I overthink whether or not I believe enough which leads to me questioning my salvation. It's a continuous loop and I feel so far from God. Please pray for clarity, thanks. Jared.
cintiahamilton Facts ^^ I’ve had struggles with my faith but in the end, God is sovereign and knows my thoughts even before I have them. When we trust every single promise from God (Old & New Testament), life begins to be much more peaceful and clear. We also just have to humble up, realize we’re dust and that God is complete truth! Hallelujah!
The fact that you are worrying about not having enough faith, means you must really care about your faith. Which means your just being to hard on yourself. Watch your actions they will tell you what you believe. This is what I do when this struggle pops up in my mind.
Yeah, I can struggle with this myself… anxiety doesn’t help… please pray for me. I’ll pray as well… really need to do that instead of just asking others to pray.
Abba Father, in agreement with this message according to hebrews 12:3 I bind every spirit that wants to overthink or underthink the word of God in my life and those surrounding me, in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
Thank you, I can become quite stressed by over-thinking situations, issues and topics that need it not. Subjectivism by C.S. Lewis, very good follow-up, thanks. By the way, I discovered a lot of my "over-thinking" came from idle hands so to speak. When I committed to becoming more proactive in solid truths I can practice, I experienced more peace. Work is good. I'm a stay-at-home home schooling momma, so plenty of fruitful projects abound in rearing and training my children and keeping a home. Study in the Word in the quiet of the morning, meditate on it throughout the day and practice what I can. Appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord's calling on your life. And a deep thank you for your books, Future Grace and Desiring God. Future Grace absolutely gave me the tools to live a life in assurance of my salvation and to stand on the power of His promises. Thanks so much.
Funniest thing just happen. While listen to this i was standing in the mirror doing my hair . I got distracted and started overthinking about how much i missed it being long. And when he said “get out of the mirror , worrying about your hair” i jump like if he could see me 😂😂
Question . Do you guys think we can have peace in our heart about something but now in our minds ? I totally understand overthinking because it’s a constant mental loop.
May we introduce Jesus to those who do not yet know Him? Psalms 119:151 Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth. Jesus is The Word, John 1:1-5 The Word God spoke: Exodus 20:1 The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13 and The Word God made flesh John 1:14. He is our example of The Trinity. He is The Law that hung on the cross and The Law that is written in the heart. Psalms 40:7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me Hebrews 10:7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God. We do not work for our salvation, Jesus died and saved the world. But we can work for our protection from the plagues, those coming to steal, kill, and destroy, from deception etc.. There is nothing wrong with works for we are judged on our works. Faith without works is dead. Why would Jesus tell us to pray for workers, if no work is to be done? May we all receive the wisdom of The Father in Deut. 6:8-9 and the advice of Paul and put on Jesus.
I just noticed this but I love how John Piper starts some these episodes after the question is given with "Well..." I'm not sure why but I feel as if it's gonna be a good one every time I hear that :]
About Yesterday I just think about stressing about how my thin hair and if anyone stress about the same this is the answer t.. anyone who stress or overthink , anxious about things in this world.. submit to God pray about it bring to Him.. He is great and amazing .. pray to holyspirit to help..dont let that things control ur mind.. the more you want control the more stress about..just let God heal.. because basicly the perfections is in Him.. so dont act like everything must be perfect in your eyes its not peaceful and make you confuse. Let it go and God and Holy spirit will calm ur soul and mind.. and you have the answer in his will .. He is so good.. praise the lord 🙏🏼
I think I would like a switch to shut off my overthinking, better yet a programable device to set deep thinking for short spurts and then turn it off a night! Then I would not be listening to this at 130 a.m. being hypnotized by the crazy graphics with the moving dots and lines on your UA-cam cover! You cover a lot of interesting things, don’t get me wrong!
