Over many years i have watched this video it helps me relax so i can sleep. i lost track of this video & now i have stumbled across it again. Glad i found it again. thumbs up
There’s so many references to other classic ASMR videos - navy suits for war, sandwich breath, red in the face, lovely little guidelines - I’m not sure this classic has got the recognition it deserves in this respect. My favourite here is “let the legs drop”
Dr. Gunter is the best chiropractor I've seen on youtube. No BS, no swindling drivel, false promises, or using hair of the dog as a cure all. He very simply has a no nonsense approach and his adjustments are quite clearly effective. He's also got a nice, calm, down to earth demeanor and a soft voice about him which puts the patient at ease. Clearly an experienced caregiver with tried and true methods and is very observant of a patient's needs.
@lolddawg Thank you! It's hard to believe considering it was just an office visit and I happened to have my camcorder. There's a new video now. Hope you'll like it.
@BackCarePlus I've been in a chiropractic office where it seems like it's pretty much an assembly line. Everyone got the same treatment: lay on your stomach for mid-back, turn over for neck, lay on your left side then right for lumbar/hip, done. Altogether, 2-3 minutes. It's nice to see someone cater their approach uniquely to each person.
Dr. G - It's possible that those of us who experience ASMR are probably watching your video more than anyone else. You have an incredibly soothing voice and a very steady and soft way of speaking. If you have the ability to do so, please consider taking videos of more of your sessions and posting them. I've learned a lot about chiropractic while watching this and your other video, and of course, I enjoy listening to your voice as you work. I've probably watched this video dozens of times.
+Bishx43 The name "gua sha" is Chinese, and refers to a form of myofascial release accomplished by means of a scraping tool; it may be made from a ceramic soup spoon, horn from cow or water buffalo, stainless steel or aluminum with a thin, rounded edge, etc. The idea is that the scraping moves the layers of tissue under the tool to separate the adhesions that bind their free movement, and will usually result in what appears to be petechiae, or small, localized "bruising" that has the color of a hickey. If it turns black and blue, like a regular bruise, the technique was poor, and the tissue was actually bruised. Properly done, stagnant blood from restricted tissues will result in the pink/purple color, and although it can hurt while being done, will result in immediate increase in range of motion and reduction of pain. Traditionally thought to remove "evil influences."
If you mean Babatunde Olatunje, I am truly flattered. He and I were very close during the last 7 years of his life, and it was through his inspiration and healing love that I saw a way to overcome an obstacle that had taken me out of practice for three years. I realized that I wanted to do for the spine what he could do for the drums; from hand to skin with love. Thank you for your post.
Do any of you people remember back when this dude originally uploaded this video my diagnosis for the reason the patient cough was because he had fluid in his spine that made him catch a cold? Ah, those were the days! Am glad that now this video has over a million views! Great job dude!
@BackCarePlus Thank You for the explaination. I have used chiropractic care before (and still do), I guess somethings you don't notice when you're the person on the table. I find your videos very relaxing, and very informative. I look forward to the next video.
Im watching this video for the umpteenth time and I have never noticed the wave and seagull sounds before. I'm assuming that was playing in the room or added in post production 🤔
O, I get it. Not only are you self-justified in your behavior, but you are omniscient, as well. Wow, you must be an amazing doctor, and I'll bet you never have anything but fabulous results, and change the lives for the better in everyone who will just be quiet and listen to your opinion. I sure am glad that there are chiropractors like you who we can all look up to, especially considering that most of us misunderstood what we learned in school.
@BackCarePlus I really like your "...just like tuning in the radio to eliminate static." analogy. We perform both pre and post surface EMG/NCV to show the difference between the pre and post adjustment. There were a few MD's, a couple of RN's and a DPM in my Life Chiropractic class. They summed up their desire to change as: "Chiropractic has it right".
All these online chiro's now have the mic directly on the patient. It's so pathetic to see them move the mic all the time. Good ASMR really is unintentional.
