The Queen of Sweden looks loveable, gentle and kind. Great virtues for a Queen. May she work for Christian values and unity, European and Swedish culture and peace.
Beaverhousen, you're right to make a few remarks about Queen Silvia, but Ejsohansem became angry and raised objection absurdly. Maybe Ejsohansem is of humble origin, therefore he envied Queen Silvia's position.
I wish they would get rid of all those reporters. Those vipers have no place! They do nothing but speak ill about the Church. Those awful cameras flashing everywhere, it's a disgrace. These state visits ought to be private.
For some reason, in this clip I could suddenly see a lot of crown princess Victoria in the queens face. Something that's not really struck me before. Just hit me when the cameras where flashing behind her, her daughter has her smile.
Bendiciones y Felicitaciones Reyna Silvia , a Suecia Y a La Familia Real y Sus Ciudadanos . Bellísima desde Su Alma y su Sonrisa , Dios los proteja Al Rey Gustavo Adolfo y a Reyna Silvia y a Su hermosa Familia ,todas Muy Bellas Princesas de Suecia. Recordamos a La Reyna Ingrid, también muy Bella y Amada de ustedes.
this is a mantilla. Catholic female leaders must wear it in his presence. Catholic Queens are allowed le privelege du blanc, to wear white in his presence. this isn't some godless, protestant party at the ribshack.
Historically spoken, this is a very significant gesture of peace and reconciliation. Queen Silvia was born and grew up in Heidelberg, which was the starting point of one of the bloodiest and painful conflicts between Protestants and Catholics ever, when the Protestant elector of Palatinate took over the Bohemian crown and provoked the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor in Vienna after 1612. A predecessor of Queen Silvias husband, King Gustaf Adolf, was one of the protagonists of that epic conflict, which lasted until 1648 and took a large part of Germany's population.
It's fascinating isn't it? One of the major powers who fought against the catholic league hosting a pope on it's soil? That'd be unthinkable a century ago. Our king Gustav II Gustav fought their forces (aka, austria) on the battlefield and now we're both united in peace. It almost brings a tear to ones eye, doesn't it?
Dobbiamo pregare per salvare la chiesa Santa Cattolica Apostolica Romana per salvare quelli che credono in Dio perché non perdano la fede. Siamo sottoposti a una prova durissima affidiamoci a Maria che ci copra con il suo manto e ci difenda da ogni male
@@jamesgarland393 Our Queen was born in germany but is from South-america. And the name Madeleine is also a french name. Our King is from the french family Bernadotte hence the french names..
Celebro que las casas reales europeas visiten al Santo Padre Francisco I porque se entronca con el más bello sueño que une al poder Espiritual con los poderes temporales unidos en lograr el bien espiritual y material de los pueblos. Dios bendiga al Papa y a las nobles casas reales de todos los pueblos. Bendiciones
us swedes arent..she's sacrificing her countries culture to take in all of these people who are ending up living on the street because of the lack of housing. the Swedish Democrats are rising..we will get rid of them. sooner or later...
kusskhol irani go to europe and change their religions for your personal gains. You don't actually believe in it but for getting citizenship, you do it!
sami ajre . the problem is that for many Muslim it is just a political act car from the true meaning. How many hijabi Muslims who where make-up or sexy clothes. So wrong ! you are supposed to be modest!
