True, overcoming obstacles makes you stronger, but it doesn't mean you need to seek to be in a constant state of stress, right? The idea should be to minimise your stress while maximising your gains. Once you reach the top of the mountain of necessity, it's no longer an imperative. It's ok for you to enjoy what you have.
Exactly! If there are bunch of little things unresolved, it bothers you and takes up your brain's "ram". In bulk they feel overwhelming, but separately each one is not that big of a deal. Even one problem that feels overwhelming can be broken down into smaller pieces and dealt with one a time
@@РичмондБалконский I love how you say it takes up the brains ram. That's so very true. Stress truly is unfinished business and together it feels too much. But breaking it down really makes it more manageable and completing those smaller tasks makes gives you confidence.
If I knew what it was like to become a man, I would have loved to remain a child.. Becoming a man is absolutely a different ball game to being an adult.. One's Investment is what determines if one is really a man or not.
Depression is completely real. It’s a mental disorder. Do you think schizophrenia is fake too? Lol. Yes, a lot of people use depresssion, anxiety, AHDH, etc…as an excuse for their bad or lazy behavior, but these things do exist. They’re not fake. They’re factually real. Denying their existence is denying reality. I have anxiety but I don’t let it stop me. You still gotta do what you gotta do.
The key is to know how to overcome. Whatever it is you're going through won't last forever if you know how to change that situation for yourself. Meditate everyday and think about this.
Stress is when you spend 4 years in college and and graduating with a useless degree that you were told that you could make a great living with. Now your stuck with college loans you will never be able to pay back. Boy did the college teachers fool you. I love college teachers that don't have any real world experience. But they can sure teach it.
When he said “people’s mental model and how they view the world is based around how they feel” I instantly thought of when my girl said “let’s take the concept of right and wrong out of our relationship” I didn’t know wtf to say but I knew right there she doesn’t want to be held accountable for the shit she does 🤷🏾♂️
They have no accountability, & they will pull a double standard on you every time. They cant be in the wrong or say sorry. Take it from a married guy..
Agreed. But her approach kinda goes with what the vid says... make decisions but don't get negative over the wrong ones. Maybe your girl kinda knows she's a screw up or has had that feeling ingrained by those in her past. She may just be asking you to not be critical of her screw ups. OK so look at them as her bad decisions and address them politely as such So rather than saying "what you did was wrong" instead approach it like "Hey I'm sure you thought it a great idea at the time, but maybe next time a different decision might be better for us". The former approach makes her go defensive and unhappy being admonished/attacked whereas the latter keeps her more open minded and less stressed. You can even do it with words that are humorous. Make her laugh at herself rather than feel bad/dumb/inferior/stupid etc.. I deal with workers all day and if I say they screwed up they get defensive and pissed and CLOSED MINDED. So instead I laughingly say like " Man you take too many idiot pills this morning? Haha! Next time try this instead and see if it works out better. OK? Defenses down they laugh along and open mindedly listen and learn and change most times. Works for me.
@@bottomrung5777 Before I saw this, I had already started trying to implement this method and it’s definitely been helping!! I totally agree, you gotta leave things open ended and just let them talk. She’s started confessing and apologizing on her own since then. It’s for sure been better than it was when I made this comment.
I tell the young around me that "Hey, we aren't here for a sleigh ride. This isn't 'Holiday Ranch'. Learn and progress. Do not get negative but realize we get through one step at a time. It's what life is all about."
I got so much pressure, stress, & expectations from me but I know this part of being a man. Every man has to have some hard times in his life so it can mold his character to help build his feature self & children for the better. The more stress you have and overcome, the better you can deal with the feelings of hardship, doubt, and being alone. Every man who rose to the throne, or a man whose accomplished great things in life ALWAYS hard moments in their life, but they overcame it and built that resilience to it.
I've been saying for years now how depressing it is that sentience is not a universal human quality. I have noticed how I can't help but think less of these people as human beings, regardless of how close we were as friends before.
You know, this was a mentally that I used to struggle with - the mentally that when shit hits the fan and you feel like the universe is just putting all of this crap on you. Then one day, I just got out of bed, shook things off, and then got to work on how I needed to rebound from that moment. So I totally get that.
@@richard7645 If you think so, try to see how long you could survive anywhere naked and with no tools or anything else provided by other people. Most would not make it very far without those mankind provided sketchers and uber eats.
I like the depressed talk though. My dad, a Marine, instilled in me "only cowards kill themselves." He was always about fighting too. BOOKS assist me in not being lonely, not being depressed because you've got an author there, hopefully well-read intelligent and dedicated to inquiry (for me on history), speaking to YOU through the pages as if he's right there eyeball-to-eyeball giving you wisdom/knowledge/a story/an experience which becomes a memory in your mind for later recall. I used to hate reading growing up. The past 7-8 years I love it and have stacks of books cause no bookcase big enough.
People these days are COWARDS. Weak-minded, conformist NPCs buy in to ALLLL of the propaganda and nonsense. They have strong emotional reactions to the smallest things, and these control their actions and decision-making. People are broke and in debt, living check-to-check, and yet they pay no attention to or learn the markets, economy, interest rates - basically they are clueless in how the whole financial system works. Despite the fact that if they did, it would change their life and they could make better choices and increase their standard of living. It is scary how badly people want to fit in and conform (to the most ridiculous things).
