Everything Wrong With Numbers 16 in the Bible

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @rcblazer
    @rcblazer 2 роки тому +51

    Moses falls face first more often than the Three Stooges, and God is killing more of his own subordinates over the most minor and petty things than any villain on TV Tropes.

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому +1

      These are the things God did for Israelites:
      - He called them his people
      - He brought them out of 400yrs of slavery
      - He gave them manna to eat
      - He did miracles to save israelites
      - He finished their enemies
      - He fought israelites punishing egyptians
      - He gave them light to travel at night
      - He gave them water to drink
      - He did many miracles in egypt
      - He showed them way to Holy land
      - He parted seas infront of them
      - He descended in a cloud infront of them
      - He descended on a mountain infront of them
      - He gave them hand written commandments
      - He gave them shelter
      - He used his angels to show the light
      - He made pharaoh leave israelites
      - He punished egypt with terrible plagues for harming israelites
      And what did some israelites do in return?
      Attack moses? Who’s chosen by god before he was born. He waited 400 years to find a worthy man. He did everything using moses and araon.
      What did they do? REBEL? Idol worship? Speak against servants of the lord? Fight for leadership? They cursed god every now and then. No water curse god and moses. No land curse god and moses. No food curse god and moses. What do you want god to do with such unworthy stoo ges? They deserved it. Even after so many wonder he did in your eyes you still, chose to go against him? One cherubim made thousands of angels revolt against God and you think they’re not enough. Don’t you know what israelites did by building cow calf?

    • @rcblazer
      @rcblazer 2 роки тому +3

      @@phoenix9114 I mentioned this in a comment in the previous part, but Moses is such a lousy leader, many of the Israelites would rather go back to slavery in Egypt than follow Moses anywhere. Doesn't help that the "Holy land" that was promised to them is already being lived in by other people, whom God will order to be slaughtered so that his "chosen" people can move in.
      What does God do instead of trying to make it easier or better? He murders tens of thousands of his own "chosen" people! That's a terrible leader, and a villain trope known as "You have failed me for the last time." named after the line from Star Wars where Darth Vader kills an officer for failing him.

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому

      @@rcblazer Good question!
      It is because, God created angels and humans with FREE WILL. He wanted us to love him independently not by means of force or through programming. It is because of free will, The satan rebelled against, God. He made humans commit sin and he ever made humans sin against God.
      God loved mankind more than his angels. He made humans superior over angels. He called us Godly. He called us his children. He made us rulers of the earth. He did everything for us to be happy. Plants, trees, food everything we need is there!
      “You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’-but not everything is good for you. You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’-but not everything is beneficial” (1 Corinthians 10:23).
      There are always consequences for the decisions you make in your life.
      Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:14)
      God gave us FREE WILL weather to Worship him or not. But, if you don’t he will ask, I came to die as an atonement for your sins(All animals sacrifices god taught israelites were symbolic that sins need penalty which is death) in human & you rejected even, after so many miracles i did through prophets. That’s where you cannot escape.

    • @Richard_Nickerson
      @Richard_Nickerson 2 роки тому +1

      You're the worst

    • @Richard_Nickerson
      @Richard_Nickerson 2 роки тому +3


  • @shawndory5193
    @shawndory5193 2 роки тому +72

    I told my Christian brother and niece I take bible study every Sunday. They both looked at me with their eyebrows raised and said, “Really?” Oh yes, it’s online. Should I send them a link?

    • @ralu9877
      @ralu9877 2 роки тому +24

      yes and tell us the reaction please :))

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +13


    • @FriendlyAtheist1
      @FriendlyAtheist1  2 роки тому +50

      Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

    • @Bob-of-Zoid
      @Bob-of-Zoid 2 роки тому +8

      Absofreakinlutely!!! (

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      Shawn Dory No, better not.

  • @timlenord1
    @timlenord1 2 роки тому +83

    Moses greatest miracle was leaving no footprints behind in the desert or Egyptian history.

    • @danielsurvivor1372
      @danielsurvivor1372 Рік тому

      Bro fr? Why do christians even believe in old testament if there are no footprints of Moses?
      I'm Agnostic and can't imagine why they do it

  • @Dadas0560
    @Dadas0560 2 роки тому +34

    Yeah, definitely, it was about scaring people into obedience. It's not like that pattern didn't continue and still doesn't. Only, then it was more about "The Wizard of Oz" method.

  • @MadGodsBand
    @MadGodsBand 2 роки тому +26

    I think if there is any truth in this story, a bunch of people settled on a volcano and either got swallowed up, burned to death or hallucinated after breathing toxic gasses.

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +1


    • @MK-lh3xd
      @MK-lh3xd 2 роки тому +2

      Nah, Troops aligned with Moses massacred them at night, buried them at an unknown place and made up a story to cover that up. Rest is all poetic embellishment later on to paint Moses as a godman.

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому

      It’s not any hallucinations.
      There’s a ton of evidence for Israelites in the land of egypt.
      It’s the bloody truth!

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому

      They were high! Move on!

  • @scerdy3
    @scerdy3 2 роки тому +38

    Thanks, Hemant, for continuing this series. Great work. I am sure nowadays most Christians don't read the *whole* Bible anymore, just selected passages. To call the whole Bible "inspirational" suggests that you did not read or understand it. Also: the OT does not support the idea of heaven or hell. At that time, Jewish religion was strictly a this-world affair. When you are dead, regardless of whether you were good or bad, you go to the realm of the dead. Even the NT barely supports the ideas of heaven and hell. It is really based on the belief in the soon-to-happen End Times and bodily resurrection in an improved Earth. The immortal soul and heaven and hell are Greek inventions adopted by Christians centuries after the Bible took form.

    • @exillens
      @exillens 2 роки тому +2

      More Zoarasterian than Greek inventions about immortality and end time stuff but point still taken

    • @scerdy3
      @scerdy3 2 роки тому +4

      @@exillens Yes, Zoroastrianism also invented H. and H. long before the Jews even considered the idea. But the Greek cultural influence (Hellenism) was very strong in the Middle East in NT times. The NT was written in Greek after all.