Per migliaia di anni quel gene aristocratico ha stabilizzato solo acqua e semi (non mancano i geni della sicurezza che possono indirizzare gli altri a sentirsi meno stanchi), tutto qui. L'epidemia ha innescato l'effetto caotico e gli effetti sonori e luminosi della benzina per automobili. Alcuni principi geometrici del cibo hanno dissolto il gene. Quindi, se senti di essere un nobile, inizia a dimostrare di essere davvero un nobile del sistema 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Questo è il messaggio finale inviato).For thousands of years, that aristocratic gene has only stabilized water and seeds (there is no shortage of safety genes that can direct others to feel less tired), that's all. The epidemic has triggered the chaotic effect and sound and light effects of automobile gasoline. Certain geometrical principles of giving food dissolve the gene, so if you feel that you are a noble, start to prove that you are indeed a noble from the 29-39-49-59 system (New York, USA) This is the final message sent out).Pendant des milliers d'années, ce gène aristocratique n'a stabilisé que l'eau et les graines (il ne manque pas de gènes de sécurité qui peuvent amener les autres à se sentir moins fatigués), c'est tout. L'épidémie a stimulé l'effet chaotique et les effets sonores et lumineux produits par l'essence automobile. Certains principes géométriques de donner de la nourriture dissolvent ce gène. Donc, si vous vous sentez un noble, alors commencez à prouver que vous êtes bien un noble du système 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Ceci est le dernier message envoyé).ለሺዎች ዓመታት ያ የባላባት ዘረ-መል (ጅን) ውሃ እና ዘሮችን ብቻ አረጋግጧል (ሌሎች የድካም ስሜት እንዲሰማቸው ሊያደርጉ የሚችሉ የደህንነት ጂኖች እጥረት የለም) ፣ ያ ብቻ ነው ፡፡ ወረርሽኙ የተሽከርካሪ ቤንዚን ውዝግብ እና ቀላል እና ቀላል ተፅእኖዎችን አስነስቷል ምግብን ለመስጠት የተወሰኑ የጂኦሜትሪክ መርሆዎች ዘረመልን ይቀልጣሉ ፣ ስለሆነም እርስዎ ክቡር ሰው እንደሆኑ ከተሰማዎት በእውነቱ ከ 29-39-49-59 ስርዓት (ኒው ዮርክ ፣ አሜሪካ) መኳንንት እንደ ሆኑ ማረጋገጥ ይጀምሩ ፡፡ ይህ የተላከው የመጨረሻው መልእክት ነው)።على مدى آلاف السنين ، عمل هذا الجين الأرستقراطي على استقرار الماء والبذور فقط (لا يوجد نقص في جينات الأمان التي يمكن أن توجه الآخرين للشعور بالتعب أقل) ، هذا كل شيء. تسبب الوباء في التأثير الفوضوي والتأثيرات الصوتية والضوئية لبنزين السيارات. أدت بعض المبادئ الهندسية للطعام إلى حل الجين. لذلك إذا كنت تشعر أنك نبيل ، فابدأ في إثبات أنك بالفعل نبيل من نظام 29-39-49-59 (نيويورك ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) هذه هي الرسالة الأخيرة المرسلة).Për mijëra vjet, ai gjen aristokratik ka stabilizuar vetëm ujë dhe fara (nuk ka mungesë të gjeneve të sigurisë që mund të drejtojnë të tjerët të ndihen më pak të lodhur), kjo është e gjitha. Epidemia ka stimuluar efektin kaotik dhe efektet e tingullit dhe dritës të prodhuara nga benzina e automjeteve. Disa parime gjeometrike të dhënies së ushqimit e shpërndajnë atë gjen. Pra, nëse mendoni se jeni një fisnik, atëherë filloni të provoni se jeni me të vërtetë një fisnik nga sistemi 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Ky është mesazhi përfundimtar i dërguar).במשך אלפי שנים, אותו גן אריסטוקרטי מייצב רק מים וזרעים (לא חסר גנים בטיחותיים שיכולים לכוון אחרים להרגיש פחות עייפים), זה הכל. המגיפה עוררה את ההשפעה הכאוטית ואת השפעות הקול והאור המופקות על ידי בנזין רכב. עקרונות גיאומטריים מסוימים של מתן מזון ממיסים את הגן הזה. אז אם אתה מרגיש שאתה אציל, התחל להוכיח שאתה אכן אציל ממערכת 29-39-49-59 (ניו יורק, ארה"ב) זו ההודעה הסופית שנשלחה).For thousands of years, that aristocratic gene has only stabilized water and seeds (there is no shortage of safety genes that can direct others to feel less tired), that's all. The epidemic has triggered the chaotic effect and sound and light effects of automobile gasoline. Certain geometrical principles of giving food dissolve the gene, so if you feel that you are a noble, start to prove that you are indeed a noble from the 29-39-49-59 system (New York, USA) This is the final message sent out).Pendant des milliers d'années, ce gène aristocratique n'a stabilisé que l'eau et les graines (il ne manque pas de gènes de sécurité qui peuvent amener les autres à se sentir moins fatigués), c'est tout. L'épidémie a stimulé l'effet chaotique et les effets sonores et lumineux produits par l'essence