More Beta 2 Surprises And Info On Weapon Designs?! Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase Announced!!!

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025
  • Ігри


  • @JeannieLove
    @JeannieLove 2 дні тому +14

    We're getting the long awaited snow region. I'm expecting Blangonga to be the returning pack monster.

    • @imsirnootnoot
      @imsirnootnoot 2 дні тому +1

      I would love to see what they will do to update blangonga in wilds. Because he only had like 3 attacks in fu. I think he in fourth gen but I have played much of it

  • @waywardwriterryu7185
    @waywardwriterryu7185 2 дні тому +3

    I assume by "no more bone weapons" you meant the slap on weapon designs, cause otherwise we've seen that the Jawblade is in the game from previous trailers so the tried and true usual bone tree is in the game

  • @xMikegTTV
    @xMikegTTV День тому +1

    Can't wait to see IG in 40 different outfits spamming LT Harvest all day!!!!! HYPE!!!! (Also where the "IG Mains"? Ya'll haven't been making noise about us only getting to play 50% of the weapon both times..........(Another country got to play the full version).

  • @Gaminghunter06
    @Gaminghunter06 2 дні тому +3

    I did a video on it but I think it's very obvious that we should be seeing the ice map and Akvreld gameplay

  • @Ryker_11
    @Ryker_11 2 дні тому +4

    I wonder what they will do for returning monsters from the World that had no unique weapons. Like if Odogaron returns, he doesn't have a unique Lance, it's a slap-on design. Will they design a new one? Or keep the slap-on design? I wonder.

    • @memeboi3448
      @memeboi3448 2 дні тому

      @Ryker_11 I'd say they would keep it if the design isn't being used by another of the same weapon already. Like if say fulger anja came back but quematrace has the same design then fulger will have different weapons

  • @rando4590
    @rando4590 2 дні тому +2

    I’ll have to wake up early for this,but it’s worth it for the hype!

  • @DavySilverwind
    @DavySilverwind 2 дні тому +4

    Obviously hyped about new wilds info, but do I dare dream that we'd get something cool like an early teaser for Monster Hunter Stories 3 for the other capcom stuff, and not just mobile crap?

  • @VPT2
    @VPT2 2 дні тому

    It was a time constraint thing actually. If you look at Anjanaths and Rathalos's trees, you'll notice it starts with a slap on design then upgrades to the original. It was not their attempt at being realistic, because if so, they wouldn't have had the unique designs altogether.
    There is an unconfirmed Rumor only 4 people were making the weapons, assuming that's true, it would explain why both World and Iceborne had the slap on designs as well as Monsters having some weapons have slap on designs while their other weapons had unique designs.
    This was fixed in Rise but for some reason world monsters weapons were kept the same.

  • @sakarakit5835
    @sakarakit5835 2 дні тому +1


  • @itsyaboiguzma
    @itsyaboiguzma 2 дні тому

    From nearly every official report and coverage Ive read/seen we're most likely not going to see gammoth in Wilds base game best case title update or G rank expansion my personal bet is in the G rank expansion but Gammoth is another monster thats had some design/animation issues.
    I really want her back because they could finally do her fight justice because in both Generations and GU her fight and the elderfrost deviant is a snoozefest. Worst fated 4 please redeem her for Pokke Village.

  • @maxomilk
    @maxomilk 2 дні тому

    In world they tried to make the weapons more realistic by giving them a slap on design. Somehow adding monster parts to the side of the weapon increases sharpness and damage. Like that's more unrealistic than realistic. How are you not going to incorporate the monster parts in the actual blade.

    • @TornaitSuperBird
      @TornaitSuperBird 2 дні тому +1

      In World, the slap-on weapons were supposed to be upgradable from a particular base. Over time the individual weapons would be completely unique.
      ...however IIRC there were only a dozen people working on the weapon designs for World.

    • @VPT2
      @VPT2 2 дні тому

      It was a time constraint thing actually. If you look at Anjanaths and Rathalos's trees, you'll notice it starts with a slap on design then upgrades to the original.
      There is an unconfirmed Rumor only 4 people were making the weapons, assuming that's true, it would explain why both World and Iceborne had the slap on designs as well as Monsters having some weapons have slap on designs while their other weapons had unique designs.
      This was fixed in Rise but for some reason world monsters were kept the same.

    • @Gummi2946
      @Gummi2946 2 дні тому

      Pukei pukei and tobi have new unique designs for their GL and lance in rise

  • @dragondaddykushala7133
    @dragondaddykushala7133 2 дні тому +3

    Please give us gigginox such a weird looking monster with badass looking armor and weapons

    • @imsirnootnoot
      @imsirnootnoot 2 дні тому

      We can only cross our fingers and hope

    • @itsyaboiguzma
      @itsyaboiguzma 2 дні тому

      God I want Gigginox back so bad even Baleful Gigginox I want back (only if they change it's colour palette though)
      The boy needs to return hasn't been in a game since 3U if we don't count explore at least

  • @mrbanjoman8373
    @mrbanjoman8373 2 дні тому +1

    Is that Rith's version of Rey Dau theme? It was really good

  • @bluefiredemon448
    @bluefiredemon448 2 дні тому

    my opinion
    tbh im disappointed with the the ig designs

    • @memeboi3448
      @memeboi3448 2 дні тому

      Not really spoilers if your giving your personal opinion on something you aren't describing

    • @bluefiredemon448
      @bluefiredemon448 2 дні тому

      @memeboi3448 I saw the leaks so I can't be careful enough to not spoil others.
      Sometimes I don't even say anything cause again I don't want to spoil others 😅

    • @kokujo5288
      @kokujo5288 2 дні тому +1

      ​@@bluefiredemon448As switch axe main, I'm eating with the designs, but hopefully, they actually fix the weapon.