Gamer Flexes Raid Clears To Guy Who Is Top 10..Toxic Destiny Raid

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • We title our party chat "Toxic Raid Group..I'm an A$$hole." Don't complain.


  • @TheGoldApproach
    @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +25

    We have some strays coming in from the recommended. Be ready to read more of their thoughts and feelings about how I should act in the comments.
    Since all of you guys just post the same thing over and over again, I'm just going to respond to the same few posts and reference you guys here!
    1) Q: Why are you so toxic?!
    A: I believe that acting the way I do helps get the raids done faster. We have tried both ways and it is clear that this way seems to work far better. Will we have rage quits? Sure. But in the long run it saves time. You may disagree and that's fine. That's what makes you, you and me, me!
    2) Q: What gives you the right to treat people with such disrespect?!
    A: I treat people with disrespect when I feel that I have been treated with disrespect, as you probably do also! You can pretend to live by your "You should be nice to everyone!" philosophy, but nobody does that so don't be a hypocrite. If somebody walks up to you and punches you in the face, then you are probably not going to treat them with respect. Am I comparing a rude LFG person to being punched in the face? No. What I am saying is that everybody has some threshold at which they decide, "Ok this person doesn't deserve any respect." I don't live by your threshold, and you don't live by mine. If somebody joins a KWTD QUICK RUN and doesn't pay attention, then in my opinion they are being disrespectful and I will return that disrespect x5. Also we title our party chat "TOXIC RAID GROUP..I'M AN A$$HOLE" as another warning!
    3) S: YOUR a dumbass!
    R: No, I've had my IQ tested (by MENSA, not papa Al's online IQ test!) and there's a good chance the person typing that has a lower IQ than me! I'll take MENSA's word for it over the opinion of somebody in the YT comment section that probably spelled "you're" incorrectly! ;-)
    Q: You're bragging about your IQ!
    A: NO! When somebody makes a claim that I am stupid, that is the response!
    S: (A real statement pulled from the FAQ post) "You absolutely bragged about your IQ in the FAQ!"
    R: Again no you just have poor comprehension skills. The FAQ is a list of FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and my RESPONSES for them. If a FAQ was "Why are you so poor?" And somebody responded with "I'm not poor, I reported an income of 3.5 million last year." Then you could not make the claim that he is BRAGGING ABOUT HIS SALARY. Because IT IS AN APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TO WHAT IS BEING ASKED OR STATED.
    4) S: You have no life, work at Walmart, never had a gf, and live in your mom's basement!
    R: AD HOMINEM.. and what's wrong with mom's basement.. I HAVE AC DOWN HERE AND I CAN SLEEP UNTIL 3 IN THE AFTERNOON BECAUSE THERE'S NO LIGHT GOTCHAAAAAA.. and I talk to Eva Levante all the time. She doesn't cheat on me.
    5) Q: How can you expect LFG people to not make a mistake? You can't expect them to raid as much as you do and be as good as you are!
    A: Straw man! We absolutely expect and even anticipate randoms from LFG to make mistakes. We do the strats we do so that 4-5 things can go wrong and we can still compensate and prevent a wipe. People are going to die and mess up, that is not the problem. The problem comes when people join our group and do not pay attention to what is going on and what their position is. We do expect the listening/comprehension skills of a middle schooler. That's literally all we need, and if you can't do that then you shouldn't be signing up for a KWTD QUICK RUN.
    6) S: You're bad at the game.
    R: K.
    7) S: This is just your opinion! I think you should act/behave/play like the way I think you should play and let me tell you how!
    R: My response to this is pretty simple.. fuck you. Who are you to sit there typing away on your keyboard telling somebody else how they should play the game? That's where this false equivalency between your opinion and mine comes into play. My opinion differs from yours, but I don't tell you how to play the game. My stance is, you play however you want. If you want chill runs or if you don't mind taking 2 hours to clear a raid and want to take it slowly, fine. I don't care what you do! But you are not going to sit and tell me how I'm going to act. You're not even close to being that important.
    S: B-b-but you are telling the people in the video how they need to play the game so you're a hypocrite!
    R: False equivalency! In a raid there is a host and if you are a guest in a fireteam then you do what is asked of you. It is not a democracy and there is no vote. If that's not how YOU normally do it, fine. But you will not tell me how I need to be running a raid group. Me telling somebody that they can't use solo Rat King on a raid boss doesn't equate to the UA-cam philosophers preaching to me how I should live my life.
    S: You're not that important either!
    8) Q: Why do you delete comments? YOU CAN'T TAKE IT AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
    A: I'm done responding to the same 5 points being made over and over again. If someone wants to reasonably address something that hasn't been covered here a million times over then I'm more than happy to explain. The unintelligent fools that come ready to preach philosophy will no longer have a place here. I've responded to pretty much everyone in the last year with entire paragraphs going point by point dismantling the arguments and it doesn't do any good. If I respond then I get "Oh you responded? INSECURE HAHAHAHA" And if I don't respond "HAHAHA NO RESPONSE GOTCHA!!" It's a lose-lose either way so I'm choosing the option that takes up less of my time. Remember, trolling and toxic are 2 different things.

