if EU really care about forest and deforestation, they should start planting their own forest. why most forest in the earth is in amazon and borneo ? where is your forest, EU ?
They act like victim they blame tropical land Industrialization for the cause of climate change They feels like having a privilege to critize, to judge other from their own standard...while in fact they started Industrial revolution and invaded whole globe for their own greed and trigger the war across the world Short term "AssholErupean"
All countries, not only Indonesia, have the right to manage their natural resources independently, but also have the right to change their destiny to improve the welfare of their people and become developed countries. Indonesia's victory at the WTO is a historical milestone and will inspire third world countries to jointly affirm their right to equality with today's developed countries.
Indonesia has won 8 cases at the World Trade Organization (WTO) as of recent data. These cases include victories in disputes involving exports, trade restrictions, and discriminatory policies, such as the significant win against the EU over palm oil, they not dictate they bully!
sekarang dengan diakuinya Indonesia sebagai anggota penuh BRICS,uni eropa bukan lagi satu2nya pasar potensial,negara2 di BRICS banyak yang besar dan potensi ekonominya juga tinggi....
Tambang Nikel juga melakukan deforestasi, kenapa maksa Indonesia untuk mengkespor ke Eropa? Dasar standar ganda, mau menang sendiri. Keputusan Indonesia masuk BRICS adalah sangat tepat
Jokowi broke through all barriers, transforming the old mentality that believed everything would continue as usual. Jokowi is the best president of Indonesia.
Cina diperbolehkan menambang nikel karena mereka mematuhi syarat dari pemerintah yaitu bangun smelter dan sharing tot sedangkan eropa menolak memtuhi bahkan sampai di bawa ke wto demi agar memaksa indonesia trus ekspor mentah dgn harga murah Jadi yg kalau ada yg bilang hilirisasi cuma mengalihkan kepemilikan nikel ke cina itu sangat bodoh sekali
sekarang bagi indonesia menang atau kalah di WTO sepertinya sudah tidak penting lagi. Karena indonesia sekarang sudah menjadi anggota brics sehingga memperoleh mitra perdagangan dengan negara2 anggota brics yang besar.. pangsa pasar yang besar sudah terbuka lebar. Bekerjasama dengan mitra saling menguntungkan, bukan mitra perdagangan yang toxic penuh drama boikot, keegoisan dan ingin untung sendiri.
Tetap harus menang bang, untuk nunjukin kalau Indonesia itu tidak bisa dipermainkan. Jadi di masa depan kalau ada yang mau lagak lawan kita, sudah ada bukti kalau kita tidak akan diam saja dan kemungkinan mereka kalah lawan kita itu besar.
Seandainya kelapa sawit indonesia jadi diboikot uni eropa, indonesia tetap untung karena akan diolah dan digunakan sendiri oleh rakyatnya yang banyak, justru akan menjadi petaka bagi uni eropa, bisa saja indonesia juga memboikot minyak bunga matahari uni eropa.
indonesia is 3rd world country to them, they think indonesia is just ancient tribe that dont deserves their respect, but the fact is indonesia is so big and so rich if compared to their small country. thats why they make an UNION so they look bigger.
@@lorddalumanOf course the big countries hold them in check to prevent their development. Why do you think they've colonized them for hundred of years?
Orang eropa lupa siapa yang menggunduli hutan di africa dan hutan di australia setra hutan di amerika... dan sekarang mereka menyalahkan indonesia karena menanam sawit.... konyol sekali
Tanah mu biarkan menjadi Hutan buat paru paru dunia biarkan tanah kami di eropa saja yg Hutanya di tebang abis dibangun megah biar eropa saja yg jd kiblatnya dunia wkwkkwkw Jd org asia ga boleh negaranya maju , klo ada sumber daya yg bikin negara maju di sleding dengan berbagai alasan..dibuat lah jurnal jurnal ilmiah seakan akan itu sebuah kebenaran... Dan hancurnya lagi ada beberapa org Indonesia entah itu dibayar atau bukan....yg mengaku profesor... Membenarkan sttetmen bahwa sawit bukanlah pohon..... Ini org apa gak pengen negaranya jd negara besar atau gimana ...😅😅
Using supposed concern for the environment has been, for many years, a ploy by western nations to acheive political control both at home and abroad. Congratulations to Indonesia on your success in this matter.