Andrew Tate has never felt depression in his life. He’s a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. Imagine having this guy as somebody you idolise. All cluster B personality types like him a deeply insecure and fragile on the inside. It’s a front
He is young. Stress changes as you get older. Not only that but his level of stress may be much much less than say someone who served in the military for say 10 years.
being a man is a not a challenge to me because i focus on Jesus. When the mind retains spiritual outlook, life becomes easier. Because an eternal mindset never gets tired.
My physical conditioning and finances and life overall have improved immensely, from mediocrity, or slightly above average to outstanding, in the last 1.5 years just by listening to, and acting on the words and methods of: Andrew Tate, Tristian Tate, Justin Waller, and David Goggins. I am 55 years old and have lost 25lbs(down to 245lbs today from 270lbs several months ago). I've been going to the gym regularly with my sons, 3x-6x per week depending on schedules of work/business and their schools. I look way better now than before(10 years younger, like 45, not 55)and I feel 1000%(one-thousand percent)better. (everyone that knows me that I run into once in a while, see's me and all have exclaimed ("OMG you look GREAT, what have you been DOING ????!!!!") This is the FIRST thing they say. I basically gave up all soda pop, potato chips, milk and sugar in my coffee for black, candy bars, sweets, drink only water and skim milk, or 2% milk, and started training again. Even though I only lost 25lbs overall, I lost the RIGHT 25lbs, and my body(Ex-Baseball Catcher and Ex-Folk-Style/FreeStyle Wrestler), has now transformed itself from a slightly pudgy-sloppy, donut eating, clock-punching American into a 245lb solid-tree-trunk of a BEAST. I have been creeping up on bench-pressing nearly 300lbs at the gym, as I once did 330lbs bench-press, but that was 28 years ago before marriage, work and raising 3 sons. All of this "getting in shape and extra found energy", with a pure and clean mind, put me back into the "mental lab", and somehow "re-juiced" my lost drive and determination in life, and as an extra bonus somehow made me excel dramatically in my own daily business ventures also, as some sort of "side-effect", even though that wasn't really in my original plans, when I started out, it just kind of "happened", naturally. So, for example, where I used to make $200 or $250 in one day working hard/putting in the time, has recently turned into Dozens of Days in a Row in the range of $600 to $1500 per day on GOOD DAYS, and even some days I have made amazing numbers like: $2352.50, $3810.54, and my recent new personal record of $4542.66 in ONE DAY ! I now keep a document in my computer that is titled "EXAMPLES OF GOOD INCOME DAYS", that I have just taken those exact numbers from. So at the end of a workday, whenever I feel, or believe a certain day was "EXEMPLARY", by definition "representing the best of its kind", I get home, whatever time that is, I sit down at my desk and jot down on paper and go through my mind of all the profits taken in that day, in one day, from various endeavors that day, and if the days' total meets my own definition of what I think is "EXEMPLARY", I enter the day of the week, the date, what was taken in, from which sources individually, add them up, and get the total and it gets a place in the document. That way I can reflect back on the document anytime, and figure out which days, dates, sources everything came from and how can I expand on that or those, and make it even better. One evening, I was chatting off to the side in the kitchen with my wife as I walked in the door from working all day and she asked me "how did we do today?", and I told her, it was a slow Tuesday, we MADE $743.00 today in "Business", take home, clear, net. So, one of her friends was in my Living Room having a glass of wine and she overheard me and jumped up off the couch ASTOUNDED that I made that much in one day, as she exclaimed "she has a MASTERS DEGREE"(a piece of paper with ink), and she was in utter shock as she said she never-ever made that much in one day. (I guess I'll NEVER be able to let her overhear about the $4542.66 in one day I made recently or she might collapse right in my living room floor and then I'll have to do C.P.R. to the M.B.A.!!! These kind of numbers are the most money I've EVER made in my life in one day, or the most money I've ever even known anyone, or heard of anyone making in ONE DAY, in my circle of people over a few decades, and I've been working since I've been 14 years old, 41 years of working already, no college, no nothing, just work, work, work, work, work, work. This all just took some proper direction by the 4 great guys listed above, to get me to the next level and beyond. I admit, yes, I do put in 17 hours straight daily, or even more than 20 hours in one day straight, and sleep 4 hours, from 2am to 6am, and then go do it all over again, for another 17 to 20 hours, yeah sure I do. But for those kinds of daily payoffs, who wouldn't put those hours in ? I've become Really Effective and Efficient. Even my wife of 18 years has been amazed at what I've been able to accomplish lately and is very proud of me and thinks I am incredible, amazing, and just out of this world. She is also so happy that we've been able to upgrade our house, from a 2bed 1 bath condo, to a 3bed 3bath 3story townhome w/2 car garage, 2 brand new vehicles, and even take some short 3-4 day vacations here and there between business. My wife is also so proud of me that I now have been such a great Father, by spending so much more quality time with my sons, every week at football games, or baseball games, and going fishing for bass and trout. Thank you guys. You have turned me into an animal, a machine. I would've never gotten so far, so quickly without taking the advice of you 4 guys listed and then acting on it, doing the work, putting in the suffering, the time, doing my part, and running with it. All the other MEN in the world should really "Listen-Up" and Listen Good. Everything those guys say is true. These MEN, are just trying to HELP you and WAKE YOU UP and BE MEN ! That's the main reason every politician, government and media giant in the world wants to censor them, and arrest them, and shut them down. It's because they don't WANT more SMART MEN. They want eveyone to be PUSHOVERS, so they can keep you all IN-LINE, and "Limp and Obedient". If your family, friends, co-workers, the President, the Police, The Media, and everyone else in the world says you're wrong, then for sure, you got to be right !