    • @HouseTre007
      @HouseTre007 3 роки тому +40


    • @beepbeep5775
      @beepbeep5775 3 роки тому +19

      Instead of clear farming garden all day how about you find salvation in some bitches

    • @silas6349
      @silas6349 3 роки тому +1

      @@beepbeep5775 LMAOOO

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +6

      @@beepbeep5775 Ahh the irony of these comments. Just remember you’re all watching a guy on the internet play a video game and you’re spending your time in the UA-cam comment section. Might wanna think twice before casting that stone.

    • @beepbeep5775
      @beepbeep5775 3 роки тому +6

      @@TheGoldApproach How about you play with some bitches

  • @tytsty5716
    @tytsty5716 3 роки тому +48

    The fact that there is no difference between an lfg where people have hundreds of hours and 50+ clears and the rag tag group of noobies who never heard of a raid in their life I get when I lfg honestly scares me

  • @Inquired_Hope
    @Inquired_Hope 3 роки тому +16

    Gotta love people getting out in their mf place, first off who the fuck cares about raid clears? The fact that he also got shut down by someone who’s higher just makes this comedy gold.

  • @tigan539
    @tigan539 Рік тому +7

    5:50 that laugh is euphoric

  • @TylerXC91
    @TylerXC91 Рік тому +6

    Never forget, firefighter Shawn keeps us safe while we sleep. PRAISE FIREFIGHTER SHAWN!

  • @darthnater6204
    @darthnater6204 3 роки тому +103

    Gold, I recommend that you post good lfg runs when you’re not toxic. That will brighten the mood probably.

    • @isaiahkelly8955
      @isaiahkelly8955 3 роки тому +18

      That's not ever going to happen. You need to watch a lot more of his videos and see for yourself that this is the way he is. I watched a few, and to tell you the truth, Gold gets on people's ass when they might've made a comment about what to run for the encounter. How to complete something in the raid. Gold takes the initiative to start a pretty toxic, attack people's personalities over something so innocently said. For example, he made a deep stone crypt video where a guy said his role for the security encounter, and who should take the operator role. Gold passively aggressive told the guy that he's not going to be an alpha male around here. The guy eventually got tired of Gold's shit, reasonable considering how Gold treats people anyways, and he left the group. Furthermore, it's not wrong to make the assumption that gold is just an online bully. Seriously, watch more of his videos and be your own judge if he's the kind of person you want to raid with. In conclusion, though, just avoid people like Gold if you don't want to put up with his sarcastic and imprudent behavior. He is the way he is because that's just us as humans. Some people are for you to be around with, some are not. Always remember that there are a plethora of other lfg posts that are much more easier to handle with besides Gold. Anyways, have a good day 😊

    • @darthnater6204
      @darthnater6204 3 роки тому +4

      @@isaiahkelly8955 I do watch his vids… more than you probably. Was saying this as a joke since he is right in his arguments

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +2

      @@isaiahkelly8955 yeah and twice as long to complete

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +12

      @@isaiahkelly8955 also the guy you’re talking about came in trying to hand out roles to me. It’s not gonna happen. If someone comes in who I met 30 seconds and starts going “ok gold so how about you go here and I’ll go here” then they’re going to get shut down quickly. We set the pace early. Thanks for your concerns though!

    • @isaiahkelly8955
      @isaiahkelly8955 3 роки тому +5

      @@TheGoldApproach Oh, so he was basically telling you how things will work out. I can understand that is a bit of an irritating situation. I just think he wasn't trying to get on you. I didn't see him as the guy who wanted to initiate the argument with you.

