Same-Sex Attraction & Finding Purpose | Fr. Philip Bochanski

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @rl2388
    @rl2388 Рік тому +34

    I am a Catholic and have long suffered from same-sex attraction. Despite that, I have never had a sexual intercourse or a same-sex relationship because I am afraid of the physical and moral consequences. I can't remember how many times I have thought about ending my life to be free from this burden. I can't remember how many times I have prayed for this attraction to go away. Nobody has noticed that I have same-sex attraction since I perfectly resemble a man with a certain degree of masculinity.
    Then, a couple of months ago, I started joining a Bible study group to get to know Jesus more. Last week, I managed to go to confession after decades.
    I agree that love does not always have to be shown through sex or romantic relationship. There is also love between family, friends, and other people around us. I agree with the concept that "our identity is God's child." I am not defined by my same-sex attraction, and I am learning to accept who I am and move closer to Jesus.
    If same-sex attraction is what I have to accept, I am praying for the strength to carry this cross. Is it hard? Yes, it is still hard for me, especially when I see other people freely loving and marrying their loved ones. But I keep reminding myself that I have Jesus who always remembers me.

    • @TheNyakaat
      @TheNyakaat Рік тому +6

      God bless you brother. It seems you have finally come to the realisation that God calls us to be holy no matter what attractions we have.

    • @exerciserelax8719
      @exerciserelax8719 Рік тому +2


    • @aricdelagrange5965
      @aricdelagrange5965 Рік тому +4

      I share the same experience with you. Your gonna be okay. What you struggle with is Lust. We all do. Idc if it's towards a man, woman, CHAIR, we all struggle with lust. You are no different than anyone else. Your different in this way, through this cross, it is Jesus kissing you. You struggle with this because Jesus wants you to know him. Your on the right path. I promise to pray for you

    • @thehurthealer
      @thehurthealer Рік тому +4

      Keep strong. Keep brave in the name of Jesus 🙏

    • @rl2388
      @rl2388 Рік тому +3

      @@aricdelagrange5965 Thanks, it means a lot. God bless you 🙏

  • @juliewharton7124
    @juliewharton7124 Рік тому +3

    Wow-where was this when I was 20? It would have saved me a lot of anguish.

  • @markcharron
    @markcharron 10 місяців тому +2

    Shocker. it's about time someone in the Church admits it's okay for someone with same-sex attraction to love and lay their lives down for someone they love who just so happens to be the same sex as them.

  • @BeatrizMartinez-dy3oy
    @BeatrizMartinez-dy3oy Рік тому +2

    we MUST evangelize ALL without discrimination and NOT violence al all, just the gospel of the love of Jesus that heal and save. Thousands have being save because the are enslave and deceived by the spirit of confusion.

  • @thehurthealer
    @thehurthealer Рік тому +3

    Thank you so much Fr Philip. Oh my gosh. So brave and beautiful to be talking about labels and how god created every to be a child of god 🙏

  • @herambaanjaneya2041
    @herambaanjaneya2041 Рік тому +1

    Perhaps somewhat surprisingly given what spills out from the magisterium/catechism there is no demand by the Catholic Church for life-long celibacy so if you already have a loving relationship then there’s no need to beat your chest over it and if you don’t then ask/pray for one and enjoy and just focus on that! Take care. Peace🙏🏾

    • @t.j.armendariz354
      @t.j.armendariz354 Рік тому

      What do you mean by that? The only relationship of this sort the Church accepts is between one man and one woman

    • @patriciajohnson1894
      @patriciajohnson1894 Рік тому


  • @thehurthealer
    @thehurthealer Рік тому +4

    Oh this is brilliant! My daughter believed she was transgender. And after years she realised she was a woman after all.
    So with gods help they have moved from thinking they are a boy to back to living as a girl or rather young woman again.
    And she is living with a woman as a couple. .
    I’m loving her through it and god’s healing and guidance is limitless.
    Please pray for Mikey and Ciara 🙏

  • @lisawalls4194
    @lisawalls4194 Рік тому

    Priests need to speak what the Church teaching is in good faith. Not their own opinions. If the “truth is the truth” then the church needs to teach it and rebuke those who don’t. That means you who believe all LGBTQ+ people chose to be that way or will go to hell.