From the photo I assume this was the story of Sisyphos. A figure from Greek mythology. He was king of Corinth and became infamous for his general trickery when he twice cheated death. Sisyphus ultimately got his comeuppance when Zeus dealt him the eternal punishment of forever rolling a boulder up a hill in the depths of Hades. But after listening to the story It did not resemble.😂
I don't believe hopelessness either I grew up kicking arse in national tennis I think the se take note everyone watching I can guaruntee that SELF PITY ALLOWING YOURSELF TO FEEL BAD WONT EVER HELP OR BENEFIT YOU IN LIFE A POSITIVE CAN DO ATTITUDE OF GRATUTUDE WILL GET YOU THROUGH
If you’re real women you’ll never support this shitty men He hate women and make other men to hate women and and tel them to treat women like shit Support women not A Man
yet he said stuff like "women's should be stone to death or at least cast out of from society". Tate has made shady comments in the past, calling women the property of men, and has advocated for violence against women in the context of infidelity. Nuff said.
I hear you. Somebody has to tell Tate, that some people do actually *not* suffer just as hard as others and that huge stress has a negative impact no matter how great your mindset is. Get a bullet into your liver. "This is awesome." Nice bro, but you will still die in miserable way. Not saying that you should cry about it, but being happy about it is in no way better. I'd rather hope for the best and prepaire for the worst.
Not my so called husband. His life is easy but he probably thinks it hard. He is the youngest of 3 in his family so his older brother and sister did most of the chores. His sister said he just sat there when their father made them to work. His parents always try to help him. When he was 30, his mom still rubbed his back. Then he had been single for almost a decade, never lived with anyone but himself. Then we met and got married. I basically pulled the family wagon while he provides basic room and board, plus few extracurricular activities. I am a married single mom. He doesn’t upkeep the house and maintain the lawns. After 20 years, I am done with his passivity, no energy, cluelessness, picky eating, lack of social skills.
I'm not against speaking ones mind but if you have these criticisms to look at every day, I would change up what you are doing. If he does not react, you have your path pretty clear cut. I am on the other side of the fence, my baby mama made me feel like the only man on the planet until she became addicted to stimulants. It has changed my perception entirely on relationships. If you cannot have enough self respect to leave (without threatening, do not use threats as a tool), you will be stuck. If he truly loves you, he will understand and work with you.
There's nothing hard about being a man a real man picks up his boot straps and keeps walking without complaint . Stress is good to toughen you up God will only give you what you can handle .
That was me this morning been sick 2 and a half weeks and still sales Executive ultimo as Top G my director was like he's an animal he asked for the business 8 times and still got a yes.
Adapt. You've gotten rid of a performance problem and now you need to perform. You have things you want to do, or know you should be doing, and you know exactly why you should be doing them. So now do them. You have a choice. You don't have to do them. But I'm sure you prefer the outcome of doing them. So do them.
Motivation is crap anyways. It comes and goes. Discipline will get you results. If you need to do something, but don't feel like it, then do it anyway! Guarantee you'll feel better about yourself once you take action.
@@andrebaxter4023 Definitely. The hardest part is just to start. Break it down in your head if you have to and just start. It will be much easier once you do. Also there is always that quiet, responsible voice in your head telling you what to do. It's the most intelligent thing and if you listen to it as much as you can, your life will be great.
This is nice but we need to start teaching the traditional hardworking types to start slowing down when they reach middle age. Your body is not a machine. My best friend’s dad died in his sleep suddenly and knowing the guy and how much he worked, I’m convinced he died of overwork. The void he has left is so huge it’s going to take a while for them to even start to recover. He never showed stress and was very involved in his family life but no one is a machine, whether you feel stress or not, please listen to your body.
He has some interesting ideas, but I can't agree with his statement about depression. It happens it's very real and it can pull people to the absolute bottom. He may not believe it, but it's very very real. Dosen't mean you can't pull yourself out of it and become much stronger. I hit the bottom, broken, suicidal but I am stronger now because of that experience and will not go there again.
@@greenarrow219 You are what you decide to be. Men shouldn't value happiness over competence, success, etc. I'd rather be a depressed winner than a happy loser.
@Conor McTapOut it is real just talk to people struggling with it. But you can overcome it and become much stronger because of it. That's why I disagree with A.T opinion.
@@dzonyyya I'm not rich, I'm not successful like AT. But I am happy, fit, healthy and a father of a son. Teaching him to be a decent human being, he makes me successful. At the worst of my depression I was ready to end my life, I look back now I can hardly recognize myself. Depression is not feeling just a bit sad, depression is a dark tunnel where the idea of ending you life can be the only way out. AT hasn't struggled with depression so he has no idea what he is talking about.