During my childhood, I wasn’t good at my studies and my father used to beat me for not concentrating. Once I attended a healing prayer meeting and discovered believer’s speaking in tongues. I thought this is a great idea to grab the attention of my parents and even I started speaking in tongues and my father stopped beating me. I cheated my family several times until a preacher told them that I was possessed by evil spirits. I’m the youngest in my family of five siblings. My mother always said she has six diamonds but she did not know that I was the ‘black sheep’ in the family. I hated Jesus for no cause. I kept sinning deliberately having a hard heart. I committed my whole youth to the Satan. I visited temples in order to please my friends. My conscience always kept pricking me that I was doing wrong, but I hardened my heart. I grew up sinning, despite knowing that Jesus is the only Lord and Saviour. Finally, I found myself as the most wanted person on God’s offender’s list. I hated Jesus for no cause and enjoyed worldly life. God saved me multiple times from accidents and dreadful situations, but still I was hard heartened and stubborn and immersed in sin. Stealing money from my house finally made me rob God’s money in various ministries. I drowned myself in sin and sin caught me firmly that I did not find any direction to escape. The devil kept persisting me that I am his and I cannot escape from his control. It also reminded me that there was no forgiveness for me neither in this world nor the Kingdom to pass as I have deceived the Holy Spirit numerous times. After knowing that I had no forgiveness, I completely surrendered myself to Satan as I had a misconception that even God will not forgive or accept me as His child. I was troubled within, evil spirits haunted me, and fear gripped me. I thought the spirits would kill me so I made an agreement with them that I will be on their side on a condition that they must stop troubling me. The devil visited me at least once or twice a month and it used to feel my body and I could also sense its presence. Whenever I was guilty, I prayed, I cried and shed tears but I did not find deliverance, as I was a hypocrite. Once during my youth stage, my father requested me to take him for a prayer meeting in Gymkhana grounds, Hyderabad. Actually I wasn’t willing to go with him, but I thought if something happens to him I will be accountable so accompanied him. I did not listen to the message, but during the prayer time, the preacher prophesied, “who is that person who deceived God’s Holy Spirit, God loves you and is telling you to turn to Him or else He will cast you into the lake of fire.” Immediately my whole body started shivering, my knees kept knocking together and I realized that the preacher was talking about me. Immediately the next day I went to the prayer meeting get prayed over me and the man of God placed his hands on my head and said Lord deliver him from his “lustful eyes” and this conviction only lasted for a few days and I went back to my own life. I tasted cigars, I didn’t like it, I tasted alcohol I didn’t like it and the devil began testing me in which way I will be comfortable with him and I got addicted to pornography . I was so immense and attracted to obscene images and as days passed by this became an addiction and I spent hours together to fulfil my hearts desires. I pretended to be a very righteous person in the sight of my family, pastors, and believers. I took baptism in 2001 to get rid of my problems, but frankly speaking guilt kept following me wherever I went and the addiction did not leave me. I got married with a wonderful child of God, and I promised that I will not indulge in bad things anymore, but the evil one wasn’t willing to leave me from his grip. I had bad dreams, the evil one kept visiting me but the desires reduced but never stopped. Terrible dreams shook my life. Once I died and I met Jesus and He looked at me and said ‘Come it’s time for judgement’ and I suddenly hid something from my eyes so that the Lord must not see it and I woke up trembling and woke up my wife and told her to pray for me. Once I had a dream where my coffin just stopped from entering the gates of Hell. It was a terrible scene. It was not easy to give up my addiction, but I believe that God touched my life because of the reverent prayers of my wife and my family especially my godly mother. I wanted deliverance as the sin in me came up to the brim. I thought this is not the life I must live, the evil one became even stronger and during this time I cried out to Jesus with a true repented heart, He came to my rescue and this helped me to pen down my testimony. I confessed all my sins at Jesus’ feet, and poured out my frustrations and Jesus delivered me from all satanic snares and I began sprouting in the Lord. Now I realized that we have a better place and we will be worshipping the Lord with other saints. I strongly believe because God shed His blood for me to forgive and redeem me. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I thank Jesus for giving me this inspiration so that people somewhere in the corner who are struggling like me will know the truth and get delivered from various addictions that has held them hostage. The devil is a liar, it only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t believe when Satan prompts you, and do not get agitated because when God is with us, no one can be against us. Romans 8: 38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We are not alone in this battle against evil foes. The battle belongs to the Lord and we must just give Jesus a chance. I am not ashamed to tell my story as Jesus has cleansed me with His blood. The satanic barricades have been destroyed and Jesus set me free and he cleansed all the scars that Satan has afflicted on me. I want to commit the rest of my life to Jesus who saved my life. Pastor Rick Warren’s messages gave me a lot of comfort and it strengthened my faith. I thank Jesus for such encouraging messages to stay firm in Christ. All praises be to Him alone for He deserves all glory and Honour! Please forward my testimony to all your family, friends, relatives and WhatsApp friends you know so that the prince of this world (Satan) would be put to shame and God’s (Jesus’) name be glorified for ever. Amen!!! David
Think about the right things and practice the right things and God of peace gets very close and precious set your thinking not only what is true but on things above Be about the business of taking your minds and all your thinking and make heaven and the realities of God in Christ the focus of your thinking Thinking as part of being mature Keeps thinking in its place and makes joy peace and love the touchstone of whether it’s doing its work it’s not producing joy peace and love it’s not doings its work Not overthinking badly thinking underthinking and not false thinking
I am stuck in a vicious cycle during most of the year I just go with the flow in the world without a care in the world then at the end of the year I have get panic attacks and I pray for forgiveness for all I've done. I need help.
