@@irisetpoppy9956vous savez ce que c’est un inceste ! Gainsbourg étaient éduqués et avaient de la morale et des valeurs ! Heureusement qu il n’a pas chanté : je veux tuer quelqu’un !!! Les gueux sont tellement bêtes qu ils l’auraient cru ! Paix à Jane Serge Kate de biens belles personnes généreuses ! Kate nourrissait les gens à la rue quand elle vivait dans le quartier de république !
Son côté jeune sexy n'a pas duré longtemps. Je l 'ai croisée dans un restaurant à Paris, et ... heureusement qu'il y avait son panier pour qu'on la remarque !
I do remember her presence at the radio shows with Philippe Bouvard - a very famous journalist and intellectual in France. Jane was so funny, talking about her beloved animals, about the little catastrophes happening in her Paris apartment, at the theatre, or her country house in Britany. She brought freshness, fun, genuineness; she used to talk about her plays, her music, arts in general etc. Unlike some people could think, she was not at all a shallow person : she wrote some very interesting French plays, the house she chose to buy in Britany was close to a place where her father (an important officer) was based during the second world war, with some French Resistants (against the nazis), according to what we could learn. I don't belong to the same generation, Jane is from the generation of my parents, that of "baby boomers" as she was born just after the war. For us, French people, she was a precious part of our life in fact, she was greatly appreciated, respected and loved in France ; she will be greatly missed, that is certain. My thoughts are with Lou, Charlotte, her grand-children and the other persons of her family. Un chaleureux MERCI Jane, nous ne t'oublierons jamais.
à nadavicsandon 6894 - Relativisez... c'est peut-être votre "idole " mais pas du tout pour bien des personnes. La liberté, l 'influence sur la mode à cette époque, c'est Brigitte Bardot qui de plus agit de façon efficace pour les animaux, et sait avancer en âge toujours soignée. Jane Birkin a été mignonne en cultivant son côté sexy mais cela n'a duré que quelques années. Elle a vieilli rapidement, en se laissant aller, mal coiffée, pas soignée. La femme-spectacle a mal évolué.
@@willheheckaslike8315 Brigitte Bardot a pris la décision de ne plus tourner de films, de mettre fin d'elle-même à sa carrière cinématographique. Elle s'est consacrée aux animaux. Ses films font date dans l'histoire du cinéma. Rien de comparable pour Jane Birkin qui n'a tourné que dans des petits films, sauf La Piscine, un petit rôle. Brigitte Bardot a été aussi la vedette d'émissions télévisées car elle avait une formation de danseuse classique, et elle chante fort bien. Elle a publié des livres autobiographiques et elle agit constamment pour la défense des animaux. Le Style Bardot, avec sa fraîcheur et son naturel existe toujours. Désolée mais votre Jane Birkin n'a été mignonne que quelques années quand elle était jeune. Elle a mal évolué, alors qu'il convient d'avancer en âge de façon soignée. Ce qu'elle n'était pas. Quant à ses obsèques, l 'Olympia eût été plus indiqué, car sa voix etait ridicule dans une église, et ses filles n'ont pas respecté le lieu sacré avec leurs nombreux mots grossiers. Mauvaise mère en plus, pour avoir laissé Charlotte aux côtés de son père à moitié nu dans un lit, avec son Lemon incest, outre des scènes abominables dans ses films, dont celui avec Lars von ... je ne sais plus qui.. même une scène supprimée de l'Effrontée. Fausse valeur mais si ça peut plaire, il y a des gens qui aiment ça.
@@irisetpoppy9956on ne peut pas comparer ces 2 femmes magnifiques. Moi j aime les 2 . BB n a pas été non plus parfaite apres la naissance de son enfant. Vous croyez pas ? J ai quand même une préférence pour jane pour justement son côté désinvolte sans chichis. Son livre intime en vente récemment nous la fait connaître beaucoup mieux ...
Jane was my favorite in France in the acting and singing . I love her Gothic style of house which is original and different . We will surely miss her, May God rest her Soul in Peace.
She is English, only. D 'ailleurs elle a voulu le culte anglican avec une femme pasteure Très choquant dans une église catholique surtout avec la diffusion de ses petites chansons et les mots grossiers de ses filles qui n'avaient pas leur place dans un lieu sacré. Il y a une église anglicane à Dinard.
