Anxiety Symptoms| Brain Zaps

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
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    This was honestly the scariest symptom that I had, and I felt so alone in having it because I was getting it without any real reason for it. I hope this video helps someone, to know you’re not alone!


  • @jennifertomlinson7726
    @jennifertomlinson7726 11 днів тому

    Thanks for the video

  • @tlorenzo2408
    @tlorenzo2408 3 роки тому +1

    And I've never been on antidepressants in my life. I'm 45 yrs old. Sorry forget to mention this.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  Рік тому

      I hadn’t been on antidepressants either when this happened to me. The only thing I stopped doing was working out so besides being stressed that was the only other thing that changed. It was so weird and scary

  • @truthteller8872
    @truthteller8872 3 роки тому +1

    I have had chronic anxiety before symptoms began but worse now. Only time I experienced brain zaps was following day after surgery for a complete hysterectomy, it was either caused by shock of hormone depletion or from anesthesia, however I had surgeries before and never had issue's with same anaesthesia. The zaps radiated from head to both arms and hands while trying to fall asleep, lasted only a week. Than another time year's later was from coming off SSRI. I had read recently a person had them that resulted in having going to full-fledged seizures, was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder, to find out from a Neurologist it was from a migraine medication, once stopped medication it went away.
    I apologize in advance for this long comment, sharing to give reason for question and maybe you have and another person out there is experiencing the same, I know we all can learn from each other. Any suggestions or opinions are greatly appreciated.
    Reason I've posted question, is curious as if my findings on MRI may have been just "incidental" findings that are correlated to symptoms or not correlated. "I initially did go to Neurologist for my symptoms, however do realize the lesions may not be of cause". I know I can't get a diagnosis online, wouldn't expect to, I'm on a hunt to get to root of cause, the more knowledge I obtain thru research and asking questions, the more questions I'll know to provide to follow up visits with Neurology, Doctors etc...
    ✔BEGAN 3 YEARS AGO WITH Constant floating and swaying 24/7
    ✔Head heavy
    ✔Internal vibrations in base of skull and back of head
    ✔Internal vibrations in head and back falling asleep
    ✔Pressure in head
    ✔Neck hurts from trying to hold my head to compensate for constant floating in head
    ✔Right eye twitching
    ✔Sweat at night sometimes
    ✔Buttocks feels like it moves when sitting still
    ✔Tingling in feet
    ✔Sometimes thigh feels spastic
    ✔Brain zaps periodically, "I don't take any antidepressant as from my understanding withdrawal can cause that.
    ✔Headaches sometimes never been one to have them, on sides and around back
    ✔Severe Vertigo periodically when laying on left side
    ✔Severe fatigue, can barely function
    ✔Lay on left side sometimes and have terrible vertigo, which tells me it could be inner ear or neck
    ✔Tinnitus- began around July 2020
    ✔Severe anxiety and depression caused by symptoms.
    I've seen a Neurologist and various doctor's, Cardiologist and Audiologist, had a battery of blood tests, multiple vestibular tests were performed which nothing was found, however "2" small white matter lesions were found on my MRI brain scan, but Nuerologist stated symptoms aren't correlated with that or signify any " Demyelinative plague" lesions that would speculate MS. One lesion in the "Superior Frontal Lobe" and second one documented on report as "may" be a "vascular variant" located in the "Dorsal Pons", which Neurologist stated it could be from aging, past migraines, or at some point a "TIA", but not sure, however stated symptoms are not correlated to lesions.
    I've even had 2 CT Scans in past 3 year's and nothing was found.
    I know my lower right back region where it meets the buttocks, has been pulled before, sometimes it pulls again which causes pain, therefore that could be reason for tingling more in right foot, and right thigh feeling a twitch at times.
    I had a "complete" hysterectomy in 1993, was on HRT until 2017, than roughly a month later after stopping is when the 24/7 floating and rocking began in conjunction with severe fatigue.
    I don't know if bending my head to look at my phone has created a issue in my neck that's contributed to symptoms, and there's actually a "combined" reasons playing into the symptoms. For example, tingling in feet is from lower back, or from neck region and 24/7 floating is from another issue, hormonal, lesions or could be coming from neck.
    Just maybe anxiety, I have had a lot of stressful events in past 3 year's, my mother passed, I had to move and lost everything, been taking care of my father on hospice but don't know if anxiety can present all those symptoms.
    "It's a long complex quest for sure and hope I find the “specific” test to zero in on cause”.
    Something interesting I read the other day, a Functional Neurologist stated to look for and to diagnose Meniere's Disease is to conduct a MRI of the ear rather than just depending on Corlic Test, to use a “Spec Test” to look for lack of blood flow in brain, and a “Volumetric MRI” for those experiencing “chronic dizziness” to look at the Cerebellum in the brain.
    I thank you very much for taking the time to give insight. Thank you for taking the time to read this. All these symptoms have me crying everyday and making my anxiety so bad.
    I'm glad I found your channel, glad you're doing well. You have a lot of empathy, a beautiful spirit. Thank you for sharing your story and letting me share mine. Much love and light.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  3 роки тому +1

