Justice and War | Tactics Ogre Analysis (Ep.4) | State of the Arc Podcast

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • We do Chapter 2 this time! Crazy stuff here and a bit of a reflection on the pervious episode by Casen. Hope you enjoy! Orcbrand Ivan is here again! Leave a comment if you feel so inclined! Thanks for watching!
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  • @Hotsaucedeluxe
    @Hotsaucedeluxe 9 місяців тому +49

    I just want to thank Ivan for hanging back more this episode.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +27

      ngl i tried

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 9 місяців тому +5

      BTW Ivan, something you should note is how Arycelle isn’t the only character whose Loyalty can be affected by the route you take after getting them: the Liberation Front members all lost about 20 points if you go Neutral. And on Lawful, when you first fight Arycelle if you take the fight long enough for Donnalto to talk with her… she gets into his head and he loses 10 points (and the fight with her and Vyce can continue this where he’s not as justifying following Denam in this). Only on Chaotic does this not happen where someone already with you is affected (save Catiua but that’s a constant).

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +10

      @@borjankosarac3645thanks, I'll try to remember to talk a bit about the loyalty and reputation mechanics a bit more when we do Chapter 3, they're going to be very relevant to how we approach Chapter 4 as well.

    • @makoajohnson2341
      @makoajohnson2341 8 місяців тому +1

      I disagree last episode it seems like he was always getting cut off.

    • @YouTubdotCub
      @YouTubdotCub 8 місяців тому +1

      @@orcbrand yeah, much as I mega appreciated your contributions in eps 1-3, very good to hear you being more of a scalpel and less of a sledgehammer with it! learning to Be On A Podcast in a "dive into the deep end" way like this, I don't fault ya for learning as ya go tho lol, I'm sure many would struggle to modulate into that part-conversation/part-performance art as quickly as you did even WITHOUT the second or two lag issue, so kudos!

  • @valdegard
    @valdegard 9 місяців тому +20

    Denam in Netural is at his most human, with all the flaws and potential for growth that entails. That's why I like it the most, contrasting with Law and Chaos where Denam does adopt the face of ideals much larger than him, whether it be the engine of duty and atonement, or eschewing the letter of the land to act as the spirit of change. I am most interested by the Denam that the Neutral route portrays, partially because of how human that choice is to make with the information we've come to understand from Denam's point of view up to this point.
    What did he accomplish up to that point through the Chaos route? Running, hiding, killing even more people on the fringes of the war? It absolutely does suck to choose to side with Ronway and you bet Denam feels like it sucks too, the Neutral route very much explores that inner conflict between Denam wanting to just do what's right with the little power he has vs. the horrors and atrocities he's seen committed by the very people he now chooses to, not forgive, but try and understand for the moment.
    Chaos is very intuitive and easy to pick because it is choosing personal morals above all else and since we're playing a video game where many people want to pick objectively good, moral outcomes for these worlds and its characters, we can consciously or unconsciously understand that there must be some chance for Denam to follow through with this and become this larger than life moral exemplar that, well, makes shit happen in Chaos. Would you feel that guaranteed in his shoes at the castle, making that decision? Maybe, but I think most wouldn't, and instead take the opportunity to do what they know they can, even if it shreds them to pieces inside to commit that way.
    I should note that I did do Chaos the first time through because it obviously felt right to do so, and I don't honestly think any route is better or more well-written than any other; I appreciate all 3. But I wanted to share some of why I consider Neutral a very thought provoking, relatable, and as Casen hints at, justified decision to make given the rationale of the situation and what it means for the overall themes of the story. It's not black and white, Neutral is living within paradox, a curse all humans must contend with by their very nature.

  • @Enharmony1625
    @Enharmony1625 9 місяців тому +16

    Not sure if you've come across this line (or even in what path this line occurs in.. I can't remember), but this line from the game is just fantastic:
    "If you lack a silver spoon, you fashion one of steel."
    Wow! What a line!