A Prayer to Break Mental Chains Lord Jesus, You are the great liberator. You brought the children of Israel out of slavery and into the land of promise. Those whom You set free are free indeed. Yet, some are enslaved - not by chains, but in the shackles of their minds. They cannot free themselves, Lord. Therefore, break the mental chains that bind them, Lord. Lead them out of the enslavement of their minds. Destroy all vice that weighs down their thoughts, and fill their minds with the light of Your love. I ask this in Your name, Lord. Amen.💯✝️🩸🔥🚦
Sorry, is Mr. Piper referring to the text called “The poison of Subjectivism”? I appreciate if someone can tell me what’s the name of the Lewis essay that he mentioned. Thank you a lot.
You never know until after . This world is complicated life is not simple , you do your best but still make mistakes . It’s all in the mind so if that’s in a mess so is everything else . Try try again .
I wonder why my friends thank God for their blessings but don’t believe they should question what He’s got to do with their tragedies. It seems that non-Christian religions are the same way. Doesn’t God care what religion we claim?
How can I overcome the fear of Judgment Day . I read the bible but when I come across a verse that says Lake Of Fire I freak out jump into panic . Help plz
Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it out.
What God Has Joined Together I long to walk on higher grounds and serve the glorious king above in freedom not divorced from bounds and duty not divorced from love. On what I truly think I'll act, yet what to think, decide I must: Not with belief divorced from fact, but knowledge not divorced from trust. I think, to make my thinking whole, how Jesus in His earthly days with suff'ring not divorced from goal brought justice not divorced from grace.
+FirstThessalonians5 Adams..I read the bible and listened to pastors and got Nothing but confused. So I went to Jesus and asked Him to Help me..He brought me the bible He wanted me to read and Helped me with every verse. I marked them and those are the ones I read and I leave the rest alone. I do not question Jesus. Jesus Did Not say the bible was "God breathed.". Paul said it..and he is a man..Not God. I believe Jesus..Thank You..Jesus!
The idiot human in me questions stuff stupidly. When I just trust and lean on the Joy the HOLY GHOST ,JESUS and GOD provide I'm just happy go lucky and feel right. People are jealous and ask about my happiness. lol JESUS ROCKS!!
We can NEVER over think the Christian Life! Or is legalism and the multiple "isms" and false doctrines over thinking as well as underthinking? Maybe overthinking and underthinking are the same. To undercut Jesus as Messiah is underthinking His value and Son of Man'ship. To overthink God's character as allowing evil because He makes it, thus we shouldn't be held accountable is to elevate humanity in a manner that grants him some account against God. Or legalism in itself.
By not thinking . Most of what you're thinking about or dreaming up is unnecessary. Your #1 consern is to stop trying to play God. You may end up in hot water. Please don't do it . Innocent usually end up in it with you , Thinker .
+Big Gavin..Jesus IS God The Holy Spirit. If what a man in the bible says does not line up with what Jesus says..it can't very well be from the Holy Spirit Who is God. There are many things said in the bible that do not line up with what Jesus said. You had better be asking Jesus to Help you too.
You, Pastor Johnny, talking about overthinking? HA.. I have seen you take one Bible verse apart and talk about it for twenty minutes and find twenty ways to interpret and apply it
+Truck Driver..Matthew 5 6 7 is Jesus Sayings to the people..the complete Plan of Salvation. The rest of the bible is men's commentary..mostly hear say. How reliable is hear say today? No different then. Do not read the bible without Help from Jesus. He will Help you know what is important.
+Jude Three..Matthew 5 6 7 is Jesus Sayings to the people..the complete plan of Salvation. The rest of the bible is men's commentary..mostly hear say. How reliable is hear say today? No different then. I Do Not Read the bible without Jesus Help. He Helps me know what is important. His commandments are the Most Important.