      I hope that you feel better soon

    • @truthteller8872
      @truthteller8872 3 роки тому +1

      @@kimmiekins - Thank you so much for responding, and taking your time to do so, sure means a lot. I could tell by your delivery in your video, you have enormous empathy and are great for investigations into health, which when you stated you work in the health field it didn't surprise me.
      When you touched on your sister having migraines, and things showing up on her MRI, after researching migraines I've found it's common. The thing that gets me is I've never suffered from migraines, however I've had "some" migraines in the past, which "maybe" a few is all it takes to leave scars on the brain. Hope your sister is doing well.
      The brain zaps are scary, I had one earlier tonight, when I laid down flat on back on the pillow, it causes me to jump up, cause it's so frightening, and like you, I start getting scared thinking if it's seizures.
      I do believe stressful events can bring on an array of these symptoms. I will mention I've had health anxiety for many years but will say, it's helped me enormously in some situations, one in particular was I had a rare pregnancy, similar to "ectopic pregnancy", where pregnant in fallopian tube, but mine was between corner of uterus and fallopian tube, I kept feeling like something was off in my mind and body, ( I had no pain), no physical symptoms but just felt impending feeling something wasn't right, at first thought my health anxiety was the main culprit of it, that's a scenario where it did save me, OBGYN called me the following day after a sonogram, had me go straight in for emergency surgery. ( I often think back, maybe my health anxiety just played a lucky guess), cause there many times I was wrong.
      As for hormones, the more research I've been doing, didn't realize the pivotal role it plays on the brain, and can present many symptoms as well as thyroid disorders, which I do have hypothryoidism, was diagnosed in 1993, had to have a "benign" tumor removed. Been on thyroid medication since. My understanding also is stress, diet, and life style can alter all those hormones as well. I know you're aware of all this as you have a great insight and plus working in the medical field. It's wonderful to connect with others that understand, it is comforting. My logic wants to say this is my anxiety and stressful events, but considering my past health situations, not having any reproductive hormones and possibly the lesions, it could be something correlated to that.
      Vestibular Migraines I've learned recently have similar symptoms as well, from anywhere chronic rocking, swaying, dizziness, off balance to vertigo, brain zaps, to other symptoms.
      My health anxiety keeps me investigating for answers. I know anxiety and depression can manifest many symptoms of the brain and body but I want to make sure I don't miss nothing.
      *You mentioned the stress and serotonin levels, I often think of mine may be depleted. That's interesting you mentioned that.
      I'm sincerely sorry all you've gone through and anyone that has gone or will go through this. It brings some comfort of not not being alone in this. Thank you for contact e-mail. Again glad I found you. It's so great you're being a voice for other's. I understand it gets busy as you mentioned you're all over the place, you're doing wonderful with it. You grabbed me and you are other's. You're greatly appreciated. Thank you once again for your support. Have a good evening. Much love and light.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  3 роки тому

      You’re very welcome 🖤 thank you for your kind words it means so much. Remember I’m always here if you need to talk 😊