    • @1calv
      @1calv 9 місяців тому +3

      That line is during one of the later battles in in Chapter 4. Absolutely awesome line, and that whole battle has some really good dialogue which I'm excited for them to get to.

  • @ValeVin
    @ValeVin 9 місяців тому +18

    Something that really stood out to me on the Balbatos execution scene is the appearance of the beast master model, also used by Gannp, and how the gameplay systems and the artwork contribute to the world building of this game. Between the other four Ogre Saga games and Final Fantasy 14's Ogre Battle references, the series has a very consistent art style when it comes to the different classes. A style that Reborn deviates from in a few telling ways.
    Gannp is the iconic Ogre Saga beast master: an old, grizzled man, balding and in need of a shower. His sprite isn't used for the player class beast tamer, however. It's the same way with the dragon tamer class - it sticks in a very young model, a very basic version of the class as it appears elsewhere under the name dragon master. The same thing shows up with the other classes. In Xenobia, Lodis, or Palatinus, knights are an intro class that becomes the paladin. But the only paladin you find in Reborn is Lanselot Hamilton.
    It makes sense, though. Between countless civil wars and ethnic cleansing events, there are no experienced soldiers. The elderly were conscripted after their children and grandchildren died... or the very young have taken up their parents old swords (and older hatreds). When it came to the artwork of the series, this game specifically decided to remove or limit the advanced, experienced classes. In Valeria, the battle is fought by the young, who don't survive to look like Gannp or Hamilton or Warren.
    But there's more to the way the classes themselves are informing the worldbuilding here. Terror Knights are often a very limited class. In Xenobia, they required a combination of charisma and chaos that the gameplay systems made extremely difficult to pull off. (The things that make you chaotic often reduce charisma in that game.) What's more, Palatinus (Ogre Battle 64's setting) is a vassal state of Lodis, and Palatinus can only govern itself by appearing holy and lawful. Any sign of evil or chaos gets stamped out immediately. With bad RNG, you may get one terror knight per playthrough. With good RNG, three. (Doing some ridiculous things, you may get more, but the point is that in a land of law and religion, they're anathema.)
    Reborn's Valeria is unique in making it a common, easy to access unit. They're everywhere here. There's no limit, and the game encourages you to use them. The only strategy every website encourages is a terror knight with a breach sword. In this world, where each set of people preys upon the others, where orphanages are burned down, where fear and hate are key... terror knight is isn't an aberration, it's a staple.
    I replayed the other games before Reborn, and it really stuck out to me how much the art and class access set the stage. This is a young man's war waged with old hate.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +2

      Great comment, I've always found the Terror Knight a fascinating class. The 30 kill requirement to unlock them in the original was kind of obscenely high but I loved that version's battle vs [spoiler] in Chapter 4 where the entire enemy team was composed of Terror Knights but once you manage to start killing them they got replaced by summoned angel knights. Feel like there was somethin being said there I just can't put it into words lol

    • @ValeVin
      @ValeVin 9 місяців тому +2

      @@orcbrand The whole idea of angels across the series (and the incarnations of each game) is kind of fascinating. Or even the religion in general, with both Lodis and Xenobia worshipping the same god and sometimes killing each other over religious sites. (See: Aisha's Roshofel order and Lodis's Caliginous Order.)
      Or even the text change in the Hugo Report on the terminal teen girl, Katreda, if she dies and becomes an angel, free of disease and sickness.
      We should probably wait to talk Reborn's angels until they get to Chapter 6/CODA 2, though =]

  • @vagrant2863
    @vagrant2863 9 місяців тому +9

    You guys make a good point on Vyce there. In Law he arguably mellows out a lot and part of that is because he's on his own instead of in Denam's shadow. In that sense I suppose Vyce chooses in Balmamusa based on his jealousy of Denam.