  • @herambaanjaneya2041
    @herambaanjaneya2041 Рік тому +2

    This post is NOT for those lacking Critical Thinking Skills. Dear LGB+ Catholic tribe I just thought that it was well worth pointing out that the importance of “PRIMACY OF CONSCIENCE” within both the Catechism, the Magisterium and Church teaching more widely including Pope Francis. Long story short PROVIDED you do some research/become as informed as you can it’s really up to you whether you accept the official teaching on same sex relationships, celibacy and all the rest of the nonsense! It’s all really between you and the Divine/God and the promptings of your own conscience. If you honestly feel that Church teaching on the matter is utterly wrong and actually quite harmful you are NOT REMOTELY OBLIGED to follow it. This applies to ANY Church teaching and not only that which pertains to sexuality. You are entirely free to repudiate anything that just doesn’t sit right! Your conscience is King! And if you’re like me and do care about and want a relationship with the Divine then strongly developing your own personal conscience is a pretty good place to start imho!😁😄😄. Whenever everything fails in the Catholic Church it is to my Conscience that I turn. The psychopathic lunatics running the gaff aren’t very keen about you knowing this teaching power crazed as they are by nature. Good parish priests will always be at pains to regularly bring this teaching to everyone’s attention given that it is so PIVOTAL to EVERYTHING ELSE! The bad priests and church hierarchy officials will, however, be at great pains to omit this pivotal teaching from their deliberations, assertions, pronouncements etc, etc obsessed as they are with having AUTHORITY OVER YOU! So, don’t be scared, bullied or harassed or stressed! Your liberation from RELIGIOUS AUTHORITARIANISM awaits!

    • @23ban23
      @23ban23 Рік тому +2

      Wow. this is just plain heresy imho..

    • @herambaanjaneya2041
      @herambaanjaneya2041 Рік тому

      @@23ban23 I'm quite sure that many WILL claim that and that's ok. What does it matter if they start calling people names? To violate one's conscience means separation from the Divine/God. I'm happy to sacrifice everything in order to be in union with the Divine. IF I violate my conscience and I'm spiritually DEAD!!

    • @herambaanjaneya2041
      @herambaanjaneya2041 Рік тому

      @@23ban23 If I violate my conscience I am spiritually DEAD!!

    • @annaru3814
      @annaru3814 9 місяців тому +1

      A. You didn't mention Scripture (upon which Magistetial teachings are founded, along with Sacred Tradition.
      B. You left out "properly formed" when discussing the conscience. We may follow our conscience only in so far as our conscience has been "well formed." In other words, we cannot indulge ourselves in whatever sins we want & absolve ourselves of guilt of sin. That would be making gods of our SELF, or re-forming God into OUR image.
      What we're called to do is firstly, is to form a relationship with God, through prayer, meditation, reflection on the Scriptures, lives of the saints, catechisms, conforming ourselves to His Divine Will.
      As we form that relationship, our conscience becomes formed in understanding what is pleasing to God, and what isn't.
      Following a well-formed conscience is not about what is pleasing to "self," because "self" isn't God.
      Your conscience is your connection to God, so keep working on that relationship with the Lord & focus less on self.
      THAT is a "properly-formed conscience."

