSON, and then that when the Bible speaks of Jesus it refers to the second person of the trinity. So by definition, it literally says that he grew in knowledge. From his own mouth, Jesus is one person with two natures. The person is omniscient but also said to grow in knowledge. A person grows in knowledge, not the nature.

    • @Samya.R
      @Samya.R 3 роки тому +1

      @@hitogi06 ...yes! In order to reconcile that issue of the second person of the trinity not being omniscient (growing in knowledge)...Joe the Dican had to go and commit hearsay yet again by trying to make Jesus’s human nature a “who” rather than a “what” to disassociate Jesus’s divinity from that verse...making Jesus having 2 beings (2 who’s), rather than 1 being 2 nature’s (one who with 2 what’s).
      I wish that Jake had the chance to dig deeper in the direction of the differences/distinctions that delineates between the 3 person of the trinity to be able to recognize them as separate principles/beings as per his analogy of using the guys on the Panel one nature (human) but 4 beings.
      Joe was being very intellectual dishonest...just on the case that Jesus is in flesh is a clear distinction that delineates him for the other two persons of the trinity. Or the fact the Father is not begotten or precedes from anything. Maybe next Area Joe will come on and it will get address again in full.
      Alhamdulillah for Islam!

    • @Samya.R
      @Samya.R 3 роки тому +1

      @@sohaibalvi7295 ...Subhan’Allah
      They keep backing themselves into a corner the more they talk.

    • @hitogi06
      @hitogi06 3 роки тому +3

      @@Samya.R Alhamdulillah for islam.

  • @acceptedhunters
    @acceptedhunters 3 роки тому +8

    I didn't catch the beginning of the conversation with Vigdis Herja yesterday. Just watched it. It's total garbage. It's like talking to a walk, intellectual hypocracy or stupidity. keep repeating that not what I am arguing. He is not even trying to listen and process what is being said.
    It's subjective because mind involved. So what we grant you that. Yousef explained it beautifully. it was a master piece when he said that God subjectivity is another category that we would call it objectivity for the sake of the argument. How could it be more eloquent and intellectual than that.

  • @abumansaray7
    @abumansaray7 2 роки тому +1

    This needs to be turned into a tv show.

  • @happiethijab8694
    @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +5

    A few years back before the virus spread my family were heading to the grocery store, then someone in a car started yelling at my grandmother.she was behind us looking at something in a store window and he was telling her to go back to her country... hmmm 😐 the thing is my grandmother is African American and native American! and the 2nd thing why can't other races live here ? The person in car Started mocking her and said she had a towel on her head 😢 my mother feels sad about what happened to my grandmother but my grandmother said "let them behave that way they are playing with fire 🔥 because when I die Allah will be the judge "and it makes me feel very proud of my grandmother may Allah bless her Ameen I still go out even when they make very racist and nasty remarks at me I think about what my grandmother said about them Alhamdulillah☺☝ let them show how ugly their heart is. Woe to them a day of torment were there eyes stare in horror of they have done and let happen.!

  • @raheelaali9767
    @raheelaali9767 2 роки тому +1

    Great stream brothers, great panel also 👍

  • @sakuram146
    @sakuram146 3 роки тому +5


  • @Omzzz85
    @Omzzz85 2 роки тому

    Brother Hamza brings me to tears! 🤣

  • @ismailomar1323
    @ismailomar1323 3 роки тому

    I think if the deacon reverted to Islam, he would be a great asset. If he can defend so adamantly and so calmly the indefensible/incomprehensible doctrine of Christianity, imagine how effective he would be at defending the Dinul Haqq (the true religion of Allah - Islam). May Allah guide him

  • @DePeaceHunter
    @DePeaceHunter 3 роки тому +8

    Joseph, even if you change king of England with human in Abdul's example, you still got 3 human. Sharing humanity doesn't make them one human. They're still 3.

