George Takei discusses William Shatner - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • George Takei's full interview at www.emmytvlegen...


  • @KaitainCPS
    @KaitainCPS 12 років тому +376

    I watched some Star Trek TOS last week for the first time in many years. I have to say that Shatner is hilariously brilliant as Kirk. People may knock him for his unrealistic acting style, but don't seem to realize that in this context, a realistic style would be BORING. Shatner's Kirk is constantly entertaining...his theatrical style makes the show work. For connoisseurs of classic sci-fi, the same thing is true of Paul Darrow as Avon in Blake's Seven. Realistic? No. Perfect for the show? Yes.

  • @iangoblin71
    @iangoblin71 11 років тому +406

    That's about the nicest thing that Takei has said about Shatner! lol

  • @BullyDefender
    @BullyDefender 11 років тому +285

    Nimoy said nothing of the kind. Basically, it was just Takei, Doohan and Nichols who had the ax to grind. It seems to have been about face time, basically. And their roles simply didn't warrant a lot of dialogue. Shatner was the captain and the lead character. How is that his fault?

  • @ldchappell1
    @ldchappell1 11 років тому +72

    Takei was in a 1964 "Twilight Zone" episode they hardly ever air. He played the neighbor of a crazy WWII veteran who still hated the Japanese. It wasn't included in syndication because of the racial overtones.

  • @rrhoagland
    @rrhoagland 11 років тому +75

    You realize that he kissed Nichelle Nicoles in a Star Trek episode and was one of the first to be a part of an interratial kiss that was on television, right? If he was racist, especially in his day and age, he wouldn't have come anywhere near her mouth.

  • @jayrieds7003
    @jayrieds7003 11 років тому +240

    Look, it's obvious Bill was a bit of pill, but he was a darn good Captain Kirk. Great actor and great on screen chemistry with Leonard Nimoy.

  • @Billrich39
    @Billrich39 10 років тому +189

    You know, I have never heard Nimoy complain. I have never heard DeForest complain. The main stars of the show were featured the most. Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, and Sulu were what I would call supporting cast.

  • @lunhil12
    @lunhil12 12 років тому +22

    One fine actors respect for another. We don't always like the people we have to work with but you can admire talent. Mr. Takei shows the quality of his character here, always a gentleman.

  • @existenceisrelative
    @existenceisrelative 11 років тому +156

    No we certainly don't watch star trek to see sulu exclusively. We come to see spock.

  • @Carbonatedjello
    @Carbonatedjello 10 років тому +69

    I think that George Takei and William Shatner both have really strong personalities that clash. That's why the cast will hang out with Shatner or hang out Takei but never both of them.

  • @A1l2l2e2n4
    @A1l2l2e2n4 12 років тому +25

    Once, when I saw Jimmy Doohan @ a convention in B'ham, AL, I asked Doohan if he had ANYTHING good to say about William Shatner. Doohan's reply: "Very little."

  • @Mellypepper
    @Mellypepper 11 років тому +56

    Lenoard Nimoy and Shanter have been best freinds since they started filming Star Trek. They were great friends with DeForest Kelley, that is why many of the interviews you see will be of the three of them. I think Takei just didn't fit into that circle and didn't get Shatners humor, Shatner does like to rib his friends pretty hard. I love all of them though.

  • @jdd1701
    @jdd1701 10 років тому +136

    If you've been around Star Trek long enough and been to just a few conventions where original cast members spoke, you would know that even Nimoy had an occasional complaint about Shatner trying to be in every scene and cut others out. It's been well documented. However, it is decades old and should only be brought up for humor or to spark up a conversation. If there are still negative feelings involved it's wasted energy, but the possessors choice if they want to continue through life that way.

  • @ChanChan3255
    @ChanChan3255 10 років тому +151

    I don't get why so many people who commented have their panties in a bunch about his comments regarding the friction on set. He doesn't even come close to claiming himself as the real star, and he certainly doesn't detract from Shatner's ability. In fact, he seems to consider the guy really brilliant. He's just explaining the real-life experience he had being on set with Shatner, and personally I think it would be shitty if he gave an interview and then pretended that everything was different than how it actually was. I found him very civil and complementary.