Jane surely had a eye for classic lines and color. She was a very stylish woman. Sorry for her family and friends, Jane must have been an interesting friend. ❤❤❤😊😊😊❤❤❤😊😊😊❤❤❤
Deine schlichte Eleganz Deine entwaffnende Toleranz Deine bedingungslose Liebe Dein bezauberndes Lächeln Deine gütige Seele die uns umarmt Schade das du schon gehen musstest, du bleibst für immer in unseren Herzen! Adieu Jane
She was beautiful, unique, had a wonderful sense of decorating/collecting/personal styling (clutter organized, lol) and she obviously had a soft spot for "ugly" men and dogs, haha. ( and the chain smoking by her husband, even in the children`s bedroom is unthinkable nowadays). Of course what one remembers as well is the famous love song: JE T'AIME and her famous basket bag and later on Hermes bag. I remember the song from the time when my sailor uncle came to visit us in Germany, back in the seventies, bringing with him a tape recorder and lot`s of music. Beatles, Country Jo and the Fish, Jannis Joplin, all kinds of country music and Jimmy Hendrix as well as CCR and so on. That old tape recorder and some of the tapes still exists and are at my sister`s home in Greece. ☺
Adieu chère Jane, que ton âme s'envole vers les jardins célestes ! Tu resteras pour toujours dans nos mémoires, en tant que jolie anglaise devenue complètement française. Tu es une œuvre de Gainsbourg, et en étant sa muse tu as enrichi le monde de la musique et du spectacle. On t'aimera toujours belle lolita !... Repose en paix.
She was what every women should aim to be. Not perfect but perfect in her ways. That pretty face and amazing smile will be missed but never forgotten. Jane left her mark and it was a perfect one. ❤
Большинство девушек Украины , которых вы оставили без жилья во много раз красивее вашей Биркин с лошадиной улыбкой ...для вашей англосаксонской уродливой расы такие вот Биркины эталон красоты😂😂😂
We can say that she was a real Londoner of those years. In the late 60s, it was London that set the tone for the youth fashion of that generation, and not Paris with its couture houses, arrogant and ceremonial. The famous Carnaby street, Mary Quant, Biba concept store, Twiggy, the Rolling Stones, the Queen, David Bowie - they dictated fashion and all this was in London. Jane brought all this to France, developed it, and the French women picked up this casual style, democratic, light and combinatorial. And now all women dress like Jane Birkin, for which many thanks to her!
Fashion certainly not in London. Your Jane was charming during his youth... then became an ugly old woman because she did not care about herself. Mini robe and mini - jupe : Courreges Paris France No, in France, we have Dior, Chanel, Saint Laurent, Jeanne Lanvin, etc. We do no enjoy english clothes. Exception : Lady Diana.
Happily, we in France do not dress as this Jane in her old days ! Bad hair, ugly clothes. She lost her youth freshness very early. Look at Catherine Deneuve for instance - what a contrast ! Brigitte Bardot made the fashion.
I remember remarking a lovely lady sitting opposite me in a fashion show and it was Jane. She wore an oversized v-neck cashmere jumper and jeans and looked so simple and fresh next to all the overstated fashionistas! I used to live a few streets away from Gainsbourgs appartment rue de Verneuil which was always covered in messages from fans.
Sehr spezielle Jane Birkin...🌹🌹🌹 sie hatte etwas, das kein Modemacher der Welt designen konnte...ihre ganz eigene Linie; Easy Chic mit ihren coolen Jeans& Just a T Shirt..ihre schöne Zottelmähne..Alles ganz Easy going- und dabei sooo sexy, natürlich sexy...unmöglich zu doubeln...Kam von Innen...Jane Birkin*** tolle Muse.. 🌹🌹🌹🌈 Rest in Peace beautiful Woman 🌈❤
They went to live in Paris at the appartement of Serge Gainsbourg. He bought it few times before, for living with Brigitte Bardot in, whom he was a relationship with. The destiny didn't make it happened, and after that the lovely Jane Birkin appears ...♥♥
A boho aesthetic did return in that era, but obviously it was a throwback reference influenced by the 1960’s and 1970’s. I remember my mum during that period often commenting she used to certain have outfits just like mine! This same aesthetic has been reborn in new ways several times over. Indeed, it’s a look that adapts well by refreshing itself to ever changing contemporary times allowing it to continuously maintain relevance in more boho places and amongst certain groups.