  • @Burak_C
    @Burak_C 9 місяців тому +12

    Fact that you can spare a sex slave trader like Veldrei but can never spare the Red wizard who is only bounty hunting denam just to pay her little daughters medicine always bothers me. Veldrei deserved everything she got.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +4

      strong take i respect it

  • @j-plarouche9959
    @j-plarouche9959 9 місяців тому +10

    ''Justice and war are seldom companion'' damn I love this game

  • @CoffeePotato
    @CoffeePotato 9 місяців тому +26

    Random early note here, I'm assuming the amount of variations in scenes will keep showing up over time, but Denam's reaction to failing to save Arycelle backs up his other lines. It's a small note, but rhe more variations of these different scenes you see, the more it clicks how shockingly consistent most characters are. ( I'll always argue Vyce's through line is always trying to get busy with Catiua. Even when he sends soldiers after you...their first order is to get only her to leave. Terrible friend, but consistent angsty teenager.)

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 9 місяців тому +4

      He is consistent, when you understand just how and why his psyche is at the start of the story; either he stumbles into being on the morally-righteous side just by happenstance and grows into his better self, or he falls further into his (heh) *vices* as it were… Even then he can go a couple of ways that all fit for him.
      When you consider the Tarot Card motifs you can apply to Vyce, he’s one particular card which when *upright* is negative and only when upside-down is positive. Whereas Denam as the Fool, is by default positive when upright…

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 9 місяців тому +3

      If I could criticise one thing about “Reborn”, just one small change, I wish they’d programmed a few more variants. Specifically for the Princess epilogues: I wish that along with the new PSP characters’ endings, they’d adjusted so if someone was gone there were new versions. Most particularly, for Arycelle; her shared ending with Folcurt and Bayin has no permutations, and even if you kept her on Neutral it doesn’t play because it wasn’t part of that originally; if like the Xenobians it could vary, we could see any variation of them on Neutral, or on Chaotic, and on Lawful we could have a unique one with just Arycelle (which would accommodate her feelings about Denam here).
      Oh, how I wish that Matsuno & Co. had done this…

    • @joshray3855
      @joshray3855 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@borjankosarac3645 @CoffeePotato, I think you've both really hit the nail on the head on Vyce.
      I think that it's pretty telling that when he doesn't have the moral high ground at Balmamusa, he confesses to the resentment he holds for Catiua -- feeling that she jilted him when he provided for her in dangerous times. He confesses that he has always felt anger and frustration toward Denam. Looking at Vyce over the course of chapter 1, I think that he is actually a very well drawn character. When pressed on if he seriously means to carry out the massacre, his personal anger is what comes out instead of any attempt to defend or justify what he is actually about to do.
      What he says to them calls back to everything he has said to them the whole chapter. When Catiua presses him, he says, "Quiet, Catiua! You've made a fool of me long enough! Do you remember the hare I snared in our leanest days? You gave it to your brother to eat without a word of thanks. That hare was for you! But you -- you made a fool of me." This mirrors what he says to her at the beginning of the game, "Is that how you see people? As tools? I'd have expected more of a sibyl." What might first read as a chiding that she should be better than this is revealed to be completely ironic -- he doesn't expect more of her; in fact, he resents her for using him as a tool to protect her brother. I feel like the implication is that Vyce believes that Catiua lead him on in order to provide for Denam.
      Then to Denam, "You vex me... always have! Whatever gave you the right to command me!" The warmest thing Vyce says about Denam in Chapter 1 is, "and I know Denam is with me on this!" when he accepts knighthood from Duke Ronwey. Everything else is Vyce calling Denam coddled, saying that the thought of killing his enemies has "unmanned" him, or telling him to flee back behind Catiua's skirts. To Vyce, Denam is a simpering babe, a hanger-on, and Catiua's annoying little brother At Best. He sees Denam as to blame that he couldn't win Catiua's affections. He doesn't see Denam as a man, let alone a leader.
      Whatever side of that conflict Denam ended up on, Vyce would end up on the other -- because the truly intolerable thing to him at that point is being under Denam's command after feeling like he was used to keep the useless little coward alive for so long. As you say, in the Law route it just happens to put him on the moral high ground and separates him from power -- which sets him on a path to being a better version of himself. In the Chaos/Neutral route, we're seeing him sink further into the muck, sent out to do the wet work, and hunting the people he resents. He's turning into the worst version of himself.
      As a side note, it's been a long while, but if I recall correctly, Vyce isn't blamed for the Balmamusa massacre in the Law route. Does this mean that in his pettiness, Vyce might be responsible for pinning the masterminding on Denam?

