As a Kenyan ...this sounds funny 2 young girls they can do better.... parents being pregnant is not the end of the world say no to early marriages... encourage young gals to complete education secure a job or Business before getting kids...abstain, or protect...this should be a song..
What's funny there?,who doesn't know that girls should go to school. A Kenyan is an African. Is it new to be married early in africa.we deal with the situation as it is. Don't try to educate parents with your so called learning. These young girls have done well not to prostitute and stick to their husband.
@@rachelphoebh4480 Marriage is a choice. You would rather have them sleeping around than getting married. Why would you be so against them getting married and not against them sleeping around. Europeans believe in sex , boyfriend and girlfriend is common but married to them is taboo.nothing wrong on them Sharing their husband it's part of African culture,it has been going around us for ages.God doesn't forbid.they are not young girls,they are at the bloom of their age.
Maiguru, if I were you, i would go back to school and build a better future for myself and my kid, forget about being a housewife, still too young for tha my dear❤
Maiguru to the world such a beautiful and humble lady ❤you deserve something better maiguru l wish kudai ndine brother isati yaroora ndaitouya kuzokutsvagai kushow group kwatete venyu kuti muite muroora wamama ❤
Yowe! Baba vakapfeka dhikauzi rimwe chete. Pqwaaa! Mhuri inoda Jesu iyi. At this age vatoita vakadzi vaviri vaviri here, ah zviuno zvavo chii. Apo vari kungoruma vachisiya, kutambisa vana vevanhu. Iko kuzorova vana vadiki ava veduwee. Mhuri yamaiguru marwadzo nayo as well. Kuvhiringa hupenyu hwemwana shuwa. Haa kuchengetwa mabasa at times. Mainini nhema. Bitterness written all over. I doubt vagere mushe chero zvazvo maiguru pasisina. Chero mataurirano avo, Haa kumanikidzira rudo hapana apa. Maiguru havo free spirit and well composed. She made a good decision kubva. Thank you DNA man. Job well done
This is a sad story. Maiguru was forced to marry neextended family (vasina hanya) then she was rejected, strugged to get pregnant, kwakuvigirwa second wife, left again by tsambarafuta, finally fell pregnant and get questioned. Yooh anozorora riini? All the best in future maiguru. You seem like a smart girl. ❤
Haha wataridza kurwadziwa wena Neni ndatsva moyo, she wasn't safe from the beginning of her journey. She is eversmilling I don't that her haters vaimuvengerei chaizvo. Where on earth kwaunowana munhu ane zvese seuyu smiling, beaut, kuzvibata, (wife material) The reason why she opted to stay alone I believe she is a hardworking lady again. Ngaakomborerwe musikana uyu
Amwene doesn’t look happy at all😅, i think ndotype yekuti vanenge vachida vana vavo varambe vakadzi vadye mari ivo. If am not mistaken paepisode yabamunini ndivo vanogara nevana and vasada muroora. Now back to varoora, maiguru is so sweet and intelligent vakatoona kuti pamusha apa pari toxi vakatosiya Mainini thought vawinner jackpot , ivo vasara netrash chaiyo. Now marriage yamunyisa😢, its never too late to leave too. Run girl, run. Just look at how maiguru is glowing and happy.😊
you are right amwene is the one who is causing all these misfortunes in his children vana ava vakafamba vanogona kutoudzwa kuti your mother is a trouble causer
😮I wish to have a wife like maiguru, she is so beautiful, intelligent and composed when she is delivering her answers. Where are these kind of ladies, I am praying for such a wife who is honest and respectiful
The first wife is beautiful, intelligent, composed and faithful. The abuse she went thru from the husband, his family and the second wife is very bad. Thank God she knew that she had to move away from the toxic relationship, she could have been maimed or killed by the abusive husband.
This girl is bright and has great potential to be something in life. I wish she could be given an opportunity even to go back to school or do something she likes doing to uplift herself. Babamukuru vekumuyendesa vakatadza apa aah😢. Ndabatikana apa
Mental case Boys iroo hmm I surrender 😢😅.. so funny and sad at the same time.. with this economy someone who doesn't even own a flourishing business..stable income and worse still living in their parent's house wants 200 kids . Something is wrong for sure.. Let's show our sisters the right ways n open their eyes when it comes to courtship, choosing the right partners for them n their kids..
these boys are behaving like animals, kungozvarisa wari kuita senyoka inoruma nechaisingade kudya. i think hawana kuvana parental guidance from their father, they are so wild and lost. vanasikana varikutambiswa ava
Very sad indeed. I wonder kuti do they have any father figure in their lives. Vanoita kunge vane Ka disability so futhi. Poor girls honestly it's heartbreaking. These girls need to be empowered not be baby making machines. Arh so. Nxa.
Parents who force their children into marriage should be arrested. Iye mukomana achiziva kuti haana kurara nemuskana why didn't he report instead? The girl as a virgin so he would have easily won the case
At time semurume am sure he won't be sure kaa kuti bbe ishuwa here she is a virgin u know we women lie so kuyenda kupolice will also be risking kusungwa
In ndawona seaive oda maiguru that's why he accepted. Ari fond of her more chero matarisiro acho. That's why he took her she is a gem ende mainini vanozviziva that's why vakabva vauuya. Vana vasina hunhu chete ended vakabata Mari vachiri vadiki so havana discipline zvamuchose
What do you mean better. She has her husband and they have managed sharing. You mean she should leave her husband for another man. They went for DNA to strengthen their marriage so their children should be accepted by their father and that they are not prostitute..please don't destroy their marriage. She is in a better position now.