А вы не заметили , что мода вообще каждые 10 лет повторяется , и с тех пор , как для женщин придумали джинсы , ничего существенного с тех пор не изменило ь
JANE BIRKIN "the dream in the drawer" and in the THOUGHTS of all the boys of that time: her very sweet and sensual voice given to us when in 1969 she imprinted on vinyl the few phrases of the song JE T'AIME ... she made the world fall in love whole and not just the male one. She had CHARM and possessed a NIGHTMARE BEAUTY!!! She was also a successful woman in the arts for a good decade. I sincerely hope to be able to meet her BEAUTIFUL and HAPPY again in her new home and sing with JANE and endlessly a hymn that will vehemently make all the souls of heaven gasp: “JE T’AIME”…!!! 💔❤
Дааа , голос вообще отдельно взятая шутка ....скорее сексуальный шепот ...за который она получала огромные гонорары ... у нас так пол Украины красивейших девушек шепчет ....ваша Биркин это недоразумение , насмешка над многими обездоленными женщинами
@@willheheckaslike8315 - Elle n'a pas essayé de faire carrière en Angleterre pourtant. Son accent anglais en français n'a jamais été naturel, de même que ses fautes fabriquées, c'était une façon d'essayer de se singulariser. Très choquant de vouloir une église catholique pour des obsèques religieuses en rite anglican, très choquant d'y diffuser ses petites chansons avec sa petite voix. L 'Olympia eût été mieux indiqué.
@@willheheckaslike8315 - une réunion mondaine qui n'avait aucun sens dans une église catholique. L'Olympia eût été préférable pour ses petites chansons, et les mots grossiers de ses filles. Ne manquait que le sac sur le cercueil.
@@willheheckaslike8315 -quel dommage, elle aurait dû faire carrière en Angleterre, plutôt que de salir la langue française avec ses mots grossiers. Mauvaise mère en plus.
Linda simpática uma voz deslumbrante Jane e gerge curtiram a vida imensamente sem pensar em boatos ícones das músicas sensual ela uma princesa ele charmoso descansem em paz
I don’t think so, neurodivergent you mean autistic. In fact she was classically English the type that always fits in well whetever she goes, like Charlotte Rampling a upper class English lady.
I had never heard of her until I saw in my feed she had passed. Also, I didn’t realize that purse was named in her honor. If someone named a purse after me, I’d want it to be attractive And pretty.
Jane Birkin was a very pretty lady . However her male counterpart was an obvious chain smoker. In practically every picture he has a lit cigarette in hand or mouth. Not glamorous at all . A deadly smelly gross habit I personally find abhorrent and repulsive. She was glamours but they had too much clutter. Which after time can start to look like piles of “junk” or appear as hoarding.
Well you sound as an awful person, so much judging and trashing, you can have your own opinions and taste but be aware that always will be someone like you judging everything you do.
I wouldn't say bohemian. It looks rather cluttered compared to decor of the wealthy nowadays. She was a beauty in her 20s but quickly faded. Was it perhaps smoking weed regularly and drinking too much.
Ese viejo la utilizaba para llamar la atencion el, en estos tiempos estaría mal vista ese tipo de relacion, el no cantaba nada, siendo rebelde sin causa.
They weren’t married they were together for 12 years before he found someone else and she went on to live with Jacque Doillon. She was married for a couple of years in the 60’s to John Barry the composer.
@@lizroberts1569They separated not because of another woman but because of his alcoholism and rude behavior towards Jane and the little girls (Anna and Charlotte). Jane Birkin wrote this in her diary.
I was a teacher to her grand-children , so I met Charlotte as well, who is as lovely as her Mother.
Vous auriez dû et pu lui apprendre à être prudente vis-à-vis des relations incestueuses n'est ce pas ?
Mon dieu!
@@irisetpoppy9956Stop les médisances bêtes !
@@irisetpoppy9956vous savez ce que c’est un inceste ! Gainsbourg étaient éduqués et avaient de la morale et des valeurs ! Heureusement qu il n’a pas chanté : je veux tuer quelqu’un !!! Les gueux sont tellement bêtes qu ils l’auraient cru ! Paix à Jane Serge Kate de biens belles personnes généreuses ! Kate nourrissait les gens à la rue quand elle vivait dans le quartier de république !