Well said on the demographics of South Africa in regards to those given a pass on racism because of being a minority. Us white South Africans have no place in government, the police force, and to top it off, affirmative action applies ONLY to the majority. Where else in the world does that happen?
It’s crazy for you to be white Caucasian and be a minority in a country. Most whites are majority in the western world. Maybe you should start thinking about moving to a different country?
_"So the same drug in their blood, how they framed it inside their mind had different effect on their body..."_ I have a simpler, more boring and probably better explanation: People can tell if stress is good for them or not.
JAMES 4 1From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? 2Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
@@nurgle-j5n my uncle was like that.. often pointing finger left and right, saying "shitty audio quality this" "shitty audio quality that" He is a shoe salesman now.
It’s the building the foundations of which what will build you is the hardest part once you have an understanding of How to do x and y getting to z is easy
Why do people dislike this guy? Guys, you all know he's speaking truth. To all you young guys, let me tell you, he's speaking truth. Be a savage and go get it
life is made simpel but human confuse and slaving human god dont build confusing no thats human killing each other for recourcers to sell to the same victims
Of fucking COURSE! Women have the government and society behind them 100% when something happens to them...when something happens to MEN. Thery are to taught to BE A MAN about it.
“Don’t pray for a lighter load. Pray for a stronger back.”
- Ummar Ibn Al-Khattab
thank you
"Don't pray for an easy life. Pray to be stronger men"
Don't prey, work for it. "God" will give you nothing.
You don't even need to pray, you can just make it stronger.
Obstacle is the way. Facing your stress and overcoming it makes you stronger. HELL YEAH LFG!!!!!!!
What does lfg stand for?
@@snorky222222 let's fucking go
True, overcoming obstacles makes you stronger, but it doesn't mean you need to seek to be in a constant state of stress, right?
The idea should be to minimise your stress while maximising your gains.
Once you reach the top of the mountain of necessity, it's no longer an imperative. It's ok for you to enjoy what you have.
Insurmountable obsticles can also crush you and set you back in life, such as failed business'. Pick your battles responsibly
Stress is unfinished business.
Make a list and try to get one accomplished daily or weekly.
Exactly! If there are bunch of little things unresolved, it bothers you and takes up your brain's "ram". In bulk they feel overwhelming, but separately each one is not that big of a deal. Even one problem that feels overwhelming can be broken down into smaller pieces and dealt with one a time
@@thedarkestknight8381 sounds like you have a todo list to make. Get to work.
@@РичмондБалконский I love how you say it takes up the brains ram. That's so very true. Stress truly is unfinished business and together it feels too much. But breaking it down really makes it more manageable and completing those smaller tasks makes gives you confidence.
@@thedarkestknight8381 Lol I feel like I see you in the comments of a lot of videos saying the same blackpill stuff.
If I knew what it was like to become a man, I would have loved to remain a child.. Becoming a man is absolutely a different ball game to being an adult.. One's Investment is what determines if one is really a man or not.
Just pretend to be female and find out how shitty things can be.
If you're depressed, Do Nothing. The longer you do Nothing, the more you'll want to do Something.
Unless you take action
Lmao fair fair
First you have to have the money to do that. I did. I did nothing for 5 years.
Some people will take this advice the wrong way.
"I don't believe in things that take power away from me".
his comment at the end about people who believe in depression being more prone to depression is absolutely true.
Depression is completely real. It’s a mental disorder. Do you think schizophrenia is fake too? Lol. Yes, a lot of people use depresssion, anxiety, AHDH, etc…as an excuse for their bad or lazy behavior, but these things do exist. They’re not fake. They’re factually real. Denying their existence is denying reality. I have anxiety but I don’t let it stop me. You still gotta do what you gotta do.
That's like telling a short person there are no short people, and if he just imagined himself being 7ft he wouldn't have to be short.
@@jaromor8808Not really. Most people are clinically depressed they are just extremely sad for for reasons that aren’t that important.
It couldn't be that depressed people are more aware of depression. How dumb.
The key is to know how to overcome. Whatever it is you're going through won't last forever if you know how to change that situation for yourself.
Meditate everyday and think about this.
I’m glad he actually asked new interesting questions that Top G hasn’t already answered a million times.
Stress is when you spend 4 years in college and and graduating with a useless degree that you were told that you could make a great living with. Now your stuck with college loans you will never be able to pay back. Boy did the college teachers fool you. I love college teachers that don't have any real world experience. But they can sure teach it.
So, what is your plan ? How you gonna fix that?
That's not stress. That's a wake up call that gender society liberal BS degrees don't work in the real world
That's why I disregard my degree and work a skilled trade today 😆
Stop complaining get a cdl and make a 100k man the fuck up
praying for you king Christ and our HEAVENLY FATHER Got you just pray to HIM and come up with a plan and grind it out. you gotta give it your all!
This conversation was very inspiring for me.
That is why he has a large following
His messages are directed and aimed towards young men for a reason. Men and Women are different..he has said they thousands of time.
This is gold for a young man! It’s sad so many are to to deep into the game
Andrew Tate Spitting Fact's Once Again - A Positive Mindset Is A Must - Man & Women Alike - Let's Have It Right...