I am posting this to update you on my situation. After careful consideration I have accepted a plea bargain where I will serve no jail time, since I was under the influence of alcohol when I paralyzed my friend I will enter a 6 month drug rehabilitation program in addition to paying all medical bills current and future.
out of all the chiropractors on youtube, this guy and the australian gonstead chiropractor are my favorites. this one for asmr AND informational purposes, but the other guy, mainly just informational purposes.
@BackCarePlus It went really well actually. I was totally relaxed. He said my neck was really healthy but my lower back will need future treatment. My neck cracked a lot! but my back not so much...He advised me that i should go at least once a month. I felt so much better after...
@TJohanis42 Great question. The movements are intended as "provocative" tests. They don't throw off the alignment, rather they reveal imbalances in alignment and/or joint movement in the spine and related structures, causing the postural muscles to react. This usually results in one leg pulling up "short" in appearance, because of the asymmetry of muscle tone or contraction. When the legs stay the same length, we interpret that as "no correction needed" and look somewhere else or say "all done."
@BackCarePlus thanks for the response, i really appreciate your attention to the comments on this video as I've learned quite a bit more about the basics of chiropractic as a result.
Hello..I'm glad you explained the actuator in the FAQs, but I have a couple of other questions. What is it you're doing when you move his arms and legs back and forth? Also, what's going on when the pads are placed under his pelvis? Thank you!
So true. For the last 29 years I have been studying the ways to make the adjustment last longer, and I find that if one does a thorough job, the results last longer than if one does not; what a surprise, eh? It starts with selecting the location(s) to be adjusted carefully, doing the adjustment well, identifying the factors that are likely to undo the correction, and addressing them properly. It requires thinking beyond the "pop" of the joint, which is not actually the important part at all.
@MrTops2100 I can't believe it's getting closer to a million hits. I asked Stephen one day if it's okay to video tape my husband's appointment and what a trooper, he said okay. Well, It's because of you and so many viewers that it's getting so close to a million. Wow, you guys are awesome! So Stephen, did you mention another video to post when this hit a million?
It's a "regular" adjustment. Not treating him for anything in particular. People have this done to "put everything back in its place", hence the reason he keeps checking his leg length. I don't think I could have this done ... I know I'd fall asleep on the table! So relaxing ...
You are correct, some people tense up when they are about to be adjusted, asking the patient to wiggle their toes forces them to concentrate on something else and the body loosens right up.
@TeslaDRay It is only after a few of the thoracic adjustments, if I'm not mistaken. This patient is fairly flexible, including in the spine and rib cage. Since one must move a joint all the way to its end range before the thrust will unlock the joint, a very flexible rib cage will allow for a slight stretch to the esophagus when performing an adjustment. This stretch activates the cough reflex. A cough that occurs when the patient lifts their head up might indicate bone spurs in the neck.
@MrTwhalley What a great question! Even though the shoulder blade does not "articulate" in the classical sense with any relevant bones for adjusting (the A/C joint is not typically the target of the manipulation), the flat scapula (shoulder blade) has been demonstrated to have synovial pockets that provide multiple instantaneous axes of rotation against the muscular layer of the rib cage. They can and do become stuck, and can also be moved enough to make an audible "pop" on release. Good "?".
I will enter treatment at the end of this month so if you don't hear from me don't worry, I'm fine. O and guess what when I get out I plan on studying chiropractic so that I can correctly perform these procedures.
You are correct about no needles involved, as current medical protocols would require baring the skin, prepping w/ alcohol to create a "sterile field." That is even required in acupuncture, even though acupuncture needles are not intended to cut the skin, they simply push the cells apart to enter the space of the connective tissue and tap the chi. In this case, I would say it is a concussive, rather than percussive device. Aside from D. D. Palmer using the term, "concussion of forces", semantics
After 29 years of practice I believe that all DC's, regardless of their treatment approach, should be proficient in manual muscle testing. It is a useful observational method for determining whether or not the treatment applied makes a difference, both in the moment and for visit-to-visit monitoring of progress. It is not necessary to adopt any of the clinical assumptions that comprise AK, although careful attention to patient responses may lead you that way, since that is how they developed.