    • @animagamer2
      @animagamer2 8 місяців тому

      Hey, I wanted to ask, I know there were talks in episode one about potentially having you and/or the Warren report on the podcast in future episodes. Is that still a thing that's happening?

  • @Gaarkukan21
    @Gaarkukan21 9 місяців тому +14

    Canopus is a sort of under analyzed character. He's loved by many players for being not only useful but a staunch ally regardless of Denam's choices. Yet I can't help but feel irked by how allowing he is the Law routes actions. Having played the original Ogre Battle the Xenobians were very much given the personality of Arthurian Knights and so I always sort of considered anyone from that region as archtypical good guys who made their way into a situation that is basically vietnam/bosnian war. Canopus clearly has a much more worldly view of war than the compatriots he came along with and I think that's not appreciated enough.

    • @TheTacticalRPGOdyssey
      @TheTacticalRPGOdyssey 9 місяців тому +4

      Totally agree! Canopus is so underrated.

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 9 місяців тому

      Well, given what you can learn much later there’s a reason he’s so “ride or die” for Denam… It’s not impossible for his Loyalty to fall so much he’s deserting you as well, it’s just really hard; you have to go out of your way to collapse it. Especially since the story decisions that affect CF only twice affects general Xenobian reputation.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +1

      tbf its not like canopus leaves your party in ogre battle if the opinion leader goes low alignment low reputation and he joins so early its before the opinion leader really has much of a reputation. so he's pretty ride or die for evil destin too

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 8 місяців тому

      @@orcbrand Unless you decide to be a dick, take off his weapons and have him constantly fall without dying... or something? O.o
      But that's just a theory! A You-Know-What theory! ;-D

  • @TheTacticalRPGOdyssey
    @TheTacticalRPGOdyssey 9 місяців тому +11

    "Dead wife's jukebox" would be one hell of a band name though!

  • @RobTenken
    @RobTenken 9 місяців тому +5

    The term I learned for post hoc justification is "confabulation." Even in situations where a person's choice is highly manipulated, they will still feel they made the choice independently, come up with reasons to justify their choice, and (I think this is the most interesting bit) believe they'd though these things all along and made their choice rationally due to these reasons. The process of inventing these reasons is confabulation, and everyone does it.
    In my life, learning about the power and pervasiveness of confabulation has taught me to be more skeptical of myself. Just because I want to believe my choices were rational doesn't mean that's true.

  • @michs7451
    @michs7451 9 місяців тому +11

    Great thoughts on this episode guys. Especially loved Mike's interpretation of the game's central theme ("Justice and war seldom keep company. In the heat of battle, all are criminals and all are innocent."). I expect to have more to say in the coming weeks. I think Neutral Denam would agree with such a morally relativistic statement, whereas Chaos Denam would strongly disagree (he would believe that there is a way to remain morally upright even in war) and Law Denam would take a very nuanced view on this statement.
    With regards to the decision to go Neutral, we can make sense of it in terms of (1) Denam wanting to put aside his grievances with his fellow Walister countrymen (Leonar and the Duke) for the greater good and to forestall an invasion by the Bakram and the Dark Knights; and (2) Denam having considered the price of wanting to remain true to his ideals, and deciding that it's not worth it. Mike's and Casen's Denam seems to lean towards the former, whereas Ivan's Denam seems to lean towards the latter.
    I'm trying to piece together why I feel more at ease with the Law route as compared to Neutral, even though both lead to a rapproachment with the Duke and Leonar. Neutral feels a lot more contemptible because Denam has tasted what it would entail to remain true to his morals, discovers that he is not willing to pay that price, and chooses to give that up in exchange for other values ("the greater good of his people," "comfort and power"). Whereas in Law, there is a reading to be made that Denam is doing so because he genuinely believes that this is what needs to be done for victory. Law Denam at Balmamusa feels more resolute, whereas Neutral Denam here feels weak-willed, indecisive, and loathsome overall.