automobile. Certains principes géométriques de donner de la nourriture dissolvent ce gène. Donc, si vous vous sentez un noble, alors commencez à prouver que vous êtes bien un noble du système 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Ceci est le dernier message envoyé).Seit Tausenden von Jahren hat dieses aristokratische Gen nur Wasser und Samen stabilisiert (es gibt keinen Mangel an Sicherheitsgenen, die andere dazu bringen können, sich weniger müde zu fühlen), das ist alles. Die Epidemie hat den chaotischen Effekt sowie die Geräusch- und Lichteffekte von Autobenzin stimuliert. Bestimmte geometrische Prinzipien der Lebensmittelverabreichung lösen dieses Gen auf. Wenn Sie sich also als Adliger fühlen, dann beginnen Sie zu beweisen, dass Sie tatsächlich ein Adliger aus dem 29-39-49-59-System (New York, USA) sind. Dies ist die letzte gesendete Nachricht.В течение тысяч лет этот аристократический ген стабилизировал только воду и семена (нет недостатка в генах безопасности, которые могут заставить других чувствовать себя менее уставшими), вот и все. Эпидемия спровоцировала хаотический эффект, звуковые и световые эффекты автомобильного бензина. Определенные геометрические принципы питания растворили ген. Так что, если вы чувствуете, что вы благородный, то начинайте доказывать, что вы действительно благородный из системы 29-39-49-59 (Нью-Йорк, США) Это последнее отправленное сообщение).几千年以来那贵族基因不过就是稳定了水和种子而已(食物不缺可以指挥别人没太多劳累感的安全感基因),仅仅如此。疫情激发了汽车汽油产生的混沌效应和声光效应某种给予食物的几何原理溶解那基因了,所以如果觉得自己是贵族那么开始从29-39-49-59系统证明自己确实是贵族(纽约美国发出的最终信息就是如此)。
CO-MEDIATOR - "Mary is the co-mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions" (Catechism 968-970, 2677). That's a contradiction against the word of God! The word of God is very clear there is only one mediator, and that is Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) says, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all men -- the testimony given in its proper time." Why go to Mary and the saints when you can go directly to Jesus Christ and ask Him for help? "The worship of images and relics, the invocation of saints, and the exaltation of the pope are devices of Satan to attract the minds of the people from God and from His Son. To accomplish their ruin, he endeavors to turn their attention from Him through whom alone they can find salvation. He will direct them to any object that can be substituted for the One who has said: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. "(GC 568-2) Here's a great video from UA-cam on Catholicism, here's the link
Xin chúa ban cho tât ca các linh hôn đã qua đời khắp nơi trên thế giới lên thẳng cùng với chúa luôn chúa ơi amen amen amen amen nhưng xin đừng theo y con nhưng hãy theo y chúa đến muôn đời amen amen
Xin chúa ban cho linh hồn giuse huỳnh văn hôn đã qua đời băc đăc kỳ tử chưa lãnh nhận được tât cả các bí tích sau cùng vv linh hôn đau khô lang thang vv bị đau đôi chân vv lên thẳng cùng với chúa luôn chúa ơi amen amen amen nhưng xin đừng theo y con nhưng hãy theo y chúa đến muôn đời amen amen amen amen
A mi tampoco .. que casualidad siempre meten niños .. como si fuera mercancia .. porque entre viejo no quedan y listo .. es que ese bergoglio salió que es ped0
She's nice. Now in this royal family of Sweden, they all have to become catholic again, as their French ancestors Charles-Jean Bernadotte and Désirée Clary were... :)
How is this rusty old lady looking like a terrifying character from a scary movie the queen of Sweden when she was born in Germany ? I don’t get it lol
Слышь ты, псалтырь, а со мной хошь встретиться? Твой посол в Абудже за версту меня обходил на всех дипприемах. Ходил такой шут в черной рясе с вертикальным воротничком
The Queen of Sweden looks loveable, gentle and kind. Great virtues for a Queen. May she work for Christian values and unity, European and Swedish culture and peace.
You are stupidity is from delution!
@@xxyyyxxyyy9532 I feel sorry for you in your anger and prejudice.
Beaverhousen, you're right to make a few remarks about Queen Silvia, but Ejsohansem became angry and raised objection absurdly. Maybe Ejsohansem is of humble origin, therefore he envied Queen Silvia's position.