    • @bridarby2299
      @bridarby2299 3 роки тому

      @@truthteller8872 did they go away

  • @aldubm2234
    @aldubm2234 4 роки тому +1

    In December, I caught a stomach bug that has stuck with me for months. The problem was that the stomach flu damaged my stomach causing reflux and lactose intolerance, and started to take antidepressants/anxiety because the doctor ordered it for now. Very small dose. We went to a therapist and she said I don’t have anxiety. Yay! But I still am ill. So, we got a specialist that said to go off dairy and I feel much better, but I still have to get an acid reflux prescription. Recently I stopped taking so much gravol. I stopped taking the antidepressants and me being stupid, didn’t tell my mom. I didn’t think it would hurt me to stop it but I was wrong. I don’t know if it is gravol or antidepressants withdrawal, but I can’t go up or down the stairs with ouch havig brain zaps. Almost passed out. I have only been taking half the amount of gravol but the zaps come back after 1-3 hours of taking the gravol. Haven’t seen a doctor because I’m afraid they are annoyed at how much we have been going and the fact that coronavirus is making them very busy. I’m hoping it’s nothing to worry about. I’m 14 and female, and having less nausea and way more zaps. The nausea never made me throw up but I’d just have to lay down for so long and hope the gravol would kick in soon. At one point my mom said I have an addiction, I was taking them as often as I could. Never at a high dose and I’d never take more than the package said. I’d wake up at 5:00 and need to stay up because I was too sick to lay down with my thoughts. I would put on a show and it would make me feel much better. I don’t want pity, but it seems like I’m asking for it. Everyone I tell just doesn’t think of how bad it is, they don’t think it’s anything bad and say that I’m over-reacting. I don’t know if not taking milk helped or if I’ve gotten so used to the nausea that it doesn’t bother me as much anymore...

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  3 роки тому

      I am so very sorry that I haven't replied to your comment sooner, I wasn't notified and then I was going through my comments to make sure that I replied to them all and realize I didn't get to yours. Since its been six months I hope first and foremost that you have started to feel better. As far as your acid reflux I've recently noticed that part of my anxiety symptoms is reflux so that plus the stomach flu could be causing that. I am sorry that your therapist told you that you didn't have anxiety... always remember that you know yourself better than anyone and if you feel something is wrong or that you have anxiety I would get a second opinion always. I have a video I want to film about my first experience with a thearpist and how it almost made me never want to go back, but I've decided to bad so far I feel that my experience is going way better this time. When ever I am anxious I love to put on shows to distract myself. Especially shows that I loved growing up, it was a comfort too me.I am not sure if you are still on medication but please don't stop it suddenly make sure to talk to your mom and doctor. Brain zaps and other symptoms surrounding that are super scary. Please stay safe, and I hope you are doing better now. You can always reach out and talk to me if you need anything.

    • @aldubm2234
      @aldubm2234 3 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins Hey, thanks for commenting back, shows that you really care. I’ve been taking medication and it’s all starting to get better. There is still issues but I think I just need more time. I think it would be a lovely idea to make a video of the first time you went to see a therapist, it would relate to many of us I believe.

  • @Underhills
    @Underhills 5 років тому +2

    @Kimmie Kins, thanks for sharing! I believe these "brain zaps" are similar to what I'm experiencing big time these days. Feels like I'm getting electrocuted all the time, in addition I've started to have the worst tremors, shakes, twitches and all sorts of muscle spams. Suddenly it's my hands, then it's my leg and even my lip trembles occasionally etc. My neck trembles when sitting down. I have anxiety and been battling it for a good 20 years now, but it's never been as strong as now with all the physical symptoms. Been taking Xanax on and off for all these years as well. I REALLY feared I developed a neurological decease. I actually went to a neurologist assessment, and sure enough after just a few minutes of checking me I was told I have a diagnose called essential tremor. I was terrified so my tremors got even worse after that, but now I'm starting to doubt that diagnose. Could all these physical reactions be generated from mental strain? I was hoping the tremors are "only" anxiety and not a rare neurological decease. Could the neurologist be wrong? She also told me that my anxiety was making my tremors worse. Telling me I have a neurological decease that only 1% of the population in my country have was a terrible shock. Now I'm considering a second opinion from another neurologist.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      ventende Omg okay so I’ve had tremors in my neck to and it scared me. My personal situation I notice I get them when I’m stressed but to feel better I would get a second opinion if you can. I’m not a medical professional but i want to share my experience with you in hopes you’ll feel better and know that you’re not alone. And also know I will always be here for you and support you no matter what ❤️

    • @Underhills
      @Underhills 4 роки тому +1

      @@kimmiekins Thanks for responding. I will definitely get a second opinion on that neurologist diagnose. I may be in denial here but that 1% diagnose seems a bit hasty, still the tremors are terrible. Interesting to hear about how your anxiety works, I've discovered there's alot of tremor issues among us. The brain zaps feels more like body zaps with me, I can be lying in bed and suddenly these electric shocks speeds trough my entire system. I really appreciate your channel and support. Anxiety is a very physical thing, people don't realize that.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      ventende I would get tremors too, so I can defiantly relate❤️ a second opinion never hurts, and it can give you more peace of mind! I am so glad that my channel is helping you and honesty thank you so much for supporting my channel. It means more to me than you know. I hope to get more consistent with videos. If you ever need to just talk or anything just know I am always here for you.