    • @Gaarkukan21
      @Gaarkukan21 9 місяців тому +6

      I took neutral route Denam much more differently. By the third chapter I didn't see a character who was weak-willed so much as someone who has gotten sick of everyone throwing away their ethics and goals for the pettiest reasons. From those willing to destroy countless lives for the greater good and self-righteous monsters who think they have every right to ruin lives all for the sake of revenge. He just wants to solve an issue while everyone else wants to have their Byronic schemes pay off for only their people.

    • @michs7451
      @michs7451 9 місяців тому +3

      @@Gaarkukan21I like that. Pragmatic / practical Neutral Denam could work.

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 9 місяців тому +2

      I hate when people boil him down to being indecisive or wishy-washy; it’s not exactly untrue but it’s not so simple. In that situation I can easily have made that choice easier than the other one, for reasons similar to what he thinks he should do it.

  • @suikoarke
    @suikoarke 9 місяців тому +9

    Really loving how you guys are reacting and feeling about the game so far. There's so much to unfold and you'll only continue to become more and more impressed. Keep it up you guys, loving your content as always.

  • @CoffeePotato
    @CoffeePotato 9 місяців тому +15

    Oh, and funny note, sparing Veldrei was added due to the community japan apparently begging for it to be added in PSP.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +5

      Yeah I mean, not a lot of games put you in a position where you're forced to kill a pregnant woman.... and especially when you go down the chaotic route trying to be somewhat morallyg righteous... it really just doesn't sit well to have no choice in the matter. I'm glad they added the option in a way that didn't call attention to itself in any way. The game doesn't tell you it's an option, and it doesn't comment on whether or not you take the option - so the encounter can remain faithful to the way it played out originally, but it still offers the option, so that a player who either actively tries to avoid killing her or by happenstances comes just short of doing it can be rewarded with some moral vindication. I always thought the scenario was particularly cruel, even for this game.

    • @borjankosarac3645
      @borjankosarac3645 9 місяців тому +1

      I get why Matsuno did it like this originally, but it’s also fitting that when put into a corner she *can* be convinced to live for her child. Yet even still, Veldrei hasn’t forgiven Denam for killing Darza; she still hates him for it.
      Which doesn’t mean his mercy is lost on her, he COULD have killed her and had taken out most of her forces (you *need* to have offed and/or recruited at least a certain number before she retreats - if this needs to be done before she’s down to below 10% health or if doing it after can prompt her retreat, I don’t know).

  • @oblivion9999
    @oblivion9999 9 місяців тому +7

    Really enjoy Cassen's humor. Looking foward to the next episode.

  • @codak29
    @codak29 9 місяців тому +14

    Perfect timing. Just finished episode 3 and am about to go on a 2 hour bike ride. Thanks guys!

  • @Kaslo25
    @Kaslo25 8 місяців тому +2

    I just wanted to pop in to note for Casen that the Boston Tea Party was not about an increase in taxes, it was actually a decrease in taxes for the East India Company that would have made EIC Tea competitive with/cheaper than colonial smugglers.

  • @silenthillfreak156
    @silenthillfreak156 9 місяців тому +3

    Even though I haven't played this, nor do I see myself playing this anytime soon, even though it sounds like a good time, I still very much enjoy your episodes. You guys have such deep conversations anyway that I find it more engaging to hear that.
    On a side note, I know this has been happening for a long while now, but I really like your intros with the short clip from the episode. It's always a good hook.
    Keep up the awesome work guys!