A recent study, The Chiropractic Hospital-based Interventions Research Outcomes study, compared care by family-physician medical doctors vs. chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (CMT). They found that "treatment including CMT is associated with significantly greater improvement in condition-specific functioning." These findings are consistent with my own clinical experience. I particularly like the emphasis on functional improvement, since it matters to most of us. And, there is more...
@Jxkilla No, it usually does not hurt, and the purpose is twofold; first is to normalize the nerve signals going from the body to the brain, which helps the brain do a better job of running the body, and second is to help the joints maintain their proper motion which keeps them young. Thanks for asking.
Yes, it is very common to see. When a patient lies down with a face rest pressing into their eyes and hands that aren't their own pressing on their body in unpredictable ways, it is easy to get disoriented. In fact, the purpose of some of my "inputs" is to disorient the usual way of compensating for distortion. This allows the distortion to be more easily revealed, and therefore discovered. It's hard to find what is hidden, and the obvious has already been seen. I seek the frequently overlooked.
@Phyzon97 It is a mechanical, spring-loaded, adjusting instrument; essentially an impact-hammer like would be used to loosen a stuck bolt, or move a vertebra that is not moving properly. Just one of many ways to correct dysfunction in the joints, particularly the spine.
@richie0010 It is a spring-loaded device, like an impact hammer, that delivers a quick controlled thrust to make stuck things move, like when a vertebra (spine bone) is not moving properly. It is a modern variation on the classic theme of chiropractic, which is to use the levers of the vertebrae to make corrective movements of the bones, in order to normalize the neurologic signals that come from the spine. In other words, to improve health. Thanks for asking. More can be found in earlier posts.
That may be true. I did have one patient who came to me one year after a head injury that left him in a coma for 9 weeks and convalescing for another 4 months, only to spend the next half year in a wheel chair. That's how he arrived at my clinic. About 40 minutes later we assisted him to standing and he proceeded to walk 10 feet under his own power. He continues to walk today, although his gait and upper extremity mobility are indicative of upper motor neuron damage. Better, nonetheless, agreed?
Having been in clinical practice for 29 years, I believe that we can do much better with healthcare. “An important 2010 study evaluated low back pain care for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee’s intermediate and large group fully insured population over a two-year period. Costs for the chiropractic group were 40 percent lower. Even after factoring in the severity of the conditions with which patients presented, costs when initiating care with a DC rather than an MD/DO were 20 percent lower.”
@PhillipTG1984 A chiropractic adjustment mostly requires precision, having only some to do with force. With a specific adjustment done correctly, any living person can be adjusted by almost any chiropractor. Our bodies do everything possible to maintain balance in the environment to which we subject it. I'm a chiropractic student myself and have watched a 5'5 girl with small hands adjust a college football player!
In the UK, Chiropractic is pratically unheard of because we have the NHS. Our Healthcare is free but its a lottery, you don't always get what you need when you need it, but its available to everyone. Would you suggest going and visiting a chiropractor even if we have free health care? What are the benefits over clinical care?
@Montoya817Eddie If you check the description notes, you will find the instrument is called an Activator, and is a mechanical assist for treating joints that are not moving properly. As for medicaid (different from Medicare) my understanding is that there is very limited reimbursement for chiropractic, and may vary by state. As for "neck hump" and forward head posture, chiropractic can be part of the treatment, and often specific exercises are also required to correct this serious problem.
Hi Stephen, James needs to make an appointment. He was wondering if you still have time to check his back today. He is having pain on his lower back. Thanks!
@sapphiregolden22 Good call on the audible, BTW. No, I'm not stapling but rather moving one bone relative to it's neighbor with the aid of a spring-loaded, trigger-activated mechanism like an impact hammer. The instrument in called an Activator, and if you are curious, you can scan through previous posts (earliest is probably best) for lots of detail on what it does and how it has influenced chiropractic thinking. Thanks for watching.