@Vikram Keskar The Pope asked the queen 'pray fo me'???????????????
Why does the pope say, pray for me?
A great, genuine queen. She contributed a lot to the beauty of the Swedish Royal family.
Siendo cornuda jajaja
Beautiful queen
God Bless Sweden and i pray ( and i see it happening) that Sweden returns to its foundatioal faith.
God bless Queen Silvia my Swedish Grandpa loves her. And God bless Pope Francis.
God bless our Queen ....
God bless Sverige .........
Hosam Aboud yes indeed
Great people - both of them!👍💕
Princess Madeleine and princess Leonore! Not princess Magdalena and princess Eleonore! Do your research.
Susanna P That is Madeleine and Leonore's names in Spanish!
Anna P you are correct and that is my 3rd name in my birth certificate.
God Bless my dears ❤️❤️❤️
A very beautiful queen Silvia of sweden
Maybe, it she just another parasite, cancer for Sweden!!!
for sure better than Bergoglio.
@@lucadellalombardia9055 so what?
@@jagodiving SO ..I told what I told.
I pray for The Pontiff daily!
Une grande dame !
I wish they would get rid of all those reporters. Those vipers have no place! They do nothing but speak ill about the Church. Those awful cameras flashing everywhere, it's a disgrace. These state visits ought to be private.
Get those Cameras out.
tack så mycket Papa
Mabuhay ang Sweden 🇸🇪
For some reason, in this clip I could suddenly see a lot of crown princess Victoria in the queens face. Something that's not really struck me before.
Just hit me when the cameras where flashing behind her, her daughter has her smile.
can you feature the pope's translator. thanks!
Lol . 👍👍✌
Let them know the value of peace and love .
Women of worth!!!
Bendiciones y Felicitaciones Reyna Silvia , a Suecia Y a La Familia Real y Sus Ciudadanos .
Bellísima desde Su Alma y su Sonrisa , Dios los proteja Al Rey Gustavo Adolfo y a Reyna Silvia y a Su hermosa Familia ,todas Muy Bellas
Princesas de Suecia. Recordamos a La Reyna Ingrid, también muy Bella y Amada de ustedes.
protect your culture Sweden. the world loves it don't make it be destroyed by backwardness!
Aaron Lecciones they are Protestant. Catholics we need to pray for their conversion.
Hi Eleanor ❤
Nice Swedenstan, Do Princess wear the burqa or niqab usually?
+XXI LEGIO RAPAX It's a veil not a burqa.
this is a mantilla. Catholic female leaders must wear it in his presence. Catholic Queens are allowed le privelege du blanc, to wear white in his presence. this isn't some godless, protestant party at the ribshack.
But excellent tragic joke from XXI
No more frequently than you do your research.
Är nån här från Sverige???
poOtis typ alla svenska personer är här
Historically spoken, this is a very significant gesture of peace and reconciliation. Queen Silvia was born and grew up in Heidelberg, which was the starting point of one of the bloodiest and painful conflicts between Protestants and Catholics ever, when the Protestant elector of Palatinate took over the Bohemian crown and provoked the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor in Vienna after 1612. A predecessor of Queen Silvias husband, King Gustaf Adolf, was one of the protagonists of that epic conflict, which lasted until 1648 and took a large part of Germany's population.
It's fascinating isn't it? One of the major powers who fought against the catholic league hosting a pope on it's soil? That'd be unthinkable a century ago. Our king Gustav II Gustav fought their forces (aka, austria) on the battlefield and now we're both united in peace. It almost brings a tear to ones eye, doesn't it?
She gave him things that he was needin’!
Gud som haver barnen kär, se till mig som liten är. Vart jag mig i världen vänder står min lycka i Guds händer.
Dobbiamo pregare per salvare la chiesa Santa Cattolica Apostolica Romana per salvare quelli che credono in Dio perché non perdano la fede. Siamo sottoposti a una prova durissima affidiamoci a Maria che ci copra con il suo manto e ci difenda da ogni male
The Swedish royal family is a class act.
The girls name is Leonore, not Ellenor. haha
+Tanya Kobilinski I'm also quite sure the princess's name is Madeleine not Magdalena :P
+Fabian Säll One name is French, the other is German for Magdalen.