"If you truly had the situation you are in, you wouldn't be there very long" -Tate
Jocks Wilink has a similar saying and mindset about stress “Good” I think they are right.
When he said “people’s mental model and how they view the world is based around how they feel” I instantly thought of when my girl said “let’s take the concept of right and wrong out of our relationship” I didn’t know wtf to say but I knew right there she doesn’t want to be held accountable for the shit she does 🤷🏾♂️
Concept of right and wrong out a relationship?! Dude that is not good
No it’s how your treated and how your treated effects how you feel
They have no accountability, & they will pull a double standard on you every time. They cant be in the wrong or say sorry. Take it from a married guy..
Agreed. But her approach kinda goes with what the vid says... make decisions but don't get negative over the wrong ones.
Maybe your girl kinda knows she's a screw up or has had that feeling ingrained by those in her past.
She may just be asking you to not be critical of her screw ups. OK so look at them as her bad decisions and address them politely as such
So rather than saying "what you did was wrong" instead approach it like "Hey I'm sure you thought it a great idea at the time, but maybe next time a different decision might be better for us".
The former approach makes her go defensive and unhappy being admonished/attacked whereas the latter keeps her more open minded and less stressed. You can even do it with words that are humorous. Make her laugh at herself rather than feel bad/dumb/inferior/stupid etc..
I deal with workers all day and if I say they screwed up they get defensive and pissed and CLOSED MINDED. So instead I laughingly say like " Man you take too many idiot pills this morning? Haha! Next time try this instead and see if it works out better. OK?
Defenses down they laugh along and open mindedly listen and learn and change most times. Works for me.
@@bottomrung5777 Before I saw this, I had already started trying to implement this method and it’s definitely been helping!! I totally agree, you gotta leave things open ended and just let them talk. She’s started confessing and apologizing on her own since then. It’s for sure been better than it was when I made this comment.
This is about exactly what I needed to hear right now.
Sorry , he’s not. Look for a better roll model.
No, you're just GAY. Homosexuality give you those feelings.
Never been a fan of Tate, only heard articles attacking him. But never saw any media talk about this interview. Great perspective!
This is gold..
What a fascinating individual.
Keep it up Zuby.
I tell the young around me that "Hey, we aren't here for a sleigh ride. This isn't 'Holiday Ranch'. Learn and progress. Do not get negative but realize we get through one step at a time. It's what life is all about."
I got so much pressure, stress, & expectations from me but I know this part of being a man. Every man has to have some hard times in his life so it can mold his character to help build his feature self & children for the better. The more stress you have and overcome, the better you can deal with the feelings of hardship, doubt, and being alone. Every man who rose to the throne, or a man whose accomplished great things in life ALWAYS hard moments in their life, but they overcame it and built that resilience to it.
do not pray for easy lives my friends, pray to be stronger men
Yeah right
Truth life well lived is carved with complications
Like Bruce Lee said.....pray to overcome a hard life
Prayers are comforting but that’s it lol
Do you know how many prayers don’t come true religion is cope
I've been saying for years now how depressing it is that sentience is not a universal human quality. I have noticed how I can't help but think less of these people as human beings, regardless of how close we were as friends before.
Jocko says GOOD to any problem also. A disciplined appraoch to solving lifes problems
You know, this was a mentally that I used to struggle with - the mentally that when shit hits the fan and you feel like the universe is just putting all of this crap on you. Then one day, I just got out of bed, shook things off, and then got to work on how I needed to rebound from that moment. So I totally get that.
Life is hard
Life is simple, mankind makes it complicated.
@@richard7645 If you think so, try to see how long you could survive anywhere naked and with no tools or anything else provided by other people. Most would not make it very far without those mankind provided sketchers and uber eats.
If life was easy there would be no sense of accomplishment or drive. It's normal
For a man*
"Don't pray for an easy life gentlemen.. pray to be stronger men!"
Getting things done
I like the depressed talk though. My dad, a Marine, instilled in me "only cowards kill themselves." He was always about fighting too. BOOKS assist me in not being lonely, not being depressed because you've got an author there, hopefully well-read intelligent and dedicated to inquiry (for me on history), speaking to YOU through the pages as if he's right there eyeball-to-eyeball giving you wisdom/knowledge/a story/an experience which becomes a memory in your mind for later recall. I used to hate reading growing up. The past 7-8 years I love it and have stacks of books cause no bookcase big enough.
Cowards? Really? You know this?
Tbh it must take guts to off yourself, but that's awesome about your love of reading.
People these days are COWARDS. Weak-minded, conformist NPCs buy in to ALLLL of the propaganda and nonsense. They have strong emotional reactions to the smallest things, and these control their actions and decision-making. People are broke and in debt, living check-to-check, and yet they pay no attention to or learn the markets, economy, interest rates - basically they are clueless in how the whole financial system works. Despite the fact that if they did, it would change their life and they could make better choices and increase their standard of living. It is scary how badly people want to fit in and conform (to the most ridiculous things).
Andrew Tate has never felt depression in his life. He’s a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. Imagine having this guy as somebody you idolise. All cluster B personality types like him a deeply insecure and fragile on the inside. It’s a front
@@jordanmedwell exactly. First intelligent comment I've seen!