This video is so relaxing but did any one else think of billy mays when the docs face is shown? I can hear him say hi billy mays here and today I'm going go adjust you
@Apathy10 I do occasionally use a drop table, and their big benefit is the mechanical advantage they give the doctor. But unless I am adjusting people larger than me, I reserve them for specific adjustments where I feel the need for that assistance. I will also use flexion-traction tables in some instances. While this video shows several different approaches, it is only representative of my work, not all-inclusive. This is just one patient on one visit. Thanks for asking.
@ayoshutduff That's a great question. In my office, if your legs are functionally even (same length) face up and face down, and your muscles all test negative for improper tone or fibrosis, and your arms are functionally even (same length) over head in the supine position, then you do not need an adjustment. So I guess we might want to be checked against that criteria to be sure we are functioning at a high level. Otherwise, we can monitor our performance at a physical task, strength, ROM, etc.
Glad to hear of your positive response. While I don't know enough about your specific condition to know why or how it helped, we do know a few things about the body's response to chiropractic to allow for reasonable assumptions. At its simplest, chiropractic is about moving two bones relative to each other, particularly when they are not doing this with normal activities and motion, thereby giving the brain a large amount of position-in-space information to deal with, and altering muscle tone.
Yes it can, and that is the big idea in chiropractic. The fact that adjustments will often relieve back aches, or even bad back pain, is a really good thing. But the fact is: spinal misalignments, or impingements, or subluxations, whatever language one chooses, the dysfunction of the spine will quite likely cause a change in the behavior of the organ(s) at the end of the nerve pathway. Since muscle and organ share common pathways, it is easy to identify problems early. But we don't do so often.
@brianvanh You bring up a very valid point in that the patient is not in a position to know "what kind" of chiropractor to go to, and yes, there is more than one kind. While I'm sure that most are well intentioned, the truth is that chiropractic skills are quite varied, and the implications of care are extremely wide ranging. This makes it hard to narrow down what we might do in practice, as well as the kinds of things that might respond to treatment. And, to avoid prosecution, DC's historically
You a real asmr lover if you remember this being the only chiropractor video on UA-cam that made you fall asleep
cashchico my cat Mittens has a wiggly tooth
15 years later, still a gem!
The original that got me hooked on chiropractic videos
Same, and that Dr. Hubbard video, and the original Dempstead videos that were taken down.
robbiedigital79 same
The world was so different when this video was uploaded, wow.
Over many years i have watched this video it helps me relax so i can sleep. i lost track of this video & now i have stumbled across it again. Glad i found it again. thumbs up
I've been falling asleep to this video for eight years....damn good video.
Viraqua I thought I was the only one. And damn it's been 8 years already???!!!
Viraqua You are feeling ASMR.
CaptBenSisko You have ASMR.
me too haha
Hell yeah 8 years
Been watching this for 8 years. Don't ever take it down!
9 now :)
10 now
14! :o
Are you watching after 16 years? :)
There’s so many references to other classic ASMR videos - navy suits for war, sandwich breath, red in the face, lovely little guidelines - I’m not sure this classic has got the recognition it deserves in this respect. My favourite here is “let the legs drop”
This is the video that got me hooked all those years ago
This was the first chiropractor video I saw on UA-cam back in The day lol got me hooked
One of the best chiropractice videos on youtube. I wish there were more like it.
THE OG of all chiropractor AMSR
16 years and still going. The all time great ASMR chiropractic video.
Dr. Gunter is the best chiropractor I've seen on youtube. No BS, no swindling drivel, false promises, or using hair of the dog as a cure all.
He very simply has a no nonsense approach and his adjustments are quite clearly effective. He's also got a nice, calm, down to earth demeanor and a soft voice about him which puts the patient at ease. Clearly an experienced caregiver with tried and true methods and is very observant of a patient's needs.
@lolddawg Thank you! It's hard to believe considering it was just an office visit and I happened to have my camcorder. There's a new video now. Hope you'll like it.
Great video Doc.. I wish people could appreciate how professional and thorough you are. You are a very gifted Chiropractor
one of the strongest ASMRs I have experienced. thanks.
This is THE video that made me realize chiropractic adjustment videos are great ASMR
From the early days of youtube. This vid is still great in 2019. Straightforward with no gimmicks.