    • @exillens
      @exillens 2 роки тому +2

      @@scerdy3 Yeah, Greek culture was influenced by the Persians as well. Zeus and the Vedic Indra are the same and gods/divas and titans/ashuras deities cross cultured for example. But to be more specific, there's no end time judgement and world destruction jazz in Greek culture. That's Zoarasterism all the way. Greeks had more of the cyclical ongoing of ages thinking. Pythagoras arguably the first Greek philosopher and coined the term philosopher ("brotherly love of wisdom" loosely translated) was hardcore influenced by Persian Zoarasterism. He lived and studied in Persia for years. Also Heraclitus and Plato ran with Zoarasterian ideologies to form their teachings. The new testament even mentions Simon Magus. Magi are Persian priests later given a derogatory context by christians. New testament gospel writers even felt the need to include Magi in the jesus nativity story. I'm mentioning all of this to show Greek culture itself was heavily influenced by Persian culture especially in the religious aspects. Zoarasterism principle is the love of wisdom which Ahura Mazda embodies in rebellion to the diva/gods that wish to keep mankind ignorant and enslaved according to Zerasuthra teachings. Christianity mingled and flipped everything on its head

    • @exillens
      @exillens 2 роки тому

      @@scerdy3 Ahura Mazda was an Ahura/Titan which the Greek Promotheus fits the mold of. A wisdom bringer of humanity against the will of the divas/gods. According to Zerasuthra teachings of course

    • @scerdy3
      @scerdy3 2 роки тому +2

      @@exillens Good point; the Zoroastrian influence on the Greeks. And the Jews. Nowadays there are few Zoroastrians left (Iran is a bad place for old religions), but once can drive a Mazda to honor the Magi.

  • @georgem2334
    @georgem2334 2 роки тому +69

    I just love how Christians claim that the bible is about love, peace, and forgiveness, which shows us they never read the bible in the first place.

    • @Laystraight
      @Laystraight 2 роки тому +33

      The most popular unread book ever published.

    • @richardlewin9282
      @richardlewin9282 2 роки тому

      There's not a preacher anywhere that would read the Bible from cover to cover to his/her congregation 😇. So they cherry pick what they know the sheep want to hear. Throw a little fear and superstition and ignorence and TA-DA you got yourself a gold mine of gullible fearful people that give you money 💰😜 lots of it 🙈 tax free 👍🤫🤦

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +3


    • @johnf536
      @johnf536 2 роки тому +15

      I didn’t read the Bible when I was a believer. The Friendly Atheist is helping me rectify that now.

    • @sauloftarsus3351
      @sauloftarsus3351 2 роки тому +1

      You haven't seen love peace and forgiveness in the Bible yet? Keep reading it.

  • @John73John
    @John73John 2 роки тому +23

    I'm really glad stuff is finally happening now instead of just looooong instructions for god's IKEA set and rules about how to kill animals correctly.

  • @tgbedini
    @tgbedini 2 роки тому +12

    In a bit of irony, I listen to this channel every Sunday, as my continuing bible study. As many have noted, when you actually read the silly book, it makes a good case for not believing, and certainly for mistrusting the priesthood. Seems like Moses and his closest friends get all the good stuff, and get to make all the rules. Nice work if you can get it.

    • @robertsandberg2246
      @robertsandberg2246 2 роки тому +2

      Funny how so many people died in horrendous ways to get it printed and distributed to the common people....🤔😑

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому

      God chose moses before he was Born itself. He waited 400 years to find a worthy man like Moses.
      and Good stuff ? Which good stuff he attained? God did not allow him to enter Holy land for not following his commandments. LOL 😂

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому

      You comedians can never understand God.

    • @tgbedini
      @tgbedini 2 роки тому

      @@phoenix9114 Which good stuff? Did you read or listen to all the things that Moses and the priesthood demanded of the people? Gold, grain, olive oil, silver platters, and on and on. You have to be willfully blind to read how much crap the bible tells them to give to Moses and his chums. Get real. And the things "god" denied Moses? fictitious characters don't really have that much influence. So, you don't really have anything but old myths with no evidence. Sorry.

  • @Richard_Nickerson
    @Richard_Nickerson 2 роки тому +13

    A passage that proves they think Hell is literally within the Earth that I never see referenced when the idea is challenged.

    • @oscargordon
      @oscargordon 2 роки тому +5

      Hell, with the torture and punishment stuff was a Christian concept, well actually from Zoroastrianism which WAY predates Judaism. The Hebrews/Jews just believed that EVERYBODY when they died went to Sheol, or the Grave. A quiet resting place, similar to the Greek Underworld. The only difference was that in the Greek religion brave warriors who fought honorably got to go the Elysian Fields similar to the Teutonic religions with Valhalla.. Most likely one of the reasons for the popularity of early Christianity is that the bar for getting a paradise after death was that you just worshipped Jesus and gave money to the Church.

    • @exillens
      @exillens 2 роки тому

      I wouldn't say Zoarasterism predates Judaism. But it definitely had a major influence on judaic and later christian literature. Ancient Israelite religion was just more polytheistic before Persian reform

    • @oscargordon
      @oscargordon 2 роки тому +2

      @@exillens Let’s put it this way, you could be sort of correct. From the Wiki
      “With possible roots dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters recorded history around the middle of the 6th century BCE.” ...
      “The roots of Zoroastrianism are thought to lie in a common prehistoric Indo-Iranian religious system dating back to the early 2nd millennium BCE. The prophet Zoroaster himself, though traditionally dated to the 6th century BCE, is thought by many modern historians to have been a reformer of the polytheistic Iranian religion who lived in the 10th century BCE. Zoroastrianism as a religion was not firmly established until several centuries later.”
      So the oldest books of the Bible are from the 6th century with no real evidence for the existence of Jews/Israelites prior to about 200 years before that, if you discount the Merneptah Stele which I think you safely can. On the other hand, the Indo-Iranian culture can be traced back way before the Late Bronze Age Collapse.
      So let me revise my statement to the Zoroastrian and Jewish religions were being formalized around the same time. Since Jewish Sheol was nothing at all like the Christian concept of Hell and that the author of Matthew included Magi in his version of the origin story of Jesus, I think it is safe to say that the early Christians writing the Jesus stories were familiar with Zoroastrianism.