Please don't twist the narrative, nobody is against the DNA tests. If you listened to her narrate her ordeal, you'd know that she wasn't happy from the start and was forced to be with this man. You make it sound like having a husband is the ultimate regardless of how bad the conditions of the marriage are. If her own parent's didn't see anything good out of her situation; how can you say she is in a better place....Paati vakasiyana hamuna kupanzwa here?
@@daziernestodavid6418 the nutcase is a destroyer apa he says he wants 200 kids and his mother said the boys have many children out there unaccounted for. The boy deserves to be on his own I wouldn't wish him upon my enemy's daughter.
Maiguru is so sweet and funny . Looks like havafarirwe na Gogo judging from the side eye. Maiguru is free spirited, vanonakidza! Vakunyatsotaura zvakadzikamira hanzi mabhuru. Looks like she doesn’t want anything to do with the baby daddy anymore
I like it when the girl power comes out and you look back and say what the hack. Gogo vaya vane moyo wakaipa. Kuswera vachibvunza kuti hamuna kubvisa nhumbu. Ummm zvakaoma.
This family is a kaak family vanhu vari kutambisa vakadzi isu tisina so iyi haisi family iyi vafana ava imbwa dzevanhu they sleep with a lot young girls
Eish dai varega kunyengerwa kudzokera pakamurume ako hakana future ako kanongozvarisa zvisina order...she z still young zvekutoti anotoita smethng in life ozoroorwa hake coz nhamo yaakaona ihombe.
Bota family have you discovered that Tinashe interacts more with cool people talking sense as for those who are too talkative and violence that's when he just stare and chill leaving them to end their fights own their own😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But kudzinga mwana achienda kumunhu akadai bhoo here. Apa anga asina kurara naye. Mwanasikana ngaakurudzirwe kuenda ku sch kwete kusairira mwana mu marriage
Gulez manyama wish you all the best girl, shandisa marii yavo uite life yako ibudirire ugone kuzvimiririra you are so beautiful, humble and intelligent.
Ndatozvishayawo ipapo hanzi ndakaenda 2018 nhumbu ine 2wks ndakazopona muna 2020 ende fut kaa apa atizive mwedzi wavanga vaenda 2018 wacho kureva vakatakura mhimba gore ne smthing
Mhuri yaamwene needs deliverance, something is amiss, regai ka1st maiguru karambe murume kachiti vakaromba. Chii chinopa vakomana ava kurura vakadzi. But l fell in love wth maiguru, haaa she's very humble n beautiful 2nd wife kwindi yacho ma1
aaah life you make decisions ,,, gara nezvawakazvisarudzira kana watova nemhuri watove mubereki so handingaite dzimba two zveee no nochachigondora chachimombe ..ndochengeta mwana kwete mumwe mkadzi
@@chiyenyumba7135 Zveshuwa. Kutanga kurara ari 16. Chionai manji vanomhanya kuroorwa vasina kana chekuti anokwanisa kuzomira ega. Nekuchema kwaiita mwana ikoko woramba uripo. I will pack my bags and go and take care of my kids. Naivo amwene vasikana ivavo vachichinjaniswa muchirara navo. Ukaona zvatanga zvakadaro panenyaya. Vanasikana ava varikurwadzisa vabereki.
The first wife is a good wife material, so young but so humble, may God bless u with a responsible husband,the husband who values u,the husband who will never raise her hand beating u, Young land u are so beautiful empower YOSELF go back to school
Maiguru is lovable. Mainini hamheno vanekamwe kakusafaririka. Baba at least vanekakutya chirwere, vakaenda kuHIV test namaiguru vakazoshandisa protection naMainini, zvirinaniwo nekuti varume vazhinji havatombozvifunge zvechirwere.
Murume anenge anoda first wife more and mainini i think vakadambura condon deliberately kuti vaite mwana vapinde panyanga but marriage yarema she is seems depressed
Amai veboys muchanzwa butter nokuchengeta vana muchitotunidza kuti varoora vayende. Apa vamurikuita kuti vayende ndovanoda vana venyu. It's a sad scenario😢
Maiguru manyama wakagonesa kusiya boorangoma . You are very intelligent and peaceful unlike mainini avo vai knocker na 12 midnight kuti vakanganwa zambia vachida kungo disturber your time nemurume.
