Nathan Myhrvold: A life of fascinations

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Nathan Myhrvold talks about a few of his latest fascinations -- animal photography, archeology, BBQ and generally being an eccentric genius multimillionaire. Listen for wild stories from the (somewhat raunchy) edge of the animal world.


  • @eladbari
    @eladbari 16 років тому +5

    the CROWS lecture is still the best for me..
    Anyone else got a recommendation of what talk is the Best?!

  • @itskcm
    @itskcm 16 років тому +3

    Good to see a presentation covering such a wide variety of subjects!

  • @angela1894
    @angela1894 13 років тому +3

    @flyingbeagles No. He's what we call a polymath, a universal genius. Similar to someone like Da Vinci.

  • @MrFrankBullitt
    @MrFrankBullitt 16 років тому +2

    Yeah, check out Professor Ramachandran's talk on Neuroscience. Really great.

  • @gulllars
    @gulllars 14 років тому +2

    @VeracityMedia with his level of curiosity and enthusiasm, i don't think he thinks much about himself in an ego way. You may percieve it as an ego, i just see a man enthusiastic to share all the interresting things he has discovered and hoping to inspire others. I share his curiosity of how the world works and interrests in way too many topics, but i can only hope for his enthusiasm and joy of life, not to mention intellect. This man is on par with the great theoretical physicists of the 1900's.

  • @YesItsMeGuys68
    @YesItsMeGuys68 16 років тому +2

    how much fun he must have just waking up every morning !!!

  • @markus310773
    @markus310773 16 років тому +2

    Nathan Myhrvold definitely is cool. Nevertheless I really hope he will act responsably with all the power he has (via Intellectual Ventures)!

  • @alexQw33
    @alexQw33 16 років тому +5

    Wow, this guy completed his PhD on theoretical and mathematical physics by age 23!!!
    OMG, what an amazing feat!

  • @fuckmyego
    @fuckmyego 15 років тому +1

    this guy is awesome. Everyone who dislikes him should go make their own millions and then talk

  • @barrywilliamsmb
    @barrywilliamsmb 16 років тому +1

    Great talk, all hail to TED!

  • @DeletedDelusion
    @DeletedDelusion 16 років тому +1

    Excellent talk.

  • @headstrong440
    @headstrong440 13 років тому

    He's so personable. Very bright man

  • @reivilo
    @reivilo 16 років тому

    i really enjoyed the talk from the deaf xylophone / percussion player... she teaches people to hear.

  • @contrarianbastard
    @contrarianbastard 16 років тому +2

    He's an interesting person, more than be said for some commenters.

  • @jonphang806
    @jonphang806 4 роки тому

    Very good video, nice to see that there are people with a wide variety of interests

  • @eladbari
    @eladbari 16 років тому +1

    thanx for the recommendations! PLease Recommend on more good TALKS ppl might not have found! :]

  • @dcs002
    @dcs002 14 років тому +2

    This is what Asperger's syndrome looks like. I've got it, and I'm pretty sure Myhrvold has it too. All-encompassing fascinations that don't always last very long, but a unique perspective to offer, though in a socially ignorant way. I don't think he knows how self-centered he seems.

  • @posthocprior
    @posthocprior Рік тому

    That was great.

  • @AlgeKalipso
    @AlgeKalipso 14 років тому +1

    @dcs002 I don't mean it in a demeaning way, but I am quite certain that he does not have Asperger's. I have been acquainted with several persons with Asperger's (some of whom are my friends and I love), and I don't see any hint of it in Nathan. To give an example, his tone of voice is very thoughtfully modulated in such a way that it goes in synchronicity with the emotional aspect of the topic he discusses (see 10:50). Either way, having Asperger's would not prevent him to do what he does :)

  • @FightingAtheist
    @FightingAtheist 16 років тому +1


  • @Pimp-Master
    @Pimp-Master 6 років тому

    He did a long google talk on cooking. I’m gonna cue it up whenever I need a good soporific.

  • @dcs002
    @dcs002 14 років тому

    @AlgeKalipso Well, I'm a little out of line when I try to diagnose other people, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think you missed something. A thoughtfully modulated voice is a sign of deliberate intent, not natural expressiveness.
    Maybe he's an aspie, maybe not. If he is he'd be a great role model for how those aspie traits can be put to good use.
    I know a few (many) aspies too, and from what I see he'd fit right in. Even if he's not one, he embodies the strengths of people with AS.

  • @reivilo
    @reivilo 16 років тому

    you are sooo right... he has lived a more than fantastic life, but stop rubbing it in my face!!!

  • @riversonthemoon
    @riversonthemoon 16 років тому

    I had the exact same thought!

  • @AngilasGuy
    @AngilasGuy 16 років тому +1

    Does this guy have any books out?

  • @mariouriel5057
    @mariouriel5057 4 роки тому


  • @DANE842
    @DANE842 16 років тому +1

    I hope he has lots of smart kids.

  • @SuperFinGuy
    @SuperFinGuy 13 років тому


  • @mediocrejokre
    @mediocrejokre 4 роки тому

    His favorite letter is the Hhaych

  • @subgerocallidus
    @subgerocallidus 16 років тому

    Havent we all heard enough on how wikipedia is innacurate?

  • @AbiliTV
    @AbiliTV 16 років тому +1

    Cool First post :)

  • @gulllars
    @gulllars 14 років тому

    Patentmonsteret, the composite of "Patent" and "Monster" (both english) with the Norwegian specific ending "et" which basically is the same as english "the" in front of the word. Translated you just loose the "et" and add - to get Nathan Myrvold the Patent-Monster, holding the meaning he is really good at getting patents for inventions.

  • @GarguzGilva
    @GarguzGilva 13 років тому

    OMFG! This guy kicks Chuk Norris' ass.

  • @cypts1
    @cypts1 12 років тому

    @Bikemech07 ...thats what I'm wondering...

  • @AlgeKalipso
    @AlgeKalipso 14 років тому

    @Satanicuslupis I agree in that he awesome, but I disagree in that money places him in a dialectical hierarchy only accessible to those who have become rich on their own. Perhaps what you were referring to was his intelligence (criticize hime when you become as smart), still this is a dangerous invitation. I would say, "come up with better arguments and then talk" :P Did you know that he is proposing to cool the earth with geoengeneering? People oppose that, but his arguments are solid (!).

  • @kdg5636
    @kdg5636 12 років тому

    i bet he can even shoot laser out of his eyes

  • @clearmenser
    @clearmenser 16 років тому +1

    I think that's one of the costs of being smart... less children.

  • @ppwalk05
    @ppwalk05 13 років тому

    @ubersum1 don't worry, this guy is the worlds biggest patent troll.

  • @andyrooney12
    @andyrooney12 13 років тому

    This guy has a living room big enough to hold a real-life skeleton of a T-Rex?

  • @DANE842
    @DANE842 16 років тому

    ever see "idiocracy"?

  • @funnyguise
    @funnyguise 16 років тому +1

    but hwere? hwat? hwy? does he speak like that?

    @IMMALONGSLAPYOU 14 років тому

    yoyo's hot.

  • @Meme___Steam
    @Meme___Steam 16 років тому

    mmm lekker mmm. theres a party in my tummy soo yummy so yummy

  • @Incrue
    @Incrue 13 років тому


  • @VeracityMedia
    @VeracityMedia 16 років тому

    His ego is burning a hole in my screen

  • @mccote
    @mccote 16 років тому

    I'd be a way awesomer billionaire.

  • @iceheart920
    @iceheart920 16 років тому

    Interesting lecture but the guy is a bit into himself. Me me me, I I I. Lets hear more about the work you do and less of what you just do.