    • @herambaanjaneya2041
      @herambaanjaneya2041 9 місяців тому

      @@annaru3814 Well you can waste everybody’s time by being a pedant if you want and you can be as crazily presumptuous as you wish if that is what makes you happy but it’s a terrible waste of time! Only the Divine can judge the measure of these things. In “liberal” Judaism (more than 3 branches) what matters is one’s ethical and moral PRACTICE (orthopraxis for the pedants reading this) NOT DOGMA/BELIEF about the Divine/G-d. Christianity REVERSES this and makes EVERYTHING about DOGMA - orthodoxy! The Divine/G-d speaks to each of us personally and in our own way. “Liberal” Jews fully embrace same sex marriage/civil partnerships etc. This to me is the correct ethical and moral position! To demand celibacy from those that wish to have a relationship as most normal people do is UTTERLY DESPICABLE, DISGUSTING, REPREHENSIBLE AND HIGHLY IMMORAL AND SHOULD BE IGNORED BY ANYONE WITH A FULLY FUNCTIONING BRAIN! In practice it is anyway so there is nothing for Gay and Bi men or Lesbians to fear! In any event Christianity with all of its absurd dogmas, contradictions and logical fallacies is in its current forms collapsing and in a hundred or so years from now won’t exist in its current form. The Vatican and Catholic Church as a whole is immensely rich and so its real estate holdings are unlikely to completely evaporate. Most thinking Christians in practice unconsciously live out their faith just like Jewish people on the basis of orthopraxis. Jewish people simply do this consciously. So there you have it Gay, Bi and Lesbian people and others you can either live out your faith according to DOGMA/ ORTHODOXY and spend/waste your life endlessly fighting those within your own church (if necessary) sometimes other Christian denominations and in the case of Christian Hardliners everybody on the planet who isn’t like them or you can follow the path of peace if you are a natural Religious “liberal” and join a denomination or faith that is in better alignment with your spiritual path. Although Religious “liberals” may not appear to be the majority in the world right now there are still a lot of us about and most thinking people of all faiths and persuasions usually end up being somewhere along the Religious “liberal” spectrum. Here are just a few suggestions:
      “LIBERAL” JUDAISM (more than 3 branches)
      To mention just a very few
      And so God Bless, Namaste, Shalom and all the rest to you good GBL people and others
      Take Care - Peace!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @williamabbott569
    @williamabbott569 Рік тому +3

    MAN NEEDS WOMAN +++ life ❤

    • @joebriggs5781
      @joebriggs5781 Рік тому

      Ok but what if you are a man that doesn’t want a woman?

    • @BruceDSouza
      @BruceDSouza 3 місяці тому

      Man needs GOD!

  • @tenderpawsm473
    @tenderpawsm473 5 місяців тому

    This man is living in a fantasy world. He's a wolf in a sheep suit.

  • @marekauk3758
    @marekauk3758 Рік тому +2

    soo.. if sinful is sex with same-sex partner than same-sex relationship without sex is not!! if the same-sex relationship is based on love and not on lust than it's ok to be in that kind of relationship 😃 hurray!

    • @MrOlipoly
      @MrOlipoly Рік тому


    • @marekauk3758
      @marekauk3758 Рік тому +1

      @@MrOlipoly no "what" ?

    • @exerciserelax8719
      @exerciserelax8719 Рік тому +3

      If you mean a same-sex friendship... Yes, definitely! That's a beautiful thing. 🫂

    • @marekauk3758
      @marekauk3758 Рік тому

      @@exerciserelax8719 i meant Love (Pure because without sex) but if you insist to call it Friendship I'm ok with it. but keep in mind some people might argue about the definitions because of long hugs and kisses, living at the same place and sleeping in the same bed ( no intercourse included of course 😅)

    • @t.j.armendariz354
      @t.j.armendariz354 Рік тому +1

      @@marekauk3758while the distinction is narrow it’s important, if it’s not simply friendship it is lust/use, if there’s that romantic (in the contemporary sense of the word)/dating component, but close, intense friendship is possible and necessary, and such a friendship will have a lot of similar components to the stereotype of dating, because in our over sexualized culture we have lost to true meaning of friendship, and the true depths it can reach)

  • @eamonbreathnach4613
    @eamonbreathnach4613 Рік тому +3

    The same hatred of same sex relationships disguised in woolly pius language

    • @lois2997
      @lois2997 Рік тому

      Not hatred just not going to promote it like you people want, we just want to be married now you want even more perversion. Give you an inch now we have pride month, transgender crap and drag queen story hour

    • @Andthethingwhich
      @Andthethingwhich Рік тому

      Which is good

    • @patriciajohnson1894
      @patriciajohnson1894 Рік тому +1

      Truth is called hatred 🤔

  • @tenderpawsm473
    @tenderpawsm473 5 місяців тому

    I want this man to know that he has a very unusual way of expressing his love. And I don't love him back.

  • @everitadave
    @everitadave Рік тому +1

    Its all mind made. There is no same sex, nor animal, nor child attraction. It’s just what they think is cool, simply because somewhere they heard that.