Such a great interview with in depth questions!
He is young. Stress changes as you get older.
Not only that but his level of stress may be much much less than say someone who served in the military for say 10 years.
Calm seas do not make a skilled sailor
I'm glad they started this with an actual study.
being a man is a not a challenge to me because i focus on Jesus. When the mind retains spiritual outlook, life becomes easier. Because an eternal mindset never gets tired.
This is such a powerful video
My physical conditioning and finances and life overall have improved immensely, from mediocrity, or slightly above average to outstanding,
in the last 1.5 years just by listening to, and acting on the words and methods of:
Andrew Tate, Tristian Tate, Justin Waller, and David Goggins.
I am 55 years old and have lost 25lbs(down to 245lbs today from 270lbs several months ago).
I've been going to the gym regularly with my sons, 3x-6x per week depending on schedules of work/business and their schools.
I look way better now than before(10 years younger, like 45, not 55)and I feel 1000%(one-thousand percent)better.
(everyone that knows me that I run into once in a while, see's me and all have exclaimed ("OMG you look GREAT, what have you been DOING ????!!!!")
This is the FIRST thing they say.
I basically gave up all soda pop, potato chips, milk and sugar in my coffee for black, candy bars, sweets, drink only water and skim milk, or 2% milk, and started training again.
Even though I only lost 25lbs overall, I lost the RIGHT 25lbs, and my body(Ex-Baseball Catcher and Ex-Folk-Style/FreeStyle Wrestler),
has now transformed itself from a slightly pudgy-sloppy, donut eating, clock-punching American into a 245lb solid-tree-trunk of a BEAST.
I have been creeping up on bench-pressing nearly 300lbs at the gym, as I once did 330lbs bench-press, but that was 28 years
ago before marriage, work and raising 3 sons.
All of this "getting in shape and extra found energy", with a pure and clean mind, put me back into the "mental lab", and somehow "re-juiced" my lost drive and determination
in life, and as an extra bonus somehow made me excel dramatically in my own daily business ventures also, as some sort of "side-effect", even though that wasn't
really in my original plans, when I started out, it just kind of "happened", naturally.
So, for example, where I used to make $200 or $250 in one day working hard/putting in the time, has recently turned into Dozens of Days in a Row
in the range of $600 to $1500 per day on GOOD DAYS, and even some days I have made amazing numbers like: $2352.50, $3810.54, and my recent new personal record of
$4542.66 in ONE DAY !
I now keep a document in my computer that is titled "EXAMPLES OF GOOD INCOME DAYS", that I have just taken those exact numbers from.
So at the end of a workday, whenever I feel, or believe a certain day was "EXEMPLARY", by definition "representing the best of its kind",
I get home, whatever time that is, I sit down at my desk and jot down on paper and go through my mind of all the
profits taken in that day, in one day, from various endeavors that day, and if the days' total meets my own definition of what I think is "EXEMPLARY",
I enter the day of the week, the date, what was taken in, from which sources individually, add them up, and get the total and it gets a place in the document.
That way I can reflect back on the document anytime, and figure out which days, dates, sources
everything came from and how can I expand on that or those, and make it even better.
One evening, I was chatting off to the side in the kitchen with my wife as I walked in the door from working all day and she asked me "how did we do today?",
and I told her, it was a slow Tuesday, we MADE $743.00 today in "Business", take home, clear, net.
So, one of her friends was in my Living Room having a glass of wine and she overheard me and jumped up off the couch ASTOUNDED that I made that much in one day,
as she exclaimed "she has a MASTERS DEGREE"(a piece of paper with ink), and she was in utter shock as she said she never-ever made that much in one day.
(I guess I'll NEVER be able to let her overhear about the $4542.66 in one day I made recently
or she might collapse right in my living room floor and then I'll have to do C.P.R. to the M.B.A.!!!
These kind of numbers are the most money I've EVER made in my life in one day, or the most money I've ever even known anyone, or heard of anyone making in ONE DAY,
in my circle of people over a few decades, and I've been working since I've been 14 years old, 41 years of working already, no college, no nothing, just work, work, work, work,
work, work.
This all just took some proper direction by the 4 great guys listed above, to get me to the next level and beyond.
I admit, yes, I do put in 17 hours straight daily, or even more than 20 hours in one day straight, and sleep 4 hours, from 2am to 6am, and then go do it all over again,
for another 17 to 20 hours, yeah sure I do.
But for those kinds of daily payoffs, who wouldn't put those hours in ?
I've become Really Effective and Efficient.
Even my wife of 18 years has been amazed at what I've been able to accomplish lately and is very proud of me and thinks I am incredible, amazing, and just out
of this world. She is also so happy that we've been able to upgrade our house, from a 2bed 1 bath condo, to a 3bed 3bath 3story townhome w/2 car garage, 2 brand new vehicles,
and even take some short 3-4 day vacations here and there between business.
My wife is also so proud of me that I now have been such a great Father, by spending so much more quality time with my sons, every week at football games, or baseball games,
and going fishing for bass and trout.