  • @ControlAllDa1337
    @ControlAllDa1337 5 років тому +6

    I would get them all the time if I missed my antidepressants too. They were horrible. I've been off the meds for 4 months now, no more zaps.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      ControlAllDa1337 awe so glad you are doing better :) these are literally one of the scariest symptoms!

    • @ControlAllDa1337
      @ControlAllDa1337 5 років тому +1

      @@kimmiekins thanks Kimmie, going through a real bad patch right now, but my medication had me trapped in a subdued no-life prison for so many years and ain't not going back to that place. I have things in place to help me, sports, exercise, eating right, friends etc. I am getting through this no matter what 😊

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      ControlAllDa1337 I’m going to make a video about my small experience with meds, it wasn’t very long but I feel it’s important to share😊 even though it feels rough now, I have faith that all the things you’re doing are going to make you feel better than ever and get you back to the person you used to be😊 exercise is honestly one of the best things, it helped me in so many ways😊 once I get through my little rough patch I plan on getting back to the gym hard core! Wishing you all the best and please keep me posted on your progress and how you’re doing and I am always here if you need anything😊

    • @ControlAllDa1337
      @ControlAllDa1337 5 років тому +1

      @@kimmiekins thanks Kimmie, I will keep you posted. I'm subbed now too so I'm looking forward to the video of your experience, or anything else you post. I've joined a boxing gym. First class starts tomorrow 😁

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      ControlAllDa1337 thank you so much for subscribing it means the world to me🖤 I hope my videos will help you in some sort of way!! Boxing always looked so fun, hope you enjoy it😊

  • @xavierp4035
    @xavierp4035 4 роки тому +1

    I experienced a brain zap this morning. I went to use the bathroom, went back to bed, I lied down and closed my eyes. My Jaw locked, my hands froze.
    Suddenly, i felt a "zap" or "shock" inside my head, my vision got lost and saw dark pixels through my eyes. I could feel and hear "bzzz!" As is a short circuit.
    I'm not on medications or ever taken any.
    Some say is stress overload. I have been VERY anxious lately. And over thinking too much

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      thads what I believe alot of mine was from was stress overload and anxiety because I was constantly worried about something being more wrong with me and it was super scary. I noticed once my stress levels went down I started getting them less and almost not at all. But even sometimes these days if I start getting stressed I’ll have one😞😞 I hope you feel better soon. And if you need anything I am here 🖤

    • @xavierp4035
      @xavierp4035 4 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins my breathing was off. My chest felt tightness as well before this happened. I honestly thought It was the end..
      I was sleeping next to my baby son and my wife. At least if God took me, I would had been next to my family..

    • @xavierp4035
      @xavierp4035 4 роки тому +1

      @@kimmiekins I truly wish you prompt recovery

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      The same to you😊

  • @ahmedfanatsah860
    @ahmedfanatsah860 5 років тому +1

    I have this symptom it's happening to me every day it doesn't go unless I take the antidepressants again it's so painful. Glad to see your video I hope you're doing better now ❤

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      Awe I hope you feel better soon🖤 I’ve heard this is a common withdrawal symptom from anti depressants. I am doing better but I still get these from time to time if I get super stressed out. It’s so weird

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      Documentary Man and I’m glad you came across my video 🖤🖤 I hope it helped in some way

  • @thehandliesthandle
    @thehandliesthandle 5 років тому +2

    Good to know im not alone. I was born with the zaps. Not caused by medication. From what i understand it is a mild harmless seizure from severe anxiety. Anxiety and seizures are part of the same thing from what i can tell. They treat seizures with anxiety medication, and i have taken anxiety/epilepsy medication(benzodiazapines) and it 100% fixed brain zaps. Its all anxiety

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      Matt Dupuis that was the scary part for me is my doctor would mention seizures when I would mention how I was feeling even though I didn’t have a history of them and one of my health anxiety was seizures. I hope you’re doing okay and if you ever need to tslk i am here for you❤️

    • @thehandliesthandle
      @thehandliesthandle 5 років тому +1

      @@kimmiekins brain zaps are harmless but so annoying, real seizures are dangerous though. My mom said i always seemed like i could be epileptic, but it wasnt enough she took me to a doctor for it

    • @thehandliesthandle
      @thehandliesthandle 5 років тому +1

      @@kimmiekins is there even a way to personal message on youtube?