Kalo memang gak mau terima ya sudah...... Buat B100 aja sukur2 bisa buat bensin....... Sehingga minyak folsil di sini bisa awet......... Berani gak nih kita inpor miyak rusia...... Semoga kita bisa buat kilang minyak banyak2 amin........
Thanks to the Dutch, Indonesia has coffee, tea, rubber, palm and tobacco plantations and oil refineries. Because all those raw materials were brought from abroad and brought to the Dutch East Indies. And Royal Dutch Shell mapped all the oil fields in the 1920s. If the Indonesian archipelago had never been colonized, there would only have been rice fields and fruit trees grown by the local population.
Itu semua karena Eropa lagi butuh energi pengganti. Kelapa sawit Indonesia dijadikan pelarian dari kelangkaan/krisis energi yg melanda eropa😂 . Mau tipu2 anak kecil.
Yes. Now we have to be careful with how the will use "adu domba" To our people to hate each other. Setelah mereka tau Indonesia sudah mulai "wake up dari segi ekonomi seperti ini. Mereka akan menggunakan tak tik adu domba untuk memecah belah kita. Hati-hati. Hoax akan mudah tersebar dimana² mulai sekarang 😌🍵
This only happens to President who trully has a good will to take care the entire nation not that who always think how to gain benefits from this country.
negara-negara eropa sudah seharusnya menjalin kerja sama dengan Indonesia, dimana Indonesia akan mengirimkan banyak sekali calon pekerja muda yang siap ditempatkan dimanapun yang nantinya negara-negara eropa harus mengambil para pekerja tersebut sebagai pekerja di negera mereka, maka ekonomi di eropa akan segera membaik dikarenakan pekerja dari Indonesia terkenal dengan kerja keras dan kejujuran nya sehingga dapat memajukan industri yang ada di eropa
Mrk khawatirnya krn mayoritas orang indonesia itu muslim, dan klo nikah sm orang lokal eropa atau imigran indo + banyak punya anak....bisa runyam menurut mrk
sekarang malaysia focus industri lain. tak perlu gaduh siapa pengeluar sawit paling besar. rezeki itu luas. asean kena pelbagaikan industri kita, kalau tak kuasa luar yang pegang kita
Malaysian palm industri also big as well right? This victory is not for Indonesia alone. All palm oil producers will take the same advantage from this. So... Malaysian surely will benefited also. Maybe you should thank Indonesia as well...?
High-income industrial nations collectively account for 40% of global CO₂ emissions (IEA, 2023) yet benefit from the ecological services of tropical countries like Indonesia without contributing significantly to their preservation. It’s only fair that global stakeholders step up with financial and technological support for Indonesia’s, Brazil's, and Congos' sustainable development since this world has been supported so much by the oxygen from these three amazing countries. Indonesia's forests alone act as a massive carbon sink, absorbing 2 billion tons of CO₂ annually while producing vital oxygen. Just remember the world needs 30% of Oxygen which has been spread for no charge by Indonesia's forest, and those developed countries have been taking advantage of us for too long!!
Klo kita indonsia suruh pertahankan hutan terus dan gak boleh olah sawit untuk semua negara di dunia.. apa kalian mau kita tarik pajak Krn hutan kami di Indonesia sudah memberi kalian oksigen... Klo semua negara eropa mau kita tarik pajak oksigen...mungkin akan kita pikirkan lagi😂😂😂, ya kali cuma kalian saja yg pengen. Kaya....
The EU should be boxed into their own failings for decades. It’s time that the emerging world gang up together and confront any semblance of discriminations from former colonialist…. Good on you Indonesia for demonstrating a civilised approach. And way to go for Brics for a more responsible and equitable world order ……
right now, even indonesia planes using Biodiesel to. Indonesia will save more money with it :D i think they will use it for Free Food program, to increase the number of the childern that can have it. but. i am worried, if they used chicken to much, the price of the chicken will soar~ and if they using egg to much to, the eggs price will soar~ , they should alternately it, day 1 chicken, day 2 Tempeh+Tahu, day 3 fish, Day 4 Perkedel , day 5 chicken again or other meat or maybe bakso bakar/goreng or otak otak or somay or pempek. well, they can just keep rotating it.
wanna know the entire irony in this thing, palm oil export got some scandal, corruption scandal for export permits of palm oil, some companies paid of someone to get more quota, and resulted in director general of international trade to be removed lol
EU proclaimed and wants A FREE TRADE POLICY -- BUT INDONESIA as well as mostly UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES WANT '' FAIR TRADE POLICY '' rather more than '' FREE ''TRADE for only The Benefit of Western countries.....