I don't know maybe the verses in the bible that talk about the mind help..your understanding they help mine cause the people in the bible are humans who believe but don't know everything like God does so it's easy to question yourself own self when you know God knows everything and knows more than you they were being taught the knowledge of God.growing in the wisdom and knowledge of God..Thats what alot of the bible is right the word of God the knowledge of God..Christ the power of God the wisdom of God.but when others wanted to know about sanctification wanted to know about how to control their thoughts the mind or whatever questions they had..it talks about it in scripture all scripture is given by inspiration of God but the cast down imaginations and every high thing that's exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ is a good scripture that's common for just about every human..How do I think purer thoughts or whatever what do I do to sanctify my soul and spirit and think righteous have peace of mind a clear mind cause right now my mind seems defiled to me and it bothers me I don't like it..I understand it..Weak conscious carnal mind reprobated mind seared conscious and spiritual mind etc the word talks about all that to carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace.and your spirit and your flesh are contrary to each other it's strange to me I'm a believer but i have been through it i think Paul a man of God went through this type of battle and wanted understanding and me being a believer it helped me and I didn't stress as much about it whether that was the lord that helped my peace it's good that you can look at a scripture that another believer went through and they explain it and you understand it and can relate to it..and be like I get it and that's so true I know from my own personal experience that's why alot of people like Romans 7 and 8 of course there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ who walk after the spirit and not after the flesh but about the mind Romans 7 is a good verse ..
Doesn't that seem kind of odd to you? Being rebuked for something that is beyond your control? We do not choose what we believe. Our minds automatically draw conclusions based on the information we are exposed to. You can't grunt out belief. You either believe something or you don't. Condemning someone for not believing something is ridiculous. Is a person really at fault for what they believe? Why does anyone believe what they believe? We all have reasons that shape our beliefs, and those reasons come from our external stimuli in this life.
Interesting name.. Also you didnt answer the question. There’s a difference between trying to put God into a box of your understanding, and not knowing the plan but trusting God anyway. And we do choose what we believe btw. what kind of statement is that.
No. We don't choose what we believe. We either believe something to be true based on information that we received, or we reject it as false. Simple test: I command you to believe that I am holding a quarter in my hand. Believe it! Do you? Why? Why not? Can you choose your belief about this?
If you think about what Jesus said in Matthew 5 6 7 you will be thinking things worth thinking. If you think about what is said in the rest of the bible ..it is a crap shoot. There are some things that are in line with Jesus and His Commandments..but most of the bible is irrelevant..some deception..many opinions..and some evil. You Need Him to Help you separate the true worthwhile things and the worthless.
kathleen Wharton It seems you fell for the same sin Eve fell into- doubting God's word (I.e. "Did God really say?). Paul said in 2nd Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." You can't just pick and choose- either you take the whole counsel of God or you don't. If you read through the Bible you will see if flow and connects like a beautiful puzzle. You can't understand the horrible effects of sin, how we keep back sliding, why we NEEDED Jesus to come to save us once for all time, etc. . . Jesus also quoted the Old Testament.
How is it you have come to settle on just 3 chapters of the bible that make the cut? What is the standard you use for determining the mindful revelation of God?
"If it's not producing joy, peace, and love, it's not doing it's work, we're thinking badly."
I overthink whether or not I believe enough which leads to me questioning my salvation. It's a continuous loop and I feel so far from God. Please pray for clarity, thanks. Jared.
Believe enough? Bro, if you believe with a mustard seed you will be saved. Your beliving grows over time. It takes time to grow it.
You are not alone, a lot of christians go through this
Facts ^^ I’ve had struggles with my faith but in the end, God is sovereign and knows my thoughts even before I have them. When we trust every single promise from God (Old & New Testament), life begins to be much more peaceful and clear. We also just have to humble up, realize we’re dust and that God is complete truth! Hallelujah!
I battle this too. You're not alone Yahweh and Yeshua are with us
The fact that you are worrying about not having enough faith, means you must really care about your faith. Which means your just being to hard on yourself. Watch your actions they will tell you what you believe. This is what I do when this struggle pops up in my mind.
Over thinking can be maddening. I pray to God for help with this 🙏
I relate so much. May God help us all! 🕊️
Agreed. This is the story of my life.
Yeah, I can struggle with this myself… anxiety doesn’t help… please pray for me. I’ll pray as well… really need to do that instead of just asking others to pray.
For a person who over thinks everything, this is very helpful.
Thats me..drive myself crazy
Dylan 2 Corinthians 10:5
Same here
You guys are not alone!! Currently in 2019, driving myself insane overthinking my salvation and standing with God. Its a hard life, man
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3
Hello brothers and sisters. Could you guys please pray for. I've been getting attack spiritually for weeks now. May the Heavenly Father bless you all!
me too
Just a Young Prince fight plead the blood rebuke bind in jesus name over and over examin yourself over turn and trust over and over in jesus name.