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Matt Dupuis I’m glad that you are okay and that those zaps are harmless. It hi I even for me my past came back to haunt me because One time in my life I fainted when I was like 8 and I never thought twice about it. And then now in my 30s I’m having all these symptoms and I’m associate it with that event and think oh man something is wrong with me. It sucks

    • @thehandliesthandle
      @thehandliesthandle 5 років тому +1

      @@kimmiekins yeah thats stressful

  • @ahmedmuqaddam
    @ahmedmuqaddam 5 років тому +1

    Thanks a million Kimmie, i was thinking that i have a rare unknown disease that doctors couldn’t explain!! Brain zaps happened to me many times and it made me jump (freaking out), done all the possible brain checks but there was nothing. It’s really embarrassing when it happensin public 😰

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      Ahmed Muqaddam you’re very welcome. They still happen to me from time to time when I’m anxious, matter a fact they happened to me while I was on vacation. They make me jump too! When I would explain it to doctors they never had an answer or thought it might be something else. That’s why i wanted to share this symptom video for anyone out there that might be going through it. I couldn’t find too many videos on the topic and I wanted people to know they aren’t alone♥️

    • @ahmedmuqaddam
      @ahmedmuqaddam 5 років тому +1

      Kimmie Kins I’m very glad you shared this video dear Kimmie, thanks again for the efforts you’re doing to help people, keep it up 😊🙏🏼

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      Ahmed Muqaddam you’re very welcome! Keep an eye out for more videos!

    • @bridarby2299
      @bridarby2299 3 роки тому

      @@ahmedmuqaddam did it go away

  • @josephwilcox2362
    @josephwilcox2362 4 роки тому +1

    I’ve just started anti depressants and now I’m going to talk to my doctor about getting off of them because I’d rather have these brain zaps now that later in life.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      I totally understand. I hope you feel better and if you ever need anything I’m here!

  • @juniwilliams
    @juniwilliams 4 роки тому +1

    It scares the hell out of me when driving

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      oh yea me too. I have had it happen. I hope you feel better soon

  • @pentroupos5244
    @pentroupos5244 4 роки тому +4

    I get zaps frequently and my head feels tingly.....does this happen to anyone else? It's scary and makes my anxiety worse!!!!!

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +2

      Pen Troupos yes! It always made my anxiety worse, and then I didn’t know how to tell anyone what was happening cause I thought the might have thought I was crazy. I hope you feel better soon❤️❤️ just remember you’re not alone

    • @alyssamiller9329
      @alyssamiller9329 4 роки тому +1

      Me 🖐️

    • @pentroupos5244
      @pentroupos5244 4 роки тому +5

      Anyone have symptoms like body tremors and tingling in the extremities as well?!!!

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Pen Troupos I’ve definitely had those before too :( I’m so sorry that you’re having to go through this. I hope you feel better soon

    • @pentroupos5244
      @pentroupos5244 4 роки тому +1 I have the head pressure going on....ugh...its so annoying..I'm glad I'm not alone..I just want it all to stop...

  • @mariecurie8420
    @mariecurie8420 5 років тому +1

    I’m going to the doctor in a few days to see what the fuck is going on lol 😂😂 it’s been 3 months now it’s time to check it out you guys should go to the doctor

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      I did go to the doctor for mine and they said it was just stress and I don't really get them now unless I am stressed. Hope you are doing good and that the doctors went well!

  • @7Underwood7
    @7Underwood7 5 років тому +2

    I'd get them when laying in bed, they'd occur when my internal narration would layer about 3-4 times. In the dark, my closed eyes I'd see a blast of white light and an overwhelming sound of something being welded.. never been on any anti anxiety medication. Then one night i told myself to shut the fuck up, and poof, dead silent.. it was scary and i felt alone. I kind of want them back, lol.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      I didn't have them quite like that! but sometimes i would see flashes and then get them... they would scare the crap out of me.

  • @cryptoplasty1
    @cryptoplasty1 4 роки тому +1

    So I have been having these for the last week. I started getting the zaps about 20 times a day, and each time I was super lightheaded for a few seconds. It freaked me out. I went to the doctor and he said he thought I had vertigo (i dont), and he gave me meclazine which made it TEN TIMES WORSE. I have taken SSRIs several times in the past but did not stay on them due to the side effects. It’s been almost 2 years now. I have had anxiety for years along with panic attacks. These tingly brain zaps make me want to go back on the SSRIs but I HATE them.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Void I hope you feel better! I still get these every now and then especially when I’m stressed. I didn’t like SSRIs either due to side effects and I was scared of the long term effects so I stopped. I’ve heard a lot of successful stories, but they just didn’t work for me personally

  • @dude_vr4512
    @dude_vr4512 5 років тому +3

    thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. i love you :") you are just like me.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      X Rah I’m always here if you ever need to talk! Thank you for watching, and I hope this video was relatable and helped you!