Robert R that activator is a gimmick
Holy shit, been watching this for 14 years.
It's 2017 and this vid is still going strong!
It’s 2023 and still going strong.
Hello all, how does it feel to be 17 years older?
@BackCarePlus I've been in a chiropractic office where it seems like it's pretty much an assembly line. Everyone got the same treatment: lay on your stomach for mid-back, turn over for neck, lay on your left side then right for lumbar/hip, done. Altogether, 2-3 minutes. It's nice to see someone cater their approach uniquely to each person.
Dr. G - It's possible that those of us who experience ASMR are probably watching your video more than anyone else. You have an incredibly soothing voice and a very steady and soft way of speaking. If you have the ability to do so, please consider taking videos of more of your sessions and posting them. I've learned a lot about chiropractic while watching this and your other video, and of course, I enjoy listening to your voice as you work. I've probably watched this video dozens of times.
Throwback to when chiropractic was the only ASMR I knew lol
+Bishx43 Shaving videos and guasha, you have forgotten.
whats guasha?
Search it on youtube.
+Bishx43 The name "gua sha" is Chinese, and refers to a form of myofascial release accomplished by means of a scraping tool; it may be made from a ceramic soup spoon, horn from cow or water buffalo, stainless steel or aluminum with a thin, rounded edge, etc. The idea is that the scraping moves the layers of tissue under the tool to separate the adhesions that bind their free movement, and will usually result in what appears to be petechiae, or small, localized "bruising" that has the color of a hickey. If it turns black and blue, like a regular bruise, the technique was poor, and the tissue was actually bruised. Properly done, stagnant blood from restricted tissues will result in the pink/purple color, and although it can hurt while being done, will result in immediate increase in range of motion and reduction of pain. Traditionally thought to remove "evil influences."
searched it and not much asmr for me lol
Eleven years, damn damn damn
Still great after all this time.
It has surely exceeded my expectations! Thanks for your interest.
Came back years later just to say that this video is the one that started it all for me
If you mean Babatunde Olatunje, I am truly flattered. He and I were very close during the last 7 years of his life, and it was through his inspiration and healing love that I saw a way to overcome an obstacle that had taken me out of practice for three years. I realized that I wanted to do for the spine what he could do for the drums; from hand to skin with love. Thank you for your post.
That activator is a divine asmr trigger.
The OG video
I remember thinking that getting your back adjusted would normally make you cough
Do any of you people remember back when this dude originally uploaded this video my diagnosis for the reason the patient cough was because he had fluid in his spine that made him catch a cold? Ah, those were the days! Am glad that now this video has over a million views! Great job dude!
In 2 Months and 15 Days this Video will be 10 Years Online and will be the second Video i saw an YT thats still online. Time flies by brutally.
Still watching in 2024 🎉
This vid is ASMR city
I solo agree the movement, the voice, the sounds. Instant knockout
For the sake of this patient's haircut, I sure hope this video was shot a long, long time ago. Circa 1982, or he has no excuse.
+whirlydervish18 haha im weak!
I think it was about '82, give or take a few years.
Bill Hicks 1982?? Bill, use your brain
It's good to see The Original still comes up in the search results.
It's been so long since I watched the beginning of it all. Thanks youtube recs.
What started it all
Was the "wiggle your toes" just a distraction to get him to relax his neck muscles?
It´s exactly 4years online. Go on Dr. Gunter, this is the most viewed ChiropracticVid on UA-cam. Outstanding.
@BackCarePlus Thank You for the explaination. I have used chiropractic care before (and still do), I guess somethings you don't notice when you're the person on the table. I find your videos very relaxing, and very informative. I look forward to the next video.
I thought I was the only one that's starts coughing when they adjust my back.
James needs to leave the chiropractor's surgery and walk straight down to the barber's. For a decent haircut. You know I'm right.