    • @exillens
      @exillens 2 роки тому +2

      @@oscargordon Yes. The new testament writers couldn't duck Zoarasterism if they wanted to. Zoarasterism majorly helped shaped and permeated both Jewish and Greek culture. And the fact New testament writers included Magi and Zoarasterian references leads me to believe they felt it was something necessary to include for some form of legitimacy

  • @EvilGrin
    @EvilGrin 2 роки тому +15

    "Yo! Mo! Where are the 250+ people that came to you with our petition?"
    "Uhm, eh, GOD killed them, because of their contempt."
    "What? Why? All we wanted was to be included in some minor administration!"
    looking nervously from left to right "Don't oppose GOD, or the plague will be upon you!"
    "The plague is on us because we still have no toilets, Mo! Let's go to that milk and honey place already!"
    "Yeah, yeah. Here, have some "holy" bread while we wait. It's from GOD personally for you..."

    • @margaretbarrett6087
      @margaretbarrett6087 2 роки тому

      👍You should rewrite the whole bible along those lines - and I’ll have a signed copy please !

  • @elainejohnson6955
    @elainejohnson6955 2 роки тому +10

    The song "Another One Bites The Dust" is coming to mind!

  • @patelk464
    @patelk464 2 роки тому +21

    This and the other passages shows that OT God just wanted automons that never questions his methods. Apologists claim that God gave people free will but he does not want anyone using that free will.

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому

      No, free will!!!

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +4

      Society, saying it is God!

    • @patelk464
      @patelk464 2 роки тому +1

      @@natsusatsujinki8342 looks like God has packed up his tabernacle and gone home.

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +1

      It is really, both!

    • @patelk464
      @patelk464 2 роки тому

      @@natsusatsujinki8342 in a patriarchal society the importance of honour was important. Anything seen as dishonorable was frowned upon and could lead to a person or family being ostracised or even killed.
      Having said that, a number of actions that were seen as dishonorable were tied to religious beliefs.

  • @brunozeigerts6379
    @brunozeigerts6379 2 роки тому +10

    Wow.... Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and Dark Helmet have nothing on Yahweh.

    • @vestafreyja
      @vestafreyja 2 роки тому +8

      But they have one thing in common, they are all fictional characters.

  • @soft-p4g
    @soft-p4g 2 роки тому +11

    He killed 14,700 peoples in addition of those ones he killed earlier because of korah ? Such an evil monster!

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому

      - He called them his people
      - He brought them out of 400yrs of slavery
      - He gave them manna to eat
      - He did miracles to save israelites
      - He finished their enemies
      - He fought israelites punishing egyptians
      - He gave them light to travel at night
      - He gave them water to drink
      - He did many miracles in egypt
      - He showed them way to Holy land
      - He parted seas infront of them
      - He descended in a cloud infront of them
      - He descended on a mountain infront of them
      - He gave them hand written commandments
      - He gave them shelter
      - He used his angels to show the light
      - He made pharaoh leave israelites
      - He punished egypt with terrible plagues for harming israelites
      And what did some israelites do in return?
      Attack moses? Who’s chosen by god before he was born. He waited 400 years to find a worthy man. He did everything using moses and araon.
      What did they do? REBEL? Idol worship? Speak against servants of the lord? Fight for leadership? They cursed god every now and then. No water curse god and moses. No land curse god and moses. No food curse god and moses. What do you want god to do with such unworthy stoo ges? They deserved it. Even after so many wonder he did in your eyes you still, chose to go against him? One cherubim made thousands of angels revolt against God and you think they’re not enough. Don’t you know what israelites did by building cow calf?

    • @phoenix9114
      @phoenix9114 2 роки тому

      Comedians likes you who never read bible has no right to comment.

  • @davidbudge8359
    @davidbudge8359 2 роки тому +14

    I'm getting a feeling Hitler was a reincarnation of Moses.

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому

      One in the same!

    • @alguno1010101
      @alguno1010101 2 роки тому +1

      we should check the numbers because I think that he'll surpass Hitler's death toll at any moment

  • @garryferrington811
    @garryferrington811 2 роки тому +6

    Yay! Sunday bible study! Hooray!
    .....never thought I'd say that.
    Never heard about the Realm of the Dead before.

  • @richardlewin9282
    @richardlewin9282 2 роки тому +20

    This Epic tale 🤣 never fails to entertain 🤤😇🙈. It's a mind-blower to think that people actually believe this absolute nonsense . But fear is a powerful weopon and still works today 👍.👿👹👺👻🤖😈🌚

  • @SUperDEvil137
    @SUperDEvil137 2 роки тому +15

    Watched all your videos of the series recently and cant wait for new episodes. And have lot of questions which i don't see anyone asking

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому +1

      SUper DEvil What questions?

    • @SUperDEvil137
      @SUperDEvil137 2 роки тому

      @@Daniel-cz7kd if god could kill them any time then why didn't he killed the Egyptians when they were praying other gods? If god made plants and animals for humans to eat then why are some plants toxic and some animals poisonous? Did noah let his parents and brothers to die? Why didn't he say the rules the adam? What was gods plan after all? Did he create the world to make the humans his slaves? How did people came to know things which no one should have known like own throwing his semen on the floor? And why did god see this and not kane killing his brother? And how does this book turns to you shall forgive your brothers when the first brother in the book killed each other? How do people know we were created in the image of god if no one saw god? Why was god racist when all her his creations? And why did god create male and female? God created adam first so should he be the one to bear the child? If first human was female it would have made way more sense? As we have seen so many times god is not good at planning so should we still say its gods plan?

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому +1

      SUper DEvil What questions do you mean?

  • @kellydalstok8900
    @kellydalstok8900 2 роки тому +7

    “The captain frowned. ‘It’s a funny thing,’ he said, ‘but why is it that the heathens and the barbarians seem to have the best places to go when they die?’
    ‘A bit of a poser, that,’ agreed the mate. ‘I s’pose it makes up for ‘em . . . Enjoying themselves all the time when they’re alive, too?’ He looked puzzled.
    - Small Gods by Terry Pratchett

  • @davidgimmel6959
    @davidgimmel6959 2 роки тому +5

    Really love the commentary and as many times as I read the bible with apologetic teachers this is the first time with a real critical thinker love it..