I just prayed for you
How are you know? 😃
Abba Father, in agreement with this message according to hebrews 12:3 I bind every spirit that wants to overthink or underthink the word of God in my life and those surrounding me, in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
Thank you, I can become quite stressed by over-thinking situations, issues and topics that need it not. Subjectivism by C.S. Lewis, very good follow-up, thanks. By the way, I discovered a lot of my "over-thinking" came from idle hands so to speak. When I committed to becoming more proactive in solid truths I can practice, I experienced more peace. Work is good. I'm a stay-at-home home schooling momma, so plenty of fruitful projects abound in rearing and training my children and keeping a home. Study in the Word in the quiet of the morning, meditate on it throughout the day and practice what I can. Appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord's calling on your life. And a deep thank you for your books, Future Grace and Desiring God. Future Grace absolutely gave me the tools to live a life in assurance of my salvation and to stand on the power of His promises. Thanks so much.
This is a good teaching to hear right in the morning: I can THINK about this the whole day :)
I needed to hear this so bad.... Amen.... Thank you guys
I’m the over thinker. That was so good. Thanks
Discernment of thinking is a much needed thing .
If you’re thinking is not bringing love , joy , peace , it’s badly thinking. Thinking is for the mature.
Thank you, Jesus for bringing this man to help me with this video too, when I needed some direction. Time to read more of the Bible 🥹🫡🙏🏼
this is really relevant to my life. thankful for this!! God is SO good!
“It’s like taking your eyeballs out to look at them” I will do my best to remember this
Thank you for this, Glory be to God!
This channel is single-handley lifting my faith
Funniest thing just happen. While listen to this i was standing in the mirror doing my hair . I got distracted and started overthinking about how much i missed it being long. And when he said “get out of the mirror , worrying about your hair” i jump like if he could see me 😂😂
praise God for this!!!
A timely message for me! Thank you for the wonderful insights you offer us that have lost their joy from overthinking!
Question . Do you guys think we can have peace in our heart about something but now in our minds ? I totally understand overthinking because it’s a constant mental loop.
Thank you so much for this! God put this video up for me just at the right time. This is helping me so much right now!
Praise God.
I love pastor John god bless him
God bless you Pastor John
God is good, well needed
Thank you pastor John🙏this was much needed.😭 Praise God for your life.
May we introduce Jesus to those who do not yet know Him?
Psalms 119:151
Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.
Jesus is The Word, John 1:1-5
The Word God spoke: Exodus 20:1
The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13
and The Word God made flesh John 1:14. He is our example of The Trinity. He is The Law that hung on the cross and The Law that is written in the heart.
Psalms 40:7
Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me
Hebrews 10:7
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
We do not work for our salvation, Jesus died and saved the world. But we can work for our protection from the plagues, those coming to steal, kill, and destroy, from deception etc.. There is nothing wrong with works for we are judged on our works. Faith without works is dead. Why would Jesus tell us to pray for workers, if no work is to be done?
May we all receive the wisdom of The Father in Deut. 6:8-9 and the advice of Paul and put on Jesus.
Simple. You stop thinking and start DOING.
"the head must do the supporting work so that the heart is not deceived" wow
I just noticed this but I love how John Piper starts some these episodes after the question is given with "Well..." I'm not sure why but I feel as if it's gonna be a good one every time I hear that :]
About Yesterday I just think about stressing about how my thin hair and if anyone stress about the same this is the answer t.. anyone who stress or overthink , anxious about things in this world.. submit to God pray about it bring to Him.. He is great and amazing .. pray to holyspirit to help..dont let that things control ur mind.. the more you want control the more stress about..just let God heal.. because basicly the perfections is in Him.. so dont act like everything must be perfect in your eyes its not peaceful and make you confuse. Let it go and God and Holy spirit will calm ur soul and mind.. and you have the answer in his will .. He is so good.. praise the lord 🙏🏼
Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Rom 12:16
I love that verse
Whew!!! Great 👍 praise The Lord!!! 💜✞🕊
Stop looking in MIRROR. Do start looking outside the WINDOW👏
Thank you for this message. Amen 🙏
I think I would like a switch to shut off my overthinking, better yet a programable device to set deep thinking for short spurts and then turn it off a night! Then I would not be listening to this at 130 a.m. being hypnotized by the crazy graphics with the moving dots and lines on your UA-cam cover! You cover a lot of interesting things, don’t get me wrong!
During my childhood, I wasn’t good at my studies and my father used to beat me for not concentrating. Once I attended a healing prayer meeting and discovered believer’s speaking in tongues. I thought this is a great idea to grab the attention of my parents and even I started speaking in tongues and my father stopped beating me. I cheated my family several times until a preacher told them that I was possessed by evil spirits.