Moche ! et sans talent ! Issue d'un père sale et incestueux...
So chic , effortless beauty . And her taste , bohemian elegance.
Son côté jeune sexy n'a pas duré longtemps.
Je l 'ai croisée dans un restaurant à Paris, et ... heureusement qu'il y avait son panier pour qu'on la remarque !
@@irisetpoppy9956c était en quelle année ? En quoi elle avait changé ?
She was truly a one-of-a-kind style icon, one worthy of the title.
Such a gorgeous woman, and a cultural icon.
As a young woman, Jane Birkin was my original style icon, the epitome to me, of English/French chic. Some things never change...
I do remember her presence at the radio shows with Philippe Bouvard - a very famous journalist and intellectual in France. Jane was so funny, talking about her beloved animals, about the little catastrophes happening in her Paris apartment, at the theatre, or her country house in Britany. She brought freshness, fun, genuineness; she used to talk about her plays, her music, arts in general etc. Unlike some people could think, she was not at all a shallow person : she wrote some very interesting French plays, the house she chose to buy in Britany was close to a place where her father (an important officer) was based during the second world war, with some French Resistants (against the nazis), according to what we could learn. I don't belong to the same generation, Jane is from the generation of my parents, that of "baby boomers" as she was born just after the war. For us, French people, she was a precious part of our life in fact, she was greatly appreciated, respected and loved in France ; she will be greatly missed, that is certain. My thoughts are with Lou, Charlotte, her grand-children and the other persons of her family. Un chaleureux MERCI Jane, nous ne t'oublierons jamais.
à nadavicsandon 6894 - Relativisez... c'est peut-être votre "idole " mais pas du tout pour bien des personnes.
La liberté, l 'influence sur la mode à cette époque, c'est Brigitte Bardot qui de plus agit de façon efficace pour les animaux, et sait avancer en âge toujours soignée.
Jane Birkin a été mignonne en cultivant son côté sexy mais cela n'a duré que quelques années. Elle a vieilli rapidement, en se laissant aller, mal coiffée, pas soignée. La femme-spectacle a mal évolué.
@@willheheckaslike8315 Brigitte Bardot a pris la décision de ne plus tourner de films, de mettre fin d'elle-même à sa carrière cinématographique. Elle s'est consacrée aux animaux.
Ses films font date dans l'histoire du cinéma.
Rien de comparable pour Jane Birkin qui n'a tourné que dans des petits films, sauf La Piscine, un petit rôle.
Brigitte Bardot a été aussi la vedette d'émissions télévisées car elle avait une formation de danseuse classique, et elle chante fort bien.
Elle a publié des livres autobiographiques et elle agit constamment pour la défense des animaux.
Le Style Bardot, avec sa fraîcheur et son naturel existe toujours.
Désolée mais votre Jane Birkin n'a été mignonne que quelques années quand elle était jeune.
Elle a mal évolué, alors qu'il convient d'avancer en âge de façon soignée. Ce qu'elle n'était pas.
Quant à ses obsèques, l 'Olympia eût été plus indiqué, car sa voix etait ridicule dans une église, et ses filles n'ont pas respecté le lieu sacré avec leurs nombreux mots grossiers.
Mauvaise mère en plus, pour avoir laissé Charlotte aux côtés de son père à moitié nu dans un lit, avec son Lemon incest, outre des scènes abominables dans ses films, dont celui avec Lars von ... je ne sais plus qui.. même une scène supprimée de l'Effrontée.
Fausse valeur mais si ça peut plaire, il y a des gens qui aiment ça.
@@irisetpoppy9956 BB was so ordinary
@@irisetpoppy9956So what…she was so unique ,I’m 26 and it’s style of Jane is unique as her beauty and charisma
@@irisetpoppy9956on ne peut pas comparer ces 2 femmes magnifiques. Moi j aime les 2 . BB n a pas été non plus parfaite apres la naissance de son enfant. Vous croyez pas ? J ai quand même une préférence pour jane pour justement son côté désinvolte sans chichis. Son livre intime en vente récemment nous la fait connaître beaucoup mieux ...
I enjoyed every moment. It was a great tribute to Jane Birkin…❤
Thank you so much
So well done! Ty. Jane was decades ahead of her time. Style Queen
I had the pleasure of meeting her, in B. A. where I live. She was a lovely person
Jane was my favorite in France in the acting and singing . I love her Gothic style of house which is original and different . We will surely miss her, May God rest her Soul in Peace.