  • @ShawnaGraham50
    @ShawnaGraham50 11 років тому +9

    Respects his acting dislikes the man.

  • @WaffleProfanity
    @WaffleProfanity 10 років тому +65

    YOU ALL GOT ALONG GREAT..JUST LIKE WE SEE ON TV *plugging ears* lalalalalalalalalala

  • @ihsvictrix
    @ihsvictrix 11 років тому +35

    What a nice voice!!!! like a tenor.

  • @TheUndedavenger
    @TheUndedavenger 11 років тому +6

    Honestly, though, would Captain Kirk be the icon he is if Shatner did not have that personality? He was told he would be the leading man, then Roddenberry pushed his real agenda: A multi-ethnic crew where everyone is equally important. Nothing wrong with that, but the truth is, he was told one thing and given another.

  • @djbethell
    @djbethell 10 років тому +76

    He's not knocking Shatner, in fact he's complimenting him regardless of how he may have been hard to work with. Good on you George for telling it as you saw it.

  • @StefansZZ
    @StefansZZ 11 років тому +3

    That may be true, but you also forget to mention how William Shatner was homeless, living in his truck for some time.

  • @rainbowsalads
    @rainbowsalads 10 років тому +11

    Thank god Bill did what he did to make star trek as exciting as it was. He had to dominate. Good.

  • @photon72
    @photon72 12 років тому +39

    Everytime Takei talks my brain bleeds a little.

  • @AlishatheNinjaLion
    @AlishatheNinjaLion 11 років тому +31

    What in the galaxy do you mean 'Uhura's character couldn't have a romantic relationship' because of Kirk?
    Perhaps Gene didn't specifically want Uhura to have a relationship during the series.
    If you think about it, also, there was lots of racial hate and discrimination then, so maybe it was too risky to develop Uhura's character a romantic relationship (idk)
    She had a brilliant character without the need of a partnership.
    Anyway, in the later films Uhura and Scotty had a romantic relationship.

  • @Davy.J.Y
    @Davy.J.Y 12 років тому +9

    to be fair..we all didnt watch trek to see sulu get all the screen time...
    although sulu was great....

  • @stephentubbs
    @stephentubbs 11 років тому +61

    No. I think that Shatner was a bit of an egomaniac when he was young. He did become a lot more humble as he got older.

  • @RobinMarkowitzcoolmedia
    @RobinMarkowitzcoolmedia 10 років тому +73

    Maybe I'm missing something, but he merely states the quite true truism that genius must be "difficult" or it's not genius. And Shatner is a true genius.
    I did not think this ungracious; he doesn't claim that genius for himself. He also, of course, courts the center of attention, but he seems to genuinely give credit where credit is due.

  • @alessandromoon4650
    @alessandromoon4650 11 років тому +4

    Yours is the most intriguing of comments! The bottom-line is, that despite what anyone thinks, Takei is entitled to his opinions, especially regarding Shatner. I have no beefs with him, nor any other actor associated with the "Star Trek Universe." An open forum is not intended for the narrow-minded.

  • @painlord2k
    @painlord2k 11 років тому +5

    He was filming with John Wayne the movie Green Berets", so he was able to join Star Trek only many weeks later.

  • @SVisionary
    @SVisionary 11 років тому +27

    Brilliant people can also be kind. It's not an excuse to be an ass.

  • @lenrat117
    @lenrat117 12 років тому +7

    I could see the condescension on shatners face when he met up with chris pine at an event once

  • @scotty
    @scotty 11 років тому +20

    Brilliant people are often challenging. If you want warm and fuzzy, a friend, a kind considerate guy a perfect person full of virtue and warmth you don't often find this in the brilliant person. They are focused on other things and yes sometimes it takes everything they've got including what ego and confidence and command they can draw forth. It takes great energy and talent and ruthlessness sometimes to be something remarkable nice is nice but sometimes this is about something else.