  • @JimmyFitYT
    @JimmyFitYT 4 роки тому +15

    if he saved me from a house fire id just burn

  • @saiykoz
    @saiykoz 3 роки тому +12

    i really wanna know what happened at the spire of stars that took 3 hours but never got finished

  • @zuccbucc4778
    @zuccbucc4778 Рік тому +52

    Jesus imagine having an ego from destiny 2

    • @YouAreAnIdiot109
      @YouAreAnIdiot109 Рік тому

      I don’t think you understand what an ego is

    • @Man68754
      @Man68754 Рік тому


    • @Aridorable109
      @Aridorable109 7 місяців тому +9

      Everyone has an ego do you even know what ego means

    • @gateking2363
      @gateking2363 7 місяців тому +6

      @@Aridorable109I think he means a inflated ego

    • @L4Disillusion
      @L4Disillusion 3 місяці тому +3

      😂one of the worst communities in gaming. Period.

  • @xyro04
    @xyro04 15 днів тому

    "that's like him telling us he has the right to remain silent" hahaha favorite part

  • @disneywildlifeandzoopreser1696
    @disneywildlifeandzoopreser1696 4 роки тому +9

    Yo it's King_Erebor. The one who ran a raid with you this week and knew your channel. Good content!

  • @thechin9241
    @thechin9241 3 роки тому +35

    That 2% dude said he was everything under the sun except for a navy seal with over 200 confirmed kills in Iraq
    Who larps that hard and doesnt drink bleach lol

  • @AmbitiousAss
    @AmbitiousAss 4 роки тому +12

    Man ive watched this 3 times now ina row, and everytime its just more and more funnier

  • @Agoobernamedseth
    @Agoobernamedseth 3 роки тому +5

    “Yes I’m just making a statement”

  • @jordanaguayo2811
    @jordanaguayo2811 3 роки тому +8

    5:30 is what you came for

  • @oldtestaccount
    @oldtestaccount 3 місяці тому +2

    LMAO we just kicked this guy from our clan last week for being toxic. He's STILL trying to flex his 2% but goes by xXShadowLigerXx(timelost) now.

  • @Rjkay45
    @Rjkay45 2 роки тому +6

    Never seen a guy waffle so hard wtf is he on about freedom of speech and his job what lol

  • @yvngfamine
    @yvngfamine 2 роки тому +3

    More toxic vids please this was beyond funny

  • @HeroWorship9000
    @HeroWorship9000 11 місяців тому +2

    We need a GoLdFiNgEr_23 and firefightershawn reunion episode.

    • @oldtestaccount
      @oldtestaccount 3 місяці тому +2

      He's xXshadowligerXx(timelost) now. We just kicked him from our clan last week lmaooo. Still flexing his 2% and literally everything in this video.

  • @jimfastmack8188
    @jimfastmack8188 4 роки тому +41

    The only reason I come here everyday is for the laugh at 5:52

  • @Fugeta20
    @Fugeta20 2 роки тому +5

    I may not like joining in toxic group, but for a firefighter/medic, he's not really bright. But your not wrong, though.

  • @afakelilac7209
    @afakelilac7209 3 роки тому +9

    "I'm top 10 in the world" "yEaH iM tOP 2% IdK MATh BecUAsE I FaILeD 7TH GrADe"

  • @nullandvoid7524
    @nullandvoid7524 3 роки тому +6

    firefightershawn is a fucking national treasure LMAO

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +2

      He really is...

    • @nullandvoid7524
      @nullandvoid7524 3 роки тому +1

      @@TheGoldApproach why can't we ever find people that fascinating?
      We either get generic mouth breathers or internet tough guys that take everything personally.

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому

      @@nullandvoid7524 Doesn't happen often but it's good when it does..

  • @36pointsinscrabble
    @36pointsinscrabble 2 роки тому +1

    I keep coming back to this video 😂 classic

  • @dogefoge8796
    @dogefoge8796 3 роки тому +29

    Such a toxic raid team id leave in a hot minute

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +21

      Then don’t join a party chat titled TOXIC RAID GROUP

    • @Phantom-of-Tallon-IV
      @Phantom-of-Tallon-IV 3 роки тому +6

      @@subzero308 Everybody likes to rag on Destiny players for being toxic when I’ve met some of the most genuine and kind hearted people on Destiny. I can only remember getting hate messages a few times and other than toxic raid groups, that was it. Halo 5 is absolutely fucking disgusting though. I got mass reported by this dipshit and his friends for coming first place in an infected game once. Almost got banned for no reason twice on Halo so I deleted it before anything serious happened. Shit game anyways but it was fun at times.

