Yeah, it's really frustrating that thye company decided to send boxes to Amazon and Walmart instead of giving them to the stores actually promoting the game and running events. I mean the game stores are going to sell just as many boxes and they are the ones actually bringing in new players and driving the game!
Thing’s are always going well if you need a second print run. Have you seen the Divorced Dad’s tcg?
Not yet.
I pulled a Luke in my prerelease. Also, Walmart online has boxes.
Yeah, it's really frustrating that thye company decided to send boxes to Amazon and Walmart instead of giving them to the stores actually promoting the game and running events. I mean the game stores are going to sell just as many boxes and they are the ones actually bringing in new players and driving the game!
So which one is it? Best new? Best ever? None?
I think it's too early to say best ever, but given a couple releases in a years time it definitely has the capability to become it.
Definitely best new game, time will tell if it's the best ever, but it has all the potential to become just that.