  • @crimcye6433
    @crimcye6433 4 роки тому +1

    I was sleeping and I felt it so I ran to my parents room and slept there

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Awe I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you feel better soon. These are so scary

  • @ammansiddique9797
    @ammansiddique9797 4 роки тому +2

    Does a brain zap feel like a blury vision is well?

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +3

      For me they felt like a jolt in my brain. Or Sharp electric pains. But with anxiety I did experience blurry vision

  • @moosdad863
    @moosdad863 5 років тому +4

    I had brain zaps when I came off citalopram so scary.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      moos dad it’s literally the scariest, and since I wasn’t on any medication I couldn’t understand why I was having them.. i figured it may have been related to me stopping working out since i worked out for years suddenly stopped and too me it seemed like stopping a medication in a way. But whenever i talked to doctors they literally looked at me like I was crazy

    • @moosdad863
      @moosdad863 5 років тому +1

      @@kimmiekins I no what you mean about people looking at you like your crazy. it's hard to tell someone about brain zaps if you have never experienced them yourself i thought I was the only one to experience these brain zaps until I done some research and found i wasn't alone ❤

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +1

      moos dad yea people are always like what are you talking about are you sure you’re okay? Which makes the panic WAY worse!! So glad to find out I wasn’t alone in this

    • @ControlAllDa1337
      @ControlAllDa1337 5 років тому +1

      Citalopram for me too. Hated the zaps, always freaked me out. The first time it happened I thought I was about to have a stroke or something

    • @nola8509
      @nola8509 5 років тому +1

      Wow I been experiencing the same 1st time it happen to me I was getting my hair done and felt this zap/shake go through my brain now every time I go get my hair done I’m scared I’m going to start shaking/have a seizure idk if it’s stress or what I got a head scan 2 years ago everything came back normal I’m not sure what’s going on

  • @erraticmusiclover057
    @erraticmusiclover057 5 років тому +2

    I could be having GAD and I already get them 😖😖

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      ErraticMusicLover 05 I’m so sorry you’re experiencing these :( they are so scary. I hope you feel better soon. And I’m always here if you need anything

  • @alyssamiller9329
    @alyssamiller9329 4 роки тому +1

    I take meds.... Same dose.... NEVER miss a dose, ever. I get these all the freaking time. They are VERY bothersome and I can't stand the zaps

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Alyssa Miller yea they are very bothersome and I hate that you never know when they will happen. I hope you feel better soon🖤

    • @alyssamiller9329
      @alyssamiller9329 4 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins yeah it's really a B#tch. The doctors always are "stumped" that I dont miss doses and same does and still get them 🥺. They HAVE to be a symptom of high anxiety itself.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Alyssa Miller that’s what I am thinking too! I wasn’t on meds but I had quit working out after doing so five days. Week for almost 4 years and even though the doctors say no I’m convinced that plus anxiety and stress caused it

    • @boscoitalics
      @boscoitalics 4 роки тому +1

      i get them also still taking my pills.. its only at night time for me

  • @coffeetoffee7645
    @coffeetoffee7645 4 роки тому +1

    Mine felt like it was slowly crawling up my chest, back if my neck then a slow electrical
    Current that just spreads through the brain
    I don’t know if it’s anxiety, I don’t even now if I do have anxiety.
    All I do know is, it freaking me out

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      coffee toffee thats how mine felt mine went up the back of my neck and into my head. Scared me so bad, I hope you feel better soon. I’m here if you need anything

  • @lopez9794
    @lopez9794 5 років тому +1

    Awesome video hope to see more.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Lopez 979 thank you so much! I have a lot more videos planned:)

  • @BreakAge
    @BreakAge 3 роки тому +1

    I have it yesterday, but I wasn't taking any medications. It already happened to me twice this year. Is that still normal? I hope it is.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  3 роки тому

      I would always check with a doctor but this is exactly what happened to me as well. I wasn’t coming of any medication but having these and once I started monitoring them I began to notice they happened when I was stressed. I randomly had some today 😞 I don’t get them hardly ever anymore but again I was stressing but it’s still scary! I hope you feel better soon!

