Failed time based benzo taper and update 7/21/24

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @SalwaSamra
    @SalwaSamra Місяць тому +5

    Patrick you’re doing so well. You’re truly so strong.
    I’m down to 3.75mgs. My next cut is September. My last was June. I’ll go down to 2.5mgs. It’s a horrific journey, but by my Lord Jesus Christ have I come through.
    I truly pray for you. You’re not alone. So many have been misdiagnosed, or been placed on benzodiazepines without being told their dreadful addiction, or side effects, let alone the nightmare of withdrawals.
    Keep on fighting the good fight. Know others are battling with you and keeping you in our prayers. Your ability to film your journey is so courageous. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @evngeo6611
    @evngeo6611 Місяць тому +4

    Yes. Microtaper is the best course of action for your situation.

  • @HopefulEmpath
    @HopefulEmpath Місяць тому +5

    I’m glad to get this update from you. You’re being smart by taking into account your weight and quality of life. I checked your channel a few days ago to see if I missed an update and I know others care about you as well. Take good care and when I start my taper I know your content will be helpful to me. I’m going to get set up with a naturopath doctor (already found one) to help me taper off 2 meds, 1 benzo and prednisone. Be well! ❤

  • @amethystrosemaclaren5853
    @amethystrosemaclaren5853 Місяць тому +6

    Oh Lord, please bring Patrick safely through this and I ask that you boost his immune system and his body overall as he continues to taper off the medication. Give him restful sleep and plenty of rest, Lord and guard his mind and body through this process. In Jesus' holy name I ask and pray. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen
    God bless you always, Patrick.

    • @SalwaSamra
      @SalwaSamra Місяць тому +2

      Amen! 🙏🙏🙏

  • @My3Pugs
    @My3Pugs Місяць тому +2

    Thank you Patrick for updating us with your progress on tapering ,it was so good to see you doing better! Stay strong Patrick!As you are aware a lot of us are on the same path and look forward to the day we can all be healing from this medication and go forward with peace and light!🙏

  • @katiesssriexperience
    @katiesssriexperience Місяць тому +3

    Thank you for the updates! Just remember slow and steady wins the race ❤️ You seem like with each update you’re improving and that’s fantastic and inspirational for those going through similar situations. I’m currently tapering off of my Lexapro, and it’s been a rollercoaster. We got this 💪🏼 Keep up the good fight! ❤️

  • @Gloria-ud1bs
    @Gloria-ud1bs Місяць тому +4

    It’s ok to go back to your other schedule and to hold before changing again. Every single person is different. Although all the symptoms that people experience are the same, people experience them in different ways for different periods of time. Some people are more sensitive to medications and their effects than others. There is no right right way. Each person has to find what works for them. It’s not one size fits all. You’ve done an amazing job being determined and disciplined to get this far and you’re gonna make it the rest of the way and have a wonderful life ahead of you ❤

  • @nitroelectric5170
    @nitroelectric5170 Місяць тому +3

    You are doing incredibly well man. You are moving in the right direction. Plus the beard is looking awesome. 💪👍 Keep going. It DOES get better

  • @Jimmy-Legs
    @Jimmy-Legs 16 днів тому

    Your brain will normalize over time. Keep it up. It’s a long azz road for some of us. You will get over this. You are young and have your whole life in front of you. I’ve made it through. It was a long complicated recovery, but it did happen. The one thing that really surprised me was how sometimes a seemingly small cut could throw me for a loop.
    Keep on going one step at a time. And remember, Never, Ever, Give up. It will be worth it.

  • @jimferrill1790
    @jimferrill1790 Місяць тому +3

    I was absolutely certain that jumping off when I did was the wrong thing to do. I did a month taper off of a daily dose of 20-30 mg of valium. In retrospect I am glad I did what I did. I am probably a year out of full recovery.
    Every day I remember symptoms that I have been relieved of. Abject terror, akathesia, anxiety, constipation, to name but a few. The worst of these lasted about 6 months. Right now I am going through a wave of being extremely weak.
    Good luck.

