The Rise and Fall of Secular Humanism: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • To understand the society in which we live, it is important to understand the ideas and worldviews that have shaped our culture. In this message, Peter Jones explains the development of an ideology called secular humanism-the rejection of God and the elevation of human reason as our ultimate authority. Though it comes with many promises, this view of the world ultimately leaves people empty, alienated, and without answers to their deepest questions.
    This message is from Dr. Jones’ 12-part teaching series Only Two Religions. Learn more: www.ligonier.o...


  • @ligonier
    @ligonier  2 роки тому +9

    This message is from Dr. Jones’ 12-part teaching series Only Two Religions. Watch the entire series:

  • @TexasTarheel60
    @TexasTarheel60 5 місяців тому +8

    Is this from the 90's? Apparently, we're seeing a resurgence of secular humanism!😮

  • @rogerthompson5250
    @rogerthompson5250 2 роки тому +28

    Secular Humanism is still alive and well today.

    • @TheEverFreeKing
      @TheEverFreeKing Рік тому +5

      My good friend it won't be though, the birth rate of secular people is too low to maintain it. The only people having replacement birth rates or higher are the religious especially the most devout.
      You're literally going extinct and being selected out by natural selection.
      Sure you see a decline in the western world but if you look at the long-term trends it is inevitable to fail, look up pew research and their data on the growth of religion in the next century.
      Most major religions are projected to grow massively especially in the third world and those third worlders are invading your secular nations because you need them to pay for your social services.

    • @AhmedHassan-sp1mx
      @AhmedHassan-sp1mx Рік тому +5

      @@TheEverFreeKing secularism was never good for humanity anyway

    • @christinacody8653
      @christinacody8653 Рік тому +6

      ​@@TheEverFreeKing While that may be true, the percentage of people walking away from Christianity and identifying as Christian is also falling, so that means that there still is a place for the philosophy, if not the community.

    • @AGamingEntity
      @AGamingEntity Рік тому

      ​@@TheEverFreeKingThis is due to capitalism though

    • @sivaratnamasabaratnam8946
      @sivaratnamasabaratnam8946 Рік тому

      Secular humanism is a religion of egalitarian Corporates!

  • @EyeMixMusic
    @EyeMixMusic Рік тому +13

    0:53: "Humanism and paganism are really the same". Humanism is the advocacy for moral goodness without recourse to religious doctrine. Paganism is a diverse range of spiritual traditions based on druidry, witchcraft and the worship of nature. While the two are not incompatible, they are fundamentally different in many ways. All Jones is doing here is confirming a) he knows nothing about humanism or paganism, and b) he'll lump anything together if it isn't Christian (watch him lazily toss in "Marxism" later on as well, which has nothing to do with humanism or paganism).

    • @detached
      @detached Рік тому +1

      Lumping all non Christian Worldviews together is the point of the series.

    • @BenjaminOrthodox
      @BenjaminOrthodox 8 місяців тому +1

      they have the same spiritual origin.

    • @EyeMixMusic
      @EyeMixMusic 8 місяців тому +3

      @@BenjaminOrthodox Since paganism is spiritual and humanism non-spiritual, that statement is ignorant and self-evidently false.

    • @PROtoss987
      @PROtoss987 22 дні тому

      @@EyeMixMusic I think he means the origin is Satan and hatred of god

  • @your_being_led_by_your_nose
    @your_being_led_by_your_nose 5 місяців тому +4

    It isn’t falling. It’s climbing. Religion is dropping.

  • @your_being_led_by_your_nose
    @your_being_led_by_your_nose 3 місяці тому +2

    It never fell. The more the years go by, and our technical ability, increases, People will begin to understand that there is no God.

  • @apropos4701
    @apropos4701 2 роки тому +13

    The speaker is on the wrong side of the data. Sadly, institutional religion is in free fall and it won't miraculously bounce when it reaches the bottom.

    • @robertsouth6971
      @robertsouth6971 8 місяців тому

      Antique religion has the wrong vision of God and its death will open up space for a new vision of God because God is real and they have an outdated vision of It.

    • @bakkudeku
      @bakkudeku 4 місяці тому +2

      Sadly? Not at all: fortunately and finally.