  • @ollethabawstv
    @ollethabawstv 4 роки тому +1

    I have these brain zaps too, really worried tho because ive seen that some scientists Think that these are small seizures, do you know anything about that or have your doctor told you anything about brain zaps?
    Diagnose: GAD
    Daily Medication: Sertrone(SSRI)
    Side Medication(used sometimes): Oxazepam(benzo)

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      OlleFS I did talk to my doctor about them she did think it was stress but if you’re on these medications I’ve heard that those can cause brain caps as well. I would def speak to your doctor. I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply and I hope you’re feeling better

  • @darrellcanning5404
    @darrellcanning5404 4 роки тому +1

    Mines not a shock it's more of a jolt

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Darrell Canning I’ve had that a couple of times. How long have you been having yours?

    • @darrellcanning5404
      @darrellcanning5404 4 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins nearly a week but they went the other day worst I had them

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Darrell Canning I am so sorry to hear that. I would get them really bad when I was super stressed. If you ever need to talk I’m always here

    • @darrellcanning5404
      @darrellcanning5404 4 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins thank you my thoughts wore like his the serzuie

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      @@darrellcanning5404 I've had those same exact fears as well. Anytime I had them I would think the same thing :( I would just try to tell myself I've been through this before and I was okay. Easier said than done but it really did help

  • @elquebrega1003
    @elquebrega1003 4 роки тому +2

    I have anxiety and I get brain zaps too

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      I hope they get better 🖤 the are scary and unpredictable 😞

    • @elquebrega1003
      @elquebrega1003 4 роки тому +1

      thank u so much hope we all get better

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Sabur PR me too🖤 I want us all to feel better and enjoy life again.

    • @elquebrega1003
      @elquebrega1003 4 роки тому +1


    • @elquebrega1003
      @elquebrega1003 4 роки тому +1

      it went away for now I haven't got it for the past week

  • @triss_286
    @triss_286 5 років тому +2

    I have bad anxiety and I get these. Did your vision go bright for a quick second and ears ring? Cause that’s what happens to me and ofc my anxiety is making me freak out that I’m having focal seizures :(

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Tristan Erwin my anxiety always had me thinking I was going to have a seizure because of what was happening in my brain :( it was so scary! And I did have a bright flash in my right eye from time to time, but that would happened even if I wasn’t having the brain zaps 😞 I hope you’re doing okay and if you ever need to talk or have any questions I am always here.

    • @triss_286
      @triss_286 5 років тому +2

      Kimmie Kins Thankyou so much ❤️. Everytime there’s one thing wrong with me I always look it up cause me being the hypochondriac I am I think literally everything is wrong with me 😂 my therapist gets so mad everytime I tell her “soo I think this is wrong with me” then go on and explain my “new symptoms” it’s annoying tho honestly. But I’m terrified of medication cause I HATE side effects

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Tristan Erwin this was literally me all of last year so I totally get you! I remember on time I got a random pain in my eye nothing happened it was just a sharp pain..: didn’t last long and I went straight to google and oh man the things I found. It doesn’t help i work at a hospital so I know more than I ever should know medically. I promise you though it gets better. Once i started realizing I wasn’t alone and found people to talk to about it, That helped a bunch. Like you I hated meds, I never wanted to go on them. And then the one time I tried I freaked myself out because of the possible serious side effects I had to stop them. Just always remember even on your darkest days you’re not alone, and you’re not fighting this battle alone😊 I got your back!

    • @triss_286
      @triss_286 5 років тому +1

      Kimmie Kins thankyou sm!! I love talking to people who know what it feels it’s an awesome feeling!❤️

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому +2

      Tristan Erwin you’re very welcome! It is such an awesome feeling🖤

  • @brianlion123
    @brianlion123 5 років тому +1

    Were you on amy meds when you first got these zaps?

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Brian Reilly no I wasn’t I was highly stressed at the time because of my job and having to move somewhere and I was also having health anxiety. I had also went from working out 4-5 days a week for four years to not working out at all and even though the doctors didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with that I do. But I’ve heard that a lot of people get them from stopping anti depressants

  • @leaveherme9448
    @leaveherme9448 4 роки тому +1

    How did you get rid of them

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      LeaveherMe I will still get them every once in awhile when I’m super stressed. But it took me getting my stress levels and anxiety levels under control for them to really go away. And the less I focused on them I felt like that helped as well😊

    • @leaveherme9448
      @leaveherme9448 4 роки тому

      Kimmie Kins thx but I get scared a lot and feel like I’m gonna have a seizure or I have a scary disease