She is English, only. D 'ailleurs elle a voulu le culte anglican avec une femme pasteure
Très choquant dans une église catholique surtout avec la diffusion de ses petites chansons et les mots grossiers de ses filles qui n'avaient pas leur place dans un lieu sacré.
Il y a une église anglicane à Dinard.
Jane surely had a eye for classic lines and color. She was a very stylish woman. Sorry for her family and friends, Jane must have been an interesting friend. ❤❤❤😊😊😊❤❤❤😊😊😊❤❤❤
Deine schlichte Eleganz
Deine entwaffnende Toleranz
Deine bedingungslose Liebe
Dein bezauberndes Lächeln
Deine gütige Seele die uns umarmt
Schade das du schon gehen musstest,
du bleibst für immer in unseren Herzen!
Adieu Jane
She was beautiful, unique, had a wonderful sense of decorating/collecting/personal styling (clutter organized, lol) and she obviously had a soft spot for "ugly" men and dogs, haha. ( and the chain smoking by her husband, even in the children`s bedroom is unthinkable nowadays). Of course what one remembers as well is the famous love song: JE T'AIME and her famous basket bag and later on Hermes bag. I remember the song from the time when my sailor uncle came to visit us in Germany, back in the seventies, bringing with him a tape recorder and lot`s of music. Beatles, Country Jo and the Fish, Jannis Joplin, all kinds of country music and Jimmy Hendrix as well as CCR and so on. That old tape recorder and some of the tapes still exists and are at my sister`s home in Greece. ☺
Adieu chère Jane, que ton âme s'envole vers les jardins célestes ! Tu resteras pour toujours dans nos mémoires, en tant que jolie anglaise devenue complètement française. Tu es une œuvre de Gainsbourg, et en étant sa muse tu as enrichi le monde de la musique et du spectacle. On t'aimera toujours belle lolita !... Repose en paix.
She was what every women should aim to be. Not perfect but perfect in her ways. That pretty face and amazing smile will be missed but never forgotten. Jane left her mark and it was a perfect one. ❤
Большинство девушек Украины , которых вы оставили без жилья во много раз красивее вашей Биркин с лошадиной улыбкой ...для вашей англосаксонской уродливой расы такие вот Биркины эталон красоты😂😂😂
We can say that she was a real Londoner of those years. In the late 60s, it was London that set the tone for the youth fashion of that generation, and not Paris with its couture houses, arrogant and ceremonial. The famous Carnaby street, Mary Quant, Biba concept store, Twiggy, the Rolling Stones, the Queen, David Bowie - they dictated fashion and all this was in London. Jane brought all this to France, developed it, and the French women picked up this casual style, democratic, light and combinatorial. And now all women dress like Jane Birkin, for which many thanks to her!
Fashion certainly not in London.
Your Jane was charming during his youth... then became an ugly old woman because she did not care about herself.
Mini robe and mini - jupe : Courreges Paris France
No, in France, we have Dior, Chanel, Saint Laurent, Jeanne Lanvin, etc.
We do no enjoy english clothes. Exception : Lady Diana.
Happily, we in France do not dress as this Jane in her old days ! Bad hair, ugly clothes.
She lost her youth freshness very early.
Look at Catherine Deneuve for instance - what a contrast !
Brigitte Bardot made the fashion.
Very true!
I remember remarking a lovely lady sitting opposite me in a fashion show and it was Jane. She wore an oversized v-neck cashmere jumper and jeans and looked so simple and fresh next to all the overstated fashionistas! I used to live a few streets away from Gainsbourgs appartment rue de Verneuil which was always covered in messages from fans.
RIP dear Jane Birkin
Wow absolutely unique clever beauty and so perfect match couple ever
Wonderful person her great style and always with a beautiful smile Jane Birkin will be never forgotten 🙏❤️
Sehr spezielle Jane Birkin...🌹🌹🌹
sie hatte etwas, das kein Modemacher der Welt designen konnte...ihre ganz eigene Linie; Easy Chic mit ihren coolen Jeans& Just a T Shirt..ihre schöne Zottelmähne..Alles ganz Easy going- und dabei sooo sexy, natürlich sexy...unmöglich zu doubeln...Kam von Innen...Jane Birkin*** tolle Muse.. 🌹🌹🌹🌈
Rest in Peace beautiful Woman 🌈❤
I take it, she genuinely enjoyed shopping for home decor. It looked like it was a full time job! 😁😬
C’est la maison de Serge Gainsbourg et c’est lui qui cumulait les objets !!!