  • @stevieh9860
    @stevieh9860 2 роки тому +19

    “Moses” wrote the first 5 books. These include instructions on how the “priests “ should be dressed in the finest fabric,which nice food should be donated, how much gold they should be given, what happens when they disobey this nonsense. “Moses” gets this instruction from a god only he is allowed to see and talk to. “Moses “ gives himself and the “priests” ultimate power to decide who lives and dies.In short, they started the first aggressive theocracy.That’s why Iran exists in its present form. God doesn’t actually exist, but these murderous dictators invented him to rule by fear. That’s how fundamental religion starts. Interestingly enough, by the time of the New Testament, the more moderate wing of the Judean Peoples Front had taken over. How people reconcile the Old Testament and the New is utterly beyond me. They are clearly 2 different religions.

    • @myheartismadeofstars
      @myheartismadeofstars 2 роки тому +4

      I think my favourite obvious example that "moses" came up with the whole thing is the whole debacle with Aaron and the Golden Calf. He MADE the damn thing, but everyone who worshipped it gets killed while he's promoted to Priest.

    • @kellydalstok8900
      @kellydalstok8900 2 роки тому +6

      You should read Small Gods written by Terry Pratchett

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +1


    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +1

      And two different philosophies!

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому

      Just like King David! Millions of people had to die for a whole lot less, than what he did! Even his child was put to death, but not him!!!!

  • @Richard_Nickerson
    @Richard_Nickerson 2 роки тому +18

    I assume that "little ones" means babies and toddlers and that "children" means minors who can work.

    • @allanlarsen3261
      @allanlarsen3261 2 роки тому +7

      Maybe the 'little ones' meant the children the men has with their slaves, or anyone else who is not their wives. Just a guess though.

    • @Richard_Nickerson
      @Richard_Nickerson 2 роки тому +4

      Also a good guess.

    • @jayt9608
      @jayt9608 2 роки тому

      Looking at the Hebrew, I think that you are likely close. It could however indicate that the little ones, being distinct from sons, are the grandchildren of Dathan and Abiram.
      If I had to guess, considering that Dathan, Abiram, and Korah are leaders in the congregation but not the elders or rulers, they are important, but not as of yet the most senior members of their tribes. Therefore, I would likely say that we are given an image of the families without exact relationships. For instance, if Dathan and Abiram had several children, their youngest might be the age of their eldest grandchildren. Thus we see the heads of the family units and their wives, perhaps the next generation and their wives, and then the youngest members of the family. Further, as all of these are soon dead, the exact genealogical structure is not relevant as the line comes to an abrupt termination.

    • @qbasicmichael
      @qbasicmichael 2 роки тому +1

      The word "children" here is actually "sons" (hebrew "ben"), and the word "little ones" could be "children" (hebrew: "taph"). The word "wives" could be "women" (hebrew: ishshah).

    • @jayt9608
      @jayt9608 2 роки тому +3

      Quite correct. However, the context tells us that it is the men, their wives and/or concubines (both would have been included under this designation as specificity us not required), and children of various ages ("ben" likely performing the same function as "niños" in Spanish for designating a mixed group of offspring, and "toph" for the youngest children with specific gender composition of the group being an extraneous detail.)

  • @MrCanis4
    @MrCanis4 2 роки тому +12

    And almost from the beginning, when he drowned everyone, even those who didn't even know he existed.

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому


    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому

      That’s the key!!!

    • @tim37857
      @tim37857 2 роки тому

      not knowing the law doesnt make you exempt

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      peter bertels Actually they knew, and thank you for acknowledging the truth about the flood actually happened, contrary to Hemant.

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +3

      They didn’t know! Only Noah and his family knew! Genesis 6:8

  • @MarijnvdSterre
    @MarijnvdSterre 2 роки тому +7

    Hallelujah, praise the source of love and peace!
    ps. I do disagree that the land opening up and closing again is just as ridiculous as a global flood. imo the story of Noah is in a league of it's own.

  • @laurajarrell6187
    @laurajarrell6187 2 роки тому +4

    Damn, I caught the podcast but I think I missed last week! I'll have to go back and check. 👍🌊💙💙💙🌊🥰✌

  • @JanellePhalen
    @JanellePhalen 2 роки тому +7

    Will they have another Census to figure out how many Israelites are left?

    • @jayt9608
      @jayt9608 2 роки тому

      Yes. And as a person who enjoys numbers, it is interesting to see the demographic changes by the end. Israel will be reduced in size, but some tribes will grow and others decrease, some significantly more than others.

  • @timlenord1
    @timlenord1 2 роки тому +5

    Wouldn't that desert be so hot & stink from all the dead bodies, they'd be vomiting manna?

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому +1

      Good point!!!!!

    • @fordprefect5304
      @fordprefect5304 2 роки тому +2

      And quail
      By the way I love your post on Moses, I am going to steal it.

    • @timlenord1
      @timlenord1 2 роки тому +1

      @@fordprefect5304 Go right ahead. That's called pulling a "Moses". 😅

  • @qbasicmichael
    @qbasicmichael 2 роки тому +4

    "Who wrote the bible?", 2nd edition, by richard eliot friedman, shows how this is a combination of two stories. One, with korah against aaron, and the other with dathan and abiram against moses.
    Deuteronomy equates levites with priests. But the priestly source in exodus, leviticus, and numbers, considers that only the sons of aaron are priests.
    It should be "women" (from hebrew "ishshah"), "sons" (hebrew: from hebrew "ben", and "children" (from hebrew: "taph").
    "Realm of the dead" is "hell" (from hebrew: "sheol").

    • @PaulThomas-qb9cx
      @PaulThomas-qb9cx 2 роки тому

      For some updated scholarship on the origins of the Penrachuch, I highly recommend reading:
      "Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus" by Russell Gmirkin (2006).
      It's very expensive online. I've found the PDF, but please support the author if you can.
      Gmirkin uses external sources to demonstrate that the Penrachuch was composed between 273 and 272 B.C., in Alexandria, at or near the time that it was translated into Greek (the "Septuigent").
      Jewish priests and scribes took recently composed Babylonian orign stories at the newly-formed Library of Alexandria, and rewrote them to be more pro-Jewish, into Genesis and Exodus.
      It's a fascinating read, exceptionally well researched and footnoted. I highly recommend it.
      Incidentally, the Documentary Hypothesis has been largely rejected by secular historians, most notably because the entire thesis is based on the presumption that certain passages within it are true history while others are arbitrarily not, which makes the entire proposition circular.