  • @kmjansen
    @kmjansen Місяць тому

    Microtaper with a compound is by far the best way to go when you’re hitting a wall. Changing too much can inadvertently cause kindling so try to pick the best course of action and stick with it.

  • @Vbails171
    @Vbails171 Місяць тому

    Thanks for the updates!

  • @AVE30303
    @AVE30303 Місяць тому +2

    If I did it cold turkey off 8mg a day. You can. It was brutal as all hell! That was a year and a half ago im still having symptoms. I just ignore it now. I had no help no tapering. No nothing. I was jerked off my 2mg Xanax 4 per day by a sadistic new shrink I was sent to then tried to see someone else and since that shink took me off the next one refused to put me back on anything. So I spent about a year screaming crying going through the most horrific withdrawals!!!! I thought I was going to die more than once. Its been a living hell, but im not on Benzos anymore. Wishing you all the Luck. By the way. Im 64 years old. Was on Xanax 8mg per day for over 30 years when that shrink decided to put me through LIVING HELL!

  • @Erinsworld777
    @Erinsworld777 Місяць тому +1

    I got off benzos 5 months ago, I talk on my channel aswell, it’s so important to talk about this, I fouls the last 4mg of Valium was the hardest. 😊

  • @graysonguice5956
    @graysonguice5956 Місяць тому

    So sorry man, I recently became mildly protracted and am about to liquid micro taper off 1.2 klonopin, it's all horrifying to face everyday. Wish you the best

  • @dyannaphaneuf2503
    @dyannaphaneuf2503 Місяць тому +1

    .50 cuts are really big especially when you get in the lower doses. I know you said you don't want to water taper but it's worth a shot, if you would liquid micro taper 1mg at a time, you could set your own pace. Say you put 1mg of V in a 60ml of water and pulled out 1ml a day, it would it would take approx 2 months to get off 1mg, so approx .25 every 2wks but you can adjust accordingly.

  • @Colgate-n9e
    @Colgate-n9e Місяць тому

    U r not alone we are in the same boat ..i was on 7 mg a day clonazepam m in hell but i wanna share with u some of tip ..have patient and god is enough for this battle second is try checking your b12 level and take fish oil with multivitamin to help the body ..make sure to take only less amount of fish oil ..otherwise it will cause stomach gas or bloating fruties and avoid oily acidic boiled chicken ..all the best

  • @beautifullybroken1591
    @beautifullybroken1591 Місяць тому +3

    Cutting 0.5 at 4mgs is huge. Can you get liquid valium where you are?

    • @Patricksbenzowithdrawal
      @Patricksbenzowithdrawal  Місяць тому

      I’m not sure actually. My doctor has never mentioned it but now you’ve got me curious. I’ll ask her next appointment! That could be a tremendous help! Thank you

  • @scottjohnson2401
    @scottjohnson2401 Місяць тому +1

    Benzos are addicting but there really should only be used in emergency but yeah it sucks so bad hope u feel better

  • @AndreaMolinari-tl5bb
    @AndreaMolinari-tl5bb Місяць тому +1

    Which is your schedule ? Mg ? And what about sleep ? I’m on this journey it’s hell. Hell. Sorry my friend for us

    • @Patricksbenzowithdrawal
      @Patricksbenzowithdrawal  Місяць тому +1

      I’m sorry you’re suffering too. I take my doses every 8 hours so as it is I take 1.5 mg at 2am, usually then sleep until my 10am dose which is 1 mg, then I take my last daily dose of 1.5 mg at 6pm. My sleep is good in the sense of I sleep plenty, at least 8 hours per night, but I get terrible nightmares just about every single night. They’re very vivid and extremely unpleasant in many cases and they are nearly impossible to forget. I hate them

  • @nonyabusiness7200
    @nonyabusiness7200 Місяць тому

    @patrick are you near Florida or is it Cali? I can't tell by your accent. Sounds like Florida but sounds like Cali too.... Id like to talk to u if that's okay?

  • @randomthoughtstoday
    @randomthoughtstoday Місяць тому

    How you feeling bud?