5:52 is not Jane but Bamboo, last wife of Serge Gainsbourg
Sì Jane ha sempre messo in ombra con ostinata volontà la cara Bambù una ragazza molto discreta divorata da Jane.
They went to live in Paris at the appartement of Serge Gainsbourg. He bought it few times before, for living with Brigitte Bardot in, whom he was a relationship with. The destiny didn't make it happened, and after that the lovely Jane Birkin appears ...♥♥
Ах , как же вовремя она ему подвернулась 😂😂😂
Ага ...и обе наркоманки , как и два этих ,,великих мужчины "😂😂😂
It seems the decoration of the crammed apartment with black walls was inspired by a apartment where Dali lived.
Thank you.
Amo tus videos! Saludos desde Chile🫶
Greetings!! Thank you very much!!
Oh so glad you did this one 💝
she is literally dressed like someone from the 2010s and it was the 1960s !!!!!
That’s how people dressed in the 60’s so much more stylish than the tracksuits of the noughties
A boho aesthetic did return in that era, but obviously it was a throwback reference influenced by the 1960’s and 1970’s. I remember my mum during that period often commenting she used to certain have outfits just like mine! This same aesthetic has been reborn in new ways several times over. Indeed, it’s a look that adapts well by refreshing itself to ever changing contemporary times allowing it to continuously maintain relevance in more boho places and amongst certain groups.
@@batubop651 its a really classy look, might make a comeback in the 2030's or 2040's, I might tell my kids I used to wear that in the 2000s lol
А вы не заметили , что мода вообще каждые 10 лет повторяется , и с тех пор , как для женщин придумали джинсы , ничего существенного с тех пор не изменило ь
They dressed like her.
Two Legends
Wow. Pity the cleaner responsible for keeping that house clean
Yes, super cluttered. Far too much for my taste. But they were bohemians, after all 😂.
JANE BIRKIN "the dream in the drawer" and in the THOUGHTS of all the boys of that time: her very sweet and sensual voice given to us when in 1969 she imprinted on vinyl the few phrases of the song JE T'AIME ... she made the world fall in love whole and not just the male one. She had CHARM and possessed a NIGHTMARE BEAUTY!!! She was also a successful woman in the arts for a good decade. I sincerely hope to be able to meet her BEAUTIFUL and HAPPY again in her new home and sing with JANE and endlessly a hymn that will vehemently make all the souls of heaven gasp: “JE T’AIME”…!!! 💔❤
Дааа , голос вообще отдельно взятая шутка ....скорее сексуальный шепот ...за который она получала огромные гонорары ... у нас так пол Украины красивейших девушек шепчет ....ваша Биркин это недоразумение , насмешка над многими обездоленными женщинами
I actually thought that she was french 🤡 hahaha oh well... so pretty and stylish! ♥
Oh no, she was not French, she had such an horrible and non natural accent.
Horrible when growing old.
Shampoo is no expensive !
@@willheheckaslike8315 - Elle n'a pas essayé de faire carrière en Angleterre pourtant.
Son accent anglais en français n'a jamais été naturel, de même que ses fautes fabriquées, c'était une façon d'essayer de se singulariser.
Très choquant de vouloir une église catholique pour des obsèques religieuses en rite anglican, très choquant d'y diffuser ses petites chansons avec sa petite voix.
L 'Olympia eût été mieux indiqué.
Happily, not French !
@@willheheckaslike8315 - une réunion mondaine qui n'avait aucun sens dans une église catholique.
L'Olympia eût été préférable pour ses petites chansons, et les mots grossiers de ses filles.
Ne manquait que le sac sur le cercueil.
@@willheheckaslike8315 -quel dommage, elle aurait dû faire carrière en Angleterre, plutôt que de salir la langue française avec ses mots grossiers.
Mauvaise mère en plus.