@@jamesgarland393 Our Queen was born in germany but is from South-america. And the name Madeleine is also a french name. Our King is from the french family Bernadotte hence the french names..
you are beautiful with a beautiful smile are you doing today how is the weather over there right now
I lyke very much the queen of Sweden and her daughter Madeleine .Lovely family
Rome Reports in English
even tho/ although she is only blond?
Celebro que las casas reales europeas visiten al Santo Padre Francisco I porque se entronca con el más bello sueño que une al poder Espiritual con los poderes temporales unidos en lograr el bien espiritual y material de los pueblos.
Dios bendiga al Papa y a las nobles casas reales de todos los pueblos.
Wonder if shes happy with the Islamification of her Country?
us swedes arent..she's sacrificing her countries culture to take in all of these people who are ending up living on the street because of the lack of housing. the Swedish Democrats are rising..we will get rid of them. sooner or later...
LMAO there is no such thing - nobody is forcing anybody to become muslim you idiot.
IgnacioAgramonte please just pray for our Holy Father. He needs it we need it too.
The politics of the usa should emulate such Grace
Uma rainha brasileira.
Ela e filha de brasileira mas nao tem nacionalidade brasileira. Portanto nao e brasileira.
relax and with Children and relax
And she is German.....
We swedes have paid a lot for welcoming "refugees". Our nation is now on the brink of total chaos. It's not wise to only let your heart guide you.
Why you come
چقد این پاپ مهربونه...
معلومه بچهها رو دوست داره...
کاش همه اینجوری بودن...آمین
kusskhol irani go to europe and change their religions for your personal gains.
You don't actually believe in it but for getting citizenship, you do it!
It’s Princess Madeleine, not Magdalena 🤦🏻♂️ Americans - know nobody besides Trump
That's her name translated. Calm down.
There she is taking order from their master, the emperor of ancient Rome.
You owe most of what you know to the Romans you dickhead.
It survives still in Rome.
Non catholic Queens has to have black dressed, Catholic queens instead have white dresses.
The "queen" of Sweden
Silvia introduced Catholicism into the Swedish state church!
you are beautiful with a beautiful smile are you doing today how is the weather over there right now
Var är kungen?
more of the bilkington society ...
christian have no PROBLEM with vieil and scarf
exept if it's weared by a muslim
sami ajre . the problem is that for many Muslim it is just a political act car from the true meaning. How many hijabi Muslims who where make-up or sexy clothes. So wrong ! you are supposed to be modest!
Well, if there are people bombing western countries, than it is necessary to uncover their faces.
Our veil have a meaning in our religion.
Per migliaia di anni quel gene aristocratico ha stabilizzato solo acqua e semi (non mancano i geni della sicurezza che possono indirizzare gli altri a sentirsi meno stanchi), tutto qui. L'epidemia ha innescato l'effetto caotico e gli effetti sonori e luminosi della benzina per automobili. Alcuni principi geometrici del cibo hanno dissolto il gene. Quindi, se senti di essere un nobile, inizia a dimostrare di essere davvero un nobile del sistema 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Questo è il messaggio finale inviato).For thousands of years, that aristocratic gene has only stabilized water and seeds (there is no shortage of safety genes that can direct others to feel less tired), that's all. The epidemic has triggered the chaotic effect and sound and light effects of automobile gasoline. Certain geometrical principles of giving food dissolve the gene, so if you feel that you are a noble, start to prove that you are indeed a noble from the 29-39-49-59 system (New York, USA) This is the final message sent out).Pendant des milliers d'années, ce gène aristocratique n'a stabilisé que l'eau et les graines (il ne manque pas de gènes de sécurité qui peuvent amener les autres à se sentir moins fatigués), c'est tout. L'épidémie a stimulé l'effet chaotique et les effets sonores et lumineux produits par l'essence automobile. Certains principes géométriques de donner de la nourriture dissolvent ce gène. Donc, si vous vous sentez un noble, alors commencez à prouver que vous êtes bien un noble du système 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Ceci est le dernier message envoyé).