Thank you guys. You have turned me into an animal, a machine. I would've never gotten so far, so quickly without taking the advice of you 4 guys listed and then acting on it,
doing the work, putting in the suffering, the time, doing my part, and running with it.
All the other MEN in the world should really "Listen-Up" and Listen Good.
Everything those guys say is true.
These MEN, are just trying to HELP you and WAKE YOU UP and BE MEN !
That's the main reason every politician, government and media giant in the world wants to censor them, and arrest them, and shut them down.
It's because they don't WANT more SMART MEN. They want eveyone to be PUSHOVERS, so they can keep you all IN-LINE, and "Limp and Obedient".
If your family, friends, co-workers, the President, the Police, The Media, and everyone else in the world says you're wrong,
then for sure, you got to be right !
From the photo I assume this was the story of Sisyphos. A figure from Greek mythology. He was king of Corinth and became infamous for his general trickery when he twice cheated death. Sisyphus ultimately got his comeuppance when Zeus dealt him the eternal punishment of forever rolling a boulder up a hill in the depths of Hades.
But after listening to the story It did not resemble.😂
His messages are directed and aimed towards young men for a reason. Men and Women are different..he has said they thousands of time.
Stress is a killer. It’s not all about men. Being a woman is tough too.
His messages are directed and aimed towards young men for a reason. Men and Women are different..he has said they thousands of time.
Well phrased information.
He is truly a wise man!!
I don't believe hopelessness either I grew up kicking arse in national tennis I think the se take note everyone watching I can guaruntee that SELF PITY ALLOWING YOURSELF TO FEEL BAD WONT EVER HELP OR BENEFIT YOU IN LIFE A POSITIVE CAN DO ATTITUDE OF GRATUTUDE WILL GET YOU THROUGH
Everyone's not silver spooned like you were.
My Endless forward trajectory that's what he said folks this man talks in a positive way he's not only positive he talks in a way that is positive
Im a female and I love listening to andrew tate♥️ I dont think he is misoginistic at all!men y’all need to learn from this man
Go join a harem ho, your husband awaits you beyond death.
Women are only good for lying on their back. Fact
Pick me pick me
If you’re real women you’ll never support this shitty men
He hate women and make other men to hate women and and tel them to treat women like shit
Support women not A Man
yet he said stuff like "women's should be stone to death or at least cast out of from society". Tate has made shady comments in the past, calling women the property of men, and has advocated for violence against women in the context of infidelity. Nuff said.
I used to have his mindset but then reality hit me
I hear you. Somebody has to tell Tate, that some people do actually *not* suffer just as hard as others and that huge stress has a negative impact no matter how great your mindset is.
Get a bullet into your liver. "This is awesome." Nice bro, but you will still die in miserable way. Not saying that you should cry about it, but being happy about it is in no way better.
I'd rather hope for the best and prepaire for the worst.
Yeah it’s all bs only people get lucky it’s all about absolutes and genes in life
@@thedarkestknight8381 You are a black pilled knight.
@@thedarkestknight8381black pill queer
Pride month isn’t till June
8:14 Thats all we needed to hear.
Not my so called husband. His life is easy but he probably thinks it hard. He is the youngest of 3 in his family so his older brother and sister did most of the chores. His sister said he just sat there when their father made them to work. His parents always try to help him. When he was 30, his mom still rubbed his back. Then he had been single for almost a decade, never lived with anyone but himself. Then we met and got married. I basically pulled the family wagon while he provides basic room and board, plus few extracurricular activities. I am a married single mom. He doesn’t upkeep the house and maintain the lawns. After 20 years, I am done with his passivity, no energy, cluelessness, picky eating, lack of social skills.
I'm not against speaking ones mind but if you have these criticisms to look at every day, I would change up what you are doing. If he does not react, you have your path pretty clear cut. I am on the other side of the fence, my baby mama made me feel like the only man on the planet until she became addicted to stimulants. It has changed my perception entirely on relationships. If you cannot have enough self respect to leave (without threatening, do not use threats as a tool), you will be stuck. If he truly loves you, he will understand and work with you.
So, divorce him? Nice
Madam what is he doing now?
His messages are directed and aimed towards young men for a reason. Men and Women are different..he has said they thousands of time.
amazing video from Tate!
There's nothing hard about being a man a real man picks up his boot straps and keeps walking without complaint . Stress is good to toughen you up God will only give you what you can handle .
Spot on.
That was me this morning been sick 2 and a half weeks and still sales Executive ultimo as Top G my director was like he's an animal he asked for the business 8 times and still got a yes.
I had to rewatch this
Prolonged stress is negative eighter way. It will just catch up to you later if you think its good for you.
Love Tate but did he not contradict himself?
Then 8:45
So should you be confident in yourself or not?
Thank you 🤜🤛
I framed the stress so well in a positive way that stress is no longer stressful and I've lost motivation. What do I do now?
Simple answer just make money....
Lool thought it was just me
Adapt. You've gotten rid of a performance problem and now you need to perform. You have things you want to do, or know you should be doing, and you know exactly why you should be doing them. So now do them. You have a choice. You don't have to do them. But I'm sure you prefer the outcome of doing them. So do them.
Motivation is crap anyways. It comes and goes. Discipline will get you results. If you need to do something, but don't feel like it, then do it anyway! Guarantee you'll feel better about yourself once you take action.