Mainin looks happy and glowing,aiwa vakagona vakasiya kabhuru aka demon reAfrica rekungoti munhu akaita tuma cents anofunga kuwedzera vakadzi,mnxiii….chikorokoza chakazara mumusoro…mainin wo nekuside vakuita seivo ndomaiguru….she looks bitter and shabby at first she thought she won murume pakaenda gulez little did she know kuti murume anochinja haasi mwana wamai vako….feel sorry for her achachembedzwa nemurume uyo ozosiya or kurarama a bitter life
Maiguru is such sweet humble person,, more mature than her age. This man is a womanizer maiguru please run with your life there is a good man out there who is loooking for wife material like you. Tinashe ndipowo number dza maiguru 😂😅😊
1)Baba musiyane ne DOMESTIC VIOLENCE makapona jeri pamakamitisa under age 2)Maiguru you are younger than mainini but you are mature RESPECT 3)BABA give vana vese same LOVE and ATTENTION
Ah, madireiko kuti maiguru vafe nestress naDziva venyu vasinga gutsikane. Maiguru needs to find her own hubby achaona kukosha kwavo, zvemukorokoza uyu ari kufamba achizvarisa nyika yose she is too smart for that
Thats when the whole family needs deliverence pakadai. Mkoma paakauya paepisode yemunin'ina was sounding reasonable. Only to find kuti he is as bad as munin'ina if not worse pakushaya maturity. Kurega mwana chero akachema uchisiya mumba mako shuwa, even westranger unobata wani. God bless Maiguru avo, she is very mature, beautiful and humble at the same time
Apo kunyepa hanzi ndini ndakatanga kudanana na Baba 2016 ndiri form 2 vakarambirwa pa camera kunzi Maiguru ndovakatanga Kunyepa kut vairwa fut vakarambirwa Vane kakuda ku monopolisa murume
Maiguru vari humble,smart intelligence ndarwadziwa apa vakamumanikidza marriage l wish dai ndiri sis vako zvaisaitika zvese izvi 19 years you still a young lilysis 😢
Seriously speaking idrama rega rega these pple are still playing ne marriage and am sure before they know it,everything will just end in tears and as for the two brothers by the time you reach 35 you will be single again and searching 🤣🤣😅
@tinashe mugabe I think a small background of educational backgrounds of parents will help your viewers adding up some of these circumstances. When you ask age can you also add level of schooling
That can be a sensitive question to some people. It's equivalent to being asked...what do you do for a living. Some don't take that question lightly and for obvious and sensible reasons
@@mbizi4573 agreed my dear but there are some behaviors like that being displayed by both fathers, it only shows level of intellectual capacity is very minimal. Viewers won't build high hopes if we had been told father only Went upto grade 7
He does a background check behind the scenes and when you go for tests, remember these types of shows they have their guidelines "questionnaire",so some questions won't get the answers they need,like one can be ashamed to say I didn't go to school on live television,unless they say it themselves.
How can we help amaiguru Mwana akava ku vanhu ngasiyane ne rombe iro achiri Mwana mudiki .and ndarwadziwa paataura kuti aigara achirohwa imagine because that ka mainini navamwene she never like amaiguru..go back to school uchagara zvakanaka siyana nemarombe ayo God will bless you..uchapedzisira wakumberi dont ever turn back to that karonbe remurume..
Tumikono twetsambarafuta turikuda kuzviita mabhuru. Apa vagara vakawondoroka vachati vorwara zvavo nehunhu hwakafumuka hweku shandisa chiweti sebrush remutoilet madzimai paDomboshava apo chengetedzai vanasikana mudunhu maintains nyoka. Maiguru is so sweet the way she owns up it's very mature. Thank God she left a reckless men.
Maiguru (the younger lady) 💯. The way how she presented and analysed her case is immaculate. I wish her a bright future. Thanks to mainini, too. To the young man, remember you're not rich until you find something that money can't buy.
Maiguru is so humble collected,wife material,mainn is humble too but she's bitter shes not happy in that marriage,maiguru vakaibuda , even mainn she's beautiful but she's seems to have heavy heart akaremerwa these boys they need Christ,kana Mai varikutopererwa ,kunge zvemishonga zvinhu zvavo vese ma first wife is gone uuummmm .
Maiguru is a star , humble , beautiful and intelligent
Intrigued. Ndevapi zvino myguru apo? Akatanga kuuya kumurume here? Kana kuti akatanga kudiwa akaita mwana first? Kana kuti ane makore ekuzvarwa akawanda? Uyu muchinda uyu, bodo?😮
Very true
Very humble ❤
@@mberikwazvomachisa2656vese ndhiana Maiguru.
Munhu anoti "magenes angu aiva achiri madiki" anganzi ari intelligent here
Maiguru is a real deal may God remember you with a faithful husband ❤❤❤
As a Kenyan ...this sounds funny 2 young girls they can do better.... parents being pregnant is not the end of the world say no to early marriages... encourage young gals to complete education secure a job or Business before getting kids...abstain, or protect...this should be a song..
What's funny there?,who doesn't know that girls should go to school. A Kenyan is an African. Is it new to be married early in africa.we deal with the situation as it is. Don't try to educate parents with your so called learning. These young girls have done well not to prostitute and stick to their husband.
@@rachelphoebh4480 Marriage is a choice. You would rather have them sleeping around than getting married. Why would you be so against them getting married and not against them sleeping around. Europeans believe in sex , boyfriend and girlfriend is common but married to them is taboo.nothing wrong on them Sharing their husband it's part of African culture,it has been going around us for ages.God doesn't forbid.they are not young girls,they are at the bloom of their age.
@@daziernestodavid6418culture when it suits you. Go and join the polygamy if you think it’s fun 😊
Very true.
The love between the first wife and her husband is still visible
Mhuri yekuvarume inoda deliverence chaiyo panyaya yechihure.
Zveshuwa. Previous episode was the brother and he was present. Nxa
Vane marika ava. Pataurwa zvemigodhu wangu. And mari nemadzimai....!!