    • @qbasicmichael
      @qbasicmichael 2 роки тому

      @@PaulThomas-qb9cx no. The author's wikipedia page was deleted for lack of notability. And his ideas are considered fringe.
      We know to a high degree of confidence that parts of the pentateuch are quite a bit older than that. To suggest that they were written in the 3rd century as a unified work ignores all the evidence for diverse authorship, and the historical backgrounds that produced them. For example, i am confident that deuteronomy dates from around the time of the exile, around the time of jeremiah. We know that the deuteronomic history refers to the law, meaning deuteronomy. We also know that ezra/nehemiah refers to a law which includes leviticus. To say it was all as late as the 3rd century is silly.
      We know from the ketef hinnom silver scrolls that the pre-exilic israelites had the concept of the covenant.
      And the earliest pre-exilic prophets, amos and hosea, mention law. It wouldn't have been the whole pentateuch yet, of course, but some kind of law.
      The mesopotamian stories that genesis plagiarizes were not recent. The enuma elish and the epic of gilgamesh are ancient. And deuteronomy is influenced by the vassel treaties of esarhaddon.
      Besides the documentary hypothesis, there is a supplementary hypothesis. I don't think richard friedman is right on every detail. I think he oversimplifies a bit. But overall, he makes a good case that is mostly plausible.
      Likewise in the new testament, there is debate about whether luke and matthew both separately copied mark and q, or whether luke copied matthew, which copied mark, with no need for q. Mark goodacre makes a good argument for luke copying matthew.

  • @EmmaElaineN
    @EmmaElaineN 2 роки тому +4

    "If god does it, it's not genocide." richard milhouse god

  • @heidigone
    @heidigone 2 роки тому +7


  • @WetDoggo
    @WetDoggo 2 роки тому +8

    Land of flowing milk is a... Well I don't know the word, but it's describing something dirty 😏

    • @holy-nonsence7007
      @holy-nonsence7007 2 роки тому

      Milk comes from a mother's breasts.Hmm.

    • @kellydalstok8900
      @kellydalstok8900 2 роки тому +2

      It’s when a tanker lorry on its way to the dairy has an accident

    • @SnarkyRC
      @SnarkyRC 2 роки тому

      Skeet skeet skeet

  • @cayenigma
    @cayenigma Рік тому

    Please never stop. Thank you Hemant!

  • @grayintheuk8021
    @grayintheuk8021 2 роки тому +2

    Great video as every thank you. Thumbs UP

  • @brunozeigerts6379
    @brunozeigerts6379 2 роки тому +3

    Moses: But if the Lord punishes them... the earth will swallow them up.' Nothing. Louder: The Earth will swallow them up!' Earth swallows them up. 'See... nothing to do with me!'

  • @Graeme_Lastname
    @Graeme_Lastname 2 роки тому +9

    Anyone who believes this nonsense should be placed in a secure environment until they get better. :)

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому +1

      Graeme Lastname A bit extreme, though I do see the point and agree; I’d go for teaching the truth.

    • @Graeme_Lastname
      @Graeme_Lastname 2 роки тому +1

      @@Daniel-cz7kd The truth is so rare.
      Keep well m8.

  • @soft-p4g
    @soft-p4g 2 роки тому +6

    When someone said I am evil,it means I am God? Oh I got it :-

  • @lotanerve
    @lotanerve 2 роки тому +4

    Maybe, seeing how half of the population is disregard completely, it should be called Numbers Point Five.

  • @rockitbitz
    @rockitbitz 2 роки тому +6

    I think it is disgraceful that you have been cherrypicking the worst 133 chapters up till Numbers 16 just to make your point that it's all nonsense. I'm sure it gets better later on when it is all made clear what the point of it all is. Maybe someone who has already read the rest can point us to something in it that isn't complete bollocks. Maybe someone should start from the other end and do Revelations chapter by chapter, that should surely make some sense, presumably being the conclusion.

    • @MK-lh3xd
      @MK-lh3xd 2 роки тому

      He is reading in sequence. How is that cherry picking?

    • @rockitbitz
      @rockitbitz 2 роки тому +2

      @@MK-lh3xd Missed my point entirely. I was ridiculing the usual apologist claim that atheists cherrypick.

  • @zholiu
    @zholiu 7 місяців тому +1

    I have watched all of the videos starting with the Genesis series up until now, and I think I understand why the Gnostics think that the God of the Earth is evil or crazy.

  • @paradoxofepicurus
    @paradoxofepicurus 2 роки тому +1

    The morale: You are weak and don't ask for a living wage. I guess that's not a morale as it is more of a death threat.

  • @ActiveAdvocate1
    @ActiveAdvocate1 2 роки тому +4

    1. "Legend of Korah" sucked. There, I said it. Oh wait...
    2. It FEELS like a set-up. I'd be like, "Umm, no, thanks, I don't want to see God tomorrow, so I'll just...umm...oh, I hear my mom calling, 'kay, BYYYYYYYYYYYYE!"
    3. "Do you want to treat these people like slaves?" No, really, eh. Moses, honey, can you not see the irony here?
    4. Snort, "God will murder these people, AND their kids, to prove I'm a Prophet." Yeah...morally upstanding. I'm not saying that a dude who brings at least several hundred thousand people out of slavery isn't a good guy, but I think he lost his way a while back.
    5. Hmm...I have to wonder whether the 'Ramayana" was written before this was codified ,and if they had contact with India at that point. Thing is, there's a version of the "Ramayana" where Sita, Rama's wife, is being accused of infidelity against Rama, and she gets so sick of it that she says something to the effect of, "If I have always been loyal to Rama, if I have never thought of another man, if I am completely pure of body and soul, then, may Mother Earth take me back into Her womb.." And then, because Sita IS all of those things--she was the model of the perfect wife, and is held up as such by Hindus who know the story--the Earth DOES swallow her, if only to get her away from her naysayers. There's, like, a MILLION different versions of the "Ramayana" because it's so old, but this sounds oddly and specifically similar. Remember that stories also travelled along trading routes.
    6. UGH! Nice job for Eleazar. Poor guy.
    7. "Fell face down" is just another term for prostration. You know, because God wants us on our bellies, like animals. Only way to make Sky Daddy happy is to grovel and burn things, I guess. You know, because the guy who INVENTED integrity doesn't have any.
    8. "Well THAT was a chapter..." XD I laughed out loud at that. I'm really overtired today, Jesus. Had a funeral to go to yesterday. As funerals go, at least this one was nice. People got along, my asshole cousin gave the SHORTEST possible reading from his Bible, it got me contemplating death in constructive ways, it was all good. Sad. But good.