  • @fardaypu
    @fardaypu 10 років тому +21

    Oh, my.

  • @Tessmage
    @Tessmage 12 років тому +5

    It is my considered opinion that the "feud" between Takei and Shatner is, for them, at least partially tongue-in-cheek. It's like many of these so-called show business feuds. They know that it entertains us, so they just keep playing it up for laughs.

  • @edydon
    @edydon 12 років тому +11

    George is just so off base for complaining.
    Irrespective of what he suspects Bill Shatner did
    Star Trek is one of the broadest ensemble shows that has ever been produced. Think of how
    many shows back then - and today - are one-man/two man bands. There's the lead guy,
    maybe he's got a partner, and everybody else is a bit player.
    Think of how well known the Star Trek supporting players are: Sulu, Uhuru, Scotty. Most
    supportng players on other shows remain unknown.

  • @BenjaminWirtz
    @BenjaminWirtz 11 років тому +17

    It is true that Shatner is full of himself, but George is such a baby with his grudge. I mean Shatner constantly played tricks on Leonard Nimoy and they are still friends.

  • @cockerspanielhome
    @cockerspanielhome 11 років тому +12

    George Takei,
    Thank you for your input and great acting in Star Trek, I think all of you were great and it took all of you to make Star Trek what it is.

  • @cakestalker
    @cakestalker 11 років тому +9

    Takei's character was actually to be featured more than he was, but because he was away for a long period of time from the show (don't remember why) these scenes were taken over by Chekov and him bein away was one of the reasons why they got the Chekov character too if I understand it right, but still he wasn't one of the main characters, but I would say he was both of them were a bit more than minor characters.

  • @mixer14316
    @mixer14316 12 років тому +23

    I've never been a Star Trek fan, but have see some of the old episodes. Watching this is almost embarrassing. I mean, could this guy be ANY more insecure and jealous? Dude, get over it. He was the lead character, or one of the lead characters. You were not. You were more of a supporting role. It's okay. Really. It's been what, thirty five years? Get over it. Good grief!

  • @BillBird2111
    @BillBird2111 11 років тому +5

    Baloney. Takei and Nichols would have been also rans in Hollywood had it not been for Shatner and Nimoy, the real stars of the series. And both of them made sure that ALL supporting characters were brought back for all five movies, where the real money was made. They were loyal to the word "go." They didn't have to bring back Takei or Nichols. They did. They made sure everyone who toiled for peanuts on the TV series "got paid." That's class. Takei needs to look it up in his Star Fleet manual.

  • @Lawchew
    @Lawchew 11 років тому +4

    Mr. Takei, in regards to the situation between Mr. Shatner and yourself, for the sake of all of us Asian Americans out there who you know face similar struggles in regard to the sociological struggles of the American landscape in which we live and work, please, be the bigger man! This is not a public feud that will benefit the rights of any group or individual in any positive way. Your role is as an example, what good will taking the "small man" approach to personal grievances bring?

  • @069220
    @069220 11 років тому +23

    That was a very descriptive and eloquent description of Shatner! I truly understood what he said.

  • @BlackBNimble
    @BlackBNimble 11 років тому +3

    George Takei is a class act.

  • @PHL76Music
    @PHL76Music 11 років тому +10

    Actually, the "get a life" thing ("Move out of your parents' basement and get a life") was written for him in a Saturday Night Live (SNL) skit when he hosted. It was pretty funny, but it was the writers being creative smartasses. You may want to come up with a better example.

  • @Mazvec
    @Mazvec 13 років тому +5

    @mastermold2011 I know, it's totally contrary to what's come before. Maybe he's mellowing with age. It would be awesome if the 2 of them could bury the hatchet before they pass.

  • @Cooplowski
    @Cooplowski 12 років тому +9

    Shatner tried to rewrite one of the worst written things in star trek? who would have guessed.

  • @BryonLape
    @BryonLape 12 років тому +1

    Both are Divas.