EU: "We banned Indonesian palm oil because it is not environmentally friendly and we are suing Indonesia at the WTO because it won't sell nickel to us!" Indonesia: "But isn't nickel mining even less environmentally friendly?" EU: "We can easily replace palm oil with other oils, but we can't replace nickel." Indonesia: "So the EU banned Indonesian palm oil not because of environmental issues!" EU: "What other reasons do we have?" Indonesia: "Isn't that hypocritical?" EU: "We can't help. Hypocrisy is in our blood!"
Ofcurse they will take action... They wont let Indonesia manage their own resource properly and for own benefit. Who took benefit Indonesia's comodities during their colonialization? Not Indonesian... Them! And now care with Indonesia's forest 😅
If e.g. EU does manage to electrify over the years to come the market for biofuels will crash. As for use in plastics etc. other tech like algae farms may corner what is left. What I am trying to say is that palm oil is not a long term winning product and will decline over time. This equally applies e.g. for rapeseed oil.
Wah menurut saya sudah benar Chanel ini pakai bhs Inggris biar orang luar banyak yg tahu, dimana lagi channel yg membela Indonesia dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yg sangat baik
Udah banyak yg ulas pake bahasa Indo. Sekarang butuh banyakin yang bahasa inggris, biar seluruh dunia ngerti. Nggak cuman orang kita doang. It's about time the world hear about us.
Pemimpin Barat kebanyakan orang2 munafik dengan aturan mereka sendiri.. buktinya Murika enak banget batalkan Kesepakatan krisis Iklim dengan dalih Krisis Energy National T_T
Europe has never been serious about environmental issues. Look at now, climate change. The biggest threat is from petrodollar. The USA allies have made cars from 600 million in 1970s to now around 6 billion cars just to support petrodollar policy. To sale this much, finance was introduced and its allies such as Japan have helped the cost to produce those vehicles cheaper.
Don't give Erupe, bay your good for cheaps, and Europe have nothing to give the people, like food, and don't bay you good cheaps, they can eat the craft.
Indonesia is a country with honour and dignity , keep the spirit Indonesia never bow down to the US and the west .
if EU really care about forest and deforestation, they should start planting their own forest. why most forest in the earth is in amazon and borneo ? where is your forest, EU ?
😂😂😂 planting forest is where they draw the line
Exactly! Look what they did to East European countries forest 😂Their big mouth only to cover their shits in their own land!
They act like victim they blame tropical land Industrialization for the cause of climate change
They feels like having a privilege to critize, to judge other from their own standard...while in fact they started Industrial revolution and invaded whole globe for their own greed and trigger the war across the world
Short term "AssholErupean"
Pertanyaan yang sederhana tapi ini adalah kebenaran ❤
All countries, not only Indonesia, have the right to manage their natural resources independently, but also have the right to change their destiny to improve the welfare of their people and become developed countries. Indonesia's victory at the WTO is a historical milestone and will inspire third world countries to jointly affirm their right to equality with today's developed countries.
You don't want our products? Fine, we'll find other market😅. Remember, you are the one who NEEDS us.
Indonesia has won 8 cases at the World Trade Organization (WTO) as of recent data. These cases include victories in disputes involving exports, trade restrictions, and discriminatory policies, such as the significant win against the EU over palm oil, they not dictate they bully!
Love from India to my Indonesian brothers and sisters.
We are non-aligned founders.. Love from Indonesia
@mrhobibelajar india was too and so was egypt
satu negara mengalahkan satu organisasi eropa.
majulah negaraku..
sekarang dengan diakuinya Indonesia sebagai anggota penuh BRICS,uni eropa bukan lagi satu2nya pasar potensial,negara2 di BRICS banyak yang besar dan potensi ekonominya juga tinggi....