Soon, two million...
il I
Im watching this video for the umpteenth time and I have never noticed the wave and seagull sounds before. I'm assuming that was playing in the room or added in post production 🤔
O, I get it. Not only are you self-justified in your behavior, but you are omniscient, as well. Wow, you must be an amazing doctor, and I'll bet you never have anything but fabulous results, and change the lives for the better in everyone who will just be quiet and listen to your opinion. I sure am glad that there are chiropractors like you who we can all look up to, especially considering that most of us misunderstood what we learned in school.
just dropping these comments below:
- sandwich breath
- navy suit for war
- putapitopaper
It was your face
what is that clicker.. he injecting him with oil? like the tin man :D
It is called an activator. It is a spring loaded piston that allows chiropractor to make very small adjustments in precise places.
It does nothing
@BackCarePlus I really like your "...just like tuning in the radio to eliminate static." analogy. We perform both pre and post surface EMG/NCV to show the difference between the pre and post adjustment. There were a few MD's, a couple of RN's and a DPM in my Life Chiropractic class. They summed up their desire to change as: "Chiropractic has it right".
Why is it so relaxing to watch this? I really need to set up an appointment with a Chiropractor
The first and best IMO
All these online chiro's now have the mic directly on the patient. It's so pathetic to see them move the mic all the time. Good ASMR really is unintentional.
When do you know for sure you need a chiropractic adjustment?
When yourk walk hurts in some parts not related to your legs.
I am posting this to update you on my situation. After careful consideration I have accepted a plea bargain where I will serve no jail time, since I was under the influence of alcohol when I paralyzed my friend I will enter a 6 month drug rehabilitation program in addition to paying all medical bills current and future.
out of all the chiropractors on youtube, this guy and the australian gonstead chiropractor are my favorites. this one for asmr AND informational purposes, but the other guy, mainly just informational purposes.
@BackCarePlus It went really well actually. I was totally relaxed. He said my neck was really healthy but my lower back will need future treatment. My neck cracked a lot! but my back not so much...He advised me that i should go at least once a month. I felt so much better after...
If you are referring to the one I'm thinking of, I did check it out. He's an artist, a sculpture of human energy. Cool.
@TJohanis42 Great question. The movements are intended as "provocative" tests. They don't throw off the alignment, rather they reveal imbalances in alignment and/or joint movement in the spine and related structures, causing the postural muscles to react. This usually results in one leg pulling up "short" in appearance, because of the asymmetry of muscle tone or contraction. When the legs stay the same length, we interpret that as "no correction needed" and look somewhere else or say "all done."
Finally a doctor that doesn’t manipulate unnecessarily.
Any chance of a new one?
@BackCarePlus thanks for the response, i really appreciate your attention to the comments on this video as I've learned quite a bit more about the basics of chiropractic as a result.
Hello..I'm glad you explained the actuator in the FAQs, but I have a couple of other questions. What is it you're doing when you move his arms and legs back and forth? Also, what's going on when the pads are placed under his pelvis? Thank you!
@BackCarePlus It sure has been an awesome run Dr. Gunter, and we all look forward to more. Keep up your awesome work in chiropractic.
So true. For the last 29 years I have been studying the ways to make the adjustment last longer, and I find that if one does a thorough job, the results last longer than if one does not; what a surprise, eh? It starts with selecting the location(s) to be adjusted carefully, doing the adjustment well, identifying the factors that are likely to undo the correction, and addressing them properly. It requires thinking beyond the "pop" of the joint, which is not actually the important part at all.
I can't believe it's getting closer to a million hits. I asked Stephen one day if it's okay to video tape my husband's appointment and what a trooper, he said okay. Well, It's because of you and so many viewers that it's getting so close to a million. Wow, you guys are awesome! So Stephen, did you mention another video to post when this hit a million?
This is so relaxing just watching and listening. Definitely good for promoting chiropractors! Makes me want to go visit one!
I appreciate the work chiropractors do. Many times I've had neck pain, headaches or back problems, and a chiropractic treatment fixed it.
It's a "regular" adjustment.
Not treating him for anything in particular.
People have this done to "put everything back in its place", hence the reason he keeps checking his leg length.
I don't think I could have this done ... I know I'd fall asleep on the table!
So relaxing ...