  • @MrImiller07
    @MrImiller07 10 років тому +20

    Based upon this interview and George Takei's appearances on Howard Stern's Sirius radio show, I find him to be articulate, self deprecating and appreciative of the opportunities that the Star Trek series and subsequent movies gave him and I respect his efforts to fight for civil rights and greater opportunities for Asian American actors. I believe everything that he has said about his relationship with Bill Shatner; he is careful not to diminish Shatner's contributions to the success of the series and his development of the Kirk character; Shatner made an outstanding contribution to the success of Boston Legal by portraying the Denny Crane character. However, there have been too many comments by other cast members regarding Shatner's ego ,i.e. James Doohan, for there not to be some validity to these observations.

  • @WolfySnackrib666
    @WolfySnackrib666 12 років тому +5

    Omigosh, that's the guy from Futurama who is a head!

  • @1Atomtan
    @1Atomtan 11 років тому +2

    Don't see anything wrong with what he said.

  • @painkiller1968
    @painkiller1968 12 років тому +4

    Takei can piss and moan all he likes, Shat was the star of the show his name was first. That's what it means to be a supporting cast member Georgey. Obviously this show was not the type to complain on. He was nicer than usual.

  • @ohmydinosare
    @ohmydinosare 12 років тому

    @IWannabeJew He has a chair, he just tends to stand next to it more often than he sits in it...

  • @Nurgle523
    @Nurgle523 11 років тому +2


  • @YourAscents
    @YourAscents 12 років тому +2

    Kirk may be the Captain, but it just isn't the Enterprise without Sulu. Everyone has a place to sit on the bridge. Well, I dunno. Spock always stands, doesn't he?

  • @Paperbacknovel
    @Paperbacknovel 12 років тому +3

    Great stuff

  • @TheMilwaukeeProtocol
    @TheMilwaukeeProtocol 11 років тому +3

    I don't recall where I heard this (so please feel free to verify it for yourself), but when I heard that Gene wanted to convey a team with members of equal importance, I thought, "Now if I hadn't heard that, I'm not sure I would have ever picked up on that. I wonder why that was largely lost on me." This video could partially explain why!
    In addition, there are so many variables in a team production that maintaining an abstract vision is difficult. =]

  • @MyMuleHasAName
    @MyMuleHasAName 12 років тому +6

    Star Trek OS is timeless. If the show had not been moved into bad time slots and funding lost we could have seen the supporting characters grow. Takei is jealous of Shatner's sucess. Pins his anger towards Shatner. Shatner was a tv star with Outer Limits, TJ Hooker, and other projects.

  • @pianoeman
    @pianoeman 10 років тому +9

    George. I was happy to see Sulu take command of the Excelcior. You played an excellent captain and showed what true family does for each other. Yeah, Okay Shatner is an Alfa Male and is going to show that no matter what but in the end, you got your recognition and did it honorably. Let this thing go man! Star Trek! You guys gave this wonderful culture to us little people. Shut the F-ck up and let the hate go! Hate is wasted energy.

  • @mewstormstorm
    @mewstormstorm 11 років тому +1

    I agree with you. Part of me sadly wants to say he did it just so he could be cocky and "Look at how great I am. I was the first!" .-.

  • @LightlingLatimer
    @LightlingLatimer 12 років тому +5

    OH MY!! the real reason there hate each is because secretly shatner and takei they are in love with each other.

  • @AlgisKemezys
    @AlgisKemezys 10 років тому +5


  • @bigconan
    @bigconan 12 років тому +1

    @newipad ensemble cast or not, we all know who the stars were on that show. #1 will always be capt. kirk(shatner) and spock(nimoy), that can't be denied.

  • @CaminoAir
    @CaminoAir 12 років тому +1

    ST-The Final Frontier shows how Shatner thought of the other characters. The show had set them up as one of the best crews in Starfleet. Shatner had them betray everything they would have stood for: their duty and each other. It was a blatant and huge mistake, which even non-Trekers noticed. I'm glad Takei got command of a ship in ST VI - TUC. That's good writing. It allowed the characters to develop. Takei had been overlooked too often in the films.

