Bolu Abon bisa juga dibikin jadi 2 bolu gulung

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Hi Semua……
    Minggu lalu untuk acara keluarga saya bikin bolu Abon. Sedikit deg deg plus karena takut aneh rasanya, ternyata banyak yang suka, jadi hari ink aku bikin lagi untuk acara Gereja.
    Rasa dari bolu ini super lembut, gurih, terasa manis dan asinnya, dengan abon ayam pedas, jadi ada sedikit rasa pedas.
    Ide awal dari perjalanan saya dulu di China, disana banyak bolu Abon seperti ini di jual di bakery ternama
    Kita panggang dalam oven di kasih mangkok air panas agar hasil bolu lebih lembut
    Sponge cake ini sama resepnya dengan Ogura atau Castella. Biasanya di panggang dengan sistem Bain marie. Untuk mempersingkat waktu tanpa menghilangkan texture nya yg lembut dan moist, kita gunakan mangkok berisi air panas agar tetap ada steam dalam oven.
    Untuk oven kecil, adonan bisa menunggu. Sebaiknya adonan tunggu di simpan di kulkas
    Cara buatnya mudah dan tidak ribet
    Selamat mencoba
    Bolu Abon
    Sponge cake
    Butter 60gr
    Milk 70gr
    Masak dgn api kecil hingga mentega cair
    Terigu protein rendah 80gr
    20gr tepung jagung
    Kuning telur 6
    Vanilla extract
    Aduk rata
    6 putih telur
    1/4 sdt garam
    1/2 sdt Perasan jeruk nipis
    Mixer hingga mengembang sempurna, masukkan
    100gr gula pasir
    Mixer hingga medium stiff peak
    Masukkan adonan telur ke dalam adonan meringue sambil di saring, beri 1-2 sdt vanilla extract, aduk balik hingga tercampur rata
    Siapkan 2 loyang ukuran 20x20Cm
    Alasi dengan baking paper atau silpat
    Tuang adonan sama rata
    Taburi atasnya dengan irisan daun bawang dan cabai merah yang sudah dibuang bijinya
    Bila suka bisa di taburi dengan wijen sangrai
    Panggang dengan suhu 150C
    Api atas bawah selama 25-30 menit
    Api atas bawah + kipas selama 25-30 menit
    Bagian bawah/samping oven di beri mangkok air panas
    Oven tangkring suhu dan cara sama dengan oven listrik
    Olesan dan isi
    75gr mayonaise
    25gr susu kental manis
    Taburi dengan abon secukupnya (50gr)
    Tutup atasnya dengan sponge cake
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    English Recipe
    Hi Everyone……
    Last week for a family event I made shredded sponge. A little excited plus because I was afraid it would taste weird, it turns out that many people like it, so today I made another one for a church event.
    The taste of this sponge is super soft, savory, sweet and salty, with spicy shredded chicken, so it has a bit of a spicy taste.
    The initial idea from my first trip to China, there were lots of shredded cakes like this being sold at well-known bakeries
    We bake it in the oven with a bowl of hot water so that the sponge cake is softer
    This sponge cake is the same recipe as Ogura or Castella. Usually grilled with the Bain Marie system. To shorten the time without losing its soft and moist texture, we use a bowl filled with hot water so that there is still steam in the oven.
    For those who have small oven, can bake 1 by 1
    The batter in line can kerp in room temperature or in the fridge/cooler
    Easy to make and not complicated
    good luck
    Chicken Floss Sponge Cake
    For the Sponge cakes
    Butter 60gr
    Milk 70gr
    Cook over low heat until the butter melts
    Low protein flour 80gr
    20gr corn flour
    Egg yolk 6
    Vanilla extract
    Stir well
    For the Meringues
    6 egg whites
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp Lime juice
    Mix until it expands perfectly, put it in
    100gr sugar
    Mix until medium stiff peaks
    Enter the egg mixture into the meringue mixture while straining, add 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, stir again until well blended
    Prepare 2 pans measuring 20 x 20 cm
    Cover with baking paper or silpat
    Pour the dough evenly
    Sprinkle the top with sliced ​​green onions and red chilies that have been seeded
    If you like, you can sprinkle it with roasted sesame seeds
    Bake at 150C
    Fire up and down for 25-30 minutes
    Fire up and down + fan for 25-30 minutes
    The bottom / side of the oven is given a bowl of hot water
    The temperature and method of the oven are the same as the electric oven
    Spread and fill
    75gr mayonnaise
    25 gr sweetened condensed milk
    Sprinkle with shredded to taste (50gr)
    Cover it with sponge cake