AlasAnIsland - the interim (guitar playthrough)

  • Опубліковано 21 бер 2024
  • Here’s a playthrough of a song I already released! Uhh

    So yeah, this is just a really quick mix but it’s better than phone audio. Basically, since the last time I posted this song, I got a whole real bass guitar, and I also went through the entire album to get rid of the seemingly randomly placed Zildjian chiming so even non guitar stuff has been changed around a bit, and yeah… … … … 🧐

    Oh! The Japanese market only Charvel LP??? (it’s actually called the RS43 for “refinement series”). Well… I guess it’s time for a tangent

    The last couple times I went to the non chain guitar shop to get Stringjoy strings, I played that matte black Charvel San Dimas and man, I’ve been really really wanting a Charvel (I even picked out an orange one way before my mod shop guitar) so fast forward to the second of March and I stopped at the pawn shop that had the random Custom Shop Strat to see if they had short scale bass strings (nobody does) and on my way out looked at the surprisingly few guitars they had. Of course what caught my attention was the funky 70’s Ovation solidbody electric because wtf??? and I took a pic and left.. When I got back to the house, I was looking at said pic to figure out what the hell the Ovation even was and THEN I noticed the CHARVEL LES PAUL?!?!?! Encyclopedia Reverb only had ONE for sale on the whole Earth, and there’s basically no info on these because they were a short run, only in Japan, so how the hell did it end up at that pawn shop lol.

    Anyways, I paced the house for a solid few hours full of BZZZZZZ because I have no guitar budget and desperately need another giant guitar stand but, I figured, I’ll at least go play it because it’s possible I’ll never see one again for the rest of my life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    So, I got to the shop and noticed it was a bolt on neck, sick… Sat down a played it for about ten minutes and took it up to the counter “I noticed this has been here for almost two years, what’s the best you can do on it?” I figured, upgrading pickups is realllllllllly easy lol.
    #onemanband #postrock #squier #rascal #zoomg6 #instrumental #charvelguitars #refinement #charvelrs43