  • @fredrika27
    @fredrika27 11 років тому +3

    This has nothing to do with envy or jealousy. Bill treated both George and Nichelle Nicoles poorly based on the color of their skin and because as a white male at that time, he could do as he pleased. I find it very gracious of both George and Nichelle that these actors, despite their differences, can see past Shatner's demeanor and look at his body of work with admiration. I think if you had to put up with some of the shenanigans of Shatner, you would be equally upset when asked to praise him.

  • @MrMacnova
    @MrMacnova 10 років тому +11

    Its been 50 years get over it :)

    • @zigzaggyp746
      @zigzaggyp746 10 років тому +7

      It's called an interview. Look it up! lol

  • @scooterdooter
    @scooterdooter 11 років тому

    Do you think people like being driven "over the edge" for your personal amusement, or do you think what you're doing is passive-aggressively hostile?

  • @zoyataylor
    @zoyataylor 12 років тому

    hi, i am a new fan of star trek tos; i just see that george and bill are not the best friends, to say the least... why do they kind of hate each other?

  • @Robranger14207
    @Robranger14207 11 років тому +5

    All actors have egos and seek to gain the limelight. Its what actors do. To point out your dislike of Shatner's desire to be in a close up is is blatantly petty and jealous. This is nothing more than sour grapes. Most actors see this everyday and accept it as normal behavior from their peers. It is a competition , and I think you lost. And you carry this poison within you to this day, by making sure everyone knew you invited every Star Trek cast member to your wedding EXCEPT Shatner .

  • @MrHairyNeck
    @MrHairyNeck 11 років тому +11

    Full credit, George never says anything bad about him. Nice one, George.

  • @teedlebomb1
    @teedlebomb1 12 років тому +9

    Classy George, classy.

  • @kxmode
    @kxmode 11 років тому +1

    Oh my.

  • @SONICE69
    @SONICE69 11 років тому +2

    Yup, the dude is like 75 now....

  • @TheBokkelul
    @TheBokkelul 11 років тому

    Like a sir

  • @Featheon
    @Featheon 11 років тому +2

    I argue that if you think Takei was delivering a sugar-coated insult, you're taking art much less seriously than he is. I took the point to be that artistic value is not moral, so that people with terrible personalities may none-the-less produce things greater then themselves, like Wagner, the anti-Semitic composer, or the Soviet painters forced to work within Realism. We are too Romantic about art today, and so we think a great work signifies the expression of a great person.

  • @DrunkSamurai
    @DrunkSamurai 12 років тому +7

    "(which had to do with Shatner's PUBLIC homophobic insults), " That's funny since it never happened. I like both Takei and Shatner anyway.

  • @viciousvomit4816
    @viciousvomit4816 10 років тому +7

    Sorry Sulu, but you weren't the STAR of the show. Shatner was. I like you both, but cmon.

  • @exibitions
    @exibitions 12 років тому +7

    I love Takei. He can call someone a douchebag in a round about way, and still make me smile the entire time.

  • @RoronoaEmi
    @RoronoaEmi 12 років тому +2

    I would like to say, well done Mr. Takei. And that yes, Shatner is self-absorbed. Just watching him with any other actors is terrible because he won't let them have a piece of the stage. He wants to be the center of everything.

  • @InfiniteAnvil
    @InfiniteAnvil 11 років тому

    I know! Aren't they great?!

  • @NeOkftw
    @NeOkftw 11 років тому +1

    oh my

  • @andrelebaron
    @andrelebaron 11 років тому +11

    You don't have the stuff to be a Star Trek captain, Sulu.

  • @captainactionman01
    @captainactionman01 10 років тому +22

    He just made a mostly complimentary statement! A lot of you people are -- let's say acting like -- psychos.