ለሺዎች ዓመታት ያ የባላባት ዘረ-መል (ጅን) ውሃ እና ዘሮችን ብቻ አረጋግጧል (ሌሎች የድካም ስሜት እንዲሰማቸው ሊያደርጉ የሚችሉ የደህንነት ጂኖች እጥረት የለም) ፣ ያ ብቻ ነው ፡፡ ወረርሽኙ የተሽከርካሪ ቤንዚን ውዝግብ እና ቀላል እና ቀላል ተፅእኖዎችን አስነስቷል ምግብን ለመስጠት የተወሰኑ የጂኦሜትሪክ መርሆዎች ዘረመልን ይቀልጣሉ ፣ ስለሆነም እርስዎ ክቡር ሰው እንደሆኑ ከተሰማዎት በእውነቱ ከ 29-39-49-59 ስርዓት (ኒው ዮርክ ፣ አሜሪካ) መኳንንት እንደ ሆኑ ማረጋገጥ ይጀምሩ ፡፡ ይህ የተላከው የመጨረሻው መልእክት ነው)።على مدى آلاف السنين ، عمل هذا الجين الأرستقراطي على استقرار الماء والبذور فقط (لا يوجد نقص في جينات الأمان التي يمكن أن توجه الآخرين للشعور بالتعب أقل) ، هذا كل شيء. تسبب الوباء في التأثير الفوضوي والتأثيرات الصوتية والضوئية لبنزين السيارات. أدت بعض المبادئ الهندسية للطعام إلى حل الجين. لذلك إذا كنت تشعر أنك نبيل ، فابدأ في إثبات أنك بالفعل نبيل من نظام 29-39-49-59 (نيويورك ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) هذه هي الرسالة الأخيرة المرسلة).Për mijëra vjet, ai gjen aristokratik ka stabilizuar vetëm ujë dhe fara (nuk ka mungesë të gjeneve të sigurisë që mund të drejtojnë të tjerët të ndihen më pak të lodhur), kjo është e gjitha. Epidemia ka stimuluar efektin kaotik dhe efektet e tingullit dhe dritës të prodhuara nga benzina e automjeteve. Disa parime gjeometrike të dhënies së ushqimit e shpërndajnë atë gjen. Pra, nëse mendoni se jeni një fisnik, atëherë filloni të provoni se jeni me të vërtetë një fisnik nga sistemi 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Ky është mesazhi përfundimtar i dërguar).במשך אלפי שנים, אותו גן אריסטוקרטי מייצב רק מים וזרעים (לא חסר גנים בטיחותיים שיכולים לכוון אחרים להרגיש פחות עייפים), זה הכל. המגיפה עוררה את ההשפעה הכאוטית ואת השפעות הקול והאור המופקות על ידי בנזין רכב. עקרונות גיאומטריים מסוימים של מתן מזון ממיסים את הגן הזה. אז אם אתה מרגיש שאתה אציל, התחל להוכיח שאתה אכן אציל ממערכת 29-39-49-59 (ניו יורק, ארה"ב) זו ההודעה הסופית שנשלחה).For thousands of years, that aristocratic gene has only stabilized water and seeds (there is no shortage of safety genes that can direct others to feel less tired), that's all. The epidemic has triggered the chaotic effect and sound and light effects of automobile gasoline. Certain geometrical principles of giving food dissolve the gene, so if you feel that you are a noble, start to prove that you are indeed a noble from the 29-39-49-59 system (New York, USA) This is the final message sent out).Pendant des milliers d'années, ce gène aristocratique n'a stabilisé que l'eau et les graines (il ne manque pas de gènes de sécurité qui peuvent amener les autres à se sentir moins fatigués), c'est tout. L'épidémie a stimulé l'effet chaotique et les effets sonores et lumineux produits par l'essence automobile. Certains principes géométriques de donner de la nourriture dissolvent ce gène. Donc, si vous vous sentez un noble, alors commencez à prouver que vous êtes bien un noble du système 29-39-49-59 (New York, USA) Ceci est le dernier message envoyé).Seit Tausenden von Jahren hat dieses aristokratische Gen nur Wasser und Samen stabilisiert (es gibt keinen Mangel an Sicherheitsgenen, die andere dazu bringen können, sich weniger müde zu fühlen), das ist alles. Die Epidemie hat den chaotischen Effekt sowie die Geräusch- und Lichteffekte von Autobenzin stimuliert. Bestimmte geometrische Prinzipien der Lebensmittelverabreichung lösen dieses Gen auf. Wenn Sie sich also als Adliger fühlen, dann beginnen Sie zu beweisen, dass Sie tatsächlich ein Adliger aus dem 29-39-49-59-System (New York, USA) sind. Dies ist die letzte gesendete Nachricht.В течение тысяч лет этот аристократический ген стабилизировал только воду и семена (нет недостатка в генах безопасности, которые могут заставить других чувствовать себя менее уставшими), вот и все. Эпидемия спровоцировала хаотический эффект, звуковые и световые эффекты автомобильного бензина. Определенные геометрические принципы питания растворили ген. Так что, если вы чувствуете, что вы благородный, то начинайте доказывать, что вы действительно благородный из системы 29-39-49-59 (Нью-Йорк, США) Это последнее отправленное сообщение).几千年以来那贵族基因不过就是稳定了水和种子而已(食物不缺可以指挥别人没太多劳累感的安全感基因),仅仅如此。疫情激发了汽车汽油产生的混沌效应和声光效应某种给予食物的几何原理溶解那基因了,所以如果觉得自己是贵族那么开始从29-39-49-59系统证明自己确实是贵族(纽约美国发出的最终信息就是如此)。
Gustavus Adolf is Turing in the grave. She forgets we are Protestant in Sweden.Augsburgiska bekännelsen kyrka.