    • @xXIllGetYouXx
      @xXIllGetYouXx 3 роки тому +2

      Did you not read the title of the video?

  • @Nastro2A
    @Nastro2A 3 роки тому +2

    This is like 9/10 raid groups when it comes to people getting fed up with rando’s. I dont deal with the toxicity but this is just a realistic experience lmao. I found it entertaining😂

    • @L4Disillusion
      @L4Disillusion 3 місяці тому

      😂 what's more funny is the delusional people like you who think they are fair to others. Your head is up your own hole buddy. Cheers 😂😂😂

  • @YouAreAnIdiot109
    @YouAreAnIdiot109 Рік тому +2

    “So without my job, protecting our society” he’s a firefighter they don’t “*protect* our society”

  • @quantum559
    @quantum559 3 роки тому +7

    From experience, raid clears doesn’t make you a good player. I’m not sure why that was even an argument lmao.

  • @berayborat4399
    @berayborat4399 3 роки тому +6

    Tbh why can't I get this guy on my team

  • @quietperson2875
    @quietperson2875 3 роки тому +17

    If toxic videos are getting you some flak, you should put out some vids where lfgs go right. I think it would be cool to see something different then the usual lfg idiots. And it would give you content to continue putting out and help you grow if you care about all that. I will miss these videos though.

    • @lgbtq1642
      @lgbtq1642 3 роки тому +1

      Maybe you should go lfg and see what he has to go through cause most of lfg are retards

    • @quietperson2875
      @quietperson2875 3 роки тому +1

      @@lgbtq1642 I lfg everyday and carry people on DSC and GoS. There are indeed some idiots but I actually learn a thing or two from experienced players as well.

    • @Bramptonboy2006
      @Bramptonboy2006 Рік тому

      @@quietperson2875Dang I remember those times

  • @alqing
    @alqing 3 роки тому +4

    top 2% 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

  • @Naylees
    @Naylees Рік тому +2

    6:22 made me lose it

  • @gork4035
    @gork4035 2 роки тому +2

    Its sad the dude did not know top 2% is worse than top 50.

  • @mathieupetitpas9611
    @mathieupetitpas9611 3 роки тому +10

    I played with that goldfinger guy I just enjoyed the clear for free lol

    • @mathieupetitpas9611
      @mathieupetitpas9611 3 роки тому

      @Henry We eeyujbssertgvgguuoo I mean I didn’t care since I was doing my job and didn’t talk lol

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +4

      @@mathieupetitpas9611 It's almost like if you're not a cocky a$$hole and you do your job without causing trouble then there's no issue! CRAZY!!!!

  • @PrinceOfZamunda
    @PrinceOfZamunda 2 роки тому

    "How's he able to do all that shit without knowing math" lol

  • @nickg1357
    @nickg1357 3 роки тому +2

    This was great. Thx 4 this

  • @north_jp
    @north_jp 3 роки тому +3

    oh really well im in the top 6 of players in my raid team

  • @ivang0074
    @ivang0074 2 роки тому +3

    i still dont get why u get backlash

  • @ancientcanadian104
    @ancientcanadian104 2 роки тому +6

    Not sure why this video has so many dislikes, this is funny af 😂

  • @OfficialNeonSky
    @OfficialNeonSky Рік тому

    Shawn vouldnt handle the heat 😂

  • @Lunyore
    @Lunyore 3 роки тому +28

    Y’all were toxic.

  • @dylantheevillain
    @dylantheevillain 3 місяці тому +1

    you can tell who the bullied victims are by the way they try to throw their weight around and assert dominance in destiny 2 😭😭 id give any of u little nerds a slap for speaking to me that way

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 місяці тому +3

      Guess how many times I’ve heard irl and online that someone is going to f** me up and guess how many times it’s actually happened. But yeah.. Dylan The Villain would be the first one to actually do something lmao 🤡 🤡 I don’t think I’m gonna lose any sleep over that

  • @darthnater6204
    @darthnater6204 3 роки тому +1

    If 2% is 2nd place then I’m in the back

  • @takenprince1928
    @takenprince1928 3 роки тому +5

    Top 200 That’s insane dude, I’m in plat with 80 total clears, hope I can get to your level man.

