Opening Up about my SSA as a Catholic (with Marco Casanova)

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Not a lot of people in the Church speak openly about struggling with same sex attraction. Marco Casanova shares his powerful witness and struggle with same sex attraction.
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  • @stacienicholson6525
    @stacienicholson6525 Рік тому +9

    Authenticity speaks volumes! ❤️‍🔥

  • @friedawells6860
    @friedawells6860 Рік тому +1

    Christopher's words in the last 45 seconds or so are so impactful. We are all struggling in a broken world with the question of what it is to be a man, or for women what it is to be a woman, and that is where the enemy inserts his lies to deceive us.

  • @joncerda351
    @joncerda351 Рік тому +4

    John the Evangelist leaned on the Lord's chest. It's a grace to get to that point.

  • @husq48
    @husq48 7 місяців тому +1

    Maybe that's my problem as it relates to my porn addiction, thinking that I would get to a place where there would be no more desire for it, no strong temptations, impervious to falling...

  • @tonyhayes9827
    @tonyhayes9827 Рік тому +9

    Marco has found something I think, we don't all have. A real experience of Christ. My gay brother is `perfectly happy' as far as I can tell. There's no struggle in his life without Christianity.
    His view is that Catholicism has to change in order for same sex couples to stop being persecuted. Then THIS life will be perfect right? Its very hard. Christianity, I know, doesn't hate anyone only the sin. But we need to know why SSA is a sin and that's a mystery. I can't tell him why, other than because God says it is. If he's not inherently gay why is he gay? `Jesus broke the domination of homosexuality in my life', is a fascinating statement.
    But if I suggest to my brother his SSA is a low ceiling that's needs to be broken he accuses me of hate speech. Like why do you presume SSA is a low ceiling? Why is it something that dominates? Why is it something he has to do something about?
    We do like to make God in our own image and likeness don't we?
    We all struggle of course and our shared individual struggles do illuminate each others brokenness in a broken world. Wait a minute - this world is broken? What does that mean?
    It's interesting that God changed Jacob's name to Israel which means `struggle' as far as I understand.