You are correct, some people tense up when they are about to be adjusted, asking the patient to wiggle their toes forces them to concentrate on something else and the body loosens right up.
@TeslaDRay It is only after a few of the thoracic adjustments, if I'm not mistaken. This patient is fairly flexible, including in the spine and rib cage. Since one must move a joint all the way to its end range before the thrust will unlock the joint, a very flexible rib cage will allow for a slight stretch to the esophagus when performing an adjustment. This stretch activates the cough reflex. A cough that occurs when the patient lifts their head up might indicate bone spurs in the neck.
@MrTwhalley What a great question! Even though the shoulder blade does not "articulate" in the classical sense with any relevant bones for adjusting (the A/C joint is not typically the target of the manipulation), the flat scapula (shoulder blade) has been demonstrated to have synovial pockets that provide multiple instantaneous axes of rotation against the muscular layer of the rib cage. They can and do become stuck, and can also be moved enough to make an audible "pop" on release. Good "?".
I will enter treatment at the end of this month so if you don't hear from me don't worry, I'm fine. O and guess what when I get out I plan on studying chiropractic so that I can correctly perform these procedures.
You are correct about no needles involved, as current medical protocols would require baring the skin, prepping w/ alcohol to create a "sterile field." That is even required in acupuncture, even though acupuncture needles are not intended to cut the skin, they simply push the cells apart to enter the space of the connective tissue and tap the chi. In this case, I would say it is a concussive, rather than percussive device. Aside from D. D. Palmer using the term, "concussion of forces", semantics
After 29 years of practice I believe that all DC's, regardless of their treatment approach, should be proficient in manual muscle testing. It is a useful observational method for determining whether or not the treatment applied makes a difference, both in the moment and for visit-to-visit monitoring of progress. It is not necessary to adopt any of the clinical assumptions that comprise AK, although careful attention to patient responses may lead you that way, since that is how they developed.
A recent study, The Chiropractic Hospital-based Interventions Research Outcomes study, compared care by family-physician medical doctors vs. chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (CMT). They found that "treatment including CMT is associated with significantly greater improvement in condition-specific functioning." These findings are consistent with my own clinical experience. I particularly like the emphasis on functional improvement, since it matters to most of us. And, there is more...
@Jxkilla No, it usually does not hurt, and the purpose is twofold; first is to normalize the nerve signals going from the body to the brain, which helps the brain do a better job of running the body, and second is to help the joints maintain their proper motion which keeps them young. Thanks for asking.
Yes, it is very common to see. When a patient lies down with a face rest pressing into their eyes and hands that aren't their own pressing on their body in unpredictable ways, it is easy to get disoriented. In fact, the purpose of some of my "inputs" is to disorient the usual way of compensating for distortion. This allows the distortion to be more easily revealed, and therefore discovered. It's hard to find what is hidden, and the obvious has already been seen. I seek the frequently overlooked.
@Phyzon97 It is a mechanical, spring-loaded, adjusting instrument; essentially an impact-hammer like would be used to loosen a stuck bolt, or move a vertebra that is not moving properly. Just one of many ways to correct dysfunction in the joints, particularly the spine.
@richie0010 It is a spring-loaded device, like an impact hammer, that delivers a quick controlled thrust to make stuck things move, like when a vertebra (spine bone) is not moving properly. It is a modern variation on the classic theme of chiropractic, which is to use the levers of the vertebrae to make corrective movements of the bones, in order to normalize the neurologic signals that come from the spine. In other words, to improve health. Thanks for asking. More can be found in earlier posts.
That may be true. I did have one patient who came to me one year after a head injury that left him in a coma for 9 weeks and convalescing for another 4 months, only to spend the next half year in a wheel chair. That's how he arrived at my clinic. About 40 minutes later we assisted him to standing and he proceeded to walk 10 feet under his own power. He continues to walk today, although his gait and upper extremity mobility are indicative of upper motor neuron damage. Better, nonetheless, agreed?
