Pulmonary. Dyspnea and CP. HPI PE Orders EKG.

  • Опубліковано 9 лис 2021


  • @yugasakthi5296
    @yugasakthi5296 2 роки тому +2

    Chief complaint:
    Dyspnea and chest pain.
    History of present illness:
    She is a 25-year-old female with a history of current illness. She awoke with headaches this morning. For that, she takes Imitrex. She has a history of migraines, which is common. She is on birth control pills that are not working. At this time, she denies being pregnant. She didn't feel well, she had trouble breathing when she inhaled it just hurt her in the right side of her chest when she took a deep breath and she felt really tired, it started last night and she didn't notice it until the next day. She denies having respiratory issues such as asthma. She reports that when she breathes, she feels a sharp pain that started this morning and has gotten worse.
    She is under a lot of stress lately; she thinks it is anxiety-induced. She had a history of anxiety; she denies taking medications for anxiety.
    Past Surgical History:
    She does not have any recent travel or surgical history.
    Review of Systems: Negative: Cough, sore throat, fever, congestion, nausea, abdominal pain, leg pain, or leg swelling. Positive: Headaches, every month in a while,
    Physical Examination:
    Heart: She has a 110-beat-per-minute tachycardia.
    Lungs: Breathing sounds are slightly reduced at the right lung base.
    Family History: Although the patient has no family history of clotting disorders, deep vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism, her father did. She comes from a long line of heart disease sufferers. She denies having any additional medical issues.
    Smoking History: She smokes a pack and a half per day, depending on how things are going.
    Imaging studies: The EKG reveals a normal sinus rhythm with a rate of 110, right access, and she does have an S1Q3T3, as well as no ST elevation or depression, and no bundle branch block at this time.
    In conclusion, S1Q3T3, tachycardia, otherwise normal. There is no *** comparison.
    Assessment and plan:
    1. I advised the patient to quit smoking.
    2. I requested that her heart and lungs be checked, as well as her smoking and birth control or birth risk factors for blood clots, as well as a CAT scan with PE protocol, an EKG, and basic labs.
    3. I recommend trying breath treatments to see if they help.

  • @user-de2fr4pz9l
    @user-de2fr4pz9l 5 місяців тому

    A 25-years old female patient presents to the clinic with shortness of breath after waking up this morning. Describes pain as sharp pain every time she breathes. She claims to have trouble breathing and pain during inhalation. Affirms headache but has taken imitrex with relief. Patient also affirms tingling in her hands. Denies lung problem, cough, sore throat, fever, congestion, nausea, leg pain and swelling, and pregnancy. She attributes her pain to her stress and anxiety. Claims that she has a rough childhood growing up and has been independently living on her own paying bills. Affirms taking birth control. Affirms smoking one and a half pack a day. Denies recent travel and surgery. Affirms that her dad has clotting problems. Denies family history of heart disease.

  • @yulisagg6466
    @yulisagg6466 2 роки тому

    What’s s1 p3 t3 mean?