My husband was an MP at the DMZ from Sept 1966 through Oct 1967. He tells me he didn't "do anything" for ten months then he started drinking heavily and going to the clubs and paying the women in the clubs to have sex with him. He tells me he hated them but that doesn't ring true since he went to the clubs for the last three months of his tour. He didn't consider it adultery because "everyone was doing it." I don't think he hated the prostitutes in the clubs. I think he was attracted to them & was having a good time flirting with them and not having to treat them like American women to get what he wanted. He could pay the money, have the fun, get up, leave and never look back. The military fostered this lack of respect for women and the men's families in the States although it is entirely my husband's fault that he decided to cheat during our marriage. The military system of camptown prostitution has caused and continues to cause irreparable harm to both the women catering to the American G.I.s for money and to the American G.I.s.
뜻깊은 영상 늘 감사드립니다.
너무 마음 아프네요. 당시 외화의 1/4나 기지촌에서 나왔다니.... 그때 받지 못한 국가의 보살핌을 이제서라도 받을 수 있어 다행이네요 허스토리 통해 다양한 여성들의 이야기를 들을 수 있게 되었네요 항상 감사합니다
굉장히 비극적이고 슬픈영상이네요 지금이라도 알게돼서다행입니다
감사합니다 😢😢
우리 다같이 함께 공존하는 아름다운 세상을 만들어요 🧚♀️
할머님들의 노고에 감사 드려요
마음아픈 역사네요
쉽게말해서 가난인거죠
가난이아니였으면 그리했겼어요
차라리 식모살이 공장갔으면
그러나 여건이 그렇치않았겠죠
추세가 먹고살기위해서 때론
나를떠나서 가족을 살리기위해서
또한 그리할수밖에없어서
나라가어렵고 시대와환경이
슬프다 .ㅡ 그런데 정의연이 위안부에 이어 이용하려고 햇다는거에 분노한다.
My husband was an MP at the DMZ from Sept 1966 through Oct 1967. He tells me he didn't "do anything" for ten months then he started drinking heavily and going to the clubs and paying the women in the clubs to have sex with him. He tells me he hated them but that doesn't ring true since he went to the clubs for the last three months of his tour. He didn't consider it adultery because "everyone was doing it." I don't think he hated the prostitutes in the clubs. I think he was attracted to them & was having a good time flirting with them and not having to treat them like American women to get what he wanted. He could pay the money, have the fun, get up, leave and never look back. The military fostered this lack of respect for women and the men's families in the States although it is entirely my husband's fault that he decided to cheat during our marriage. The military system of camptown prostitution has caused and continues to cause irreparable harm to both the women catering to the American G.I.s for money and to the American G.I.s.
thank you for your comment
어떻게 저 런 일이
옛전이나 지금이나 약자에게 강한 공무원들 세금내고 피박 당하고
그들은 천 벌 받았을겁니다
이것이. 국력이약해서. 미군한데. 당하고도말도못하고살땝니다. 지금도. 그렇고