Having been in clinical practice for 29 years, I believe that we can do much better with healthcare. “An important 2010 study evaluated low back pain care for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee’s intermediate and large group fully insured population over a two-year period. Costs for the chiropractic group were 40 percent lower. Even after factoring in the severity of the conditions with which patients presented, costs when initiating care with a DC rather than an MD/DO were 20 percent lower.”
OG UA-cam will never not be the best UA-cam
12 years ago on my birthday this beautiful video was uploaded for all the world to see
@PhillipTG1984 A chiropractic adjustment mostly requires precision, having only some to do with force. With a specific adjustment done correctly, any living person can be adjusted by almost any chiropractor. Our bodies do everything possible to maintain balance in the environment to which we subject it. I'm a chiropractic student myself and have watched a 5'5 girl with small hands adjust a college football player!
More videos please Dr. G
My chiro here in town is good but you seem to be on another level!
In the UK, Chiropractic is pratically unheard of because we have the NHS. Our Healthcare is free but its a lottery, you don't always get what you need when you need it, but its available to everyone. Would you suggest going and visiting a chiropractor even if we have free health care? What are the benefits over clinical care?
@Montoya817Eddie If you check the description notes, you will find the instrument is called an Activator, and is a mechanical assist for treating joints that are not moving properly. As for medicaid (different from Medicare) my understanding is that there is very limited reimbursement for chiropractic, and may vary by state. As for "neck hump" and forward head posture, chiropractic can be part of the treatment, and often specific exercises are also required to correct this serious problem.
Hi Stephen, James needs to make an appointment. He was wondering if you still have time to check his back today. He is having pain on his lower back. Thanks!
@sapphiregolden22 Good call on the audible, BTW. No, I'm not stapling but rather moving one bone relative to it's neighbor with the aid of a spring-loaded, trigger-activated mechanism like an impact hammer. The instrument in called an Activator, and if you are curious, you can scan through previous posts (earliest is probably best) for lots of detail on what it does and how it has influenced chiropractic thinking. Thanks for watching.
This video is so relaxing but did any one else think of billy mays when the docs face is shown?
I can hear him say hi billy mays here and today I'm going go adjust you
@Apathy10 I do occasionally use a drop table, and their big benefit is the mechanical advantage they give the doctor. But unless I am adjusting people larger than me, I reserve them for specific adjustments where I feel the need for that assistance. I will also use flexion-traction tables in some instances. While this video shows several different approaches, it is only representative of my work, not all-inclusive. This is just one patient on one visit. Thanks for asking.
@ayoshutduff That's a great question. In my office, if your legs are functionally even (same length) face up and face down, and your muscles all test negative for improper tone or fibrosis, and your arms are functionally even (same length) over head in the supine position, then you do not need an adjustment. So I guess we might want to be checked against that criteria to be sure we are functioning at a high level. Otherwise, we can monitor our performance at a physical task, strength, ROM, etc.
Glad to hear of your positive response. While I don't know enough about your specific condition to know why or how it helped, we do know a few things about the body's response to chiropractic to allow for reasonable assumptions. At its simplest, chiropractic is about moving two bones relative to each other, particularly when they are not doing this with normal activities and motion, thereby giving the brain a large amount of position-in-space information to deal with, and altering muscle tone.
Yes it can, and that is the big idea in chiropractic. The fact that adjustments will often relieve back aches, or even bad back pain, is a really good thing. But the fact is: spinal misalignments, or impingements, or subluxations, whatever language one chooses, the dysfunction of the spine will quite likely cause a change in the behavior of the organ(s) at the end of the nerve pathway. Since muscle and organ share common pathways, it is easy to identify problems early. But we don't do so often.
I had this done today..it's a bit shocking, the sound that happens but you get some relief instantly :)
@brianvanh You bring up a very valid point in that the patient is not in a position to know "what kind" of chiropractor to go to, and yes, there is more than one kind. While I'm sure that most are well intentioned, the truth is that chiropractic skills are quite varied, and the implications of care are extremely wide ranging. This makes it hard to narrow down what we might do in practice, as well as the kinds of things that might respond to treatment. And, to avoid prosecution, DC's historically