I’m the youngest in my family of five siblings. My mother always said she has six diamonds but she did not know that I was the ‘black sheep’ in the family. I hated Jesus for no cause. I kept sinning deliberately having a hard heart. I committed my whole youth to the Satan. I visited temples in order to please my friends. My conscience always kept pricking me that I was doing wrong, but I hardened my heart.
I grew up sinning, despite knowing that Jesus is the only Lord and Saviour. Finally, I found myself as the most wanted person on God’s offender’s list. I hated Jesus for no cause and enjoyed worldly life. God saved me multiple times from accidents and dreadful situations, but still I was hard heartened and stubborn and immersed in sin. Stealing money from my house finally made me rob God’s money in various ministries. I drowned myself in sin and sin caught me firmly that I did not find any direction to escape. The devil kept persisting me that I am his and I cannot escape from his control. It also reminded me that there was no forgiveness for me neither in this world nor the Kingdom to pass as I have deceived the Holy Spirit numerous times. After knowing that I had no forgiveness, I completely surrendered myself to Satan as I had a misconception that even God will not forgive or accept me as His child.
I was troubled within, evil spirits haunted me, and fear gripped me. I thought the spirits would kill me so I made an agreement with them that I will be on their side on a condition that they must stop troubling me. The devil visited me at least once or twice a month and it used to feel my body and I could also sense its presence. Whenever I was guilty, I prayed, I cried and shed tears but I did not find deliverance, as I was a hypocrite.
Once during my youth stage, my father requested me to take him for a prayer meeting in Gymkhana grounds, Hyderabad. Actually I wasn’t willing to go with him, but I thought if something happens to him I will be accountable so accompanied him. I did not listen to the message, but during the prayer time, the preacher prophesied, “who is that person who deceived God’s Holy Spirit, God loves you and is telling you to turn to Him or else He will cast you into the lake of fire.” Immediately my whole body started shivering, my knees kept knocking together and I realized that the preacher was talking about me.
Immediately the next day I went to the prayer meeting get prayed over me and the man of God placed his hands on my head and said Lord deliver him from his “lustful eyes” and this conviction only lasted for a few days and I went back to my own life. I tasted cigars, I didn’t like it, I tasted alcohol I didn’t like it and the devil began testing me in which way I will be comfortable with him and I got addicted to pornography . I was so immense and attracted to obscene images and as days passed by this became an addiction and I spent hours together to fulfil my hearts desires.
I pretended to be a very righteous person in the sight of my family, pastors, and believers. I took baptism in 2001 to get rid of my problems, but frankly speaking guilt kept following me wherever I went and the addiction did not leave me.
I got married with a wonderful child of God, and I promised that I will not indulge in bad things anymore, but the evil one wasn’t willing to leave me from his grip. I had bad dreams, the evil one kept visiting me but the desires reduced but never stopped.
Terrible dreams shook my life. Once I died and I met Jesus and He looked at me and said ‘Come it’s time for judgement’ and I suddenly hid something from my eyes so that the Lord must not see it and I woke up trembling and woke up my wife and told her to pray for me. Once I had a dream where my coffin just stopped from entering the gates of Hell. It was a terrible scene. It was not easy to give up my addiction, but I believe that God touched my life because of the reverent prayers of my wife and my family especially my godly mother.
I wanted deliverance as the sin in me came up to the brim. I thought this is not the life I must live, the evil one became even stronger and during this time I cried out to Jesus with a true repented heart, He came to my rescue and this helped me to pen down my testimony.
I confessed all my sins at Jesus’ feet, and poured out my frustrations and Jesus delivered me from all satanic snares and I began sprouting in the Lord.
Now I realized that we have a better place and we will be worshipping the Lord with other saints. I strongly believe because God shed His blood for me to forgive and redeem me. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I thank Jesus for giving me this inspiration so that people somewhere in the corner who are struggling like me will know the truth and get delivered from various addictions that has held them hostage.
The devil is a liar, it only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t believe when Satan prompts you, and do not get agitated because when God is with us, no one can be against us. Romans 8: 38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
We are not alone in this battle against evil foes. The battle belongs to the Lord and we must just give Jesus a chance. I am not ashamed to tell my story as Jesus has cleansed me with His blood. The satanic barricades have been destroyed and Jesus set me free and he cleansed all the scars that Satan has afflicted on me. I want to commit the rest of my life to Jesus who saved my life.
Pastor Rick Warren’s messages gave me a lot of comfort and it strengthened my faith. I thank Jesus for such encouraging messages to stay firm in Christ.
All praises be to Him alone for He deserves all glory and Honour! Please forward my testimony to all your family, friends, relatives and WhatsApp friends you know so that the prince of this world (Satan) would be put to shame and God’s (Jesus’) name be glorified for ever. Amen!!!