  • @senthilnathan2k
    @senthilnathan2k Місяць тому

    I am on taper of clonazepam 0.25 mg currently i am on 0.1875 mg which is three quarters of dose for last two months but its a hell i am having headache,bad intrusive thoughts and everyday dreams in night which i can remember in morning and some times su***dal ideations its very bad and sometimes in early morning anxiety through roof and its so bad have body pain muscle pain dont have good appetite and i am also on ssri taper of fluoxamine from 200 to 125 mg and amisulpride 25 mg and pregabalin 75 mg

  • @saraholly7633
    @saraholly7633 Місяць тому

    Not seen u upload for ages

  • @annstar2793
    @annstar2793 Місяць тому


  • @heatherinCT
    @heatherinCT Місяць тому

    Thank you for sharing. Were you on k to begin with? That is what i am coming off of now.

  • @johnygthing
    @johnygthing Місяць тому

    Are u on f.b?

    • @Patricksbenzowithdrawal
      @Patricksbenzowithdrawal  Місяць тому +1

      Unfortunately I am not. I used to be but I got tired of all of the drama social media brings and I deleted my FB. FB just had a way of sucking me in and I’d spend hours and hours scrolling every day and I just needed to get away from it.

  • @AlbaLynxQueen
    @AlbaLynxQueen Місяць тому +2

    Why are you messing with the doses so much? General advice is to cut the dose of psych drugs by no more than 5-10% every 4 to 6 weeks. It sounds to me like you need to stabilize for a long period of time before cutting again.

    • @Patricksbenzowithdrawal
      @Patricksbenzowithdrawal  Місяць тому +4

      Thank you, that is the plan as of now. I’ve made so many changes over the past 1.5 years under my doctors guidance trying to find an easier way to taper. The reality is, as you said, I probably needed to get more stable first. Looking back that’s easier to see. I likely will not cut any more until I am more stable, which I do feel like I’m starting to stabilize but definitely do not feel ready to cut yet. So it may be 1-2 weeks, or also as you said a longer time, maybe a few months, before cutting any more. I just went into this not knowing nearly as much as I needed to about the taper/withdrawal process. Either way from here on I am planning to go far slower than I have during the first part of the taper

    • @AlbaLynxQueen
      @AlbaLynxQueen Місяць тому +4

      @@Patricksbenzowithdrawal Yeah. Good luck, man. Just try to stick with the decision. I know how hard it is to think clearly and rationally when you are in WD. Don't rush it.

    • @nonyabusiness7200
      @nonyabusiness7200 Місяць тому

      My Dr believes in cutting your dose and holding it for 2/3 MONTHS.... Then cutting again for 2/3 months... Is this bad?!

    • @nonyabusiness7200
      @nonyabusiness7200 Місяць тому +1

      Your down to FOUR MG A DAY?!?!
      LOOK WHERE YOU STARTED! it's gonna take me over ten years to get off. Look at you though. You have beautiful hair and I've lost mine from a "shock to the nervous system"!!
      Thank you so much for journaling and doing this. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one in the world going thru it. And that it's OKAY. Why do l feel the need to hide that I'm tapering and struggling REALLY bad and need financial help? Idk. Maybe cuz everyone else I know who is tapering keeps it a secret or doesn't talk about it. It's so hard. I can't keep a job to save my life.
      And when I FINALLY landed a good job? A person in their fresh outta highschool days, gossiping and catty, I complimented someone's blush (it's a x dresser) or a trans I'm unsure but I respected them and I just told them I liked their blush and they thought I was being sarcastic and Im "too nice to everyone" so I'm fake.... Well they went to the GM and said THAT I WAS SEXUALLY HARASSING HER!!!!! my GM was spitting out names of porn stuff I've never even heard of! So I struggle for years finally find something to make it so I can survive, and it's an unhealthy place bad for my health and people gossipping and slandering me and making things up just because they're bored or who knows why. I've searched a decade for a job and the ONE that paid the most AND even helped with my taper turned to HELL very quickly for just keeping my head down, doing my job, complimenting random people when I saw something that stood out to me... I was nice to EVERYONE. And I get bullied SUPER bad. Like this morning I was BAWLING my eyes out before my shift. NOBODY should ever have to feel like that. Idk I didn't have anywhere else to let this out so it all came out on a random comment. I'm so upset as a female straight MOTHER a kid who's confused about themselves is trying to ruin my life and it's working. 😭 😭 And I was blackballed so I just CONSTANTLY hear bad stuff about myself nonstop all day at work to come home and get bitched at for not having enough money or a nicer car etc (kids) and now I can't find anywhere to work. I was already shot in the face and survived (reason I got put on benzos) but I can't figure out how everyone tapering can get disability. Can someone help me?