  • @OptimumGrow
    @OptimumGrow Рік тому +11

    What is the actual argument put forth and defended here?.. This was just a listing of ideas he dislikes... Furthermore, he included A LOT of false/misleading definitions of those ideas he doesn't like.

  • @chestercobblepot7839
    @chestercobblepot7839 Місяць тому

    I absolutely love this guy!!!! Thank you Peter Jonessssss!!!!

  • @apropos4701
    @apropos4701 3 місяці тому +2

    One would think we have no national surveys. All surveys show a decline of religious affiliation and a rise in affiliation with secular alternatives. For example, secular humanist weddings in Scotland now outnumber weddings performed at the national church and catholic churches combined.
    Nearly everything this man concludes is wrong, because he has not reckoned with the nature of the shift from religious to post-religious. Modern people are shifting from SUBMISSION to the spokesmen of an unseen god or gods to attain an unproven afterlife to CONSENSUS and mutual benefit among our very visible selves for this evident physical life.

  • @itsgettingold
    @itsgettingold 2 роки тому +37

    The idea that secular humanism is declining is just flat out wrong. It is rising, worldwide, while belief in God falls precipitously.

    • @stwoods25
      @stwoods25 2 роки тому +9

      I would have to agree with you friend.

    • @fromthesouthofafrica6815
      @fromthesouthofafrica6815 2 роки тому +9

      It may be increasing in prevalence but it is an objective failure due to the fact that it promises people meaning and progress yet does the opposite.

    • @bethanyrachel4415
      @bethanyrachel4415 Рік тому +1

      Actually, he’s correct. We’re just too early in the process of the decline for most people to see it. I think our modern mental health crisis is a primordial scream that is going to ultimately show society that secular humanism is leading the world to a nihilistic worldview that they cannot accept. Hence the turn to spirituality and the occult.

    • @jhwilson00
      @jhwilson00 Рік тому +1

      Study birthrates and demographics.
      Its rising in areas of shrinking populations.
      There was a great book written by an atheist called Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Talked upon secularism growing in a shrinking pond.

    • @jaxsazerac4904
      @jaxsazerac4904 Рік тому +9

      ​@@stwoods25 You are wrong. People are rediscovering Religion while society decays all around them.

  • @Reticulan1
    @Reticulan1 Рік тому +13

    The only thing I see falling are the numbers of people wasting away in church. Secular humanism is just a system for maximizing wellbeing without god, it's just people trying to find rational answers that don't require faith in magic. If you really love Jesus you should support anyone who wants to make the world better, why care what God or lack of god they attach to it? The only reason to want a monopoly on morality is to control the discourse.

    • @ttff-bd2yf
      @ttff-bd2yf Рік тому

      Did Hitler's choices improve the economic and social situation of the Weimar Republic?

    • @christinacody8653
      @christinacody8653 Рік тому +3

      ​@@ttff-bd2yf No. It privileged one grouping while disadvantaging another.

    • @sivaratnamasabaratnam8946
      @sivaratnamasabaratnam8946 Рік тому

      ​@christinacody8653 The disvantaged ones were previously took a lion share of advantage and feeding their family trees.

    • @BenjaminOrthodox
      @BenjaminOrthodox 8 місяців тому +1

      Contemporary generations in (post-)modern western civilization are decadent, that is why they leave the "churches" (catholic or protestant, but not Orthodox)
      Secular humanism is a worldview of materialism (atheism) which has nothing to do with rationalism (Descartes and Leibniz were Christians), but is positivistic (scientism).
      Jesus Christ preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is not just about morality (are you ex-protestant?).
      - Post-modern Neo-Marxist argument against moral realism... leads to nihilistic relativism.

    • @PROtoss987
      @PROtoss987 22 дні тому

      @@BenjaminOrthodox not *my* church, we are special and have the one true Truth!!
      materialism is not atheism. that some of the earlier rationalists were Christian does not mean the school of thought is Christian. funny how you betrayed your shallowness with that non-sequitur.

  • @visamap
    @visamap Рік тому

    Thank you all very much for this, especially on this secular humanism. much more is needed. Thank u all very much for such profound discussions the world needs to know .

  • @valroniclehre193
    @valroniclehre193 6 місяців тому +2

    Secular humanism is on the rise it seems. Embraced even by religious people for its utility. Its pretty simple. Work to make things better for people with the best tools you have. What would you prefer? Theocracy? Not a great track record on that one.