  • @bonar1211
    @bonar1211 3 роки тому +5

    Man Brothers TAP are god of war. I m no shame to say i m a very very big fans of them

    • @homtanks7259
      @homtanks7259 3 роки тому

      Donate a small amount of your money to support the TAP brothers , Inshallah . and let others know that these brothers are doing a very good job

  • @PabloSensei
    @PabloSensei 3 роки тому +1

    abdul is amazing

  • @isbieiskandar7641
    @isbieiskandar7641 3 роки тому +5

    when reason cornered the next will be delutional stage

  • @DefrimIsai
    @DefrimIsai 3 роки тому +8


    • @commandar88
      @commandar88 3 роки тому

      That's just a bias confirmation bro 🙄

    • @DefrimIsai
      @DefrimIsai 3 роки тому

      @@commandar88 😂

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому

      @Jerusalem yeah I agree to getting married at that age back in the day. My great great grandmother got married at 12 to my great great grandfather who was 15 so are u calling my great great grandfather something @ Jerusalem?😡

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому +1

      I am mixed so my relatives come from Africa and. Ppl get married at young ages because some of them lives short lives so are you calling my great great grandfather AND MY PPL something ?😡
      @Jerusalem answer my question!

    • @happiethijab8694
      @happiethijab8694 3 роки тому

      You were asking me these questions so I need an answer what are you calling my great great grandfather and my ppl from Africa in the past and present?😡

  • @g7k993
    @g7k993 3 роки тому


  • @FiveStarProd
    @FiveStarProd 3 роки тому +7

    Decan Neil Joseph Tyson was all over the place. Hope his church watched this.

    • @raymaaf7516
      @raymaaf7516 3 роки тому +1

      HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Lmao!!! I was thinking the same thing! He sounds exactly like that buffoon Neil Degrasse Tyson LOL!!!

  • @peacenow6618
    @peacenow6618 3 роки тому

    Jazakallahu Khayran Ahsanul Jaza

  • @iswallbanoo9843
    @iswallbanoo9843 3 роки тому +3

    Salaam only one God and it's Allah SWT love here from South Africa Johnessburg pray 5 times a day. It's a Mystery 📦

  • @housse51
    @housse51 3 роки тому +7

    The concept is Allah knows all of the variables, the parameters, the mechanisms and the outcome, because He created the object, ie the universe and all the laws within it.
    So when Allah said something about his creation, it is going to be the ultimate truth about that creation and ultimately objective for that creation.
    So yeah, ultimately it is objective to that object because Allah created that object and knows everything about it with no flaws whatsoever in his knowledge and wisdom. In addition to that, everything of his creation dependent on Him, and he is independent. That is the very concept.
    The question then, did Allah create this universe just arbitrary without any purpose ? The answer is No, because He told us in the Quran that He did not create us for nothing. You may ask "why". But we ultimately only able to rely on information from Him to know anything about His true nature.

  • @CelestialTrailblazer
    @CelestialTrailblazer 3 роки тому +10

    Dcn Joseph Suaiden is actually Neil deGrasse Tyson.

    • @hmansour89
      @hmansour89 3 роки тому +3

      Is that for real? lol he does sound like him a bit

    • @mkum2141
      @mkum2141 3 роки тому +3

      hahahahaha can’t unhear this now

    • @danalmariti509
      @danalmariti509 Рік тому

      Sounds exactly like him😮

  • @Oliver_Tate
    @Oliver_Tate 3 роки тому

    20:02 “ god of the underworld” 😂 wonderful analogy. Having multitude of historical attestations of historical writing, does that make it historical reality? “

  • @homtanks7259
    @homtanks7259 3 роки тому +3

    Brothers and Sisters support the brothers financially through YT membership, patreon and so on , Inshallah

  • @shohorabahamed3753
    @shohorabahamed3753 3 роки тому +8

    Cant believe that Joseph was a deacon. His biblical knowledge is very poor, and he doesnt know church history, he doesnt even know the doctrine of the Trinity, and has never read church fathers and 'against heresies'. Its amazing, and shameful.