Think about the right things and practice the right things and God of peace gets very close and precious set your thinking not only what is true but on things above
Be about the business of taking your minds and all your thinking and make heaven and the realities of God in Christ the focus of your thinking
Thinking as part of being mature
Keeps thinking in its place and makes joy peace and love the touchstone of whether it’s doing its work it’s not producing joy peace and love it’s not doings its work
Not overthinking badly thinking underthinking and not false thinking
Awesome! Look outward!
I am stuck in a vicious cycle during most of the year I just go with the flow in the world without a care in the world then at the end of the year I have get panic attacks and I pray for forgiveness for all I've done. I need help.
A Prayer to Break Mental Chains
Lord Jesus, You are the great liberator. You brought the children of Israel out of slavery and into the land of promise. Those whom You set free are free indeed. Yet, some are enslaved - not by chains, but in the shackles of their minds. They cannot free themselves, Lord. Therefore, break the mental chains that bind them, Lord. Lead them out of the enslavement of their minds. Destroy all vice that weighs down their thoughts, and fill their minds with the light of Your love. I ask this in Your name, Lord. Amen.💯✝️🩸🔥🚦
Amen. Good words!
Once you are a Christian,It is Already the Spirits of GOD in Christ that Rules Over Your Spirits in Christ.
Thanks for this
Didn't think so much thought would go into grape-nuts.
HALLELUJAH & PRAISE GOD, pull OPEN those drapes/roll up those mini blinds!!
Sorry, is Mr. Piper referring to the text called “The poison of Subjectivism”? I appreciate if someone can tell me what’s the name of the Lewis essay that he mentioned. Thank you a lot.
Post link on c.s.lewis audio if available
You never know until after . This world is complicated life is not simple , you do your best but still make mistakes . It’s all in the mind so if that’s in a mess so is everything else . Try try again .
I wonder why my friends thank God for their blessings but don’t believe they should question what He’s got to do with their tragedies. It seems that non-Christian religions are the same way. Doesn’t God care what religion we claim?
Answering all my important questions 😲
Amazing !!
its easy to over not think to overthinking.. how far down the rabbit hole do we go.?i wonder about us sometimes..
How can I overcome the fear of Judgment Day . I read the bible but when I come across a verse that says Lake Of Fire I freak out jump into panic . Help plz
Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it;
yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it out.
Eazy AZ
Start DOING and STOP thinking 🤔
What God Has Joined Together
I long to walk on higher grounds
and serve the glorious king above
in freedom not divorced from bounds
and duty not divorced from love.
On what I truly think I'll act,
yet what to think, decide I must:
Not with belief divorced from fact,
but knowledge not divorced from trust.
I think, to make my thinking whole,
how Jesus in His earthly days
with suff'ring not divorced from goal
brought justice not divorced from grace.
Dr. Piper said Heb 12:3, should be Heb 12:2- fixing your eyes on JESUS 😄
+FirstThessalonians5 Adams..I read the bible and listened to pastors and got Nothing but confused. So I went to Jesus and asked Him to Help me..He brought me the bible He wanted me to read and Helped me with every verse. I marked them and those are the ones I read and I leave the rest alone. I do not question Jesus. Jesus Did Not say the bible was "God breathed.". Paul said it..and he is a man..Not God. I believe Jesus..Thank You..Jesus!
We don't , faith isn't measured
Great Value Nutty Nuggets > Grapenuts, try them!
If its not producing joy, peace, or love then its not doing its job!
ADHD doesn't help😂
I agree 🤦🏽♀️
I like
Love me some grapenuts cereal.
Jesus is lord
The idiot human in me questions stuff stupidly. When I just trust and lean on the Joy the HOLY GHOST ,JESUS and GOD provide I'm just happy go lucky and feel right. People are jealous and ask about my happiness. lol JESUS ROCKS!!
We can NEVER over think the Christian Life! Or is legalism and the multiple "isms" and false doctrines over thinking as well as underthinking?
Maybe overthinking and underthinking are the same. To undercut Jesus as Messiah is underthinking His value and Son of Man'ship.
To overthink God's character as allowing evil because He makes it, thus we shouldn't be held accountable is to elevate humanity in a manner that grants him some account against God.
Or legalism in itself.
By not thinking . Most of what you're thinking about or dreaming up is unnecessary. Your #1 consern is to stop trying to play God. You may end up in hot water. Please don't do it . Innocent usually end up in it with you , Thinker .