I Love Her
Джейн - настояшая английская Роза!💙💛🇺🇦
Linda simpática uma voz deslumbrante Jane e gerge curtiram a vida imensamente sem pensar em boatos ícones das músicas sensual ela uma princesa ele charmoso descansem em paz
They were both neurodivergent for sure. Just beautiful and the music of Jane is some of the most beautiful in French.
I don’t think so, neurodivergent you mean autistic. In fact she was classically English the type that always fits in well whetever she goes, like Charlotte Rampling a upper class English lady.
She definately did fit in well wherever she went. That's a good point. Serge and Jane were certainly special and unique
Stylish stylish human 🎉
Will miss thìs beautiful,interessting Woman...
Fan of Jane Birkin **
R.I.P. Beautie 🌹🌹🌹
R I p Jane
T. Hermes Bags..💝
Great for stuffing nappy’s in.
All I know is that Samantha really wanted that birkin bag. Lucky Lucy Liu
I'm always amazed how a lot of beautiful women are attracted to homely men.
He was NOT homely. Keith Richards is homely
The classic take! Beauty and the beast!
Her casual style her house style too busy for me😊
She’s classically English in everything especially the way she did her interior design.
@lizroberts1569 my grandmother was english her houses didn't look like that.
@@lizroberts1569 Yes, we had Boho friends in the early 70s and their house looked exactly like this.
Her smile>. R
muito linda
She was to beautiful for him love is blind !!
I had never heard of her until I saw in my feed she had passed.
Also, I didn’t realize that purse was named in her honor.
If someone named a purse after me, I’d want it to be attractive And pretty.
La donna più bella
Why did they have a huge bridgitte bardot portrait on the living room? That was weird
Organic farmers market in the 60’s I don’t think so.
Organic movement hit France in 1950s.
Organic farming started in the 1940's/1950's in the US. 1960's in Europe.
@@s.p.8803 Raoul Lemaire, father of French movement, first farm in 1924.
@@Songbirdstress Yes, first experimentations and research, if I'm not mistaken. Real production and "industry" in the 1960's, I think.
There have always been organic farmers
Gainsbourg, qu'il est sale !!!
Jane Birkin was a very pretty lady . However her male counterpart was an obvious chain smoker. In practically every picture he has a lit cigarette in hand or mouth. Not glamorous at all . A deadly smelly gross habit I personally find abhorrent and repulsive. She was glamours but they had too much clutter. Which after time can start to look like piles of “junk” or appear as hoarding.
Well you sound as an awful person, so much judging and trashing, you can have your own opinions and taste but be aware that always will be someone like you judging everything you do.
I wouldn't say bohemian. It looks rather cluttered compared to decor of the wealthy nowadays. She was a beauty in her 20s but quickly faded. Was it perhaps smoking weed regularly and drinking too much.
My gosh that house was awful.
It wouldn’t suit me either. Far too much going on!
I bet you house is worst
too plenty
Ese viejo la utilizaba para llamar la atencion el, en estos tiempos estaría mal vista ese tipo de relacion, el no cantaba nada, siendo rebelde sin causa.
Señora, no sea ignorante, el era un músico y productor exitoso cuando la conoció, el la hizo famosa y se enamoraron… a veces pasa.
A great elitist icon whose apartment would not have made it to the pages of Home Beautiful.
Her home was too beautiful.
Até quando ela esteve casada com o Marido ?
They weren’t married they were together for 12 years before he found someone else and she went on to live with Jacque Doillon. She was married for a couple of years in the 60’s to John Barry the composer.
@@lizroberts1569They separated not because of another woman but because of his alcoholism and rude behavior towards Jane and the little girls (Anna and Charlotte). Jane Birkin wrote this in her diary.
They were not married officialy and separated because of his alcoholism.
@@MarinaVVKate, non Anne😮😅
And stinky smell from endless smoking...
Veramente tutto puzzava di Gitanes in quella casa😂
She was born in a wrong country. Was more a French woman.
Her "englishness" was her appeal, along with her beauty, the archetypal english rose if ever there was one
is it not herr husbands houses
She had no voice at all. No talent either. Her husband found out she could whispering sexy lines. That is what she was able to do as a "Singer".
Probably that would say your partner about you, nice right?
No tenía una gran voz, pero estuvo mucho tiempo viviendo de su música y se le recuerda mucho...porque será?
too bad paris is arab-inized now
Shame on you!
Jane and Alain Delon!!!(FILM)