Kuita chihure chiri mubhonzo muSkeleton chaimo
Maiguru is a smart young woman. I have fallen in love with her. Ndomawife material manyama aya
This young lady(maiguru) is very mature, beautiful, remorseful,respectful and very humble....all the best mainini
Zvemu family umu zvandishamisa…. These early childhood marriages, apa mabarika nema duty 😢 haaaa it’s too much 🤦🏽♀️ unototi inyaya dzekunyepa
Varikuita mari ne gold vapfanha avo saka zvimokko hobho
Pakayipa shuwa
Chlkwadi anemumwe akaenda futi mukadzi haaa pakaipa baba ava vanoda vakadzi
Nhai veduwe zvakaoma at the end it's sad that young girls end up tangled in the mess and messed ivo vachirarama life yavo haaa
Mahumbwe chaiwo. Apa vamwene vacho vanenge drama queen wo futi. Why does she allow nonsense dzakadayi pamba pavo.
Maiguru, if I were you, i would go back to school and build a better future for myself and my kid, forget about being a housewife, still too young for tha my dear❤
Maiguru to the world such a beautiful and humble lady ❤you deserve something better maiguru l wish kudai ndine brother isati yaroora ndaitouya kuzokutsvagai kushow group kwatete venyu kuti muite muroora wamama ❤
Ana Tete vema planned marriages aya
Yowe! Baba vakapfeka dhikauzi rimwe chete. Pqwaaa!
Mhuri inoda Jesu iyi. At this age vatoita vakadzi vaviri vaviri here, ah zviuno zvavo chii. Apo vari kungoruma vachisiya, kutambisa vana vevanhu. Iko kuzorova vana vadiki ava veduwee.
Mhuri yamaiguru marwadzo nayo as well. Kuvhiringa hupenyu hwemwana shuwa. Haa kuchengetwa mabasa at times.
Mainini nhema. Bitterness written all over. I doubt vagere mushe chero zvazvo maiguru pasisina. Chero mataurirano avo, Haa kumanikidzira rudo hapana apa.
Maiguru havo free spirit and well composed. She made a good decision kubva.
Thank you DNA man. Job well done
Mai vacho ndivo vabe problem. Remember kutaurwa kwazvaitwa kuti ava vanoda ku trstiswa. Vanoda varoora vakaita sesu. Vanoswera vakati tasa ne Bp neni.
Tinashe atadza kubata side rekurohwa kwamai guru. These guys, they fail even to say SORRY💔💔
@@Amarie077vako Mai ndivo vachati tasa.....
@@chiyenyumba7135 Kana wena kkkkkk kuti kudaro here.
@@mehlulimwale4492 You are right. Vese vakomana vanorova Tinashe did not even advocate for them.
This is a sad story. Maiguru was forced to marry neextended family (vasina hanya) then she was rejected, strugged to get pregnant, kwakuvigirwa second wife, left again by tsambarafuta, finally fell pregnant and get questioned. Yooh anozorora riini? All the best in future maiguru. You seem like a smart girl. ❤
Haha wataridza kurwadziwa wena Neni ndatsva moyo, she wasn't safe from the beginning of her journey. She is eversmilling I don't that her haters vaimuvengerei chaizvo. Where on earth kwaunowana munhu ane zvese seuyu smiling, beaut, kuzvibata, (wife material)
The reason why she opted to stay alone I believe she is a hardworking lady again. Ngaakomborerwe musikana uyu
Barika ma one chaiwo kungoitahako barika but pakaipa umm
She is very young
Amwene doesn’t look happy at all😅, i think ndotype yekuti vanenge vachida vana vavo varambe vakadzi vadye mari ivo. If am not mistaken paepisode yabamunini ndivo vanogara nevana and vasada muroora.
Now back to varoora, maiguru is so sweet and intelligent vakatoona kuti pamusha apa pari toxi vakatosiya
Mainini thought vawinner jackpot , ivo vasara netrash chaiyo. Now marriage yamunyisa😢, its never too late to leave too. Run girl, run. Just look at how maiguru is glowing and happy.😊
you are right amwene is the one who is causing all these misfortunes in his children vana ava vakafamba vanogona kutoudzwa kuti your mother is a trouble causer
😮I wish to have a wife like maiguru, she is so beautiful, intelligent and composed when she is delivering her answers. Where are these kind of ladies, I am praying for such a wife who is honest and respectiful
Mapudzi anowira vasina Hari shuwa
Hope you will find that kind of wife, but pray for it my boy
Ndiripo wani😂😂😂😂
Haaa makorokoza ma1
Sensible women go straight into the hands of useless loveless men
The first wife is beautiful, intelligent, composed and faithful. The abuse she went thru from the husband, his family and the second wife is very bad. Thank God she knew that she had to move away from the toxic relationship, she could have been maimed or killed by the abusive husband.
Bamnini is always in a happy mood , gulez you are such a vibe, your smile is everything 😍😍
Maiguru looks peaceful and happy. Mainini looks depressed, marriage anenge ma1 iyi
Mainini vane depression shuwa
Ndozvinoita life maiguru vakatoona kuti hapana rwendo
@@veronicamashumba7387 Mainini vakuona kunge ndivo vanorira but nekufamba kwenguva vachachema that guy ane chiuno chembudzi
Kikkkk ndozvinoita panyanga.. 😮😂😂😂
This girl is bright and has great potential to be something in life. I wish she could be given an opportunity even to go back to school or do something she likes doing to uplift herself. Babamukuru vekumuyendesa vakatadza apa aah😢. Ndabatikana apa
Maiguru is so sweet and humble, seems nahusband nabamnin havana issues. Problem kuna amwene uko.