Indonesia kicks ass.. Don't mess with Indonesia..
they will acknowledge, accept, adjust their rules. Congrats Indonesia
Tambang Nikel juga melakukan deforestasi, kenapa maksa Indonesia untuk mengkespor ke Eropa? Dasar standar ganda, mau menang sendiri. Keputusan Indonesia masuk BRICS adalah sangat tepat
EU is hypocrite jerks. If EU love to hug tree so much, they should plant their own forest.
Standar gandanya yaitu satu standar duit dan standar yang satunya kepentingan EU, selalu dua hal itu.
Jokowi broke through all barriers, transforming the old mentality that believed everything would continue as usual. Jokowi is the best president of Indonesia.
Finally Indonesia have power and dignity...
Cina diperbolehkan menambang nikel karena mereka mematuhi syarat dari pemerintah yaitu bangun smelter dan sharing tot
sedangkan eropa menolak memtuhi bahkan sampai di bawa ke wto demi agar memaksa indonesia trus ekspor mentah dgn harga
Jadi yg kalau ada yg bilang hilirisasi cuma mengalihkan kepemilikan nikel ke cina itu sangat bodoh sekali
Setuju...yg membuat narasi" seperti itu kancung" barat
sekarang bagi indonesia menang atau kalah di WTO sepertinya sudah tidak penting lagi. Karena indonesia sekarang sudah menjadi anggota brics sehingga memperoleh mitra perdagangan dengan negara2 anggota brics yang besar.. pangsa pasar yang besar sudah terbuka lebar. Bekerjasama dengan mitra saling menguntungkan, bukan mitra perdagangan yang toxic penuh drama boikot, keegoisan dan ingin untung sendiri.
Tetap harus menang bang, untuk nunjukin kalau Indonesia itu tidak bisa dipermainkan. Jadi di masa depan kalau ada yang mau lagak lawan kita, sudah ada bukti kalau kita tidak akan diam saja dan kemungkinan mereka kalah lawan kita itu besar.
Big step towards freedom from European neocolonialism.
Sesama BRICS cm perlu hati2 dgn India
@@MrRazrbladeChina sama India juga gk pernah akur kok
BRICS utamanya ekonomi , masalah geopolitik gk ngaruh.
Seandainya kelapa sawit indonesia jadi diboikot uni eropa, indonesia tetap untung karena akan diolah dan digunakan sendiri oleh rakyatnya yang banyak, justru akan menjadi petaka bagi uni eropa, bisa saja indonesia juga memboikot minyak bunga matahari uni eropa.
Tanpa diboikot pun sebenarnya pangsa pasar mereka sangat kecil karena kitab bukan pemakai minyak yang mereka jual selain itu juga mahal.
Karena itu, kalo bisa belilah produl lokal.
Kalo bisa.
Good job Indonesia. Why need to please the EU colonizers? Pleasing own economy and it's people is the most important thing.
indonesia is 3rd world country to them, they think indonesia is just ancient tribe that dont deserves their respect, but the fact is indonesia is so big and so rich if compared to their small country. thats why they make an UNION so they look bigger.
Well, Indonesia is still more wide than whole EU combined 😆
Indonesia can literally grow anything thanks to tropical climates, what strange is how most tropical country is not leading global economy
@@lorddalumanOf course the big countries hold them in check to prevent their development.
Why do you think they've colonized them for hundred of years?
Merdeka atau mati ✊️jangan pernah tunduk sama bangsa penjajah.
Good standing up with you good Indonesia to Europe or any country.
Hormat kepada Indonesia dengan kemenangan ini.
Orang eropa lupa siapa yang menggunduli hutan di africa dan hutan di australia setra hutan di amerika... dan sekarang mereka menyalahkan indonesia karena menanam sawit.... konyol sekali
everything you do is wrong according to the west😂😂😂...only they do is right😂😂😂
Tanah mu biarkan menjadi Hutan buat paru paru dunia biarkan tanah kami di eropa saja yg Hutanya di tebang abis dibangun megah biar eropa saja yg jd kiblatnya dunia wkwkkwkw
Jd org asia ga boleh negaranya maju , klo ada sumber daya yg bikin negara maju di sleding dengan berbagai alasan..dibuat lah jurnal jurnal ilmiah seakan akan itu sebuah kebenaran... Dan hancurnya lagi ada beberapa org Indonesia entah itu dibayar atau bukan....yg mengaku profesor... Membenarkan sttetmen bahwa sawit bukanlah pohon..... Ini org apa gak pengen negaranya jd negara besar atau gimana ...😅😅
For me live in Indonesia is just amazing ❤
My dude Corruption still Problematic Here and dont Forget its Need to be Viral in order The Government to work at It which is Painfull
@@irpanfauzi1160negara mana yg gak ada korupsi ?????