  • @havocbringer2100
    @havocbringer2100 8 місяців тому +1

    “Vyve is an Algus who thinks he’s Delita” is such a good observation.

  • @ryandude3
    @ryandude3 9 місяців тому +1

    The conversation with Cistina following the scene with her sister gave me a newfound appreciation for the subtitle of the game: Let Us Cling Together.
    If Denam asks her to fight with them, she responds "I shall. And I will cling to my dream, even if that should lead me into opposition with my own sister." In my case, since I'm playing through the Chaotic route, it felt like Denam and company are "clinging" to their ideals and each other as they try to navigate this conflict, unrealistic as their approach may be.
    I could be reading too much into it, since the use of the world "cling" could be a coincidence or artifact of the new translation. Also since I'm not sure how this would fit with a Lawful or Neutral approach to the game. It really resonated with me though!

  • @fernandozavaletabustos205
    @fernandozavaletabustos205 8 місяців тому

    Thank you for another interesting podcast!!

  • @TheBawster
    @TheBawster 9 місяців тому +6

    One of the best part of this game, is how these episodes are somewhat longer than usual 👍🏻😅

  • @TheBeird
    @TheBeird 9 місяців тому +7

    Your discussion on politics makes me reflect on how, pre 2016, I never paid any attention to it. Thought it was pointless. Suffice to say, my opinions have drastically changed in the last seven years. As much as it sucks to do so, one has to engage in it otherwise the world gets worse for everyone, and any nutter can attain power banking on the apathy of the masses. I think this attitude has changed for many actually. No tell of a lie tho, I long for the day I can go back to freeing up the bandwidth in my brain with less politics and, I dunno, daydreams about ice cream or something 😢

  • @disturbedrebirth
    @disturbedrebirth 9 місяців тому +2

    The neutral route works in SMT because it usually means you take the side of humanity.

  • @neil4692
    @neil4692 9 місяців тому +2

    For me, my Denam went N Route because he tried sticking to his morals believing he made the 'right' choice and all he had was a trail of blood on his hands as a result of it with nothing to show for it. He had no reason to believe that if he kept sticking to his morals things would improve so he made the rational decision of throwing his morals out to try to end this war sooner. His progression for me is he tried sticking to his morals and then realized he didn't realize what the cost of sticking to them would have meant. A hypocritical choice? Certainility but that is all choices we ever make.
    I don't like the phrasing of calling it the worst route. Is it my favourite route? Far from it but that doesn't mean it is bad. It is still a good route in its own right it just shows you the most realistic choice in what a person would most likely make it is the scenario Denam finds himself in which makes people disgusted by it.

  • @DeffoZappo
    @DeffoZappo 7 місяців тому +1

    Not even 10% of your subscribers have seen this. What a shame.This is one of my favorite games ever

  • @rodrigohartmann9951
    @rodrigohartmann9951 9 місяців тому +5

    Neutral route is the "boring" route because it's also the most realistic route :)

    • @1calv
      @1calv 9 місяців тому +2

      The whole Rhime sequence in N is anything but boring.

    • @rodrigohartmann9951
      @rodrigohartmann9951 9 місяців тому +2

      @@1calv yes, hence the quotes. Most people polarize to C or L in my experience.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +2

      @@1calv imo N has a strong start and strong finish but *really* sags around the middle