  • @tomsenior7405
    @tomsenior7405 2 роки тому +4

    Please remind me. Which one is Stalin and which one is god?

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому +1

      Tom Senior They’re the same

    • @tomsenior7405
      @tomsenior7405 2 роки тому

      @@Daniel-cz7kd Quite likely. Stalin was a bit of sadistic B@stard wasn't he?

  • @darthsigil
    @darthsigil Рік тому

    I love your narration and commentary. 😂

  • @storyspren
    @storyspren 2 роки тому +1

    Numbers 1-14: counting people and rules
    Numbers 15: Throwback Thursday to the earlier times rules were broken
    Numbers 16: counting corpses

  • @tabularasa0606
    @tabularasa0606 Рік тому +1

    Numbers 16: The Legend of Korrah

  • @TheHeavyshadow
    @TheHeavyshadow Місяць тому

    When I was in the christian group my ex pulled me into, people always wondered why I had a hard time loving God and why I was so fearful of him. It's because I actually took thiss tuff seriously and read the bible, including chapters like this one.

  • @WetDoggo
    @WetDoggo 2 роки тому +7

    Lol joined late but didn't miss anything important 😂

  • @warrendriscoll350
    @warrendriscoll350 2 роки тому +2

    How many people do you think survived from the start of this book to the end?

    • @ianbraun271
      @ianbraun271 2 роки тому

      he has a video counting the number of people that GOD directly and indirectly kills.

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому +1

      Warren Driscoll If you’re referring to Numbers, that would be the children under 20 years, Moses, Joshua and Caleb.

  • @BrianNeil
    @BrianNeil 2 роки тому +1

    Brilliant, thank you!

  • @peejay2982
    @peejay2982 2 роки тому

    ❤️💕💜😉🙏love ya, Hemant. Thank you for still doing this. Best entertainment ever.

  • @floptaxie68
    @floptaxie68 7 місяців тому

    At this point all this mass murders is ridiculous.

  • @GeneralArmorus
    @GeneralArmorus 2 роки тому +3

    legendary chapter

  • @tommyswoodpileadventuresan9552
    @tommyswoodpileadventuresan9552 2 роки тому +1

    i must re-watch your "How many people did God kill in the Bible?" again. Great stuff.

  • @ralu9877
    @ralu9877 2 роки тому +3

    How the writers come up with New testament?
    There are two different gods in them.
    Is God bipolar?

    • @tealx8462
      @tealx8462 2 роки тому


    • @visaman
      @visaman 2 роки тому

      The Greeks wrote the New Testament, and the Romans adopted it

    • @dukebanerjee4710
      @dukebanerjee4710 2 роки тому +1

      The Gnostic Christians had an interesting idea that the God of the OT is a "lesser evil God" who rules the world, but through "gnosis" we can discover the true "greater good God" of the NT that exists beyond the world.

  • @peejay2982
    @peejay2982 2 роки тому

    Finally catching up.. broken phone. New phone, let's go 😃👍

  • @storyspren
    @storyspren 2 роки тому +3

    "Wrath has come out from the Lord" well so much for God being perfect and without sin lmao

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      Storyspren And how do you connect wrath with imperfection and sinfulness?

    • @storyspren
      @storyspren 2 роки тому +1

      @@Daniel-cz7kd Wrath is often listed as one of the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      @@storyspren And can you tell me why wrath is so imperfect and sinful?

    • @storyspren
      @storyspren 2 роки тому +2

      @@Daniel-cz7kd In case it's not clear, I'm *not* Christian, I don't believe in any god or gods, and I don't believe in "sin" in a cosmic or divine sense.
      Now, given that Christians list wrath as a sin, you should ask them why they do that, not me. I just found it funny that the guy in their book who's supposed to be the arbiter of what's good and bad is expressly described with something Christians list as one of the top 7 worst sins.

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      @@storyspren It’s very simple, it partly has to do with the Catholic system and just and unjust, Turek helps understand this.

  • @glebeboi
    @glebeboi 2 роки тому +1

    but for the earth to break apart & come back together again in a couple of seconds is just as unbelievable as a giant flood to cover over the entire planet. - How about the parting of the sea with its great walls of water being separated long enough for the Israelites to cross to the other side & then collapse back into place again?

  • @QueenBoadicea
    @QueenBoadicea Рік тому

    14:45 So that's what it takes to make god mellow--a little aromatherapy.

  • @hendersonbradshaw3098
    @hendersonbradshaw3098 2 роки тому

    And they say you can’t take it with you….

  • @wolfos420
    @wolfos420 2 роки тому +2


  • @thescoobymike
    @thescoobymike 2 роки тому +1

    this would make a good movie

    • @zenmite
      @zenmite 2 роки тому +2

      Yes! I wish some Hollywood non-believer would make the Bible stories, as they are graphically written. Make sure to show up close and personal all the suffering and death Yahweh deals out. I'd like to see drowning babies and toddlers outside Noah's ark. The death of Egypt's firstborn and the Joshua conquest narratives from the Canaanite p.o.v. BTW, there is a book like this already. God: The Unauthorized Biography by Paul Curtis. Just sayin'.

    • @visaman
      @visaman 2 роки тому

      It would be the greatest story ever told!

  • @lh1673
    @lh1673 2 роки тому +2

    This God always commands to make signs so that his people will remember those punishments occurred cuz of their rebel, but He never stops Satan’s influence, who is actually one of His son who rebelled and was the source of evil! Nonsense book!