Mental case Boys iroo hmm I surrender 😢😅.. so funny and sad at the same time.. with this economy someone who doesn't even own a flourishing business..stable income and worse still living in their parent's house wants 200 kids . Something is wrong for sure.. Let's show our sisters the right ways n open their eyes when it comes to courtship, choosing the right partners for them n their kids..
My heart always breaks for these beautiful precious girls. Going into marriages with these kind of man.
Ayewa hamuna kunyatsopabata boys iro rinedzimba didn't u notices difference yemasofa vanenzungu chete rekubata mari ye mining iyo nzungu 😂😂😂
Ayehwa iwe imba ndiyo yamomz zvese nezviri mukati but nhasi vashandisa firita.😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
vapappotsa boys iro makorokoza vatorine vashandi
Umwe wacho akatengera mukadzi mota
these boys are behaving like animals, kungozvarisa
wari kuita senyoka inoruma nechaisingade kudya. i think hawana kuvana parental guidance from their father, they are so wild and lost. vanasikana varikutambiswa ava
Masaga vafana ava.vanotinyadzusa sevanhurume
egaging in sexual activities is a choice..unless those young girls were rapped
Very sad indeed. I wonder kuti do they have any father figure in their lives. Vanoita kunge vane Ka disability so futhi. Poor girls honestly it's heartbreaking. These girls need to be empowered not be baby making machines. Arh so. Nxa.
Its sad,mainini is going through a lot,kumba akuna kumira mushe.Maiguru musanyengedzwe kudzokera pamaboorangoma aya
Chokwadi ngaasadzoke kutambisirwa nguva nekamurume kema earing
I am so happy to hear that mukadzi we brother akaenda. I will definately contact Tinashe for that girl. She deserves a better man.
Type yako iyii hairore, and haina hunhu, ukutiudza pano kuti tiite seii
@@TaMa-xd6ut I think He /she's contacting Tinashe about the girl with regards of wanting to offer help
@@jadelorna4902 Of cause to help. What do you think i will contact him for.
@@TaMa-xd6utasi chii nhai
Parents who force their children into marriage should be arrested. Iye mukomana achiziva kuti haana kurara nemuskana why didn't he report instead? The girl as a virgin so he would have easily won the case
At time semurume am sure he won't be sure kaa kuti bbe ishuwa here she is a virgin u know we women lie so kuyenda kupolice will also be risking kusungwa
In ndawona seaive oda maiguru that's why he accepted. Ari fond of her more chero matarisiro acho. That's why he took her she is a gem ende mainini vanozviziva that's why vakabva vauuya. Vana vasina hunhu chete ended vakabata Mari vachiri vadiki so havana discipline zvamuchose
Maiguru got a raw deal from the start; she deserves better ❤
What do you mean better. She has her husband and they have managed sharing. You mean she should leave her husband for another man. They went for DNA to strengthen their marriage so their children should be accepted by their father and that they are not prostitute..please don't destroy their marriage. She is in a better position now.
Please don't twist the narrative, nobody is against the DNA tests. If you listened to her narrate her ordeal, you'd know that she wasn't happy from the start and was forced to be with this man. You make it sound like having a husband is the ultimate regardless of how bad the conditions of the marriage are. If her own parent's didn't see anything good out of her situation; how can you say she is in a better place....Paati vakasiyana hamuna kupanzwa here?
@@daziernestodavid6418 the nutcase is a destroyer apa he says he wants 200 kids and his mother said the boys have many children out there unaccounted for. The boy deserves to be on his own I wouldn't wish him upon my enemy's daughter.
From the two episodes ka,moms is the chief trouble causer
Ndazvionawo izvozvo Ikeda mari yevana mai iyi ichitadza kuumba life yevana
Very toxic mum in law 😢
You are deadly right
Maiguru is so sweet and funny . Looks like havafarirwe na Gogo judging from the side eye. Maiguru is free spirited, vanonakidza! Vakunyatsotaura zvakadzikamira hanzi mabhuru. Looks like she doesn’t want anything to do with the baby daddy anymore
I like it when the girl power comes out and you look back and say what the hack. Gogo vaya vane moyo wakaipa. Kuswera vachibvunza kuti hamuna kubvisa nhumbu. Ummm zvakaoma.
Gogo vakatadza kudzidzisa vana hunhu hwakanaka kuti vasiyane nevana vadiki, apa kushusha ivo nevana vavo futi, ncaaa
@@zvaazvinhu5216 Ndivo vakatofanisa vana vavo kushusha. Ndaivanzwa vachidairira iyeyu paiti anoda kuita maDNA.
I admire the first wife she fell in the wrong relationship but she is humble
bamkuru ndivo vakakanya maiguru, but she is one of the sweet ladies out there
Maiguru ndavada such a composed lady. Very humble indeed..keep it up. Wish u a happy life
This family is a kaak family vanhu vari kutambisa vakadzi isu tisina so iyi haisi family iyi vafana ava imbwa dzevanhu they sleep with a lot young girls
@@alexmatutu6168true mboko boys
Eish dai varega kunyengerwa kudzokera pakamurume ako hakana future ako kanongozvarisa zvisina order...she z still young zvekutoti anotoita smethng in life ozoroorwa hake coz nhamo yaakaona ihombe.
kaMaiguru kanodika❤❤❤❤
This maiguru she is so intelligent shame very humble..I love her ..I wish you the best in life girl ❤❤
Bota family have you discovered that Tinashe interacts more with cool people talking sense as for those who are too talkative and violence that's when he just stare and chill leaving them to end their fights own their own😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I feel sad for the little innocent baby who suffered rejection from day one to the 4th month of his or her life What a bad start in life sorry
Whenever mygru speaks the man smiles or giggles kuratidza real feelings. Apa Dziva makafambula apa. Makaruza quality kuzviisa mujere iro hanzvadzi.