  • @mafatiacademy4061
    @mafatiacademy4061 2 роки тому

    Mansur did a great job, go on alhamdulillah

  • @predatorL89
    @predatorL89 3 роки тому

    Nice interesting topics and conversations😉

  • @IstanbulBeautyOne
    @IstanbulBeautyOne 3 роки тому

    Abdulrahman great addition

  • @workingclassautodidact
    @workingclassautodidact 3 роки тому +1

    Wow. I have never heard such gobbledygook in my life than when listening to the stumbling around here trying to get out of the Euthyphro Dilemma.

    • @HamzasDen
      @HamzasDen  3 роки тому

      What's the dilemma 🤔

  • @Bandit72
    @Bandit72 3 роки тому +1


  • @kabhussain3113
    @kabhussain3113 3 роки тому +1

    Hamza keep the arena every 2 weeks plz. Maybe have another stream in between like reaction stream or Christian stream.

  • @Life-bt9yo
    @Life-bt9yo 3 роки тому +2

    Respected Sheikh Mohammad Elshinawy mentioned Hamza in his latest Jummah khutbah uploaded on Sunnah Station 😊

    • @zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651
      @zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651 3 роки тому +1

      Assalamualaikum link please brother. jazakAllaahu khoir

    • @Life-bt9yo
      @Life-bt9yo 3 роки тому +1

      @@zakirnaikahmaddeedat3651 cant post links in the comments. It's the latest one on the channel Sunnah station

  • @Arif_Islam1
    @Arif_Islam1 3 роки тому

    Watched the whole arena, it was epic, inshallah there will be 3 a month

  • @SyedMFahad
    @SyedMFahad 2 роки тому +1

    It’s so funny how Robin Boom started as a chemical engineer to bonkers when all wheels came off 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

  • @shohorabahamed3753
    @shohorabahamed3753 3 роки тому +7

    Ihsaan was such nonsense. And the smile shows he smiles needing.

    • @ne9231
      @ne9231 3 роки тому +1

      He tries to look superior but ends up looking like a clown...

    • @homtanks7259
      @homtanks7259 3 роки тому

      Is ihsaan Iranian?

  • @ibrahim-rv4oe
    @ibrahim-rv4oe 3 роки тому

    سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا اله الا الله و الله اكبر

  • @shakeyfibonacci9095
    @shakeyfibonacci9095 3 роки тому +1

    Jakes a soldier Masha’Allah

  • @taimur74
    @taimur74 2 роки тому +1

    I like how everyone does a 🤦‍♂️ when ihsaan shows up 🤣

  • @prince_moataz
    @prince_moataz 2 роки тому

    Hamza : *asks a question*
    Robin : *Intense keyboard typing noises*

  • @fahed2210
    @fahed2210 3 роки тому +5

    3:48:11 every Christian answer when they realize their beliefs doesn’t make sense

    • @MuzzYADam
      @MuzzYADam 3 роки тому +2

      I knew It was going to be "Its a mystery" before clicking this lol.

    • @charlievaughan1308
      @charlievaughan1308 2 роки тому

      I agree with you that Christian beliefs don't make sense. BUT are you seriously trying to tell me Islamic beliefs make sense?????

    • @eistudiesl7193
      @eistudiesl7193 2 роки тому

      @@charlievaughan1308 yeah

    • @hassanmuse5606
      @hassanmuse5606 2 роки тому +1

      Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
      Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
      He neither begets nor is born,
      Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
      Qur'an 112:1-4
      Yes it makes sense

    • @fahed2210
      @fahed2210 2 роки тому

      @@charlievaughan1308 yeah, the Christian doctrine makes no sense and is not logical, and yes the Islamic theology and doctrine makes sense and doesn’t go against logic and intellectual reasoning

  • @repla2992
    @repla2992 3 роки тому +1

    Joseph is like a goat hitting the door in front of him. He even sees that it’s not opening each time but he’s still hitting his head to the same point. Sometimes listening to Christians is a real “mystery “😉.

