Lots of travel information for Madeira island on my blog and website, see the links in the description! You can book this hotel with Agoda here (ad): www.agoda.com/search?pcs=1&cid=1886524&hl=en-us&checkIn=2023-07-26&checkOut=2023-07-27&adults=1&rooms=1&selectedproperty=13824942&city=18013&pslc=1
Lots of travel information for Madeira island on my blog and website, see the links in the description!
You can book this hotel with Agoda here (ad): www.agoda.com/search?pcs=1&cid=1886524&hl=en-us&checkIn=2023-07-26&checkOut=2023-07-27&adults=1&rooms=1&selectedproperty=13824942&city=18013&pslc=1