Maiguru vanenge vachinzi ava mainini vachinzi uyu. Apa vonzi vainge vaine zidumbu.
Taura hako haaa apo akaruza mukadzi akanaka pazvese
Maiguru Usadzokere kubarika hausi chikorobho. U deserve a man who loves u and appreciates you. Vabereki ngatisasaidzira vana tinokonzeresa
Pavanotanga nyaya dzavo vaberiki vanenge vasipo. Vanorwadzisa vanasikina.
But kudzinga mwana achienda kumunhu akadai bhoo here. Apa anga asina kurara naye. Mwanasikana ngaakurudzirwe kuenda ku sch kwete kusairira mwana mu marriage
@@unitymaqedaputsai4315 ndozvazvinoita kuchengetwa nehama unochekereswa. Iye mwana kana anzi rega siyana nemunhu ngaaterere
@@chiyenyumba7135 vana havana mugoni akateerera wototenda mwari. Kuraira ndekwamwari
Gulez manyama wish you all the best girl, shandisa marii yavo uite life yako ibudirire ugone kuzvimiririra you are so beautiful, humble and intelligent.
Maiguru she is beautiful wife material ❤❤
You can tell Maiguru is intelligent and I hope she continues to make her life better and find real love
She has real love already. They have managed to maintain their relationship as 3,please don't destroy their marriage
Did you miss the part where she said vakasiyana?
She's better off that way. Hopefully she never goes back to him.
@@daziernestodavid6418what do you mean as 3. Maiguru vakasiyana nababa ava kare already.
vakasiyana .... but the man is still supporting maiguru on everything ,rent. the two are in love kanozivana ava
@@tatendamutizwa2596 love and lust are 2 different things. Rudo harurove, rudo harurwadze. May God give her wisdom 🙏🏾
Nhumbu yamainini ndeya 2018 ikazvarwa 2020 😂😂😂kuri kungoda kunzi ndakatanga. Barika rinopengesa
Ndatozvishayawo ipapo hanzi ndakaenda 2018 nhumbu ine 2wks ndakazopona muna 2020 ende fut kaa apa atizive mwedzi wavanga vaenda 2018 wacho kureva vakatakura mhimba gore ne smthing
Apa vanowanza nhema hanzi ndakadanana nababa 2016 baba vazviramba izvozvo pamberi pecamera kkkkkk unonzwa kunyara kunge imbwa yakwira mubhazi
Mainini can lie l doubt she was pregnant pavakatizira
Imagine, ndatozvishayawoo kuti nhumbu dzakuita ma2 years suu mazuvano
Same man but totally different wives. Maiguru, very smart , beautiful and lovely! Hamheno amainini???
❤mwana akazvinakira hake uyo ,,,
First wife bvrrrrrrrrrrr ,,very beautiful
Kamainn kane makuhwa zvino Tinashe haadi makuhwa anozobvunza mava mose
I like the first wife
Maiguru go ahead with the decision yekugara mega siyayi zvemurume uyu Iyi family inenge isina kurongeka kuvakomana havana kudzikama
Mwana akangwarira uyu n she is so beautiful ❤❤
I'm in love with maiguru. Thanks munin'ina hauna kunyadzisa
Mhuri yaamwene needs deliverance, something is amiss, regai ka1st maiguru karambe murume kachiti vakaromba.
Chii chinopa vakomana ava kurura vakadzi.
But l fell in love wth maiguru, haaa she's very humble n beautiful
2nd wife kwindi yacho ma1
Ndakazvitaurawo kut vana ava vane mushonga chii chinovapa kudai
Maiguru will be blessed with the correct husband
Amen we command grace in the name of Jesus Christ.
Maguru vanongodika so she is beautiful and sweet mainini vane gukwindi chaizvo the first wife is a real deal ❤ akangotambisirwa hake mahara
Mainini looks depressed. Vabereki don't allow your daughters kunotambudzwa kana vasisadiwe!
I think ivo mainini is the one allowing herself to be in such a situation.
@@teurayirugonye3346 ayewa chandinoona chinonetsa vabereki vanenge vachingoti gara ikoko. Its high time for our parents to accept the situation.
aaah life you make decisions ,,, gara nezvawakazvisarudzira kana watova nemhuri watove mubereki so handingaite dzimba two zveee no nochachigondora chachimombe ..ndochengeta mwana kwete mumwe mkadzi
Don't blame parents when these girls start being pumped parents become enemies and powerless.... Vanorwadzisa vanasikina
@@chiyenyumba7135 Zveshuwa. Kutanga kurara ari 16. Chionai manji vanomhanya kuroorwa vasina kana chekuti anokwanisa kuzomira ega. Nekuchema kwaiita mwana ikoko woramba uripo. I will pack my bags and go and take care of my kids. Naivo amwene vasikana ivavo vachichinjaniswa muchirara navo. Ukaona zvatanga zvakadaro panenyaya. Vanasikana ava varikurwadzisa vabereki.