    • @mitchellhasnolife4999
      @mitchellhasnolife4999 2 роки тому

      join farms

    • @TheAssassinsfan2234
      @TheAssassinsfan2234 Рік тому

      @@mitchellhasnolife4999 nah, you need full clears. 2 a day will get him there. I think you need about 218 clears to reach Diamond V

  • @gabrielsilverio2022
    @gabrielsilverio2022 5 місяців тому +1

    Played with this guy on LFG pretty toxic party i will say 🤦‍♂️🤣

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  5 місяців тому

      That was a really good story

    • @baracas5736
      @baracas5736 5 місяців тому

      What did you expect joining a party that’s called “toxic raid group”?

  • @disneywildlifeandzoopreser1696
    @disneywildlifeandzoopreser1696 4 роки тому +4

    Also remind me again why you don't run supers for 3rd encounter boss?

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  4 роки тому +13

      Because every super besides Celestial Nighthawk disrupts DPS and acts as a detriment to the rest of the team's DPS.. Nova bomb for example.

  • @blerpderp6866
    @blerpderp6866 Рік тому +2

    jeez for a 2y video to keep up with the same toxicity for new comments is insane! this shit made me crack up tho but man its sad to brag about anything in a destiny game but id agree with the dumbass part. achievements for shit that dont matter just play the damn game even I would have just booted his ass XD

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  Рік тому +2

      Depends on the context. If someone is going to start flexing their stats and mine are far better, then they've opened the door to me comparing the two.

  • @cassandraisapanda1272
    @cassandraisapanda1272 Рік тому

    I just saw this and looked at a good bit of comments;this is fucking hilarious. I can just tell the dude was sheltered all his life. I'm surprised he didn't get kicked immediately for heir apparent or just being an idiot.

  • @gameup3926
    @gameup3926 4 роки тому +1

    Lol need more raid videos

  • @midnightsun5295
    @midnightsun5295 2 роки тому +3

    Don’t give a shit I’m successful in life then in video games enjoy the game tho

  • @punkrider8758
    @punkrider8758 2 місяці тому


  • @roxette96
    @roxette96 3 роки тому +1

    Yo Gold it’s Zelda, how TF did I not see this before? It’s hilarious. Miss raiding.

  • @MJDash-
    @MJDash- 4 роки тому +3

    Why do you have two recluses?

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  4 роки тому +8

      It's to lower my power level so people can't claim I'm doing more damage than them because of the power difference.. even though it's a 940 raid.

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  4 роки тому +5

      Second one is leveled up more for the Prophecy dungeon.

  • @Meklord-M7
    @Meklord-M7 2 роки тому +10

    This whole video is toxic lol

  • @davebupington9061
    @davebupington9061 2 роки тому

    I wonder if the got that buff they needed....

  • @Daniel-eye
    @Daniel-eye 11 місяців тому


  • @arisenprestige5717
    @arisenprestige5717 2 роки тому +2

    Top 50 but you can’t do the fan blade first try? Faker

  • @Courier604
    @Courier604 3 роки тому

    oh god this gives me stomach pain…

  • @hcold1272
    @hcold1272 3 роки тому

    This is fucking hilarious

  • @causeuncause4059
    @causeuncause4059 3 роки тому

    LFG at its finest

  • @zoidango6166
    @zoidango6166 Рік тому

    firefightershawn was a top G before it was cool

  • @tayoffbeat
    @tayoffbeat 3 роки тому +1

    Lmfao Jesus Christ

  • @stormsurge6765
    @stormsurge6765 2 роки тому +2

    You move slower than my dead gran how are you good?

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  2 роки тому +9

      Since you’re asking.. because I can carry entire teams of brain dead people through in 40 mins while you guys struggle to even get through a raid. Because I have entire strategies named after me because I came up with them. You think being a good raider means you can press buttons quickly in an activity you don’t have to?

  • @simplenlocal
    @simplenlocal 3 роки тому

    Dont you feel silly, dont you feel stupid, dont you feel a little ashamed

  • @overlord-jb6nh
    @overlord-jb6nh 3 роки тому


  • @captindo
    @captindo 4 роки тому +13

    This is why I don't bother with raids, puzzle solving with douchbags ain't much fun.