  • @cryptrider1
    @cryptrider1 13 років тому

    It makes you wonder if Shatner would do the same for Takei.
    Terry in Alexis, NC, USA

  • @theDaoistBean
    @theDaoistBean 11 років тому +2

    Watching this just makes me think how compatible George and Bill are as actors. And it further makes me pine for George as King Lear and Bill playing the supporting role this time as the Fool,which would, I think, suit Shatner's impish side and let him eat some scenery. Takei with his regal and deep voice would sound perfect howling against the howling wind of the storm and then lilt into the ensuing dotage.To keep it in the family, how about Zoe Saldana as Cordelia, Jolene Blalock as Goneril?

  • @Dragonking1984
    @Dragonking1984 12 років тому +2

    what i love is when shatner is told about things takei said he's like "huh? i don't know why he's upset it's a mental thing with him." and all i can do is say "um bill what's the mystery? George thinks your a grade A doushbag that has a ego the size of the known universe." but to be fair it's not like Takei don't have one either. i guess they just clash cause Takei was sick of playing second banana to Shatner.

  • @chopsie01
    @chopsie01 12 років тому +4

    takei's such a stand up guy that even when hes calling shatner a dick he's still pretty good natured about it.

  • @gmosphere
    @gmosphere 12 років тому

    i share a birthday with this guy

  • @Grizzlybear1914
    @Grizzlybear1914 12 років тому

    This guy has class bill might b a great actor but there's nothin better than having a good reputation sound like he was a prick

  • @noanoa0704
    @noanoa0704 10 років тому +69

    You need to see a psychiatrist.... When you do, leave your ego at the door before entering.

  • @shinku3
    @shinku3 12 років тому +2

    @GoldenShellback1 I believe there was a treaty made with a the Klingons. The Cardassians are the enemy now. Get with the times.

  • @NinjaNezumi
    @NinjaNezumi 11 років тому +2

    I think Takei expected the wrong things from Shatner. Expecting Shatner to be anything other than Type A is like expecting Mike Ditka to coach without swearing.
    Shatner was needed for the role and for the series. He has rough edges, and he has said things that deserve a slap, but at the same time, Takei needs to understand that and just bite the bullet and say "Alright, I give in. Bill, just be yourself, I'll try not to punch you too often."

  • @Briansgate2017
    @Briansgate2017 12 років тому

    It's sad that Bill's ego was a problem. I love George Takei and think he's a damn fine actor who I'd love to have in my own indie films, but I've always been a huge fan of Bill Shatner and think he's the greatest...ham and all.

  • @fluorosco
    @fluorosco 12 років тому +1

    There is a fith dimension. That which is not known to man... Warp Speed Mr. Sulu

  • @KitWriter
    @KitWriter 11 років тому +6

    "It was fun to watch him, uh... uh... 'Act.' "

  • @DrakrSlyr
    @DrakrSlyr 11 років тому +2


  • @JenWilliamson
    @JenWilliamson 12 років тому +2

    Clearly, they were an item in a past life.

  • @AZNKC
    @AZNKC 11 років тому

    I dont understand what all the fuss is about. george takei didnt really say anything that was not already widely known. the only thing i would comment on is that shartner's behaviour is not being a creative-smartass. its called being a bully. people may gravitate towards a bully at first to feel safer but in the end, everyone outgrows the bully... does everyone recall shatner telling his fans to, "get a life?" you cant seriously argue that was just him being a creative smartass...

  • @orangie84
    @orangie84 11 років тому

    standard orbit captain...

  • @mrOakden
    @mrOakden 11 років тому +18

    Shatner was brilliant and difficult. Takei was easy-going and boring

  • @ProjectFlashlight612
    @ProjectFlashlight612 11 років тому

    Shatner a racist?!! No, definitely not. There is no evidence at all of that. His feud with Takei had nothing to do with race....Shatner was a pr*ck to EVERYONE, no matter what colour their skin was. It's almost progressive. Jimmy Doohan despised him so much he never spoke to him at all unless a Trek film scene demanded that he do so. Hard to believe even in 1968 that Uhura and Kirk kissing would be a big deal at very sad that the network were scared people would be outraged.

  • @knottreel
    @knottreel 11 років тому +6

    George pontificates like he was as big as Bette Davis or Brando. Yet he's real claim to fame was only a character part on TV.