@@andrebaxter4023 Definitely. The hardest part is just to start. Break it down in your head if you have to and just start. It will be much easier once you do.
Also there is always that quiet, responsible voice in your head telling you what to do. It's the most intelligent thing and if you listen to it as much as you can, your life will be great.
Only advice I got is become a mechanical engineer or welder
This is nice but we need to start teaching the traditional hardworking types to start slowing down when they reach middle age. Your body is not a machine. My best friend’s dad died in his sleep suddenly and knowing the guy and how much he worked, I’m convinced he died of overwork. The void he has left is so huge it’s going to take a while for them to even start to recover. He never showed stress and was very involved in his family life but no one is a machine, whether you feel stress or not, please listen to your body.
His messages are directed and aimed towards young men for a reason. Men and Women are different..he has said they thousands of time.
He got Top G on and had Bottom G audio quality
Life actually it’s hard it gives everyone water gives everyone air gives everyone plants and land …. It’s ppl that are difficult
Does anyone know which study he is referring to in the beginning?
man if i never had stress life woud never be fun smh
But people wanna cancel this man. Of course they do when he's talking about shit like this. SMFH.
When I die and get reincarnated I wanna restart my life but as girl version of me
Good video
He has some interesting ideas, but I can't agree with his statement about depression. It happens it's very real and it can pull people to the absolute bottom. He may not believe it, but it's very very real. Dosen't mean you can't pull yourself out of it and become much stronger. I hit the bottom, broken, suicidal but I am stronger now because of that experience and will not go there again.
"You don't have a mental disease. You are just in a competitive environment and you are losing." - A. Tate
@@dzonyyya so if I have gotten past "depression" what am I now? A loser or winner
@@greenarrow219 You are what you decide to be. Men shouldn't value happiness over competence, success, etc. I'd rather be a depressed winner than a happy loser.
@Conor McTapOut it is real just talk to people struggling with it. But you can overcome it and become much stronger because of it. That's why I disagree with A.T opinion.
@@dzonyyya I'm not rich, I'm not successful like AT. But I am happy, fit, healthy and a father of a son. Teaching him to be a decent human being, he makes me successful.
At the worst of my depression I was ready to end my life, I look back now I can hardly recognize myself. Depression is not feeling just a bit sad, depression is a dark tunnel where the idea of ending you life can be the only way out.
AT hasn't struggled with depression so he has no idea what he is talking about.
His messages are directed and aimed towards young men for a reason. Men and Women are different..he has said they thousands of time.
I’ll always wonder who has it harder, men or women?
I don't take advice from con artist scumbags and pimps thank you very much!
as usual, he dances around questions lol
Can anyone put a link to the study he talked about i couldn't find it anywhere
Well said on the demographics of South Africa in regards to those given a pass on racism because of being a minority. Us white South Africans have no place in government, the police force, and to top it off, affirmative action applies ONLY to the majority. Where else in the world does that happen?
It’s crazy for you to be white Caucasian and be a minority in a country. Most whites are majority in the western world. Maybe you should start thinking about moving to a different country?
All I hear is TRUTH and TRUTH TRUTH💯💯
Has the world always been extremely competitive, or is it a modern age thing?
So hard that some men take the easy road and become pimps. Even if he had to get out of the ghetto, why is he still doing it now?
_"So the same drug in their blood, how they framed it inside their mind had different effect on their body..."_
I have a simpler, more boring and probably better explanation: People can tell if stress is good for them or not.
His greatest "offense" is being Unbreaded.
1From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? 2Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Yeah , wish to get the ability to fight, rated then pray for easy life and be a mommy’s boy !!!!
Tate brothrrs keep it a buck
he enjoys being in jail then i guess thats stress, totally fine and a good thing to deal with
Jocko willing goid
Zuby, you get to interview Top G and you use a potato for a microphone to record the audio
it's just an interview, you want 7.1 giga surround sound+some 3D ZubyxTate wall projections in your room?
just 2 dudes talking
@@mrkwrbl it is shity audio quality tho. my mic is better and im literally just a random dude
@@nurgle-j5n my uncle was like that.. often pointing finger left and right, saying "shitty audio quality this" "shitty audio quality that" He is a shoe salesman now.
The interview is perfectly clear, you can't hear or something?
@@ClutchJunk seeing as you remove junk, you’re probably accustomed to junk audio
Grrrrr 😠 Why does he have to make so much sense?
Top G
It’s the building the foundations of which what will build you is the hardest part once you have an understanding of How to do x and y getting to z is easy
He is on ashwaganda I swear it
Ain’t it supposed to be?
Just load up on Tate’s supplements or Infowars supplements. It will take you to the next level, cheers mates.
Jacko speaks trhough Tate
Why do people dislike this guy? Guys, you all know he's speaking truth. To all you young guys, let me tell you, he's speaking truth. Be a savage and go get it
life is made simpel but human confuse and slaving human god dont build confusing no thats human killing each other for recourcers to sell to the same victims
law of human nature - robert greene =) read it
you think it's any easier if you are a woman?
Of fucking COURSE! Women have the government and society behind them 100% when something happens to them...when something happens to MEN. Thery are to taught to BE A MAN about it.