@@irpanfauzi1160mohon infonya, negara mana yg gak ada korupsi sejak negara itu berdiri ???
Using supposed concern for the environment has been, for many years, a ploy by western nations to acheive political control both at home and abroad.
Congratulations to Indonesia on your success in this matter.
ASEAN will rise with Indonesia....
Never bow down Indonesia!
What the indonesian government need to do is supporting the R&D and nominate more budget to be in the top countries this century ❤❤❤
Di sisi lain uni Eropa telah membabat habis hutan mereka
Kalo memang gak mau terima ya sudah...... Buat B100 aja sukur2 bisa buat bensin....... Sehingga minyak folsil di sini bisa awet......... Berani gak nih kita inpor miyak rusia...... Semoga kita bisa buat kilang minyak banyak2 amin........
Aamiin ❤
jangan pernah lagi tunduk kepada para Penjajah 🫵🤥❤️🔥❤️🔥××🤜🤜💥 US dan komplotannya
Kukira kalah karena beberapa tahun lalu, katanya kesempatan kita menang sangat kecil. Ternyata menang.
Kalah di WTO soal nickel
European Discrimination toward Indonesian people?
Same Old, Same Old. Since Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie at Batavia.
Thanks to the Dutch, Indonesia has coffee, tea, rubber, palm and tobacco plantations and oil refineries. Because all those raw materials were brought from abroad and brought to the Dutch East Indies. And Royal Dutch Shell mapped all the oil fields in the 1920s. If the Indonesian archipelago had never been colonized, there would only have been rice fields and fruit trees grown by the local population.
Crude Oil Ass Holes poluting the earth. Even Electric Cars were developed before Ford Motor produced Model T.
Well done Indonesia. Great nation. I am proud of the wonderful country
Malaysia would thank Indonesia to take palm oil matter to the WTO. Malaysia & Indonesia are major palm oil producers.
Presiden Jokowi , sangat rasional dan brani.
Minyak sawit lebih banyak kegunaannya dari pada minyak dari bunga matahari ❤🇮🇩✌️
Telat sekarang Indonesia mempunyai pasar lebih luas & besar untuk CPO ini setelah bergabung dengan BRICS.
Tahniah Indonesia ….👍👍👍👍
EU is a bully 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
Eropa munafik..Eropa tanpa indonesia rugi lihat apa yg kanselir jerman skrng katakan 😂 malah mendorong perdagangan bebas dgn asean.
Nice 😊
About time as well
L Bozo EU. W Indonesia
- From Malaysia
Indonesia has its own regulation so can not change it as per european requirement.
so happy join brics😂😂
What about Ukraine 🇺🇦 deforestation, I saw only small amounts of forest in Ukraine 🇺🇦 with majority of grain field
🇪🇺 : 🤫 shhhh.....
@galihpambudiarto3008 hahahaha 😂 😁 😅 🤡 💗
Itu semua karena Eropa lagi butuh energi pengganti. Kelapa sawit Indonesia dijadikan pelarian dari kelangkaan/krisis energi yg melanda eropa😂 . Mau tipu2 anak kecil.
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 🙏 🇮🇩
Let's welcome Asian century !
Why the EU discriminate against Indonesia palm oil? Because they dont want us to become another giant in economy like China.. 😂😂😂
Respek Indonesia dari jiran mu.
keep up the good work ashley
Be careful with western
Sure, when they down don't let them drag everyone with them.
Indonesia’s bargaining power in Jokowi era: 👶🏼 level.
Indonesia’s bargaining power in Prabowo era: 👨🏻🍳 (let him cook level)
From Pak Jokowi to Pak Prabowo..
The new president is Pak Prabowo... Hilirisasi and IKN program Will continue
Kita udah masuk BRICS tidak usah jual lagi ke eropa yg kikir
satu kata saja kalau mereka tetap bereaksi negatif, "LAWAN!!!"
hi europe , stop being treated another asian like your colonized countries
you never know this folks of Indonesia are ready to die for thei5country, not like us bunches of individualis-capitalist
The American government and the west think that we south east Asia are stupid..Asian countries teach them a lesson..
