Hello Mam, I would like to draw your attention on the following case : If in a death 'summary, the immediate cause of death is not mentioned, but instead, the sequence of events that led to the death are written, followed by cardio respiratory failure printed on the form. Is it challengeable in the court of law ?
Its even Sadder When we are Spiritually Dead Not Knowing The Lord God Jesus.
Hello Mam,
I would like to draw your attention on the following case :
If in a death 'summary, the immediate cause of death is not mentioned, but instead, the sequence of events that led to the death are written, followed by cardio respiratory failure printed on the form. Is it challengeable in the court of law ?
What should be done for brought dead cases mam ?
fifty rupees fine😂😂😂😂
I thought she was talking about British death certificates LoL