  • @akmaljonqosimzoda8909
    @akmaljonqosimzoda8909 3 роки тому +3

    Asadullah's example really destroyed Anti Natalist guy's philosophy. 💯nonsense ideas from this anti Natalist guy.

  • @shaheengk5352
    @shaheengk5352 3 роки тому +2


  • @branis96
    @branis96 3 роки тому +9

    Anti-natalist remind me of when we were kids or teenagers, when we create stupid ideas and believe that those ideas are actually great, and then we go show those ideas to adults thinking that we will beat them intellectually but we just end up embarrassing ourselves
    I don't blame kids or teenagers because they are what they are, however when those ideas like anti-natalist believe in comes from adults, it makes you question the time we live in today

    • @SameerKhan-ht4mx
      @SameerKhan-ht4mx 3 роки тому

      This is movement is actually growing in the west. Another byproduct of Atheism

    • @firdhaus
      @firdhaus 3 роки тому

      @@SuuupaGirl the problem is you're not taking the logic to its conclusion.

  • @Thedrivebye
    @Thedrivebye 3 роки тому +3

    Bro, can you imagine blaming a tree for not having fruit when it's not fruit time

  • @quicktingz2097
    @quicktingz2097 2 роки тому +1

    Jake came out of nowhere and RKO'd that Christian guy all the way back to the council of Nicea.

  • @ahadeeobeed9376
    @ahadeeobeed9376 2 роки тому

    "و السماء ذات الحبك. إنهم لفي قول مختلف . يؤفك عنه من أفك . قتل الخراصون " just aliterally discretion to his situation in detail .

  • @rajababy2009
    @rajababy2009 2 роки тому

    i really mis firas Zahbi he is amazing in Philosophy please bring him next time

  • @bla4327
    @bla4327 3 роки тому

    Can't wait for Daniel to be on the arena!

  • @andstan21
    @andstan21 3 роки тому +1

    Christians belief in God: "I regret creating these humans even though I knew these humans were going to make mistakes." The disrespect they give to our creator is amazing.

  • @michaelevans4110
    @michaelevans4110 3 роки тому +1

    The christian at the end sounds like Neil Degras Tyson.

  • @isbieiskandar9460
    @isbieiskandar9460 Рік тому

    why not believe in miracle when our existence itself is a miracle

  • @kaz4845
    @kaz4845 3 роки тому +1

    Hamza pls keep arena 2 times a month.. Also make sure you have hadith expert on each episode

    • @samissa9921
      @samissa9921 3 роки тому

      Nah m8 I actually prefer the scheduling as it is.

    • @smiley-rp5mg
      @smiley-rp5mg 2 роки тому

      Where are you from kaz??

  • @moonlightlight5450
    @moonlightlight5450 3 роки тому

    nice stream

  • @adamassalafi
    @adamassalafi 2 роки тому

    Was very funny the claim of Joseph that "Even nature can disobey God" or "The three was possesed" if nature is disbedient we should've be killed by it for being polliting the planet xD

  • @qasim5279
    @qasim5279 2 роки тому +1

    I love how whilst defending the trinity... they always forget to defend the holy ghost ... almost as if it's not even a part of the trinity

  • @RayOfHope8
    @RayOfHope8 3 роки тому


  • @tankatie713
    @tankatie713 3 роки тому

    Ouch, thats hurting.... He sacrificed himself, then he came back and say look, I sacrificed myself....... Now, I can't wrap around this kind of logic?

  • @Someone-ct2ck
    @Someone-ct2ck 3 роки тому +1

    "trees motivation"

  • @hamzae8897
    @hamzae8897 Рік тому +1

    Vigdis's comment about waves was nonsense. If radio waves don't produce/carry sound we wouldn't have radio!

  • @ahmedshakib3883
    @ahmedshakib3883 3 роки тому

    3 a month would be wonderful.