    • @sashadence6409
      @sashadence6409 Рік тому +7

      My sister was gay -- and it is really hard to know what to say. I too asked that question: "why does God forbid practising homosexuality" -- I mean why? She too was 'born that way' in that since her babyhood she'd always been super male. never wanted babies -- called her tricycle "Trigger" (after Roy Rogers horse) -- thought she'd grow a beard when she got adult. I could go on. I was in no way surprised when she told me she was gay but I was very sad and I wasn't a Christian then. I didn't know why I was sad. I just was. I knew she wouldn't have a family -- children - a marriage. Even when the laws changed it didn't happen. She tried. Many times -- it took a long time before it became clear to her it wouldn't happen. I'm not saying all lesbians didn not have permanent relationships but a lot of them didn't. They blamed it on discrimination and my sister was discriminated against but she told me that the failures to form permanent marriages didn't really have that much to do with the law or discrimination. There has to be a lot, lot else in a person's life to make up for the lack of a permanent home and family although this lack isn't often felt very much until a person is a lot older. She got a very messed up message from the dominant culture and I think this is where we all are 'broken'. Sex and in particular, sexual attraction and desire, were of absolute paramount importance to her. They were to me but because I was female and did marry I discovered that it, sexual desire and attraction,are super fickle and super unreliable. For eg., if you're female, or married to a female, once you get pregnant, female desire often plummets. Morning sickness -- but also, you produce a lot less testosterone and you realise that sexual desire has a lot to do with testosterone. It doesn't have as much to do with the man you married as you thought it did. I think if you can understand that you can understand where this is going and also why God made desire and sex of significantly less importance than we do these days. It was a shock, to be honest, to discover that I had less desire while pregnant, when lactating -- which can go on for two years post pregnancy -- han I'd had before pregnancy. Once back to 'normal' the desire cranks up but then you get pregnant again (some of us do anyway) and so there's upwards of three years where you're just not pumping out a lot of testosterone. Then you've got kids and a job and a mortgage and neither of you are super interested in lots of jungle sex because there's no time, no energy -- no place. Then, when I hit menopause -- the testosterone really bailed. So my husband has to be ok with someone whose just not all that into it a lot of the time which significantly changes things. That means either he leaves, or he practises a lot of self control, which may be one of the reasons God intended men to live with a woman. Otherwise, what boundaries are there on sex? I think the primacy of attraction and desire is badly misleading in popular culture -- and I think the reality of forming families and of women's potential to be un -- interested is not very well known -- or how children change everything. Oddly, maybe, God intended something so pleasurable for making children and making families but then intended that to be about controlling, especially for men, that urge, which is not pleasurable but is loving. All self control really really hurts. But it is how we learn to love the way God loves. Until Judaism and then christianity, there was no 'one woman - one man' for life, rule -- men had marriages but no necessity for fidelity. Fidelity is very hard for many men. Ssa attraction for men means no real necessity for it. Without the ironclad rule of fidelity even when it hurts I think it is hard to learn how to love. Without that vow -- it can be very hard to do what we all must do for children and people and souls to flourish, that is, not get what we want a lot of the time. A Lot of the time. That's the reality of life on this planet I think. The problem with ssa attraction is it doesn't lead to children or family formation without a ton of technological etc. intervention which is super sci fi and may not be anything like as harmless for children as we'd all like to believe. Biology is not fair. It isn't equal, it isn't about getting what we want. I think also that if we understand this world is not the way God intended it to be, that we are all born with something that hurts a lot. Birth defects, disorders, proclivities -- they say alcoholism is inherited -- none of that was the way God intended us to be. I was born with severe -- very bad asthma. I'm not saying ssa attraction is exactly like that but it doesn't lead to the blissful outcomes our culture seems to believe. Even when people are happy, they may nto stay happy. The pain may not come until people (especially men) are a lot older. For practising gay men, there's not a lot of opportunity for 'love' when desire is no longer the main draw, as is the case when a man ages Appearance is way way more important for men than it is for women. But even for women, ssa attraction can be hard to find a way to make a family. My sister ODed alone at age 60 -- and I was the only family she had. She had friends but it turned out they weren't the same -- but that wasn't something she understood until she was older. It took time for the darker stuff to be real clear. The reality of sex is so misunderstood I think -- for me, it was discovering how essential some amount of testosterone is to desire to realise what I thought was heart-stopping desire for my husband had more to do with what time of the month it was (you produce more just before ovulation) than all the wonderful things about him I loved. Similarly, when testosterone tanked when I was lactating, for eg., I thought I didn't 'love' him as much because desire was lower. I loved him more, as it turned out, but wanted less, if that makes sense. It was very confusing. Now 35 years later we both laugh at what we were led to believe would be endless passion when we got married. The two things, attraction and love, while hopefully combined, are not the same. SSA makes the huge amount of restraint involved in learning to love the way Love, i.e. God is, hard to duplicate. It also makes sex -- eventually -- kind of pointless. At least it did for my sister. Anyway just my thoughts on a question that has also bothered me for decades. Hope this was helpful.

    • @tonyhayes9827
      @tonyhayes9827 Рік тому

      @@sashadence6409 Thank you - beautifully said

    • @bensonthepuppy
      @bensonthepuppy Рік тому

      Hard reality but homosexuality is rife with health issues. Anal intercourse can cause cancer. It's dangerous. Homosexual activity goes against the Creation Ordinance. Just look at humans as if you're an alien from another planet for a few minutes. Which ones are made to mate with each other? Your brother has been sold on a fake identity.

    • @ABB14-11
      @ABB14-11 Рік тому

      @@sashadence6409 This was incredibly eye-opening

    • @tankiebot704
      @tankiebot704 Рік тому

      No its not a mistery. We dont even need to believe in God to see that SSA is obviousky wrong, perverted and gross.

  • @ChrisEAdlay
    @ChrisEAdlay Рік тому

    Has he got his own channel

  • @nategraham6946
    @nategraham6946 Рік тому +2

    I never experienced any of that "love" from anyone when opening up, even God. That was a rather empty video, void of any actual substance.

  • @dansaber4427
    @dansaber4427 Рік тому +3

    You can be LGBT and Catholic

    • @r.m5883
      @r.m5883 Рік тому +5

      For sure Dan but that’s not your identity. It’s one of the least interesting things about you.

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Рік тому

      @@r.m5883 I guess from Mother Nature's perspective the diversity of God's creation isn't interesting. Because only those who adapt their qualities survive.

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Рік тому

      @@r.m5883 it's sad to think God would judge you by your uniqueness

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Рік тому

      @@SkeletalMisunderstanding do you know what your works of righteousness are like to God?

    • @r.m5883
      @r.m5883 Рік тому +3

      @@dansaber4427 in my language Saber means to know. Check out Beckett Cook’s channel, he had a radical transformation and stopped living the homosexual lifestyle. He was convicted of his sin. I’ll pray for you, Dan that you get that knowledge.