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      LeaveherMe that was how I felt when I would get them too and it was really scary for me. I even called my doctor when I would have them and they wouldn’t even know what was going on :( I hope you feel better soon, this was one of the scariest things I went through. If you ever need anyone to talk to I am always here❤️

  • @jaredliftz
    @jaredliftz 3 роки тому +1

    I got two of these yesterday I think 🥺so scary

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  3 роки тому

      They are super scary :( i hope you feel better. I’m always here if you need anything

  • @tatamibox
    @tatamibox 4 роки тому +1

    Can I contact you somehow to talk about this? Itd help a lot.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Eric Quesada you can contact me on Instagram @kimmiekins4

  • @rachitjoshi23
    @rachitjoshi23 4 роки тому +1

    Hi . I can't function because of drugged feeling due to anxiety. When is it gonna end as I have been going through it for two years now. It's fucking hard to stay awake in the morning and afternoon especially . Nights are pretty normal for me though .haha

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Have you talked to your doctor?? Everyone is different when it comes to when it symptoms go away. I still experience some to this day depending on what’s happening in my life. I have trouble sleeping at night so mornings are defiantly rough for me. I’ve been that way most of my life. Are you getting any rest at night?

    • @rachitjoshi23
      @rachitjoshi23 4 роки тому +1

      @@kimmiekins . Yeah I sleep pretty well in the night. Just the hangover feeling in the morning and hot flashes irritates me a lot.

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Rachit Joshi I’ve had that before too. Very frustrating to live with. I hope you feel better soon!

    • @rachitjoshi23
      @rachitjoshi23 4 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins thanks a lot . This too shall pass

  • @pavindermudhar2258
    @pavindermudhar2258 5 років тому +1

    For me, around 3 weeks ago I had 2 anxiety pills because I had a test on that morning and ever since I have been having trouble sleeping and everyday life because of these weird feelings in my brain as if i am going to faint or something. Someone please help to treat it naturally

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Pavinder Mudhar I hope you feel better soon. Did you take the pills just that one time or have you been on them for awhile?? I know people get weird brain zaps and things from withdrawal from medication. If you can I would talk to your doctor just to be safe. Natural ways that I was able to get over feeling faint or scared of the sensations and feelings I had was talking myself through it and letting my brain know that everything is okay and I am fine. Exercise is another one that really helps. Just know I am always here and you’re not alone🖤🖤 and I will try my best to help you

    • @pavindermudhar2258
      @pavindermudhar2258 5 років тому +1

      Yeah I took them one time

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  5 років тому

      Pavinder Mudhar then they may not be from the pills. I can’t say for sure because I’m not a medical professional but I can say feom my experience that I got them even when I didn’t take meds I believe it was from all my stress a fears. Once I calmed down and got my stress levels down I stopped having them. But I will get them now sometimes if I’m super stressed out 😞😞

    • @pavindermudhar2258
      @pavindermudhar2258 5 років тому +1

      Oh so do you think it is just stress and anxiety and any tips to lower these

    • @pavindermudhar2258
      @pavindermudhar2258 5 років тому +1

      Kimmie Kins it is weird because it’s never happened to me before it’s only now I have experienced this lol.

  • @Sona_Sarees
    @Sona_Sarees 4 роки тому +1

    Mee too suffering from this

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому

      Adnan Ali im so sorry I hope you feel better 🖤

  • @dakotahreviews
    @dakotahreviews 4 роки тому +1

    I’m not on medication never have been. I think I just had one. It came on SUDDENLY and it felt like my brain was vibrating and I had a wave hit over my body

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Danielle Rangel that’s exactly what happened to me when I had one. When I had them at first I was never on medication, and then I tried medication for 3 weeks and still got them after I stopped. I feel like it had so much to do with stress. At least for me

    • @tatamibox
      @tatamibox 4 роки тому +2

      @@kimmiekins Are you sure these arent seizures cuz i just got one but i know i get poor sleep and have bad anxiety

    • @kimmiekins
      @kimmiekins  4 роки тому +1

      Eric Quesada i talked too my doctor and she had said it was most likely from stress and not a seizure, but I always had fear that I could have been. Always talk to your doctor first🖤 and poor sleep is a huge contributer to anxiety when I don’t sleep my anxiety is out of control. I hope you feel better

    • @BreakAge
      @BreakAge 3 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins Thank you for your vid and this comment. I really thought that it was a seizure but I wasn't on medication.

    • @bridarby2299
      @bridarby2299 3 роки тому

      @@kimmiekins did the medication stop the zaps