I think EU will accept their "loss" coz seem they actually awaited it. They already suffer with their previous decision which be backfired.
Yes. Now we have to be careful with how the will use "adu domba" To our people to hate each other. Setelah mereka tau Indonesia sudah mulai "wake up dari segi ekonomi seperti ini. Mereka akan menggunakan tak tik adu domba untuk memecah belah kita. Hati-hati. Hoax akan mudah tersebar dimana² mulai sekarang 😌🍵
For someone who live in not-so-fertile lands, they have guts to play around. They'll find out.
Kemarin eropa memutus gas Russia juga biofuel dari Indonesia pun tak mereka terima. Kita tunggu saja kehancuran perserikatan yang ingin untung sendiri
The new President of Indonesia is Mr. Prabowo Subianto.
The former is Mr.Joko Widodo.
Westerners, when suits them it is legal, when not it is illegal, greatest hipocrits on the planet earth period!
Aku bangga kepada Indonesia. Tetapi saya khawatir kalau B100 butuh perdanaan.
Tenang shay udah ada alokasi dana... cuma nggak usah ribut-ribut... tiba-tiba ekspor aja...
Kenapa kau khawatir ? Apa pakai uangmu semuakah penggunaanyya?
CPO wasn't the only raw materials that those 1st world countries try to get cheaply on, and Indonesia definitely isn't alone either
This only happens to President who trully has a good will to take care the entire nation not that who always think how to gain benefits from this country.
Never stop colonialism = EU .
negara-negara eropa sudah seharusnya menjalin kerja sama dengan Indonesia, dimana Indonesia akan mengirimkan banyak sekali calon pekerja muda yang siap ditempatkan dimanapun yang nantinya negara-negara eropa harus mengambil para pekerja tersebut sebagai pekerja di negera mereka, maka ekonomi di eropa akan segera membaik dikarenakan pekerja dari Indonesia terkenal dengan kerja keras dan kejujuran nya sehingga dapat memajukan industri yang ada di eropa
Mrk khawatirnya krn mayoritas orang indonesia itu muslim, dan klo nikah sm orang lokal eropa atau imigran indo + banyak punya anak....bisa runyam menurut mrk
sekarang malaysia focus industri lain. tak perlu gaduh siapa pengeluar sawit paling besar. rezeki itu luas. asean kena pelbagaikan industri kita, kalau tak kuasa luar yang pegang kita
Ini berita yg membahas Indonesia, kamu orang Indonesia?
Who care about "pengeluar sawit paling besar" 😂......actually Indonesian never care with the issues in Malaysia 😂😂
@@unitedearth4059 biarin nape sih? Ini konten bebas ditonton siapa pun😅
Setuju, soal industri kita harus diperbaiki supaya tidak dikuasai luar 👍🏻
Malaysian palm industri also big as well right? This victory is not for Indonesia alone. All palm oil producers will take the same advantage from this. So... Malaysian surely will benefited also. Maybe you should thank Indonesia as well...?
High-income industrial nations collectively account for 40% of global CO₂ emissions (IEA, 2023) yet benefit from the ecological services of tropical countries like Indonesia without contributing significantly to their preservation. It’s only fair that global stakeholders step up with financial and technological support for Indonesia’s, Brazil's, and Congos' sustainable development since this world has been supported so much by the oxygen from these three amazing countries. Indonesia's forests alone act as a massive carbon sink, absorbing 2 billion tons of CO₂ annually while producing vital oxygen. Just remember the world needs 30% of Oxygen which has been spread for no charge by Indonesia's forest, and those developed countries have been taking advantage of us for too long!!
Klo kita indonsia suruh pertahankan hutan terus dan gak boleh olah sawit untuk semua negara di dunia.. apa kalian mau kita tarik pajak Krn hutan kami di Indonesia sudah memberi kalian oksigen... Klo semua negara eropa mau kita tarik pajak oksigen...mungkin akan kita pikirkan lagi😂😂😂, ya kali cuma kalian saja yg pengen. Kaya....