  • @christopherwaters8822
    @christopherwaters8822 Рік тому +5

    This speaker build so many straw men, seems to purposely miss represent what he is arguing against and gives misleading information, he should be considered a liar.

    • @jaxsazerac4904
      @jaxsazerac4904 Рік тому

      Or he isn't saying what you want to hear. So you declare him as being wrong. Instead of denying your bias and admitting that he may be correct..

    • @randyr1952
      @randyr1952 Рік тому +3

      The ignorance of this guy is disappointing. Secular humanism is not allied with communism.

    • @PROtoss987
      @PROtoss987 22 дні тому

      @@randyr1952 I'd expect there to be substantial overlap, but only in the same sense that Christianity has overlap with white n@tionalism.

  • @rhondae8222
    @rhondae8222 2 роки тому +4

    What year was this video made?

  • @brandyntherwanger5731
    @brandyntherwanger5731 4 місяці тому +1

    Yeah this is so wrong. Secular humanism is thriving.

  • @irishwatchenthusiast6647
    @irishwatchenthusiast6647 10 місяців тому +3

    This was a laughably poor attack on secular humanism. The religious traditions arose out of fear, ignorance and mythology. To suggest that morality ceases to exist without god is disingenuous to say the least - how weak Christians must be to require a cloud-dwelling police officer/judge to stop them from killing/stealing/lying... Hey - believe what you like - whatever gets you through the day annd helps you cope with your own mortality. However, this kind of unreflexive apologetics is sophistry of the most egregious kind.
    That Mr Jones has at one point to use what is basically a right wing dog whistle in associating secular humanism with Marxist Communism tells me all I need to know about the underpinnings of his delightfully unenlightened worldview. As we all know, religion has never been responsible for a single death...
    Dawkins may not be everyone's cup of tea (I like him), but his explanations for the fabulous complexity of life seem to me somewhat more plausible than that proffered by theists.
    He also didnt exactly condemn Senator McCarthy's witch hunt, either, did he? Yes, there were communists in America. So what? My preferred brand of democratic socialism puts people first - I'll take life in Denmark or Sweden and their political traditions over America's deluded push towards theocracy any day.
    Oh, and persecuting people who think differently in political terms has another name. Fascism.
    Bottom line - let's be nice to each other, but don't think you need to convince me of your 'truth'. I'm perfectly happy as a humanist.

  • @Ark_bleu
    @Ark_bleu 2 роки тому +2

    There were more reasons to oppose the Vietnam war than communist sympathy. W

  • @williamcopeland6683
    @williamcopeland6683 2 роки тому +3

    I'm not entirely convinced there a fewer True Believers now than in the 70's.. but it is true that Church is much less popular so those non true believers that used to go to church have found other things to do

    • @Ezekai
      @Ezekai 2 роки тому +4

      I get where you are coming from, but man I don't know. It almost seems that it is becoming harder and harder to find Christians who have the most basic understanding of Christian doctrine and theology, in fact most of them believe in heresy. I probably have to encounter over 10 confessing Christians before I find one that actually cares about his or her faith. It's just going to get worse because people will continue to gather teachers that will scratch their ears and will no longer hold to sound doctrine as Paul warns. It's just sad honestly.

    • @williamcopeland6683
      @williamcopeland6683 2 роки тому +3

      @@Ezekai as popularity wanes so does the intellectual prowess.. many who hung out at church in the 70's could still speak christianese'.. nowadays it's not popular.. i think Father has always had His Remnant

    • @Ezekai
      @Ezekai 2 роки тому +1

      @@williamcopeland6683 right, but seeing the increase is still sad, even if the increase might only be in the way which you say. It's just like the last few years-everything has been getting worse simultaneously- especially during the lockdown, it almost seems like a different world when comparing now to 2019. For example the ever expanding LGBTQ movement and its damage in Canada causing the ban of conversion therapy, etc.

    • @williamcopeland6683
      @williamcopeland6683 2 роки тому +2

      @@Ezekai we see through a glass darkly and are greived.. being evil.. can you imagine the Humiliation and Wrathful Righteous Anger and Brokenhearted Emotion from His perspective? Rather incredible.. been good chatting

    • @Ezekai
      @Ezekai 2 роки тому

      @@williamcopeland6683 definitely! Great talk man.