The first wife is a good wife material, so young but so humble, may God bless u with a responsible husband,the husband who values u,the husband who will never raise her hand beating u, Young land u are so beautiful empower YOSELF go back to school
I like maiguru she is beautiful and humble ❤
Maiguru Mwari vakakuitirai nyasha kubuda mumatakanana mhuri isingatyi Mwari iyi. Munowanikwa mukagara zvakanaka mufunge
Maiguru is ever smiling wife material
Mai guru is a good wife
Because of smiling😢
Vachatambudzika nekuchengeta danga revazukuru
Ndabhoekana. Ndaida amainini vaite ma0% ese 😭😭😭
Agh for the why
Vane kamwe ka character kavo mainini kana murume ane nhamo naye mukadzi mudiki wake uyo and anonyepa.
Maiguru is lovable. Mainini hamheno vanekamwe kakusafaririka. Baba at least vanekakutya chirwere, vakaenda kuHIV test namaiguru vakazoshandisa protection naMainini, zvirinaniwo nekuti varume vazhinji havatombozvifunge zvechirwere.
Asi vakadzi vacho varikungo tutwa.
But pabarika apo tsuro haipone mirutsva kaviri
Maiguru is a wife material
Maiguru vakabva kuvanhu vane hunhu plus respect sando dzenyu maikuru🔨🔨
Second wife seam to be pregnant again 😂😂😂😂😂
Murume anenge anoda first wife more and mainini i think vakadambura condon deliberately kuti vaite mwana vapinde panyanga but marriage yarema she is seems depressed
Haa maiguru sweet woman zvake uyo anenge akangomudhura
but arikurwadziwa nezwirikuitika, l can understand where she is coming from
Anestress uyo
Panyanga panopisa 😂
Kurema kwacho ndakutadza
Amai veboys muchanzwa butter nokuchengeta vana muchitotunidza kuti varoora vayende. Apa vamurikuita kuti vayende ndovanoda vana venyu. It's a sad scenario😢
I wanted mainin to have 0%😏 Maiguru is so sweet🥰🥰🥰
Me too
Me too Mwari ndiregererei I don't know why wange uchindibata mweya iyoyo🙈
@@lorrainemashongamhende4547 😂😂😂haadikike
Muroyi wanyara
Maiguru manyama wakagonesa kusiya boorangoma . You are very intelligent and peaceful unlike mainini avo vai knocker na 12 midnight kuti vakanganwa zambia vachida kungo disturber your time nemurume.
Mainin looks happy and glowing,aiwa vakagona vakasiya kabhuru aka demon reAfrica rekungoti munhu akaita tuma cents anofunga kuwedzera vakadzi,mnxiii….chikorokoza chakazara mumusoro…mainin wo nekuside vakuita seivo ndomaiguru….she looks bitter and shabby at first she thought she won murume pakaenda gulez little did she know kuti murume anochinja haasi mwana wamai vako….feel sorry for her achachembedzwa nemurume uyo ozosiya or kurarama a bitter life
Maiguru mari varikuimora asi havachadanani nembwa iyi.Good move Maiguru piwai mari yemwana
Maiguru is such sweet humble person,, more mature than her age.
This man is a womanizer maiguru please run with your life there is a good man out there who is loooking for wife material like you.
Tinashe ndipowo number dza maiguru 😂😅😊
Dziva ihama yangu. Tisu vana Save vacho, zvebarika ndezvedzinza redu. Maiguru avo hapana kwavanoenda varimu system, zvese vari kuitirwa.
Maiguru zvamuri hama yangu thank you hauna kutinyadzisa thank you amambeva
Mambeva special
@@gloriagwande5857 kkkk tisu vanhu vacho
Maiguru is beautiful
1)Baba musiyane ne DOMESTIC VIOLENCE makapona jeri pamakamitisa under age
2)Maiguru you are younger than mainini but you are mature RESPECT
3)BABA give vana vese same LOVE and ATTENTION
Kuzvotsengawo bubble gum maiguru..chiiicho..
Dziva hanzvadzi yangu torai maiguru back she is humble and beautiful tora vakadzi vako
Ah, madireiko kuti maiguru vafe nestress naDziva venyu vasinga gutsikane. Maiguru needs to find her own hubby achaona kukosha kwavo, zvemukorokoza uyu ari kufamba achizvarisa nyika yose she is too smart for that
Hanzvadzi dzedu from this family vandishamisa nekurova vakadzi haaaa most Dzivas are gentle uyu akanyeperwa mutupo chete😂😂
@@Venus-x1kthey need DNA
Kuti adzokere azodzoswa kumba kwavo ava mucoffin
Amutore aendepi haaa nxaah siyayi mwan
Thats when the whole family needs deliverence pakadai. Mkoma paakauya paepisode yemunin'ina was sounding reasonable. Only to find kuti he is as bad as munin'ina if not worse pakushaya maturity. Kurega mwana chero akachema uchisiya mumba mako shuwa, even westranger unobata wani. God bless Maiguru avo, she is very mature, beautiful and humble at the same time
Imagine,mwana chero wandisingazive ndikasangana naye muroad achichema handipfuudzani naye,ndinotomira ndoda kuziva chamuchemedza😢.lyi mhuri yakatukwa iyi,they need deliverance as a family.