  • @naya-fadilla
    @naya-fadilla Місяць тому

    I now use benzo 0,25 Mg..i ve anxiety.

  • @louisgeen765
    @louisgeen765 Місяць тому +1

    Have you experienced like big panic attacks that goes on for a long time? That is my biggest fear for starting with tapering if my heart can handle it because of the panic and the rapid heartbeat

    • @Patricksbenzowithdrawal
      @Patricksbenzowithdrawal  Місяць тому +8

      Oh my gosh yes! I say this to try to help not to scare you, I lived in a state of near constant panic through almost all of 2023. I’ve had times where my heart rate was 140-160 resting rate for HOURS on end. 100% convinced my heart couldn’t take it and would give out. I’ve been in hospital many many times because of it and had heart checked. It’s like being in a state of indefinite unending panic and it’s awful. BUT, I am still here! Heart is still ok! All medical checks for my heart have come back good! Now, these days when my heart rate goes up it’s far less scary than it used to be because I’ve seen how much it can go through and still be OK. Trust me, I never expected to make it through some of those times but I did and it got better! I know I still have a long way to go to heal but that part of my symptoms hasn’t been nearly as bad for several months now.
      Just make sure you are healthy. If you have concerns about your heart or anything else get checked and cleared by a doctor. Make sure you’re OK, but as long as they come back and say you’re good then don’t be afraid of it! It’s normal during withdrawal and I know MANY of us have been there. While I can’t say I’ve healed, I do still have a long way to go, I can say with certainty that those symptoms have greatly improved for me!
      You’ve got this. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @louisgeen765
      @louisgeen765 Місяць тому +2

      @@Patricksbenzowithdrawal im sorry to hear that man. But I’m also very proud to see how far you have come down to 4mg is awesome! You are almost there brother👏 I also experienced the constant panic with a heart rate that only went normal when I was sleeping but the moment I woke up it went in total panic again it went on for 3 months. I never knew benzos was doing that because I was still taking it back then but I was using 1mg back then it was tolerance. I had to switch to 2mg after that thinking it was my “underlying condition” which was a lie by my doctor or just complete ingnorance. I just hope there is a way to avoid that to a extent /:

    • @domenicrinaldi4424
      @domenicrinaldi4424 Місяць тому

      @@PatricksbenzowithdrawalPatrick your inspirational UA-cam channel about your hell of a journey from benzodiazepines…. There’s so many doctors and people who know that benzo withdrawal is the Most violent of all drugs .. I’ve been sober from opiets and I was a severe alcoholic all to mask my anxiety I was self medicated…. When I take Xanax it truly helps me without any kind of drowsiness,, The reason I started to take them is for seizures and to slow my heart rate down because I had the same numbers as you 140. 150 bpm. Pat you might think your too skinny or feeling like there’s no end but you’re beyond strong 💪 to be suffering the way you’ve been. I totally suggest micro tapering I really think in the long run it will help because you can always stop 🛑 at a certain dose if things get too rough.. I’d like to add you as a Facebook friend because I see so much of you in me ,, Plus I know sooooooo many tricks to calm down when you’re about to have panic attacks.

  • @Thegutsypuls
    @Thegutsypuls Місяць тому

    You can get practically any symptom during benzo withdrawal. People mistake it for flu , infections, neuropathy, sleep disorders, mental illness .