CO-MEDIATOR - "Mary is the co-mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions" (Catechism 968-970, 2677).
That's a contradiction against the word of God!
The word of God is very clear there is only one mediator, and that is Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) says, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all men -- the testimony given in its proper time."
Why go to Mary and the saints when you can go directly to Jesus Christ and ask Him for help?
"The worship of images and relics, the invocation of saints, and the exaltation of the pope are devices of Satan to attract the minds of the people from God and from His Son. To accomplish their ruin, he endeavors to turn their attention from Him through whom alone they can find salvation. He will direct them to any object that can be substituted for the One who has said: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. "(GC 568-2) Here's a great video from UA-cam on Catholicism, here's the link
King & Queen not really.
Xin chúa ban cho tât ca các linh hôn đã qua đời khắp nơi trên thế giới lên thẳng cùng với chúa luôn chúa ơi amen amen amen amen nhưng xin đừng theo y con nhưng hãy theo y chúa đến muôn đời amen amen
Be careful queen, he might slap you lol
Why black?
Prinsessan Magdalena 😂😂
Sweden needs Jesus !
فردوس دبيار سلامز
Xin chúa ban cho linh hồn giuse huỳnh văn hôn đã qua đời băc đăc kỳ tử chưa lãnh nhận được tât cả các bí tích sau cùng vv linh hôn đau khô lang thang vv bị đau đôi chân vv lên thẳng cùng với chúa luôn chúa ơi amen amen amen nhưng xin đừng theo y con nhưng hãy theo y chúa đến muôn đời amen amen amen amen
No me gusta ni el falso Bergolio ni la vieja que lleva niños!
A mi tampoco .. que casualidad siempre meten niños .. como si fuera mercancia .. porque entre viejo no quedan y listo .. es que ese bergoglio salió que es ped0
Esa vieja tiene cara de traficante víbora amargada
Today Sweden is an islamic state
Oh my God She is wearing black just like MS Trump.
Sweden army in europe
Good motor
She's nice. Now in this royal family of Sweden, they all have to become catholic again, as their French ancestors Charles-Jean Bernadotte and Désirée Clary were... :)
Und wie immer haben sie kleine kinder um sich ! Schützt eure kinder !
Uma Rainha Paulista.
Poor kid
Devils meeting!
Seems Sewden has an overpopulation of 3rd world immigrants
ce pape noir aime trop les musulmans
SHE just met the Devil.
No se para que carajo va si no es católica y Suecia es un país luterano 😂
Reptilian meets reptilian.. My good.. Save me.. Real good..
E jao Bože. Kako ti je telefon ubijo mozak hahaha. Jao. Preko telefona I tvja si vidijo da su reptlili. Hahaha.
What is this "man of sin" of 2Thessalonians 2.1-12 doing in Protestant Sweden?
How is this rusty old lady looking like a terrifying character from a scary movie the queen of Sweden when she was born in Germany ? I don’t get it lol
Слышь ты, псалтырь, а со мной хошь встретиться? Твой посол в Абудже за версту меня обходил на всех дипприемах. Ходил такой шут в черной рясе с вертикальным воротничком