  • @satyasyasatyasya5746
    @satyasyasatyasya5746 9 місяців тому +7

    Not that I've played the game but from the title alone, something I think about a lot is *"The abscence of conflict is not peace, peace is presence of justice."*
    I've been reading a lot about narratives where the protag doesn't "unalive the villain" because the protag is meant to be the good guy and they're 'too good' to do that, and that "nooo, unaliving is wrooong" etc. so the protag, when they have their chance, doesn't take it because "something something I'm better than you." But this is the liberal aesthetic of peace not justice; a retreat into individualised moral highgrounds that avoids doing the real work of repairing the world and the people harmed by the villain/event etc. It is quite sinister to me. So these selfrighteous narratives always bother me for that reason. One way around it is possibly like in Avatar The Last Airbender, where rather than 'removing' the villain, his ability to do harm is taken away. But... the harm was more than just the fire blimps during Sozin's Comet, more than just bending in general, more than fighting, it was the entire imperialist and 'ray-sist' project of the Fire Nation which is never dealt with and in major ways, remains intact. Which leads me to another liberal delusion in the way Zuko just takes over as a "good fire lord." No time is given to the question as to whether there should even BE a "fire lord," their class system, their balances of powers and rights etc. This parallels much of IRL media being willing to say "bad rich person!" and then think the solution is a "good rich person!" when the problem is stealing/hoarding wealth in the first place.
    I never see media explore what happens AFTER the baddie is gone either. All those people who fought for Fire Lord Ozai are still around! And an avatar dictatorship of "we should all get along" not only can't happen, but doesn't - the problem is not a bad apple, its the tree. This again, is another thought-terminatingly liberal approach. It focusses the story and our minds on wrapping things up, dealing with a bad apple, and not fixing structural problems or dealing with life and eachother, afterwards. It leads us to think solutions are easy, and that good and bad are easy to even see or that conclusions come with power changing hands or laws being passed. Again, look at Korra when the Earth Kingdom Emperor guy abdicates. Like... what does that fix? Nothing. There's still oceans of poverty and stuff.
    I've also noticed in many JRPGs the villain gets a little conversation at the end as they're fading away or something, and they see the error of their ways, or the protags kinda empathise (but not agree) with the villain, but this again is rather peculiar to me. KH3 comes to mind. Like, after all he's done, you're just gonna hug him and escort him to the afterlife or something?! What is this pity/empathy for a monster? Yes you could argue when stories do this that they're trying to say "well, maybe if they got those hugs before they wouldn't have turned out this way" and to some extent thats true, but we can and should walk and chew gum at the same time. We can have better societies to prevent monsters, but also deal with them quickly when they arise because life isn't a book/game. You can't debate a "fash-ist" for example, you defeat them. No exceptions. This "lets hear them out at least" thing is fatal because again, its a liberal illusion that reason is even what motivates people, or that it is itself, nuetral to engage in such an exchnage. You're empowering the very thing that leverages your good faith against you, in its pursuit of power enough to take it away.
    Justice must incluce "unaliving" the aggressor and doing to them what they've done to you because they'll never stop otherwise; the fruit always grows back, they're pathological, and you can't nor should you ever, debate the validity and necessity of your own existence and freedom nor concede to their sadistic demands. But more important, is that we need to explore and learn what we do afterwards. What does a society that isn't in constant peril or at war with itself even look like? Have we even had one IRL? Not once, not ever. Have we had one in fiction that wasn't utterly absurd?
    Justice is peace when it comes home from war but has ACTUALLY learned something and then actually DOES something.

  • @SuperHiddenaccount
    @SuperHiddenaccount 8 місяців тому

    that duel with vyce at the end is tough

  • @Krisenaa
    @Krisenaa 9 місяців тому +6

    This game is so GOOD!!!!!! I was moaning throughout your whole conversation. I look forward to next week.

    • @derrickpanciera5644
      @derrickpanciera5644 9 місяців тому +8


    • @Krisenaa
      @Krisenaa 9 місяців тому +4

      @@derrickpanciera5644 These kind of conversations, and this story, this dialogue, these feelings is exactly why I love the game. It's like poetry, it gives me goosebumps, it makes me moan!!

    • @derrickpanciera5644
      @derrickpanciera5644 9 місяців тому +7

      @@Krisenaa I already left my family to marry you. The kids cried but who cares? They don’t even know what Tactics Ogre is.