  • @johnhaggerty4396
    @johnhaggerty4396 2 роки тому +1

    Any new lecture by Dr. Peter Jones is an event. Thank you.

    • @jaxsazerac4904
      @jaxsazerac4904 Рік тому

      I thought Christopher Walken was giving the lecture

  • @julesjgreig
    @julesjgreig 2 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @k.s.obrien9459
    @k.s.obrien9459 2 роки тому +1

    Dr. Jones is excellent, thank you as always for your wonderful content. God bless.

  • @abdullahahmed-hj5ke
    @abdullahahmed-hj5ke 2 роки тому +4

    Dr. Jones is excellent, thank you as always for your wonderful content.

  • @Ark_bleu
    @Ark_bleu 2 роки тому

    Wow where’s the next one in the series?

  • @commentator8724
    @commentator8724 2 роки тому +3

    Secular humanism seems to be revived recently by Yuval Noah Harari, a trans humanist who thinks humans are soulless and hackable

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Рік тому +2

      He is one of the most dangerous men alive today. His book, Sapiens, is disturbing. He thinks human rights are a fiction.

    • @jaxsazerac4904
      @jaxsazerac4904 Рік тому +1

      If you believe in nothing. You will believe in anything.

    • @bright5468
      @bright5468 Рік тому

      ​@@Yesica1993it IS a fiction. GOD, secular people making their own religions gods sake!
      I am an atheist btw. But camoon. İsnt it obvious?

    • @paulheydarian1281
      @paulheydarian1281 11 місяців тому

      What is camoon? 🤔

    • @robertsouth6971
      @robertsouth6971 8 місяців тому

      @@Yesica1993 Lies always lose because the truth will out. So no lie is dangerous in the long run. What is the value of belief that human rights exist separately from the will of God or the social contract? What, are they like Plato's perfect forms? One persons rights are just another person's obligations. These don't exist without people believing in them, including God among people. They are not part of nature.

  • @GreyrainLife
    @GreyrainLife 2 роки тому +10

    This guy is the product of a thankfully dying age. Secular humanism is in no way dying. The number of people who claim no religious belief is growing every year around the world. It is religion, particularly monotheistic abrahamic religion, which is dying in every country in which belief is not enforced at gunpoint.

    • @sabhishek9289
      @sabhishek9289 Рік тому

      Really lol? Huge numbers of Iranian and middle eastern ex Muslims have converted to Christianity. Huge numbers of Chinese people have converted to Christianity. Seoul capital of South Korea is basically so Christian that it is literally called East Jerusalem. There are large numbers of Indians who have converted to Christianity especially North East India is full of Christians. You are living in your own bubble not in reality.

  • @lauren4434
    @lauren4434 11 місяців тому

    What is Wantist or Wantism?

  • @philipsalmon2192
    @philipsalmon2192 21 день тому

    As one born with a cleft palate where is the beauty in that? What nonsense!

  • @jeremyp1536
    @jeremyp1536 7 місяців тому +2

    This guy states so many incorrect statements about atheism being a religion that's incorrect. This lecture feels bias and unrationally based on false religious ideologues

    • @ronaldcuriel4398
      @ronaldcuriel4398 7 місяців тому

      You need faith to believe in atheism. Atheism epistemology is based on faith of logic.

    • @jeremyp1536
      @jeremyp1536 7 місяців тому +2

      @@ronaldcuriel4398 you need no faith to not believe in anything. You don't have faith for not believing in unicorns.

    • @ronaldcuriel9451
      @ronaldcuriel9451 6 місяців тому

      ​@@jeremyp1536that's a logical contradiction. Of course you need faith to believe as an atheist or being agonistic.

    • @jeremyp1536
      @jeremyp1536 6 місяців тому

      You don't need faith to not believe something. Sorry but you are factually incorrect, there are no contradictions. I don't need faith to NOT believe that invisible unicorns are real. The onus of proof sits on the claimant not the nonbeliever as such no faith is required. @@ronaldcuriel9451

  • @wolfotero7261
    @wolfotero7261 Рік тому +1

    Just bad reasoning. He started ok but then just went on a rent and told falsehoods

  • @motorTranz
    @motorTranz 2 роки тому +3

    Great lecture!