+Big Gavin..Jesus IS God The Holy Spirit. If what a man in the bible says does not line up with what Jesus says..it can't very well be from the Holy Spirit Who is God. There are many things said in the bible that do not line up with what Jesus said. You had better be asking Jesus to Help you too.
You, Pastor Johnny, talking about overthinking? HA.. I have seen you take one Bible verse apart and talk about it for twenty minutes and find twenty ways to interpret and apply it
+Truck Driver..Matthew 5 6 7 is Jesus Sayings to the people..the complete Plan of Salvation. The rest of the bible is men's commentary..mostly hear say. How reliable is hear say today? No different then. Do not read the bible without Help from Jesus. He will Help you know what is important.
+Jude Three..Matthew 5 6 7 is Jesus Sayings to the people..the complete plan of Salvation. The rest of the bible is men's commentary..mostly hear say. How reliable is hear say today? No different then. I Do Not Read the bible without Jesus Help. He Helps me know what is important. His commandments are the Most Important.
Those men were guided by the holy spirit who is God .
@@biggavin1435 Amen tell em again man..
It's seems clear most thoughts are from the devil
I don't know maybe the verses in the bible that talk about the mind help..your understanding they help mine cause the people in the bible are humans who believe but don't know everything like God does so it's easy to question yourself own self when you know God knows everything and knows more than you they were being taught the knowledge of God.growing in the wisdom and knowledge of God..Thats what alot of the bible is right the word of God the knowledge of God..Christ the power of God the wisdom of God.but when others wanted to know about sanctification wanted to know about how to control their thoughts the mind or whatever questions they had..it talks about it in scripture all scripture is given by inspiration of God but the cast down imaginations and every high thing that's exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ is a good scripture that's common for just about every human..How do I think purer thoughts or whatever what do I do to sanctify my soul and spirit and think righteous have peace of mind a clear mind cause right now my mind seems defiled to me and it bothers me I don't like it..I understand it..Weak conscious carnal mind reprobated mind seared conscious and spiritual mind etc the word talks about all that to carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace.and your spirit and your flesh are contrary to each other it's strange to me I'm a believer but i have been through it i think Paul a man of God went through this type of battle and wanted understanding and me being a believer it helped me and I didn't stress as much about it whether that was the lord that helped my peace it's good that you can look at a scripture that another believer went through and they explain it and you understand it and can relate to it..and be like I get it and that's so true I know from my own personal experience that's why alot of people like Romans 7 and 8 of course there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ who walk after the spirit and not after the flesh but about the mind Romans 7 is a good verse ..
U dont
Nutty nuggets grapenuts
It's ok to doubt your beliefs and think rationally. You have good reason to be skeptical. Doubting Thomas was the only honest disciple.
The Antichrist Then why were the disciples rebuked for their unbelief?
Doesn't that seem kind of odd to you? Being rebuked for something that is beyond your control? We do not choose what we believe. Our minds automatically draw conclusions based on the information we are exposed to. You can't grunt out belief. You either believe something or you don't. Condemning someone for not believing something is ridiculous. Is a person really at fault for what they believe? Why does anyone believe what they believe? We all have reasons that shape our beliefs, and those reasons come from our external stimuli in this life.
Interesting name.. Also you didnt answer the question. There’s a difference between trying to put God into a box of your understanding, and not knowing the plan but trusting God anyway. And we do choose what we believe btw. what kind of statement is that.
The Antichrist Did you choose to believe that?
No. We don't choose what we believe. We either believe something to be true based on information that we received, or we reject it as false.
Simple test: I command you to believe that I am holding a quarter in my hand. Believe it!
Do you? Why? Why not? Can you choose your belief about this?
If you think about what Jesus said in Matthew 5 6 7 you will be thinking things worth thinking. If you think about what is said in the rest of the bible ..it is a crap shoot. There are some things that are in line with Jesus and His Commandments..but most of the bible is irrelevant..some deception..many opinions..and some evil. You Need Him to Help you separate the true worthwhile things and the worthless.
kathleen Wharton if only Matthew 5-7 is trustworthy how can the majority of the Bible not be?
kathleen Wharton It seems you fell for the same sin Eve fell into- doubting God's word (I.e. "Did God really say?). Paul said in 2nd Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." You can't just pick and choose- either you take the whole counsel of God or you don't. If you read through the Bible you will see if flow and connects like a beautiful puzzle. You can't understand the horrible effects of sin, how we keep back sliding, why we NEEDED Jesus to come to save us once for all time, etc. . . Jesus also quoted the Old Testament.
How is it you have come to settle on just 3 chapters of the bible that make the cut? What is the standard you use for determining the mindful revelation of God?
God Got me to understand that... but it's hard to stop