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  4 роки тому +26

      Good... the lower IQ people should stick to strikes.

    • @unkown567
      @unkown567 3 роки тому +9

      @@TheGoldApproach I mean just saying it's not really fun playing with toxic people

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +8

      @@unkown567 Then don't join party chats labeled "TOXIC RAID GROUP." It's pretty simple.

    • @unkown567
      @unkown567 3 роки тому +20

      @@TheGoldApproach Yes, i get that but you said he had a low iq in response to him saying that he prefered not to play with toxic people. All I'm saying is that I get where he is coming from. It's really not much fun playing with toxic people in my opinion.

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +10

      @@unkown567 So you're both on a Toxic Raid channel, on a video titled "TOXIC DESTINY RAID" and you're announcing that you don't like toxicity... got it.

  • @Josewatchesvids
    @Josewatchesvids 3 роки тому +5

    Geez judging what others use, let people enjoy how they wanna play

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +10

      Not in a quick run.. if you're a guest in a lobby you don't get to run the show. If YOU want to run raids and let people use whatever they want then go ahead. You're not going to tell me how I'm gonna run my groups though. It's not a casual run and we make that clear from the start.

    • @drippymike
      @drippymike 2 місяці тому

      @@TheGoldApproach who gives a fuck it's a video game, no matter how emotional you get over it, it is never that serious. Keep coping and telling yourself it matters, keep denying reality by hiding under your shitty destiny persona like the rat you are. Understand everyone has there own thoughts on things and can't read minds, at least if you are playing video games which is pathetic to begin with let him have the free will and decide what weapon he should use instead of dogmatizing the whole experience for him. Arrogant asshole, have some respect for other humans, oh wait you can't because you lack human interaction from spending too much of your life on a fleeting video game. I hope you meet god, and live a more fulfilling life then degrading some random person online. Find more purpose and meaning instead of basing everything off a virtual
      fantasy, blocking you from actually perceiving the true reason we all exist for as a collective.

  • @HouseTre007
    @HouseTre007 3 роки тому +8

    This probably why u dont got 1k subs yet lmao, what an L

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому

      Yeah that’s why

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +2

      How are your 44 subs after 9 years going?

    • @HouseTre007
      @HouseTre007 3 роки тому +11

      Crazy part is that you tryna make a career out of it and my account is for personal use lmao jit really did research on me looking for a rebuttal lmfao thats an L, u tried it tho

    • @HouseTre007
      @HouseTre007 3 роки тому +4

      And since you brought it up ill hand u another L, hows my 44 sub channel got a 1.3k view video while ur channel with almost 1k subs has 600 views on its most recent video LMAO

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  3 роки тому +2

      @@HouseTre007 Because the one video you selected was posted 5 months ago and mine was posted 20 hours ago

  • @Omni-Rage
    @Omni-Rage 3 роки тому

    That dude’s probably one of those psycho firefighters that’ll set the fire then go put it out just for the pats on the back

  • @CDClock
    @CDClock 3 роки тому


  • @LeadByExamp1e
    @LeadByExamp1e 3 роки тому +2

    And I thought the Xbox community was bad. PlayStation is down baddddddd

  • @tobenamed9424
    @tobenamed9424 2 роки тому

    These comments are cap, mr. top two over here can’t argue for shit, he has no clue what he’s talking about and he’s being so weird.

    • @macho8240
      @macho8240 2 роки тому

      Who? Gold or the firefighter?

  • @BuckeyeBond
    @BuckeyeBond Рік тому +3

    Y’all are corny

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  Рік тому +1

      “Y’all are corny” from a “BuckeyeBond” 😬

    • @BuckeyeBond
      @BuckeyeBond Рік тому +10

      @@TheGoldApproach maybe the worst comeback i've heard in my life

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  Рік тому +2

      @@BuckeyeBond It wasn't a comeback. It was noting the ridiculous irony.

    • @BuckeyeBond
      @BuckeyeBond Рік тому +7

      @@TheGoldApproach yes, it was a comeback and it was bad.

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  Рік тому +2

      @@BuckeyeBond Was “y’all are corny” an example of a good insult?

  • @YouAreAnIdiot109
    @YouAreAnIdiot109 Рік тому

    He might have 30 clears and be top 2% but he used spare rations, not forgotten and heir apparent during 3rd encounter before y’all wiped for damage