The EU should be boxed into their own failings for decades. It’s time that the emerging world gang up together and confront any semblance of discriminations from former colonialist…. Good on you Indonesia for demonstrating a civilised approach. And way to go for Brics for a more responsible and equitable world order ……
Isn't obvious?, if Indonesia decides not to join brics, surely Indonesia will lose at this fight. Just like nickel fight.
EU , please step away on keep dictating us, we are Indonesian 💪🏽, we know how we Stand
Deforestation should not be allowed.
but invading a country for oil reserves is ok 😂😂 funny
Allah Hu Akbar!
What was joko widodo said is come true..
right now, even indonesia planes using Biodiesel to. Indonesia will save more money with it :D i think they will use it for Free Food program, to increase the number of the childern that can have it. but. i am worried, if they used chicken to much, the price of the chicken will soar~ and if they using egg to much to, the eggs price will soar~ , they should alternately it, day 1 chicken, day 2 Tempeh+Tahu, day 3 fish, Day 4 Perkedel , day 5 chicken again or other meat or maybe bakso bakar/goreng or otak otak or somay or pempek. well, they can just keep rotating it.
West = colonialism
wanna know the entire irony in this thing, palm oil export got some scandal, corruption scandal for export permits of palm oil, some companies paid of someone to get more quota, and resulted in director general of international trade to be removed lol
And Malaysia must understand about that...😂😂
EU proclaimed and wants A FREE TRADE POLICY -- BUT INDONESIA as well as mostly UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES WANT '' FAIR TRADE POLICY '' rather more than '' FREE ''TRADE
for only The Benefit of Western countries.....
EU: "We banned Indonesian palm oil because it is not environmentally friendly and we are suing Indonesia at the WTO because it won't sell nickel to us!"
Indonesia: "But isn't nickel mining even less environmentally friendly?"
EU: "We can easily replace palm oil with other oils, but we can't replace nickel."
Indonesia: "So the EU banned Indonesian palm oil not because of environmental issues!"
EU: "What other reasons do we have?"
Indonesia: "Isn't that hypocritical?"
EU: "We can't help. Hypocrisy is in our blood!"
Ofcurse they will take action... They wont let Indonesia manage their own resource properly and for own benefit. Who took benefit Indonesia's comodities during their colonialization? Not Indonesian... Them! And now care with Indonesia's forest 😅
Indonesia and Malaysia don’t sell palm oil to EU .
Good documentary. please cut out the loud side music and sound - it's very disturbing and serving no useful purpose !
If e.g. EU does manage to electrify over the years to come the market for biofuels will crash. As for use in plastics etc. other tech like algae farms may corner what is left. What I am trying to say is that palm oil is not a long term winning product and will decline over time. This equally applies e.g. for rapeseed oil.
1.VASCO De Gama
2.Cornelis De Houtman
4.Captain Cook
5.Marco Polo
Video ini sebaiknya dalam bahasa Indonesia, sehingga lebih banyak orang di negara itu yang dapat melihatnya
Wah menurut saya sudah benar Chanel ini pakai bhs Inggris biar orang luar banyak yg tahu, dimana lagi channel yg membela Indonesia dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yg sangat baik
Udah banyak yg ulas pake bahasa Indo. Sekarang butuh banyakin yang bahasa inggris, biar seluruh dunia ngerti. Nggak cuman orang kita doang.
It's about time the world hear about us.
Justru channel ini buat ngelawan propaganda media barat bang
Inggris ajah, biar semua ngerti. dan meningkatkan bahasa inggris yg menonton youtube ini.
Tinggal nyalain caption apa susahnya😮💨
Pemimpin Barat kebanyakan orang2 munafik dengan aturan mereka sendiri.. buktinya Murika enak banget batalkan Kesepakatan krisis Iklim dengan dalih Krisis Energy National T_T
Europe has never been serious about environmental issues. Look at now, climate change. The biggest threat is from petrodollar. The USA allies have made cars from 600 million in 1970s to now around 6 billion cars just to support petrodollar policy. To sale this much, finance was introduced and its allies such as Japan have helped the cost to produce those vehicles cheaper.
Funny when Indonesia hate commie but joining their club for money lololol
Bio oil also cheap.
Don't give Erupe, bay your good for cheaps, and Europe have nothing to give the people, like food, and don't bay you good cheaps, they can eat the craft.