Every day and every hour.... gmcer breaks down...GMC made mistake with the engine and transmission... plus the electric and electronics are a mess and can't be trusted...
They should use a cumins engine 12 v alve 5.9 and an Allison transmision. I am working on one sitting for 10 years i hope the gas tank are good it needs fuel
I love our GMC and thank You for this film.
I think I love you , how can I contribute to this channel ?
Don't fall in love with the gmcer....bad news... breakdown every day and every hour and then you are in trouble....
Every day and every hour.... gmcer breaks down...GMC made mistake with the engine and transmission... plus the electric and electronics are a mess and can't be trusted...
They should use a cumins engine 12 v alve 5.9 and an Allison transmision. I am working on one sitting for 10 years i hope the gas tank are good it needs fuel