Mai guru mwana mudoko but hei,shes very intelligent and humble ,anotopfuura vangu vakuru vazhinji❤
Maiguru intelligent and the smile is just from another world.
Vakomana avo zuva rimwe gava richadambura musungo.
Maiguru is beautiful humble intelligent .You deserve better in life.
inlove with maiguru hangu zvekutodaro
love you munin'ina wangu❤❤❤❤❤❤
Maiguru keep on yo humbleness, u are a cheerful woman.
I love your character maiguru.
Mavaonaka a Mambeva,well done munin'ina ❤
Maiguru she is peaceful woman deserve 😍
I respect the first wife , very intelligent unfortunately she was let down in the beginning by her uncle she really deserves better.
Imagine barika neage yake yho vana vemazuvaano pakaipa ,l love gulez coz she's so humble
Vose vaviri vaviri nempfanha wacho mkru ari nani ane 2 pavamochemberera vanenge vave nevashanu
Uuu family unoda deliverence iyi wari kufunga kti warikushamisira rimwe zuva wachashamiswa kuita makwikwi evakadzi yoh
Mainini is very jealous she wants e hubby all to herself vanorwara njere pa havasi vahosi futy
She was not even a virgin and 2yrs older to that girl
@@tova4700akadiwa marwadziwanei
Apo kunyepa hanzi ndini ndakatanga kudanana na Baba 2016 ndiri form 2 vakarambirwa pa camera kunzi Maiguru ndovakatanga
Kunyepa kut vairwa fut vakarambirwa
Vane kakuda ku monopolisa murume
Team rangu chengetai mababe enyu boe since makazvida mega. Scale ngayitoyenderana please.
Maiguru vari humble,smart intelligence ndarwadziwa apa vakamumanikidza marriage l wish dai ndiri sis vako zvaisaitika zvese izvi 19 years you still a young lilysis 😢
Seriously speaking idrama rega rega these pple are still playing ne marriage and am sure before they know it,everything will just end in tears and as for the two brothers by the time you reach 35 you will be single again and searching 🤣🤣😅
Ifamily yemapenzi shuwa yevakomana ava ufunge
Apa mai vacho vanopomerwa kunetsa varoora
@tinashe mugabe I think a small background of educational backgrounds of parents will help your viewers adding up some of these circumstances. When you ask age can you also add level of schooling
That can be a sensitive question to some people. It's equivalent to being asked...what do you do for a living. Some don't take that question lightly and for obvious and sensible reasons
I think this question is so that they can get help if there's need, pane vamwe vanotoda kudzokera kuchikoro
@@mbizi4573 agreed my dear but there are some behaviors like that being displayed by both fathers, it only shows level of intellectual capacity is very minimal. Viewers won't build high hopes if we had been told father only Went upto grade 7
He does a background check behind the scenes and when you go for tests, remember these types of shows they have their guidelines "questionnaire",so some questions won't get the answers they need,like one can be ashamed to say I didn't go to school on live television,unless they say it themselves.
Haaa family iyi marara chaiwo hayiwa kuroorwa nemurombo muchifanna pasina kupumhiwa chihure kurinani, zvakaoma kupumhiwa zvausina kuita
How can we help amaiguru Mwana akava ku vanhu ngasiyane ne rombe iro achiri Mwana mudiki .and ndarwadziwa paataura kuti aigara achirohwa imagine because that ka mainini navamwene she never like amaiguru..go back to school uchagara zvakanaka siyana nemarombe ayo God will bless you..uchapedzisira wakumberi dont ever turn back to that karonbe remurume..
kuroorwa chinhu chakanaka bt pamwe pacho vanasikana siyai please
Maiguru you’re very smart, humble and beautiful. Mwari ngaakupeiwo murume anokudai mufunge akunyaradzei moyo wenyu🙏
Ndo lifestyle yemakorokoza I know a few guys most of them vanozoita mari inotyisa asi chibharanzi hachiperi lol 😅
Tumikono twetsambarafuta turikuda kuzviita mabhuru. Apa vagara vakawondoroka vachati vorwara zvavo nehunhu hwakafumuka hweku shandisa chiweti sebrush remutoilet madzimai paDomboshava apo chengetedzai vanasikana mudunhu maintains nyoka.
Maiguru is so sweet the way she owns up it's very mature. Thank God she left a reckless men.
Mugoni wepwere ndeasina vana komana ava imboko mbiti chaidzo poor vakadzi vacho zvakaoma kutoita proud of barika nezera ravo iroro zvakaoma thanx Tinashe.
Kuda mari hapana chimwe
@@samuelngirazi9636 zvakaoma ufunge
Tinashe plz pane vanorova vakadzi apo gadzirisa wy ku smiler😮😮
Mhuri iyi inekakusarongeka so kungoda kutambisa vana vevanhu
Maiguru (the younger lady) 💯. The way how she presented and analysed her case is immaculate. I wish her a bright future. Thanks to mainini, too. To the young man, remember you're not rich until you find something that money can't buy.
100% perfect
Maiguru is so humble collected,wife material,mainn is humble too but she's bitter shes not happy in that marriage,maiguru vakaibuda , even mainn she's beautiful but she's seems to have heavy heart akaremerwa these boys they need Christ,kana Mai varikutopererwa ,kunge zvemishonga zvinhu zvavo vese ma first wife is gone uuummmm .