    • @AdmiralBison
      @AdmiralBison 2 роки тому

      I'll play "Devils" advocate and say a Crhstian apologis would reply with because of "free will" and the signs are like "warning" signs not to sin.
      Then again it's just Yahweh allowing Satan to temp his creations, Yahweh is also the source of evil and has hardened a Pharoahs heart.
      The "Free will" Christians like to claim is awfully conditional and predetermined

    • @lh1673
      @lh1673 2 роки тому

      @@AdmiralBison Yes,I always here them say cuz “FREEWILL”, but they never will refer to those 8 family who showed the BEST FREEWILL and obeyed this Bible God before the global flood. This God saw the best freewill that time, saves them but what did He planned again. We all know another evil era! I regret I believed this book for years.

  • @darrenwilliams4938
    @darrenwilliams4938 2 роки тому +1

    I wish George Carlin was still with us to comment on this chapter.

  • @glenncalkins4764
    @glenncalkins4764 2 роки тому +1

    Why isn't Eleazar a popular Biblical name for babies nowadays? It's better than Joshua.

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley 2 роки тому +2

    The people who write this garbage should be ashamed of themselves but not as ashamed as the evil dorks who publish it as Holy Scripture
    and force it on children.

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      James Richard Wiley Interesting, what about the children who not only accept reading the scriptures but even force themselves to read, study and figure out how to accept them?
      Besides, why would anybody risk their life to protect garbage?

    • @overlycaffeinatedsquirrel779
      @overlycaffeinatedsquirrel779 2 роки тому

      re more widely connected to conspiracy theories or are more likely to believe, consume and spread fake news@@Daniel-cz7kd The Nazis ideology must be something this person approves of. Millions risked their lives to protect it. Hell the vast majority of Germans belonged to a Christian church during the Nazi era and played an important role in shaping people’s attitudes and actions vis-à-vis National Socialism, including anti-communism, nationalism, cult like loyalty to certain leaders.. (sound familiar?)"Why would anybody risk their life to protect garbage?"Many have died for white supremacy.A close read of history reveals the American christian has long perpetuated and sustained white supremacy The legacy of this unholy union still lives in the DNA of white Christianity today. Besides, why would anybody risk their life to protect garbage?
      People who identify with and participate in white Christian denominations and who subscribe to fundamentalist beliefs have substantial intellectual deficits that make them easy marks for a wide variety of schemes - from financial fraud to conspiracy theories. They are many times more likely to believe, consume and spread fake news. Compared to their non-religious counterparts. Only churches growing are ones that fully embrace MAGA cultism, QAnon conspiracy theories, and effectively serve as a propaganda arm of the Republican Party..When you belong to a religion that tells you to dismiss logic and reason and told to keep critical questions to yourself ( to “just have faith”), why would anyone be surprised when you fall for the flimsiest of conspiracies?
      .You can’t tell people to abandon one kind of thoughtless and evidence-free belief while urging them to embrace a different one. As every study on the subject has found critical thinkers less likely to believe in god. Research found that those with religious or spiritual beliefs appeared to suppress the brain network used for analytical thinking.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 2 роки тому +1

      But accept them - as what? For what role?

  • @idiotskycfph6429
    @idiotskycfph6429 2 роки тому +1

    If you fear god, why follow him?...

    • @AdmiralBison
      @AdmiralBison 2 роки тому +1

      Probsbly because a believer believes what their god would do to them if they didn't follow it.
      I recon jf threats of torture and damnation weren't so integral in these Religions I doubt they would have even a fraction of fraction of number of people believing in it today or would have died out long ago.
      On the Atheist Experience show there have been a few callers who have become recently atheist but still have a tough time shaking the fear of hell or what if...but given time it eventually goes away.

  • @alguno1010101
    @alguno1010101 2 роки тому

    I like how sometimes Christians describe the God of the Bible as "more real" than other polytheistic gods like the Greek gods because he's not capricious and flawed and gives us a firm moral code and then you read the Bible and he acts like a petty tyrant and imposes completely useless rules. It's embarrasing that this myth hasn't died yet, God makes even Hera look reasonable by comparison.

  • @yadabub
    @yadabub 2 роки тому

    When Moses heard them, he did a face-plant.

  • @gk571
    @gk571 2 роки тому

    That is exactly what Jesus said your father is the murderer from the beginning.

  • @darkgreenera2069
    @darkgreenera2069 2 роки тому

    What was actually about the legend of Korah?

  • @ryan89554
    @ryan89554 2 роки тому

    Is that with Kora haha

  • @SivuStofile
    @SivuStofile 2 роки тому

    yerrrrrrr, how many people were murdered in this desert trip by god?

  • @hitman5782
    @hitman5782 2 роки тому +3

    The bible is so unreal dumb and on top of it also unreal bad written, i have no idea how it is even possible to read it and believe that this book has any truth in it.

    • @dukebanerjee4710
      @dukebanerjee4710 2 роки тому

      The Christian Bible as we have it is written in English, so the text that Hemant is reading is an English translation of a Greek translation of the original Hebrew. We are also trying to make sense of a world that existed thousands of years ago that is completely alien to our own world, so a lot of stuff might not make sense without a lot of context. It's like how you pay more these days for jeans with holes already in them.

    • @hitman5782
      @hitman5782 2 роки тому +2

      @@dukebanerjee4710 Yeah no, all the bible stories don´t make any sense, no matter back then or now. And the context is that some primitive sheepherders, with no education or scientific knowledge, tried to explain the world around them, combined with copies of other ancient fairytales from other gods such as Horus, Mythras or of course Chrishna. (Christ)

    • @dukebanerjee4710
      @dukebanerjee4710 2 роки тому

      @@hitman5782 I'm not talking about things being real or unreal, but that they "make sense" to the minds of the people who wrote them, who perceive reality very differently, due to lack of knowledge and vastly different ways of expressing themselves. You wanted to know how it is possible that people could have read it and believe it has any "truth" in it, and there's your answer.

    • @hitman5782
      @hitman5782 2 роки тому

      @@dukebanerjee4710 Sure, to some primitive sheepherders from some thousand years ago it might have made sense when they read stuff like "the moon is a big light", but i was talking about modern humans in the 21 century.
      I am simply not able to understand how you can give credit to stories like the tower of Bable when you live in a world with fucking SPACESTATIONS!