  • @roquemaciel
    @roquemaciel 9 місяців тому +1

    Best podcast ever

  • @pan2990
    @pan2990 8 місяців тому

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  • @perpetualgrimace
    @perpetualgrimace 8 місяців тому

    9:12 - 18:55
    33:23 - 38:50

  • @Dork-k1d
    @Dork-k1d 9 місяців тому +1

    Hotttttt for the fancy icons? Lol well I guess chapter 4 is like long as the first 3 chapters.

  • @disturbedrebirth
    @disturbedrebirth 9 місяців тому +3

    54:30 "A man chooses, a slave obeys".

  • @Roffet
    @Roffet 9 місяців тому +6

    Hello my name is Mike and I have a completely different look for every game of this podcast

  • @MrJacker1991
    @MrJacker1991 9 місяців тому +4

    Might be worth looking at Catiua’s infatuation/obsession with Denam without using 21st century glasses. While an incestuous relationship is unacceptable for us, for their time period it wouldn’t be unheard of.

    • @smeagle3295
      @smeagle3295 9 місяців тому

      The "royal" families are all inbred..just start there.

  • @taliefer16
    @taliefer16 9 місяців тому +2

    how is officially released DLC not cannon?

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +3

      Denam does not canonically travel back in time and kill Lanselot Tartaros before he can burn down Golyat, because if it is... the story just doesn't happen.
      Coda 3 and 4 are generally a what-if scenario, because they involve Denam using 4th wall breaking game mechanics to completely rewrite the story using knowledge from timeliness he could not have had.
      Coda 1 and 2 have no such issues.

    • @taliefer16
      @taliefer16 9 місяців тому +4

      Weird choice for a DLC, but I suppose the entire game is a bunch of “what ifs” in some ways. Thanks for the explanation.

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +3

      @@taliefer16 It was basically just fanservice for those of us married to the game. Happy to help!

  • @apnwu369
    @apnwu369 9 місяців тому +5

    You don't think collectivism is taught? What do you think Critical Race Theory is? Its taught at most schools now in the west. Check out James Lindsay's work on the subject

    • @CasenSperry
      @CasenSperry 9 місяців тому +5

      Which part of the video are you referring to? I can't remember saying that exactly

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +4

      Not sure what this is in response to in this episode, but funny enough, this comment might be more relevant to something I say in the next one. (I will not be elaborating further at this time)

  • @PenguinPop1981
    @PenguinPop1981 16 днів тому

    Sorry, but the take on distrust as a natural feature of evolution isn't really well supported. Aprolos of the earlier comment on people not really knowing what theyre talking about 95% of the time, I mean.
    Not even trying to troll or being oppositional for its own sake. Its just that the issue has more complexity than how y'all were presenting it. (I studied this in graduate school and can provide a reading list or more in-depth description. Just didnt want an inaccurate take, presented with confidence, to be taken as correct, particularly when similar arguments misconstruing behavioral traits as primarily a product of evolution are frequently used to justify some pretty icky stuff.)

  • @AceBadguy
    @AceBadguy 9 місяців тому +3

    Hey guys. What's your favorite food?

    • @Zeon081
      @Zeon081 9 місяців тому +2

      Dragon Steaks

  • @debrucey
    @debrucey 9 місяців тому +2

    Was looking forward to watching all of this today but I had to reload an old save because I can't beat the stupid piece of shit 1v1 fight 😭

    • @orcbrand
      @orcbrand 9 місяців тому +3

      Go as a Knight with Phalanx and a bunch of healing items and a consumable to give u fortify then you can tank through his double turns

    • @debrucey
      @debrucey 9 місяців тому +1

      @@orcbrand well yeh I know that now cos I googled strats but I still have to divert to spend time levelling that up

  • @blueroman460
    @blueroman460 9 місяців тому +3

    Ahhhh the wait between episodes is so brutal! Great work guys!