  • @Withernall
    @Withernall 2 роки тому

    Interesting talk.... some omissions to strength the points, but who doesn't do that....

  • @fernandogamboa2623
    @fernandogamboa2623 2 роки тому +1

    Religion?? is not the gospel of Jesus Christ unique, Genesis to revelation? I prefer to say biblical Christianity .

    • @TheDrummaBen
      @TheDrummaBen 2 роки тому +1

      Calm down. The reformers all called it the “Christian religion”

  • @learningpeace9788
    @learningpeace9788 6 місяців тому +1

    If there is no God, you can do whatever you want without fear or the responsibility to love.

    • @jeffwhited287
      @jeffwhited287 4 місяці тому

      Completely superficial and not at all true. Morality is not tied to a god, and gods, obviously, are not tied to morality. Look at history. Look at anthropology. Look at biology. Look at neuroscience. Look!

    • @PROtoss987
      @PROtoss987 22 дні тому

      You need to be threatened with torture to be moral?
      I hope you keep believing in god then.

  • @guyandcarmenschultz5712
    @guyandcarmenschultz5712 2 роки тому

    This is looks at what RC Sproul address in consequences of ideas. He looked at the faulty frameworks of the enlightenment regarding nature of man a neutral, good or even bad but able to decide good. These frameworks are taught in gradeschool, yet with CRT , there is a major issue. Ban those as well.

  • @Bill-dj9hv
    @Bill-dj9hv Рік тому +1

    I am a humanist. This speaker makes his living from Christianity.

  • @RobertRains-r6s
    @RobertRains-r6s 11 місяців тому +2

    Awful, arrogant misinformation

  • @backcountry8405
    @backcountry8405 2 роки тому

    Wow was so awesome the next thing i think we're going to have to deal with is Paganism I think but don't "me on it

    • @logicaldude3611
      @logicaldude3611 Рік тому

      Don’t you realize that pretty much every ceremony, world event, etc is deeply entrenched in Paganism?
      There is an unholy alliance between Secularism, Satanism, and Paganism. It’s been going on for a very long time.

  • @ardbegthequestion
    @ardbegthequestion 2 роки тому +6

    Yeah… So first critique: at about six minutes into the video this fella seems to imply that the enlightenment was a affront to Christianity. Now I would hopefully think he could nuance this out, but it’s quite hilarious if he does indeed hold that the enlightenment is a factor in how big bad secular humanism is. This coming from a man wearing a bowtie in a theater of enlightenment, with people taking notes and books on their laps. A mesmerize crowd hanging on the words of a man, who most likely has an entire room in his house with bookshelves of theological tomes. Irony…
    Alrighty - twelve minutes in. One giant argument from ignorance.

    • @theburdenissweet5860
      @theburdenissweet5860 2 роки тому +2

      Ad hominem?

    • @robmarshall956
      @robmarshall956 2 роки тому

      That’s an amazing critique 🥳

    • @ardbegthequestion
      @ardbegthequestion 2 роки тому +1

      @@theburdenissweet5860 - maybe, which point though? Guy dissing enlightenment whilst looking the part? Just a hilarious observation.

    • @kyloooooo
      @kyloooooo 2 роки тому +1

      This fella? His name is Peter Jones, Mr Jones to you, it's literally in the video title. How ignorant.

    • @ardbegthequestion
      @ardbegthequestion 2 роки тому +2

      @@kyloooooo - Sorry, did I disrespect your guy? I saw his name, I chose to say 'fella' intentionally to show that I have no idea who this is, nor do I care honestly. But feel free to dismiss me even quicker, I get it, I'm just some rando from the internet.

  • @jaxsazerac4904
    @jaxsazerac4904 Рік тому

    McCarthy was right!

    • @paulheydarian1281
      @paulheydarian1281 11 місяців тому +1

      Did you discover a communist in your closet?

  • @dccd673
    @dccd673 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve never heard of this man nor listened to him yet. I’ll come back when there are more comments lol

  • @axellludvic3490
    @axellludvic3490 5 місяців тому

    Completely false. Religion is on the decline in most advanced societies.

  • @mariaw5739
    @mariaw5739 6 місяців тому


  • @JonathanPhillips-fh6cq
    @JonathanPhillips-fh6cq 3 місяці тому

    he is too dry and lifeless.