    • @Daniel-cz7kd
      @Daniel-cz7kd 2 роки тому

      Hit Man Actually very simple.

  • @AngryBilleh
    @AngryBilleh 2 роки тому +1

    Love me a Reubenite sandwich 🥴

  • @danielsurvivor1372
    @danielsurvivor1372 Рік тому

    8:02 Are "little ones" INFANTS? 0_0

  • @duskwatch
    @duskwatch 2 роки тому

    666 likes when I saw the video! That is the sign that was the sign that shall be the sign. For what? I don't know. I'll make it 667, now.

  • @PaulThomas-qb9cx
    @PaulThomas-qb9cx 2 роки тому

    Earth opens up and swallow them.
    Yahweh = Gozer

  • @neddyladdy
    @neddyladdy 2 роки тому

    uuummm, I think 16 is only one number. Yes, it is only one number, I do believe I'm right. Before you criticise a book, make sure you can write a sentence correctly. For fuck's sake!

    • @thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363
      @thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363 Рік тому

      The fuck you talking about? The book is called Numbers so the title is Numbers 16, 17 , 18 and so on

    • @neddyladdy
      @neddyladdy Рік тому

      @@thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363 Just the numerals ? I am not familiar with the bible, I have no idea about how it works.

    • @thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363
      @thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363 Рік тому

      @@neddyladdy When you refer to a chapter of the Bible you say it like 'Genesis 31' referring to the book name then chapter you're reading so when he says 'Number's 16' he refers to the book title Numbers and chapter 16. He's not referring to 16 as multiple numbers.

    • @neddyladdy
      @neddyladdy Рік тому

      @@thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363 I just don't understand, books within a book is it? and then each book has a set of chapters? The bible to me is as equally foreign as the Koran or any other holy book.

    • @thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363
      @thegreatandpowerfultrixie9363 Рік тому

      @@neddyladdy My bible knowledge is very limited as I don't care much for it all I know is he's not saying 16 is more than one number

  • @sauloftarsus3351
    @sauloftarsus3351 2 роки тому

    For all who don't know, Pastors, Bible teachers and Christians who seriously study the word of God read the entire Bible over and over. Dr Myles Munroe for example read the entire Bible nearly 40 times.

    • @markstyles1246
      @markstyles1246 2 роки тому +5

      And for some _mysterious_ reason... they don't encourage the masses to do the same. On top of getting it wrong themselves most of the time.

    • @zenmite
      @zenmite 2 роки тому +4

      I've lived right in the middle of the U.S. bible belt my entire life. I haven't met all these pastors and bible teachers who've read the whole bible. According to the latest survey, 20% of Christians claim to have read it cover to cover. My guess is that many are lying.

    • @sauloftarsus3351
      @sauloftarsus3351 2 роки тому +1

      @@markstyles1246 Are you speaking for all Christians?

    • @sauloftarsus3351
      @sauloftarsus3351 2 роки тому +1

      @@zenmite Can you look at a person and tell they've read the entire Bible over and over?

    • @zenmite
      @zenmite 2 роки тому +3

      @@sauloftarsus3351 Nope. I just ask them.

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 роки тому +1

    What is zero, anyway?
    Our understanding of zero is profound when you consider this fact: We don’t often, or perhaps ever, encounter zero in nature.
    Numbers like one, two, and three have a counterpart. We can see one light flash on. We can hear two beeps from a car horn. But zero? It requires us to recognize that the absence of something is a thing in and of itself.
    “Zero is in the mind, but not in the sensory world,” Robert Kaplan, a Harvard math professor and an author of a book on zero, says. Even in the empty reaches of space, if you can see stars, it means you’re being bathed in their electromagnetic radiation. In the darkest emptiness, there’s always something. Perhaps a true zero - meaning absolute nothingness - may have existed in the time before the Big Bang. But we can never know.
    Nevertheless, zero doesn’t have to exist to be useful. In fact, we can use the concept of zero to derive all the other numbers in the universe.
    Kaplan walked me through a thought exercise first described by the mathematician John von Neumann. It’s deceptively simple.
    Imagine a box with nothing in it. Mathematicians call this empty box “the empty set.” It’s a physical representation of zero. What’s inside the empty box? Nothing.
    Now take another empty box, and place it in the first one.
    How many things are in the first box now?
    There’s one object in it. Then, put another empty box inside the first two. How many objects does it contain now? Two. And that’s how “we derive all the counting numbers from zero … from nothing,” Kaplan says. This is the basis of our number system. Zero is an abstraction and a reality at the same time. “It’s the nothing that is,” as Kaplan said.
    He then put it in more poetic terms. “Zero stands as the far horizon beckoning us on the way horizons do in paintings,” he says. “It unifies the entire picture. If you look at zero you see nothing. But if you look through it, you see the world. It’s the horizon.”
    Once we had zero, we have negative numbers. Zero helps us understand that we can use math to think about things that have no counterpart in a physical lived experience; imaginary numbers don’t exist but are crucial to understanding electrical systems. Zero also helps us understand its antithesis, infinity, in all of its extreme weirdness. (Did you know that one infinity can be larger than another?)
    0D Monad
    1D Line
    2D Plane
    3D Volume
    4D Architecture
    5D Design
    1. a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
    "a table took up much of the space"
    2. the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.
    "the work gives the sense of a journey in space and time"

    • @SweetTreat-wl2yl
      @SweetTreat-wl2yl 2 роки тому +4

      Oh, thanks for all of that. Everything is so clear now.

    • @oscargordon
      @oscargordon 2 роки тому +5

      Oh I get it. This is a book called "Numbers" and so you did this copypasta to try to enlighten us as to why Yahweh is such a despicable character. So sayeth Kaplan. Well done!

    • @ready1fire1aim1
      @ready1fire1aim1 2 роки тому

      Yahweh is the villian.
      There's two YHWH.
      The just one is Yehowah.

    • @ready1fire1aim1
      @ready1fire1aim1 2 роки тому

      The number zero is associated with the Monad "the One". The first 'emanation' of God. Geometric counterpart 0D. The singularity for our Unified Field Theory.

    • @TBomb39
      @TBomb39 2 роки тому +1

      This doesn't belong here. This is buybull study.